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December 17, 2008

posted December 17, 2008 at 07:34 PM unofficial Xinjiang time | HaoHao This!
Michael Manning:
How many times I have to tell you don't masturbate yourself.
What is this?! "somebody really really cares about me!...he cares thiiiiiiiis much..." Michael, Why don't you go back home, find your gay friends, masturbate each other and you will get all the love and cares you've ever wanted!
And, for God's sake, gives us some break! Instead of just saying "I look like PIG, I talk like PIG, I act like a PIG, There is a Chinese living in the United States who loves me, cares about me! Believe me! That is the truth! He even has the so many names such as "tctdh", "sogdia", and "oldwiseman", He has a blog specially dedicated his love and care to me. He has a sister, a flight attendant on Air New Zealand, ... Check it out! Believe me, he and all his countrymen just love this wonderful American PIG...." Give us the proof! to prove what you have masturbated here is truth! or we can easily use the same tactic back on you, PIG!
BTW, you still have not answered these questions posted on this blog some months ago and you have deleted it.
Following are the questions (at least a small part of it). Please answer it! Don't delete it and pretend you didn't see it this time:
1. How you support yourself with the pay of a Xinjiang Englsih teacher to have the extensive travels between China and United States? also cover your living and traveling expanses between jobs (the time you are without any job is much longer than the time you have job).
2. Have you got any pay from CIA or American NGOs? Everyone in this business knows that running a blog like this one is a typically cost-effective way to spread and exchange rumors, incite hatred, and recruit the activists in foreign country.
3. Why you are so concerned about the life of Uyghurs in China even you don't speak the languages, don't know the culture and history, but why you have not showed any compassion for your own oppressed fellow Americans back home, such as American Indians, American Blacks, Hispanic Americans, the native people in Hawaii, Guam, Alaska?
4. You claimed you love both China and America. If you love your mother, you won't fuck your mother. You have deleted every comment that exposed the oppression of minority, inhuman activities, the reason why Americans are hated around the world. You have incited the ethnic hatred at every opportunity you can get, no matter it is Uyghurs, Huis or Tibetans. As long as you find an opportunity, you do it! You don't fuck your own mother, you just fuck China, WHY?
Be the way, I don’t do the blog. If I want to get you the “love and care” that you have been longing for, I will email your URL to Chinese Embassy and Chinese Foreign Ministry. I bet they can give all the love and care you deserved. LOL!
The one and only oldwiseman
The comment above was posted by oldwiseman at December 18, 2008 05:33 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
michael. you are a lunatic fanatic crazy and a big liar. you didn't love your own mother that give live to you and who believe you love xinjiang and china. your only purpose is lie lie lie. go home and fuck your own mouth. shame on you.
The comment above was posted by lingling at December 18, 2008 06:14 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
argue with a lunatic fanatic crazy and a big liar is just like "its hard to teach an old dog to play new trick"
The comment above was posted by jun at December 18, 2008 06:42 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
michael. you are an old dog that nobody can teach you how to play new trick. go home and wash your dirty mouth.god. its hard to teach an old dog to play new tricks.
The comment above was posted by jun at December 18, 2008 06:45 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
These (two) people truly have nothing else to do. What I find most funny about it is that they seem to think that 'flamming' or whatever the hell you call it, has the same effect on a Western blog than it would on a Chinese BBS...
Guys...you're making yourselves look like idiots.
The comment above was posted by Jason at December 18, 2008 09:03 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
You may seem to have won against the sina blogger..you may have succeeded in getting his blog entry deleted but from what I can see from his blog, I gotta say, there will be more people like him.
By the way, you are THE typical nationalistic american who is good at twisting up crap..bravo CNN
I will do all that I can to support the blogger and to you and your little supporters, Pakistan is behind China and I will give my chinese friends all their support
The comment above was posted by junao at December 18, 2008 09:05 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
You should get down to your knees and be thankful to Chinese:
Be thankful to Chinese because you are still employed in China. US now has the highest unemployment rate in the past 16 years and it is getting worse every day. Some areas in US has the unemployment rate as high as 9.5%. US Fed has despaired to cut the rates to ZERO. You should appreciate that you are lucky because you are in China!
Be thankful to Chinese because China is US largest debtor in the world. US government is still begging China to buy more their treasuries. Without Chinese to buy American treasuries, Americans are in deep shit they have never seen since the great depression in 1930's!
Be thankful to Chinese because you are enjoying the freedom of speech in China. China can easily kick you out from this country but they didn’t. Be thankful!
The comment above was posted by kcwoo74 at December 18, 2008 10:14 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Thanks, China! You've been great to me. It's so great to have free speech and a job. 中国加油!
The comment above was posted by michael at December 18, 2008 10:47 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Finally, a Chinese nationalist has called out the US on Hawaii, even Guam! I always wondered why no one in China ever said, "Yeah, you're complaining about Tibet? What about Hawaii? The Marianas? HUH? How about CIA involvement in Latin America?"
I suppose it's because making connections like that requires critical thinking and curiosity. Certainly, this is nothing you'll hear much about in US schools, so you have to go and think of it yourself, or at least read some more obscure books. We in the US have a lot of received knowledge, however, about Tibet.
What I'm implying here is that Chinese flame artists who criticize the US generally aren't doing so because of any intellectual revelation that the US has done some awful things; rather, the lie that "America hates China" is received knowledge requiring no critical thought at all. So, congratulations, oldwiseman! You have demonstrated remarkably creativity in seeing the shape of American territory as a product of imperialism.
Hey, who else has a country with old, hard-to-justify imperial borders?
The comment above was posted by OpkeHessip at December 18, 2008 11:20 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Please don’t just respond my post. Why don’t you answer these questions that oldwiseman has for you there. You shouldn’t pretend that you didn’t see it.
I know so many Americans in China. But, if you pardon my words, you are the most malicious wicked American I have never seen in China. Why you are doing this?!
The comment above was posted by kcwoo74 at December 18, 2008 11:47 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
michael. we are so dissapointed for your blood thirsty blog. we hope you go back to your own country and raise pig for your own business. anyway, you look like a pig to me.
The comment above was posted by helenchiang at December 18, 2008 12:00 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
michael. go back to your country and take good care of your mother. YOU DIRTY DOG.
The comment above was posted by jun at December 18, 2008 02:43 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Jesus Christ, someone cried havoc and let slip the dogs of war. I guess I'll be the first to say, man, that's an awesome picture of a Uyghur guy carrying his cute Uyghur kid with one hand.
The comment above was posted by Porfiriy at December 18, 2008 06:47 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Wheel/Taidu/Zangdu people, like "lisi", do love this blog. I wonder why.
The comment above was posted by chengduboy at December 18, 2008 07:38 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
agreed. some of those shots are really impressive. i've been browsing through them infrequently but keep going back.
The comment above was posted by Kellen at December 18, 2008 09:26 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Chengduboy... Wheel? Attitude? Filthy narcotics? I'm confused.
The comment above was posted by OpkeHessip at December 18, 2008 11:55 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
look miguel. that ethnic chinese child was so happy the his father love him very much. how about your two father? do your two father love you? i don't think so. because you didn't mention you love your mother. we don't believe you love our zinjiang and china. because you are a blood thirsty liar. your purpose is to create terror and terrorism in china. how much they pay you michael. why not go back to your own country and raise pig and mind your pig business
The comment above was posted by lingling at December 19, 2008 06:57 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Man, "tctdh", "sogdia", "oldwiseman", etc. really needs to take his lithium...
The comment above was posted by Weeger at December 19, 2008 10:05 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
my child. papa and mama love you very much. your motherland china love you so much that you have everything to benefit with. that miguel two father don't love him. because miguel don.t love his mother. when you grow up. don.t forget that miguel was a lunatic fanatic bloodthirsty liar.
The comment above was posted by jun at December 19, 2008 11:52 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ lingling. next time be careful in naming names. it should be MICHAEL not miguel. i will correct it.
look michael. that ethnic chinese child was so happy that his father love him very much. how about your two father? do your two father love you? i don't think so. because you didn't mention you love your mother. we don't believe you love our xinjiang and china. because you are a blood thirsty liar. your purpose is to create terror and terrorism in china. how much they pay you michael. why not go back to your own country and raise pig and mind your pig business
@jun. you also make mistake. i will correct it.
my child. papa and mama love you very much. your motherland china love you so much that you have everything to benefit with. that MICHAEL two father don't love him. because MICHAEL don't love his mother. when you grow up. don't forget that MICHAEL was a lunatic fanatic bloodthirsty liar.
The comment above was posted by dragonchina at December 19, 2008 04:32 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
This is typical. When someone ask him something serious about himself, then he disappears! He pretends he didn't see the questions. Then after couple of days later, he put out new entry on the blog and pretends nothing happens.
How could people not think that he is working for CIA or American NGO?
He is ruining the reputation of every honest hard-working American in China!
The comment above was posted by kcwoo74 at December 19, 2008 10:05 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Are Kazaks, kyrgyzs, Uzbeks, Russians, Tajiks and so on living in China 'ethnic Chinese'?
ohhh my ,,ohh my,,,, I begin to understand why these fanatic and low intelligent internet spinners are called ''50 cent''s now...lolz..... They know shit about what ethnicity is and what a nation is, so they can only get paid 50 cents for their barking here.
And I leave an Uyghur saying here for all:
Have a nice weekend!
The comment above was posted by Tarim at December 19, 2008 10:12 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
What kind of stupid question is this? In addition to China, Uyghyrs have significant population in Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and Russia, Are they "ethnic" Kazakh, Kyrgy, Uzbek, Afghani, Tajik, Russian?
I too leave an Uyghur saying here, but just adding onwe word in it - "stupid":
Nice weekend even you are stupid as hell!
@michael: So you still pretend you didn't see these questions! Well, as I said before, there is no doubt that YOU ARE THE MOST MALICIOUS WICKED AMERICAN in China!
The comment above was posted by kcwoo74 at December 20, 2008 05:48 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
michael, my ASSET sources saw you are eating in a restaurant. wearing wig and fake beard. right michael? don't do such make up. because my ASSET can recognize you. Its so easy to recognise a lunatic fanatic big PIG. COMON, ANSWER ALL THE QUESTION PIG. ANYWAY. YOU CAN ANSWER ALL THE QUESTION in your UNDERGROUND BUNKER.
The comment above was posted by chinadragon at December 20, 2008 06:30 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Dude...you just called yourself 'stupid'...
The comment above was posted by Jason at December 20, 2008 09:56 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.