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September 11, 2008
Xinjiang PLA Shakeup?
Or maybe not.
I'm just trying to figure out why the BBC's Worldwide Monitoring division would translate this otherwise mundane military personnel press release. The only real clue lies in the translator's emphasis on informing readers that nanjiang (南疆) in this case refers to southern Xinjiang.
The original notice appeared in Hong Kong's pro-CCP Wen Wei Po newspaper, but this is the BBC translation:
The People's Liberation Army [PLA] has recently undergone personnel changes, which involve the Beijing Military Region and several provincial military districts. Of the reshuffle, Lieutenant General Li Wenhua, former political commissar of the Beijing Military Region, will retire from active military service, and be replaced by Major General Huang Jianguo, political commissar of the Nanjiang [southern Xinjiang] Military District.
The obvious implication, if there is one, is that a two-star general responsible for a region of Xinjiang that saw repeated attacks before and during the Olympics is being shuffled off to Beijing as some sort of non-punishment punishment.
It reminds me of a tale I heard in Xinjiang about the president of a Bingtuan-owned agri-business conglomerate... he was caught accepting bribes (big surprise) and was determined to be unfit to continue in his position. So, as punishment, he was moved up to a higher position at Bingtuan headquarters in Urumqi, where he was in the perfect position to accept bribes from the kind of people he used to be. Whaa!? (Doing my Jon Stewart whaa!? face, if you know the one.)
Anyway, this Huang Jianguo fellow was the PLA political commissar for the area that includes both Kashgar and Kuqa. It's a fairly shadowy ranking that more or less says nothing about what he did there. From Wikipedia:
The position of political commissar has also existed and still exists in the People's Liberation Army of China. Usually, the political commissar is a uniformed military officer, although this position has been used to give civilian party officials some experience with the military. The political commissar was head of a party cell within the military; however, military membership in the party has been restricted to the lower ranks since the 1980s. Today the political commissar is largely responsible for administrative tasks such as civilian relations and counseling, and sometimes serves as second-in-command.
So, it's very unclear what exactly the BBC was trying to signal to the ever-curious Xinjiangorati, but I know it's something. Maybe. Anybody?
Hong Kong paper reports China army reshuffle
BBC Monitoring Asia Pacific - Political
September 10, 2008 Wednesday
Text of report by Hong Kong newspaper Wen Wei Po website on 8 September
Beijing, 7 September - The People's Liberation Army [PLA] has recently undergone personnel changes, which involve the Beijing Military Region and several provincial military districts. Of the reshuffle, Lieutenant General Li Wenhua, former political commissar of the Beijing Military Region, will retire from active military service, and be replaced by Major General Huang Jianguo, political commissar of the Nanjiang [southern Xinjiang] Military District. Qiu Xingbo, commander of the Guizhou Military District, has been transferred to Yunnan Military District as commander a few days ago.
The new round of PLA reshuffle, which has taken place after the Olympic Games, involves only the deputy-level commanders of the military region and commanders of the military districts in a number of provinces. Of the military region, Maj Genl Huang Jianguo of the Nanjiang Military District, which is under the Lanzhou Military Region, has been appointed deputy political commissar of the Beijing Military Region a few days ago.
Qiu Xingbo, commander of the Guizhou Military District, will assume the office of commander of the Yunnan Military District, and his vacancy will be taken over by Ling Feng, chief of staff of the Guzhou Military District.
Meanwhile, Zhang Jun, former minister of Military Transport and Communications under the Logistics Department of the Chengdu Military Region, has been transferred to the post of chief of staff of the Guizhou Military District. In the northwest, Major General Zhang Shuling, president of the PLA Xian Military Academy, has been appointed commander of the Qinghai Military District.
Source: Wen Wei Po website, Hong Kong, in Chinese 8 Sep 08

posted September 11, 2008 at 12:04 AM unofficial Xinjiang time | HaoHao This!
Xinjiang PLA Shakeup? How exciting is it?! That must be responding to the Central Asia destabilization plan from the other end of the world.
Well, I am not too sure whether this stuff for AMUSEMENT or ENTERTAINMENT, but everyone knows that US government has the deep connections with all the terrorist organizations around the world. The public records did show that American CIA and its front NGOs have pumped hundreds million dollars into the global destabilization plans that includes the Great Game in Central Asia.
Bin Laden may well be back to CIA favorite list at this moment. Remember, he was CIA's most favorite "Freedom Fighter" to fight Russia in 80's. With all the high technology, US claimed that they simply can’t find their old friend Bin Laden.
US had airlifted 450 Uzbek "freedom fighters" or "democracy activitists", as they called it, to Romania in July 2005. No one knows whether they have finished the training and are back to Central Asia or not.
Anyway, British is going to build the terrorist training camp give these Taliban "freedom fighters" or "democracy activists" an updated modern training at this moment.
The most exciting report probably is the one on the Asia Times right after Tibet riots in the past March. Here is the quote:
“Large quantities of former Eastern bloc small arms and explosives have been reportedly smuggled into Tibet over the past 30 years, but these are likely to remain safely hidden until the right opportunity presents itself."
"The weapons have been acquired on the world markets or from stocks captured by US or Israeli forces. They have been sanitized and are deniable, untraceable back to the CIA."
Ooops! Forgot to mention this is the information age of propaganda war, CIA is certainly getting its finger into that. Want to be a journalist with double pay?! CIA is glad to be obliged do that for you:
"CIA recuits journalists"
The comment above was posted by tctdh at September 11, 2008 02:22 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Ooops! US government version of the story for the 9-11 terrorist attack got trouble. This is what happens if you have lied too much and for too long:
from Deutsche Welle, the Voice of Germany:
Filmmaker Urges International Tribunal to Probe 9/11
Italian film-maker Giulietto Chiesa, who was in Berlin for a screening of his documentary which questions the official US version of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, has called for an international tribunal to probe events.
Chiesa was in Berlin at the weekend for a screening of his film which features, among others, novelist Gore Vidal and playwright Dario Fo as well as retired American professor of philosophy David Ray Griffin who advances conspiracy theories that contradict mainstream accounts of events of 11 September, 2001.
Federal Aviation Administration controllers, US Air Force pilots, military commanders and physicists also appear in the critical documentary, which the director hopes will create "political awareness" of the "faulty" official investigation into the events by the 9/11 Commission.
"Some of the individuals appearing in the film are former FBI and CIA agents, people who have in a sense taken a very big risk in speaking out. I am very grateful to them because they have done a big job," said Chiesa.
"The film would not have been possible without them," he said, adding that ZERO had been seen in France and Belgium at individual screenings, and by more than 20,000 people in Italy. But the film so far has not gained a distributor in Europe.
Pushing for an international tribunal
Chiesa, one of Italy's most respected journalists and a La Stampa foreign correspondent for more than 20 years, told his Berlin audience an 9/11 international tribunal could serve a useful purpose.
Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Alternative theories abound about what actually happened at the site of the twin towers
"If feelings were strong enough a positive result could be obtained, but it would not happen immediately. So far it's been the US administration that has won the information fight and obtained their result -- unfortunately," Chiesa said. "Our task is to inform millions of people of the true situation.
Everybody should be involved in this struggle with a tribunal or commission helping once we win approval for the idea," he said.
In an interview with German news agency dpa, Chiesa, a European parliamentary deputy, said Russian television is to give prime time airing to his film on the eve of this week's seventh anniversary of the attacks in New York and Washington.
"That means that some 30 million Russian citizens will learn the truth about what happened, which is a very big result for me."
Chiesa, whose documentary was first screened to a large German audience at the Goethe Institute in Munich in May, was clearly delighted at his reception in Berlin. "It's important that so many people have shown up," he said.
One of a panel of six experts debating the 9/11 topic in Berlin, Chiesa said he was eager for his film to gain more public support and become a "multiplicator" across Germany. "If that happens it means we are making politics in the right sense of the word."
Critics question government version of attacks
Andreas von Buelow, a controversial former German minister of technology, and ex-state secretary in the Defense Ministry, was among the Berlin participants who said further investigation was needed into 9/11.
He told dpa it was "one of life's characteristics that governments are prone to lie in order to achieve their agendas. The Americans told us that in Iraq, Saddam Hussein had something to do with al-Qaeda, which was absolutely untrue. Even the CIA knew this," he said.
Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Some say the US invasion of Iraq on a false pretext is proof of government lies of international events
"Then, they told us that Saddam Hussein was preparing weapons of mass destruction, which was also untrue, so they have been lying all over the place and are still fighting there. Meanwhile a million people have been killed."
Asked if there was any prospect of a policy change once the next US president was elected, he replied bluntly "No!"
Juergen Elsaesser, 51, a Berlin-based journalist and author whose latest book is titled "Terror Target Europe: The Dangerous Double Game of the Secret Services," spoke of the huge contradictions in the official US version of the 9/11 events.
"Critics find themselves accused of conspiracy theories, but the biggest conspiracy is to be found in the official 9/11 version of the US government which maintains that Osama bin Laden, from a cave in Afghanistan, along with 19 young Arabs, combined to carry out the most perfidious attack in the history of mankind," he said.
"That just doesn't add up. For me the most important contradiction is how the air defences of the greatest military power on the planet failed to prevent such attacks occurring and that no interceptor fighter planes or rocket systems were ever activated."
The comment above was posted by tctdh at September 11, 2008 02:27 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Is there any way for you to get the annual reports or something is more exciting than annual reports for past three or four years from Albert Einstein Institution?
The comment above was posted by tctdh at September 11, 2008 02:38 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
More truth:
sorry, can't add to your last post.
The comment above was posted by look at September 11, 2008 02:45 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Boy o boy!
Mike! I would like to nominate you to become Director General for the office of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine over public servants with the People's Republic of China.
The comment above was posted by Jonathan at September 11, 2008 04:35 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Hard to tell Michael, but it would be instructive if we knew a little more info. on Lieutenant General Li Wenhua, even basic info. such as age, health etc. He might just be suffering from a bad prostate? Or, as you say, he has displeased the CCP hierarchy; which further illustrates why ruthless leaders in China succeed, and the more moderate ones fail...
Either way, I notice tcthd has gotten quite excited by your post. I think he would make an EXCELLENT replacement for "Major General Huang Jianguo, political commissar of the Nanjiang [southern Xinjiang] Military District."
Keep typing your CCP Mantra there tct... if the CCP doesn't want you, I'm sure the "Dear Leader" Kim Jong Il and his DPRK would!
The comment above was posted by jimba at September 11, 2008 07:51 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Interesting that our little terrorist tctdh : "Truly Certified Tested Dead Head"
lashes out at the western press throughout his voluminous and twisted, garbled, non-sensical posts but then always reverts to them to prove his dubious points. Just because a newspaper says arms were shipped into Tibet now, makes it true while before everything the western press says is propaganda and lies. Interesting schizophrenic approach, but not one that goes unnoticed. I have a hard time taking this guy seriously. Anyway just because a newspapaer says weapons are in Tibet does not make it a fact...and so what if there were...does the PLA have any weapons in Tibet? They murder civilians in the streets dont they?
re the American supported Uzbek freedom fighters these links given below by "Truly Certified Tested Dead Head" were found to be:
This page cannot now be found:
This http: says nothing about Uzbek freedom figfighters
great sources for a straw man argument.
As far as Taliban support goes everybody knows their weaponry is mainly Chinese. Now how did those chinese guns get into the Taliban's hands? Damn Americans did it right? NO, China long armed the Taliban before 9/11. Fact. I wont supply a westerm html link to prove that. How many Chinese weapons circulate throughout Pakistan's North West Frontier Province and Afghnistan, CAN "Truly Certified Tested Dead Head" provide us with a western news source link for that? How about one on Chinese weaponry in Darfur, sure the agent could find some stuff on that and earn his own double pay packet. Blaaaaa. What crap gets allowed here.
The comment above was posted by roebuck at September 11, 2008 09:03 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Agree with Roebuck. Here is a plethora of news links claiming China is arming terrorists:
And it is also well known that China armed the Mujahidin and provided them safe heavens in China during the Afghan-Soviet war. Here's a book link for ya:
But any logical human-being will know that such sources are ultimately hard to substantiate, and if you have an ounce of critical-thinking in your body you will treat such media sources with caution. I say "hard to substantiate" from a geo-political perspective. Human rights violations on the other hand are often furnished by disenchanted people of the state willing to speak out. Obviously in an environment where speaking out can get you in a lot of trouble, then such claims must be taken seriously. The truth can be at times a little hard to swallow, isn't that right "kiddo", but trying to subvert the topic by discussing Team America does little to hide the sad truth… that China is a blatant human rights violator, and that you are a paid employee of the state.
The comment above was posted by Jimba at September 11, 2008 09:32 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The better question is why to tctdh and all previous trolls always insist on leading the discussion off in unrelated directions. It's almost as if they have a hundred possible responses already written up, and they just copy and paste whatever they feel like.
The comment above was posted by michael at September 11, 2008 09:49 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Taliban uses weapons made in China, Iran
By Philip Smucker
June 5, 2007
KABUL, Afghanistan — Sophisticated new weapons, including Chinese anti-aircraft missiles as well as items made in Iran, are reaching Taliban forces in Afghanistan, according to government officials and other sources.
Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said during a visit to Kabul yesterday that there was no evidence as yet that Tehran government officials are involved in shipping weapons to the country for use against U.S. and NATO forces.
The comment above was posted by roebuck at September 11, 2008 10:02 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
»China Arming Iran, Iran To Terrorists, Chinese Weapons Used Against U.S. Troops
China arming terrorists
Inside the Ring
By Bill Gertz
The Washington Times
June 15, 2007
New intelligence reveals China is covertly supplying large quantities of small arms and weapons to insurgents in Iraq and the Taliban militia in Afghanistan, through Iran.
U.S. government appeals to China to check some of the arms shipments in advance were met with stonewalling by Beijing, which insisted it knew nothing about the shipments and asked for additional intelligence on the transfers. The ploy has been used in the past by China to hide its arms-proliferation activities from the United States, according to U.S. officials with access to the intelligence reports.
Some arms were sent by aircraft directly from Chinese factories to Afghanistan and included large-caliber sniper rifles, millions of rounds of ammunition, rocket-propelled grenades and components for roadside bombs, as well as other small arms.
The Washington Times reported June 5 that Chinese-made HN-5 anti-aircraft missiles were being used by the Taliban.
According to the officials, the Iranians, in buying the arms, asked Chinese state-run suppliers to expedite the transfers and to remove serial numbers to prevent tracing their origin. China, for its part, offered to transport the weapons in order to prevent the weapons from being interdicted.The weapons were described as “late-model” arms that have not been seen in the field before and were not left over from Saddam Hussein’s rule in Iraq.
U.S. Army specialists suspect the weapons were transferred within the past three months.
The Bush administration has been trying to hide or downplay the intelligence reports to protect its pro-business policies toward China, and to continue to claim that China is helping the United States in the war on terrorism. U.S. officials have openly criticized Iran for the arms transfers but so far there has been no mention that China is a main supplier.
The comment above was posted by roebuck at September 11, 2008 10:04 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The PLA and regionalism in Xinjiang
Author: June Teufel Dreyer a
Affiliation: a Professor of political science, University of Miami, Florida
Publication Frequency: 5 issues per year
Published in: The Pacific Review, Volume 7, Issue 1 1994 , pages 41 - 55
Subjects: Asia Pacific Studies; Asian Politics;
Formats available: PDF (English)
The comment above was posted by roebuck at September 11, 2008 10:10 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I truly agree and believe the real purpose of this blog, “The Opposite End of China” (please read, not the “On the Opposite Side of China”) is for the AMUSEMENT and ENTERTAINMENT as michael claimed just couple of days ago. You have to keep in mind that what you have witnessed here is a shining example of "FREEDOM OF SPEECH" inside China.
"FREEDOM of SPEECH" is certainly not just to see the things that you wanted people to see. Sometimes, you will see the ugly truth that you don't want other people to see. To make everyone happy, what I am trying to do here is to put the "Freedom of Speech" in a more “balanced” way and add more value to “amusement” and “entertainment”.
So far I have quoted only from the Western news media sources that most English-language readers are used to. I have avoided those with strong connection with any government and its propaganda machines. This is in contrast to many comments that other people posted here. There are many people on this forum “intentionally or unintentionally” have consistently quoted only from US government mouthpieces or CIA front organizations such as Voice of America, Voice of Free Asia, Reporters Without Border, .... In doing so, they are pretending no one will know who is behind these mouthpieces and propaganda machines.
Some people might be truly naive to think that because “Reporters Without Border” is located in France, so it has no connection with US government or CIA. Google “CIA Reporters Without Borders” then you can see what is behind it. As a matter of fact, Voice of Tibet is located in Norway and no one can deny that is part of the “Free Tibet” business that US government and its CIA front organizations have pumped $50 million a year.
Just pick out any of the following Google search results list and read the connection of “Reporters Without Borders” with American CIA:
Any one can post new comment if he/she find out a way to prove that “Reporters Without Borders” is a truly unbiased organization.
BTW, there is no "free lunch" in this world. No free lunch in Free Tibet business, no free lunch in East Turkistan business. Any organization needs money to run, "terrorists" or "freedom fighters" need money to recuit. To find out who pays the money is a good way to see exactly who is behind. If you have any doubt, GOOGLE it just like what I’ve just did for the “Reporters Without Borders.”
As I said, no matter from the business or any other point of view, a balanced view is healthy, especially if you are talking about “Freedom of Speech”. So, please think twice if anyone wants to suppress anything that is healthy to the Freedom of Speech for the “Amusement and Entertainment” industry.
We certainly don’t want to incite people politically in one way or the other. Michael doesn’t want to do that, we all don’t want to do that. No one is dummy and no one wants to do that. So, remember, “Balance” is the keyword.
The comment above was posted by tctdh at September 11, 2008 12:02 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Please DO give us balance, but not ill-informed conspiracy theories. I guess, ultimately, you will accuse ANY organisation that might be critical of the CCP as a CIA-mouth peice. You even accused me of being a CIA agent. Are you that desperate or paranoid?
Oh, and stop with your condescending "kids" crap. You're not a person who stands out as partioularly old or knowledgable. With all your lewd talk of "masturbation" it is pretty much a no-brainer that the only kid here is YOU.
Go watch X-files or something, and leave the balance to someone a little more brighter, tah.
The comment above was posted by jimba at September 11, 2008 12:55 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
By the way, I have just seen people are quoting from "Washington Times". Boy-o-Boy! You kids are know everything, aren't you?!
As a matter of fact, “Washington Times” is full of “AMUSEMENT and ENTERTAINMENT” value since the day it was founded by Korean cult leader and Unification Church founder Sun Myung Moon.
Moon claimed himself the “Messiah” or the “Jesus Christ Re-Born” to the US and the world, and American politicians believe him (because his money contributions to the presidential elections of Reagan, Bush and Bush Jr. NO FREE LUNCH, you have to remember that, kids!). Both he and his faithful follower, Bill Gertz, are two characters that have given many happy memorable times in this business. I won’t go any details here. You just read it in the following search engine results. It's vey entertaining and you have to see it in order to believe it is actually happening in the capital of United States:
Specifically the following individual links are highly recommended:
The comment above was posted by tctdh at September 11, 2008 01:09 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
BTW, the first link I have provided above is the search results in the "ArmsControlWonk", a web blog by Dr. Jeffrey Lewis.
Dr. Lewis is the author of "Minimum Means of Reprisal: China’s Search for Security in the Nuclear Age" (MIT Press, 2007). He is a research affiliate with the Project on Managing the Atom at Harvard University and a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the "Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists."
Bill Gertz is supposedly an "authority on the Chinese military intelligence.
The comment above was posted by tctdh at September 11, 2008 01:39 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
A helicopter of brand new design recently appeared at the Xinjiang military air base near Tianshan. It is capable of flying way above sea level of 6300 meter in extremely thin air, cold climate and rugged terrain. It is also equiped with latest programmable precision navigational system.
Guess what! The chinese air force trainer instructor pilot extraordinaire in charge is an elderly, white sideburn sporting uygur chinese jet-fighter pilot. He said at the time he was recruited (april, 1974) to join the air force, he couldn't even say a word chinese.(the guy must be a daredevil genius) Anyway he and his fellow minority recruits received their training at Air Force Sixth School of Aviation.
The comment above was posted by Jonathan at September 11, 2008 01:42 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Michael, I think you're right. I'm sorry for your blog.
The comment above was posted by Jimba at September 11, 2008 02:17 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Michael, why not cut away those post that don't attempt to either respond or address the topic you've posted?
Let them find balance in a more topical way.
The comment above was posted by Jimba at September 11, 2008 02:21 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@Jimba: Because I've got a job, and if I started doing that there would be no end to it...
The comment above was posted by michael at September 11, 2008 09:48 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
1.I hope Obama is not Islamic as much as you do.
2.Why are you biting me? I said "China must be very careful", meaning it should be soft, using carrots and stick.
The comment above was posted by chengduboy at September 11, 2008 10:22 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
BBC Monitoring International Reports
September 5, 2008 Friday
Text of report by Hong Kong newspaper Ta Kung Pao website on 2 September
[Report by Yang Qinglin: "'East Turkestan ' Seeks To Expand Its Influence by Four Terrorist Attacks"]
The Xinjiang terrorist attacks that took place in August were launched with the Beijing Olympics in mind. The "East Turkestan" organization, seeking to use the Olympics as a platform, continuously launched the attacks to expand its influence. Such terrorist attacks are unavoidable in the future. However, they will not have a great impact on the overall security situation of Xinjiang.
Pan Zhiping, a terrorism scholar and director of the Central Asia Research Institute of the Xinjiang Academy of Social Sciences, said: The "East Turkestan" organization hoped to use the Olympics as a platform to propagate its separatist stand, so it launched frequent attacks during the Olympics.
Li Wei, a counter-terrorism expert and director of the Centre for Counter-Terrorism Studies of the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, also said: In August, many local and foreign media were gathered in Beijing. Any terrorist attacks would be blown up by the media. The "East Turkestan" organization targeted this time to launch frequent terrorist attacks, seeking to boost its demands and expand its influence. Another aim of their actions was to find more sympathizers and supporters through the expansion of its influence.
Analysing the reasons for the four Xinjiang terrorist attacks in August, Li Wei said: First, these incidents occurred because they are linked to the causes of terrorism in Xinjiang. "The reasons for the existence of terrorism are mainly related to unbalanced development. Looking at the national situation, there is an imbalance in development between east and west. Looking at the situation in Xinjiang, there is unbalanced development between north and south. At present these imbalances still exist. Hence the causes of terrorism will exist from now into the future."
Second, the concentration of terrorist attacks in this period was closely linked to the environment at the time. Due to the Olympics, August was a special period when the local and foreign media were concentrated in one place. The frequent attacks launched by the "East Turkestan" organization were easily blown up by the media. The "East Turkestan" organization regarded this as a good opportunity to expand its influence.
Third, the "East Turkestan" organization outside China has increased its infiltration into China.
Pan Zhiping stated: The four Xinjiang terrorist attacks that took place in August were blind actions. Compared to the terrorist attacks in Xinjiang during the 1990s, the present attacks were not planned thoroughly. This at least showed that after many years of resolute clampdown, the capability of the "East Turkestan" organization is very limited. It cannot launch any major terrorist operations.
Li Wei also said: Although four terrorist attacks did take place in August, the overall situation of Xinjiang has not changed. As the causes of terrorism still exist in Xinjiang, it is not possible to completely stamp out separatist terrorism activities. There is still a possibility that the "East Turkestan" organization will launch sporadic terrorist attacks in the future.
Source: Ta Kung Pao website, Hong Kong, in Chinese 2 Sep 08
The comment above was posted by michael at September 11, 2008 11:22 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
You wrote: "The better question is why to tctdh and all previous trolls always insist on leading the discussion off in unrelated directions. It's almost as if they have a hundred possible responses already written up, and they just copy and paste whatever they feel like."
The answer to the "better question" that you have specifically wanted people to ask me is quite simple and it lies in the range of the subject entry titles that you have covered in the past three years. We understand you may not have any "political intention" to steer the subjects in one direction or another, but we have been waiting for years, and never got, the subject titles such as the “Great Destabilization Game in Central Asia” or “Who Is Behind and Providing the Financing to the East Turkistan Movement.”
For the purpose of enhancing the “Amusement and Entertainment" value, I guess you may need some help in steering the subject titles in a more "balanced" way. After all we certainly don’t want to incite people politically in one way or the other, especially when it comes to the potential hatred between different ethnic groups. This is ceratinly not your job and not our job to do that. No body is stupid enough to take such job. So, again, “balance” is the key.
By the way, why don’t you share with us how you locate such wonderful employment in Xinjiang with such lucrative pay which not just covers your basic living expanses, but also the cost for extensive traveling?! That will be an awful interesting topic for your next entry. I bet lots readers are eager to know that.
The comment above was posted by tctdh at September 11, 2008 11:30 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
to chengduboy:
sorry for misunderstood your words.
but I think too much sticks already, not only to uyghurs, but also hans themself.
Have you ever read Tangdaxian's books? his Chinese name is 唐达献 , you can check this in wikipedia.
The comment above was posted by miloservic at September 11, 2008 11:57 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
1.I hope Obama is not Islamic as much as you do.
whether he is Muslim or not,that's not the key.
Islamic holy war can only be raised at least by a muslim. and at present, the aim of holy-war can mostly be western country.
so on one side, obama himself can not be able to raise the war----he said he was not a muslim.
on the other hand, even obama can gather all muslim together, which country would be the aim to be attacked? USA?China?
If he attacked any country in the name of holy war, the USA publics would attack him...
So how can he chase 2 rabbits running in different paths at the same time?
The comment above was posted by miloservic at September 12, 2008 12:05 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Great blog, but can't you delete (or to avoid accusations of bias move comments) that have nothing to do with the story they follow. So many are just a load of paranoid anti america / anti chinese nonsense!
The comment above was posted by bilko at September 12, 2008 03:34 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I find it interesting that these "experts" put such emphasis on "unbalanced development". It sounds to me that they're missing a BIG slice of the cake when it comes to minority grievances; and indeed basic theoretical reasoning behind terrorism....or they just refuse to acknowledge that there is even a problem in certain “taboo” area.
These analysts have been very specific as to the social variables that facilitate terrorism in XJ; almost too specific. Any terror expert will list a mass of probable theoretical reasoning behind the August (to use a common Chinese leaven) “incidents”. Reasons might certainly include poverty (e.g. the principles of dialectical materialism), but unjust governance, or the perception thereof, is a highly recognized impetus behind politically motivated violence. Any Bachelor of Attendance arts student who has taken politics 101 will tell you that.
The vicissitudes of China’s Xinjiang strategy have had profound ramifications for minority satisfaction with the CCP in Xinjiang. Notwithstanding the significant strain Han in-migration has put on recourses and minority cultural identity, colloquially called “mixing sand” (chan shazi).”, and in spite of the often cited claim that the economic and political benefits derived from the Great Western Development Project (Xibu da kaifa) favor the Han ethnic group, a more salient, but omitted, feature in this report is the central government’s effort to “reinforce state control of ethnic minority religious and cultural expression and practice. “ Cases of minorities finding themselves in hot-water for attempting to practice their faith or exercise their cultural rights are many (the pervious thread touches on one such aspect), and to exclude this obvious fissure in minority relations as a non-factor is absurd. I caution people from taking the above report’s findings as absolute or definitive. I’m no terrorist expert, but I did take Terrorism 212 at University and I’m sure any expert not writing to a government agenda would agree with me here.
The problem with such "experts" is that their career, their funding and their very wellbeing is dependent on creating fair-weathered reports that correspond to Beijing's Xinjiang agenda. The hawkish Wang Lequan pushes for an imminent terrorist threat (why not, it’s how Chinese leaders make a name for themselves), so when these “experts” do their research; their aims are there aims of the government. Hypothesis development has less emphasis on an array of social variables, but more on what the government want published. Unfortunately, the repressive religious and cultural practices are considered taboo…
The comment above was posted by Jimba at September 12, 2008 08:02 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
..and to predict tct's non-topical reaction... yes, this does go on in America too.
Here is a discussion Spec and I had on the topic a few posts back:
The comment above was posted by Jimba at September 12, 2008 08:42 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
China says West inciting unrest in Xinjiang
By Ben Blanchard
Friday, September 12, 2008
BEIJING: The governor of west China's tense Xinjiang region has lashed out at Western countries for instigating unrest in the area, but said their schemes would never succeed as only very few people supported separatism.
Oil-rich Xinjiang, strategically located on the borders of Central Asia, has been rocked by sometimes violent unrest this year, including the killing of 16 armed police just before the Beijing Olympics, blamed by China on Muslim militants.
The region's governor, Nuer Baikeli, said "Western hostile forces" unhappy with China's rise were directly supporting groups opposed to Beijing's rule in the region in the name of democracy and human rights.
"They all along have been direct behind-the-scenes backers and patrons of the 'three forces' at home and abroad," Baikeli said, referring to terrorism, separatism and extremism.
"They are the most important external factor in the continuing rise of ethnic splittist, destructive activities in Xinjiang, and the large threat they pose from abroad to our national security and social stability will exist for a long time," he added.
"Our struggle against ethnic splittism, in essence, is a struggle against Western hostile forces' plots to 'Westernise' and 'split' our country, it is the continuation of the struggle the Chinese people have had for 100 years or more against imperialist plans to split China."
Baikeli's strident and uncompromising comments, in a speech to Communist Party officials, were carried on central government website www.china.com.cn on Friday. They had appeared earlier in the week in the Xinjiang Daily.
Many of Xinjiang's 8 million largely Muslim Uighurs chafe at the strict controls on religion that China enforces and resent influxes of Han Chinese migrant workers and businesses. Uighurs make up slightly less than half of the region's people, and most of the rest are Han.
Human rights critics say China's tight grip in the region only further estranges Uighurs.
Baikeli said Xinjiang was engaged in a life and death fight against terrorism, and the battle was entering an acute yet complex stage.
"This is not a question of ethnicity, religion, democracy or human rights -- it is a huge question of right and wrong about maintaining or destroying national unity, of maintaining or destroying ethnic unity," he added.
Still, Beikeli, an ethnic Uighur himself, said separatists would never win the support of the majority of the people.
"Only a very small number of people in Xinjiang engage in splittist activities and they cannot represent any ethnicity. They are the common enemy of all people," he added.
"Though the several violent terrorist incidents meticulously planned by our enemies had a certain negative effect, they can never damage Xinjiang's overall public interests, and cannot shake the faith of people and officials in marching together toward an affluent society.
"Xinjiang's development prospects are bright."
The comment above was posted by Heverci at September 12, 2008 11:41 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
You are absolutely right!
No one is concerned about the grievances of African Americans or Mexican Americans in America, not even their own countryman!
Have you ever seen that Mr. Michael Manning shows any concern about his own fellow countrymen back home?! What makes you to think that he will give any shit about you Uyghurs?!
Kids, don’t be naïve and masturbating yourself with human rights or anything else. The Great American Game in Central Asia is for their own national interests, not for your grievances.
Money makes the whole world goes around! “Free Tibet” business is there as long as the American “FREE” money is there, so does the “East Turkistan” business.
Kids, the very first thing you have to ask in this business is “Who paid whom? for what?”
The comment above was posted by tctdh at September 13, 2008 12:41 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
We are still curious about how Mr. Michael Manning find such a wonderful employment in Xinjiang with such lucrative pay which not just covers your basic living expanses, but also the costs for extensive traveling?!
Everybody knows a school teacher pay in Xinjiang shouldn't be that good.
Anyway, that will be an awful interesting topic for the next entry in the blog. I bet lots readers are eager to know that.
The comment above was posted by tctdh at September 13, 2008 12:49 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I guess that some kind of NGO pays Mr MM ! I would also find it very interesting to hear more about the finance of world travelling. Perhaps a
wealthy family clan?
The comment above was posted by Ejnar Ekström at September 13, 2008 02:38 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
tct, why not create your own blog?
I was able to travel extensively while in CHina and I was on LESS THAN MICHAEL! I was but a poor student on scholarship, I received a small fortnightly stipent and I do not have rich parents - but they did send money sometimes and I can tell you, it went a long way.
And here lies the rub in your querry. Shite is cheap in China. A little can go a long way, even if there exists a price for foreigners and a price for locals.
What I spent on living costs for a fortnight in China, I basically spend on a friday night out at the local (moderately priced) Cantonese restaurant here in my home country.
Infact tct, despite receiving less than what Michael would earn teaching; not owning a successful blog that generates advertisement revenue, and living a moderately lavish lifestyle by Chinese standards, I was able to come home with change!
So tct, if you save your internet-police wage, create a successful blog, and have a desire to travel somewhere... you just might be able to do so! I did so on crumbs by western standards, but I still did so comfortably.
The comment above was posted by jimba at September 13, 2008 07:40 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@Ejnar Ekström:
I guess that is exactly what we all are curious about. World traveling is not cheap. Travel to Beijing, stay there for couple of days during the peak of Olympic Games was certainly not cheap either. It is simply beyond me that exactly how many school teachers in Xinjiang can afford it.
Yes, as you said, paid by some kind of NGO or coming from a rich family are the possibilities. Does the childhood pictures he posted here looked like coming from a rich family to you?! I have difficulties to see that. If paid by some kind of NGO, then exactly by which NGO?! He doesn’t need to be ashamed and hide that from us, especially, just couple of days ago, he claimed the purpose of this blog is for, if anyone believes it, the “amusement and entertainment.”
Anyway, it has also been puzzling me that why he hasn’t placed his compassion toward the grievances of his own fellow countrymen such as African and Hispanic Americans. After all, the Uyghur Chinese in Xinjiang is half globe away, isn’t it?!
The comment above was posted by tctdh at September 13, 2008 09:11 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Everyone please ignore this fool... what an absolute moron!
The comment above was posted by Jimba at September 13, 2008 09:32 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@tctdh: Well, as you've probably guessed, I'm funded by a combination of righteous organizations including the CIA, the World Uyghur Congress, Radio Free Asia, and Amnesty International. Ain't life grand!? Now how can I get some of those big bucks from the Tibetan Youth Congress?
Actually, Jimba is right. Traveling in China is dirt cheap. That's how I afforded it.
The comment above was posted by michael at September 14, 2008 11:09 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
as I suggested some time back ( life does move quickly) as Michael does not have the time to filter the voluminous crap we know who types pour on here for the express purposes of their manifest agendas, the regular postees here could commence by not responding at all to their ridiculous posts. That would help immensely. Just as someone above suggested carry on the discussion topic, dont boost their small peevish egos by responding to inane posts about anything but what is on topic.
As Jimba notes there are plenty of sites , blogs etc for this racist. paranoid crap. Even this attention strokes their masturbatory side. But id say its a path. BTW thEse jokers HU insist michael is a paid this or that because he is able to travel are certainly showing their deep naivete and would have no idea of how to live on as shoestring. Keep traveling Michael and keep the blog happening. We'll stay on topic. Pity some one cant help you to edit comments as many quality blogs have someone doing. What was that about the PLA in Xinjiang?
The comment above was posted by spec at September 14, 2008 02:02 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
BTW, good thinkers of the OEC:
From the I Ching:
"He does not hate him, for hatred is a form of subjective involvement by which we are bound to the hated object. The superior man shows strength (heaven) in that he brings the inferior man to a standstill (mountain) by his dignified reserve."
The comment above was posted by spec at September 14, 2008 02:37 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Now it appears that Xinjiang enemy number one: The newspaper-cutter-cum-state-secret-proliferator and XJ enemy no.1, Rebiya Kadeer is responsible for the spate of August terrorist attacks in Xinjiang. This was further to the article posted previously, "China says West inciting unrest in Xinjiang"
Xinjiang: Terrorists condemned
Nur Bekri, chairman of the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, has condemned Rebiya Kadeer and other separatist forces for masterminding a series of terrorist activities in Xinjiang on the run-up to and during the Beijing Olympic Games, China News Service reported yesterday.
During a speech at a regional government meeting on Wednesday, Bekri said the World Uygur Congress led by Rebiya and the Turkestan Islamic Movement were the "real criminals" behind three attacks on Aug 4, 10 and 12.
Bekri only forgot to mention the smurfs, roger rabbit and the butler with the candle-stick.
Gargamel: "ooh, I'll get those little smurfs.."
The comment above was posted by JImba at September 14, 2008 03:19 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Re: Bekri's interview if that is what you could call it. Why is it that Bekri mouthing the political speak of his Han masters claims that there are only a 'few' troublsesome terrorist types in Xinjiang? His apish rhetoric is true to script; but the logic defies reason: it goes, BIG problem, Uyghur terrorist. It goes NO problem, only a few- under control- business can go in - invest please Western and westernized partners. It goes: BIG problem, only a few but must deploy 200,000 extra security personel, half the airforce and three armies to deal with these 'few'.
Outstanding logic, pre- enlightenment reason. The contradictions of such rhetoric are there for all to see. Are their many or few? To say many, justifies the oppression of the region and the uyghur but spits in teh face of the CP lie that tehy are in control and the general population is against the 'few'.
To say 'few' means things are in control really but the few must be exterminated at the price of the suppression of the entire population. Which creates more of the 'few' which cannot be tolerated. But if you want to invest then the few are no problem. - All is under control. Oh how correct was Orwell.
THE CCPs agenda in Xinjiang is control and suppression of the Uyghur voice. Any twisted lie and distortion and contradiction will suffice as long as they can seem to be in control and outwork the more heinous aspects of that control without censure. But any clear thinking person sees through teh empty lies of Bekri and Wang and co.
As for the idiots who try and sabotague this blog. They wouldn't bother unless it strikes at raw nerves; oh, and as well if they are not just the delusional fools they clearly are parading as intellectuals or 'informed' and 'insightful' vis a vis 'google' searches, it is becasue they are paid to as, this blog gives voice to the uyghur plight.
Many other blogs are available for the injustices of america toward its minorities. The fact that the Uyghur are given voice here or people bring to light aspects of the Uyghur suppression is what infuriates the clone trolls. Let them post it does their cause no favour, in fact, it only shows teh entire interantional community what absolute degenerate minds they are.
Keep posting Michael. BTW it is humorous and informative that the trolls do not know you long left Xinjiang and dont work as a teacher; that you were in beijing during the Olympics as you have a job there. just shows they dont read pour back postings at all and think their arguments are new and unique. Any one who reads back will find all of this stuff has been debated before, ad nauseum. Again all it does is prove the backward, myopic viewpoint of CCP lackeys, han chauvinists or droogs from the West who worship fascist power vis a vis their impotence in real life, hence their big talk on line.
As far as the PLA in Xinjiang goes- the role of the XPCC as a colonial and colonizing force under beijing direct rule is always an interesting starting point in determining the true nature of Autonomy in Xinjiang. - A second army! On call, forever vigilant.
The comment above was posted by roebuck at September 14, 2008 04:49 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I did a round tour through China a few years ago. Even though I always lodged in youth hostles and ate as the locals, it was not cheap. And now, you know, the price has gone skyrocket.
The comment above was posted by Leo at September 14, 2008 05:06 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ Leo. You got ripped off.
The comment above was posted by roebuck at September 14, 2008 05:27 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Michael, thank you for this blog. I learn so much about the plight of Uyghurs. Keep up the good work.
Also many thanks to jimba, roebuck and others who have spend so many of their spare time beating the trolls. I found it amazing that someone can patiently read the troll's posts and reply. I have long decided to skip the troll's posts as theirs are the same arguments repeated ad nauseum.
Thank you,
An Indonesia muslim.
The comment above was posted by An Indonesian Muslim at September 14, 2008 06:16 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I bet you are as anxious as we are. We all are still waiting for Mr. MM next entry to share with us how he can find a wonderful employment in Xinjiang with such a pay which not just covers his basic living expanses, but also his costs for extensive traveling, including both domestic and foreign traveling?!
Staying in Beijing for couple of days during the peak Olympics season and frequent travels around half of the globe are certainly not like riding a motorcycle to Kashgar or Korla. After all, how many visitors at Beijing Olympics or in New Jersey, United States, are school teachers coming from Xinjinag?!
No one is accusing him having the connections with American CIA or CIA front NGO organizations. But, on the other hand, all these NGOs have such fancy names, so there is nothing to be ashamed of. At least he should share with his readers with what kind of assocaitions he has, so we understand why he has such preference for the kind of topics he has chosen for this blog.
Also, he can share with us his compassion toward the grievances of his own fellow countrymen such as African and Hispanic Americans back home. After all, he is in China and he doesn't need to worry about the American "Homefront Security". He can enjoy all the "Freedom of Speech" as he can get inside China now.
The comment above was posted by tctdh at September 14, 2008 09:22 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ An Indonesian Muslim
Most persecuted ethnic Chinese on earth have been Indonesian Chinese, "thanks" to Indonesian Muslim. In good time, they were not allowed to speak Chinese, go to collegue, and on and on. In bad time, they were assaulted, raped and massacred.
Compared to Indonesia, China is a giant saint to Uyghur Chinese.
The comment above was posted by joyce at September 14, 2008 11:49 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ An Indonesian Muslim
Most persecuted ethnic Chinese on earth have been Chinese Indonesian, "thanks" to Indonesian Muslim. In good time, they were not allowed to speak Chinese, go to collegue, and on and on. In bad time, they were assaulted, raped and massacred. The victims might be 1/8 of Chinese. Indonesians are most ugly people on earth(not in physical term).
Compared to Indonesia, China is a giant saint to Uyghur Chinese.
The comment above was posted by joyce at September 15, 2008 12:08 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
"As far as the PLA in Xinjiang goes- the role of the XPCC as a colonial and colonizing force under beijing direct rule is always an interesting starting point in determining the true nature of Autonomy in Xinjiang. - A second army! On call, forever vigilant."
CCP should take "autonomy" out of the province name. Maybe that will make some folks here happier.
Qing stationed army there too, CCP didn't invent it. As far as I know, the governors in Qing era were not even Uyghurs.
The comment above was posted by joyce at September 15, 2008 12:15 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
"CCP should take "autonomy" out of the province name. Maybe that will make some folks here happier"
Hmm, methinks the only "folks" happy with that would be the Han. Autonomy in Xinjiang is neither substantial nor what was promised, but it's better than nothing! If autonomy was removed, then what little power the minority governments have in theory, would pass onto the parrellel CCP heads, and you could also kiss goodbye to youhui zhengce policies too etc etc. Removing autonomy (China's regional version) would be bad for all.
This is not to say that the current autonomy is good enough, but, as already stated, it's a whole lot better than no autonomy at all.
TCT: MICHAEL NOW LIVES AND WORKS IN BEIJING... Oh my god... you are one dumb MoFo.
The comment above was posted by jimba at September 15, 2008 07:23 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
oh, and who is "we"? My, myself and I? It must be a lonely room.
The comment above was posted by jimba at September 15, 2008 07:28 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
My = Me. I was practicing sounding aussie ;)
The comment above was posted by jimba at September 15, 2008 07:30 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
In reading various blogs it would appear that the eyes of the greater Muslim world are now turning to the plight of the uyghur. Chinese do not understand the concept of the 'umma' -the universal muslim community, across borders, races and sects.
As far as Qing era governors not being Uyghur - what a revelation. The CCP in fact carries on the colonial tradition. One should also bear in mind that Han were also subservient to Manchu elites during the Qing, as sinicized as those Manchus were.
The Qing army took the Zhungar Mongol possession of the Tarim basin oasis in 1759 and ruled Xinjiang basically through the Hodja Sufi lineage, with Qing troops mainly stationed in Yili. These were eventually overthrown by Yakob Beg's forces in the mid 1870s. From the 1880's onward corrupt warlords ruled the 'new frontier' as it became known in 1888 at the behest of the Qing centre as far away from Kashgar as was Istanbul - the center Yakob Beg looked toward. His coinage was inscribed with the name of the Turkish sultan.
The republican era was unstable and saw the aspirations of the muslim oasis dwellers toward self-rule in the 1930s culminating in the Soviet backed East Turkestan Reublic until the deceitful murder of their leaders by Mao' and Stalin's decree in 1948. It was then that Wang Zhen led his rag tag Communist army up through Gansu to do battle with the now named 'Uyghur' loyalists across the oases. Of course CCP propaganda claims a 'peaceful ' liberation of Xinjiang; but of course these days feeds the population on a diet of propaganda movies depicting evil 'terrorist' type resistance across the turkestan region at that time. Once again schizophrenic double speak from the party mouthpieces. In fact according to CCP released white papers resistance was perpetuated in the southern Tarim basin well into the mid 1950's. Peaceful? Stable? These resistance fighters of course are now also victims of the historical anachronism of being named 'terrorist' in current CCP official histories in both Uyghur language and Hanyu.
Basically the PLA and XPCC have been there since exploiting the region and 'stabilizing' it so as it becomes in paraphrasing Gardner Bovingdon's words - ' a safe place for the Han'
As far as destabilizing Central Asia goes, when has Central Asia ever ever been 'stable' so to speak? It is a frontier land, a place of interface and change, and geopolitical significance. Maybe during the Soviet's 70 year rule a measure of stability was achieved, if we forget the latter stage of their imperial rule during the Afghan -Soviet war. When has Xinjiang been stable during the catastrophic rule of the CCP, the Great leap Forward, the Cultural Rvolution, etc? Maybe for a brief period during the 1980's until the Baren uprising in April 1990. As CCP propaganda tells us they have been waging their crusade against the three evils since then. Call that stability?
The PLA build up today in Xinjiang is more about greater Central Asian power politics, oil, Rusisa and the American presence in Taliban resistant Afghanistan. One should not forget that the latter are basically armed with Chinese weapons. What's stability when their is abuck to be made out of weapons sales and the deaths of countless thousands of Afghan Muslims? Both America and china are culpable in this area. How do those weapons for the Taliban get funneled in to Afghnaistan? Through Xinjiang of course as they were during the Soviet - Mujahideen war of the 1980s in Afghanistan. And transported by whose trucks? Would it be the PLA? It seems stability in Central Asia, war, and the PLA have a symbiotic relationship. Xinjiang is treated as a great big army camp by the PLA and nothing more. Check out the components of the character for 'jiang', see the bows and the enclosed fields? Nothing has changed in Chinese military thinking since the Han dynasty.
The comment above was posted by spec at September 15, 2008 08:52 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
re my comments:
"The Qing army took the Zhungar Mongol possession of the Tarim basin oasis in 1759 and ruled Xinjiang basically through the Hodja Sufi lineage, with Qing troops mainly stationed in Yili. These were eventually overthrown by Yakob Beg's forces in the mid 1870s. "
The Qing forces in the Tarim basin were routed by Turkestani and Hui Muslim forces. Yili was eventually overthrown by a separate Mulsim force. see, Kim ho Dong's 'Holy War in China' for the intricate details.
The comment above was posted by spec at September 15, 2008 09:13 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
19 minute you tube clip. repression in Xinjiang. Shows footage of PLA and PAP anti-terrorist forces in training.
The comment above was posted by spec at September 15, 2008 12:47 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
19 minute you tube clip. repression in Xinjiang. Shows footage of PLA and PAP anti-terrorist forces in training.
The comment above was posted by spec at September 15, 2008 12:47 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I need to mention it a;so contains interviews with an extremely pleasant Wang lequan
The comment above was posted by spec at September 15, 2008 12:50 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
An American criticized your government, and you said something about Iraq.
An Indonesian muslim said his opinion about the situation in Xinjiang, and you said something about Indonesian Chinese.
You know, I have restrained myself not to generalize, not to say Han this or Han that. I hope I can keep doing this, but I'm pessimistic.
About Iraq. I believe you know that 50% of American electorates did not vote for Bush. And I also believe you know that only right wing people who're fully supported the Iraq Invasion. And after new information about Bush's fabrication of the so called WMD proofs, more Americans are willing to reevaluate their position. Hence the drop of support toward Bush policies in Iraq.
I believe you know all of that already, but you chose to ignore it anyway.
Conclusion: 1) Americans are open minded, willing to re-evaluate their position and move on. I believe that's why America is such a great country today. 2) American government and American people are not the same entity.
Next: about Indonesian Chinese.
The comment above was posted by An Indonesian Muslim at September 15, 2008 04:55 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Hi Indo. Muslim, and thanx for the kind words. You've discovered mine and other people’s frustration on this site. When we present latent facts that suggest human rights violations are being carried out in XJ, their usual defense is to make incommensurable contrasts to the U.S. and history. Because the world violated human rights in time gone by, then no one is entitled to be critical of China’s human rights record today.. a ludicrous proposition to be sure, but this is the kind of casuistry (minus the cleverness)we deal with daily. You also raise a good point too. These comments also smell of the inability to separate the will of the people from the will of the state. They don’t seem to get that our countries most critical people are usually our fellow countrymen. In any case, welcome to Michael’s blog. I look forward to your input and frustrating, but predictable, replies from our resident propagandists.
The comment above was posted by Jimba at September 15, 2008 05:29 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Interesting blog!
I'd better bookmark this.
The comment above was posted by sogdia at September 15, 2008 07:39 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
You guys are nuts and just don't get it. If your countries and your countrymen have been doing worse to your minorities and other people, you are in no position to criticize Chinese.
The world has never been a paradise and good or bad is relative, not absolute. Therefore, it is relevant to compare how China treats its minorities to how Indonesia treats its minorities. During Asian finacial crisis in late 90's, ethnic riots broke out only in one shithole called Indonesia. It started with the leaders blaming Chinese Indonesians, then the mobs rampaged, raped and murdered. You can't separate the gov. from people completely, the gov. comes from the people, elected or not.
I grew up in PRC and was "brainwashed" by communism that all ethnicities were equal and should live in peace with each other. When I read about the plight of Chinese Indonesians, it is obvious that CCP has been damn liberal about minority issues. Some Chinese settled in Indonesia hundreds of years ago during tea and spice trade, they inter married with local people and don't even speak Chinese. It was truly appalling that even people with 1/8 of Chinese blood couldn't escape the murderous ramage. It shows how barbarically intolerant Indonesians are. The Indonesian muslim, please don't make me nauseate.
Even the founder of Islam respected China and encouraged his people to seek knowledge as far as China. Middle East is the craddle of civilisation after all, you can not expect that Indonesians have that kind of wisdom. Arabic muslims look down on uncivilised Indonesian muslims.
The "crackdown" in some part of Xinjing is not about persecution of Uyghur Chinese or muslims. It intends to prevent violences there.
The comment above was posted by joyce at September 15, 2008 09:10 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Bin Laden said that American civilians were legitimate targets for they elected their own gov. You can't say that he is completely wrong. Iraq war had over 70% of approval rate at the beginning, even though most Americans didn't know where the hack Iraq was on map. Even now 30 % of Americans still believe that Iraq had something to do with 911.
Democracy can be messy. Half of the population have IQ below average and are easily manipulated.
Plus the number one mentality, no one can be elected as American president if he or she doesn't show the willingness to drop nulear bombs to whoever doesn't obey America. Yes, bombs are still fallings in Iraq, Afganistan and Pakistans. It is not important news to Americans if dozens of Muslim civilians are killed.
It is worth reminding folks here that most victims of recent violences are Uyghur Chinese. I doubt that the violence has much popular support because one of the attackers are 15 year old girl. They wouldn't have dragged a child into this if they had a lots of adults lining up for the cause.
The comment above was posted by joyce at September 15, 2008 09:56 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The Uyghur are not chinese, they are Turkic Muslim subjects of the Han Chinese dominated Communist dictatorship called China. The Chinese state in which they do not experience equal rights in reality. Complain as a uyghur and you are now labelled a terrorist by the below average IQ Communist lackeys.
A large proportion of deaths in Afghanistan are caused by chinese weapons. Supplied by the same government arms factories who supply the PLA .
Indonesia is not the issue here. Control of Xinjiang by the Party and their military arm, the PLA, PAP and XPCC is the issue.
To say China is not as bad as Indonesia mulsims because its human rights abuses are not as severe is a lame excuse and a justification of Chinese human rights abuse. To make Such arguments equals tacit if not outright support of human rights abuse. Either you condemn such abuse universally or you support it. It maters little exactly where such abuse happens and
China cannot be exonerated on the basis of such perverse blind arguments.
Could someone perhaps come up with the exact numnber of PLA troops now in Xinjinag . If you don't mind please do not quote the chapter from Frederick Starr's American propaganda piece 'China's Muslim Borderland."
The comment above was posted by spec at September 16, 2008 05:24 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
About Indonesian Chinese.
I don't think I can talk enough about this topic without diluting Michael's blog. If you really want complete and objective coverage, google for "overseas chinese", "south east asia", "stereotype", "repression", "economic dominance", "tolerance", "anti chinese riot", "indonesia", "malaysia", "singapore", "philippines", "vietnam", "cambodia".
Regarding the 1998 anti Chinese riot in Jakarta, I can tell you directly that the majority of Indonesian muslim condemn the riot.
And we've progressed ever since.
Since the collapse of Suharto regime in 1998, Indonesian Chinese has gained new freedom in politics and in using Chinese language, writing, and culture. Chinese newspapers are back in print, Chinese new year has been declared a national holiday, Chinese writing can be found on public spaces, Chinese faith (Konghucu) was recognized, Chinese are back in politic, etc.
Of course we still have many things to improve. But I believe we Indonesian are moving into the right direction, step-by-step.
Now, do you think the CCP are making progress in Xinjiang? I'm curious, how hard is it for CCP to allow mosques for Uyghur childs and teenagers? I know that China is still a communist country, but I wonder, why is it so hard for Uyghurs to freely observe ramadhan?
Please answer my questions. After all, this blog is about Xinjiang.
The comment above was posted by An Indonesian Muslim at September 16, 2008 06:17 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
speculation and the PLA:
The Superior Men Of Xinjiang (Paperback)
by James, Joseph Counsilman (Author)
May 2011 An environmental crisis in the largely desolate Xinjiang region of the People's Republic of China re-ignites the centuries-old conflict between the native Uygurs and their recurrent Chinese masters. The escalating disaster draws in criminals, opportunistic politicians, terrorists, and military forces. A Uygur doctor and Chinese colleague defy Beijing and enter the affected region. A Chinese-American doctor, Dr Robert Jiang, with the aid of an American special operations team, infiltrates Xinjiang to rescue his Uygur and Chinese friends from gangsters, Muslim radicals, and Special Forces of the People's Armed Police. Together with another "hybrid," a resolute young Uygur-Chinese woman, Robert uses a rare Chinese-Muslim martial art (xin yì liù hé quán) in confrontations with their enemies. The information they attempt to bring out of Xinjiang could jeopardize the Communist Party's long subjugation of the region and eventually its control over the whole of China.
The comment above was posted by spec at September 16, 2008 07:57 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ Indonesian, spec & others:
Have you guys even been in Xinjiang, or Central Asia for that matter? Do you know the people, do you speak the language? know the differnet local accents? What an Indonesian know about Xinjiang? You, too, spec!
Most people posted comments here have never been there, their comments are based on the existing propaganda from somewhere. It's quite obviously all of them have the hidden political agenda.
Surly this blog is "about Xinjiang", but do you smell anything behind this blog? I have seen lots these kind of blogs in the ex-Soviets. Some come and go, some may stay longer, it depends the situation. They all try to serve the purpose that they don't want to talk about in open.
The comment above was posted by sogdia at September 16, 2008 08:09 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Joyce said:
"You guys are nuts and just don't get it. If your countries and your countrymen have been doing worse to your minorities and other people, you are in no position to criticize Chinese."
Oh, then by all means, ignore human rights... how dare we.
You do realize that people from other countries are not as united as Mainland Chinese in supporting their government, don't you? Your logical is a bastion of subjectivism; a pillar for all “brainwashed” fools everywhere.
Joyce said:
"The world has never been a paradise and good or bad is relative, not absolute. Therefore, it is relevant to compare how China treats its minorities to how Indonesia treats its minorities."
Do I need to compare China with Zimbabwe? You must certainly be a ardent CCP-loyalist if you defend the standard the CCP places on treating its minorities against the worse kinds if minority abuses in the world? Gee-whiz, just image China did that with social order: “My neighbor murdered someone, so I can too. It is not illegal, it’s relative…” So let’s not confuse relativeness with irrelevance, or irrelativeness.
Oh, please keeps your xenaphobic name calling in check, yeah. Indonesia, like China, is a beautiful place. Also, Human right in Indonesia is something I am passionate about. As someone who served in East Timor as a peace keeper and someone who keeps abreast of its progress, I can say that Indonesia has made vast progresses in its human rights commitments, both normatively and practically…..“comparatively” But as well all know, each country has its own set of circumstances, thus while comparisons are instructive, they are not strong arguments, nor do they address why minority rights are being abused at all.
soqdia: Oh no. You know!!! We're all agents with agendas to topple the Chinese government and force its citizens to drink Coke instead of tea; MacDonalds in stead of Ma La Huo Gou; speak Chinglish instead of Engrish.... then, we will set up a similar website looking at Russia... have I mentioned the smurfs, roger rabbit and the butler with the candlestick already?
The comment above was posted by Jimba at September 16, 2008 09:26 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ Sogdia.
Your blog is definitely of interest to me as an armchair Persianist. I did find the side link youtube clips to exotic Romanian sex dancing a brief but enjoyable diversion from my arduous preoccupation of being an ignorant ill-informed propagandist as you surmise. Semi-nude Romanian cam babes , nearly taking it all off are Aryans like us aren't they? I dunno!
I detect a certain racial superority imbedded in your blog's content re some Aryan supremacy over Asia, a debatable proposition academically. Try shifting the Aryan center away to the east near the old Tocharian lands if you must, then you can rely upon geographic sources of linguistic dispersion of Indo-European language types as the key to the so called 'Aryan' diffusion, yes, very close to the borders of present day Xinjiang, rather than your atavistic, disproved, racialist and quasi nationalist fantasy.
You are extremely arrogant to assume that many of the commenters here havent been to Xinjiang or speak the languages. I know how you feel, the world is full of know it all wankers, isnt it?.
I dont know about the Indonesian and others ( does this negate their contributions?) but I myself answer in the affirmative to your interrogative assumptions. Yes I've been there Darius(h) the Great and I speak the languages which you don't I assume? Or maybe 'kam kam' - hudarvis dickead.
Now, as I have correctly smelt the exotic odour of your dubious blog, this one's present topic is about the influence of the PLA in oppressed Xinjiang. Hudayim Boyrisa, we will return to that.
The comment above was posted by spec at September 16, 2008 09:38 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Sogdia, further to specs well-handed reply: yes, I speak the language, yes, I've been there, and yes you can remove the foot from your mouth.
The comment above was posted by Jimba at September 16, 2008 09:52 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
This is a bit off topic, apologies, but for those of you how would like to use the 'BBC Monitoring International Reports,' posted by Michael but are a bit unsure how to reference them (they don't show up on google) then I would highly recommend you use "Factiva". Most University libraries should have it. This program lists all BBC monitoring articles, and a means to reference them.
The comment above was posted by Jimba at September 16, 2008 10:56 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The Human face to the enigma
PLA Soldiers on the train to Kashgar
The comment above was posted by spec at September 16, 2008 11:03 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
spec & jimba:
People will laugh at you, take you as an idiot if you talk the East Turkistan with the people in Kashgar or any place in South Xinjiang!
Ramadan in you ass! How many people are religious Muslims in Xinjinag except these old, uneducated peopel live in country side.
I can tell you immediately that none of you two guys is Muslim! "spec" even can't speak the language, know nothing about Xinjiang!
Collective Punishment in your ass! Ask your next door neighbor what is the collective punishment? Your next door neighbor will take you to the hospital because they think you must be sick!
michael is an American shit! You can't smell what is behind this blog because you are the same shit!
jimba, you said you "speak the language", and you "have been there"?!
OK, here is a quick test. Watch the following two video clips on YouTube:
Tell me:
1. Which language the guy sings and speaks?
2. What he sings and what he says?
3. Where the guy is coming from? or which local accent he has when he speaks?
4. How many karaokes in Kashgar? Which movie theater is the biggest in Kashgar?
I really don't expect any one of you can answer these quations! Because you simply do not know anything in Xinjiang or even Central Asia in general. You guys are with hidden political aganda. Y
What a bunch morons here!
tctdh, joyce are right! you people are American pigs!
The comment above was posted by sogdia at September 16, 2008 11:31 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Take the test! Show us you are truly from these region! michael should take the test, too! Just to prove you are not an American pig!
Remind you, Talibans kill the Americans just like to kill the sheep in Afghanistan!
The comment above was posted by sogdia at September 16, 2008 11:41 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Oh, Soqdia please humor us a little more with your stupidity :) You and tctdh must be twins.
If I take the test and get it right, will you promise to find a large building and jump off" If so, I'm in.
The comment above was posted by Jimba at September 16, 2008 12:22 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The test is there. Take it!
Don't say you rather jump the building instead of taking the test!
You even don't know the language!
You are American PIG!
Do you know what these two videos saying?! Talibans will kill Americans like they kill sheep!
The comment above was posted by sogdia at September 16, 2008 12:57 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ sogdia,
my, my, my, a sensitive soul and such a charming talker and i bet a sahtipez as well who would sell his own mother.
I understand the language quite well of those videos but believe they are created by the chinese secret service to lay blame on the Uyghur 'terrorists'. This is more than probable.
How many karaokes in Kashgar.Umm, i dont know, because
1. I prefer to listen to live Uyghur music when I am in Kashgar
2. I never leave the Ustang Boyi area and spend most of my time there talking with young, educated Islamicists as well as their old uncles and fathers merrily sipping chai and toking on the odd newspaper rolled nisha reefer, nice stuff, but one has to be discreet these days seeing there are so many spies and turncoats around. You know what i mean dont you Darius(h) - jahsus. There are no Karoake bars in that part of town but a few sleazy Uyghur mayhanas which are always educational.
3. Also i dont know because the karaoke bars are often full of PLA soldiers and their imported whores from Sichuan. Not my idea of good company and no where near as sexy as your Romanian dancing girls, hey Darius(h) the great, king of Persia and the Aryans, you like Chinese girls in Kashgar at Karaoke?, HEY i bet you sing in broken english really well to John Denver and the Carpenters.
Now that's an interesting subject to get us back on track. How many prostitutes from inner China, service the karaoke bars of kashgar and let all those lusty and brave PLA soldiers let off their steam from the pressure of dealing with those nasty knife wielding Uyghur youth; and aso are they counted in the census when we determine how many Han chinese there really are in Xinjiang?
Ak Yol Bolsun, you impotent little sahtipaz.
The comment above was posted by spec at September 16, 2008 02:30 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Soq = racist/ boring/ not very intelligent. Ignore. (defintely not worth proving anything too)
The comment above was posted by jimba at September 16, 2008 06:15 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
spec & jimba:
My, MY, MY! look at these two PIGS!
WATCH the following two video clips on YouTube:
Tell us:
1. Which language the guy sings and speaks?
2. What he sings and what he says?
3. Where the guy is coming from? or which local accent he has when he speaks?
I really don't expect any one of you AMERICAN PIGS can answer these quations! Because you simply do not know anything in Xinjiang or even Central Asia in general.
What a bunch morons here!
The comment above was posted by sogdia at September 16, 2008 08:25 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
"I understand the language quite well of those videos ...."
1. Which language the guy sings and speaks?
2. What he sings and what he says?
3. Where the guy is coming from? or which local accent he has when he speaks?
If you "understand" WELL! then ANSWER IT!
YANKEE PIGS!!! Talibans will kill Americans like they kill sheep!
The comment above was posted by sogdia at September 16, 2008 08:35 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@sogdia: Calm down there, son. The Taliban will be killing Chinese people like sheep before you know it! It's the wave of the future...
The comment above was posted by michael at September 16, 2008 09:13 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
It was rarely reported that the Taliban were literally slaughtering an Asiatic ethnic minority people called Hazara (who are a Shiite group speaking a Persian dialect, and were believed to constitute anywhere from 9% to 17% of the population) before the Western troops halted that massacre.
The comment above was posted by Arjun at September 17, 2008 03:05 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
who is this sogdia guy?
Some demented Tajik fascist asassin fundamentalist yankee hating, Turk hating, pseudo Iranian emperor. It would seem so from his blog. Have a look. I did last night - very revealing:
Total hatred of the Turks, claims to be a Muslim but hangs around in Karaoke bars with Chinese prostitutes during Ramadan. Demands that people translate terrorist texts for him in languages he himself doesnt know (unless he is an embittered Tajik from Tashkorgan set loose in the west with a big, big chip on his shoulder, an inferiority complex perhaps? hmmm).
Anyway why should this idiot come on here outta the blue and start demanding things of people is bizarre. Piss him off and lets get back to discussion of the PLA.
btw, Darius was Mede ( Kurd).
as proof of who knows what
The comment above was posted by roebuck at September 17, 2008 06:33 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
"Talibans will kill Americans like they kill sheep!"
Soq, a quote from Team America just for you.
"I was just a boy when the infidels came to my village in their Blackhawk helicopters. The infidels fired at the oil fields and they lit up like the eyes of Allah. Burning oil rained down from the sky and cooked everything it touched. I could only hide myself and cry as my goats were consumed by the fiery black liquid death. In the midst of the chaos, I could swear that I heard my goats screaming for help. As quickly as they had come, the infidels were gone. It was on that day I put a jihad on them. And if you don’t believe it, then you’d better kill me now, because I’ll put a jihad on you, too."
Now go blow yourself up or something.
The comment above was posted by Jimba at September 17, 2008 07:10 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Bravo! sogdia!
NO ONE WANTS TO TAKE YOUR TEST that proves all the people on this blog are with something they wanted to hide. That’s not a surprise to me. It is well known in the intelligence community that this kind of blog is the “most efficient way” to collect and exchange intelligence. Creating rumors, spreading the propaganda and inciting the hatred are just the secondary function.
Is that right, Mr. Michael Manning?! I guess you should get the credits you deserved.
About killing Americans like killing sheep?! You haven’t heard about anything killing American CIA agents yet! HAHAHA! Don’t be scared and don’t tell me you don’t need the money now, LOLLL!
The comment above was posted by tctdh at September 17, 2008 08:09 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
About “Killing Americans like killing sheep” in Afghanistan?!
Well, today’s New York Times (the favorite newspaper of Mr. MM) reported “AFGHANISTAN IS in its WORST SHAPE since 2001”
Not just Afghan Taliban want to kill Americans, all the Afghanistan people want to do that, too!
U.S. Gen. David Petraeus said today that “MORE TROOPS NEEDED IN AFGHANISTAN”:
Not just Afghanistan people, Guardian reported today that Pakistan Army has been ordered to kill any Americans if they across border from Afghanistan side.
Therefore, Michael, you should know how lucky you are. Instead of being sent to Afghanistan, you are enjoying the freedom of speech in the safe haven China. HaHaHa!
The comment above was posted by tctdh at September 17, 2008 08:22 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I can't help myself but to quote sogdia's test below to see is there any taker?!
I just love the last question of the "local accent". These PIGS even can't speak the language how they can tell which LOCAL ACCENT it is?!
Any taker?! spec? jimba? roebuck? or Mr. michael himself?! C'mon! don't keep us waiting!
or, you guys haven't been paid good enough to take these questions?! LOLLL!
WATCH the following two video clips on YouTube:
Tell us:
1. Which language the guy sings and speaks?
2. What he sings and what he says?
3. Where the guy is coming from? or which local accent he has when he speaks?
The comment above was posted by tctdh at September 17, 2008 08:32 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Michael, are you sure you don't need help in moderating? Must we have to deal with these idiots?
The comment above was posted by Jimba at September 17, 2008 10:42 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
i spose it will be easier for all the afghans to kill americans with those nice Chinese Kalishnakov copy rifles the PLA continues to sell to the Taliban.
how typical for that little misanthrope tc whatever to reappear as if he knows anything about Central Asia has ever been there or could speak a word of Turkic. hahahhhhhaaaaaa
this blog truly has become entertaining and humourous because of these idiots but Michael I think Jimba is right you need to screen now, seeing they have no civility and by their words and puerile invective prove time and again we are dealing here with extremly base and primitive human beings of some type, probabaly crossed with pigs and dogs id say by their attitudes, so please all true human beings discard these mongel animals. I know everyone can see that anyway. Screen me too if you like Cpatain MM. Anything to rid us of these ratbags.
The comment above was posted by spec at September 17, 2008 10:56 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
oh and by the way if you click on sogdia's name and go to his blog you will find it is filled with hatred for the Uyghur and their cause, and Turks in general. tc vd is again way off track with his judgment. Id say Uyghurs would rip him to pieces if they ever saw him and knew the contents opf his neo-Aryan fascist site. Have a look if you dont believe me. Just another misanthrope abusing humanity via the internet. Time to screen out such insulting filth.
The comment above was posted by spec at September 17, 2008 11:00 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Here are some words below from Sogdia's blog. Charming ,as if this guy could speak Uyghur or even recognize a distinctive Hotanese dialect if he heard it. hahhaahahhhaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!
But first,
tctdh please translate these simple Uyghur words for me
which apply to you and your innate nature:
1. pok
2. yalganchi
3. sahtipez
4. kara kosak
when you translate and tell me their meaning . Ill tell you more. Of course these four words all apply to you. Come on Mofo, Im waiting...
Sogdia's words:
"-STAN" is a PERSIAN word. Use it with caution!
No one in the world calls Xinjiang as "Xinjiangstan" or any other "garbage"-stan such as "Turkistan" or "East Turkistan"!
If you love your "Turkistan" so much, get your shitting blue Ay Yildiz flag and move yourself to there. Your Turkish daddy will change the color of the flag back in red for you in no time.
BTW, make sure to ask your Turkish daddy why they didn't call themselves "Turkistan" or "West Turkistan", LOL!
Be grateful to Persians because Persians taught you kareez that gives you the irrigation and food, taught you loom-weaving that gives you the cloths and carpets, taught you to sing and dance, to read and write, and taught you the science and medicine so you can count and cure your illness.
Be grateful to Han Chinese because Han Chinese let you still use Arab scripts, brought you the modern life of 21st Century."
Well as you can see how comforting for the Uyghur to know they have friends and supporters like this - a dual fascist nay triple-dyed fascist.
God should we really take these guys so seriously.
If they were indeeed in the west they would all be walking around medicated on lithium. let them go.
The comment above was posted by spec at September 17, 2008 11:12 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
here are some more snippets from Sogdia's blog we cabn see how much the Uyghur love this perso-fascist here. Seems he has been blocked form other intelligent blogs, shgould be form this one as well. Id say, as someone on his blog also suggests he is a fucked up Tajik originally from within China who has launched out on a greater persia- tajik fascist road he in his misguided way interprets as 'Aryan" and basically just hates everyone.
please read very informative:
"sawanoovel (6 days ago)
hello i like iranian people but i do not like the religious strict state that exists in iran . Anyway i like your videos but i dont really like the turks since most of them have been attacking arab lands during the terrorist ottman rule . Anyway greeting to persian and iranian people who live in iran or tajagistan
happy ramadan if your muslim salam
sogdia (1 week ago)
To all my "BLUE" turkey friends: Please restrain yourself from verbal attacking people who with different opinion from yours. Take this month to show your appreciations to Persians and Han Chinese, and find peace and harmony when you read Koran and pray to Allah.
championofcathay (1 month ago)
Hello sir, are you Tajik by any chance?
uyghurar (1 month ago)
hi sogdian kid !
this is my last comment to your channel.
because i wasted a lot of time with you kid,now im regretting .
so, goodbye !
do whatever you want, but you can change nothing about uyghur . the only thing you will get is waste of your life in youtube .
ok ,have fun! boy .
HistoryGirl08 (1 month ago)
I love history both Altaic and world history. I love to talk to people about history.
Thank you for the friend invite.
sogdia (1 month ago)
Do you know "Duldu601"?! He was my friend, now he blocked me! How could he do that?! How could you block your friend just because your friend has different opinion?! It is communist !
urumqilik (1 month ago)
Iranians are brave and honest people. now suffering under the mullahs by their stone age practice of human torture and control....you must be one of those who does not see the hoplessness from the eyes of the musafirs who came to work in the streats in downtown Tehran..
persiandudeee (1 month ago)
I know, thats why I asked if you were Iranian or an Ethnic Persian :) Are you a Tajik persian from China?
uyghurar (1 month ago)
you delated my comment again? "super iranian" !!?
it is a shame that your "highly civilized " ancestor has a coverd , rediculously situpid ,shameless grandson like you .
persiandudeee (1 month ago)
Hello, So um are you Iranian or of any persian background? "
the guys a weird freak right? No wonder tcvd loves himn so much. hhaahahhhhhaa
come on tc where ya tramnslation and can you tell the difference betwen a dialect from Yarkand and say Maralbashi?
do you even know where those places are?
oh sorry didnt use Chinese place names just Uyghgur original;s...hhhhhaaa, come on hurry up smart arse. Im waiting...and have important work to do....
The comment above was posted by spec at September 17, 2008 11:25 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ spec, jimba:
so both of you can not take my test, even don't want to try it! what a shame! tctdh is right that you guys are not paid good enough to take the test! you just paid enought to post the comment here. how much is it? 5 cents per comment?
so you think "-STAN" is not a persian word? then what you think it is? an english word?
it's quite obviously that afghanstanis use chinese made guns to kill you american pigs! so you just know that? do you want to try to be a target?
what in my channel page is not truth? of course you have problem with that because you are an american PIG. look at the mirror, you see a PIG looks back at you. we don't eat pig, but we kill them, roast them, and give them to our chinese friends, let me tell you, they love it, they come back and ask for more!
@tctdh: all right, comrade! let these Americaqn pigs got no place to hide in central asia!
The comment above was posted by sogdia at September 17, 2008 11:49 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I met a Tajik once in Urumqi in the early 1990s, an identity in the artistic field, in conversation with him I suggested that the Tajiks of China were not Tajiks perse but rather Sarikolis and Wakhis grouped together in 1955 by Mao's ethnographers following Stalin's earlier generic ethnic classifaction of the Ismaili groups on the Soviet side of the Pamir. I also reminded him that the 'Tajik' of Tashkorgan did not speak Persian or Farsi ) I know perso-fascists hate that word!) or Dari. At this MR. Cool went into a paroxysm of rage and turned a ghastly purple shade on which point I left seeing we had all imbibed a lot of Beijiu. I reminded him that what I had said was confirmed to me by an elderly Tajik tilxunas (linguitic specialist) in Tashkorgan in the late 1980s as I was marooned there for a few days as the road to Kashgar was blocked. This kind elderly gentleman went to the trouble of caringly drawing a map of the Pamir regions of China, USSR and Afghanistan and delineating for me the various language groups there, whose langauges corresponded to their ethnoyms. It was he who first suggested to me the Sarikoli were not Tajik; however their language was heavily influenced by Persian. I treasured the map at that time of childish intrigue, in Central Asian linguistics, colouring in by hand all of the different linguistic groups in bright distinctive shades , and still keep it in my diary.
The problem with guys like Sogdia is they are suffering from inferiority. Coming from such a small ethnic group, if lucky they migrate out of China by hook or by crook as the said Tajik identity did ( look out Jimnba the dude im thinin of aint far from you in Oz), and then feel to be nobodys in the big bad west so they create some type of super identity for themselves, either ethnic based or religious, then project it onto all and sundry. Hatred for the Uyghur would not be surprising in this case as some among them have their own form of rabid facsco-ethnocentrism towards other ethnic groups, but we also see here a total contempt for the Han by Sogdia as well. Small, small, small is all I can say.
tctdh. Im still waiting lil fella....
The comment above was posted by spec at September 17, 2008 12:07 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
none of my friends have any problem with my yt channel page, they just love it! ONLY American pigs and blue turkeys out of country have the problems! who cares? only american pigs care! that is why we kill american pigs no matter where they hide, we find them, we kill them. blue turkeys are brainwashed by american pigs. peopel take blue turkeys as a sick person if they talk about east turkistan. NO ONE GIVES SHITS, NO ONE CARES!
The comment above was posted by sogdia at September 17, 2008 12:13 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ Arjun,
yes thats right and the Hazara speak a Persian dialect. Spose sogdia thinks that is good as well - that a persianate people are slaughtered by his beloved Taliban. But of course the Hazara racialy are originally from further afield in Central Asia and resemble the Uyghur much more than Tajiks.
Any thoughts on the PLA mr. Arjun?
The comment above was posted by spec at September 17, 2008 12:15 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@spec: did i say i am tajik? who says i am a tajik? you american pigs are sick! you only imgine things!
The comment above was posted by sogdia at September 17, 2008 12:17 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
tajiks want to kill american pigs, too!
american pigs need to go!
if they stay, they need to pay and they need to hide!
simple as that!
do you want see the real scared american pigs? begging for their life? come to tajikistan!
you see the same pigs begging for their lives in afghanistan, uzbekistan, too!
you are lucky if you are in CHINA!
because chinese are STUPID! they treat you good, but you still want to screw them!
The comment above was posted by sogdia at September 17, 2008 12:30 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Soqdia said on his blog:
"Please restrain yourself from verbal attacking people who with different opinion from yours. Take this month to show your appreciations to Persians and Han Chinese, and find peace and harmony when you read Koran and pray to Allah."
What a hypocrite!!!!!!
FYI, I am a "Running Dog of the United States"... not an "American Pig" per se. lol. Chump.
The comment above was posted by Jimba at September 17, 2008 12:31 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
oh, and I had a giggle at this one:
From Soqdia's blog (he wrote):
"Do you know "Duldu601"?! He was my friend, now he blocked me! How could he do that?! How could you block your friend just because your friend has different opinion?! It is communist !"
hahaha, well, I can make a couple of suggestions:
Firstly, you're a racist and prejudice against other races based on your own cultural insecurities? I doubt you have ever met "american Pig[s], or have ever bothered to get to know a Turkic Uighur.... if you had, you were probably rejected for being a twat... which makes sense.
Secondly, you fit the description of a fanatic. You do not want to see reason or discuss things in a sensible manner. You expect people to pander to your silly wishes, i.e. take silly tests, but in reality people read your dribble and see, quite easily, what a moronic arsehole you are.
Thirdly, your taste in music sucks.
Take a good look at yourself...Duldu601 blocked you because you're not a very likable human being.
Suicide is an option.
The comment above was posted by Jimba at September 17, 2008 12:45 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
You are right for once Sogdia you are not a Tajik - but a fucked up Sarikoli. Ha?
To all Uyghur who may view this blog note Sogdia's words for you. He is obviously a Han agent. Some Uyghur have challenged him on his blog depsite his lies that everyone loves his You tube stuff. By the Way he is stealing many Uyghur music videos and recasting them into his own pan-Aryan fantasy paradigm:
His words go like this, calling Uyghur 'Blue Turkeys' :
"blue turkeys out of country have the problems!...blue turkeys are brainwashed by american pigs. peopel take blue turkeys as a sick person if they talk about east turkistan. NO ONE GIVES SHITS, NO ONE CARES!"
encouraging isnt he. And he claims to know Uyghur dialects, Hahahaaaaaaaaa!
Uyghur of the World unite.
@tctdh. Im still waiting lil fella....
The comment above was posted by spec at September 17, 2008 12:49 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@jimba spec:
obviously both of you have never been in xinjiang. all you have are based on your imagination, assumptions and the propaganda of american and turkish pigs. either you are pigs yourselves or you are fooled by pigs!
let me to repeat, you pigs listen carefully!
am i a racist?! what a joke! i am just protecting my people and my hometown from american/turkish evils!
Take a good look at the videos i have on my channel. Get a real sense out of ALL these videos. THAT'S THE REAL LIFE OF PEOPLE IN XINJIANG TODAY!
Look at how many people in the streets of Kashgar or Urumqi! Look at the night markets that FULL OF HAPPY PEOPLE! Go to the department stores and see how many people there!
Oppression? who oppress whom?
East Tukistan? East Turkistan in YOUR AMERICAN and TURKISH DADDY'S ASS!
The comment above was posted by sogdia at September 17, 2008 01:56 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
how true Sogdia, how true are your wpords.
Youa really quiye losinmg it arent you?
The comment above was posted by roebuck at September 17, 2008 02:00 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I won't waste my time on you pigs!
All the Turkic people in Central Asia hate American pigs. Only stupid Chinese love American pigs even American pigs screw them! And they are still paying the tuition to learn their lessons!
You better keep that in mind! BYE!
The comment above was posted by sogdia at September 17, 2008 02:04 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Since absurdity has reared its pretty head to such a degree that some have forgotten what we were sposed to be talking about. And for those who may question the true origins of Communist power in Xinjiang and the role of the PLA in it, this excerpt may shed some light:
Military control began at the local levels in
Xinjiangas soon as the xian (counties) and shi
(cities) had been liberated.? Military control
cOIlU1\ittewesere established as the supreme administrativeorgans of the State, with the PLA 1st F.A.it commanders as their heads. For example, WangZhen became the chairman of the Urumqi t-tilitary ControlCommission, which had nominal jurisdiction overthe whole province, while Wang Enmao and Guo peng headed similar committees at Kazgar and Hami,respectively. All key positions were assigned to veteran Party members of the PLA 1st F. A. units. 8
PIA work teams, the heads of which were nearly
alwaysHan CCPmembers, were dispatched to the local
levels in Xinj iang, with the general exception of
the "Three Districts," whose autonomy was "not
altered for the time being.'~ 9 The PLA work teams
~ified and mobilized the masses, formed peasant's
associations, and made preparations for the establishment of local representative organs based upon the Party's united front policy--which was designed to bring together the majority of all sections of society and all professions under the banner of patriotism, internationalism, and anti-imperialism They also uncertook Party propaganda and indoctrinationwork, recruited and trained cadres and acti vists, and "guided" various political and socioeconomiccampaigns
a t the local levels. Significantly,
when organs of local government were eventually
established, the PLA work team head usually
retained actual power, and when Party branches were ultimately organized in a basic-level unit or area, he would almost always become its first secretary.
Donald H. McMillen, Chinese CommunistPower and Policy in Xinjiang, 1949-1977, page 37.
The comment above was posted by roebuck at September 17, 2008 02:13 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
let me repost for readability' sake. Hope this is better:
Military control began at the local levels in
Xinjiangas soon as the xian (counties) and shi
(cities) had been liberated.? Military control
committees weere established as the supreme administrative organs of the State, with the PLA 1st F.A. unit commanders as their heads. For example, Wang Zhen became the chairman of the Urumqi Military Control Commission, which had nominal jurisdiction over the whole province, while Wang Enmao and Guo peng headed similar committees at Kazgar and Hami,respectively. All key positions were assigned to veteran Party members of the PLA 1st F. A. units.
PLA work teams, the heads of which were nearly
always Han CCP members, were dispatched to the local levels in Xinjiang, with the general exception of the "Three Districts," whose autonomy was "not altered for the time being."
The PLA work teams unified and mobilized the masses, formed peasant's associations, and made preparations for the establishment of local representative organs based upon the Party's united front policy- which was designed to bring together the majority of all sections of society and all professions under the banner of patriotism, internationalism, and anti imperialism.
They also undertook Party propaganda and indoctrination work, recruited and trained cadres and activists, and "guided" various political and socioeconomic campaigns at the local levels.
Significantly, when organs of local government were eventually established, the PLA work team head usually retained actual power, and when Party branches were ultimately organized in a basic-level unit or area, he would almost always become its first secretary.
Donald H. McMillen, Chinese Communist Power and Policy in Xinjiang, 1949-1977, page 37.
Note that the "Three Districts Area" that is the area of the East Turkestan Republic (ETR) remained Autonomous at that time. Tricky weren't they or was that Cunning?
The comment above was posted by roebuck at September 17, 2008 02:19 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ all pigs:
For those who have never been in Xinjiang, the videos on my channel worth thousands of words:
Kashagr Is Celebrating Day and Night
Night Market in Urumqi
Kashgar, Xinjiang - June 2008
Special for blue turkeys:
Our "Blue" "Turkish" "hero"
The comment above was posted by sogdia at September 17, 2008 02:33 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
You made your point the first time you said "Bye!" Now you're like that lingering fart which just won't go away.
The comment above was posted by jimba at September 17, 2008 03:26 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by michael at September 17, 2008 11:47 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.