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July 21, 2007
Xinjiang News for 2007.07.21
No time or energy at the moment to flush things out with commentary, but there were two Xinjiang-related stories today that I'd like to share with you. Both developments are interesting for obvious reasons.
The Times: Suicide attack directed against Chinese in Pakistan signals new era
Pakistani security forces said they were certain that the Chinese were the targets of the attack, and Chinese in Pakistan were urged to be on their guard against more violence. The suicide bombing was the second attack on Chinese nationals in Pakistan in less than a month. Suspected Islamic militants killed three Chinese engineers near the northwestern city of Peshawar earlier this month....
"China now faces the dilemma of any country that undertakes an active foreign policy, particularly one based on the acquisition of resources. It must now decide how much to get involved in other countries' internal issues." (link)
AP: All Uyghurs must surrender passports to police
Members of a Muslim minority group in far-western China have been ordered to hand over their passports to police in a government effort to prevent them from making a pilgrimage to Mecca, an activist said....
Officers at two district public security bureaus in Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang province, said Friday that Uighurs were required to submit their passports for "safekeeping." Both refused to give their names or any additional details. (link)
I particularly like how the first article mentions "the Chinese provinces of Xinjiang and Uighur". I'd like to go to Uighur someday. Perhaps it's just like Xinjiang?
The full articles are below.
Suicide bomb attack jolts China into realising the risks of global ambition
Zahid Hussain, Islamabad & Jane Macartney, Beijing
20 July 2007
The Times
30 killed as convoy passes market town; Fears of colonialism stirring resentment
China was reminded of the harsh realities of its newly acquired status as a global power yesterday when a suicide bomber attacked a convoy of its workers in Pakistan.
At least 30 people were killed when a vehicle laden with explosives was detonated as the convoy carrying 60 Chinese rumbled through a market town near Karachi.
Seven policemen and many bystanders died in the blast, which ripped through a bazaar and shops. However, the buses carrying the workers escaped serious damage.
Pakistani security forces said they were certain that the Chinese were the targets of the attack, and Chinese in Pakistan were urged to be on their guard against more violence. The suicide bombing was the second attack on Chinese nationals in Pakistan in less than a month. Suspected Islamic militants killed three Chinese engineers near the northwestern city of Peshawar earlier this month.
The attacks will come as a stark reminder to Beijing of the risks inherent in China's bolder approach to the extension of its interests and influence beyond its borders, particularly in Asia and Africa. More than four million Chinese now work overseas.
Pakistani security forces have stepped up protection for the 3,000 Chinese working on development projects across the country since the siege and assault on Islamabad's radical Red Mosque.
The violent end to the siege was triggered by the kidnapping of a group of Chinese women by women students from a seminary linked to the Red Mosque. Leaders of the mosque, who modeled themselves on the Taliban, accused the six Chinese of working as prostitutes in a massage parlour.
Pakistan traditionally has enjoyed close ties with China. However, relations were strained when members of the Muslim separatist movement in the Chinese provinces of Xinjiang and Uighur sought refuge in Pakistan's tribal region after fleeing from Afghanistan in 2001. They became closely linked to Pakistan's radical Islamists.
Islamic militants loyal to al-Qaeda swore revenge after Pakistan handed over to China a number of senior Muslim leaders captured in Kashmir in 2002. They included Ismail Kadir, the Uighur leader who has led a violent struggle to set up an independent East Turkestan state in predominantly Muslim Xinjiang, which borders Pakistan, Afghanistan and restive Central Asian states. In January 2004 China drew up a list of militants linked to al-Qaeda who operated within Pakistan's tribal areas. Many are believed to have been killed in Pakistani military operations in Waziristan.
China says that its role overseas is to promote neighbourliness and understanding, in countries as diverse as Angola and Antigua. However, the main beneficiaries of China's overseas investment are poorer nations, such as Sudan, that are rich in the natural resources China needs.
There is a growing sense of unease in countries that are beneficiaries of China's overseas investment about what many perceive as a new form of colonialism.
China wants its Third World friends to act in accordance with the spirit of the struggle against colonialism and hegemony, but has difficulty grasping the idea that increasing numbers of people believe that it lacks sincerity.
The antagonism ranges from rage felt by Islamic radicals in Pakistan over China's policies to suppress pro-independence Muslim movements, to resentment among small merchants and tribesmen in Kenya who see their jobs and businesses being taken over by Chinese contractors.
Ahmed Rashid, a political analyst in Pakistan, said that anger was simmering over perceptions that the Chinese were stealing their livelihoods. "The Baluch feel that all the contracts are going to Chinese and they use only their own labour," he said. Chinese contractors bring in many of their own engineers and labour.
They live in tight-knit communities that operate in a virtual vacuum inside whichever country they have been assigned. That breeds resentment among locals who fear for their livelihoods and are suspicious of outsiders.
In April nine Chinese workers and 65 Ethiopians were killed when guerrillas attacked an oil installation near the Somali border. Rebels abducted a Chinese mining executive searching for uranium in the Sahara, adding Niger to the list of states where China's hunger for minerals has led its nationals into trouble.
In a recent report, Stratford, the security consultancy, said: "China now faces the dilemma of any country that undertakes an active foreign policy, particularly one based on the acquisition of resources. It must now decide how much to get involved in other countries' internal issues."
The idea is anathema to Beijing, which regards non-interference in other countries' affairs as a fundamental plank of its foreign policy.
At least 16 people died when a suicide bomber struck at the centre of an army camp in northwestern Pakistan yesterday. The explosion happened during prayers at the Kohat garrison in the North West Frontier Province.
World exposure
* China will need to import 60 per cent of its energy requirement by 2020. Africa already supplies 25 per cent of its oil
* Chinese direct investment in Africa has risen from $5 million (Pounds 2.5 million) in 1991 to more than $50 billion last year
* China is almost three years into a $100 billion investment programme in Latin America
* China has given $700 million in credit to Venezuela, and invested $20 billion in Argentina
* In the four years to 2006 China and India quadrupled annual bilateral trade to almost $20 billion China's trade with Pakistan increased 40 per cent to $4.25 billion in the two years to 2005. Analysts also believe China has helped Pakistan's nuclear programme and supplied short and medium-range missiles
Sources: Heritage Foundation; Foreign Policy in Focus; Council on Foreign Relations
Activist: members of Muslim minority group in China forced to surrender their passports
20 July 2007
Associated Press Newswires
BEIJING (AP) - Members of a Muslim minority group in far-western China have been ordered to hand over their passports to police in a government effort to prevent them from making a pilgrimage to Mecca, an activist said.
Uighurs in Xinjiang province were ordered to surrender their passports about two months ago, Dilxat Raxit, spokesman for the Germany-based World Uighur Congress, said in a telephone interview Thursday. Passports that were not turned in would be voided, he said.
The Uighurs are Turkic-speaking Muslims with a language and culture distinct from the majority of Chinese.
Officers at two district public security bureaus in Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang province, said Friday that Uighurs were required to submit their passports for "safekeeping." Both refused to give their names or any additional details.
It was not known how many Uighurs had turned in their passports.
Raxit said Uighurs who wanted to leave China could do so only after being officially invited by a formal organization, and in some cases would have to put down a deposit of 50,000 yuan (US$6,600; euro4,780) to retrieve their passports.
He accused the Chinese government of preventing pilgrims from going to Mecca in an effort to "restrict religious freedom."
The annual pilgrimage to Mecca, called hajj, attracts Muslims from across the world. Beginning this year on Dec. 18, it is a chance for Muslims to purge themselves of sin and fulfill one of the five main tenets of Islam. Pilgrims often save money for years for what is usually a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
In May, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom named Uighur Muslims among several groups in China subject to "serious restrictions, state control, and repression."
China is officially atheist. Christians, Buddhists, Taoists and Muslims are allowed to worship, but only in churches, temples or mosques run by state-monitored groups.
A man at the Xinjiang provincial Communist Party office, who refused to give his name, said he did not know anything about the passport confiscations. Calls to the Urumqi public security bureau were not answered.

posted July 21, 2007 at 11:22 PM unofficial Xinjiang time | HaoHao This!
Another and more interesting piece from The Times:
July 22, 2007
Beijing’s ‘war on terror’ hides brutal crackdown on Muslims
Michael Sheridan, Kashgar, China
THE CHINESE executioners came for Ismail Semed before 9am. They led him out of his cell as the sun climbed over the Tien Shan mountains in the land he called East Turkestan.
The day before, he had seen his wife, Buhejer, his son, 7, and his daughter, 6, for the last time. After three years in prison and 15 months of uncertainty since a secret trial, they had 10 minutes to say farewell.
Semed was 37, a Muslim and a political activist. He was not guilty of murder nor any act of violence.
Three Chinese judges sentenced him to death for “attempting to split the motherland” and possession of firearms and explosives. He said he was tortured into a confession. Two men whose evidence was used against him were already dead, having been executed in 1999.
In his final moments with his family - his parents, brother and sister were also there, all crying - he quietly accepted his fate.
“I did my best to prove I was innocent. I am so sorry that I leave you with two children. Please take care of them and let them get a good education,” he told his wife.
The end seems to have been quick. A group of prisoners were executed at the jail that morning, February 8, Chinese officials confirmed, and economy was the order of the day.
They gave Semed’s body back to his family at a dusty cemetery where devout Muslims are laid to rest with no tombstones to mark their graves.
Buhejer described it to a reporter who called from Washington on behalf of Radio Free Asia, about the only source of regular news on this forbidding place. “I saw only one bullet hole,” she said, “in his heart.”
The dead man was one of 9m Uighur Muslims in China’s far west, a Turkic people whose quest for national identity is one of history’s lost causes.
The dying embers of their struggle flamed into protests, shootings and bombings in the 1990s, all concealed from the world until September 11, 2001, when China discovered the usefulness of the “war on terror”.
Today China is waging a propaganda and security battle to guarantee its control over Xinjiang, its name for the vast province rich in minerals and strategic supplies of oil and gas which are vital to the expanding Chinese economy.
China claims that Al-Qaeda has trained more than 1,000 members of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, classified as a terrorist group by America and the United Nations.
The group took its name from the short-lived Republic of East Turkestan that was declared in Xinjiang after the second world war, then crushed by the communist revolution of 1949.
China has persuaded Pakistan and Kazakhstan to hand over captured militants for interrogation, secret trials and execution, a policy that may have fuelled the fundamentalist rage now gripping Pakistan.
Semed, alleged to be a political thinker behind the group, was caught while studying in Rawal-pindi in 2003 and was sent back.
Next month 1,600 Chinese troops will join exercises with Russia and the former Soviet Central Asian republics to cooperate against Islamic extremists.
Chinese security services have also created a pervasive apparatus of informers and deployed new units of black-clad antiterrorist police to patrol around mosques and markets in the cities of Xinjiang.
But the iron-fisted security policy has made more enemies than friends. Extensive travel and interviews in Xinjiang this month unveiled a society segregated by religion and ethnicity, divided by reciprocal distrust, living in separate sections of tightly policed cities.
The same human rights abuses that exist across China - forced labour for peasants, children trafficked to slave as beggars, girls lured into sweatshops - deepen political tensions here and turn young men to violence.
Two western intelligence officers said the Chinese consistently exaggerated Uighur terrorist links with Al-Qaeda to exploit any opportunity to strike at their home-grown opponents. Chinese information was unreliable and no western intelligence service had handed back Muslim citizens to China, they said.
One of the officers said the real concern was that Chinese repression was creating recruits for terrorism.
In recent weeks has come proof that 58 years of Chinese military occupation have crushed significant opposition but failed to win loyalty. Officials have confiscated the passports of thousands of Muslims in a crackdown to break the growing influence of militant Islam.
Police ordered the Muslims to hand in their passports and told them that the documents would be returned only for travel approved by the authorities.
The aim is to stop Chinese Muslims slipping away to join militants in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Afghanistan.
The decision has inflamed resentment among Muslims preparing to go to Mecca for the annual hajj in December. “Bin Laden, hao [good],” said one angry Muslim, who had been deprived of his passport. “Saddam, hao. Arafat, hao.”
The memory of state violence exercises a powerful deterrent, however. Flying into the border city of Yining, the Chinese airliner descends over dun-coloured mountains into a bountiful valley rich in orchards and farms, home to a mixture of Uighurs, Kazakhs and Russians.
The ethnic Chinese inhabitants of Yining stick to their own districts. It is the tenth anniversary of a time when blood ran in the streets here and bitterness still runs deep.
“I was in the People’s Armed Police when the rebellion broke out in ’97,” said a burly Chinese driver, who proceeded to give a vivid and satisfied account of this barely known massacre.
“For a while we lost control,” he said. “The insurgents got into an armoury, killed our men and seized the weapons. There was chaos. We brought in the army - they changed into police uniforms - and then we got even. The central government ordered us to crush them without any hesitation. Believe me, we did.
“We lost a few people but we killed - I don’t know exactly - thousands of them. These people know our strength. We taught them a good hard lesson.”
Rebiya Kadeer, a Uighur businesswoman and politician now in exile, says she saw a horrific police video of the “good hard lesson” when she went to Yining in 1997 to investigate. It showed unarmed adolescent boys and girls shot dead on camera, their bodies tossed into trucks. A mother and her group of children, aged five or six, crumpled under a volley of bullets. The taped slaughter went on and on, with excited commands and shouts of glee from the Chinese on the soundtrack. Perhaps one of them was the driver.
A subdued hush has now descended on the city. The cold looks from Muslims when a Chinese walked into a shaded cafe near the main mosque told their own story. He left sharply.
Today the clash of civilisations resounds loudest in Kashgar, 2,400 miles west of Beijing, a crossroads of religions, commerce and culture. In January, only 48 miles to the southwest, “antiterrorist” units raided a training camp in the mountains where the old Silk Road winds into Pakistan, and killed 18 men with the loss of one policeman.
The clash was hailed by the state media, which called it a blow to the East Turkestan Islamic Movement. But Chinese residents said the operation was bungled, allowing militants to escape.
“They made a mess of it and those people are still out there. We know they have many smuggled weapons,” said a retired military officer, “so now our side is distributing arms to trained men in the bingtuan.”
He was referring to the gigantic army-controlled companies that built up Chinese economic activity in Xinjiang and still dominate its business.
“All cars travelling south from Kashgar must have an armed escort along a section of the road through the desert,” said a local tour operator.
China has invested billions of yuan to modernise Kashgar, renovating the square in front of its principal mosque and building new hotels to accommodate backpackers and upmarket western tourists. It has also imported thousands of ethnic Han Chinese to populate new apartments, a pattern of mass immigration used across Xinjiang.
They dwell in effective segregation from the Muslims, who keep to their old quarters of mud-brick houses, mosques and reeking alleys where freshly killed sheep hang up for sale.
The communist party does its best to achieve integration through politics. According to the Kashgar Daily, 84% of local members are Uighurs.
“Good relations are only on the surface,” said a Chinese businesswoman. “They’re not real.”
Loud-mouthed Chinese tourists strut around the precincts of the great Id Kah mosque, reclaimed only at prayer times by the Uighur men who sit outside and stare at them sullenly.
In 1949 the Uighurs were 90% of the population of Xinjiang. Today they account for less than half.
“It is the classic colonialist model,” said Nicholas Bequelin of Human Rights Watch, author of a critical report on Xinjiang.
In Urumqi, the industrialised capital city of Xinjiang, there was evidence that repression had united Uighurs with rival Muslim sects. A red banner hung from the eaves of a 100-year-old mosque, whose lines recalled a classical Chinese temple and whose congregation were members of the Hui, a Muslim minority from central China. “All pilgrimages to Mecca must be organised by the National Islamic Organisation under the law,” it read.
“They have taken all our passports too,” said an elder at the mosque.
“We Muslims must follow the party and the government to make our prayers in a stable setting and under a correct policy,” the imam warned his flock at Friday prayers.
Chinese intelligence woke up late to the fact that Hui Muslims were being financed by extremists from the Middle East.
Their clerics, influenced by Saudi Arabia’s purist Salafi doctrine, often fulminated against Israel and the West.
“The Hui are much more radical than the Uighurs,” said Bequelin. Such radicalisation is fuelled by injustices endured by many Chinese but all the more potent when suffered by an angry minority.
South of Kashgar, an almost medieval system of forced labour, known as the hasha, continues to exist on plantations, where local Muslims are ordered to pick almonds and fruit for sale to the thriving markets of China.
The government denied it, but several people in Kashgar said their relatives were engaged in such unpaid work, and a fruit wholesaler in Urumqi admitted that it still went on.
The practice dates from the era of Khans and slave traders and was supposedly abolished after “liberation” by the Chinese communist party.
Then there is outright child slavery, exposed last month in a brave report by the Hong Kong magazine Phoenix Weekly. More than 4,000 Uighur children have been kidnapped and turned into beggars or thieves by “big brother” Fagin figures, an estimate confirmed by the provincial welfare office.
The gangmasters, usually Uighurs themselves, set daily targets of up to £50 for stealing or begging, on pain of beatings. The children are sent to richer parts of China, the girls subjected to sexual harassment and the boys tempted into drug addiction to make them easier to manipulate.
Almost as bad is the plight of hundreds of Muslim girls conscripted from desert villages and sent for “work experience” in factory sweatshops. Last March Chinese officials went into the dirt-poor villages around Yarkand, south of Kashgar, to collect more than 200 girls as young as 15 for a work programme.
The girls found themselves labouring long hours in a factory more than 1,000 miles from home on the east coast of China. Their promised wages of £33 a month went unpaid.
Several girls escaped and made their way back to Xinjiang. Chinese officials then threatened their relatives with punishment.
The other families fear that their daughters will drift from factories into prostitution, a frequent refuge for the penniless migrant female in China.
In a traditional Muslim society that fears shame and values dignity, such a fate can be seen as worse than death. It is a powerful incentive for the militants.
All over Xinjiang, China can point to growing prosperity, cleaner water, new schools, paved roads, modern hospitals, efficient airports, cybercom-merce and huge energy plants.
The price, say Uighurs, is the slow extinction of their identity. Their children take compulsory Chinese lessons. Teaching in Uighur is banned at the main university. Their fabled literature, poetry and music are fading under the assault of karaoke culture. Their history is rewritten.
For western tourists, who come to Xinjiang to roam the ruins of the Silk Road, the Chinese have erected a new museum in Urumqi. It portrays the final Chinese conquest of this harsh territory, first claimed by the Han emperors in the era before Christ.
The slick exhibits equate its 9m Uighurs with the 4,900 Tartars, 11,100 Russians and 14,500 Uzbek inhabitants.
“All cooperate as one family under the glorious nationality policy of the party,” an inscription in Chinese characters proclaims.
To the family of Ismail Semed, however, it stands for grief, not glory.
Additional reporting: Sara Hashash
Bloody history of Xinjiang
Xinjiang province is crossed by the centuries-old Silk Road trade route once travelled by Marco Polo
1949 Conquered by Chinese communists
1990s Shootings and bombings against Chinese targets
1997 Massacre of Muslims in border town uprising
2001 China joins war on terror, extradites and executes militants
2007 Crackdown continues to sustain oil and gas, building boom and gold rush
Population About 20m — 45% Uighur Muslims, 40% Han Chinese. As many as 45 other minority nationalities, including Kazakhs and Mongols, officially recognised
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The comment above was posted by Heverci at July 22, 2007 07:15 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@Heverci: Thanks for posting that article. It's a good summary of the situation in Xinjiang to date. The only thing I would caution readers is that all of these articles, when read alone, paint a much bleaker picture than the one I see on the ground on a daily basis.
I'm not saying that lots of problems don't exist, but let's just say that no one here in Xinjiang is afraid of terrorism... yet.
The comment above was posted by michael at July 22, 2007 09:08 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
About that article, all i want to say is
The comment above was posted by wk at July 22, 2007 01:27 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Looks like it's a typo in the first article. I think "Uighur" should be "Uighurs" and there should be a comma or two in there somewhere like:
"However, relations were strained when members of the Muslim separatist movement in the Chinese provinces of Xinjiang, and Uighurs, sought refuge in Pakistan's tribal region after fleeing from Afghanistan in 2001. "
The comment above was posted by elise at July 22, 2007 03:29 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
All i want to know is how long have reporters like this "Michael Sheridan" lived in Xinjiang first hand before they spew out their articles? It really saddens me each time when I read articles like this, and an vivid image is formed of angry Uighurs sitting on the sidewalk staring at the Hans, eyes full of burning anger, and the Hans are terrolized and if they get astray and get into the wrong neighbourhood his dead body will be found next day. Is it really that bad? To be honest I've never been to Xinjiang and I have no clue. But I suppose a society divided and citizens filled with rage can't function properly. Is the race war going on everyday? And are people afraid to go out to the streets, especially after sunset? I guess I will never know this answer until I really go to Xinjiang and see it with my own eyes. Most readings about Xinjiang are generally the same. Maybe some people out there can write more about 'orindary people', Uighurs, Hans, Huis..... I want to read about their stories, their life. Not the activists, because I don't believe the activist in this article is an 'ordinary Uighur'. This blog is great in providing personal, non-political and more objective info on Xinjiang. Maybe Michael you can write more about people you get to know there, both Uighurs and Hans. Maybe their stories can give readers a more 'true feel' of Xinjiang, whatever that means.
The comment above was posted by office dweller at July 23, 2007 03:00 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
How much of an effort did the reporter have to go to make sure to name all of the gangsters and kidnappers as "Uyghurs" instead of han chinese? We all know that han chinese NEVER engage in those activities, not even in brick yards...
The comment above was posted by nanheyangrouchuan at July 23, 2007 11:38 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Was Hu Jintao behind Musharraf's decision to assault the Red Mosque? Yeah, I know The Washington Times is a bullshit paper, but you can read more below...
Pakistan pressured to bolster security measures ; Hu reportedly behind Musharraf's assault on Red Mosque
23 July 2007
The Washington Times
China, worried about attacks on its citizens by Islamic militants in Pakistan, has warned that relations between the countries will suffer if Islamabad does not improve security for Chinese residents.
The warnings follow widespread reports in the region that it was pressure from China, a key strategic ally of Pakistan, that prompted President Pervez Musharraf to send troops into the capital's storied Red Mosque earlier this month.
Luo Zhaohui, China's ambassador to Islamabad, issued a statement on the embassy's Web site last week saying billions of dollars in Chinese investments may be redirected to other parts of South Asia.
"If [the Chinese] continue to be targeted, the process of cooperation between the two countries could suffer and slow down considerably," he said.
Gen. Musharraf, meanwhile, acknowledged having been contacted personally on the matter by Chinese President Hu Jintao.
"It was an embarrassing moment when the Chinese president telephoned me to seek protection for Chinese citizens working in Pakistan," Gen. Musharraf said in a televised address defending the assault on the mosque, in which more than 75 militants were killed.
During a weeklong standoff at the mosque, militants held seven Chinese massage parlor employees hostage. Gen. Musharraf called it a "shameful act," especially in light of Pakistan's close friendship with China.
The assault was under way when militants in the Pakistani city of Peshawar killed three Chinese workers, possibly in retaliation for the attack on the mosque.
Then on Thursday, a suicide car bomber detonated his vehicle alongside a convoy escorting Chinese engineers. The engineers escaped injury, but 36 policemen and bystanders were killed.
Several Asian publications have suggested that Gen. Musharraf ordered the final assault on the mosque under pressure from China, rather than in deference to the United States.
The U.S. "was taken by surprise by the strong expression of Chinese concern and by the alacrity with which Musharraf responded to it," said Bahukutumbi Raman, a former Indian Cabinet secretary and 26-year veteran of that country's intelligence service.
Security, trade and investment are central to Pakistan's relationship with China, a country that Gen. Musharraf described in the televised address as one of his country's closest allies.
Two days before the mosque siege, a free-trade agreement between the countries went into effect.
China and Pakistan signed a memorandum last year to increase trade to $15 billion a year by 2011. That amount is only $1 billion less than U.S. trade with India last year, according to figures from the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi.
The China-Pakistan security partnership, meanwhile, has endured, even when many nations shunned Pakistan for its 1998 nuclear test.
Pakistan's air force plans to acquire more than 200 JF-17 fighters, which are being produced jointly by Pakistan and China. Chinese security forces conduct frequent counterinsurgency exercises with their Pakistani counterparts.
Beijing is particularly concerned about Uighur insurgents - ethnic Muslims opposed to Chinese rule in western Xinjiang province - who seek shelter and training in Pakistan. China frequently provides Pakistan with intelligence on militants it is seeking. In December 2003, Pakistani forces killed Uighur rebel Hasan Mahsum in a raid requested by China.
Concern also has been raised about the safety of thousands of Chinese working in Pakistan.
In 2004, three Chinese engineers were killed in a car bomb attack at the massive Gwadar port project in Baluchistan by militants resentful of purported exploitation of the region.
A few months later, insurgents in Waziristan, led by a man once held at U.S. Naval Base Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, kidnapped two Chinese engineers, one of whom was later killed in a rescue attempt. Three more Gwadar workers were fatally shot last year in an ambush.
These concerns were on the table last month when Pakistani Interior Minister Ahmad Khan Sherpao visited Beijing for talks with Chinese Public Security Minister Zhou Yongkang.
It was during these talks that the Red Mosque's students kidnapped the seven Chinese, whom they accused of "immoral activities." Pakistan's Dawn newspaper reported that Mr. Zhou gave Mr. Sherpao "an earful" about the incident.
The Chinese role in the Red Mosque siege was widely noted in Asia but hardly noticed in the United States. Daniel Markey at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington attributed that to a simple lack of information.
"There are a lot of things that go on between China and Pakistan that we don't really get a lot of reporting on or get a great sense about," he said.
"The Chinese ask for a few big things and probably make it clear that they'd better get them. The United States asks for a lot of different things all the time and we don't always get everything we want."
The comment above was posted by michael at July 24, 2007 11:01 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Damn. US released the guy out of Gitmo, then he led the insurgents to attack Chinese engineers. I guess American War on terror did have different defination.
The comment above was posted by Sha at July 24, 2007 02:56 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Regarding the passport situation - I've heard from friends around here that it's not just Uyghurs, but all muslims - Kazakh, Kirghiz, Hui. One semi-official sounding line was the thing about preventing hajj pilgrims... but one close local friend told me that she'd been told by the police that they couldn't get them back until after the '08 Olympics.
heresay, but have you heard anything along these lines?
The comment above was posted by Fausto at July 24, 2007 05:14 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I've also heard that Huis were being deprived of their passports. What could leaving the country have to do with the Olympics, though? Why should authorities want to stop people from doing the hajj this year? It's unclear to me.
The comment above was posted by michael at July 24, 2007 05:23 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Several of my Uyghur friends here in Xinjiang have had their passports taken away and canceled as well. Others have been unofficially told by contacts in the Kashgar office handling passport applications to not even bother applying for a passport this year as their applications would not be approved. I was told by friends that the reason for the passport confiscation was because of the national embarrassment that China incurred last year from a group of Kashgar Uyghurs who had not gotten permission from the religious authorities to go on hajj but used their passports to go to Pakistan, from where they intended to go on to Saudi Arabia. Pakistan, at the request of China detained them and attempted to force them to return. The Uyghurs went to the US Embassy in Pakistan to protest their lack of religious freedom, thus causing China embarrassment. Does anyone know more about this?
The comment above was posted by Khara Cat at July 26, 2007 10:27 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ Khara Cat:
That may be one of the reasons that Chinese regime confiscated the passports. As you've heard, some Uyghurs protested in front of Saudi Arabia embassy (not US Embassy) in Pakistan last year asking for visas to go to hajj. Initially, the embassy refused to do so at the behest of Chinese gov, but later gave visas to the protestors anyway. There were news stories and pictures on yahoo news at the time, but unfortunately I couldn't find them anymore. But if you read Uyghur (language) you may look at the related news in Uyghur at the following RFA news website (in case the url is not accessible in China and you want to read the news, I'll post them here):
The confiscation covers all the Uyghurs, of all ages, regardless of their background, educational level and actual devoutness. I have got some friends who were accepted by universities in the States and now worried about losing their passports before they were able to go there.
The comment above was posted by Heverci at July 26, 2007 11:36 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Actually, there is a post in this very blog related to the protests in Pakistan:
The comment above was posted by Heverci at July 26, 2007 11:45 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Thank you for clarifying that and for providing the links. Also new-- Urumqi has instated a residency requirement for those applying for passports. A person now has to prove that they have lived in Urumqi for a least five years. Because Urumqi has been traditionally considered as an easier place to get a passport than elsewhere in Xinjiang, this new restriction is being interpreted as an attempt to prohibit or at least limit people from other areas from moving to Urumqi to get their passports.
The comment above was posted by Khara Cat at July 27, 2007 06:04 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
This may explain why stories about "China kills Muslims" taking a big jump in Western Media.
The comment above was posted by Sha at August 5, 2007 05:41 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Thanks for the good information Khara Cat and Heverci. If you have any additional info please dont hesitate to post it. :)
The comment above was posted by Bai Xin at November 3, 2007 12:56 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
usa is already fed up with pak-china relations.thats y usa spies r killing chinese in pakistan.pakistanis largely more than 90% believe china to be best friend of pakistan and they wany china to be next super power.they are no conerns from pakistani side against china,the only one concerned abt growing relations with china-pakistan r india,america.indian and american keep their focus on killing chinese but still chinese know that .that is y china never suspended its works in pakistan and believes this is all done by china and pakistan enemies.the killing of chinese engineer is helping to grow relation as china can understand well how worried usa n india their worst enemies r.china-pakistan the "best friends"..
The comment above was posted by kayani at February 27, 2008 01:44 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by sohbet at January 12, 2010 06:18 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by ljkdas at January 15, 2010 08:52 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by jackadam at January 22, 2010 12:18 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by teayneverdie at January 29, 2010 12:43 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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cked boxes, rushing the crispy fruit to wealthy consumers in Hong Kong and Japan. Mohammed - a Uyghur friend who's family owns quite a lot of fragrant pear trees - invited me out to his orchards n
The comment above was posted by sasas at January 30, 2010 12:51 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by sasas at January 30, 2010 12:53 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
World exposure
* China will need to import 60 per cent of its energy requirement by 2020. Africa already supplies 25 per cent of its oil
* Chinese direct investment in Africa has risen from $5 million (Pounds 2.5 million) in 1991 to more than $50 billion last year
* China is almost three years into a $100 billion investment programme in Latin America
* China has given $700 million in credit to Venezuela, and invested $20 billion in Argentina
* In the four years to 2006 China and India quadrupled annual bilateral trade to almost $20 billion China's trade with Pakistan increased 40 per cent to $4.25 billion in the two years to 2005. Analysts also believe China has helped Pakistan's nuclear programme and supplied short and medium-range missiles
The comment above was posted by Miami at April 6, 2010 01:53 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by دليل كويتي at April 7, 2010 04:38 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
This Kashgar-based dutar player's videos may be boring, but there's something very pleasing and hypnotic about this song.
The comment above was posted by New York at April 29, 2010 08:32 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by Rickss at May 6, 2010 09:54 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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صور رومانسية
اهداف برشلونه
اهداف ريال مدريد -
كاس العالم 2010 ,
اهداف كاس العالم 2010 ,
مباريات كاس العالم 2010 ,
مباريات كاملة
اهداف كاس
العالم 2010 , مباريات كاس
العالم 2010 , مباريات كاملة
, مباراة كاملة ,
اهداف ,
ملخصات ,
ملخص ,
جدول ,
اوقات ,
مواعيد ,مباريات
ودية , مباريات تحضيرية ,
اخبار كاس العالم 2010 ,
هولندا ,
إنجلترا ,
إسبانيا ,
ألمانيا ,
الدنمارك ,
صربيا ,
إيطاليا ,
سويسرا ,
سلوفاكيا ,
اليونان ,
سلوفينيا ,
البرتغال ,
فرنــسا ,
اليابان ,
أستراليا ,
الجنوبية ,
كوريا الشمالية , جنوب أفريقيا
, غانا ,
كوت دي فوار ,
ساحل العاج ,
نيجيريا ,
الكاميرون ,
الجزائـر ,
البرازيل ,
باراجواي ,
تشيلي ,
الأرجنتين ,
أوروجواي ,
المكسيك ,
امريكا ,
هيندوراس ,
- مسلسل طاش 17 الحلقة -
طاش 17 الحلقة -
طاش ماطاش 17 الحلقة -
حلقات طاش 17
طريقة عمل ,
طريقة صنع ,
شرح برنامج ,
RSS 2.0
دردشة لذة الشوق - مركز تحميل الصور
- إبتسامات
وايقونات -
دليل المواقع
فيسات للمسن
اهداف الهلال
اهداف النصر
اهداف الاتحاد
اهداف الاهلي
اهداف مباراة
دوري زين
الدوري الاسباني
الدوري الايطالي
الدوري الانجليزي
دوري ابطال اوروبا
بث مباشر
رابط نقل
كاس اسيا 2011
اهداف ميسي 2010
اهداف ميسي 2011
The comment above was posted by منتديات at May 24, 2010 11:08 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by 33333 at June 11, 2010 01:04 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by wedding at June 13, 2010 02:19 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by cheap mbt shoes at June 13, 2010 02:58 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
منتديات حصري
شهر رمضان
منتدى رمضان
دروس رمضانيه
فلاشات رمضانيه
القران الكريم
تلاوه - ترتيل القران
عبدالرحمن السديس
مرئيات اسلامية أناشيد
اناشيد اطفال
اناشيد فرقة طيور الجنة
فريق طيور الجنة
طيور الجنة
طيور الجنة mp3
منتديات اسلامية
فديو رايت شمسا
تحميل رايت شمسا
أدب وثقافة وشعر و قصص و وروايات
همس القوافي
شعر -قصائد متنوعة
أعذب القصائد
قصص- روايات
قصص طويله
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روايات طويله
خواطر حب
خواطر فراق
خواطر عشق
قصائد صوتية
منتديات ترفيهية
صور x صور
خلفيات -
خلفيات حاسوب
حافضات الشاشة
صور سيارات
صور سيارات 2010
صور سيارات 2011
مسابقات -
نكت -
طرائف -
ضحك -
نكت وطرائف
يوتيوب -
موقع يوتيوب -
يوتيوب فيديو
العاب فلاش -
العاب بنات -
العاب كمبيوتر -
تحميل العاب
ألعاب طبخ
ألعاب ديكور
ألعاب قتالية
ألعاب طائرات
ألعاب كرة السلة
ألعاب بليارد
ألعاب رياضية
ألعاب ماريو
العاب ذكاء
العاب تلبيس
العاب التلبيس
ألعاب ميك اب
ألعاب باربي
ألعاب الرماية
ألعاب أكشن
ألعاب كرة قدم
ألعاب سيارات
ألعاب دبابات
ألعاب سونيك
العاب فلاش ورق
العاب أطفال
ألعاب بنات
ألعاب أزياء
غرائب و عجائب
غرائب العالم
الأسرة -
العناية بالأطفال
كيف تربي ابنك
تغذية الطفل
فساتين سهرة
العنايه بالشعر
ميك اب
اسرار البنات
وصفات لتبيض
اكسسوارات -
مكياج عيون -
مكياج 2010
مكياج 2011
تطوير الذات -
تنمية القدرات -
تنمية العقل
طبخ -
اكلات -
مطبخ -
حلويات -
معجنات -
السفره الرمضانيه
طب -
صحه -
غذاء -
الطب البديل -
اعشاب -
ديكور -
غرف نوم -
ديكورات -
اثاث -
غرف -
برامج كمبيوتر
منتدي برامج نت
منتديات برامج نت
برامج نت
برامج حماية
برامج ماسنجر -
توبكات ملونه للماسنجر
اخبار التكنولوجيا -
أخبار التقنية
منتدى تطوير المواقع والمنتديات
منتدى تطوير المواقع
منتدى تطوير المنتديات
منتديات كورة -
اخبار الرياضة
منتدى الكرة العربية
منتدى كووورة القدم الإنجليزية
منتدى كووورة القدم الإسبانية
منتدى كووورة القدم الإيطالية
منتدى كووورة القدم العالمية
منتدى الرياضه العالميه
منتديات كووورة
منتدى كووورة
كووورة العربية
كووورة الإنجليزية
كووورة الإسبانية
كووورة الإيطالية
كووورة العالمية
المصارعة الحرة -
مصارعة حرة
برامج جوال -
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العاب الجوال -
العاب جوال
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العاب جوال
العاب نوكيا
ثيمات جوال
ثيمات نوكيا
مسجات الجوال
نغمات الجوال
رنة الجوال
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توبيكات الخيانة
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توبيكات الكبرياء
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توبيكات العتاب
توبيكات اغاني -
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توبيكات الرياضة
توبيكات إسلامية -
توبيكات الإسلامية
توبيكات منوعة -
توبيكات عامة
توبيكات معربه -
توبيكات عربية
توبيكات رمضانية -
توبيكات رمضان
توبيكات 2010
توبيكات حصري
نكات ملونه
توبيكات ملونه
توبيكات ماسنجر
توبيكات ملونة
توبيكات للماسنجر
توبيكات جديده
توبيكات ملونه للماسنجر
مواقع اسلامية
مواقع شخصية
ادب و فن
اسرة و مجتمع
سفر و سياحة
اخبار و اعلام
شركات و هيئات
سيارات و مركبات
دليل منوعات
تسوق و شراء
حاسب الي
حكومات ومنظمات
مال و استثمار
انشودة زين 2010
انشودة زين الجديده
رايت شمسا
اغنية زين mp3
انشودة رايت شمسا
اغنية زين 2010
صور سيارات 2010 - صور سيارات
اغلى 10 سيارات في العالم 2010 - أغلى 10 سيارات في العالم 2010
اغاني طيور الجنة
توبيك ياحلم وين المشكله لو تحققت
توبيكات خيانه
توبيكات منى امرشا يايمه حبيته
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توبيكات المغرب
توبيكات حزينه حصري
توبيكات نيوتن
توبيكات صباح الخير
توبيكات نساك الموت
توبيكات حصري 2010
اكلات منال العالم
مطبخ منال العالم
ة سوزان تميم
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همر 2010
مصارعة جون سينا
وصفات منال العالم
خواطر فراق
توبيكات رومانسيه جدا
توبيك ودي اموت اليوم واعيش باكر
توبيكات انجلش
توبيك استاهل الموت
ايجى اب
منتدى شموع الود
مترجم قوقل (google) , ترجمة فورية مجانية , ترجمة نصوص , ترجمة مواقع , google translat
ايجي اب
توبيكات احبك
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صور فرعون
اكلات مطبخ منال العالم
استضافة مجانية
ممتازين ليبيا
دليل المواقع
التربية التكنولوجية
افلام عربى
شموع الود
دليل مواقع
كوم للتوظيف
شبكه المخلافي الثقافي
مقهى العيال
دردشة سعودي كام الصوتية
منتدى خبله
شباب ع الطاير
منتديات كيوت تايم
سعودي كام
سعودي كم
سعودي 4 كام
شات صوتي كام
شات صوتي كام
شات سعودي كام
دردشه سعودي كام
دردشة سعودي كام
توبيكات عتاب
توبيك ودي اموت اليوم واعيش
ياحلم وين المشكله لو تحققت
توبيكات عامه ملونه
توبيكات حب
احيان تلقى حاجتك داخل الصمت
توبيك ياحلم
توبيكات احيان تلقى حاجتك داخل الصمت
توبيكات ياحلم وين المشكله لو تحققت
ترجمه مجانية
ترجمة فورية
ترجمة جوجل
مترجم قوقل
كيف تجعل شخص يحبك
كيف تجعل البنت تحبك
كيف تجعل شخص يحبك بجنون
حصريا مكتبة علم النفس والاجتماع والصحة النفسية وتطوير الذات الجزء الاول
الهاشمي وأعشاب الطبيعية
كيوت تايم
منتديات خبله
منتديات المخلافي الثقافية
بعثرة حكي
منتديات ممتازين ليبيا
دردشه طرب كول الصوتيه
طرب كول الصوتيه
الشيخة السوسية المغربية ام بلال
احساس العرب
ست الحسن
الشيخة ام ياسين
توبيك يطعنك شخص
توبيكات حصريه
توبيك اذا ناوي على الروحه
توبيكات انوثه
توبيكات رومانسيه حيل
توبيكات عتاب ملونه
توبيكات موني
من قال عنك قمر كذاب كذاب
ياحلم وين المشكله لو تحققت توبيك
توبيك احلى بنوته
توبيك مغربي
توبيك محتاج لك
توبيك صباح الخير
صور قطط
اناشيد طيور الجنة كاملة
برنامج لفتح المواقع المحجوبة
برنامج فتح المواقع المحجوبة hotspot shield
صور سيارات هم
منال العالم مطبخ
المصارع جون سينا
كمال الاجسام
توبيك احبك
قفطان مغربي 2009
توبيكات تكب
نوكيا n73 - اكبر مكتبه ثيمات لجهاز نوكيا
مسجات حب 2010
اغاني طيور الجنة
ة سوزان تميم
مصارعة جون سينا
خلفيات سطح المكتب
مصارعة حرة
ماسنجر 2009
صور سيارات
عالم الحيوان فيديو
خلفيات متحركة
اطفال حلوين
خريطة المغرب
غرائب وعجائب
hotspot shield 1.37
توبيكات حزينه ملونه
منتديات كورة
صور كمال اجسام
صور ورد
مطبخ منال العالم بالصور
مطبخ منال العالم بالصور
مطبخ منال العالم بالصور
مطبخ منال العالم بالصور
مطبخ منال العالم بالصور
سيارات تويوتا
media player 12
كونان يوتيوب
كونان يوتيوب
صور رومانسية
صور رومانسية
كمال اجسام
كمال اجسام
اغاني طيور الجنة كاملة
اغاني طيور الجنة كاملة
اغاني طيور الجنة كاملة
اغاني طيور الجنة كاملة
توبيك احبك
توبيك احبك
توبيك احبك
توبيك احبك
توبيك احبك
توبيك احبك
استضافة مجانية
استضافة مجانية
استضافة مجانية
استضافة مجانية
استضافة مجانية
سيارات 2010
سيارات 2010
سيارات 2010
سيارات 2010
سيارات 2010
سيارات 2010
برنامج استرجاع الملفات المحذوفة
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صور اطفال حلوين
احلى صور
احلى صور
صورة فرعون
كمال اجسام 2009
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خواطر عشق
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برنامج فتح المواقع المحجوبة hotspot shield
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سيارات غريبة
سيارات غريبة
سيارات غريبة
سيارات غريبة
اناشيد طيور الجنة
اناشيد طيور الجنة
ترجمة الافلام
اكلات مطبخ منال العالم
اكلات مطبخ منال العالم
اكلات مطبخ منال العالم
اكلات مطبخ منال العالم
اكلات مطبخ منال العالم
توبيكات احبك
توبيكات احبك
توبيكات احبك
توبيكات احبك
توبيكات احبك
توبيكات احبك
توبيكات احبك
صور اسلامية
احلى الصور
احلى الصور
نكات حب
توبيكات اطفال
توبيكات اطفال
توبيكات اطفال
توبيكات اطفال
توبيكات اطفال
توبيكات اطفال
اغانى طيور الجنة
اغانى طيور الجنة
العاب طبخ
العاب طبخ
العاب طبخ
يوتيوب فيديو
يوتيوب فيديو
يوتيوب فيديو
يوتيوب فيديو
يوتيوب فيديو
يوتيوب فيديو
برنامج لفتح المواقع المحجوبة
برنامج لفتح المواقع المحجوبة
برنامج لفتح المواقع المحجوبة
برنامج لفتح المواقع المحجوبة
برنامج لفتح المواقع المحجوبة
برنامج لفتح المواقع المحجوبة
اغاني طيور الجنة الجديدة
اناشيد طيور الجنة كاملة
اناشيد طيور الجنة كاملة
اناشيد طيور الجنة كاملة
اناشيد طيور الجنة كاملة
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صور سيارات همر
صور سيارات همر
صور سيارات همر
صور سيارات همر
صور سيارات همر
صور سيارات همر
صور سيارات همر
صور سيارات همر
المصارع جون سينا
المصارع جون سينا
المصارع جون سينا
المصارع جون سينا
المصارع جون سينا
2010 سيارات
2010 سيارات
2010 سيارات
2010 سيارات
2010 سيارات
2010 سيارات
2010 سيارات
توبيكات حب ملونه
توبيكات حزن
نكات ملونه
نكات ملونه
نكات ملونه
صور اطفال
صور اطفال
توبيكات انجليزيه مترجمه
يوتيوب كونان
يوتيوب كونان
يوتيوب كونان
يوتيوب كونان
صور رومانسيه
صور رومانسيه
جون سينا المصارع
جون سينا المصارع
جون سينا المصارع
جون سينا المصارع
ترجمة قوقل الفوريه
مترجم قوقل
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ترجمه قوقل فوريه
ترجمة قوقل
الترجمه من قوقل
مترجم قوقل للنصوص
ترجمة قوقل الفورية
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مترجم قوقل الفوري
ترجمة فورية للنصوص
قوقل لترجمة النصوص
موقع ترجمة فورية
ترجمة فورية قوقل
ترجمة فورية قوقل
موقع قوقل للترجمة الفورية
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مترجم النصوص
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الترجمة الفورية من قوقل
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قوقل ترجم
ترجمة مواقع
المترجم قوقل
برنامج ترجمة
موقع ترجمة فورى
قوقل ترجمة نصوص
ترجمة جوجل الفورية للنصوص
ترجمة جوجل للنصوص الفورية
مترجم القوقل
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قوقل الترجمة الفورية
قوقل مترجم
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مواقع ترجمة فورية
قوقل الترجمه
ترجمة النصوص قوقل
translate english to filipino
msn 2010
2010 , الماسنجر , العربية , الفرنسية , النجلزية , برامج الشات , برنامج , برنامج الماسنجر , برنامج المحداتة , برنامج الدردشة , hotmail , msn 2010 , Windows Live Messenger , wlv 2010
2010 , الماسنجر , العربية , الفرنسية , النجلزية , برامج الشات , برنامج , برنامج الماسنجر , برنامج المحداتة , برنامج الدردشة , hotmail , msn 2010 , windows live messenger , wlv 2010
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Windows Live Messenger 2010 عربي
ترجمه فوريه لجميع اللغات
ترجمة فورية
مترجم فوري للنصوص
متى , الاستخارة , اين , دعاء , دعاء الاستخارة , صلاة , صلاة الاستخارة , صلاة دعاء الاستخارة , طريقة , كيف , كيفة
دردشة غلا
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منتدى غلا الكون
غلا الكون الصوتيه
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تعب قلبي
شعبي كوم
دردشة الخليج
عالم الرومانسيه
نت لوق
The comment above was posted by حصري at June 14, 2010 04:54 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by chat at June 20, 2010 01:35 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.