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September 08, 2008
The Anti-Ramadan Campaign

UPDATE Some keyword in the comments section is causing intermittent interuptions in access to this site from within China. If anyone figures out what the word is, please let me know so I can @lter the spelling.
Also, the NY Times has edited the text of the article from what I pasted below last night, deleting references to Artux, the Beijing Olympics, Iraq, and the likelihood of attacks during Ramadan. You may remember another Xinjiang-related unannounced correction in the NYT earlier this year.
Three weeks ago the World Uyghur Congress claimed that a "Strike Hard" campaign was being planned for Xinjiang after the Olympics, during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. We saw last week that operations are at least in the planning stages.
Now comes confirmation from the New York Times that a softer but equally insidious campaign is well underway to undermine the observance of Ramadan by large swaths of the Uyghur population:
The Web site of the town of Yingmaili lists nine rules put in place to “maintain stability during Ramadan.”
They include barring teachers and students from observing Ramadan, prohibiting retired government officials from entering mosques and requiring men to shave off beards and women to doff veils. Mosques cannot let people from outside of town stay overnight and restaurants must maintain normal hours of business. Many restaurants close in daytime hours during Ramadan because of the sunrise-to-sunset fasting.
In nearby Xinhe County, the government has decreed that Communist Party members, civil servants and retired officials must not observe Ramadan, enter mosques or take part in any religious activities during the month. Worshippers cannot make pilgrimages to tombs, so as to “to avoid any group event that might harm social stability,” according to the Xinhe government’s Web site....
The city of Artux is also preventing its teachers and students from observing Ramadan. As a result, schools have to keep serving food and water, city authorities said. As with the other governments, the overall goal is “to maintain social stability during Ramadan.”
Ah, social stability. Is there anything you can't do?
AFP also gathered some similar information from websites belonging to several Xinjiang counties. From the sites:
Faced with recent violent and disruptive activities by religious extremists, separatists and terrorists, we must step up ideological education of religious leaders and followers...
We must timely warn and stop religious believers from organizing and planning large scale prayer groups and prevent any large crowd incidents that could harm social stability...
For those that maintain beards and for the women who wear veils, we should take all effective measures to have them shave their beards and take off their veils.
I've heard rumors from Uyghurs in the past of just these sorts of schemes... free lunches and alcohol for Muslims during Ramadan, that sort of thing. And government workers have been banned from religious activities for quite some time.
Still, it seems that the effort to weaken Uyghur religious identity is stronger this year and better coordinated.
The NYT article points out that Muslim extremists have a long history of attacks during Ramadan (although not in Xinjiang). Supposedly you get extra martyrdom points and hotter virgins in heaven. But there's no evidence that recent violence has been tied to religious zeal rather than plain old anti-Han sentiments, except for a few questionable online videos from the East Turkestan Islamic Party.
By putting the screws to Ramadan like this, a long-simmering conflict that's mainly been about cultural and ethnic tension could quickly develop deeper theological roots. If the Uyghur Islamist groups currently consist of three guys in a bedroom in Pakistan, you can bet that by next year the ranks will swell as rumors spread about the Chinese effort to crush Ramadan.
It would be a shame for Xinjiang to be led down the same destructive path as so many other once moderate Muslim regions around the world.
Ramadan Curbs Imposed in China
September 9, 2008
The New York Times
BEIJING — Local governments in a Muslim desert region in western China have imposed strict limits on religious practices during the traditional Muslim fasting month of Ramadan, which began last week, according to the Web sites of four of those governments.
The rules include prohibiting women from wearing veils and men from growing beards, as well as barring government officials from observing Ramadan. One town, Yingmaili, requires that local officials check up on mosques at least twice a week during Ramadan.
The local governments administer areas in the western part of Xinjiang, a vast autonomous region that is home to the Uighurs, a Muslim Turkic people who often chafe under rule by the ethnic Han Chinese. In August, a wave of attacks swept through Xinjiang, the largest surge of violence in the region in years. Some local officials blamed the instability on separatist groups, and the central government dispatched security forces to the area.
The limits on religious practices put in place by local governments appear to be part of the broader security crackdown. The areas affected by the new rules are near Kuqa, a town struck by multiple bombings on Aug. 10.
It was unclear whether the rules would be relaxed after Ramadan, a holiday that some Islamic extremists have used elsewhere as a symbolic backdrop for attacks on their perceived enemies. It was also unclear how the Chinese authorities intended to enforce the rules, which appeared to run the risk of antagonizing devout Muslims who present no obvious security threat.
The Web site of the town of Yingmaili lists nine rules put in place to “maintain stability during Ramadan.”
They include barring teachers and students from observing Ramadan, prohibiting retired government officials from entering mosques and requiring men to shave off beards and women to doff veils. Mosques cannot let people from outside of town stay overnight and restaurants must maintain normal hours of business. Many restaurants close in daytime hours during Ramadan because of the sunrise-to-sunset fasting.
In nearby Xinhe County, the government has decreed that Communist Party members, civil servants and retired officials must not observe Ramadan, enter mosques or take part in any religious activities during the month. Worshippers cannot make pilgrimages to tombs, so as to “to avoid any group event that might harm social stability,” according to the Xinhe government’s Web site.
In addition, children and students cannot be forced to attend religious activities, and women cannot be forced to wear veils.
County rules also stress the need to maintain a strict watch over migrant workers and visitors from outside. Companies and families who have workers or visitors from outside the county are required to register the outsiders with the nearest police station and have the outsiders sign an agreement “on maintaining social stability.”
Some of those rules are similar to ones implemented in Beijing right before the Olympic Games began in early August.
Shayar County, which includes the town of Yingmaili, said on its Web site that migrants must register with the police, and that any missionary work by outsiders is banned. Even outside Ramadan, China is wary of missionaries doing any kind of work in the country.
The city of Artux is also preventing its teachers and students from observing Ramadan. As a result, schools have to keep serving food and water, city authorities said. As with the other governments, the overall goal is “to maintain social stability during Ramadan.”
In some parts of the world, militants see Ramadan as a good time to carry out attacks because they believe achieving martyrdom during the holy fasting month is an especially sacred act.
In Iraq, religious extremists carried out waves of bombings during Ramadan in recent years. But the Chinese government has not presented any evidence showing that separatists in Xinjiang might do the same this year.
China imposes Ramadan security crackdown in Muslim northwest
Agence France Presse -- English
BYLINE: Robert J. Saiget
Authorities in China's Muslim-populated far northwest are seeking to prevent mass prayers and the distribution of religious material as part of a security crackdown for Ramadan, government notices said.
A series of attacks on police in Xinjiang around last month's Beijing Olympic Games left more than 20 officers and security guards dead, and at least as many attackers killed or arrested, in the biggest unrest there in years.
As the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan began, local governments this week issued orders to clamp down on security in the region and stop its ethnic Muslim Uighur population from using the holy month to foment further unrest.
"Faced with recent violent and disruptive activities by religious extremists, separatists and terrorists, we must... step up ideological education of religious leaders and followers," a notice posted on Xinjiang's Zhaosu county website said.
The county government prohibited government officials, Communist Party members, teachers and students from observing Ramadan, while warning that "any person caught forcing another to observe Ramadan" would be punished.
"We must timely warn and stop religious believers from organising and planning large scale prayer groups and prevent any large crowd incidents that could harm social stability," said a notice on the Xinhe county website.
In some areas, the crackdown also was extended to the Muslim religious practices of men growing beards and women covering their faces with veils.
"For those that maintain beards and for the women who wear veils, we should take all effective measures to have them shave their beards and take off their veils," the Shaya government said, without elaborating on how this would be done.
The county government also stepped up patrols around mosques and urged top officials to remain vigilant around the clock for any incidents that could result in social instability.
"The handing out of religious propaganda in public places by any work unit or individual is banned," the Shaya government said.
"We must strictly prohibit the playing of any audio-visual tapes, loud speaker announcements and religious drum rituals that could disrupt the Ramadan festival."
Xinhe and Shaya are near Kuqa city where up to 10 alleged Muslim attackers were reportedly killed after assaulting a local police station on August 10.
Xinjiang is a vast desert region bordering Central Asia that is home to 8.3 million Uighurs, many of whom say they have suffered decades of political and religious repression under Chinese rule.
The Uighurs established two short-lived East Turkestan republics in Xinjiang in the 1930s and 1940s, when Chinese central government control was weakened by civil war and Japanese invasion.
Phelim Kyne, a Hong Kong-based researcher for Human Rights Watch, said the postings on the government websites appeared to be the first time that such hardline religious control measures had been openly and publicly disclosed.
"We have heard of these types of measures on beards and veils, that Uighur party members and citizens who join the government are expected to distance themselves from overt cultural and religious expressions," Kyne said.
"But by putting them in black and white on government websites, they are showing that they have become much more concerned with the situation and are deepening the crackdown."
According to Dilxat Raxit, spokesman for the World Uighur Congress, the measures would only increase tensions among Xinjiang's Muslim population.
"To publicly restrict Uighurs from observing the Ramadan fast is a serious act trampling on the religious faithful," the German-based Raxit said in a statement.
"At the same time this is only going to intensify the conflict (in Xinjiang)."

posted September 08, 2008 at 10:40 PM unofficial Xinjiang time | HaoHao This!
social stability...
Do the stupid government officers know that stability is not harmonious?
And sometimes,stability policies would cause un-harmonious situations,like this time.
The comment above was posted by miloservic at September 9, 2008 02:27 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Uyghur Radio Worker Sacked, Detained
An official radio station in Xinjiang sacks an outspoken employee, who is now detained.
HONG KONG—Authorities at a Chinese government-run radio station in the remote Xinjiang region have fired and detained an ethnic Uyghur woman working there, apparently for criticizing government policy, Uyghur sources have said.
Mehbube Ablesh, 29, was removed from her post at Xinjiang People's Radio Station several weeks ago, according to two colleagues at the government-run station in Urumqi, capital of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.
Ablesh, who studied journalism, was employed in the station’s advertising department, although her exact duties there weren’t immediately clear.
“She was fired a month ago. Now we hear she is in prison and we don’t have any information about Mehbube’s prison situation,” one colleague said, speaking on condition of anonymity. “We tried to lead her in the right direction but she didn’t listen to us.”
“Management already held a meeting and told all 60 employees that Mehbube committed mistakes. She wrote articles for Web sites. I don’t know which Web sites, and I don’t know what she wrote about or what she discussed, [but] she wrote articles for Web sites and so she has been arrested by the police,” the colleague said.
Another colleague confirmed her removal from the station “about one month ago."
A third source, based in Europe, said he had been in contact with Ablesh and that in her messages she had sharply criticized top provincial leaders and the government's policy of requiring Mandarin-language teaching. She may have been detained because of this, he said.
“Our department is a journalism department—people should be very careful because it is a very sensitive place,” the first source said.
"She prayed. But she didn’t wear a headscarf. What she did was wrong. The government provided her everything—a good job, everything. It is the same everywhere, in America too. If the government provides you a good job, everything, and you speak out against the government, you will be punished. Isn’t it so?”
Multi-lingual radio
Radio employees declined to comment further and referred questions to the police and Public Security Bureau. Officials at both offices declined to comment.
Xinjiang People's Radio currently broadcasts a total of 111 hours daily in Uyghur, Mandarin, Kazak, Mongolian, and Kyrgyz, according to its official Web site.
Following a string of violent attacks in remote, northwestern Xinjiang, Chinese authorities are stepping up restrictions on Muslim Uyghurs during the fasting month of Ramadan. Police say women are being forced to uncover their faces in public, while restrictions on teaching Islam to Uyghur children are being intensified.
Restaurants run by Muslims are forbidden to close in daytime during the fasting month, as is the custom in other Islamic regions of the world, according to official statements on government Web sites in Xinjiang.
Exiled Uyghur groups said Uyghur government cadres throughout Xinjiang had been forced to sign “letters of responsibility” promising to avoid fasting, evening prayers, or other religious activities.
Xinjiang is a vast region bordering Central Asia rich in natural resources with several key strategic borders with China’s neighbors.
China is home to up to 11 million Uyghurs, a Turkic-speaking minority group that formed two short-lived East Turkestan republics in the 1930s and 40s during the Chinese civil war and the Japanese invasion.
In its 2008 report on human rights worldwide, New York-based Human Rights Watch cited "drastic controls over religious, cultural, and political expression" by Muslims in Xinjiang.
"There is widespread evidence that the government uses isolated incidents to conflate any expression of public discontent with terrorism or separatism," it said.
The comment above was posted by Heverci at September 9, 2008 03:14 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ tctdh:
So you think Mehbube is a criminal?
The comment above was posted by Heverci at September 9, 2008 03:39 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Anyone knows the latest about the 450 Uzbek "freedom fighters" or "democracy activitists", as they called it, that United States had airlifted to Roamnia in July 2005?
Uzbekistan has the second largest Uyghur population. So there must be a pretty large number of these 450 freedom fighters/democracy activists are Uyghurs.
Anyway, three year seems too long for the terrorist training. They should finish the training long time ago.
The comment above was posted by tctdh at September 9, 2008 03:42 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Do you think Bin Laden or Saddam Hussein terrorist? Certainly this is not the official US government's view back in 1980's.
Bin Laden was CIA's most favorite "Freedom Fighter" to fight Russia in 80's. US supported Saddam Hussein to fight Iran in 80's.
More info, Google "Bin Laden CIA" and "Saddam Hussein Don Rumsfeld".
Whether Mehbube or Rabiye a criminal or not, only George Bush knows!
The comment above was posted by tctdh at September 9, 2008 03:51 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ tctdh:
Tell me, once again, is Mehbube a criminal? If so, what is her crime deserved to be in jail? (I don't need lessons about Bin Laden or Saddam Hussein)
The comment above was posted by Heverci at September 9, 2008 05:06 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
To loss a job because you refuse to learn another language is pretty unwise thing to do in my opinion.
Practically all overseas chinese living in southeast asia speak at least three or so languages.
In Switzerland everybody can speak german, french, and italian too.
People exposed to all kind of languages all the time. It may due to one's parents, school, where you are born, jobs etc.
The daughter of a friend of my father, who was born in viet-nam, by the time she graduated from a french high school was able to speak seven languages. As soon as she later graduated from an american college, found a job at United Nations. Know what! Her salary is five times of an average engineers.
The comment above was posted by Jonathan at September 9, 2008 05:50 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Jonathan, while I agree with you that people should learn as many regional languages as they can, for some this is quite impossible.
Language learning is definitely an ability! I remember sitting in Mandarin class quite amazed at the ability of some of my class-mates, while the rest of us had to simply work our butts off.
In Xinjiang I guess many feel they shouldn't have to learn Mandarin in their own Autonomous region, but we both know this is not very constructive in a Han-dominated society. I find this question rather interesting.
One the one hand China should continue to encourage locals to learn their native Uighur et al. but on the other hand it is also a disadvantage to learn Mandarin later on in life (as I discovered. How the CCP or Xinjiang government ameliorate this current dilemma, if at all, will be interesting.
The comment above was posted by Jimba at September 9, 2008 07:20 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Fact 1
No government employee on the mainland whether they be Uygur or Han can take part in religious activities
Fact 2
I've never met one Uygur, child or adult in Xinjiang who cannot speak their language. However, some cannot read and write it.
Fact 3
The Chinese Constitution is quite clear on what is and is not allowed regarding religious activities
The comment above was posted by Simmo at September 9, 2008 07:44 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
A not here on uyghur attacks in Xinjiang over the last year they have all been either
a/ knives
b/ homemade bombs
and in one case a motor vehichle.
no outside weaponry has been used.
@ simmo
on ya mate. The constitution and legal reality in Xinjiang are indeed two very different things, and again one law for Han, one law for Minorities.
No arms shipments form putative outside forces reach Xinjiang.
Such reports belong to the vagaries of the web rumour mill; and liek other reports form such sources should be taken as false.
The comment above was posted by spec at September 9, 2008 08:04 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
as far as law and order and imprisonment goes in the US, all they need to do now to model themselves on China's perfect record is to start harvesting the internal organs of executed prisoners like they do in China. Maybe we can send one of their brains to tctdh so as he will begin to think clearly and stop his delusions about China and its role in the world, eg. genocide in Darfur, genocide in Xinjiang and Tibet and his paranoia that all commentators on this blog who refute his conspiracy theory based- websphere/google/ daily telegraph/xinhua pseudo scholarship are paid agents.
Is this not an example of guilt projection perhaps? The new brain may curehim of paranoia but perhaps not his schizophrenia and cross dressing, but it would be a start. One would hope it would also teach him ho to write a correct sentence in English as well. Hahahahahaha. The devil cannot stand to be mocked said Luther. The CCP and its mindless drones like it even less, hahahhahahahahahaha.
Meanwhile in Xinjiang the Ramadan abuse begins. how many have been imprisoned as we speak? and for what? keeping their religious duties of fasting. What a sick country, what a twisted regime. one wonders what the uyghur have done wrong in the past to deserve such slave masters to rule over them.
The comment above was posted by spec at September 9, 2008 08:16 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Former Diplomat Says West Has 'Fantasy' View Of China
Donna Jacobs Citizen Special
Monday, September 8th, 2008
Canadians have fallen for a Chinese government "charm offensive," says a former Canadian diplomat and specialist on Chinese mafia "Triad" gangs and Communist China's government-directed espionage in Canada.
Brian McAdam
"I think politicians have to take off rose-coloured glasses and realize what China is all about," says Brian McAdam. "The Canadian government thinks it has to pander to China's needs and to align its foreign policy towards China. This is foolhardy."
Mr. McAdam had a 30-year career in Canada's diplomatic service with assignments in Europe, the Middle East, the Caribbean and the Far East. His career ended soon after he discovered a lucrative visa-for-sale scam operating inside Canada's consulate in Hong Kong.
He spent several years warning the Canadian government that Canada was admitting Chinese criminals and government spies. Immigration and External Affairs (now Foreign Affairs and International Trade) ignored his consular reports.
Ostracized and in ill-health, Mr. McAdam took early retirement in 1993, at age 51. However, he later instigated a joint CSIS-RCMP investigation, Project Sidewinder, which, in its 1997 report, confirmed his findings.
"This document," said the Sidewinder Report preface, "does not present theories but indicators of a multifaceted threat to Canada's national security based on concrete facts drawn from the databanks of the two agencies involved (RCMP and CSIS), classified reports from allied agencies and various open sources." A few days after the Sidewinder team submitted its report, CSIS ordered all copies destroyed and the investigation disbanded. CSIS justified the report's destruction as "conspiracy theories -- rumour and innuendo."
Mr. McAdam has now become an international consultant, expert and author on Triads, Chinese Intelligence Services, their partnership and activities in Canada and worldwide.
He says that five myths perpetuate the West's "fantasy" view of China.
Myth 1: Trade With China Benefits Canada
"How many times have you heard that China is now Canada's second largest trading partner?" asks Mr. McAdam. "This means that China is our second-largest source of imports after the U.S. -- not that our trade with China has improved."
He notes that China now exports more than four times as much to Canada ($38.3 billion) as we are selling to them ($9.3 billion). Statistics Canada says the Canadian trade deficit with China expanded from $3.9 billion in 1997 to $26.8 billion in 2006.
"China is really using Canada almost as a colony," says Mr. McAdam, "getting raw materials from us and selling them back to us in finished products ranging from furniture and clothes to plastics and high-tech equipment.
"Canada doesn't need China," he says. "China needs Canada."
Myth 2: China Has 1.3 Billion Customers
"It's a mirage -- there are one billion peasants who cannot afford a bottle of Coke," Mr. McAdam says. The real customer base is 300 million -- people with privileged government positions.
He says that the West's widespread trade deficits with China spring from low wages and prisoner slave labour, counterfeit products and pirated intellectual property.
While a few Canadian companies make money in China, he says, the fantasy of broad-based beneficial trade has been "created by people to justify" a close relationship with China.
Myth 3: China Is Becoming A Democratic Nation
"Trade has not brought democracy to China and never will," says Mr. McAdam. Nor will it bring China free speech, free media, free worship or free demonstrations -- graphically confirmed in Ti@nanmen Square in '89 and this year in T1bet.
He quotes Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, who said last year that "democracy is probably still 100 years away."
Myth 4: China Has Improved Human Rights
With Olympic visitors gone home, Mr. McAdam predicts, China "will crack down" on its citizens.
Mr. McAdam laments that "nobody is really taking China to task over its human rights violations." Even in Canada, Chinese émigrés and students are "intimidated by the Chinese government, which leads them to think that they, or their families back home, will be harmed -- unless they spy." This includes some targeted students, scientists, businessmen, foreign delegations and public servants, he says.
Most of the Chinese media in Canada are controlled by the Communist government or its proxies, says Mr. McAdam. "The information that the Chinese population is getting here in Canada -- they might as well live in Communist China."
Myth 5: China Is Benign
"China is engaged in a stunning espionage effort, buying ... its way towards high-tech superpower status as fast as it can," says Mr. McAdam. "It wants to have the world's best military."
Ten months ago, the U.S. government concluded, in a 350-page analysis titled 2007 Report to Congress of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission: "China is supplementing the technologies that its defense industry obtains through commercial transfers and direct production partnerships with an aggressive and large-scale industrial campaign. Chinese espionage activities in the United States are so extensive that they comprise the single greatest risk to the security of American technologies."
(The Sidewinder Report, incidentally, had reached a similar conclusion in Canada: "China remains one of the greatest ongoing threats to Canada's national security and Canadian industry. There is no longer any doubt that the ChIS [Chinese Intelligence Services] have been able to gain influence in important sectors of the Canadian economy, including education, real estate, high technology, security and many others. In turn, it [influence] gave them access to economic, political and some military intelligence of Canada.")
In 2005, during question period, Stephen Harper, then-Conservative leader of the Opposition, criticized the Liberal government for not taking the Chinese espionage threat seriously.
"Today the former head of the CSIS Asia desk (Michel Juneau-Katsuya) confirmed reports from defectors that close to 1,000 Chinese government agent spies have infiltrated Canada,' said Mr. Harper. He quoted Mr. Juneau-Katsuya's estimate that Chinese spies cost Canada $1 billion each month through industrial espionage. Mr. McAdam's conclusion today: "China has dangled billions of dollars of trade, seducing many countries into ignoring human rights issues in China and allowing China to acquire their industrial and military secrets.
"Canada's foreign policy in a nutshell, is 'Shhh, don't upset China because it might affect trade.'
"We need politicians, the media, and others to tell the truth to Canadians and not continue the fantasies. And Canadians must let the government know that a comprehensive China policy based upon facts is long overdue."
Donna Jacobs is an Ottawa writer; her email address is donnabjacobs@hotmail.com
© The Ottawa Citizen 2008
The comment above was posted by spec at September 9, 2008 08:24 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Michael, could you please do something to your blog-comments?
more and more 50-cents army here.
Do you think they are here for exchanging ideas?
They are employed by gov. to mess your blog up.
The comment above was posted by miloservic at September 9, 2008 08:42 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ jonathon
"In Switzerland everybody can speak german, french, and italian too."
if in turkestan all of the Han could speak Uyghur as well as Chinese dialects then things may work better. If the uyghur should learn Mandarin, the Han should also learn uyghur, then they could communicate with uzbeks and kazakhs and turkmen and tatars and kirghiz and karakalpaks others and start to have a sense of where they really are in the world geographically : Turkestan or central Asia.
The comment above was posted by spec at September 9, 2008 08:47 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
and in case any one has forgotten in the post Olympic post coital gasp:
A “life or death struggle” announced by Xinjiang Party Secretary Wang Lequan, together with a “Strike Hard” campaign issued by Political Consultative Committee head Zhu Hailun, indicate the implementation of a brutal campaign of suppression among the Uyghur population in the weeks and months to come. Wang has presided over a period of political repression and extremely rigid social controls for Uyghurs in East Turkestan, and has
spearheaded a drive to blur the distinction between peaceful dissent and terrorism in the region.
UHRP’s report, A “Life or Death Struggle” in East Turkestan, documents a number of recent examples of harsh measures being carried out under the justification of anti-terrorism. These include:
**The arrest of 160 Uyghur children, aged 8 to 14 years old, for
participating in “illegal religious activities. The children were brought to Bajiahu Prison in the regional capital of Urumchi, and their parents were asked for 20,000 yuan for the release of each child;
**The arrests of more than 1,000 individuals in post-attack security sweeps in Kucha and Kashgar;
**The confiscation of passports of almost every Uyghur living in the People’s Republic of China, in the run-up to the Olympic Games.
“Some of my worst fears about the Chinese government’s intent to use security as an excuse to detain innocent Uyghurs, including children, are now being realized,” said Uyghur democracy leader Rebiya Kadeer. “While I knew the Chinese government was capable of such a massive crackdown, I hoped
I would never see repression on such a broad scale.”
The comment above was posted by spec at September 9, 2008 08:54 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Well, if China is sending its internet strike-force to disrupt Michael's site, they might want to train their troops. Because, they suck at it.
The comment above was posted by Jimba at September 9, 2008 09:05 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ miloservic
truer words have never been spoken. Now that we know, all such posts should be treated as such.
The topic is Ramadan suppression not whether America has done this or that in Iraq. A war by the way which had China's total support. For this support they were given the reward of acknowledgement by America of the ETIM paper tiger.
The comment above was posted by spec at September 9, 2008 09:10 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Now you are talking sensibly.
Language skill is a must for certain work. Anyone shouldn’t be hired if he/she doesn’t have the language skill required. It’s simple as that. I am very sympathetic toward these reporters and “others” who sent to China or central Asia without proper language skill. Of course if you come to China with the pre-determined agenda as a reporter, then how good your language skill is doesn’t make any difference, LOL!
The reasons for the minority in Xinjiang don’t want to learn the Han Chinese are:
(1) They feel much secured in their own closed community. They don’t have any plane to go out of their own community.
(2) They thought the society will stay the same and won’t evolve forward.
(3) They lack of knowledge how to attain a better life, even in their own closed community.
How can you attain a better life with such mentality? The Asian minority in US and the Korean minority in China all have the lowest birth rate and illiteracy rate, and highest college attendance rate and family income. It is because they all have tried their best to get the better life. Good education is the only key they have to the better life. All of they have to do is to work hard to get the best education they can get. The question is: Are other minorities willing to do the hard work?! That’s a good question to ask African (13% of total population) and Mexican (15%) minorities if you are in USA.
China minority policy is just too good and too “considerate” to the minority. They basically leave the minority alone to all themselves. The Turkic people in China are the only Turkic groups of people still use the Arabic scripts. Even the Turks in today’s Turkey have used Latin alphabets since 1920’s because they wanted to get rid of any influence from Arab. Mongols in today’s Mongolia come to China’s Inner Mongolia to learn their Mongol written scripts because they have lost generations to the Cyrillic scripts. Of course, Tibetan still happily use their own scripts, instead of Cyrillic because they are in China, not Russia.
To force the minorities to learn the Han Chinese characters?! China government has not been that aggressive yet. On the other hand, why bother being accused by the propaganda mouthpieces of US and West as“culture genocide”, LOL!
Following is a fresh quote from couple of posts back:
“Xinjiang People's Radio currently broadcasts a total of 111 hours daily in Uyghur, Mandarin, Kazak, Mongolian, and Kyrgyz,…”
You have to ask how many countries in this world is willing to spend their own government to broadcast such long hours in minority languages? No wonder the academics around the world have claimed that China’s minority policy is too favorable toward the minorities.
The comment above was posted by tctdh at September 9, 2008 09:30 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Jimba, spec,and michael:
Do you remember dyn?
Go back to see this post:
dyn said in a comment below:
let me translate it to english here:
"I am a internet propagandist, now tell you the truth today, hope you were not threatened"
More details about this 50 cents army:
This is an English website.
"50 cents army" in chinese sound like "woo mao dang"
The comment above was posted by miloservic at September 9, 2008 09:32 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
You have to ask how many countries in this world is willing to spend their own government to broadcast such long hours in minority languages?
Have you ever seen a spanish usa newspaper?
Do you know there are quite a number of americans
can speak English?
You have much words, but your logic is still suck.
As your logic, what western may do or ever did bad to their minority people is the reason for china to do bad to Uygurs.
Let me guess what you'd say the next step,
China should sell opium to England, because they ever sold it to us?
China should enslave blacks because western ever did the same thing?
The comment above was posted by miloservic at September 9, 2008 09:50 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Do you know there are quite a number of americans
can not speak English?
sorry, missed a "not"
The comment above was posted by miloservic at September 9, 2008 09:54 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ Simmo:
Thanks for the very concise FACTS that everyone on this forum should keep these simple facts in mind (unless he has the other agenda):
Fact 1
No government employee on the mainland whether they be Uygur or Han can take part in religious activities
Fact 2
I've never met one Uygur, child or adult in Xinjiang who cannot speak their language. However, some cannot read and write it.
Fact 3
The Chinese Constitution is quite clear on what is and is not allowed regarding religious activities
My additional comment to the Facts:
That is the “Separation of Church and State” or “Secularism.” Nearly all the countries in the world follow this rule, and China is not an exception. To allow the government officials to attend the religion activities is against this principle.
The comment above was posted by tctdh at September 9, 2008 09:55 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Do you know there are quite a number of americans
can not speak English?
sorry, missed a "not"
The comment above was posted by miloservic at September 9, 2008 09:56 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
what amazes me about these creeps is if they are in fact employees so to speak, why employ someone such as dyn who has such a poor grasp of english? granted, He is full of hatred, bile and racism, which seems to undergird all of his posts, and empower his rabid nationalism. I think in his case re his own confession, it is his ego talking - he'd like to think he is important and powerful and making his mark on the world, for in reality he is no more than an impotent little nobody sitting in a cyber cafe in the back streets of a polluted chinese city wishing in fact he was in the west knowing he never will be. So his motive is envy and jealousy. Sick, aint it? Inverted and perverted.
Others on here may very well be paid agents; but there is not one who really expresses themselves well enough in English to be taken seriously. You would think that their masters would employ those better trained in language, then as we saw in the olympics, sign after sign in the city was poorly translated and became the butt of ridicule and humor. basically their masters are so stupid and arrogant any half hearted attempt at the language by any idiot who claims he is knowledgeable and speaks a little Engrish is employable by the spook machine because they themselves are so bloody ignorant and stupid and sino-obsessed, they dont know the difference and dont really care- a bit like a cheaply made chinese toy or poorly sown garment from a sweatshop. They think they can get away with it on any level. The circle goes round and round.
Still, we know their names and their tack: one defense is a concerted effort by all valid postees not to reply to them any longer and keep all discussion on the thread topic, just go on with the discussion as if they dont post at all - as if the sick little shits dont exist
The comment above was posted by spec at September 9, 2008 09:59 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I break my own suggestion, but gross ignorance and misrepresentation always needs to be adressed at least in hope those who perpetrate it may learn
The separation of church and state has nothing to do in the west with employees of the government attending religious services. The separation is about judicial and legislative matters not whether some one has faith and attends a religous gathering or not. such strictures are only applicable in atheist dictatorships like china. there is a big difference between Chinese systems and the separation of church and state as practiced in the West. The difference is infinite.
The paid agent again sows his absolute ignorance of the outside world and his inverted sino-centrism, he thinks all countries operate like CHINA. That is without pluralism in society. No, egg -head, everything is not government controlled in the west- there is no PARTY looking over every aspect of life. Freedom is something you have never known, go to church or the temple, lose your job, and be free.
The comment above was posted by spec at September 9, 2008 10:09 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ miloservic:
If you start to accuse anyone to be the "governmnet employee", anyone can accuse you same thing in return.
No matter you like it or not, Freedom of Speech is well alive here.
This is WHY michael can run this blog inside CHINA!
So, Relax, and enjoy the "FREEDOM OF SPEECH" from China even you see something you hated!
After all, not all of us working for CIA, American NGO or any government!
The comment above was posted by tctdh at September 9, 2008 10:11 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
thanks again miloservic , whether self appointed or aparty paid prostitute here's one for mr. fifty cents, he'd sell his own mother for 40 cents i'd say. He's really blown his cover now and is squirming like the little pig really he is: snort, snort, oink, oink, snout, gumph, gumph, snort, oink. Good work miloservic:
China’s Guerrilla War for the Web
They have been called the “Fifty Cent Party,” the “red vests” and the “red vanguard.” But China’s growing armies of Web commentators—instigated, trained and financed by party organizations—have just one mission: to safeguard the interests of the Communist Party by infiltrating and policing a rapidly growing Chinese Internet. They set out to neutralize undesirable public opinion by pushing pro-Party views through chat rooms and Web forums, reporting dangerous content to authorities.
By some estimates, these commentary teams now comprise as many as 280,000 members nationwide, and they show just how serious China’s leaders are about the political challenges posed by the Web. More importantly, they offer tangible clues about China’s next generation of information controls—what President Hu Jintao last month called “a new pattern of public-opinion guidance.”
It was around 2005 that party leaders started getting more creative about how to influence public opinion on the Internet...
Note: The above article is on the Far Eastern Economic Review's website, in the paid subscriber section but made available for non subscribers for free. FEER's website however appears to be blocked in the Mainland.
The comment above was posted by spec at September 9, 2008 10:18 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Kids, Have fun!
And remember these 3 FACTS that Simmo posted!
Sleep over it, ask your boss why he didn't tell you these FACTS before. Is that horrible someone suddenly has jumped to you and tell you these FACTS that you have never heard of it before?!
Don't forget to practice your Chinese language. Don't do anything that I won't do! It's just for your own good, kids!
The comment above was posted by tctdh at September 9, 2008 10:32 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
tctdh: Your proposition regarding language acquisition (or resistance thereof) by the minorities may be true in some cases, but there are a multiplicity of factors at play.
Language acquisition within any closed-community is often problematic. Trying to find an English-speaking Han in many of the 'Chinatown' around the world for example, is difficult. When I studied Mandarin in China I often had to force myself away from other Waiguoren because my natural inclination was to revert back to English. My 82 year old Italian neighbor cannot speak English and she has lived here for 60 years. Considering Xinjiang is an autonomous region, with historic communities pre-dating both modern ‘China-town(s)’ and Europe’s ethno-nationalism of last century (which resulted in a rich diasporas around the world), I would say that this problem is not indigenous to Xinjiang. It is also not an indication that the minorities have a natural inclination to be lazy or obtuse.
You might also want to consider that as the Han increase in numbers within Xinjiang, and continue on with their assimilationist policies, the minorities will be even less inclined to want to learn Mandarin. That Mongolians now only represent 14% within their own region, that their language and traditional customs have all but been subsumed by the dominant societal group – the Han (besides cultural events were Han kids get to dress up in Mongolian costumes) is not lost with many XJ minorities, and as is often the case, when a culture feels threatened, they tend to resist.
How can you attain a better life with such mentality? Well, the Han-diasporas around the world seem to do just fine. I would also suggest that there are two sides to the coin. To be sure, Mandarin is the upward language of mobility in Xinjiang, but it is also not the autochthonous language of the region and maybe what the CCP need to do is to look at other aspects of their regional policy, i.e. autonomy, religious restrictions, and other minority grievances. Ultimately tctdh, until the CCP can reassure the XJ minorities that they are not hell-bent on sinicization, resistance to Han language acquisition will continue.
CCP minority policies may be the best thing since sliced bred? But the CCP have convinced no one other than themselves: Neither the West, nor the Xinjiang minorities. Until they do, or make substantial changes to those policies, the problem will persist.
You’ll find being sensible is something that comes quite naturally to me.
The comment above was posted by Jimba at September 9, 2008 10:38 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Thanks for the heads-up Spec and Milo. I am curious what the blog owner, Michael thinks about all of this?
The comment above was posted by Jimba at September 9, 2008 10:47 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
“Xinjiang People's Radio currently broadcasts a total of 111 hours daily in Uyghur, Mandarin, Kazak, Mongolian, and Kyrgyz,…”
wow, a 111 hours of communist party propaganda a week. How fortunate those minorities are to have it all in their own languages.!
The comment above was posted by spec at September 9, 2008 10:53 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The same to you,spec.
I am not 100% sure that "the dyns" are definitely internet soldiers.
But this soldiers does exist.
So,dyn can be one of them possibly.
In china, some people hold viewpoints like that for showing their "patriotic",while some others are propagandists.
Why poor English skills they have? I think there are 2 reasons:
1, Soldiers with good english skill are sent to the website of BBC or etc.
2, Poor english skill looks like real Chinese voices, their comments are not truly for you westerners but for the Chinese visitors here.
I mean, Bad english skills are very China-ism, so it can confuse some visitors here.
Their words are nothing new, only the repeat of the China media-----goverment's mind-control tools.
More deeply and hitorically, 90% of China people are Hans, only a tiny proportion are muslims.
Many Han people, especially the youth, even don't have ever heard of them. They only get informations from media, but both western media and Chinese media always offer negative reports.
Seems the whole islamic world are fulfilled of war, massacre and bleed things.
That causes the prejudice against muslims.
China government worried about the seperatists, they built a very strong censorship in internet, public press etc. Han people never really knows what happened in Xinjiang before, they are not able to hear Uygurs voice, they can't understand why uygurs has a strong request for independence. If a uygur tell hans that they have suffered a massacre in the 1990s, hans would never believe at all, they can't find a proof.
Without the freedom of speech, the gap between the two races grow wider and wider.
Without democracy, difference between races, religion and culture etc are always the excuse for suppressing.
At last, sorry for my bad english, I studied Russian in school after all, and even Russian, I can't speak it now.
The comment above was posted by miloservic at September 9, 2008 11:13 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Free speech is good.
but free speech is for exchanging ideas and informations.
look at you, you wrote so many words just try to teach a lesson to us.
And I don't know why you are telling the Americans what western media said. do you think they are blind?
We are talking about XInjiang here, We are talking about CHINA muslims here, cover the topic, OK?
Check your long long comments, is that based on xinjiang? You are just accusing what westerns did bad.
As to "governmnet employee", can you please input the links to your browser and go back to say what he said?
The comment above was posted by miloservic at September 9, 2008 11:24 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I just want to ask any defenser of this policy here:
Isn't that a kind of discrimination?
Isn't the racial discrimination evil?
Isn't a kind of betrayal of spirit of law?
Use your brain!!!
The comment above was posted by miloservic at September 9, 2008 11:31 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
good points
they are put across well.
This is exactly what they do.
censorship in cHina makes it hard for average Han to know, for example, that hundreds of uyghur youth were shot dead in the streets of Yining in Feb. 1997 by paramilitary police for expressing that freedom of speech our paid agents are trying to assure us exists in China ( I mean as they say, look at this blog for example as an evidence of freedom of speech: thats why they try and subvert it and yes, they can spy on us through it of course, thats why it is allowed to run!)
Its not nice to speak of the Han as brainwashed and it only provokes the vicious types here we have been discussing, but the majority of Han are kept in the dark about issues in Xinjiang and fed on stereotypes and fear. Serves the CCPs policies well. ignorance and fear rule in China. One day it will change.
But right now the true situation of the Uyghur and other oppressed minorities needs to be given as much air as possible. The more the paid agents try and subvert that, the more it is obvious to any one in the world and within China who is intelligent that what is happening out there on the frontier is a serious matter of international concern and will become moreso within the next year.
The comment above was posted by spec at September 9, 2008 11:34 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Neo-nationalism is a big problem. These idiots might not be agents, but simply mis-guided youth who cannot separate the party from the state. Neo-nationalism in China concerns me greatly. It is not the same nationalism we all enjoyed during the Olympics, but a nationalism born out of fear and hatred of the outside world. When we say something critical of their government, they mistake this as attacks against the Chinese people. The CCP has done a fine job in convincing them that they are CHINA. Maybe they need a cultural revolution before they will understand.
The comment above was posted by Jimba at September 9, 2008 11:50 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
China's nationalism are always mixed with Fascism.
I don't know whether you have noticed that----Chinese can accuse USA's anti-terrorism military actions, but support CCP's so-called anti-terrorism ?
what an antilogy......
This nationalism is not only harmful to Chinese itself, but a potential threat to the whole world.
You western media are too soft to China.
America media is losing their justice will when facing the economic profits via trading with China.
On the other hand, Chinese mostly don't want to seek the truth, they just would like to see what they want to see, hear what they want to hear.
So dissidents are considered as betrayer subconsciously. they only have to go abroad or keep silence because of the censor and punishment.
After that, only one voice --- the ccp's voice ---can be heard inside china.
So, how could we say? Chinese are willing to be self-brainwashed?
The comment above was posted by miloservic at September 9, 2008 12:41 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Another thing about China maybe confuse you below:
Yangjia, a Peking young man, Han people, killed 6 cops in Shanghai, He was called "Hero" on the internet.
Just several days after or before that, 2 uygurs suspects killed 16 cops in kashgar as Michael has mentioned before. These 2 guys are called "Terrorists" on the internet. Even somebody shout that----kill all uygurs...
What the difference between a hero and a terrorist? So, Chinese can seperate Party and State, what under the surface of their patriotic is Fascism.
The comment above was posted by miloservic at September 9, 2008 01:00 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I am not sure the purpose when you mentioned the “Chinatown”. Are you trying to say that you don’t need to integrate with the majority society in order to have better life? Or the minority doesn’t have the NEED to speak the majority language because they live in a closed minority society?! These are two different thing. Let’s take a look at each case:
For the first case: Yes! you HAVE TO integrated into the majority society in order to get ahead and have a better life.
For the second case, you do have a choice of living in a close society. The price you have to pay is less income to cover your living costs.
Exactly the same situation has faced the Asian Americans in US or Korean Chinese in China. Their choice is decisively to integrate with the majority society and to play the same game as everyone in the majority society is playing (good education, better income with better employment, …). They get ahead because they work harder than everyone else. It is as simple as that.
Well, if we look at the less-fortunate Mexican or Hispanic/Latino Americans (15% of the total US population) and figure out what kind of choice they have. No matter they like it or not, they still have only two choices above; either integrate or falling behind.
Can they revolt and claim the independence of a new nation?! The large portion of south USA was part of Mexican territory anyway. Of course they could. BUT US government and military will get on their case and bloodily suppress their revolution.
Russia or China may want to get involved in the situation because a split US is to their national interests. So be it. This is exactly the case happening in the “Free Tibet” or “East Turkistan” business. US government pumped $50 million each year into this “Free Tibet” business, and pumped “some” money into this “East Turkistan” business.
BUT, if you want people to believe this is for the “democracy”, “freedom”, … then you must be an idiot.
That $50 million I have just mentioned on the “Free Tibet” business, some portion of it is to hire some people or organizations to do the “make belief” job. That is a very complicated international business. There are hundreds, if not thousands, making living on this. Some people with good connections know where to get the money. Some people are hired to do the dirty “make-belief” jobs. The major money is used on the “real” things.
Why we have a bunch of idiots arguing with each other on this “making-belief” forum?! Some of the people are real hired to do the so called “make belief” job, most of them are just make themselves to believe, LOL!
The whole bashing-China business was vitalized since late 1980’s just before Soviet dissolved and US no longer needed to play the “China Card”. That is also why all of the sudden, Dalai Lama has became active in the international community since that time.
Every game got the rules to follow. As I said the “Freedom of Speech” is not over only because you can’t defend yourself and you don’t like it anymore. No matter you like it or not, Freedom of Speech is well alive here. This is WHY michael can run this blog inside CHINA! You should appreciate that!
The comment above was posted by tctdh at September 9, 2008 01:15 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
tctdh: No, I am not saying, "you don’t need to integrate with the majority society in order to have better life." Allow me to dumb it down somewhat:
For a minority to adopt a suzerain language in their own "Autonomous Region" is quite a challenge; but the manifold problems associated with this does not mean, as you suggested, that the local Uighur are a). lazy; b). obtuse. I hope this clarifies things for you.
Integration is problematic in Xinjiang, especially when you consider the Han and Uighur are essentially divided by the Tian Shan mountain ranges. When Han move south, the local Uighur see this as further Han encroachment. As I hinted at before, when a culture feels threatened, they do indeed turn inwards. So, tctdh, what should the CCP do to solve this problem? How does the CCP "integrate" (note this is markedly different than assimilate) the local minorities without making the minorities feel that their culture is being lost?
If you read a little more carefully you will see that there is no China bashing in this discussion we're having. I personally do not support Uighur independence, but I am all for them being masters of their own home, not simply children locked in it.
Freedom of speech is indeed a great thing.
The comment above was posted by Jimba at September 9, 2008 02:06 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
freedom of speech my arse!
get out of here and stop trying to bullshit us you fucken CCP mouthpiece.
we are not stupid and not all nice and patient like jimba.
You are a total pawn and mouthpiece of the party and we know it. So go and play with your party boys.
Freedom of speech. Sure, go out and try it! Ask the two little old ladies in Beijing who recently petitioned for it. You tool stop insulting us with your absurd fabrications . Im feeling sick that some one could be so robotized and committed to deception and delusion. Yuk!
The comment above was posted by spec at September 9, 2008 02:14 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
No matter you like it or not, Freedom of Speech is well alive here. This is WHY michael can run this blog inside CHINA! You should appreciate that!
If so, why michael has to use @ for "a" when he write lhasa story before?
AND,Freedom of speech is good, you please ask uygurs whether they have this freedom, that's much better for you than writing Iraq stories.
The comment above was posted by miloservic at September 9, 2008 02:17 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Before this thread was hijacked by these flagrant liars and ignoramuses I think the salient issue at hand here was found in Michael's commentary at the head of the post, which should be the discussion topic here, not this mindless propaganda polemic we are being bombarded with ad nauseum:
Michael wrote:
"By putting the screws to Ramadan like this, a long-simmering conflict that's mainly been about cultural and ethnic tension could quickly develop deeper theological roots. If the Uyghur Islamist groups currently consist of three guys in a bedroom in Pakistan, you can bet that by next year the ranks will swell as rumors spread about the Chinese effort to crush Ramadan.
It would be a shame for Xinjiang to be led down the same destructive path as so many other once moderate Muslim regions around the world."
says Michael,
Will History prove that the present situation in Xinjiang represents a massive failure of CCP minority policies in their contested central asian possession which created a generation of anti-statist muslim reactionaries? Or will their measures produce a peaceful result?, perhaps would be a more sensible and timely discussion topic.
The comment above was posted by spec at September 9, 2008 02:35 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
tctdh has a higher level than dyn.
tctdh knows how to use tricks.
His "freedom speech" is tricky, but Freedom of speech is for getting judging all kinds of viewpoint about the topic.
That means even speech is free, you are not allowed to shit your Nonsense which has no realationship with the topic.
You are not enjoying Freedom of speech, you are here to mess up with our discussion.
You have tried to turn away our original focus on xinjiang all the time.
The comment above was posted by miloservic at September 9, 2008 03:20 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Canada owns too much to people of China. It shelters so many criminals from China, just because they brought huge amount of wealth, wealth that belongs to people of China. It's shameless country.
The comment above was posted by chengduboy at September 9, 2008 04:39 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
To be honest Milo, neither really impress me. They are apt at using all the sneaky flaming tricks, such as ad hominen attacks, side-tracking the argument with "ignoratio elenchi" fallacies (refuting an opponent while actually disproving something not said) and generally being twats, but neither can argue their discursive dribble with any skill and if they paid for an education, I would suggest they seek a refund.
Back on topic: A few threads back Michael posted a BBC article vis-a-vis the Xinjiang courts releasing a statement that they would be actively involved in all yanda (strike hard) initiatives. Thus, those who might violate the Ramadan Curbs will be hit hard by the local court system.
This got me thinking. At the beginning of the year Wen Jiaobao said that China would ratify the International COvenant on Civil and Political Rights when "Chinese law is more inline with International law.." (or something along those lines) but here we see clearly that the legal system in China remains a tool for the Chinese Communist Party, and not, as Tacqueville might argue, a constitutional device enabling the separation of powers.
So, the CCP will continue to violate the ICCPR with relation to religous freedoms in XInjiang, and the legal system will continue to support these violations. The CCP will provide sophistry arguments as to why, but at the end of the day they do so to impose their Han-dominated will on Xinjiang minorities... because they do so "within the law"... chhhhe...
The comment above was posted by jimba at September 9, 2008 05:02 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
please all ignore chuanboy... stay on topic.
The comment above was posted by jimba at September 9, 2008 05:07 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Thank you for blogging this. I am a Muslim American and recently learned about this and just blogged it yesterday. Someone came to my blog and commented a link to your blog. I really appreciate this post.
The comment above was posted by MR at September 9, 2008 08:32 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by tctdh at September 9, 2008 10:58 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@spec & miloservic:
Both of you better control yourself and
The comment above was posted by tctdh at September 9, 2008 11:04 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@tctdh: Thanks for the advice!
The comment above was posted by michael at September 10, 2008 09:57 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Oh, Yes! Don’t mention it!
Anyway, this is exactly what I am worrying about these young Uyghur kids. They hardly know anything about Islam. They thought they only need to be “Muslim” three times in their life: birth, married, and death. How many times you have seen these young kids in the mosques?! They even don’t want to be there on Kurban or New Year. No wonder all you have seen inside the mosques are old people. These young kids drink alcohol like drink water. Being a Muslim to them is just not eating pork, that’s all!
If you ask them how much they know about Quran, then they brag how good their English is. When they can’t pass the qualifying exams in school, then they blame on the government and they start to talk “East Turkistan”. If you really want them to fight for what they said, then they don’t have the gut. They want the good things in the life but they don’t want to work for it. That is exactly the problem! Everything else is BULLSHIT!
The comment above was posted by tctdh at September 10, 2008 12:24 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Just some random thoughts on Michael's post which seek cohesion:
The present Ramadan crackdown in XJ of course is not the first, but could be of a great severity going on Wang le quan's recent words of steel. (Why are the Han communist dictators of Xinjiang always named Wang, I ask as an aside?)
Previous years have also seen Ramadan prohibition but now girdled to a new version of the Yanda, the present 'carpet' search certainly does not bode well for a large section of the Uyghur community as such crackdowns are usually in fact licence to cast a very broad net. No-one but party hacks could feel secure in this latest of neo-stalinist measures.
In regard Michael's post that such extreme measures during ramzan may tend to the creation of an Islamic backlash in the form of more recruits to the cause vis a vis the spectre of a threatened Islam, I have often wondered even if China had not misgoverned the Uyghur homelands as it has over the last 50 years would these reformist currents still be among the Uyghur as they seem to be among most Muslim communities these days?
Open doors to south and central asia over the last 3 decades inevitably open XJ up to such ideas. (Though, there is also evidence at hand of earlier wahabist influence in southern XJ).The fact that China suppresses Islamic expression gives these ideas greater currency. To a degree the traditional Islamic practice was given a revitalized boost a la Deng Reform culminating in what Donald MacMillan named a 'controlled revival'during the 1980s. To some degree the official mullahs of the popular Islamic expression learnt to coexist within the system, prayers were read, pilgrimage allowed, the majority of religious Uyghur farmers allowed to pray within the strictures of state religious regulations.
In the face of reformist doctrine and its emphasis on islamic government a challenge was offered to this uneasy staus quo.
An uncompromising challenge if one is to follow the edicts of a 'pure' Islamic doctrine, which pits itself aginst non-Islmaic governance, folk Islamic expression, and especially atheistic government.
That these ideologies also empower and inspire nationalist aspirations is another facet of their appeal and allow Uyghur and Islamic identiy to become more entwined and articulated - even further synthesizing to become wed to strong Turkic and pan-Turkic currents which have fed muslim identity in the Tarim basin, Yili valley and Turpan depression since the turn of the twentieth century and perhaps as far back as Yakob beg's emirate to a degree.
So my question is even if China's policy has been benign, could these radical reformist currents been blocked? The fact is that the CCP rule has been oppressive although allowing a measure of religious freedom post Mao. Current crackdowns only exacerbate Uyghur aspirations for both free Islamic expression and national freedom from the hand of the oppressor who denies them true autonomy. In other words this 'what if' can only be answered by the fact that the Uygur were never given the chance to experience a benign and satisfying autonomy as promised under Chinese rule under the CCP, so we will never know.
In fact their situation grows worse and in dealing with them China must also deal with transnational Islamic reformist currents that are not diminishing but increasing throughout Central Asia. Perhaps the goose has already been cooked? Gotta go.
The comment above was posted by spec at September 10, 2008 12:35 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I just realized China must be VERY CAREFUL AT ITS MUSLIM POLICY because TIME HAS REALLY CHANGED. If Obama is elected and decides to start jihad against China, then China is sooooo dead.
Now I hope McCain to become president of US -- at least he is a real Christian, not a follower of some kind of lama, nor has weird conviction, like there's a wheel in your belly spinning at 7200rpm (or 5400rpm), and one gets brain cancer if he doesn't follow his master.
The comment above was posted by chengduboy at September 10, 2008 01:14 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The "crackdown" thing will soon be forgotten by journalists and in a few weeks newspapers will run headlines like "China taikongnautic plan threats world peace." There is always new focus of China bashing. What's the next?
The comment above was posted by chengduboy at September 10, 2008 01:25 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Nice post Spec! I will need a bit of time to digest that though. Looking forward to respond.
The comment above was posted by JImba at September 10, 2008 02:17 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Kiddo! Instead of masturbating yourself, why don’t you take the effort to ask yourself why you act in the way that the Western news media want you to act? If what the Western news media said is truth that this less than 10% minority (Uyghurs and Tibetans) are fiercely suppressed, then why the rest 90% minorities are living happily in China? Why don’t you find out why the Korean minority has the highest college attendance rate, the lowest birth rate and illiteracy rate?
Please, kiddo, This is exactly what I meant, DON’T MASTURBATE YOURSELF, either PHYSICALLY or MENTALLY.
As Michael said “I never said that I believe the report 100%. This is information that's been put out there in public, and I'm bringing it to your attention for AMUSEMENT and ENTERTAINMENT!” He is enjoying his “Freedom of Speech” for AMUSEMENT and ENTERTAINMENT and that's why he is running this blog from inside China. Do you have to be an idiot?!
For Allah’s sake, Being a Uyghur doesn’t mean you have to be a retarded idiot, especially during the Ramadan!
The comment above was posted by tcdth at September 10, 2008 02:27 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ jimba
circular thought to a degree I was just trying to put some thoughts down and hoping for informed and considerate feed back. Hosh!
The comment above was posted by spec at September 10, 2008 02:57 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Government employees and Communist members banned from fasting during Ramadan
Tania Branigan in Beijing guardian.co.uk, Tuesday September 09 2008 15:56
Officials in China's turbulent north-western region of Xinjiang are tightening restrictions on Muslim practices including mass prayers during
Ramadan, according to government notices.
Government employees and Communist party members are banned from fasting, wearing veils or growing beards, said circulars posted on several official websites. Other measures - which appear to vary area to area - include forcing restaurants to maintain their usual opening hours instead of shifting them in light of dawn-to-dusk fasting.
Religious controls are usually stricter during Ramadan but experts say this year's are noticeably stronger and believe it is the first time they have been published rather than passed on orally.
A notice on the Zhaosu county website said that ideological education had to be stepped up in the face of "violent and disruptive activities by religious extremists, separatists and terrorists".
Last month saw the worst violence for a decade with a string of fatal attacks including an assault on police in Kashgar that left 16 officers dead and 16 wounded. No one has claimed responsibility but officials have blamed Uighur separatists.
Two of the towns that posted notices, Xinhe and Shaya, are near Kuqa, where 11 peopledied in suicide bombings and police shootings a few days later.
Around half the population of the vast region of Xinjiang is composed of Muslim Uighurs. Many resent the religious and cultural restrictions placed upon them and some seek an independent East Turkestan.
A note on the Shaya government website said propaganda and inspections should be stepped up during the period. "Fasting and participation in religious activities by party members and students is forbidden," it said.
The note called for stronger security at mosques, saying that officials should "prohibit playing recordings, videos or using loudspeakers to force people to take part in fasting. Work units or individuals are not allowed to hand out religious propaganda in public areas."
It said people were forbidden from forcing others to fast, attend religious activities or cover their face with veils. "Effective measures" should be taken to ensure people who already had beards and veils removed them, the note said, although it appears it may have been referring to officials and public sector workers.
A Zhaosu county website notice said officials should "try to reduce Ramadan's influence on society as much as possible".
It told them to "dissuade people from attending organised and planned worship in large groups in order to prevent mass incidents; prevent, guide and stop situations like closing restaurants during Ramadan, students attending religious activities, women going into mosques with veils and shops stopping selling wines and cigarettes".
"To the best of my knowledge it's the first time this has been explicitly spelled out in this way - normally these instructions are not put in writing," said Nicholas Bequelin, an expert on Xinjiang at Human Rights Watch. Measures such as the restrictions on restaurants were "definitely more intrusive than before," he said.
"What has been driving these increasingly invasive restrictions on religious and cultural behaviour is the fear that Uighurs are not loyal to the party and government," Bequelin said. "It used to be the case that some cadres in the 80s and early 90s were clearly religious. That's not possible any more because the state sees what it regards as ostentatious religiosity as an act of defiance towards the government."
About this articleClose China officials tighten restrictions on Muslim practices
This article was first published on guardian.co.uk on Tuesday September 09 2008. It was last updated at 16:30 on September 09 2008.
The comment above was posted by spec at September 10, 2008 03:11 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Further to tctdh's assertions, freedom of speech is GREAT!!!!
Young woman fired from Uyghur radio station, then arrested
Reporters Without Borders condemns the dismissal and arrest of Mehbube Ablesh, a member of the Uyghur community in the northwestern province of Xinjiang, who worked for Xinjiang People’s Radio Station, a government station based in the provincial capital of Urumqi.
After posting articles online criticising provincial leaders and Chinese government policy, she was fired from the station’s advertising department in August and was then arrested by the Urumqi police. According to one of her colleagues interviewed by Radio Free Asia, she is still being held.
“As in other provinces with pro-autonomy movements, there is even more censorship and police control in Xinjiang than the rest of China, especially during the month of Ramadan,” Reporters Without Borders said. “There is an urgent need for Uyghur journalists to be allowed to write and express themselves without fear of being arrested and convicted on trumped-up charges of calling for violence or threatening Chinese sovereignty.”
Nurmuhemmet Yasin, the author of the 2004 short story “Wild Pigeon,” was sentenced in February 2005 to 10 years in prison for inciting Uyghur separatism. Written in the first person, the story described a young pigeon that was put in a cage by humans and took its own life rather than sacrifice its freedom. The authorities claimed that it was about Yasin’s father, who poisoned himself in similar circumstances, and argued that it therefore contained a political message.
Korash Huseyin, an employee of the literary magazine that published the short story, was arrested in November 2005 and was sentenced to three years in prison by a south Xinjiang court. Ismail Tiliwaldi, the Uyghur governor of Xinjiang, said Yasin’s arrest was necessary to maintain stability in the region.
Abdulghani Memetemin, a Xinjiang-based writer, teacher and translator, was arrested on 26 July 2002 for providing information to the East Turkestan Information Centre (ETIC), an Uyghur rights and pro-independence group run by Uyghur exiles in Germany. A Kashgar court sentenced him to nine years in prison in June 2003 on a charge of “illegally providing state secrets to foreign organisations.”
Reporters Without Borders believes that all of these Uyghurs were unfairly convicted for expressing themselves publicly, and calls on the Chinese authorities to release them.
The comment above was posted by jimba at September 10, 2008 06:11 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
...but not if you live under a repressive and insecure government in Xinjiang...
The comment above was posted by jimba at September 10, 2008 06:13 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I just realized China must be VERY CAREFUL AT ITS MUSLIM POLICY because TIME HAS REALLY CHANGED. If Obama is elected and decides to start jihad against China。。。
Obama is not so stupid as you guys.
More, Obama said he is not a muslim, how could a non-muslim raise a "holy-war"?
additionally, you don't know nothing about islamic holy-war at all.
Man, could you please read more books before you write a comment?
I don't know why most you Chinese patriots are so ignorant.
If there would be a holy-war against china, that's not because of obama, but because your stupid Chinese policy.
The comment above was posted by miloservic at September 10, 2008 08:52 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
what happenning in xinjiang during Ramadan today, also happened to Hans in the history.
It is called "Yangzhou 10 days"
In 1645, Manchu troops conquered the city Yangzhou in the war, and the leader ordered all local Han people to change their hair-style.
The slogan was "hair or head".
Most Han people can not accept this insulting order, and start to rebel against the troops.
Then, the troops start to supress the people with killing, buring , raping etc, more than 800 thousand people died.
Can you ccp-defensers read a little history?
China has a bloody history, and why you hans don't learn something from it?
The comment above was posted by miloservic at September 10, 2008 09:09 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
If what the Western news media said is truth that this less than 10% minority (Uyghurs and Tibetans) are fiercely suppressed, then why the rest 90% minorities are living happily in China?
WHo told you the rest 90% minorities are living happily in China?
Your ccp daddy?
it really sucks.
Uygur people are brave to resist against the policy, t1bet people too. That's why they got focus.
You just get information from your ccp-running media. surely you'd think everything is ok.
Just before the sichuan earthquake, your government said "OK" too.
The comment above was posted by miloservic at September 10, 2008 09:19 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
fact 1 :
I've never met one Taiwanese or Korean old man who cannot speak their own language.
Moreover all of them could read and write in their own language.
fact 2 :
Those old persons had been forced to learn Japanese language.
Japan had modernised Taiwan and Korea.
fact 3 :
Most of Korean, old or young, regard Japan as invader.
"The Anti-Ramadan Campaign" news in Chinese language.
Xinhua : 阿瓦提县采取九项措施加强“斋月”期间宗教管理
h ttp://www.xj.xinhuanet.com/pingan/2007-09/13/content_11145106.htm
BBC : 中国严厉限制新疆穆斯林斋月活动
h ttp://news.bbc.co.uk/chinese/simp/hi/newsid_7600000/newsid_7600400/7600461.stm
The comment above was posted by li-si at September 10, 2008 09:57 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
please seperate "slogan" and "truth"
Another “truth” is here:
also in Chinese
Please read it carefully.
michael banned chinese here, I can't tell you more.
The comment above was posted by miloservic at September 11, 2008 12:28 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
To micheal:
even BBC has a chinese service webpage...
The comment above was posted by miloservic at September 11, 2008 12:37 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
you forgot to mention that article "Young woman fired from Uyghur radio station, then arrested" is from "REPORTERS WITHOUT BORDERS". Do you know who is "REPORTERS WITHOUT BORDERS"???
HAHAHA! kid! don't kiss your American daddy's ass too tight!
The comment above was posted by tctdh at September 11, 2008 04:06 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
what amused me is that, seems all the 50-cents army soldiers ever used this sentence:
"don't kiss your American daddy's ass too tight"
either Chinese or English edition.
Are all your guys from the same training center?
The comment above was posted by miloservic at September 11, 2008 05:26 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
tctdh: Reporters Without Borders is a French born organisations, created in 1985, which fights for press freedom and denounces the violations of human rights anywhere, anytime. They are often critical of your nemesis, the American leadership, but I guess you're simply too uneducated and ignorant to even know that.
The comment above was posted by tctdh at September 11, 2008 07:30 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
My apologies, that was my post above. I typed his name in inadvertently. I'm always having to remind myself of his strange name. Maybe he would like to tell us what it stands for?
Besides: Technically Crippled Tele-communications D*** Head.
The comment above was posted by jimba at September 11, 2008 07:36 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
tctd = CMD
The comment above was posted by roebuck at September 11, 2008 08:40 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I don't think tctdh is CMD. tctdh has better grammar and syntax. CMD was easier-going.
The comment above was posted by Arjun at September 12, 2008 07:33 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
What NYtimes did it for?
For keeping well relation with CCP?
The comment above was posted by miloservic at September 13, 2008 04:23 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Ain't you lot got anything better to do? I'd hate to be stuck in a lift with you lot. I reckon I could handle Jimba though, at least he has a sense of humour.
The comment above was posted by BJD at September 13, 2008 11:29 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Oh, my other hobby is farting in lifts... guess that counts me out too.
The comment above was posted by Jimba at September 14, 2008 12:06 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Not all Muslims are our natural enemies. Pakistanis, Iranians, Sudanese, some Arabs & even Osama bin Ladin himself are & can be our friends, just as long as they keep the West occupied with their jihads. The pro Western Uighurs are especially pathetic, they should be shoo..ed (careful, some Western media will be too glad to twist the word to appear as sho...t )away from China to join their buddies in the comfort of the West.
Our real & lethal enemies are all those bastards like the Yankees, dirty Brits (never forget about their exploits like the Opium War), French, Germans, Spaniards (remember the 8 dirty pirates who ransacked our Yuan Ming Palace?) & we must do everything to bring them down. Urghurs & Tibetans are mere small flies & Chinese must not lose our focus.
The comment above was posted by Mainlander at September 15, 2008 05:08 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
...Your history if egregious leadership should be included too Mainlander.
The comment above was posted by Jimba at September 18, 2008 10:55 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
For those who are interested, here is a list of names of Uyghur graduate students(114 of them) working toward their PhD degrees in Japan. The universities range from Kyushu University to Tokyo University. A whole bunch of smart ones are'nt they!
The comment above was posted by Jonathan at September 19, 2008 09:45 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Ramadan brings normalcy back to Kashgar
Kashgar, XINJIANG -- A month after a brutal terrorist attack near its front entrance, the three-storey Yijin Motel in this largely Uygur city re-opened for the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.
China's westernmost city saw a sharp drop in the number of tourists this year, but the faithful have flocked here for this holiest of months in the Muslim calendar. Life in this oasis on the edge of the Taklimakan Desert seems to have returned to normal.
"Most of our guests are Uygurs, so we only have Uygur signs in our rooms. We're doing fine, only that tourism here has been bad in general because of the violence this year," a Yijin staff member told China Daily. "But the degree of tension has been exaggerated by outside media. I've been in Kashgar for more than 40 years; people get along here just like they do elsewhere."
On Aug 4, two Kashgar natives brutally attacked a group of border patrol officers, killing 16. According to local authorities, the attackers were both Uygur and were driven by religious extremism to perform
A month later, there are hardly any signs of the tragedy. "This city is very much coming back alive again from that horrible disaster last month," said Nico Rodriguez, an American who has been in Kashgar since June. "It's like nothing ever happened."
At dawn on any given day since the holy month began Sept 1, hundreds of worshippers gather at the Id Kah, which the locals claim to be China's largest mosque, for morning prayers. Beggars, too, flock to the sacred mosque for generous donations.
According to foreign media reports, there has been a marked increase in security here since the attack. Ninety percent of the population here is Uygur, the highest number in the vast autonomous region of Xinjiang.
Visitors to the four-star Tarim Petroleum Barony Hotel, across the street from site of the attack and the Yijin, are required to present their IDs to a pair of Uygur security officers at the door.
"Only the rich stays in Barony," said a staffer at the Yijin. "A single room there costs 580 yuan per night. And they have hired security officers. But it's just as safe here."
There are no security personnel at or around the Yijin, a decade-old motel with 24 shabby rooms. It was closed after the attack. Its eight rooms facing the street are still closed. Another staff member claimed they never opened in the first place. A single room at the motel costs 60 yuan ($8.8) per night, while a suite is 100 yuan. Air conditioning, which costs an extra 10 yuan, was cut off after the attack.
Tensions have not been eased completely. A number of ethnic Han shopkeepers along Seman Road, a largely Uygur section of the city, have relocated. But the ethnically Han owner of the Yijin, who asked that her name not be used, is undeterred. "I know they are not against us," she said. "Few of the staff here speak Uygur but that doesn't seem to bother us."
There have also been a number of foreign media reports about a "government clampdown" on religious practices during Ramadan - in particular, on followers observing the sunrise-to-sunset Ramadan fast.
Traditionally, Kashgar restaurants close during the day for Ramadan. Some were closed; others remained open for business, serving lamb kebabs, fruits and tea throughout the day.
When asked about Ramadan dietary restrictions, a veiled female Uygur shopkeeper, who was eating sunflower seeds on a lazy afternoon, pounded on her husband's chest and said: "It's in there!"
"Why need it here?" she said in broken Mandarin while pointing at her own mouth.
Guli, a 19-year-old from Kashgar's Bachu county, is aware that there have been heightened security measures, but they hardly affect her. "I don't feel them. Young people like us don't normally observe the fast anyway; only the older generation does, and I don't see how they can be prevented from doing so," she said.
"Why should I (be afraid)?" she continued. "You know what terror is? Terror is the bad thing that happens when you least expect it to. What happens around the clock is called life, not terror."
"There is little feeling of terror here, unless you want to feel it. We're just living the same old lives, " she added.
Nurlan, a 56 year-old Muslim taxi driver, said the August bombing is the most brutal attack he has yet seen, and that such tragedies will not be replicated. "I observe the fast. We all follow the Holy Scriptures here, so you always have many more good people than bad," he said.
"I think Kashgar is safe - safer than most places, and definitely those to the west of us. Whatever other people may say, nothing can destroy our lives," he said.
Kashgar prefecture borders Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Tajikistan and Kirghizstan. It is home to 3.6 million people.
Copyright By chinadaily.com.cn. All rights reserved
The comment above was posted by JImba at September 20, 2008 08:07 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Nice China Daily typical but this perhaps closer to reality down home on the ground:
China vows "preemptive strikes" on Xinjiang separatists
09/17/2008 |
Article link
17 Sep 2008 09:37:14 GMT
By Chris Buckley
BEIJING, Sept 17 (Reuters) - China's tense far-western region of Xinjiang will conduct a "re-education" drive against separatist unrest in the wake of attacks during the Olympics, with its Party chief vowing preemptive attacks on foes.
Wang Lequan, the hardline Communist Party boss, told officials that a sweeping propaganda campaign was needed to fight separatism in Xinjiang, where mostly Muslim Uighurs have bucked at Chinese influence and religious controls, the Xinjiang Daily reported on Wednesday.
Before and during the Beijing Olympics in August, the region that borders Pakistan and Afghanistan suffered several deadly attacks on security forces by separatist militants.
Critics of China's policies in the remote region said there would be an official reckoning after the Games, and Wang's fiery words seemed to confirm that prediction.
"We must always maintain a high-pressure strike-hard posture, adhering to a policy of taking the offensive, striking when they show their heads and making preemptive attacks," he told a meeting on Tuesday, according to the report also carried by the China News Service.
"This winter and next spring we will launch a concentrated anti-separatist re-education across the whole region."
Xinjiang's 8 million Uighurs make up slightly less than half the region's people, and most of the rest are Han Chinese, including recent migrants.
The government points to big investments in the region's economy and resources, which include oil and gas, and efforts to lift living standards. But critics say too few decent jobs and benefits flow to Uighurs.
Wang spelt out measures to tie the region more closely to the rest of China and to Communist Party control -- measures that are sure to draw criticism from advocates of an independent "East Turkestan" homeland for Uighurs.
The re-education campaign will seek to enhance "identification with the Chinese nation and Chinese culture", Wang said, promising measures to spread teaching in Mandarin Chinese among Uighur children.
Religious activities must also be carefully policed, he said.
"Our region has constantly been a smokeless battleground in the ideological sphere," Wang said. (Editing by Nick Macfie)
The comment above was posted by roebuck at September 22, 2008 11:40 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Chinese Muslims persecuted after bombings
By: Kylie Gilliams
Posted: 9/19/08
Deadly attacks rocked the Xinjiang region of China this summer. The bombings were attributed to Muslim separatist groups advocating for independence. Now, four local governments in the same area have placed restrictions on the Muslim holiday Ramadan citing the need to protect social stability.
These limitations range from banning women from wearing veils and men from growing beards to barring certain groups of people, such as students, teachers, and government officials from observing Ramadan.
"It's absolutely ridiculous," said senior Paul Miller, who studied abroad in the Yunnan province last year. "The Chinese government is not putting restrictions on any other religion. Christians can practice, but not the Islamic minority."
The government justified the crackdowns as a means to maintain stability in the region.
"I do not agree that such oppression promotes 'social stability,' as the authorities claim, because limiting people's freedom to practice core tenets of their religion only amplifies dissatisfaction with the colonial state apparatus," said Eric Mortensen, assistant professor of religious studies.
"In the short term, the Chinese government has the means to clamp down on communal aspects of religious life, and perhaps they believe that such actions will keep the peace, but in the long run the Chinese will likely find that the resentment such actions breed in the local Uighur populace will make social stability harder to achieve."
The Uighur, one of the country's 56 ethnic groups, has a long history of being oppressed by the dominant Han, which continues to this day.
The Uighurs are a Turkic people living primarily in the Xintiang region. They are also one of two Muslim ethnic groups in the country.
"China has endeavored to consolidate control of its western provinces, including Xinjiang and Tibet, partly through the settlement of Han people in the regions-now a majority population in both regions-and partly through assimilation and the tight control of local religious and social institutions," said Mortensen.
The cause for the conflict between the Uighurs and the Han lies in their diverse origins. The Uighur speak a different language and have their own customs and culture.
"(The Uighur) have a completely different understanding of the world compared with China," said George Guo, associate professor of political science.
These basic differences, coupled with the Han's alleged attempts to destroy Uighur culture, have led to the formation of radical separatist groups. The East Turkestan Islamic Movement and The East Turkestan Liberation Organization are two of the most prominent; both have been accused of using terrorism to further their cause for independence.
Some believe that these organizations used the Beijing Olympics as an opportunity to draw attention.
"When the Olympics came, they saw it as a chance to humiliate the government," said Guo. "They put bombs to attract world attention."
In turn, the Chinese government also used the attention to their advantage. Under international scrutiny, the government sent troops into Xintiang.
"Now the Chinese government feels more comfortable," said Guo. "Before, they might not have done that. Now, they have to protect people, prevent terror."
The restrictions placed on Ramadan are China's latest steps to maintain unity and stability.
"The state fears any allegiance to an authority-such as a religious authority-other than the state is tantamount to action toward independence," said Mortensen. "However, the state's ensuing repression of religious freedoms only escalates the antagonism felt toward state control."
© Copyright 2008 The Guilfordian
The comment above was posted by roebuck at September 22, 2008 12:00 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
michael manning.
you look like a clown to me.
in iraq, afhanistan and other muslim country. your camera painted the arab muslim as terrorist. but here in china xinjiang, your camera painted uygur so pitiful that it look like we chinese are the terrorist against our own compatriot.
very artistic picture. WOW WOW WOW.i think your camera is a hi teck digital.
now the question is....... is china and the arab muslim are terrorist or UNCLE SAM was the real TERRORIST?
The comment above was posted by chin at October 7, 2008 09:17 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Thanks you very good; thanks for add to your informations;
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The comment above was posted by lovemaker at October 22, 2008 05:39 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
hi. I must say congratulations! Wonderful changes and new opportunities. All these people are glad for you.. me too ...
for chat and sohbet
The comment above was posted by turkce chat at November 20, 2008 12:41 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
you do not have proof to prove any of this Michael
tell me you are not brainwashing others into hating China
The comment above was posted by dea at November 25, 2008 07:24 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
This is will really be an early preview, so don't expect the performance to be optimal already. However, every feature we add is carefully tested in terms of performance and scalability.
Sohbet - sohbet
The comment above was posted by Sohbet at December 10, 2008 03:04 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Thank you very much for this information.I like This site! Thanks!
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توبيكات 2009
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درس الإطار المزدوج
علاج قشرة الشعر
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تسريحات - تسريحات شعر - تسريحات 2009
تسريحات 2009
لحم مفروم
بنت السعودية
دردشة -
شات -
منتديات - فله -
منتدى فله -
العاب -
The comment above was posted by msryat at March 15, 2009 02:50 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
شات -شات خليجي -
شات عربي -شات سعودي -
دردشه سعوديه -شات كويتي -
دردشه كويتيه -دردشه اماراتيه -
شات اماراتي -شات قطري -
دردشه قطريه -شات بحريني -
دردشه بحرينيه -دردشه عمانيه -
شات عماني -شات عمان -
شات يماني -دردشه يمنيه -
شات عراقي -دردشه عراقيه -
شات العزيزه -دردشة العزيزة -
شات القصيم -دردشه القصيم -
شات بريده -دردشه بريده -
شات عنيزه -دردشة عنيزه -
شات البكيريه -دردشة البكيرية -
شات الزلفي -دردشة الزلفي -
شات حايل -دردشة حايل -
شات الرس -دردشة الرس -
شات المذنب -دردشة المذنب -
شات شقراء -دردشة شقراء -
شات المجمعه -دردشة المجمعة -
شات الخبر -دردشة الخبر -
شات الجوف -دردشة الجوف -
شات البدائع -دردشة البدايع -
شات المدينه -دردشة المدينة -
شات الدمام -دردشة الدمام -
شات الرياض -دردشة الرياض -
شات دبي -دردشة دبي -
شات العين -دردشة العين -
اجمل شات -احلى شات -
شات الدوحه -دردشة الدوحة -
شات مسقط -دردشة مسقط -
دردشة سعوديه -دردشة خليجيه -
دردشة عربيه -دردشة بنات -
شات العزيزه الصوتي -دردشة العزيزة الصوتية -
شات صوتي -دردشة صوتيه -
شات كتابي -دردشة كتابيه -
شات عربي -دردشة -
The comment above was posted by قروب at March 17, 2009 05:34 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
اخبار الشبكة -المواضيع المميزة -
مجلس الاعضاء -مسابقات -
المنبر العام -الاسلامي -
برامج دينيه -اناشيد -
اناشيد اطفال -شات العزيزه -
اقلام حره -عالم المعرفه -
صفحاتي -الترحيب -
اخبار التعليم -منتدى التحاضير -
منتدى الاختبارات -قوافي -
شعر مسموع -قصائد مسموعه -
شاعر المليون -شاعر المليون 3 -
خواطر -قصص -
روايات -لغتي -
ازياء -فساتين -
موضه -مكياج -
اثاث -ديكور -
مطبخ -مطبخ حواء -
الطب -الصحه -
كلام نواعم -ركن الطفل -
الكمبيوتر -شروحات برامج -
برامج كامله -مقاطع بلوتوث -
يوتيوب -مقاطع يوتويوب -
برامج مسن -توبيكات ملونه -
صور ماسنجر -السفر والسياحه -
صور -صور حب -
صور منوعة -صور فنانين -
صور نجوم هوليود -صور نجوم بوليود -
صور لاعبين -صور انمي -
افلام انمي -مسلسلات انمي -
افلام -مسلسلات -
مسلسلات اجنبية -مسلسلات عربية -
مسلسلات تركيه -مسلسلات اسيوية -
مسرحيات -ارشيف مسلسلات -
عالم الاتصالات -برامج الجوال -
برامج نوكيا -ثيم -
ثيمات -ثيمات نوكيا -
العاب جوال -العاب نوكيا -
رسائل الجوال -مسجات -
وسائط -منتدى التصميم -
ملحقات الفوتوشوب -دروس التصميم -
صور للتصميم -معرض التصميم -
pics -التصوير الضوئي -
الضحك -الفرفشه -
مدينة الالعاب -العاب كمبيوتر -
العاب بلاي ستيشن -العاب فلاش -
صدى الملاعب -قسم الشباب -
قسم السيارات -دليل استخدام المنتدى -
الارشيف -منتدى -
منتديات -مركز رفع الملفات -
The comment above was posted by مركز تحميل at March 17, 2009 05:35 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
thanks... Sohbet
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Aşk sözleri
The comment above was posted by sohbet at March 17, 2009 11:40 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by konut emlak at March 19, 2009 02:18 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
thanks yours. gelek spastikim.
The comment above was posted by ruya at March 20, 2009 01:32 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Thankss you..
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The comment above was posted by sohbet at March 21, 2009 06:02 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by Performans at November 5, 2009 01:51 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
thanks admin
The comment above was posted by chat at November 14, 2009 12:18 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Thanks admin.
The comment above was posted by Sohbet at November 16, 2009 01:59 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by peak at November 16, 2009 12:34 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
نوكيا / برامج نوكيا / ثيمات/ مسجات / نغمات
نوكيا \ بجوال النوكيا / برامج النوكيا \ ثيمات \ النغمات \ المسجات \ برامج نوكيا \ برامج 6600 \ برامج 3250 \ برامج n70 \ برامج n73 و برامج n95 \ الجيل الثالث \ برامج 99.\ ثيمات \ ثيمات n73 و ثيمات n70 و ثيمات 3250 و ثيمات 6300 \ ثيمات 6600 و ثيمات 6630 \ ثيمات e50 و ثيمات n70 \ ثيمات n80 و ثيمات n95 \ ثيمات nth.
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The comment above was posted by sdafas at November 17, 2009 12:11 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by basim at November 17, 2009 01:27 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
دليل مواقع - منتديات - العاب - العاب بنات - دردشة صوتية - بنات - شات -توبيكات - توبيكات ماسنجر - فساتين 2009 - رسائل حب - رسائل حب رومانسيه - توبيكات 2009
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مياه على سطح القمر
منتدى فتكات
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The comment above was posted by games at November 17, 2009 01:47 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by watch anime at November 24, 2009 07:14 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by currency exchange rate at December 29, 2009 10:18 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by asdf at December 31, 2009 03:05 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by nmmmn at January 8, 2010 02:43 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by sc at January 14, 2010 02:31 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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دردشة عبير المشاعر
The comment above was posted by alshaje at January 15, 2010 04:38 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
مدونة صور المرأة المرأة خريطة الخفوق مدونة ساعات , شنط شنط توبيكات ماجد المهندس ماجد غرف بنات بنات صنادل صنادل خلفيات وندوز 7 خلفيات فوتوشوب فوتوشوب برامج حماية برامج حماية توبيكات عشق حب توبيكات عشق توبيك غزل توبيكات تحميل ريل بلير الجديد تحميل ريل بلير فاشون فاشون قصص الأنبياء قصص الأنبياء أكسسوارت 2010 أكسسوارات بودي شوب بودي شوب ساعات سواتش سواتش حمام الزيت حمام زيت القلب القلب جوال أطفال جوال أطفال الفصول الاربعه الفصول الاربعه الخط الكوفي الخط القلوب القلوب الحياة الحياة دهن العود دهن العود امثال رائعه امثال رائعه قوانين قوانين كولكشن شبابي كولكشن تعلم الحب تعليم الحب الحب افضل العطورات افضل العطورات ساعات بولغري بولغري عارض ازياء ازياء ازياء شبابية ازياء تيشيرت شبابي تيشيرت نظارات نظارات فساتين سهرات فساتين سهرات مكياج مكياج فساتين سهرات فساتين رقص شرقي رقص شرقي شفايف شفايف بجامات النوم بجامات نوم معاني الأسماء معاني الاسماء أكسسوارات اكسسوارت مكياج مكياج مجوهرات 2010 مجوهرات فساتين سهرات فساتين أساور اساور عطورات غرف النوم عطورات شنط حقائب شنط أكسسوارات جولات نسائية جولات وصفة جمال وصفه أكسسوارت روعة اكسسورات مناكير مناكير تساريح مكياج تساريح مكياج ميك أب سعودي مكياج مكياج أخر موضة مكياج مقهى السيدات مقهى ايسكريم شوكلاته ايسكريم حلا قهوة قهوه رز رز افخاذ الدجاج افخاذ الأفطار الفرنسي الافطار حلى ايسكريم السندوتشات ايسكريم محشي ساندوتش محشي مثلجات القهوة القهوه مكرونة مكرونة حلى قهوة حلى كتكات كتكات ساندوتشات ساندوتشات كباب دجاج كبابالجالاكسي حلى ديكورات ديكور غرف نوم ايكيا ايكيا غرف نوم ستايل ستايل ديكور بدوي بودي ديكور خشبي خشبي توبيكات غرام غرام توبيكات حب حب التوبيكات مخدات مخدات مناديل مناديل ديكور ديكورات التخلص من الدهون دهون العلاج العصبي علاج عصبي تمر تمر الوسواس القهري الوسواس رجيم رجيم عسل عسل شمعيات شمعيات صور الشهر موسوعة صور باليد صور رسم زيتي رسم حليمة بولند بولند اصداف اصداف ورود ورد صور موسكو موسكو موناليزا مونليزا صور زفة زفة طيور نادرة نادرة صور شلال شلال صور الغروب الغروب صور أبداع ابداع صور بنات بنات صور فضايح فضايح موسوعة الصور موسوعة صور لبنانيات لبنانيات صور سعوديات سعوديات صور بنات الجامعة بنات نكت نكت الغاز الغاز مسابقات مسابقات العاب العاب تسلية تسلية الرياضية رياضة كاركتير مضحك مضحك ضحك ضحك كامري كامري سيارات سيارات صور سيارات دبابات المرأة الكويتية كويتيات عالم مضحك مضحك عباية عبايات عبايات عباية فديو فديو مقاطع فديو مقاطع فديو فضايح يوتيوب يوتيوب رقص رقص فديو مضحك ضحك كميرة خفية كميرة فلم سعودي فلم سعودي سفر سياحة سفر دليل الرحلات رحلة توبيكات توبيك توبيكات رومنسية توبيكااات هاواي هاواي بلجيكا بلجيكا المكسيك مكسيكو تركيا تركيا سويسرا سويسرا جوال نت جوال نت موبايل موبايل جولات تلفونات نوكيا نوكيا احذية , جزم احذية وسائط وسائط وسائط حب ام ام اس وسائط غزل غزل وغرام خرائط الجوال خرائط تحميل برنامج برنامج ندامة ماجد المهندس ندامة جلسات راشد راشد اغنية فلة موبايل فلة موبايل يوتيوب موباير خرائط الموبايل خرائط لعبة موبايل دبابات دبابات روبن هود روبن هود لعبة كرستال كرستال العاب بنات بنات ثيمات رومنسية رومنسية ثيمات الجيل الثالث الجيل ثيمات الجيل نوكيا نوكيا خلفيات رومنسية رومنسية خلفيات روعه روعه توبيكات بنات بنات توبيكات ماسنجر ماسن خلفيات دسك توب دسك أكس بوكس بوكس اي فون اي فون برامج فديو برامج تلفزيون النت تي في نت قنوات النت قنوات نت تلفزيون نت برنامج حماية حماية سكورتي فيستا فيستا وندوز فيستا وندوز برامج صور تصوير سكربت ماسنجر سكربت كشف الحظر الحظر تحميل ماسنجر تحميل تحميل الماسنجر ماسن تحميل ماسنجر الياهو ياهو توبيكات اغاني اغاني توبيكات فنانات فنانات توبيكات حزينة حزينة توبيكات ملونة ملونة نكات التوبيكات توبيكات نكات توبيكات أجنبية اجنبية توبيكات ملونة تلوين توبيكات التوبيكات التوبيكات نكات ملونة ملونة توبيكات 2010 توبيكات اصاله اصالة اصاله الجسمي الجسمي توبيكات حزينة حزن حزن و أحزان أحزان فوتوشوب مضحك مضحك صور فوتوشوب جديدة فوتوشوب فوتشوب مضحك مضحكة فوتوشوب الفوتو فوتشوب ليل ليل الفوتو أبداع الفوتوشوب ابداع الفوتو فوتوشوب دسك توب دسك توب خلفيات ماسنجر خلف صور بنات ماسين توبيكات بنات توبيكات بنات ايقونات ايقونات جاكيت - - فساتين سهرات - أزياء بنات - حليمة بولند - فساتين رقص - فاشون - صور كولكشن - أزياء أطفال - صور مكياج - حنى - تسريحات عرايس - مكياج خليجي - مكياج سعودي - دروس مكياج - حلا - سلطة - تمارين - رجيم - صور حب - صور رومانسية - هيفا وهبي - مسجات رومانسية - ثيمات حب - ثيمات رومنسية - صور ماسنجر - ثيمات ماسنجر - اسماء بنات - تحميل ماسنجر صور فوتوشوب - فساتين اعراس - اسماء بنات للماسنجر - ثيمات ماسنجر - خلفيات ماسنجر - سمايلات - صور بنات
- منتديات - منتديات - حوار و نقاش - صحافة و أعلام - منتدى أجنبي و لغات - منتديات الاعضاء - منتديات ابداع مميزة - استقبال الاعضاء - منتديات المجالس - منتديات شعرية - منتديات خواطر نثر - منتديات قصص رويات - منتديات ادبية شعر خواطر - منتديات اجتماعية - أدم - حواء - أزياء فاشون أناقة - مكياج ميك اب صور مكياج - طبخ طبخات - ديكور أثاث خشبي زينة - طب صحة لياقة رجيم - منتديات ترفية - صور - نكت - العاب - رياضة - كاركتير رسومات - سيارات - يوتيوب - سفر سياحة - جوالات - رسائل جوال مسجات مو بايل - برامج جوال برامج نوكيا بلاك بيري ايفون - العاب موبايل - ثيمات - منتديات تقنية - منتديات التقنية - برامج - ماسنجر msn ياهو سكايب - توبيكات - توبيكات حزينة - توبيكات غزل - توبيكات اغاني - توبيكات رومنسية - فوتوشوب - دريم ويفر- فلاش - سويش - صور فوتوشوب - - مدونة - صور - المرأة - فساتين سهرات - أزياء بنات - حليمة بولند - فساتين رقص - فاشون - صور كولكشن - أزياء أطفال - صور مكياج - حنى - تسريحات عرايس - مكياج خليجي - مكياج سعودي - دروس مكياج - حلا - سلطة - صور حب - صور رومانسية - مسجات رومانسية - ثيمات حب - ثيمات رومنسية - صور ماسنجر - ثيمات ماسنجر - تحميل ماسنجر صور فوتوشوب - فساتين اعراس - فساتين سهرات - أزياء بنات - حليمة بولند - فساتين رقص - فاشون - صور كولكشن - أزياء أطفال - صور مكياج - حنى - تسريحات عرايس - مكياج خليجي - مكياج سعودي - دروس مكياج - حلا - سلطة - تمارين - رجيم - صور حب - صور رومانسية - هيفا وهبي - مسجات رومانسية - ثيمات حب - ثيمات رومنسية - صور ماسنجر - ثيمات ماسنجر - اسماء بنات - تحميل ماسنجر - صور فوتوشوب - فساتين اعراس - اسماء بنات للماسنجر - ثيمات ماسنجر - خلفيات ماسنجر - سمايلات - صور بنات - فساتين - كاركتير - تسريحات العرايس - صور ورود - لياقة - حناء - أزياء - رسائل - فساتين سهرات - عمل توبيك - هدايا - مسجات وسائط - مكياج العيون - غرف نوم - هوليود - جينزات بنات - عطورات - مسجات رومانسية - صور زهور - أزياء - نيويورك - فساتين - سندوتشات - فستان زواج - مسجات وسائط رومانسية - Rss - سياتل -شات - شات خليجي -دردشه - يوتيوب -توبيكات - دليل مواقع -منتدى سياتل - مسلسلات -برامج بلاك بيري - منتدى بنات ون -منتدى بنات - منتدى توبيكات - - مواقع عربية - مواقع بحرينية - مواقع قطرية - مواقع أمراتية - مواقع عمانية - مواقع عراقية - مواقع سورية - مواقع لبنانية - مواقع اردنية - مواقع مصرية - مواقع عالمية - مواقع جديدة - مواقع مغربية - مواقع سعودية - مواقع كويتية - sitemap - Entertainment - Science - Home - Arts - Regional - Health - Recreation and Sports - Games - Sports - Computers - Education - Business - People - News - Kids and Teens - Internet - Government - اناشيد - زفات -صور حب - - منتدى - تحميل افلام -افلام - مدونة -صور - مركز تحميل -لعب - العب - تحميل صور - العاب - توبيكات - توبيك - فستان زواج - مكياج - تحميل أفلام -1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - 32 - 33 - 34 - 35 - 36 - 37 - 38 - 39 - 40 - 41 - 42 - 43 - 44 - 45 - 46 - sitemap - sitemap - sitemap - sitemap - sitemap - sitemap - sitemap -
الخفوق - منتديات - الدليل العربي - الدليل الأجنبي - مدونة -
The comment above was posted by klmsd at January 15, 2010 09:14 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by News Freebies at January 16, 2010 06:22 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by emre at January 18, 2010 04:53 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
منتديات -
اناشيد -
طيور الجنه -
اخبار -
اخبار اليوم -
سفر -
سياحه -
صور -
صور جديده -
يوتيوب -
افلام كرتون -
ترافيان -
منتدى ترافيان -
افلام -
مشاهده افلام -
تحميل افلام -
مسلسلات -
كوره -
مسرحيات -
صور سيارات -
نكت -
قصائد -
شعر -
خواطر -
قصص -
روايات -
عالم حواء -
تسريحات -
تسريحات شعر -
فساتين -
فساتين 2010 -
اكسسوارات -
مجوهرات -
مكياج -
صور مكياج -
عطورات -
ازياء -
العنايه بالبشره
- ديكورات -
ديكور -
العروس -
زفات -
طبخ -
حلويات -
ريجيم -
سلطات -
العلاج بالاعشاب -
تحميل كتب -
برامج -
توبيكات -
ماسنجر -
العاب كمبيوتر - -
خلفيات سطح المكتب
- تحميل خلفيات -
برامج جوال -
ثيمات جوال -
العاب جوال -
بلوتوث -
نغمات -
رسائل -
وسائط -
الجماع بالصور -
تسريحات للشعر
القصير -
تسريحات للشعر الطويل -
فساتين للمحجبات
- فساتين اطفال
- فساتين افراح -
فساتين قصيره -
فساتين مثيره -
فساتين سواريه -
صور عبايات -
زفات -
اغاني افراح -
توبيكات حزينة -
توبيكات مضحكه -
توبيكات شوق -
توبيكات حب -
وسائط حب -
مسجات رومانسيه -
مسجات عتاب -
اغاني -
اغاني سعوديه
نغمات رومانسيه
- صور اطفال -
صور ورود -
صوررومنسيه -
صور حب -
صور قلوب -
صور غرام -
صور مصاحف -
صور حزينه -
ثيمات رومانسيه
- ثيمات بنات
- ازياء محجبات -
ازياء حوامل -
صور -
برامج -
تحميل كتب -
نكت -
صور سيارات -
عالم حواء -
وصفات طبخ -
ديكور - صور تصميم
- قصص -
صور فنانات -
مسلسلات -
افلام اجنبيه -
افلام هنديه -
توبيكات -
جلسات راشد الماجد
The comment above was posted by ssd at January 18, 2010 11:59 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
So you think Mehbube is a criminal?
The comment above was posted by parça kontör at January 19, 2010 11:51 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by Okey Oyna at January 20, 2010 08:16 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by trsohbet at January 20, 2010 03:20 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Thank you for this beautiful theme I wish you more such fascinating topics Thank you
thank you
garanties par la démocratie, de tant plus qu’elles se
situent à près de deux mois des faits reprochés. Ces actions ont été
justifiées par une enquête, coordonnée par les autorités
publiques italiennes, donnant suite aux protestations
accompagnant le déroulement du G8 de l’Enseignement
طريقه رائعه للرجيم-
خواتم غير شكل
الأسرة والمجتمع - الحياة الزوجية
رسائل حب رومانسية ، رسائل حب ، رسائل رمانسية
كلام رومنسى بس روعه
انشودة لما نستشهد طيور الجنة ، نشيد lama nestashed
انشودة نور دربي ، Fawzaan Abdel Nour جميله من اروع اناشيد طيور الجنة
منتدى تطوير المواقع والمنتديات
tds f,; ، موقع فيس بوك Facebook ، شرح تسجيل في فيس بوك
العطورات الرجاليه الجديده ، افضل واحلي عطور رجال وأروعها
للشباب بنطلون ومجموعة من بنطلونات شباب
العطر ونصائح للرجال ، نصائح للشباب عند وضع العطر ، رش العطر للرجال
أزياء شباب رجال بنطلونات بلوزنات روعه
ملابس رجاليه شتويه بناطيل بلوزات بدلات رجالي أزياء رجال مميزه
أحدث أزياء الصيف للشباب من معرض أزياء كاسترو
الى كل شخص خاطب اومتزوج كيف تجعل قلبها ينبض
طريقه لاهتمام ببشرتك تخليك شباب طول العمر
معلومات عن الرجل...روووعه
ملابس رووووعه للشباب
الرجل يحب أربع أنواع من النساء
عالم الرجال - ملابس رجالية - أزياء بدلات رجالية
ماذا على العريس ان يفعل في اول زيارة لعروسه التي تقدم لطلب يدها , وماذا على العروس ان
حوار بين كبرياء رجل وغرور انثى.
الأسباب التي تمنع الرجل من الأعتذار/.. ونصيحة: لا تخبر الفتاة عن اسرارك
ماذا يحب الرجل بالمراه؟؟ وااااو
من عجاااائب الرجال
ساعات رجالية 2010 ، ساعات لليد رجالية ماركات عالميه 2010
بدلات 2010 رجالية ، بدلات رجالية كشخه ، بدلات رجالية
ازياء رجالية مميزه 2010 ، ملابس صيفيه رجاليه جديدة ، أحلي بدلات ...
بين حد الجنون و بين حد الخيال ساعات كشخه للشباب 2010 - 2011
أزياء للشباب // للمصمم (( Npfeel ))
نظارات رجاليه من ( Prada )
ازياء من جوتشي 2009 للرجال
عطورات شباب - عطورات رجاليه - عطر رجالي - عطر شباب - اروع العطورات الرجاليه عطور
بشعارات إسلامية تي شيرتات ، تاشيرتات اسلاميه ، تشيرتات بعباره اسلاميه بلوزات اسلاميه
صور شباب للماسنجر شماغ صور مسنجر غترة وعقال 2010 صور ماسنجر
شماغ صور مسنجر غترة وعقال 2010 صور ماسنجر
صور للماسنجر - صور الماسنجر جديده شباب بناب مسن - صور ماسنجر متحركة - صور للمسنجر
صور ماسنجر ، صور مسنجر للشباب ، صور شباب حلوين للماسنجر
رموز ماسنجر مره روعه Msn Emoticons
تبي توبيكات ملونه وكبيره توبيكات روعه جديد اختر اي توبيك جاهز من هنا
صور مسنجر بنات - صور بنات للماسنجر - صور ماسنجر بنات
ابتسامات جديدة للماسنجر ورموز مسنجر تعابير وكلمات Messenger اختصارات وجوه صور متحركة
صور انمي حلوه للماسنجر ، أنمي للماسنجر روعه ، صور انمي Messenger منسجر
اروع واجمل صور ماسنجر شباب وبنات صور للماسنجر منوع خذ صور مسنجر شباب بنات
عجيبة هي امي
كوش عرس بس بشكل روعه ، صور كوشة افراح واعراس حلوة 2010
تبي تشوف اجمل شباب وبنات في العالم حياك اجمل نساء ورجال العالم
صور اطفال حلوين جنان صور اجمل اطفال الله يحفظهم مجموعة صور أطفال ...
اقوي بوربوينت جاهزة ، تحميل عروض بوربوينت powerpoint ppt
يايمه أنتي مو أمي = أنا أمي ما تخلينـــي
اسمعوا مشاري العفاسي جديدة 2010 انشوده الهى Mishary Alafasy 2010
انشودة عن الشهيد .. فتنت روحي يا شهيد اروع نشيد -
طفل رضيع يبتر عضوه الذكري في عملية ختان خاطئة بمستشفي حكومي باليمن
افتراس تماسيح تفترس قرود غزلان في النهر تمساح البحيره
صور اجمل سيارات العالم
مكياج خليجي روعه مكياج شوفي احلي مكياج روعه مكياج خليجي حلو ،مكياج 2010
صور طفله صغيره مؤلمه ماتت بسبب امطار جدة
شوف حريق اسواق شباب | صور حريق سوق شباب في منطقة الطائف
أجمل عصفور بالعالم ,, سبحان الله ,,,-
يابنت ضميني من الصيف لصيف
زيت البنفسج..الافضل في علاج المفاصل والكدمات والظهر وعرق النساء
سؤال وإجابة بين حواء وآدم ، المرأة والرجل تفضلوا - الصفحة 24-
حواء وآدم
المرأة والرجل تفضلوا
موضه رجاليه لا تفوتكم , ,, مسخررررررررررررة -
لا يفوتكم صوره الي السحليه المتمردة دلوعة البنات وهيه عند الكوفير ...
رحلتنا الى جده ,,,, صور
اغرب جسر في السويد نصفة تحت الماء
شوفو بيت غريب جدا في الهند صور
نكت عن المدرسين والطلبة ولا تفوتوا الا اذا كنتوا حزنانين ههههههه
محشش يقول قصته وهو ببطن امه
موقع زفات عرس وفرح اغاني عروس ، زفات معرس ، زفات فرح ، زفات افراح ...
صور السعوديه - صور اطفال وشباب ورجال سعوديين
ابتسامات حصرية ومميز لاحلى عيون اعضاء منتدى الغالى صور ماسنجر
اخر اصدار ماسنجر بلس Messenger Plus Live 4.83.372 بتاريخ اليوم
للماسنجر صور شباب حلوين للمسن 2010 صور ماسنجر شباب حلوين
صور وتوبيكات وايقونات .. تسألني انا حلوة جديد 2010
صور ماسنجر 2010 صور للماسنجر أطفال حلوين صور Messenger
صور مسنجر كل من يبحث عن صور للمسن تعال هنا
صور متحركة بوسات قبلات للماسنجر شفايف قلوب رموز صور مسنجر
حاول وبحاول - اروع توبيكات جديده صور مسنجر بنات اطفال شباب
صور ماسنجر شباب وبنات صور للماسنجر جاهزة معبره من غير تحميل وتعب
توبيكات و صور روعه 2
توبيكات جاهزة توبكات ، أروع توبيكات ملونة ، توبيكات للماسنجر
توبيكآت قويه للشاعر حآمد زيد
صور بنات واطفال للمسنجر messenger صور اطفال للماسنجر
توبيكات اشعار .. توبيكات قصائد حامد زيد روعه
500 صورة متحركة خاصة بالماسنجر بصيغة gif ابتسامات ومؤثرات جميلة
أجمل نيكات نيم للماسنجر..أجمل نيكات نيم للماسنجر
نيك نيم حزين و رومنسي للماسنجر ؟؟ نيك نيم حزين و رومنسي للماسنجر ؟؟
ابتسامات بناتيه و سمايلات بنات ...رووعه
اعرف من حاط لك حظر بالماسنجر ، معرفة من وضع لك بلوك كشف حظر الماسنجر شرح بالصور
اختصارات متحركة للماسنجر صور عبارات وكلمات ماسنجر
مشت وخلت وراها طفل .توبيكات مسنجر
تحميل مسنجر بلس 9 ، تنزيل ماسنجر بلس 9 Messenger Plus 9
مكشات - مقناص - كشته - صيد - قنص
اناشيد الغالي اناشيد حلوه جديده اناشيد روعه اناشيد عذبة اناشيد
صور توبيكات ، صور توبيكات ماسنجر ، توبيكات للماسنجر مع صور ...-
صور توبيكات توبيكات ماسنجر توبيكات للماسنجر مع صور
توبيكات للماسنجر - صور مسنجر - رموز ماسنجر-
فساتين اعراس موديلات 2010 من غلا الي كل عروس تفضلي فساتين زفاف
مملكة احزاني ولاء
صور أب يغتصب ابنه - حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل
برامج كمبيوتر - برامج حصريه -
برامج مجانية
برامج 2010
اناشيد اسلاميه - أناشيد أطفال mp3 - أناشيد طيور الجنة-
سور القرآن الكريم (سبب التسميه_سبب النزول_فضل سور القرآن) متجدد
انشودة يا دمعتي اليتيمة | نشيد طفلة إسمها براءة سوف تبكي منها
انشودة حرام اللي تسونه ، نشيد يوضح لك الغناء والفقر
انشودة تفداك عيني ومالي وامي وابوي وعيالي
انشودة مره طلعنا ومشينا مشوار السياره ، اطفال طيور الجنة
تحميل اناشيد الجوال بدون ايقاع تنزيل رنات اسلامية للجوال روعة mp3
اسمع احلي انشودة انا مدري وش بقلبك تعاملني بها الاسلوب
اناشيد 2010 أروع أنشوده أسامح من يبكيني وأداوي قلبي المجروح جديدة
انشودة حزينة مؤثره جدا اذا ما قال لي ربـي اما استحييت تعصيني
اقوي الاناشيد الحزينه واروع انشودة اسلامية مبكية نشيد حصل علي جوائز كثيرة
اناشيد اطفال ، أنا شـيد للاطفال مباشرة ، أناشيـد خاصه للاطفال من غير تحميل
نشيد مالك غير الله إناشيد محمد الحداد
أناشيد انشودة : أناشيد قديمه ، أناشيد زمان أول أناشيد حلوه أناشيد روعه أناشيد
اناشيد خليجيه اناشيد اسلاميه جديدة احلي الاناشيد
مجموعة كتب تفسير القرأن ومعجزة القرأن للشيخ الشعراوى رحمه الله
أجمل أربعين جملة في العالم
يسالونى والتعب في عيونى
لا نريد الكمال ولاكن نريد قلوبآ تصحوا من الخطأ
كـــآن يــرقــص ويـغـنـي مـع أجـمـل الجـمـيـلآإأآت ثـم.....؟!؟..//..~
الوان تبكي وتضحك .. (
اخطاء الشباب والبنات ونظرة المجتمع
فن ومهاردة الردود على المواضيع والمشاركات
قول كلمه تعبر عن نفسك فيها.....
اعضاء تميزو باقسام معينه؟؟؟؟تعال واختار
كيف تكون عضو لك بصمه فى القسم العام
فتاة تتحجب عن اخيها وسبب
هاتف مجهول أخبر والدتها ...العثور على فتاة سعودية مقتولة بجدة
اغتصاب فتى معاق ذهنياً في بيت مهجور بدبي
زوج يكتشف خيانة زوجته مع طالب على "الفيس بوك"
اغتصب الطفل وقتله داخل حمامات المسجد . صورة الطفل
أمثال هنديه غيييييييييير
قصه واقعية جدآآآ مؤالمه... حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل
صوره و قصيده أتمنى التفاعل/
قصة واقعيه وحقيقيه
شتاء فلسطين .. حكايات ولمة مع كانون النار ،،
100 حكمه ....اجمل 100حكمة..100 حكمه .....
امثال وحكم
اسأل سؤال غبي واللي بعدك بجاوب أغبى
سكاي نت 2010 - 2011 حصري جدآ
صور اغرب حديقة في العالم
اروع مجموعات الصور رمانسية-طبيعية-انمى حش وحمل
امثال وحكم -
اناشيد اسلامية ، أنشودة متجدده ومميزه
مقاطع ساخنة صور رقص بنات عربيات غير شكل وفضائح صور عارية
اكبر موسوعة برامج اسلامية ... ادخل وحمل ..... ( ارجو التثبيت )
الأن اكبر مكتبة فيديو في منتدي الغالي تلاوات القرأن ممتازه وجميله
7 اناشيد اطفال فرقة طيور الجنة من تجميعي 7 اناشيد كامله طيور الجنة
انشودة رائعه لمحبين الاناشيد الاسلامية حياكم
انشودة الام 2010 .. نشيد عن الام .. اناشيد اسلاميه عن الام
انشودة الام 2010
نشيد عن الام
اناشيد اسلاميه عن الام
اناشيد x يالله تكافي x دقات قلبي أنشوده عذبه
مجموعة مختاره من تكبيرات العيد بأصوات مختلفة ورائعه , سارع بالتحميل
نشيد عيد الاضحي | انشودة جديدة عيد الاضحي المبارك 2010 | مباشرة أناشيد عيد الأضحي
اناشيد - تحميل اناشيد الجوال بدون ايقاع تنزيل رنات اسلامية للجوال روعة mp3
انشودة تبكي فلسطينيه أنشودة بصوت طفله من بلاد فلسطين
انشودة اسلامية : تفداك عيني ومالي : وامي وابوي وعيالي
ام قتلت ولدها انشودة لـفهد مطـر - اسمع الانشوده
اية الكهف ،، تفسير سورة الكهف ، تفسير القرأن ايه الكهف
انشودة حزينة مؤثره جدا اذا ما قال لي ربـي اما استحييت تعصيني
اقوي الاناشيد الحزينه واروع انشودة اسلامية مبكية نشيد حصل علي جوائز كثيرة
اناشيد اطفال ، أنا شـيد للاطفال مباشرة ، أناشيـد خاصه للاطفال من غير تحميل
اناشيد اطفال للاطفال ، أناشيـد خاصه للاطفال
الله على هذه الطفله فى أنشوده ( عليك رسولى صلاتى وسلامى )
خطب ومحاضرات ، خطب دينية ، محاضرات اسلامية جديدة
اذكار الصباح - اذكار المساء كتابه وصوت كاملة روعه
3 زفات خاصه للأعراس وبالأسماء بصوتي وجديد نسمة إبداع لايفوتك اناشيد 2010 أروع أنشوده أسامح من يبكيني وأداوي قلبي المجروح جديدة
حوار بين الحسنات والسيئات جميل جدا
ازياء رجالية مميزه 2010 ، ملابس صيفيه رجاليه جديدة ، أحلي بدلات
موضوع عن الاسلام
اية في القران تقرا من اليمين الى اليسار كما تقرا العكس
الفتاوي الصوتيه للشيخ بن باز(رحمه الله )
للرجال في الجــــــنـه الحور العين فماذا للنساء
أخر صور اسائة بالنبي محمد عليه الصلاة والسلام صور موسيئه حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل
هنا زيارة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
الــــــرســـول يــخــبر .... والتـــاريـــخ يـــشـــهـــد
أدعية مستجابة بأذن الله
احلي صور نادي ريال مدريد ، جميع صور نادي ابطال ريال مدريد صور لاعبين نادي ريال مدريد
كتاب اسمه سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم
هل تريد ان ترى الرسول(صلى الله عليه وسلم)
أسماء بنات النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم ,,
خمسين معلومه عن الرسول محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم
معجزات الرسول صلى الله عليه و سلم.. بالتمام و الكمال
أسماء النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم ,,
ردود على المواضيع بالصور
صور ترحيب بالضيوف ، صور ترحيب بالاعضاء الجدد ، صور تراحيب ، صور ترحيب 2010
صور شباب وبنات 2010 للماسنجر صور مسنجر 2010 بنات صور مسنجر للشباب
صور تستخدم للردود والترحيب والمشاركات
صور ترحيب بالاعضاء الجدد وكلمات ترحيب روعه ، كلمات و عبارات للترحيب
فواصل اطارات تزيين مواضيع المنتدي صور وبراويز تزيين كتابة موضوع ومشاركة
للمحجبات فساتين زفاف ، فساتين عرس خاص للمحجبات ، فساتين افراح 2010-
برنامج تغير صوتك في الجوال بنت ولد برنامج تغيير الاصوات اثناء المكالمة للجوال
نغمات اناشيد جوال ، مقاطع اناشيد mp3 للجوال برابط مباشر وسريع
مقاطع YouTube ، يوتيوب فيديو , Videos YouTube ،
صور ولما تشوفهم تقول ما شاءالله بنتين يبون اخ لهم والنتيجه
رسائل mms وسائط متعددة وسائط جوال 2010
رسائل اعتذار وسائط عن الاعتذار وسائط حب وعتذار
دليل المعلم مادة العلوم المنهج المطور للصف الاول كامل
التعامل مع الطفل المعاق ( المعوق) .. كيف تتعامل مع الاطفال المعاقين كاملة
تحميل كتاب الرياضيات للصف الاول ابتدائي الفصل الاول
ابحاث عن تاريخ الادب العربي
تحميل بحوث جامعية عن احدث الطرق الحديثة لتعليم المكفوفين القراءة والكتابة
انشودة تبكي فلسطينيه أنشودة بصوت طفله من بلاد فلسطين
تحميل برنامج الحماية الكمبيوتر كاسبر سكاي جديد 2010
كتاب شرح برنامج النيرو يقوم بنسخ الاسطوانات و السيديهات
انشودة مشاري العفاسي اغيب انشودة جديدة 2010 وروعه
اخر اناشيد طيور الجنة 2010، Toyor Al Janna ، انشودة فرقة طيور الجنة 2010
احلي انشودة زوجتي الحبيبة 2010 اناشيد مباشرة اجمل اناشيد 2010
اكبر مكتبة فيديو في منتدي الغالي تلاوات القرأن ممتازه وجميله
دورة لتعلم المكياج.
أفكار تجنن لتوزيع الحلوه للمعازيم
فساتين أعراااااس
فساتين رووووعه
ملابس نوم
الحقو تعالي اعلمك كيف تسوين تسريحات قصات صبغات خيال لك ولبنتك ب
فساتين زفاف الاطفال
أغاني أعراس أغاني أفراح اكثر من 30 اغنيه للأعراس ، تحميل زفات اغاني دبكة زفة عرس وفرح
تجهيز العروس
زفات جديده و خاصه للعروس ، زفة أغاني عروس ، زفات افراح زفة خطوبه فرح بدون موسيقي عرس
مجموعة فساتين زفاف
موقع زفات عرس وفرح اغاني عروس ، زفات معرس ، زفات فرح ، زفات افراح ، زفات اعراس
للزفاف باللونين روووووعه
قمصان نوم رووووووعه
فساتين تجنن من جد
أجمل أحلى الماسكات للعرايس
فساتين زفاف 2010مميزه من فيتشو
ليلة الدخلة ، ليلة الزفاف ، ليلة الزواج ، ليلة العرس
: لكل عروس في ليلة زفافها
نصائح للمخطوبات
نكت بايخه وسخيفه 5 نكت مليقه هههههههه لايطوفكم
اجمل مقطع فيديو رهيب تماسيح تصطاد قرود
مقطع فيديو استخراج السحر من السمكه
مقطع ضرب قوي جدا ياحرام
فبدبو اطلاق نار علي اخوه شوف الخوف علي الاخ
مقاطع فيديو مشاجرة من عالم الحيوانات بين الزرافه والاسود
أه ياقو قلبك تجرحني من قلب وتروح -
أكبر وأضخم مكتبة زخارف ، للماسنجر والنكات -
قنبله جديده حصريه ، اكبر مكتبة صور رموز للمسن ، اكثر وأجمل 1000 صوره للماسنجر -
موسوعة رموز واختصارات للماسنجر ، فيستا وكلمات متحركه ، .. حصري . -
مكتبة زخارف للاعضاء منتديات الغالي -
استرجاع الايميل المسروق ، ماسنجرك انسرق ؟ وتبي تسترجع قائمة اصدقائك -
كيف تعرف مين سجل دخوله بالماسنجر دون اتصال شرح بالصور ، كشف الظهور دون اتصال اون لاين -
بليز ابي توبيكات للماسنجر - صور مسنجر - رموز ماسنجر -
آآدري بك تحآآآول تحرق آآعصأأبي خذ رآآحتك وآآحرق آخضرهآ ويآآبسهآآ (صور مسن) -
صور قديمه جدا ، صور نادرة ، صور تاريخيه ، صور بالماضي ، صور من التاريخ صور زمان اول -
جمل مناطق في أندونيسيا سفر سياحة الي إندنوسيا تصوير مقطع فوق جبل بونشاك في إندونسيا -
توبيكات اشعار .. توبيكات قصائد حامد زيد روعه -
anashed زفات اعراس ، اناشيد زفة افراح جديدة ، انشودة و زفة فرح اسلامية -
مسجات صباح العسل - مسجات صباح الخير - حصريا مسجات للصباح روعه -
صور بنات-
بحث عن العنف العائلي ، عنف عائلي ، ابحاث العنف العائليه ، العنف بين العائله الاسره
مطوية عن ترشيد الماء ، حمل مطوية عن ترشيد الماي -
اناشيد حفلات تخرج مجموعة كبيرة من اغاني واناشيد حفل تخريج -
طرق واساليب جذب الطلاب للانخراط في الأنشطة المدرسية -
مطوية عن ترشيد الماء ، حمل مطوية عن ترشيد الماي -
للمطويات : حمل مطويات جاهزه ، مركز مطويات خاصه -
مطويات منوعه ، تحميل مطويات كاملة مختلفه حمل مطويات دراسية من غير تسجيل وتعب للكل -
بحوث اسلامية كاملة ، ابحاث اسلامية منوعه -
برامج كمبيوتر اسلامية ، برامج صيانة انترنت برامج كمبيوتر ، برامج تشغيل فيديو وصوتيات -
برنامج ريل بلاير 2010 ريل بلير تحميل Real Player -
متصفح اكسبلورر 8 النسخة النهائية برنامج Internet Explorer 8 Final -
حل مشكلة للماسنجر - تعذر تثبيت - اصلاح تثبيت برنامج الماسنجر بالصورة -
حمل باللغه العربيه Internet Explorer 8 برنامج متصفح معرب عربي -
برنامج اكسبلور 7 عربي وانجليزي Internet Explorer 7 تحميل مباشر وتحدا -
حمل ماسنجر لايف 14 الجديد عربي او انجليزي Live Messenger -
ماسنجر 9 تحميل مسنجر و ماسنجر بلس حمل برنامج مسنجر 9 عربي ماسنجر ... -
تحميل برنامج Windows Live Messenger عربى الإصدار الأخير مع ماسنجر -
اوفيس برنامج اوفيس او في س تحميل مباشر Professional A -
برنامج باللغة العربية | عربي يقوم بتنظيف وتسريع الكومبيوتر CCleaner 2.26.1050 معرب -
تحميل برنامج الحماية الكمبيوتر كاسبر سكاي جديد 2010 -
تحميل برنامج الكاسبر سكاي الجديد 2010 مباشر ، كاسبر سكاي 2010 -
هذي قصه واقعيه حصلت من وقت قريب مررررره و صراحه تحزن -
قصة محمد(ومختامي انا يارب ارحمني) -
توبيكات حب جديدة كنا صغار ونكتب على ذاك الجدار الحب عذاب - توبيكات 2010 -
كل مشاكل الماسينجر وحلها هنا التثبيت للاهميه -
شتائي سعيد عندما اذكرك - صور مسنجر شتوية -
صور رومانسية صور حب رومنسية ، صور رومانسية ، صور رومنسيه 2010 صور الحب والرمانسية
تحميل مجموعة صور بنفس الوقت حمل اكثر من 9 صورة بنفس الوقت : مركز لتحميل الغالي
أجمل عصفور بالعالم ,, سبحان الله ,,,
صور اجمل عيون طفله في العــــالم..
صور قلوب 2010 - صور قلوب روعه 2010
صور غريبة وغير شكل صور غير طبيعية شوفوا معاي الصور
سعودي يصور بكل ثقه
صور 2010 شوفوا حنا وش عندنا شوفو في اليابان وش عندهم
سبحان الله بعد الاجهاض
صور العقارب انواع مختلفه من العقرب + عنكبوت سام
صور حيوانات منقرضه منذ الاف السنين صور حيوانات الماموث قديما
صور والله غريبه
صور اقسى امرأه على وجه الارض
صور اعدام بشكل غريب طريقة الاعدام في اليمن صور غريبة
صور شاب غريبة شوف وقول تعليقك علي الصورة
بعض الصور النادره
صور جبال وصخور على شكل حيوانات سبحان الله
صور تعتبر الاغرب والاعجب يعني صور عجائب وغرائب
صور مرعبه وتخوف اللي عنده ضغط او سكر لا يدخل
الصور الغريبه والعجيبه ، صور عجيبه وغريبة بنفس الوقت
اقوي الافاعي يعني ثعابين في العالم صور ثعبان وافاعي مرعبه
مقاطع ساخنة صور رقص بنات عربيات غير شكل وفضائح صور عارية
من اروع الاناشيد انشودة انا داري احلي انشودة بصوت طفل
انشودة الام 2010 .. نشيد عن الام .. اناشيد اسلاميه عن الام
انشودة رائعه لمحبين الاناشيد الاسلامية حياكم
أب يغتصب ابنته ويحرق ثياب عرسها في حلب ..ثم يقول " نعم ..أنا سفاح
اغتصب الطفل وقتله داخل حمامات المسجد . صورة الطفل
أب يغتصب أبنته صورة البنت المغتصبه
شوف حريق اسواق شباب | صور حريق سوق شباب في منطقة الطائف
صور طفله صغيره مؤلمه ماتت بسبب امطار جدة
صور بنت صغيره مخطوفه من منطقة الرياض الله يرجعها الي اهلها
توبيكات حب جديدة كنا صغار ونكتب على ذاك الجدار الحب عذاب - توبيكات 2010
توبيكات سنة 2010 جديدة توبيك لعام 2010 topic لسنة 2010 الجديدة
اختصارات ماسنجر
صور بنات وصور شباب مسنجر من ( قمر شمر ) وصور منوعه للماسنجر
توبيكات بنات الغالي ... توبيكات صور ماسنجر a توبيك مسن
صور بنات للماسنجر حلوين | صور Messenger | صور شباب للماسنجر حلوين
توبيكات ان جاك غيري لا تحبه | توبيكات للماسنجر | تكفي طلبتك العن ابو جد جدة
اعرف من حاط لك حظر بالماسنجر ، معرفة من وضع لك بلوك كشف حظر الماسنجر شرح بالصور
اختصارات متحركة للماسنجر صور عبارات وكلمات ماسنجر
توبيكات صور اشعار .. مشت وخلت وراها طفل ..توبيكات مسنجر
ماسنجر بلس 9 ، بلس ماسنجر 9 تحميل مسنجر بلس 9 ، تنزيل ماسنجر بلس 9 Messenger Plus 9
صور السعوديه - صور اطفال وشباب ورجال سعوديين
ابتسامات حصرية ومميز لاحلى عيون اعضاء منتدى الغالى صور ماسنجر
للماسنجر صور شباب حلوين للمسن 2010 صور ماسنجر شباب حلوين
صور وتوبيكات وايقونات .. تسألني انا حلوة جديد 2010
هنا تعليم كيف تعمل ايميل طريقة عمل ايميل ماسنجر شرح كامل
صور توبيكات ، صور توبيكات ماسنجر ، توبيكات للماسنجر مع صور
تعوذي من ابليس يا عاشقة ونامي صور بنات خاصه مسنجر صور بنات صور بنات حلوين حق مسنجر
انمي حزينه صور انمي رومانسية للماسنجر صور انمي جديدة
تعالي اخذي صور بنات للماسنجر احلي صور مانسجر للبنات روعه
ملابس بنات 2010 شتوية بدلات اطفال بنات صغار روعه للشتاء
جاكيتات نسائية شتوية 2010 الوان روعه موديلات جديدة
بدلات 2010 رجالية ، بدلات رجالية كشخه ، بدلات رجالية
حصريا أناشيد 2010 ، الاناشيد الإسلامية لعام 2010 ، جديد اناشيد دينية 2010 تحميل مباشر حصريا أناشيد 2010 ، الاناشيد الإسلامية لعام 2010 ، جديد اناشيد دينية 2010 تحميل مباشر
برامج 2010 برابط مباشر تحميل سريع برامج كمبيوتر جديدة 2010
اقوي برامج 2010 وافضلها برامج 2010 كامله للكمبيوتر من غير تسجيل
لعبة زوما جديدة 2010 اروع الالعاب Zuma الجديدة عام 2010 تحميل مباشر سريع
مسجات ورسائل عيد الاضحي كاملة 2010 رسائل جوال جديدة بمناسبة عيد الاضحي المبارك
برامج , برامج تحميل ، برامج مجانية ، برامج جديدة ، برامج 2010
وسائط متحركة للعيد الاضحي ، صور رسائل وسائط عيد الاضحي ، رسائل وسائط لعيد الاضحي
احلي رسائل وسائط تشوف عينك واقوي مسجات وسائط جوال
نشيد عيد الاضحي | انشودة جديدة عيد الاضحي المبارك 2010 | مباشرة أناشيد عيد الأضحي
مسجات عيد الاضحي ، رسائل بمناسبة العيد الاضحي عيد مع احلي مسجات ورسائل عيد
بعض الاوقات يضيق الصدر - رسائل جوال 2010 مسجات نصية منوعة
صور وسائط 2010 ، وسائط حب متحركة
رسائل وسائط عيد الاضحى احلي رسائل ومسجات العيد الاضحى
صور وسائط جوال جنان صور رسائل وسائط ام ام اس
وسائط اشتقتلك ، صور رسائل وسائط حب حزن ضيق تعب
رسائل صور وسائط حب رسائل حب متحركة وسائط حب للجوال
عالم المراة - حواء
عالم المراة - حواء
رسائل حب منوعه للعشاق رسائل حب
رسائل حب منوعه خاصه للعشاق رسائل حب جديدة عمرك ماشفتها
مسجات حب في حب ، رسائل حب علي حب
عالم المراة
رسائل حب - رسائل حب
تجهيز عروس - مكياج - فساتين - زفات - مسكات - كوشات - أغاني عرس
أزياء - فساتين - موضة - أكسسوارات - أناقة جمال
ادوات التجميل
wooow columns not all the same size, but I'd be thrilled with
العنايه بالبشره - كريمات - ماسكات - اقنعة
ماسنجر 9 تحميل مسنجر
صور اطفال-
ملف كامل ماسكات طبيعية 100 % لجميع أنواع البشرة يرجى التثبيت
طريقة تخلص من البذور في الوجه ازالة البثور من البشرة
الجلد الجاف ، وصفه خاصه للجلد الجاف للبشره الجافه ، العنايه بالجلد الجاف خلطه ممتازه
مكياج هندي 2010 - صور مكياج هندي
خلطة لتبيض البشرة تخلي السمراء بيضاء والبيضة ثلجة :
غرف نوم غريبه غرف نوم عجيبه احلي غرف نوم تعالوا شوفوا غرف النوم هذي
غرفة ايطالية ... غرف نوم ايطالية فخمة للمعاريس 2010 غرفة نوم حلوة
مسجات جوال - رسائل حب - مسجات حب - رسائل رومانسية -
مسجات جوال
رسائل حب
مسجات حب
رسائل رومانسية
صباح الخير ، مسجات للصباح ، مسجات الصباح مسجات الصبح ...
مسجات للصباح ، مسجات الصباح ، 2009 مسجات الصبح ...
مسجات صباح الخير
ديكورات للحمام وااااااااو
وسائط اسلامية ، رسائل وسائط اسلامية منوعه mms وسائط دينية
وسائط حب رسائل وسائط حب مسجات وسائط حب صور وسائط للحب
رسائل mms وسائط منوعه متعددة وسائط جوال 2010 روعه
غرفة ايطالية ... غرف نوم ايطالية فخمة للمعاريس 2010 غرفة نوم حلوة
غرف نوم غريبه غرف نوم عجيبه احلي غرف نوم تعالوا شوفوا غرف النوم هذي
حمامات ناعمه ومودرن>>بالصور...حمامات ناعمه ومودرن
في منتهى الروووعه صالونات كلاسيكيه
مغاسل روعه من الخشب
ديكورات جميله من الاْشجار
ديكور غرف نوم مفارش سراير غرف نوم اجمل ديكورات وتصميم للغرف النوم
غرفه المعيشة بأشكالها المختلفة
غرف نوم هادئه ورمانسيه جدا وناعمه احلي غرف نوم
غرفة نوم، كنابل لغرفه النوم ، كفرات ، فرش ،كنبل ، ديباج ،كفر وصور غرف نوم وسراير 2009
غرف نووووم للبنات..
رسم جدران ، الرسوم علي الجدار ، لوحة رسم علي الجدران ، أحلي رسم الجدران
اجمل غرف اطفال في العالم
صور اثاث منزل صالات غرف نوم جلسات مطبخ اصباغ للغرف كراسي وغيرها من اثاث بيت وشقق
غرف نوم في غاية الرومانسيه
غرف نوم للبيبيات الحلوين
موسوعه من الاْبواب للمنازل الجميله حياكم
مجموعة من شراشف غرف النوم
من اروع الاناشيد انشودة انا داري احلي انشودة بصوت طفل
بحث كامل عن شخصية نحوية ، بحوث عن اشخاص نحوي نحو ابحاث
بحث الطرق الجيوفيزيائية تقنيات استكشاف المياة الجوفية
تعبير انجليزي ، تعبير باللغة الانجليزية ، تعابير انجليزية تعبير لغة English
بحوث اسلامية كاملة ، ابحاث اسلامية منوعه
بحث عن البعث عقيدة وحياة ، حمل البعث عقيدة وحياة كامل
البوربوينت كاملة منوعه اكثر البوربوينت جاهزه وافضلها حمل علي جهازك
النظرية السياسية ..النظرة
تعليم صيانة الكمبيوتر - تعلم شرح صيانة الكمبيوتر
شعر الطبيعة في الأدب الأندلسي ، بحث عن شعر الطبيعة عند الأدب الأندلسي
ثورة 14 تموز وعبد الكريم قاسم والحركة الكردية - ابحاث علمية
دور المعلم في عصر الانترنت مفيد لكل معلم
حمل التعليم الالكتروني ، بحث عن التعليم الالكتروني ، تنزيل بحوث التعليم الالكتروني
بحث عن الماء بحث جاهز عن المياة
موقع رسائل ماجستير ، رسائل دكتوراه ، موقع خاص رسالة دكتورا رسالة ماجستير
ابحاث عن تاريخ الادب العربي
تحميل بحوث جامعية عن احدث الطرق الحديثة لتعليم المكفوفين القراءة والكتابة
بحث سياسي عن النظرية السياسية المعاصرة
بحث اسلامي عن الاقتصاد في بلاد اسلامية
ابحاث ماجستير رسائل الماجستير - رسالة جاهزه مجانية وكاملة في العلوم التربوية (
من ابحاث رياض الاطفال اهمية القصة عند الطفل
ابحاث تخص الصلاوات ، بحث خاص عن الصلاه ، الصلاة عن بحوث خاص جاهزه عن بحث يخص الصلاه
ابحاث بحث أسلاميه - اقتصاديه - سياسيه - محاسبه - بحوث جاهزه
للبحوث الشعريه بحور الشعر العربي . بحث كامل
رسائل خاصه للماجستير والدكتورا ، الان موضوع ماجستير رسائل جاهزة ماجستير وللدكتوراه
شامل للمناهج والكتب الدراسية
good columns not all the same size, but I'd be thrilled with
طريقة عمل بحث دراسي خاص لتعليم كيف تكتب بحث او رسائل ورساله
بحوث عن الحراره وماهي مكونات بحث الحرارة الجو
دروس ابحاث بحث بحوث الرياضيات والفيزيقا الهندسية
كلية الهندسة رسائل علمية
بحث لحيم - ابحاث لحام
بحث عن الطلاق وضحايا طلاق
بحث عن العنف العائلي ، عنف عائلي ، ابحاث العنف العائليه ، العنف بين العائله الاسره
مطوية عن ترشيد الماء ، حمل مطوية عن ترشيد الماي -
اناشيد حفلات تخرج مجموعة كبيرة من اغاني واناشيد حفل تخريج -
طرق واساليب جذب الطلاب للانخراط في الأنشطة المدرسية -
مطوية عن ترشيد الماء ، حمل مطوية عن ترشيد الماي -
للمطويات : حمل مطويات جاهزه ، مركز مطويات خاصه -
Thank you for this beautiful theme I wish you more such fascinating topics Thank you
thank you
مطويات منوعه ، تحميل مطويات كاملة مختلفه حمل مطويات دراسية من غير تسجيل وتعب للكل -
بحوث اسلامية كاملة ، ابحاث اسلامية منوعه -
برامج كمبيوتر اسلامية ، برامج صيانة انترنت برامج كمبيوتر ، برامج تشغيل فيديو وصوتيات -
برنامج ريل بلاير 2010 ريل بلير تحميل Real Player -
متصفح اكسبلورر 8 النسخة النهائية برنامج Internet Explorer 8 Final -
حل مشكلة للماسنجر - تعذر تثبيت - اصلاح تثبيت برنامج الماسنجر بالصورة -
حمل باللغه العربيه Internet Explorer 8 برنامج متصفح معرب عربي -
برنامج اكسبلور 7 عربي وانجليزي Internet Explorer 7 تحميل مباشر وتحدا -
حمل ماسنجر لايف 14 الجديد عربي او انجليزي Li
The comment above was posted by دردشة at January 21, 2010 04:02 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by hfghf at January 23, 2010 06:00 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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Sagopa kajmer
Kız Arkadaş
Porno izle
The comment above was posted by CHATTR at January 24, 2010 02:49 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by شات at January 24, 2010 03:21 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Thank you for all, they are wonderful knowledges. I understand all.
The comment above was posted by Atasözleri ve Anlamları at January 24, 2010 11:34 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by okey at January 25, 2010 04:30 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
شات الريم
دردشة الريم
شات الريم
شات الريم
منتديات الريم
منتدى الريم
شات سعودي
شات كويتي
شات اماراتي
شات قطري
شات مصري
شات عراقي
شات سوري
شات فلسطيني
شات لبناني
موقع منتديات
مركز تحميل
شات عماني
شات الاردن
شات اليمن
ادب وشعر
ازياء وموضه
المواقع النسائية
قبائل واسر
طب وعلاج
منتدى كويتيات
سياحة وسفر
منتديات عالم حواء
خدمات مجانية
تكنولوجيا وانترنت
شات الشله
قصص الانبياء
شات الخليج
شات صوتي
شات البحرين
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دردشة عيون
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شات الود
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نت لوق
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فيس بوك
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دردشة الغلا
دردشة الود
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شات ادما
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شات كتابي
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طرب نت
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مطبخ منال اعالم
طرب mp3
عرب نار
توبيكات جروحي
روابط في بي
امير الصمت
شات امير الصمت
شات بنات السعوديه
نوكيا ماستر
شات برق
شات بنات مصر
تعب قلبي
احباب نجد
شات بنات الضفة
شات روحك
عاشق لبنان
كويت 29
كويت 666
كويت 25
كويت ماكس
شات غرام
اغاني محمد عبده
شات حلا السعوديه
حلا السعوديه
شات ملاك
شات تعالو
شات حياتي غير
بنات كام
شات خليجي
شات نجران
شات الطائف
شات ابها
دردشة علي بابا
علي بابا
شات سوريا
شات مصر
شات العراق
شات لبنان
شات العود
شات مكه
ايميلات بنات
سعودي كام
شات بنات كول
The comment above was posted by GHJF at January 25, 2010 08:39 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
ترحيب بالاعضاء الجدد - الاستقبال
صوتيات اسلاميه - مرئيات اسلاميه - اناشيداسلاميه
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شظايا البوح - خواطر - عذب الكلام
العلم نور - اللغه الانجليزيه - English Forums
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كلام نواعم - حواء - مكياج - فساتين
الاسره - الاطفال - مواضيع اسريه
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حقيبة المصمم - تصميم - تصاميم - فوتوشوب
The comment above was posted by بنات at January 26, 2010 04:27 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by chat at April 10, 2010 02:15 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by sovmen at April 11, 2010 11:41 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by fahad at April 12, 2010 10:11 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
indir thanks
The comment above was posted by indir at April 13, 2010 12:24 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by erotik film izle at April 14, 2010 01:43 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
منتديات اهازيج المطر,
الكرة الجزائرية,
دليل مواقع جولد
لوجو, منتدى
الأمة للتنمية غزة,
دردشة شات بياض
الثلج, دردشة
شات وردة الشرقيه,
أخوات الاسلام
للنساء فقط,
علاج, الداخلية,
جمعية طيبة الخيرية
النسائية بالمدينة,
دلوعه كام ، شات
دلوعة كام ، دردشة دلوعة كام ,
المجلة السياحية
الشهرية - فرى دايز إيجيبت,
شات نجوم الرياض,
منتديات البارونه,
منتديات شبكة
العالمي, اغلى
الغاليات راشد الماجد,
اللجنة العليا
للانتخابات والاستفتاء,
دردشه نزف الجروح
, شات نزف الجروح,
سعودي عسل,
مجلة المعلم,
سما الشرقيه,
شاطئ الاحزان,
اشوف فيك يوم راشد
الماجد, دردشة
شات بنات الكويت,
جامعة الأحقاف,
دردشة شات دانة
العشاق, دليل
الصناعات التركية,
دردشة شات شلة
الشرقية, زعيم
دردشة شات برستيجي,
سعودي عسل,
شات دردشة اصحاب
توب, اشوف فيك
يوم راشد الماجد,
مجلة اتصالات اليوم,
ادعي علي , اغنيه
ادعي علي بالموت,
دردشة شات زي
الهوى, موقع
اليسا , مملكه اليسا,
ندوة العمل الوطني
في لبنان,
دردشة شات غلا نجد,
شات فويس,
جمعية طيبة الخيرية
النسائية بالمدينة,
منتديات اهازيج
المطر, أخوات
الاسلام للنساء فقط,
دردشة شات بعثرة
احاسيس, دردشة
شات وردة الشرقيه,
رسائل sms ,
تامر حسني ,موقع
تامر حسني,
مجلة اتصالات اليوم,
ركن الصيدلة,
الحل الصعب راشد
الماجد اغنية الحل الصعب,
دردشة شات بنات
الكويت, أمانة
مدينة الرياض,
ندوة العمل الوطني في لبنان,
الاولاني راشد
الماجد, دزها
دوت كوم , همس
المحبه, نادي
الاتحاد السعودي,
دردشة شات تويكس,
الحب خالد راشد
الماجد, دليل
مواقع جولد لوجو,
منتديات موج الغلا,
منتدى الأمة
للتنمية غزة,
الشركة المتحدة للاعمال البحرية,
دردشة شات بنات
الكويت, خليجي
توك, الإذاعة
دليل الشاتات - دليل نهر,
دردشة شات امير
الصمت, دردشة
شات قمر الخليج,
دردشة شات تويكس,
دليل الشاتات -
دليل نهر,
النساء, دردشة
شات الريم,
زواج تربية اطفال,
جريدة الرياض ,
الاخضر العنيد
راشد الماجد,
منتديات موج الغلا,
جمعية البر الخيرية
برابغ, دردشة
شات الريم, شات
صوتي الرياض,
مشفى الطب النفسي الحديث,
شباب العشرينات,
دردشة شات سكايب,
دردشة شات رجاوي,
نوكيا الشرق الاوسط,
دردشة شات طقطقه,
أمانة مدينة الرياض,
دليل الصناعات
التركية, زواج
تربية اطفال,
جمعية البر بالمنطقة الشرقية,
دردشة شات روح
البارحة راشد الماجد,
منتدى الأمة
للتنمية غزة,
جريدة الجزيره,
دردشة شات سيف
العشق, الباحة
تجارة وسياحة,
الداخلية, همس
المحبه, دردشة
شات بيني وبينك,
منتديات نهر الحب -
نهر, دردشة
تعب قلبي,
دردشة شات نظره حب,
جريدة الرياضية,
ادعي علي , اغنيه
ادعي علي بالموت,
شات فويس,
دردشة شات سكايب,
الباحة تجارة
وسياحة, مؤسسة
الظلال الحديثة للمظلات والخيام,
منتديات موج الغلا,
دردشة شات سيف
البارحة راشد الماجد,
فويس , همس فويس ,
تاجير صوتيات , ريسلرات صوتية,
دردشة شات مملكه
منتديات اللاعيب الرياضية,
دردشة شات رجاوي,
منتديات نهر الحب -
نهر, القويعية,
شات بنات الضفة,
دردشة شات بياض
الثلج, العلاج
الرقية الشرعية,
الاولاني راشد
الماجد, جريدة
العربية, خليجي
توك, اسقيني
الحب اغنيه اسقيني الحب,
دردشة شات غلا نجد,
دردشة شات قمر
الخليج, الباحة
تجارة وسياحة,
دردشه شات ساهريات الصوتيه,
دليل حزن,
دليل حزن,
شات سعودي توب,
من حقي اغير راشد
الماجد, ادعي
علي , اغنيه ادعي علي بالموت,
سامي يوسف , موقع
سامي يوسف اغاني,
منتديات شبكة
العالمي, جمعية
الانصار الخيرية,
اشوف فيك يوم راشد
الماجد, جريدة
الجزيره, شات
سعودي توب,
فنادق, دليل
حزن, منتدى
الأمة للتنمية غزة,
زواج تربية اطفال,
الاخضر العنيد
راشد الماجد,
دردشة شات تويكس,
نادي الاتحاد
منتديات بوابة فلسطين,
خليجي توك,
دردشة شات امير
الصمت, مجلة
الفضاء الثقافي,
شات سعودي توب,
دردشة شات سحر
عمان, دردشة
شات نظره حب,
زواج تربية اطفال,
مجلة الدفاع,
شات صوتي الرياض,
جمعية الاتحاد
الإسلامي, شات
الود الصوتية ,
زعيم الإمارات,
دليل الصناعات التركية,
شات نجوم الرياض,
بنت الرياض,
وزارة العدل
والشئون الإسلامية بالمملكة البحرين,
ادعي علي , اغنيه
ادعي علي بالموت,
دردشة شات زي
الهوى, فويس ,
همس فويس , تاجير صوتيات , ريسلرات صوتية,
دردشة شات دانة
العشاق, دردشه
غلا الشوق,
الباحة تجارة وسياحة,
جمعية البر
بالمنطقة الشرقية,
اشوف فيك يوم راشد
الماجد, تامر
حسني ,موقع تامر حسني,
جريدة الشرق الأوسط,
عقارات مصر,
منتدى الأمة
للتنمية غزة,
الشئون الصحية بالحرس الوطني,
دليل مواقع جولد
لوجو, عرب شير
- مركز تحميل صور ملفات - مشاركة رفع تحميل الصور الملفات,
مستشفي قوي الامن,
التجارة العربي
سعودي كام,
دردشة عرب توك الصوتية ,
مقاطع فيديو مضحكه,
مجلة الدفاع,
شات صوتي الرياض,
قصة شاب يغازل
زوجة إمام مسجد , قصة ,
دردشه نزف الجروح
, شات نزف الجروح,
العلاج الرقية
الشرعية, سعودي
عسل, الكرة
الشرق الوسط والبحر المتوسط,
دردشة حلا
الامارات||قصايد حلا الامارات||اضغط هنا,
عالم الحياة
دردشة شات بعثرة احاسيس,
امرأة بيضاء تجلس
بجانب رجل أسود,
المجلة السياحية
الشهرية - فرى دايز إيجيبت,
مركز تحميل وز طع,
زعيم الإمارات,
ندوة العمل الوطني
في لبنان,
النساء, جمعية
الاتحاد الإسلامي,
دردشة حلا
الامارات||قصايد حلا الامارات||اضغط هنا,
زواج تربية اطفال,
شات صوتي
سعودي كول
دردشه سعودي كول
شات سعودي كول
سعودي كول
شات الرياض
شات برق
دردشة شات العين
دردشة الحب دردشة مصرية سعودي كول فاشن ازياء فاشن ازياء فاشن حواء شات صوتي سعودي شات الشرقيه دردشة الشرقية الشرقية دردشة سعودي كام دردشة بنات الشرقية شات بنات الشرقية
شات صوتي سعودي كام صور سكس اوضاع الجماع شات سعودي كام منتديات الشرقية العاب الشرقية شات ياحبي توبيكات الشرقية الشرقيه يوتيوب الشرقية شات بنت ابوي شات صوتي سعودي كول دردشه سعودي كول شات سعودي كول دردشه سعودي كام سعودي كام شات سعودي كام سعودي كام سعودي كول دردشه صوتيه
شات صوتي بحريني
دردشة صوتية بحرينية
شات قطري صوتي
دردشة صوتية قطرية
شات اماراتي صوتي
دردشة صوتية سورية
صوتية عراقيه
صوتي عراقي
صوتية مصريه
دردشة صوتية اردنيه
صوتية لبنانيه
صوتي لبناني
شات صوتي عماني
The comment above was posted by chat at April 14, 2010 03:36 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by ugg boots at April 14, 2010 01:12 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by منتدي at April 15, 2010 02:11 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by james123 at April 15, 2010 04:46 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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- منتديات الخليج -
- المنتدى العام -
- المنتدى الاسلامي -
- اناشيد اطفال اناشيد اسلامية -
- اللغة الانجليزية - ترجمة -
- القضـايا الساخنـة والحـوار -
- آخر الأخبار والأحداث -
- الترحيب والاهداءات -
- مجلس الاعضاء -
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- همس القوافي -
- خواطر - قسم الخواطر الأدبية -
- قصص وحكم -
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- صور سيارات -
- الفرفشه والضحك -
- الالعاب والمسابقات -
- صور وعجائب -
- صور انمي - افلام انمي -
- افلام ومسلسلات ومسرحيات -
- استار اكاديمي 7 -
- السياحة والسفر - مناظر طبيعية -
- الحياة الزوجية - الاسرة والطفل -
- عالم حواء - فساتين ومكياج وموضة -
- الديكور والاثاث المنزلي -
- اسـرار البنـات -
- منتدى مـائدة الخليج -
- الصحة والطب -
- بلاك بيري و ايفون -
- قسم البرامج العربية والمعربة -
- الجرافيكس والتصميم -
- ملحقات الفوتوشوب والفلاش -
- قسم تصاميم الفلاش والسويتش -
- البرامج والكمبيوتر و تبادل الخبرات -
- مشاكل وحلول القسم الـتـقـنـي -
- توبيكات ملونة - صور ماسنجر -
- مسجات - رسائل وسائط -
- مــنــتــدى تغــيير النــك نيـــم - الأســم -
- شات الخليج -
- دردشة الخليج -
- توبيكات -
- طرب -
- اغاني -
شات صوتي
شات سوري
شات سوريا
دردشة سورية
دردشة سوريه
دردشة سوريات
شات شامي
شات الشام
دردشة سوريا
دردشة شاميه
دردشة شاميات
منتديات سورية
منتدى سوريا
منتديات الشام
منتديات شامية
The comment above was posted by دردشة الخليج at April 15, 2010 06:38 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Thank your for Sharing
The comment above was posted by Free SMS at April 16, 2010 06:04 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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دردشة الغلا
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دردشة كويتية
شات الغلا
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شات عربي
شات خليجي
همس الغلا
منتديات همس الغلا
منتديات همس
دخول سوبر همس الغلا
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الموسوعة العلمية
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شبكة صيف السعيدة
منتديات صيف السعيدة
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دردشة صيف السعيدة
دليل مواقع
دليل دردشة
دليل المواقع العربية
دليل دردشه
دليل دردشات
منتديات خليجية
منتديات عربية
منتديات اجنبية
منتديات مصرية
منتديات سودانية
منتديات صومالية
منتديات تركية
منتديات طبية
منتديات تجارية
منتديات عراقية
منتديات قطرية
منتديات سعودية
منتديات خليجيات
منتديات يمنية
منتديات اردنية
منتديات اماراتية
منتديات فلسطينية
منتديات كويتية
منتديات لبنانية
منتديات سورية
منتديات مغربية
منتديات عمانية
منتديات شامية
منتديات نار الحب
العاب همس الغلا
لعاب فلاش
العاب بنات
العاب مشاهير
العاب منوعه
العاب مضحكة
العاب التشويق
العاب اطفال
العاب اكشن
العاب بنات
تلبيس باربي
The comment above was posted by دردشة الغلا at April 19, 2010 05:50 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by sohbet at April 28, 2010 12:33 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by sohbet at April 29, 2010 02:50 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by sohbet at April 30, 2010 01:24 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by Haydi at April 30, 2010 03:05 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by sinema at April 30, 2010 08:27 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by thomson at April 30, 2010 11:59 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
عطورات شبابيه -
ازياء شباب -
قصات شعر شبابيه -
صبغات شبابيه -
ماركات رجاليه
سيارات -سياره
- صور سيارات -
سيارات جديده -
موديلات سيارات -
جديد صور سيارات -
برشلونه -
ريال مدريد -
مانشستر يونايتد -
انتر ميلان -
صور لاعبين اجانب
- اهداف مبارايات
اهداف -
تغطية مبارايات -
بث مباشر مباراة -
اهداف الدوري السعودي
- صور مباريات
- صور لاعبين سعوديين
طبخ -
حلويات -
معجنات -
سلطات -
مشروبات -
مقبلات -
مطبخ منال العالم
- مطبخ اسامه -
الطبخ العربي
ديكور -
ديكورات -
اثاث -
ديكور اثاث -
ديكورات اثاث -
تصميم ديكور -
تصاميم ديكورات -
ديكور منزلي
صحه -
امراض -
علاج -
نصائح طبيه -
فصيلة الدم - صحة
الانسان - فوائد
الاغذيه - امراض
مكياج -
قصات شعر -
تسريحات شعر -
خلطات طبيعيه -
صبغات شعر -
وصفات تبيض -
ماركات عالميه
فساتين -
فستان -
فساتين زفاف -
فساتين عرايس -
فساتين اطفال -
ازياء مصممين -
مسكات -
نكت -
الغاز -
مواقف مضحكة -
مقالب -
قصص مضحكه -
نكت الاعضاء -
طرائف الاعضاء
قصص -
روايات - حكايات
- تحميل روايات -
روايات قصيره -
روايات طويله -
جديد الروايات
خواطر -
اشعار -
خاطره -
خواطر حزينه -
خواطر حب -
خواطر الاعضاء -
تدوينات الاعضاء
قصائد صوتيه -
قصائد mp3 بدون موسيقى
- قصائد بدون
موسيقى - قصائد
اشعار بدون موسيقى
قصيده -
قصائد - شعر -
قصائد شعريه -
قصائد منقوله -
قصائد الشعراء -
قصائد كتابيه
نقاش -
حوار - نقاشات
الاعضاء - حوارات
الاعضاء - مواضيع
للنقاش - النقاش
الجاد - مواضيع
ترحيب -
عبارات ترحيب -
صور ترحيب -
اهداءات -
ضيافه -
تهاني الاعضاء -
خاص للاعضاء الجدد
نشيد -
انشاد - اناشيد
- فيديو أناشيد -
محاضرات -
القران -
محاضرات صوتيه -
أناشيد طيور الجنه
اسلام -
الدين الاسلامي -
فتاوى -
اذكار -
حديث -
سيرة الرسول -
احكام الدين -
احاديث نبويه
الرأي العام -
المنبر الحر -
مواضيع عامه -
مواضيع جديده -
مواضيع ثقافيه -
جديد المواضيع العامه
مواضيع مميزه -
مواضيع اعضاء وتلومني
فيك المميزه
The comment above was posted by looom at May 2, 2010 06:51 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
منتدى وتلومني فيك
منتديات وتلومني فيك
منتدى خليجي
منتدى عربي
فيك ،
أغنية وتلومني فيك ،
العاب -
لعبه -
العاب كمبيوتر -
العاب أكشن-
العاب بنات -
العاب فلاش -
جديد الالعاب -
برامج العاب
برامج -
مكتبة البرامج -
برامج الكمبيوتر -
تحميل برامج كمبيوتر
- جديد برامج
الكمبيوتر -برامج
رسائل -
رسائل جوال -
وسائط جوال -
وسائط اغاني -
رسائل وسائط -
وسائط صوتيه -
وسائط فيديو
نغمات -
نغمات بدون موسيقى
- نغمات جوال -
نغمات mp3 -
بلوتوث -
مقاطع يوتيوب -
مقاطع بلوتوث
جوال -
برامج جوال -
جديد برامج الجوال
- ثيمات -
ثيمات جوال -
العاب جوال -
جديد العاب الجوال
سويتش -
فلاش -
برامج الفلاش -
ملفات مفتوحه -
ملف مفتوح -
دروس فوتوشوب -
دروس فلاش
خامات -
فلاتر -
فرش -
سكرابز -
خطوط -
تكسترات -
قصاصات -
ايطارات -
باترن -
استايلات -
اكشن -
فوتوشوب -
برنامج الفوتوشوب
- صور للتصميم -
صور مفرغه للتصميم
- خلفيات للتصميم
- تصاميم الاعضاء
توبيكات -
توبيك -
توبيكات ماسنجر -
توبيكات اغاني -
توبيكات ملونه -
نكات ماسنجر -
عبارات ماسنجر
صور ماسنجر -
صور مسن -
رموز -
ايقونات -
رموز ماسنجر -
ايقونات ماسنجر -
ابتسامات للماسنجر
برامج ماسنجر -
ماسنجر بلس -
سكربت ماسنجر -
ثيمات ماسنجر -
خلفيات ماسنجر -
مشهد ماسنجر
زفات -
أغاني بدون موسيقى
- كلمات أغاني -
زفات بدون موسيقى
- اغاني mp3 بدون
فنانين -
ممثلين -
صور فنانين -
صور ممثلين -
صور مشهورين -
صور مسلسلات -
جديد صور الفنانات
مسلسلات -
أفلام - جديد
الافلام - افلام
تورنت - مسرحيات
- مقاطع مسلسلات -
حلقات مسلسلات
صور -
الصور -
صور طبيعة - صور
منوعه - صور مضحكه
- صور خلفيات
- جديد الصور -
مكتبة الصور
انمي -
صور إنمي -
أفلام إنمي -
رسوم متحركه -
أفلام كرتون -
صور انمي متحركه -
حلقات انمي
ملابس شباب -
عطورات شبابيه -
The comment above was posted by looom at May 2, 2010 06:52 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
منتدى - منتديات
- عذب - عذب
الكلام - منتديات
عذب الكلام - منتدى
عذب الكلام
صور فنانات - صور
ممثلات - صور
فنانين - صور
فنانات جديدة - صور
فنانات 2010 - صور
فنانين 2010
كلمات اغاني - كلمات
اغاني جديدة - كلمات
اغاني 2010 - كلمات
اغاني عربيه - كلمات
اغاني راشد الماجد
توبيكات ماسنجر - نكات
ماسنجر - توبيكات - توبكات - نكات - توبيكات
جروحي - توبيكات
صور ماسنجر - صور
ماسنجر بنات - صور
ماسنجر شباب - صور
ماسنجر 2010 - صور
ماسنجر جديدة
صور ماسنجر مسن - صور
بنات للمسن - صور
شباب للمسن - صور
برامج ماسنجر - ماسنجر
بلص - سكربتات
ماسنجر ماسنجر 9 - ماسنجر
2010 - ماسنجر
2010 - ماسنجر
9 بلس
فوتوشوب - صور
بنات للتصميم - صور
شباب للتصميم
رسائل - مسجات - وسائط - MMS - SMS - نغمات - نغمات
Mb3 - رسائل
وسائط 2010 - مسجات
برامج جوال - برامج
نوكيا - العاب
جوال - العاب
نوكيا - ثيمات
جوال - ثيمات
بلاك بيري - برامج
بلاك بيري - BlackBerry -
برامج - برامج
كمبيوتر - برامج
خدمية - برامج
اساسية - برامج
كمبيوتر جديدة - برامج
The comment above was posted by looom at May 2, 2010 06:54 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
منتدى -
منتديات -
عذب -
عذب الكلام -
منتديات عذب الكلام -
منتدى عذب الكلام
موقع عذب الكلام -
شبكة عذب الكلام -
موقع خليجي -
شات خليجي -
موقع تعارف
اناشيد اسلامية -
اناشيد دعوية -
انشودة فيديو كليب -
اناشيد اطفال
اناشيد جديده -
اناشيد طيور الجنه -
اناشيد Mp3
سياحة -
سفر -
رحلات -
سياحه اوربيه -
سياحه داخليه -
سياحه خارجيه -
صور مدن -
صور سياحية
أزياء -
اناقة -
فساتين -
فساتين جديدة -
ازياء مصممين -
فساتين سهرات -
ملابس نسائية -
ملابس أطفال -
فساتين اطفال -
يجامات -
بيجامات نعومي -
أزياء 2010
زفات -
زفه -
زفات 2010 -
زفات اغاني -
زفات أغاني بدون موسيقى -
زفات اغاني فنانين 2010
ازياء العروس -
فستان زفه -
مكياج عروس -
تجهيزات العروس -
عروس 2010
ازياء العروس جديدة -
فساتين العروس -
ملابس العروس -
مكياج العروس 2010-
تسريحات -
مكياج -
ميك اب -
صور مكياج -
عطورات -
العنايه بالبشره -
تبييض البشره -
تسريحات شعر -
تسريحة شعر -
قصة شعر -
ديكورات -
اثاث منزلي -
ديكور -
أثاث -
غرف اثاث منزلي -
ديكورات جديده -
ديكور منزلي
طبخ -
طبخات -
اكلات -
اكلات عربية -
وجبات -
مقادير حلا -
أطباق رئيسية -
كاتالوج المطبخ -
اكلات خليجية 2010
صور -
صور طبيعة -
صور نادرة -
صور ? صور -
صور جديده -
صور 2010 -
صور خلفية لسطح المكتب 2010
العاب بنات -
العاب اطفال -
العاب جديده -
برامج تشغيل الالعاب -
العاب فلاشيه -
العاب تلبيس -
العاب PC كمبيوتر
العاب فلاش -
العاب 2010 -
العاب 2011 -
العاب قتال و اثاره -
العاب طبخ -
العاب باربي -
العاب قتال
نتائج المباريات -
صور ميسي و كرستيانو رونالدو -
صور سعد الحارثي و ياسر القحطاني
صور كاكا و صور لاعبين
تلفزيون - افلام -
مسرحيات -
مسلسلات جديده -
مسرحية ,
فلم -
مسلسل -
مسلسلات تركيه -
مسلسلات خليجية -
مسلسلات رمضان 2010
The comment above was posted by looom at May 2, 2010 06:55 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Thank you
The comment above was posted by Citirlar at May 3, 2010 12:31 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by ozgur at May 4, 2010 12:37 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by james123 at May 4, 2010 04:54 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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مكياج عرايس بالصور جدا جدا راقي صور مكياج عروس جذاب و فخم جداً
مكياج عيون صراحه خيال ، اروع مكياج للعيون ، ميك اب رهيب تحطيم
موضة البنات جديدة - أخر موضة النساء - موضة الاظافر
مكياج جديد مكياج عيون أحلي مكياج ، مكياج 2010 أحدث المكياج
قمصان نوم مثيرة للعرايس من الحرير
بيجامات عروس روعة ، بيجامات نوم للعروس
صور ماسنجر ، للشباب شباب حلوين للماسنجر
صور شباب وبنات 2010 للماسنجر 2010 بنات
صور بنات للماسنجر حلوين Messenger شباب
توبيكات بنات صور ماسنجر توبيك مسن
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العاب بنات تلبيس ، ألعاب جديدة 2010 فلاش
الصورة المختلفة - different picture
العاب مسليه للاطفال 2010 ، ألعاب مسلية
صور قديمه جدا نادرة تاريخيه بالماضي
صور حيوانات اليفه بريه حيوانات الصحراء
صور متحركة بوسات قبلات للماسنجر شفايف قلوب رموز
اناشيد اسلاميه - أناشيد أطفال mp3 - أناشيد طيور الجنة
أناشيد أسلامية أطفال طيور الجنة
اسعار و اسماء فنادق مكة قريبة من الحرم الملكي بجوار الكعبة
أفلام إسلامية للأطفال و قصص دينية
رموز ماسنجر جديدة 2010 كلمات متحركة للمسنجر وجوة
العاب فلاش الرئيسيةالعاب hguhf فلاش - العاب 2010 فلاش
العاب اطفال hguhf - العاب بنات 2010 - ا
العاب جديدة 2010 - العاب hguhf فلاش
العاب2010 - العاب ألعاب فلاش - العاب hgu
العاب قتال ، لعبة قتال ، ألعاب قتالية 20
العاب منوعه ، ألعاب 2010 منوعة جديدة الع
العاب مسليه للاطفال 2010 ، ألعاب مسلية ج
العاب مثيره 2010 ، ألعاب فلاش جميله 2010
العاب متميزه
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العاب رياضه
العاب سباق سيارت ، سباق دراجات ، خيول ال
العاب صور
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العاب تعليم الانجليزيه
العاب ذكاء 2010 ، العاب تركيز ، ألعاب ال
العاب طريفه
العاب تركيز 2010 ، العاب لتقوية الذاكرة
العاب اكشن 2010 ، ألعاب الاكشن حربية 201
العاب بنات تلبيس ، ألعاب بنات جديدة 2010

كلمة المرور
هل نسيت كلمة المرور؟
تسجيل عضو جديد
منتديات | منتدى اسلامي | شباب | دردشة | اناشيد اسلامية | يوتيوب | برامج كمبيوتر | صور غريبة | مسجات | العاب كمبيوتر | صور مسنجر | فيديو | رسائل وسائط | شعر | خواطر رومانسية | فساتين | ديكور | اكلات | ملابس رجالية | فوتوشوب | قصص | ابحاث | جرائم حوادث | العاب | دليل مواقع | موقع صور
The comment above was posted by منتدي at May 4, 2010 06:17 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
With the Continent looking to Essen this year, as the Capital of European Culture 2010, the city is looking back on its industrial past.
Ben temel bantlama araç kiti hem gereksinimleri satify sipariş etmek istiyorum ve benim tekne için bir güzel tamir aracı var. Herkes ne sipariş özellikle öneririm? at
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Ben temel bantlama araç kiti hem gereksinimleri satify sipariş etmek istiyorum ve benim tekne için bir güzel tamir aracı var. Herkes ne sipariş özellikle öneririm? at
European Culture 2010, the city is looking back on its industrial past.
The comment above was posted by chat at May 5, 2010 01:32 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
It’s the question everyone wants to know, “How fast can I lose weight?” It’s easy to see why people want to know. An event comes up, a school reunion, a wedding, a job interview, or a party. But before I explain how fast you biber hapı can lose weight, let me give you brief understanding of the following facts.
When you lose weight, you don’t just shed the fat. You also lose a combination of body fat and muscle tissue. There are studies that clearly show that when we diet, the weight we shed consists usually of about 75% fat and the remaining 25% is muscle. On top of that, a lot of weight loss will end up being water loss. This is important to realise because about 70% of your total body weight is water. Now that you realise, the next thing to understand is that there are factors that affect how fast you lose weight.
You see the human body doesn’t lose weight at a typical rate or speed. In other words, there’s no set speed and different people lose weight at varying speeds. The reason why is because weight loss biber hapı depends on the amount you weigh, your diet, your lifestyle, your level of physical activity, your current state of heath, your metabolic rate, and the level of stress you’re under. Obviously that is a lot of factors to consider when you wonder, “How fast can I lose weight?” Sure, it would be great if you knew unequivocally the rate of fat loss you can expect, but it’s not possible, but now you understand why.
No doubt you’ve seen weight loss claims of losing up to 20 pounds per week. What you’ve got to realise when that happens is that most of that is water weight. There are a couple of problems with this. First, losing that much weight in one week, especially considering it’s mostly water is not healthy. Second, biber hapı since it’s mostly water weight, the results will be temporary. www.kirmizibiberhapi.org So what is the ideal amount of weight to lose per week?
The comment above was posted by kedy janny at May 5, 2010 08:57 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
thanx you very good
The comment above was posted by Gay | Sex | Lezbiyen | Travesti | Gey | Gaydar | Bisexual | Cinsel | Cinsel Sohbet | Gay Sohbet | Se at May 5, 2010 11:06 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by Gay | Sex | Lezbiyen | Travesti | Gey | Gaydar | Bisexual | Cinsel | Cinsel Sohbet | Gay Sohbet | Se at May 5, 2010 11:34 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
بنت مصر |
شات بنت مصر |
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شات مصري |
شات بنات مصر |
شات مصر |
شات بنات |
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شات صوتي |
دليل بنت مصر |
العاب بنت مصر |
فيديو بنت مصر |
يوتيوب بنت مصر|
جوال بنت مصر |
موبايل بنت مصر |
توبيكات بنت مصر |
مطبخ بنت مصر |
ازياء بنت مصر |
ماسنجر بنت مصر |
صور بنت مصر |
دردشة بنت مصر الكتابية |
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شات بنت مصر الصوتي |
دردشة صوتية مصرية |
شات صوتي مصري |
شات الحب
The comment above was posted by بنت مصر at May 6, 2010 07:22 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
بنت مصر
شات بنت مصر
دردشة بنت مصر
دردشة مصرية
شات مصري
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شات مصر
شات بنات
بنات مصر
شات كتابي
شات صوتي
دليل بنت مصر
العاب بنت مصر
فيديو بنت مصر
يوتيوب بنت مصر
جوال بنت مصر
موبايل بنت مصر
توبيكات بنت مصر
مطبخ بنت مصر
ازياء بنت مصر
ماسنجر بنت مصر
صور بنت مصر
دردشة بنت مصر الكتابية
دردشة كتابية مصرية
شات بنت مصر الكتابي
دردشة بنت مصر الصوتية
شات بنت مصر الصوتي
دردشة صوتية مصرية
شات صوتي مصري
شات الحب
The comment above was posted by شات مصرى at May 6, 2010 07:24 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by film izle at May 7, 2010 01:45 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by film izle at May 7, 2010 01:46 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by film izle at May 7, 2010 01:47 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Thank you for the information your provide.
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The comment above was posted by sesli at May 7, 2010 01:55 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Thank you for sharing your friends. Hope to see you another day.
The comment above was posted by direk film izle at May 11, 2010 07:39 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
مسجات صباح الخير , مسجات صباحيه , مسجات صباح الحب
مسجات حزينه , مسجات عتب , مسجات فراق
برنامج كاسبر نوكيا 2010 للموبايل المحمول +كود التفعيل
تعليم اللغة الانجليزية واللغات الاجنبية
مطبخ - وصفات و وجبات و اطباق اكلات ومعجنات وحلويات
فساتين سهره والملابس والاكسسوارات
العاب كمبيوتر - العاب فلاش - تحميل العاب
توبيكات ملونه - نكات ماسنجر - توبيكات للماسنجر
برامج الحاسوب و برامج الانترنت
انمي - صور انمي - تحميل افلام انمي و كرتون - anime
افلام - مشاهده افلام - تحميل افلام
يوتيوب - يوتيوب فيديو - مقاطع You Tube
العاب للتحميل للكمبيوتر
- تنزيل العاب
خواطر حب وغرام وعشق وغزل وشوق قصيرة حزينة رومانسيه
قصص اطفال مصورة قصيرة بالصور قبل النوم
جدول الدوري الانجليزي 2010 / 2011
مسجات حب وغرام وشوق قصيرة قوية جديدة
ملابس أطفال آخرموضه روووعه 2010
ملابس أطفال آخرموضه روووعه 2010
مقطع تفحيط مرعب - مقاطع تفحيط مرعبه
صور غرف نوم تركية راقية فخمة غرف نوم للعرسان
دورس تعلم اللغة الانجليزية من البداية للنهاية
برنامج تشغيل العاب البلاى ستيشن تو Playstation 2
قصائد مسموعة للشاعر نزار قباني
فيلم الرعب والأرواح الشريرة Dead.Wood.2007 مترجم
مجموعه من اجمل الالعاب الخفيفه 2010
وسائط حب mms رومانسيه مسجات عشق وسائط غرام
مسلسل الكارتون القديم بوجى و طمطم
صور كمال اجسام صور ابطال كمال الاجسام
حصريا الاسطوره بروسلى فيلم الراس الكبيره
ايقونات متحركة للمسنجر روعه . اجمل رموز
أكلات صينية سهله جدا ومذاقها وااااااااااو
صور زهور, ورود, صور ورود, خلفيات ورود
احدث العبايات الخليجيه والمغربيه
يوتيوب - يوتيوب فيديو - مقاطع You Tube
The comment above was posted by منتديات at May 12, 2010 04:35 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by Sport Supplement at May 13, 2010 09:37 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by mark at May 14, 2010 03:12 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by منتديات at May 15, 2010 02:26 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by akyazi at May 16, 2010 02:13 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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Ledapol Schuhe
Legero Schuhe
Lelli Kelly Schuhe
Lico Schuhe
Lise Lindvig Schuhe
Lonsdale Schuhe
The comment above was posted by wei at May 16, 2010 04:32 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Lotto Schuhe
Luciano Barachini Schuhe
Magdalena Neuner Schuhe
Magnum Schuhe
Mammut Schuhe
MANAS Schuhe
MARC Schuhe
Marc Ecko Schuhe
Marc O Polo Schuhe
Marc Shoes Schuhe
Marco Tozzi Schuhe
Maruti Schuhe
MB Clogs Schuhe
MBT Schuhe
Meindl Schuhe
Meisi Schuhe
Mephisto Schuhe
Merrell Schuhe
Mexx Schuhe
Miano Schuhe
MIK funshopping Schuhe
Mikels-World Schuhe
Minnetonka Schuhe
Miss Ellie Schuhe
Miss Sixty Schuhe
Mizuno Schuhe
Mjus Schuhe
MOMA Schuhe
MQ23 Schuhe
MTS Schuhe
Mustang Schuhe
MutterErde Schuhe
Nannini Schuhe
Naot Schuhe
Nat-2 Schuhe
Neosens Schuhe
New Balance Schuhe
New Dress Schuhe
New Rock Schuhe
Nike Schuhe
Nitro Schuhe
Oilily Schuhe
Palladium Schuhe
Pantoffelmann Schuhe
Papillio Schuhe
Patagonia Schuhe
Pepe Jeans Schuhe
Peter Kaiser Schuhe
Petusco Shoes Schuhe
PF-Flyers Schuhe
Piazza Schuhe
Piu di Servas Schuhe
Playboy Schuhe
Playshoes Schuhe
Pleaser Schuhe
Pretty Ballerinas Schuhe
Promod Schuhe
Puma Schuhe
RA-RE Rag Recycle Schuhe
Reebok Schuhe
Reef Schuhe
Remonte Dorndorf Schuhe
Replay Schuhe
Richter Kinderschuhe Schuhe
Ricosta Schuhe
Rieker Schuhe
Rio Grande Schuhe
Rocco P Schuhe
Rohde Schuhe
Romika Schuhe
Roxy Schuhe
Rubber Duck Schuhe
s Oliver Schuhe
Safety Jogger Schuhe
Saftey Jogger Schuhe
Sales Translations Schuhe
Salewa Schuhe
Salomon Schuhe
Samsonite Schuhe
San Bernardo Schuhe
Sanita Schuhe
Sansibar Schuhe
Sanuk Schuhe
Saucony Schuhe
Scholl Schuhe
Scott Schuhe
Sebago Schuhe
Semler Schuhe
Semper Calzature Schuhe
Sendra Boots Schuhe
shoeseller24 Schuhe
Signora Comfort Schuhe
Simple Schuhe
Sioux Schuhe
Skechers Schuhe
Sloffie Schuhe
Snipe Schuhe
Softclox Schuhe
SPM Schuhe
Stockerpoint-Modell Schuhe
Stonefly Schuhe
Styleshoes Schuhe
Super Mode Schuhe
Superdry Schuhe
Superga Schuhe
Supra Schuhe
Sweet Day Schuhe
Sykum Schuhe
Tamaris Schuhe
Tatami Schuhe
Terra Plana Schuhe
Teva Schuhe
The Art Company Schuhe
Theresia Muck Schuhe
Think Schuhe
Tiggers Schuhe
Timberland Schuhe
Timezone Schuhe
TMA Schuhe
Together Schuhe
Tom Tailor Schuhe
Tommy Hilfiger Schuhe
Tremp Schuhe
Tretorn Schuhe
True Religion Schuhe
TUK Schuhe
UGG Schuhe
Uhlsport Schuhe
UMBRO Schuhe
Under Armour Schuhe
Underground England Schuhe
Unisa Schuhe
Unze Schuhe
UNZE Schuhe
Vagabond Schuhe
Vamos Schuhe
Vans Schuhe
VAUDE Schuhe
Venice Schuhe
Venturini Schuhe
Venturini eleganza Schuhe
Via Giulia Schuhe
VIA UNO Schuhe
Victor Schuhe
Viking Schuhe
Vision Schuhe
Vista Schuhe
Vital Schuhe
Waldlaufer Schuhe
wandelei Schuhe
Weeger Schuhe
Wenz Schuhe
Wilson Schuhe
Wolky Schuhe
Wonders Schuhe
Woody Schuhe
Wrangler Schuhe
XYXYX Schuhe
Yellow Cab Schuhe
Yin Schuhe
Young Spirit Schuhe
Young-Fashion Schuhe
ZooYork Schuhe
Abt T-Shirt
Adelheid T-Shirt
adidas T-Shirt
Affliction T-Shirt
Alo T-Shirt
Alpha Industries T-Shirt
Alprausch T-Shirt
Altamont T-Shirt
Altru T-Shirt
Amplified T-Shirt
Analog T-Shirt
Anvil T-Shirt
armardi T-Shirt
armedangels T-Shirt
Atticus T-Shirt
Avatar T-Shirt
Babyface T-Shirt
Bella T-Shirt
Bench T-Shirt
Billabong T-Shirt
Bjorkvin T-Shirt
Blaumax T-Shirt
Blend of America T-Shirt
Blue Seven T-Shirt
BOTY T-Shirt
Bozz Music T-Shirt
Brubaker T-Shirt
Brunotti T-Shirt
Burton T-Shirt
Cakewalk T-Shirt
Calida T-Shirt
Calvin Klein T-Shirt
camel active T-Shirt
Capone T-Shirt
Carbone T-Shirt
Carhartt T-Shirt
Catimini T-Shirt
Christian Audigier T-Shirt
Converse T-Shirt
Coole-Fun-T-Shirts T-Shirt
Crazy Kids T-Shirt
Crystal Rock T-Shirt
Custo Barcelona T-Shirt
DC T-Shirt
De Puta Madre T-Shirt
Derbe Hamburg T-Shirt
Desigual T-Shirt
Diesel T-Shirt
Ed Hardy T-Shirt
edc by esprit T-Shirt
edc youth T-Shirt
Elbenwald T-Shirt
Element T-Shirt
Emily the Strange T-Shirt
Emporio Armani T-Shirt
Energie T-Shirt
Enjoi T-Shirt
Esprit T-Shirt
Ethno Designs T-Shirt
Evolution Shirtz T-Shirt
Fallen T-Shirt
Famous Stars and Straps T-Shirt
Fancy Beast T-Shirt
Fenchurch T-Shirt
Fila T-Shirt
Fornarina T-Shirt
Forum T-Shirt
Fox Racing T-Shirt
Fruit of the Loom T-Shirt
Full Fashion T-Shirt
G-STAR T-Shirt
Geox T-Shirt
Gildan T-Shirt
Gold Edition T-Shirt
Gorilla T-Shirt
Green Cotton T-Shirt
Greystone T-Shirt
Guess T-Shirt
Halle15 T-Shirt
Hanes T-Shirt
Harry Potter T-Shirt
Herr der Ringe T-Shirt
Hilfiger Denim T-Shirt
HiveTees T-Shirt
Honeymoon T-Shirt
Hooligan T-Shirt
Humor T-Shirt
Hurley T-Shirt
Independent T-Shirt
Innes T-Shirt
Iriedaily T-Shirt
Iron Fist T-Shirt
Jack Jones T-Shirt
James Jones T-Shirt
James Perse T-Shirt
Jean Bourget T-Shirt
Jerzees T-Shirt
Jockey T-Shirt
Johnson Motors T-Shirt
Joker T-Shirt
Jottum T-Shirt
KangaROOS T-Shirt
Kappa T-Shirt
KidsFashion T-Shirt
Killah T-Shirt
Kindershirts T-Shirt
Kostum T-Shirt
Krysom T-Shirt
Kunterbunt T-Shirt
La Martina T-Shirt
La Vida Loca T-Shirt
Lacoste T-Shirt
Lana Naturalwear T-Shirt
Legend Soul T-Shirt
Lego Wear T-Shirt
Lemmi T-Shirt
Levis T-Shirt
Liegelind T-Shirt
Light T-Shirt
Linux-Onlineshop de T-Shirt
Local Celebrity T-Shirt
Logoshirt T-Shirt
Losan T-Shirt
Mahagony T-Shirt
Makaveli T-Shirt
Maloja T-Shirt
Manstore T-Shirt
Marc Ecko T-Shirt
Marvel T-Shirt
Mazine T-Shirt
MCL T-Shirt
Mexx T-Shirt
Miami Ink T-Shirt
Mioki T-Shirt
Miss Sixty T-Shirt
Modus Vivendi T-Shirt
Mogul T-Shirt
Montana T-Shirt
Moschino T-Shirt
Motiv Sweatshirts Pluspol T-Shirt
Motive T-shirts Pluspol T-Shirt
Murphy Nye T-Shirt
Mustang T-Shirt
NafNaf T-Shirt
Naish Hawaii T-Shirt
NFP T-Shirt
Nike T-Shirt
Nikita T-Shirt
Nixon T-Shirt
Oakley T-Shirt
OBOY Streetwear T-Shirt
Olaf Benz T-Shirt
Only T-Shirt
Optik Records T-Shirt
Orange County Choppers T-Shirt
Oroblu T-Shirt
Oui T-Shirt
Outer Banks T-Shirt
Oxbow T-Shirt
Oxmo T-Shirt
Pampolina T-Shirt
Passionata T-Shirt
Paul Frank T-Shirt
Paul Smith T-Shirt
Playboard T-Shirt
Playboy T-Shirt
Promod T-Shirt
Puma T-Shirt
Pyromaniac T-Shirt
Quiko Surfwear T-Shirt
Quiksilver T-Shirt
Ragwear T-Shirt
Redrum T-Shirt
Reef T-Shirt
Revolution T-Shirt
Rip Curl T-Shirt
ROADSIGN australia T-Shirt
Roxy T-Shirt
Sanetta T-Shirt
Sansibar T-Shirt
Santa Cruz T-Shirt
Sarabanda T-Shirt
Schiesser T-Shirt
Schwer Erziehbar T-Shirt
Scott meets Lilly T-Shirt
Shiroi Neko T-Shirt
Shirtzshop T-Shirt
Sigikid T-Shirt
Signum T-Shirt
Skunkfunk T-Shirt
Solid Gold Bomb T-Shirt
Sombrio T-Shirt
Southpole T-Shirt
Streetlife T-Shirt
Strike T-Shirt
Stummer T-Shirt
StyloTex T-Shirt
Superdry T-Shirt
Supreme Being T-Shirt
Surplus T-Shirt
Sweet T-Shirt
Tatami T-Shirt
Tendance T-Shirt
Thrasher T-Shirt
Thursday T-Shirt
Timberland T-Shirt
Timezone T-Shirt
Tom Tailor T-Shirt
Tom Tailor Denim T-Shirt
Tommy Hilfiger T-Shirt
Topdollar T-Shirt
Topolino T-Shirt
Touchlines T-Shirt
Trigema T-Shirt
Trunk Ltd T-Shirt
Tumble n Dry T-Shirt
Ucon T-Shirt
Underpressure T-Shirt
Unknown T-Shirt
USBA United Skateboard Artists T-Shirt
Vero Moda T-Shirt
viergrad T-Shirt
Von Zipper T-Shirt
Wemoto T-Shirt
West Coast Choppers T-Shirt
World of Warcraft T-Shirt
Wrangler T-Shirt
XINT T-Shirt
XTG T-Shirt
XX by Mexx T-Shirt
Yackfou T-Shirt
Yakuza Ink T-Shirt
Young-Fashion T-Shirt
Zimtstern T-Shirt
ZooYork T-Shirt
The comment above was posted by leing at May 16, 2010 04:34 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
GEOX Schuhe
GEOX Schuhe
GEOX Damenschuhe
GEOX Herrenschuhe
GEOX Kinderschuhe
GEOX Pumps
GEOX Stiefel
GEOX Damen Stiefel
GEOX Kinder Stiefel
GEOX Sandalen
GEOX Damen Sandalen
GEOX Herren Sandalen
GEOX Kinder Sandalen
GEOX Sneaker
GEOX Herren Sneaker
GEOX Damen Sneaker
GEOX Kinder Sneaker
GEOX Halbschuhe
GEOX Ballerinas
GEOX Damen Ballerinas
GEOX Kinder Ballerinas
GEOX Mokassins
GEOX Slipper
GEOX Lauflernschuhe
Tamaris Schuhe
Tamaris Schuhe
Tamaris Damenschuhe
Tamaris Pumps
Tamaris Stiefel
Tamaris Damen Stiefel
Tamaris Sandalen
Tamaris Damen Sandalen
Tamaris Sneaker
Tamaris Damen Sneaker
Tamaris Halbschuhe
Tamaris Ballerinas
Tamaris Damen Ballerinas
Tamaris Clogs
Tamaris Damen Pumps
Tamaris Damen Klassische Halbschuhe
Tamaris Mokassins
Tamaris Slipper
Clarks Schuhe
Clarks Damenschuhe
Clarks Herrenschuhe
Clarks Pumps
Clarks Stiefel
Clarks Damen Stiefel
Clarks Herren Stiefel
Clarks Sandalen
Clarks Damen Sandalen
Clarks Herren Sandalen
Clarks Sneaker
Clarks Herren Sneaker
Clarks Damen Sneaker
Clarks Halbschuhe
Clarks Ballerinas
Clarks Damen Ballerinas
Clarks Herren Ballerinas
Clarks Mokassins
Clarks Slipper
Clarks Clogs
Clarks Desert
Clarks Bombay
Clarks Wallabee
Lloyd Schuhe
Lloyd Herrenschuhe
Lloyd Slipper
Lloyd Dino
Lloyd Enos
VAUDE Schuhe
VAUDE Herrenschuhe
VAUDE Damenschuhe
VAUDE Stone Rider
VAUDE Sportschuhe
VAUDE Stiefel
VAUDE Halbschuhe
Mavic Schuhe
Mavic Herrenschuhe
Mavic Damenschuhe
Mavic Radschuhe
Mavic Sportschuhe
Mavic Fury
Mavic Chasm
Lake Schuhe
Lake CX
Lake CX 140
Lake CX 165
Lake CX 210
Lake MX
Lake MX 85
Lake MX 90
Lake MX 101
Lake MX 155
Lake MX 156
Sidi Schuhe
Sidi Rennradschuh
Sidi MTB Schuhe
Sidi Sportschuhe
Sidi Fahrradschuh
Sidi Genius
Sidi Genius 5
Sidi Eagle 5
Sidi Zeta
Sidi Zephyr
Sidi Dominator 5
Sidi Bullet 2
Diadora Schuhe
Diadora Laufschuh
Diadora Rennradschuhe
Diadora Sportschuhe
Diadora Fußballschuhe
Diadora Kinderschuhe
Diadora Damenschuhe
Diadora Herrenschuhe
Shimano Schuhe
Shimano Herrenschuhe
Shimano Damenschuhe
Shimano Rennrad Schuhe
Shimano Mountainbike Schuhe
Shimano Gore-Tex Schuh
Shimano MTB-Sport-Schuh
Shimano Touring-Schuh
Viking Schuhe
Viking Damenschuhe
Viking Stiefel
Viking Gummistiefel
Viking Damenstiefel
Viking Kinder Stiefel
Viking Sandalen
Viking Sportschuhe
Viking Halbschuhe
Camper Schuhe
Camper Damenschuhe
Camper Herrenschuhe
Camper Stiefel
Camper Sneaker
Camper Sandalen
Camper Ballerinas
Camper Halbschuhe
Camper Pumps
Camel Active Halbschuhe
Camel Active Sportschuhe
Camel Active Sandalen
Camel Active Sneaker
Camel Active Stiefel
Camel Active Herrenschuhe
Camel Active Damenschuhe
Camel Active Schuhe
Bugatti Halbschuhe
Bugatti Sneaker
Bugatti Klassische Halbschuhe
Bugatti Mokassins
Bugatti Herren Slipper
Bugatti Herrenschuhe
Bugatti Damenschuhe
Bugatti Schuhe
Aces of London Schuhe
Aces of London Schuhe
Aces of London Damenschuhe
Aces of London Herrenschuhe
Aces of London Stiefel
Aces of London Sneaker
Aces of London Pumps
Aces of London Ballerinas
Aces of London Halbschuhe
Aigle Schuhe
Aigle Schuhe
Aigle Damenschuhe
Aigle Herrenschuhe
Aigle Stiefel
Aigle Sneaker
Aigle Pumps
Aigle Sportschuhe
Aigle Halbschuhe
Airstep Schuhe
Airstep Schuhe
Airstep Damenschuhe
Airstep Herrenschuhe
Airstep Stiefel
Airstep Sneaker
Airstep Pumps
Airstep Sandalen
Airstep Halbschuhe
Art Schuhe
Art Schuhe
Art Damenschuhe
Art Herrenschuhe
Art Stiefel
Art Sneaker
Art Pumps
Art Sandalen
Art Halbschuhe
Art Sportschuhe
Art Clogs & Pantoletten
Art Ballerinas
Asics Schuhe
Asics Schuhe
Asics Damenschuhe
Asics Herrenschuhe
Asics Sneaker
Asics Damen Sneaker
Asics Herren Sneaker
Asics Tiger
Asics Mexico 66
Asics Gel Kayano
Asics Gel Nimbus
Asics Onitsuka Tiger
Asics Laufschuhe
Asics Tiger Aaron
Belmondo Schuhe
Belmondo Damenschuhe
Belmondo Herrenschuhe
Belmondo Stiefel
Belmondo Sneaker
Belmondo Pumps
Belmondo Ballerinas
Belmondo Halbschuhe
Belmondo Sandalen
Bronx Schuhe
Bronx Damenschuhe
Bronx Herrenschuhe
Bronx Stiefel
Bronx Sneaker
Bronx Pumps
Bronx Ballerinas
Bronx Halbschuhe
Bronx Sandalen
The comment above was posted by mody at May 16, 2010 04:35 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Fly London Shoes
Fly London
Hudson Shoes
Fly Flot Shoes
Reflex Bikes
Viking Bikes
Raleigh Bikes
Concept Bikes
Coyote Bikes
MBT Shoes
Marco Tozzi Schuhe
Bamboo Shoes
michael antonio shoes
Miraclesuit Swimwear
Kangaroos Schuhe
MBT Shoes
Mark Nason Shoes
Naughty Monkey Shoes
Tamaris Pumps
Tamaris Stiefel
Tamaris Sandalen
Tamaris Ballerinas
Tamaris Damenschuhe
Lloyd Schuhe
Vaude Schuhe
Mavic Schuhe
Lake Schuhe
Sidi Schuhe
Diadora Schuhe
Shimano Schuhe
Viking Schuhe
Clarks Schuhe
Tamaris Schuhe
GEOX Schuhe
s.Oliver Schuhe
Buffalo Schuhe
Camper Schuhe
Vans Schuhe
Timberland Schuhe
Aces of London Schuhe
Aigle Schuhe
Airstep Schuhe
Art Schuhe
Asics Schuhe
Belmondo Schuhe
Bronx Schuhe
Bugatti Schuhe
Camel Active Schuhe
Camper Schuhe
Birkenstock Schuhe
Mephisto Schuhe
Lacoste Schuhe
Art Schuhe
Arche Schuhe
Prada Schuhe
Kawasaki Schuhe
Bisgaard Schuhe
Pantofola D Oro
Diesel Schuhe
MBT Schuhe
Bugatti Schuhe
Kawalski Schuhe
Candice Cooper Schuhe
Cofe Noir Schuhe
Buffalo Schuhe
Gummistiefel Shop
Buffalo Schuhe
Camper Schuhe
Vans Schuhe
buffalo schuhe
belmondo schuhe
Adidas Fussballschuhe
Aigle Schuhe
Timberland Schuhe
Nike Fussballschuhe
Vagabond Schuhe
Aces of London Schuhe
Donna Carolina Schuhe
Neosens Schuhe
Bullboxer Schuhe
Bikkembergs Schuhe
Jana Schuhe
Laura Scott Schuhe
Jack Wolfskin Schuhe
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Belmondo Schuhe
Clarks Schuhe
Kickers Schuhe
Merrell Schuhe
Camel Active Schuhe
Caterpillar Schuhe
Timberland Schuhe
Vans Schuhe
DC Schuhe
Ara Schuhe
Aigle Schuhe
camper schuhe
bronx schuhe
gant schuhe
Camper Schuhe
Timberland Schuhe
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Buffalo London Schuhe
Aigle Stiefel
Caterpillar Stiefel
Timezone Stiefel
Bronx Stiefel
Der Kleine Muck Stiefel
WoodStone Stiefel
Wonders Stiefel
Viking Gummistiefel
Giesswein Stiefel
Mod8 Stiefel
MARC Shoes Stiefel
Clarks Stiefel
Merrell Stiefel
MEXX Stiefel
Sanita Stiefel
Camel Active Stiefel
Jela Stiefel
Buffalo Stiefel
Kennel Schmenger Stiefel
Naturino Stiefel
Caprice Stiefel
Unisa Damen Stiefel
Fornarina Damen Stiefel
Tom Tailor Stiefel
Feder Flex Damen Stiefel
Semler Damen Stiefel
Beck Stiefel
Gerry Weber Stiefel
EMU Australia Stiefel
Gant Stiefel
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Ara Damen Stiefel
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Ricosta Stiefel
Fitzroy Stiefel
Luciano Barachini Stiefel
Playshoes Stiefel
C.Doux Stiefel
Jouer le Style Stiefel
MOMA Stiefel
Romika Stiefel
Richter Kinderschuhe Stiefel
Scholl Stiefel
Yellow Cab Stiefel
Candice Cooper Stiefel
Pleaser Damen Stiefel
Gabor Shoes Stiefel
Sendra Boots Stiefel
Maruti Stiefel
Nannini Stiefel
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Skechers Stiefel
Jette Joop Damen Stiefel
Couture Discount Damen Stiefel
Betty Blue Damen Stiefel
Ben Sherman Herren Stiefel
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Rieker Stiefel
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Heller Shoes Stiefel
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Bama Kids Kinder Stiefel
Venturini Stiefel
Crocs Sandalen
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Buffalo Sandalen
Birkenstock Sandalen
Betula Sandalen
Vans Sportschuhe
Asics Sportschuhe
Adidas Sportschuhe
Caterpillar Sportschuhe
Nike sportschuhe
Timberland Sportschuhe
Diadora SportSchuhe
GEOX Sneaker
Marc Ecko Footwear Sneaker
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البرتغال ,
فرنــسا ,
اليابان ,
أستراليا ,
الجنوبية ,
كوريا الشمالية , جنوب أفريقيا
, غانا ,
كوت دي فوار ,
ساحل العاج ,
نيجيريا ,
الكاميرون ,
الجزائـر ,
البرازيل ,
باراجواي ,
تشيلي ,
الأرجنتين ,
أوروجواي ,
المكسيك ,
امريكا ,
هيندوراس ,
- مسلسل طاش 17 الحلقة -
طاش 17 الحلقة -
طاش ماطاش 17 الحلقة -
حلقات طاش 17
RSS 2.0
دردشة لذة الشوق - مركز تحميل الصور
- إبتسامات
وايقونات -
دليل المواقع
فيسات للمسن
اهداف الهلال
اهداف النصر
اهداف الاتحاد
اهداف الاهلي
اهداف مباراة
دوري زين
الدوري الاسباني
الدوري الايطالي
الدوري الانجليزي
دوري ابطال اوروبا
بث مباشر
رابط نقل
كاس اسيا 2011
اهداف ميسي 2010
اهداف ميسي 2011
The comment above was posted by منتديات at May 22, 2010 08:48 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by resimleri at May 24, 2010 02:19 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
سعودي قمر
سعودي كول 6666
سعودي انحراف
منتدى ملوك
دليل مواقع ملوك
دردشة سعودي ستايل
حلاتي كول
غلا عيني
The comment above was posted by سعودي قمر at May 25, 2010 03:37 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by Countries info at May 25, 2010 01:53 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
الهجري 1431 هـ | التقويم كامل لعام 1431 هـ حسب ام القرى
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المقابلات الشخصية 1431 - نتائج المقابلات الشخصية في الوظائف التعليمية 1431
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اوبريت الجنادرية 1431 - تحميل مهرجان الجنادرية 2010 - تحميل حفل الجنادرية 1431
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تواقيع فلاشيه صوتيه اسلاميه ~~.
للمسن جديده
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مرايل المدرسه2009
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قويزة ( جدة ) صور
للمسن 2010 - فيسات حزن 2010 - فيسات فرح 2010 - فيسات رومانسيه 2010
مشاهدة كاس العالم 2010 على الاسترا مجانا | القنوات الناقلة
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سيول الرياض يوم الاثنين 19 / 5 / 1431 - فيديو سيول الرياض يوم الاثنين 19 / 5 /
عن حالتك النفسيه ببيت شعر 2
♥بڪْرهـ تموـوـوت █ مـטּ القهر.. { لا نسيتك } ♥ ~
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Internet Security 2010 Build full | بيتديفندر آخر اصدار
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الدخله بالطريقه السعوديه((كبار فقط))..!!؟
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(كًــٍُل {د -قـ -هـ } قًٍُِلًَـبًُ فيًٍُِـنيًٍُِ لٌٍُك قصــيًٍٍَُِده) O.o°¨
لرقم *\8* وامر اي عضو يكتب اسمك تحت توقيعه
Constructor + crack برنامج لتحويل الصور الى ايقونات كامل + كراك
فتاه تتحرش بشاب أعزب بالصور !!
..{ قصائد مسموعه للشاعر سعد علوش ..
بودل بعنيزة>>لايفوووووتكم..
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مسلسل امــ البنات
الاسمين أحلى
فطور للفطور الصباح
امنيتكــــــ لي هذا اليوم ؟؟؟
الدراسي لعام 1430-1431 | 2009-2010
اناشيد بأصوات شباب زد رصيدك 2 الجزء الثاني
انشودة خواطر 5
نتصيد الأخطاء الاملائية
سناق اي تي 9 SnagIt 9 عملاق الشروحات في آخر إصدار + key مفتاح
في المباحث العام 1431 - رابط التقديم في المباحث العامة 2010 - وظائف المباحث
العامة 1431 - القبول في المباحث العامه 1431
برشلونة 2010 - احدث صور برشلونه 2010 - صور للبرسا - اجدد صور للبارسا 2010
افاست 2010 - كراك برنامج افاست 2010
طفوليه ..
البحث عن مشرفين و مشرفات
لعمل ألبوم فلاش يمكن تقليبه (عربي) + باتش patch + FLIP Flash Album
غشاء البكارة " صور ومعلومات "
جرحنـﮯ بـكـلمــﮧ ردّيت لــﮧ بــإبتــسآمــﮧ☺
في طياره فيها كل اعضاء المنتدى قالو الطياره بتطيح ولازم نرمي عضو عند الرقم ( 5 )
آن آلمَدينَـہ ڪلّهـآ شمعَــة غَ ــريبْ !!
الحلقه الاخيره من الانمي ايميلي 2010 |Emily of New Moon
من 1 إلى 5 وقول خمســه أشيــاء جنبك
الحارة 4 الحلقة 22 | مسلسل باب الحارة 4 الحلقة الثانية و العشرون, باب الحارة 4
Xilisoft Video Editor + serial لتحرير و تقطيع و دمج الفيديو + سريال
صفحات الانترنت مع شريط جوجل
The comment above was posted by منتديات at May 25, 2010 11:26 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
أخبار جامعة حلوان
أقسام فرعية:
نتائج امتحانات جامعه حلوان
أقسام فرعية:
جداول محاضرات جامعة حلوان
أقسام فرعية:
جداول امتحانات جامعة حلوان
أقسام فرعية:
امتحانات جامعة حلوان
صور جامعة حلوان
نتائج امتحانات الجامعات المصرية
أقسام فرعية:
الثانوية العامة
ديننا هوا حياتنا
أقسام فرعية:
المدرج العام
الترحيب بالاعضاء الجدد
أقسام فرعية:
افتح قلبك لينا
أقسام فرعية:
فكر واراء
صفحات من كتاب التاريخ
بنك المعلومات
إلى المنتدى ">ENGLISH FORUM
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الشعر والادب
أقسام فرعية:
القصص والحكايات
أقسام فرعية:
كلمات الأغاني
أقسام فرعية:
صور مضحكة
صور عامة
أقسام فرعية:
صور الاطفال
صور المشاهير
أقسام فرعية:
العجائب والطرائف
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أقسام فرعية:
المقاطع الصوتية
البلوتوث وأحدث مقاطع الفيديو
التقارير والمواضيع العامة
أقسام فرعية:
افتكاسات الموبايل
الاخبار الرياضيه
الكرة المصرية
حلوان سبورت ميديا
أخبار وصور السيارات
الكمبيوتر والانترنت
أقسام فرعية:
برامج الكمبيوتر
أقسام فرعية:
التصاميم والجرافيكس
ألعاب الـ PC
أقسام فرعية:
مقاطع فيديو مصرية
بنات × بنات
الاسره والطفل
الاناقه والموضه
أقسام فرعية:
المطبخ الشامل
الصحة العامة
أقسام فرعية:
التنمية البشرية
المسابقات والفوازير
الشباب الكووول
الفكاهه والضحك من القلب
link" rel=" ">
نتيجة تجارة حلوان
link" rel=" ">
نتيجة حقوق حلوان
link" rel=" ">
نتيجة علوم حلوان
link" rel=" ">
نتيجة خدمه اجتماعية حلوان
link" rel=" ">
نتيجة صيدلة حلوان
برامج الجيل الخامس
برامج الجيل التالت
ثيمات الجيل التالت
ثيمات الجيل الخامس
خلفيات للموبايل
برامج نوكيا
اسعار موبايلات
برنامج n73
ثيمزات n73
ثيمزات n82
ثيمزات n95
ثيمزات n97
برامج n95
ثيمزات n97
برامج الجيل الخامس
برامج الجيل التالت
ثيمات الجيل التالت
ثيمات الجيل الخامس
نتيجة تجارة حلوان
نتيجة حقوق حلوان
نتيجة علوم حلوان
نتيجة خدمه اجتماعية حلوان
نتيجة صيدلة حلوان
برنامج n73
برامج الجيل الخامس
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The comment above was posted by as at May 27, 2010 04:55 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by islam sohbet at May 30, 2010 01:16 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by islam sohbet at May 30, 2010 01:17 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by ddsr at May 30, 2010 07:37 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by borsa at May 30, 2010 07:48 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by sikis izle at May 31, 2010 12:50 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by bill at June 3, 2010 05:54 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by توبيكات at June 4, 2010 04:54 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Excellent post, thank you very much for taking the time to share with those who are starting on the subject. Greetings
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ويفر// استايلات// اكواد جاف// برامج ftp// خطوط عربية للتصميم// خطوط عربية للفوتوشوب// تحميل خطوط عربية// خطوط عربية/
The comment above was posted by host at June 12, 2010 09:45 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by yahoo at June 15, 2010 08:02 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by bill at June 15, 2010 08:07 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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Dunlop schuhe
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Edhardy Schuhe
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Frankiemorello Schuhe
Fretzmen Schuhe
Funtasma Schuhe
G-star Schuhe
Gaastra Schuhe
Gebrudergotz Schuhe
Globe Schuhe
Gola Schuhe
Goodyear Schuhe
Gravis Schuhe
Grisport Schuhe
Haflinger Schuhe
Havaianas Schuhe
Hense Schuhe
Hub Schuhe
Indigoschuhe Schuhe
Jackwolfskin Schuhe
Jomos Schuhe
Kappa Schuhe
Keds Schuhe
Jilsander Schuhe
Josefseibel Schuhe
Jouerlestyle Schuhe
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Kustom Schuhe
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Underarmour Schuhe
Unze Schuhe
Vox Schuhe
Waldlaufer Schuhe
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Youngspirit Schuhe
Zooyork Schuhe
The comment above was posted by jijaa at June 15, 2010 08:10 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by Video izle at June 21, 2010 03:11 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by Video izle at June 21, 2010 03:13 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.