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July 21, 2008
The Tibetan, the Uyghur & ... the Hui?
I was reading an entry on racial profiling during the Olympics over at Shanghaiist, and was surprised at the list of three suspicious minority groups devised by Tomorrow Square's security department:

Which means,
Whenever anyone that can be identified as "Tibetans", "Xinjiang Uyghurs" and "Qinghai Hualong Hui's" enters the building, please report them to the security department. Security guards will persuade them to leave the building, or follow them till they do so.
Now, everybody knows that Tibetans and Uyghurs are up to no good, but how in the world did Hui Muslims get on the shit list? Perhaps under the influence of what Uyghurs told me more than once back in my Xinjiang days, I've long held the idea that Huis occupy the profitable territory between exotic minority group and a Han's best friend. That is, they stick together and exert their influence as a group when it's in their interest, but otherwise try not to rock the boat. Reminds me of another supposedly business-savvy minority group...
But the list above doesn't single out all Huis, just Qinghai Hualong Huis. Perhaps you'll remember last month's entry about tension between Hui and Tibetan residents in Hualong County... which is where I spent last January volunteering in a small village. I wasn't living in the county seat, which was about 2 hours away by four-wheel drive taxi, but something stuck with me from the two times I passed through: guns, guns, guns! (Mouse over the images for a translation.)

I photographed the signs above while spending the night in a cheap hotel in Hualong during my escape from the Tibetan icebox. It turns out that Hualong County is the center of China's "Gun Sales Axis", where every mom and pop farmhouse conceals an underground arms factory:
In the 1990s, uncovered cases revealed that illegal gun sales cases in provinces like Shanxi, Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan, Anhui, Xinjiang, Tibet, etc. are nearly all related to Hualong County.
Hualong County's gun-making criminals' activities appear to have picked up momentum. Some criminals who have been hiding continue their illegal gun sales. Some escaped to other regions in the province to start a new hideout workshop... Manufacturing cells are usually located in a hidden place in the front or backyard for easy access. Some may even dig tunnels to connect to other places as an escape route. These underground armament factories are extremely crude. Workers are mostly illiterate but the guns that they produce can be very refined. Additionally, their gun techniques are continuously enhanced.
In Hualong, whether it is the gun-making group or the gun sales group, these groups are mostly composed of blood relatives like fathers, sons, uncles, nephews and brothers.
The place is so bad that last year, when China was comparing itself favorably to the US after the Virginia Tech shooting rampage, a Public Security Ministry spokesperson made a point of saying that the problem of illegal guns in Hualong County was still "severe".
I'm not sure how this all adds up to Hualong Huis making the terror list, as Huis have traditionally been more or less loyal to the powers that be (another similarity with that other group). Maybe I'm following the wrong line of inquiry... any other ideas?
Here's a photo of the main strip in Hualong's county seat:

And while we're talking about signs in Hualong, I might as well include this population control banner:

As for me, I'm proud to report that I received my Z visa on the second try and returned to Beijing last Friday. Now I've got about a week to hunt for a new apartment, and 30 days to sort out my residence permit and foreign expert's certificate during the height of Olympic super-craziness. Oy! Good luck, me.

posted July 21, 2008 at 08:06 PM unofficial Xinjiang time | HaoHao This!
Congratulations on getting your visa! You're one of the few lucky ones in this point of time.
The comment above was posted by Heverci at July 21, 2008 10:40 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Needless to say "Tibetans", "Xinjiang Uyghurs" and "Qinghai Hualong Hui's" wont be well represented in the one world theme of the olympics. Did these "threats" exist before the games?
The comment above was posted by Nick at July 21, 2008 11:14 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Congratulations! Your optimism has triumphed! Somehow, I was having a feeling that it wouldn't happen until after the Olympics.
The comment above was posted by Arjun at July 21, 2008 11:15 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Too subtle for me. I don't get which minority group is being hinted at that's both business-friendly and doesn't rock the boat.
Uighurs are a favorite topic on this blog, but so are the 19th century insurrections.
Jews were well-integrated into Bismarckian Germany and many rose to positions in government. But what about the Great Revolt that took three Roman legions to subdue?
The comment above was posted by Tom at July 22, 2008 01:21 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Congratulations. Enjoy the games - if that's possible.
The comment above was posted by 克莱夫 at July 22, 2008 02:32 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
CHINESE terrorists at work? Read the news below:
Explosions Rock Buses in Southwest China, Two Killed
By Jill Drew
Washington Post Foreign Service
Monday, July 21, 2008; 8:50 AM
BEIJING, July 21 -- Two explosions on separate buses during Monday morning's rush hour killed at least two people and left 14 others injured in downtown Kunming, the capital of southwest China's Yunnan province, according to the local public security bureau.
Police preliminarily ruled the blasts to be deliberate, making them the first clear-cut acts of intentional violence against civilians in China this summer, something Beijing has feared might happen as it prepares to host the Olympic Games next month. The government has installed tough security measures throughout the country, including mobilizing an anti-terror force of 100,000 to be on hand during the Games, which begin Aug. 8.
No one claimed immediate responsibility for setting the explosions. Police quickly cordoned off the areas and are investigating.
Photos from the scene of one of the blasts show a bus with a gash in its side, behind the driver's seat, and broken glass littering the street.
The first explosion occurred around 7:10 a.m. on West Renmin Road, the main thoroughfare through Kunming, the state-controlled New China News Agency reported. The second occurred at 8:05 a.m. on the same street. A local newspaper said there was a third bus explosion in the downtown area Monday morning, but that was not officially confirmed.
"Broken glass was all over the ground," said one man who rode his bicycle by one of the stricken buses about 40 minutes after the blast. He didn't stop to find out details. "I was scared," he said.
Violent acts are rare in China, where the police and military presence are intense. In May, a bus exploded in Shanghai, killing three people. Authorities blamed it on a passenger carrying flammable liquids and did not rule it an act of terrorism.
The Chinese government announced earlier this month that it had detained 82 people in the restive province of Xinjiang, in western China, on suspicion they were plotting attacks against the Games. It recently convicted and executed three people it said were members of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, an underground separatist group in the province that has fought for independence from China on behalf of the region's Muslim Uighur inhabitants. The group orchestrated a number of fatal bombings in Xinjiang during the 1990s.
On July 19, Yunnan police fired rubber bullets into a crowd of about 400 people, killing two. The crowd had confronted police when they came to deal with protests against a local rubber firm. Yunnan province is home to three ethnic minority groups.
Li Wei, director of the Center for Counter-Terrorism Studies at the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations in Beijing, said there is too little information available about the bus explosions to judge if they were terrorist attacks. "People will think the aim is the Olympics," Li said. "But this case might be caused by social conflict or some individuals who have some extreme ideas."
China has concentrated its security efforts in the five cities hosting Olympic events: Beijing, Qingdao, Shenyang, Tianjin and Shanghai. They have installed scanners to search subway passengers in major cities and erected checkpoints with sniffer dogs along major roads near any Olympic venue. Anyone traveling by long-distance bus and train must present identification.
Armed police have also locked down large parts of the Xinjiang and Tibetan areas, following widespread protests in March against Chinese rule.
Li said anti-terrorism measures should be beefed up in other areas of China. "Terrorists always like to turn to regions or cities where the preventive measures are weak," he said.
A reporter for a newspaper in Yunnan, the Life Daily News, interviewed relatives of people injured by the blast. She said the relatives of two women who were sitting in the back of the first bus described what the women said they saw.
The bus had just pulled into the Panjiawan bus stop in the heart of downtown Kunming, the people said. There were 11 people, including the driver, on board. The riders saw a young man, about 20 years old, leave his seat four rows behind the driver and get off the bus. He left behind a black bag. Seconds later, the bus exploded.
At least one woman was killed and her fiance, who was sitting across the aisle from her, had his left arm injured. The relatives of a 74-year-old man said he was just paying to board the bus to pick up his granddaughter when the explosion occurred. He was lacerated by flying glass and was admitted to the hospital.
Police reported that in addition to the two confirmed dead, one person was severely injured and the others had relatively light injuries.
Researchers Liu Songjie, Liu Liu and Zhang Jie contributed to this report.
The comment above was posted by Heverci at July 22, 2008 03:00 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Michael, before everyone gets into another heated argument. As a responsible blogger, would you please clarify something for me? Who drafted this particular notice? It reads to me it is from the Tomorrow Square management and Tomorrow Square is owned by Morgan Stanly. I don’t have an account with shanghaiist, it is my hope you can ask the author about it.
The comment above was posted by Tong at July 22, 2008 03:05 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@Tong: As far as I understood from the entry at Shanghaiist, the notice was passed out by security guards to residents/tenants around Tomorrow Square in Shanghai. Thus, it's not necessarily a reflection of official Chinese policy... but still, it's strange that Hualong Huis ended up being singled out alongside two much better-known troublesome minority groups.
The comment above was posted by michael at July 22, 2008 07:32 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
This's a really informative post. Thanks.
The comment above was posted by spec at July 22, 2008 12:12 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Hello michael,glad to see your getting visa.
As to the topic, I can't agree this racism rule at all. But I think the gov may be forced to do that---------------forced by the overwhelming pressure of safety.
And We all know America ever had a critical period of racism problems. Could you please tell us what the American gov. supposed to do when facing such a situation? what would it choose?
safe or racial equality?
Because of my poor English,lest some misunderstanding,I repeat my question again below in Chinese:
The comment above was posted by miloservic at July 22, 2008 09:38 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
No matter who drafted it, it shouldn't be drafted
The comment above was posted by miloservic at July 22, 2008 09:41 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@Michael, could it simply be America-style Morgan Stanly version axis of evil list? If that is the case, you among many are definably more qualified to answer the question raised in this entry.
How is the air quality in Beijing? I am curious if you notice any changes since you just landed Beijing. Congratulations by the way.
The comment above was posted by Tong at July 22, 2008 09:46 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
miloservic, 没错,在某种意义这是谁写的并不重要,任何人都不应因其种族,宗教信仰而受歧视。但在某方面谁写的又很重要,如果是Morgan Stanly的作品,Morgan Stanly应该道歉。但如果这出自汉人之手,你我都应该好好想想了。这和“东亚病夫和狗不需进入”有何区别?何为安全?如果你从东北来,我和你讲为了祖国的安全,东北人不得进入。祖国真得就此安全了吗?还是东北人从此心怀不满,据理力争,或者接杆而起?什么是和谐?什么是信任的社会风尚?你我真得应该好好想想了。
The comment above was posted by tong at July 22, 2008 10:15 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Tom: The joke was almost certainly for the Jews. Sure there were the three revolts (some only count two, because the Kitos War was essentially just the Jews somewhat ironically expressing genocidal fury), but that was a long time ago, and we are dealing with stereotypes.
Milo: That's really the question, is it? For example, ask yourself this: Who is more likely to be a terrorist, a sixty year old white woman or a twenty year old Arab man? The Arab, of course. That logically leads to monitoring Arabs more closely, but since the vast majority are not terrorists, there would be thousand that are harassed simply for being Arabs. So, hell if I know the answer to that dilemma.
The comment above was posted by Tiako at July 22, 2008 11:15 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The best method to ensure security is to target suspicious behavior rather than to rely on racial profiling.
Ask the PSB in Weng'an what the utility of focusing on Tibetan, the Uyghur & the Hui is towards protecting their burned out building.
The comment above was posted by Lindel at July 23, 2008 02:31 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Bus bombings are NOT the act of terrorists ... Why? because the perpetrators are Han Chinese ... read the report below:
China: No Link Between Bus Bombings, Olympics
By Daniel Schearf
22 July 2008
Schearf report - Download (MP3) audio clip
Schearf report - Listen (MP3) audio clip
Chinese officials say the investigation into Monday's twin bus bombings in southern China has shown no link with terrorists targeting the Olympics. The Chinese government says terrorists inside China have plotted to attack the Beijing Olympics, but has produced little evidence to support the claim. Daniel Schearf reports from Beijing.
The Chinese Foreign Ministry says fatal bus bombings in the southern city, Kunming, are still being investigated, but that, so far, there is no evidence linking the attacks to the Beijing Olympics.
Chinese media reports say two bombs went off on public buses Monday morning, blasting massive holes in the vehicles, killing two people and injuring 14 others.
Investigators say the bombings were acts of sabotage, but have not named any suspects or given a motive for the attacks.
China's Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao says China condemns the violence and that police are conducting a thorough investigation. He says China will try to solve the case quickly.
Chinese media reports quote public security officials in Kunming saying they have not found any evidence of terrorist groups being involved.
Chinese officials have said Muslim terrorists in China's northwest Xinjiang Province planned to attack major cities during the Olympics and abduct athletes and foreign journalists.
Beijing says it has broken up numerous terrorist plots this year and killed five extremists during a raid in Xinjiang.
Human rights organizations say Beijing is using terrorism as an excuse to silence dissent among China's Uighur Muslim minority in Xinjiang.
Bombings are rare in China and most are blamed on individual disputes, rather than organized groups or terrorists.
Security officials are offering a reward of $14,000 for any information that can help solve the bus bombings.
The comment above was posted by Heverci at July 23, 2008 03:51 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I've noticed some mild improvement in air quality and traffic levels in the past few days. I'm not qualified to say whether this is a coincidence or is related to pre-Olympic restrictions.
Beijing is still covered in haze, but it seems to be somewhat thinner than what I remember from a few weeks ago. Traffic is somewhat improved, but much of the benefit of taking half the cars of the road has been reduced by Olympic-only lanes that also reduce capacity.
The comment above was posted by michael at July 23, 2008 04:39 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Hi Michael,
I just don't seem to get it, perhaps you can help clarify a wee bit. I thought foreign teachers will be so overlaoded with work loads that they will not have so much time like you to travel so extensively. I am also very puzzled why you seem particularly interested in our ethnic mix & especially the uneasy interactions of these highly sensitive Tibetan/Ughuir/Hui groups. How come when I studied in Australia/New Zealand, I never go to probe these minorities & their grievance against their majority White Caucasian masters like what you do. Hmmm....may be our counter intelligence agencies should really take a deep look at your profile & keep you on the look out to find out why.
The comment above was posted by Mainlander at July 23, 2008 09:35 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ miloservic
My impression re the below comment:
"And We all know America ever had a critical period of racism problems. Could you please tell us what the American gov. supposed to do when facing such a situation? what would it choose?
safe or racial equality?"
your attitude is thoughtful but basically rests upon the assumption that the Uighur and Tibetans do in fact present a 'racial' problem to the Han Chinese majority. This is all supposed. You go on as if it is a fact, and are therefore every bit as much a part of the problem as those who legislate or agree with such measures, even though you point out such a ban should not have been drafted. You are still caught in the racial/oppositional way of thinking depsite your good intentions. You need to jump right out of the circle to start to see clearly. As the above posts indicate re: Kunming bombings, there are far more disgruntled Han in your country than all of the stereotyped raciallty profiled 'dangerous' minorities put together, yes?
Also, should I be gratutitous like many of Michael's admirers here and also congratulate him on his Z visa as if he's just won an Oscar or silver in the triatholon at teh olympics or something? ARRRRRRRRR.
The comment above was posted by roebucuck at July 23, 2008 09:36 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@roebucuck: Yes, you should. Bow before my Z-visa awesomeness! I have the power of Z!!!
The comment above was posted by michael at July 23, 2008 01:00 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
hey michael, i was just wondering, did your company reimburse you for your plane ticket back to america and visa costs? like did they cover all costs to get a new visa?
The comment above was posted by Kirby at July 23, 2008 02:44 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
To Tong:
To roebucuck:
Thanks and now I know my wrong logic.
Chinese are always told that we have no racial problem.------------now I use "racial" for "racism".-----------when facing this kind of choice, we would easily do some wrong.
AS I say, we seems lack of "minor-thought", I mean Uygur-thought or Hui-thought.
Beg your mercy of my poor English.^_^
The comment above was posted by miloservic at July 23, 2008 04:07 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
As to Hualong county, famed not for gun only, the beef noodles and soup are tasty,at least to me
The comment above was posted by miloservic at July 23, 2008 04:12 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
re OP: Another wonderful example of why China will never be "harmonious"... everyone just loves and trusts one another, don't they.
The comment above was posted by Jimba at July 23, 2008 04:21 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I always found it ridiculous that people try to mock the concept of building a harmonious society. Thats the goal, not the reality, its something people wants to strive for and achieve one day. No society is perfect and at least to build a harmonious society is a wonderful ideal, no matter how far away it is from reality.
This thing also reminds me of how arab decent people, even many South Asians, face all sorts of discrimination and harrassment in America after the 911 incident. How many arabs have been granted visas? or just look at how people remotely look like a Muslim would be treated at any american airport security... And thats the country that proclaim itself as built on the foundations of liberty, freedom and democracy....
The comment above was posted by Enze at July 23, 2008 08:40 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@Kirby: My company paid for half of the rount-trip ticket back the US, and for some reason refuses to pay $100 for the visa.
The comment above was posted by michael at July 23, 2008 09:15 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Enze, consider the mockery being sour grape. Plenty people mock “free country”. It is more energy efficient to just ignore the remark.
The comment above was posted by Tong at July 23, 2008 10:44 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Enze, by the way, “liberty, freedom and democracy” are for its own citizen. For foreigner, please fill out a questionnaire. 1. Did you commit crime? 2. Are you a terrorist? 3. Are you communist? 4. Are you HIV positive? 5. Do you have Histoplasmosis?, None of above? Please pay $150, the Senate is considering increasing it $5/year, do you think it matches inflation? And to be fair, this particular country is probably most “political correct” country. Canadian visa requests citizens from a list of countries to have a mandatory 10 more days waiting period. What do you call that list besides “shit list”? But guess what, these lists are designed to target foreigners, and this churlish list in Tomorrow Square aims directly to our own citizens. How do you feel about being a Chinese if you are on the list? To the west, they are the communist, to your own country, you are terrorist?
The comment above was posted by Tong at July 24, 2008 12:39 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Welcome back to the Middle Kingdom. Fortunately, I didn't have to leave to get my new visa (advantage of re-signing with same university).
I really had no idea about illegal gun manufacturing here. I always thought they were just smuggled across the borders.
The comment above was posted by China-Matt at July 24, 2008 12:24 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Hi there,
Just wanted to let you know that I "stole" your picture with the chicken foot in soup from your latest mobile pics. Hope it's allright?
You can find it here: http://www.joecool.dk/blog/?p=1055
The comment above was posted by Peter at July 24, 2008 01:04 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ Enze, I'm not mocking the concept, I'm mocking the reality of China ever getting there under current conditions, beliefs and political systems.
And how does China define a "Harmonious society," remembering this is the child of Hu Jintao, so it has loud political overtures. My guess it is a slave to the tyranny of dictatorship; in which case it is more an instrument of political survival than any lasting societal reform.
To be sure, a harmonious is something to strive for. So I think it is fair to look at current events in China at the moment, for instance “autonomy” in China’s “autonomy regions”, Han prejudice towards the minorities, recent riots in Tibet, Guizhuo, and Shandong riots, and form an opinion of where China is in its quest to be a "harmonious society". Oh there is much much more, but I doubt you even know about it and I doubt you care... Comparing conditions with America, while quite disingenuous, is easy to do, but as I am not American I tend to compare China to those human rights it has signed and must oblige by.
I can only gauge what I see, hear and read. China has made great leaps in lifting millions of people out of poverty, but when I am privy to information, such as that posted by Michael above, and then tie this in with recent events, it appears to me that China is going backwards, not forwards in creating a "harmonious society". But as I’ve mentioned, harmony is what your leadership say it is, so if that means ignoring the gross domestic inequalities, then I guess for the majority of unquestioning Chinese people... this is a "Harmonious society". I just disagree.
The comment above was posted by Jimba at July 24, 2008 05:09 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
First things first, nobody including President Hu ever said China right now is a harmonious society. It is also considered a goal and an ideal, that is to build a harmonious society. I don't know whether you ever read Chinese, or simply your knowledge of China is simply based on what you read somewhere else reported by ingenuious journalists. But I spend half a year time in China and I have never heard people sayin that China now is a harmonious society. Thats a big difference.
About Han Chinese prejudice towards the minorities. Certainly they exist. Same goes for prejudices by the minorities towards the Han. I think Michael here has done a great job in early posts pointing out the animosity between the Hui and Tibetans for that matter. If you have been to Xinjiang, you will notice the prejudice and discrimination are both ways, and sometimes are multiple ways. Such as, the Hans do not like the uighurs, the Uighurs don't like the Han but also greatly dislike the Hui or the Mongols..I guess discrimination towards the other group is part of human nature, and it is a goal to strive for more mutual understanding and communication, but not mockery and pointing fingers nodiscriminatorily at the Han Chinese.
Also on autonomy, despite the fact that Chinese autonomoy towards the minority is not "perfect" or ideal, still it has done something. It provided seperate school systems for the minorities, and there are lots of preferential policies carried out, such as on child-bearing, university recruitment etc. Imagine what if China has done the same thing like the Aussies or the Americans "assimilated" all the aborinals, or like the Soviets forced all citizens to russify, I can tell you now simply most minorities in China would already have lost their languages... But the simple fact that they are still existing, tells us something not "black/whilte" as many proclaim to be.
I am not saying that autonomy in China is perfect or wonderful. There are lots of limits and problems inherent in the system. But still on minority-majority relations, China is not the only country in the world that have this problem. And simply most countries even don't have those autonomy clauses...
China is going backwards? Are you joking? Let me tell you a very interesting story that is on CCTV singing contest, and the host allows for interpretors for Uighur and Tibetan singers when they answered questions directed towards them, and its very recent just in April. This is the first time such things were allowed on national TV. There is some element of multiculturalism brewing there.
What will be really going backwards? Just imageine after the Tibet riots in March, if it were during the Mao's time, I can assure you all those monasteries would already been torn down and burned, and meeting Dalai Lama's representatives in Beijing, no way no hell!
The comment above was posted by Enze at July 24, 2008 06:34 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I remember reading the washington post last year reporting muslim communities in Northern virginia faced tremendous pressure and harrassment from the police citing linkages towards al queda etc. Or an Indian friend of mine, who is an American citizen, told me once she has constantly been yelled at as "Arab bitch" by random people on the street...
Still, this time the ethnic profiling thing, we still dont know whether its official policy or just something carried out by private property owners in Shanghai. One good indicator is to look at whether the Uighurs or the Tibetans are forbidden from taking domestic flights out of Xinjiang or Tibet. But that is certainly not the case. I recently took a flight from Urumqi to Hangzhou, and at least one third of the passengers were Uighurs..
The comment above was posted by enze at July 24, 2008 06:46 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Glad to see you made it back! (Though not glad we got to hang out for 15 minutes while in the States.) Good luck on getting situated in Beijing, and crikes, did you read about this today?: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/24/world/asia/24quake.html?hp
The comment above was posted by Cathy at July 24, 2008 11:26 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ Michael
yes congrats. I know how torturous it can be dealing with that thing, especialy in the present climate. But I felt the tone of the congratulators was odd. I mean its a visa; not a gift for an elite few. Anyway, Im sure you are happy, which is good.
@ mainlander re:
"How come when I studied in Australia/New Zealand, I never go to probe these minorities & their grievance against their majority White Caucasian masters like what you do. "
Love the language, very revealing- Australians and N Zedders white majority masters- I dont find many who have this attitude in any of the above countries. Its your projected attitude buddy. Id say teh reason you didnt study or probe what you call those countries 'minorities' is that you couldnt give a damn about them mista mainlander , not a flying toss. The other important fact is that theose peopel can demonstrate and appeal against injustiuce and voice their grievances. In your country they are imprisoned, tortured executed or called 'splittists' or terrorists if they do so. Please get a grip on reality. Delusional comparisons have no credibility.
How was your business degree. Did you pass? Fail the immigration points sytem? - had to go back to your lao jia and work in a bank? I mean what were you studying in the those countries and why? Was it so you could get rich?
People who contribute here care about the way the human beings you call 'minorities' in your country are treated by people just like you. Tahts the difference. You dont.
The comment above was posted by Roebuck at July 25, 2008 09:32 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
any body know anything about the 'terorists' just busted in Shanghai?
The comment above was posted by Roebuck at July 25, 2008 09:33 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ miloservic
Thanks for the thoughtful comments. That fine. Cheers.
The comment above was posted by Roebuck at July 25, 2008 09:34 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ enze
"What will be really going backwards? Just imageine after the Tibet riots in March, if it were during the Mao's time, I can assure you all those monasteries would already been torn down and burned,"
many of them were - it was called the Cultural Revolution; and dont try and tell us after the most recent bout of mass protests that the same youth could not be whipped up into a similar frenzy if the new 'mao's decided it was in their interest to do so.
On the surface things change; subsurface?
The thinking of Chinese on amore substantial level has changed little at all- its still quite capable of burning down monasteries, so dont kid yourself. Shopping malls and shiny gadgets are nice and we all want em; but change is another thing all together.
The comment above was posted by Roebuck at July 25, 2008 09:51 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ enze
"What will be really going backwards? Just imageine after the Tibet riots in March, if it were during the Mao's time, I can assure you all those monasteries would already been torn down and burned,"
many of them were - it was called the Cultural Revolution; and dont try and tell us after the most recent bout of mass protests that the same youth could not be whipped up into a similar frenzy if the new 'mao's decided it was in their interest to do so.
On the surface things change; subsurface?
The thinking of Chinese on a more substantial level has changed little at all- its still quite capable of burning down monasteries, so dont kid yourself. Shopping malls and shiny gadgets are nice and we all want em; but change is another thing all together.
The comment above was posted by Roebuck at July 25, 2008 09:51 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
to Roebuck,
Oh I know many of them were, i was just responding to someone's comments that china is going backwards, and so I pointed out a counterfactual of what would if china is really going back to the mao's time.
A side note, during the cultural revolution, most damages in Tibet, such as those targeted towards the monasteries, were carried out by Tibetan youth themselves, not Han chinese youth.. Perhaps you should read more history about that period, lol
The comment above was posted by enze at July 25, 2008 10:20 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ Enze, please reread. I will take out the examples for clarity:
"To be sure, a harmonious is something to strive for. So I think it is fair to look at current events in China at the moment... and form an opinion of where China is in its quest to be a "harmonious society".
In a nutshell, I agree with you that building a harmonious society is an ideal; a goal. But with this goal in mind, I made an assessment of where China is at present in achieving those aims.
Unfortunately, it is very hard to find Chinese press reports on matters mentioned above. sourcing primary information in China on controversial topics is impossible, and even good secondary sources are few and far between. When the few brave do speak up, like Hu Jia and Teng Biao, they are harassed, jailed and beaten by the Public Security Bureau, so there is a situation now where citizens can only gauge how “harmonious” China is by silly and irrelevant dance, or singing contests. Topics that matter, the very topics that threaten the PRCs legitimacy, are hidden from public view, often with impunity.
I would be happy to discuss with you Australian Indigenous rights, but first I would suggest you read up on Mabo versus the State of Queensland (1988). Without a proper understanding of indigenous rights in Australia I would hate for our discussion to digress into irrelevant and factually dubious rhetoric.... like so many other arguments here.
I thought this line compelling:
“I guess discrimination towards the other group is part of human nature, and it is a goal to strive for more mutual understanding and communication, but not mockery and pointing fingers nodiscriminatorily at the Han Chinese.”
You make a good point. And I agree that finger pointing or signalling out an ethnicity is unfair. If I did so then I stand corrected. Hopefully, in future when someone is critical of your government, the Chinese people can separate this from attacks on them. Evoking nationalism to defend policy is not cool.
Anyway, as for autonomy in China... you know the minorities don’t have it, they know they don’t have it, the PRC know and so do I. Why they don’t have it is also pretty black and white. It just makes a bit of a mockery of the whole concept.
Enze said: “What will be really going backwards? Just imageine after the Tibet riots in March, if it were during the Mao's time, I can assure you all those monasteries would already been torn down and burned, and meeting Dalai Lama's representatives in Beijing, no way no hell!”
Thank God for that! But as one representative commented on the talks... useless and a waste of time: An exercise by the PRC to stem the flow of foreign opprobrium.
The comment above was posted by Jimba at July 25, 2008 12:30 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Sound like you are s...o benevolent that you almost remind me of the old Christian 'white man burden' frame of thought s....o prevailing in the West. Funny, there are so much injustices throughout the entire world, most of them being inflicted by the West, but they do not seem to catch you guys' attentions but you are just semmingly infectuated with our aggrieved Tibetans/Uighuirs. What do you call this phenomenon, huh? Hypocrasy? Double standard? Deliberate blind spot? Whiteman's agenda? Or...???? These Maoris/Aborigines do not complain so much because most of them are already Caucasianised (through rapes, intermarriages, assimulations, genocides & what have you)buddy! White settlers did more atrocious things to these people than what we did to our minorities but they were never reported as such as you guys are controlling the world opinions & narratives. The Jews are the worst genocide inflicters (on the poor Palestinians) & yet they can virtually get away with anything again due to the same reason above. So don't give us your bullshits!
You guys care about our minorities? Don't pull this crap over our faces, please, for God's (not your Jesus Chrict) sake! This is pure geostrategic posturings, mate! You just want to use these poor souls to advance your shitty cause! BTW, we at least enrich & empower these poor souls & pull them out of their pathetic ignorance & poverty.
Of course I passed my PhD with 1st Class Honours beating all the White folks who only know how to 'root, eat & booze', so to speak. Love to study in enemy countries because it is nice to excel in the enemies' languages. Otherwise I will not be able to spar with you today. Got those stupid PR (they call it Green Card in the US)too but have torn & thrown away since years ago because I just can't stand the West's obnoxious behaviours. I would advise all those disgruntled minorities to please migrate to the West since they are so much loved over there.So the point I am trying to make is:don't be a smart arse about our internal contradictions, take a mirror & relect on our ownself first, for every finger you point to others, there are 4 fingers pointing to your ownself, i.e. you are dirtier than us.
The comment above was posted by Mainlander at July 25, 2008 02:42 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Mainlander, there is no such thing as a first class "PhD" in Australia......
The comment above was posted by Jimba at July 25, 2008 04:17 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Mainlander wrote:
".........i.e. you are dirtier than us."
ohhh,,,yea,,,,,you are dirty as you openly accepted.
The comment above was posted by Newlander at July 25, 2008 07:22 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@Roebuck: re "BTW: any body know anything about the 'terorists' just busted in Shanghai?"
Here is a report from the MWC News:
China breaks 'Olympic terror plot'
By Agencies
China has vowed to prevent any attacks or 'political incidents' during the games [Reuters]
China has vowed to prevent any attacks or 'political incidents' during the games [Reuters]
The Chinese authorities say they have broken up an international "terrorist" group that had planned to attack an Olympic football match in Shanghai, state media reports.
The Xinhua news agency quoted Cheng Jiulong, head of the Shanghai security office for the Olympics, as saying that police had "cracked a group of terrorists".
"We have obtained information that international terrorist organisations would likely launch an attack against an Olympic venue in the city during the Games," Cheng said.
However, he did not say when the suspects were first discovered, how many were detained or where they came from, according to Xinhua.
The report comes as the People's Armed Police News said "international terrorist forces are itching to strike with terror attacks against the Beijing games, and hostile domestic forces' disruption and sabotage activities against the games are steadily unfolding".
Chinese officials have said their main Olympics security worries are focused on separatists seeking an independent Uighur homeland in the country's far west Xinjiang region and campaigners for an independent Tibet.
Human rights critics say China has grossly exaggerated the security threats from Uighurs and Tibetans to justify harsh control in those regions.
'Crisis footing'
Chinese authorities have vowed to prevent attacks or "political incidents" from disrupting the Beijing Olympics which run from August 8-24.
Shanghai police have been put on a "crisis" footing as part of a campaign to ensure public safety during Olympic football matches in the city next month, said Xinhua.
Shanghai will host 12 Olympic football matches during the games and the stadium has been closed for security checks since July 20, with armed police conducting round-the-clock patrols.
Firefighters, engineers and medical staff would be deployed to the stadium to prevent bomb blasts and nuclear and biochemical attacks, Xinhua said.
The comment above was posted by Heverci at July 25, 2008 11:00 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ mainlander
the old tedious argument returns resurfaces from the slime of racial bigotry and Han superiority. It means you (white) guys did bad things therefore we can do it now with impunity – and do not criticize our present abuse you did it two centuries ago. Oh boy...retarded thinking and the bedrock for genocide. it reads like this from mainlander:
"White settlers did more atrocious things to these people than what we did to our minorities but they were never reported as such as you guys are controlling the world opinions & narratives. The Jews are the worst genocide inflicters (on the poor Palestinians) & yet they can virtually get away with anything again due to the same reason above. So don't give us your bullshits!”
Note the unintentional admission of cultural genocide in progress when such guilt ridden statements are made. They are all the same. OK then go ahead and destroy your minorities mainlander, then you can eat all the grapes you like loser under a nuclear T ulu fan sun. Also note the anti-semitism. As if this guy would be pro-Palestinian . Huh. Ok , Ill stop- its pointless , that the guy does not have a clear mind is obvious. That’s why he has been given the job.
Long Live the Uyghur people .
Down with bastard Han chauvinism!
The comment above was posted by roebuck at July 26, 2008 11:47 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@enze re:
"A side note, during the cultural revolution, most damages in Tibet, such as those targeted towards the monasteries, were carried out by Tibetan youth themselves, not Han chinese youth.. Perhaps you should read more history about that period, lol"
listen smart arse its true Tibetans deluded by Maoist propaganda and fear of retribution from Han cadres did partake in destruction during the CR . Many, many Han red guards did as well. Dont whitewash. The issue unbder discussion was the ability of Han youth to be whipped up into similar states of mindless frenzy as we saw during the recent government induced protests. You are an obfuscator. Dont divert by blaming others. You use what you call a 'side note' to take attention away from the topic at hand. Very good, but unsuccesful and whats more unconvincing. Some Tibetans also bashed the shit outta Han imperialists in Lhasa a few months ago- Thus Hn -centric logic and CCP propaganda would now have it that all Tibetans are violent, therefore.
China could easily revert into CR madness again and you proclaim progress. Thats where you are wrong and your assumption untested in 'history' but I hope history doesnt prove that to you. You also need to read a lot of history smoocher. Especially from na Tibetan point of view rather than a dated Maoist grand Han glory narrative bought from Xinhua at discount, lol, Roebuck
The comment above was posted by Roebuck at July 26, 2008 11:57 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ mainlander
Maybe mail order universities give them out but there is no such thing as a 'PhD with 1st class Honours' in Australia or New Zealand. You either get a PhD or you dont. You obviously didnt liar.
AND get this for bald face BS:
"Of course I passed my PhD with 1st Class Honours beating all the White folks who only know how to 'root, eat & booze', so to speak. Love to study in enemy countries because it is nice to excel in the enemies' languages"
oh boy we really take you seriously. And a green card holder as well. Eat shit buddy! Perhaps you should a boozed and rooted and ate more when you were in the evil west. Cripes.!
The comment above was posted by Roebuck at July 26, 2008 12:07 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ Jimba
sorry didnt notice your earlier drawing of attention to mainlander's lies about a PhD with Ist Class Honours ( hahahaha) - great mate- what a lying freak that guy is. China please forgive him.
The comment above was posted by Roebuck at July 26, 2008 12:09 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Sorry cant resist this other clAssic piece of racial bigotry from the multi-faced 'mainlander' it goes:
"BTW, we at least enrich & empower these poor souls & pull them out of their pathetic ignorance & poverty."
and you accuse me of projecting new 'white man 's burden' superior attitude! How inverted and guilt ridden and sick you are Doc.
My answer to you is almost in your own words, why dont you pull the impoverished and pathetic, ignorant Han of Gansu, Shaanxi, Shanxi and Ghizhou from their 'poor' 'pathetic' lives before you start aggrandizing yourself about how much you have helped your almost less than human minorities. As if all Han are not ignorant or impoversihed hahahahaha!
The Han dont give a shit about there minorities apart from showcasing them and trying to tell the world how much their lives are better under the CCP oligarchy. The real reason the CCP helps its pathetic minorities is to steal their land and resources and create lebensraum for ignorant, pathetic, impoverished Han from real (rural) China who cannot make a living on their farms or grit stained cities. This is the real geopolitical power play in Central Asia liar. So dont waste time with all your self- congratulatory delusion. We dont believe. coz we know better.
BTW how many non-Han friends did you make when you were getting your PhD with First class Honours in Australia and New Zealand???
The comment above was posted by Roebuck at July 26, 2008 12:44 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Wow! Look like I have got you all worked up to deserve such consecutive venomous spews above! Great! This is what we want you to appear before us, arse hole! Stay out of our minority problems as we are really getting sick & tired of your silly comments. Bye2 & go fly kite!
The comment above was posted by Mainlander at July 26, 2008 02:28 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
China's got a lot of problems, but the country needs to be given credit for fumbling along in generally the right direction overall. They haven't started any big wars lately, or decided to make a scorched Earth example of North Korea, flipped out at the idea of an anti-terror missile shield, the list of potential worse results goes on...
Not like they aren't stupid sometimes... The way they've handled Tibet has been sheer idiocy. It's not like it's a rich or developed place at all. It's in name an "autonomous region", why not let it be one in fact? They waste a lot of time doing things to make the situation worse, and then try to lie to the citizens about it.
Extra Olympic security is required for every games, it goes with hosting. China just needs to be careful to not beat people up witlessly as they are prone to do.
The biggest worry should be pollution. This could really tarnish the games worse than anything else.
Also, the bus bombings investigation thing is weird. How is blowing up a bus full of civilians not terrorism? They need to expand upon this cognative dissonance for our continued amusement.
The comment above was posted by Nym at July 26, 2008 06:22 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
To Jimba,
Still I have to take issue with what you said about autonomy in China. First, autonomy doesn't mean independence, and thus is not a binary variable but rather an ordinal one. That is there are varying levels of autonomy and thats exactly what I have been talking about. I recommend you to read some more academic works on ethnic minorities in China, not those journalist ones pls, such as Stevan Harrell, James Millward, Colin Mackerrass etc. Thats there are certain levels of autonomy in terms of language, civil servant jobs, education etc are practiced, which is a fact please don't deny.
China has many problems and is far from perfect. However its ignorant and preposterous to say that China is not making progresses.
The comment above was posted by enze at July 27, 2008 02:03 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
To Roebuck,
Indeed there were big debates on the New Left Review about this issue, perhaps you can check it out. Still I just don't see your logic stand at all. Han Chinese youth can be whipped up, Tibetan youth the same thing. Look at those young male monks doing nothing at those monasteries, they are certainly easy to be whipped up, no?
Your claim that China can certainly revert into CR mentality. But thats your wild guess. One can also argue, with more evidence, that China has already moved on, which reality today told us, you can also check on UN Human development report to find out... So stop this kind of unfounded accusations, they won't serve you well.
The comment above was posted by enze at July 27, 2008 02:14 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Enze, thankyou. I am currently writing my thesis on Xinjiang so I am well versed with those authors. But as the majority of them use the work by Gardner Bovington when discussing issues of autonomy I would be more inclined to go straight to the source. Try Bovington's (2004) “Autonomy in Xinjiang: Han Nationalist Imperatives and Uyghur Discontent" (Available off the net). I will not address your views on autonomy. I think Bovington does a good job of that.
Still, suggesting I stop reading news coverage is a bit ludicrous. To be sure, academics, such as Millward, often warn readers about the quality and legitimacy of Chinese press in the first, and the many regurgitated, unsubstantiated press releases of Western media in the second; however, if one wants to keep abreast of current events, doing so is unavoidable. Waiting on academic publications alone is not enough. Love it or hate it, media is one of the only avenues of communication out of Xinjiang. Without it how can one form any critical opinion of his own (save actually being there and conducting his or her own research… impossible under current political conditions).
As for this: “China has many problems and is far from perfect. However its ignorant and preposterous to say that China is not making progresses.” Let me be clear with you, I believe China IS making progress in many areas. But it would also be grossly “ignorant and preposterous” to ignore the many blatant shortfalls too. As China’s propaganda machines never miss a beat in the former, I am quite happy to pick up the slack in areas of the latter. I’ve heard your hackneyed remark many times, that “..China has many problems, [..but be patient, let China handle it blah blah]..” but to be honest I find that statement a bit instrumentalist, impugnable and openly acknowledging contumacious attitudes towards human rights. The thing is Enze, things aren’t getting better in areas of political and civil rights in China, and in Xinjiang, it appears the proverbial noose is getting tighter.
China is not a big bad monster, and I by no means imply that Chinese culture is digressive. But I have no qualms inveighing against the Chinese government or belligerent attitudes on the issues mentioned above. Little progress is being made in areas of civil and political rights, which are palpable in many local attitudes towards minorities (as observed in the original post). In Xinjiang, the proverbial noose is getting tighter and the divide between Han and Uighur is growing. So, if you take offence by my remarks regarding China’s lack of progress in certain areas then I am sorry for you, but I remain unequivocally unrepentant about them. Have a swell day
The comment above was posted by Jimba at July 27, 2008 07:22 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Under the auspices of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (a NATO equivalent, it consists of Russia, China, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan) that part of the world enjoys an unprecedented peace and stability.
Believe or not, Xinjiang before long will soon be the "Switzerland" of the Orient. The progress lately in XJ is amazingly phenomenal.
In the past 9 months alone $US62 billion of merchandise flow across the border custom. The german Siemens company justed invested $US0.5 billion in XJ, Hong Kong invested $US0.9 billion, Singapore $US0.33 billion, Saudi Arabia $US0.3 billion .....etc. Lately trade delegations from Russia, Autralia, Canada all paid visits to XJ. And the recent visitors of note included ambassadors of Switzerland, Kyrgyzstan, Iraq, Syria, Kuweit, Tunisia, Djbouti etc. There is even one 1996 Nobel prize scientist trying to work on an immunology research project there.
The Urumqi Trade Fair is such a success that it is estimated XJ has trade relations with 148 countries world wide.
As chairman Nur Bekri (of XJ Government of Aut. Reg. himself an Uyghur) likes to say in his recent speeches that these are historicaly best of times, all ethnic groups unite, we are going to achieve wonders in the near future.
The comment above was posted by Jonathan at July 28, 2008 06:18 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Interesting reaction from the 'spewy' mainlander above. Wonder what got him going reading through the comments. An interesting and informative reaction. The tone definitely sounds like that of a security personal. Interesting that a blogger is ordering someone in the free world to stay out of China's minority affairs online. This is the same guy the 'mainlander' who lied about getting a PhD in Australia isn't it?
Seems the net police recruit the throwaway losers with a hatred for the west to do their on line dirty work. All very humourous of course but a tad sad as well.
The comment above was posted by spec at July 28, 2008 10:07 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ jonathon
twood be good if some of that wealth went out to the poor Uyghur farmers of soutehrn Xinjiang whoa re forcced to grow cotton for the state at below market prices or persih. Be good if soem oif that wealth styaed in the province instead of being vsiphoned back to rich Han bank accounts in the east...this litany could go on and on...
The comment above was posted by spec at July 28, 2008 10:12 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Regarding Jonathon's post. I said previously:
"As China’s propaganda machines never miss a beat in the former [China's progress], I am quite happy to pick up the slack in areas of the latter [Civil and political rights]..."
Thank you Jonathon for that sterling reference, you’ve really emphasized my point. Now be a good party member and recite for me the four modernizations, or maybe passages from the little red book. I love it when you guys do that!
The comment above was posted by Jimba at July 28, 2008 10:34 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
looks like fascist orders have been received and I am no longer allowed to comment on minority affairs within China. mainlander said so.
enze also has ordered me to 'stop this kind of unfounded accusations.' spose I better or receive a letter bomb from the CCP terrorists at Dark Star Central.
Enze confuses many issues. Mainly that It was pointed out earlier here that he was blurring the discussion by bringing in the Tibetan issue.; The discussion was about Han youth being whipped up into mass hysteria, not any other. Enze threw in the Tibetan red herring to move the discussion away from what he knows is true. I pointed this out to him which he continues to conveneiently overlook while at the same time issuing orders to me from Han-fascist central control room. Enze, the entire world is not like China. You cant bully and order other people around because they hold different opinions to you. Especially opinions which shake your disturbed and insecure sense of reality even more.
Han Chinese youth can easily be manipulated by the party - Its happened before and could easily happen again. This was the thread of discussion he didnt want to face and did his best to divert attention away from. Shame on you Enze you come across so smart but are extremely transparently idiotic and btw I'll say what I fucken well like about your shit minority policy, your bullshit national historical narrative, your government's torture chambers and mind control any time I bloody well like. So too shall I say that the minorities are oppressed in your country as I speak. So stick that up your tight little anal passage buddy. China has not moved on so stop deluding yourself.
Mainlander I have an order for you. Stop lying. You didnt learn the enemies language at all when you were in Australia getting a doctorate with first class Honours. Your English is hardly understandable. If it were not for the fact I am an expert in deciphering Chinglish you are hardly understandable. Are you sure you really got that Phd. Was it written in English?
You seem to avoid all the questions regarding lies and just try and sling shit at me. Come on now. How about answering. Simply.
The comment above was posted by Roebuck at July 28, 2008 05:30 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Stalin used to say "there will be no progress on any endeavor if you don't have the freedom of criticism and debate of differing opinions".
So whether or not you like to "stick up tight little anal passage" or not, is still all up to you. You have all the freedom to do it.
One thing though, too much "sticking" might get you HIV or syphilis.
The comment above was posted by Jonathan at July 29, 2008 03:53 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
To Roebuck,
First I never denied that Han Chinese youth can be whipped up, I just pointed out a fact that other youths, including Tibetan ones are the same.. One cannot make a fair judgement without comparison, and thats the principle of comparative politics!
Second, honey watch your language, seriously granted that we have differences in opinion, no need to badmouth other people. I thought your education should at least teach you something about social manner.
To Jimba,
Glad that you can still see the progresses that China is making and perhaps see the complexities of the situation. Then we are not too far apart in our opinions (I never deny all the bad stuff happening in China).. But still, Bovingdon on autonomy? I need someone who has more academic nuance than that..hehe. Try some anthropologist writings on ethnicity in China, UW Harrell and his students are pretty good.
The comment above was posted by Enze at July 30, 2008 08:43 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Thx for the tip, but when you say UW Harrell, are you referring to Stevan Harrell? As for Bovington, last time I checked he was a leading academic on Xinjiang, not to mention a distinguished teacher from Yale. His publications have achieved international applaud, and in American academic circles he is, for want of a better term, hot property. But if you do like your writers to be a little wordier or abstract, then I can kind of understand. He tends to get straight to the point and avoids obscure and verbose narratives. He also holds some pretty passionate views vis-à-vis Xinjiang and the PRC. If you’ve read his work on autonomy I would be happy to hear your views. If you could also provide me with some publications of UW Harrell on the autonomy question I would be happy to read, and respond.
The comment above was posted by Jimba at July 30, 2008 01:14 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Oh, I've just remembered that Stevan Harrell is from the University of Washington (UW). The dots join.
The comment above was posted by Jimba at July 30, 2008 01:18 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Last time I heard Bovingdon is at Indiana..but whether he is leading or distinguished I don't want to make comments. (too passionate is not a good indication for scholarship however hehe)
For best writings on Xinjiang, try James Millward, and also the book edited by Frederick Starr. Harrell writes on Southwest China, but his book on ways of being ethnic in southwest China is just outstanding.
The comment above was posted by Enze at July 30, 2008 09:27 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
'Xinjiang: China's Muslim Borderland' is a must for any student of Xinjiang. I own a copy myself. I like Millward too.
As for Bovington, then let us agree to disagree. In my view his work on the Autonomy question in Xinjiang is second to none. But as this is my view I welcome your difference of opinion.
Back to Millward, here is an article concerning academics such as him that you might find interesting:
"Want access? Go easy on China"
The comment above was posted by Jimba at July 31, 2008 07:51 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Oh I remember that, Millward actually told me in person about that experience, although himself is off the list now.
About that autonomy in xinjiang book, well its more of a policy paper isn't it published by the east-west center? I don't have it handy right now but read it before somehow didn't impress me too much. (one note is that autonomy in xinjiang doesn't translate directly into the same autonomy in other parts of ethnic minority areas as well, which is exactly what I have tried to emphasize on the variations and not black/white view of the concept)
I forgot another book on Xinjiang, thats by Justin Rudelson, which showed quite some nuance and complexity. Still even though I am a political science by training, I like anthropologist or historian much better when they approach China.. Perhaps the longer time one spends on field research in China the better? haha
The comment above was posted by Enze at July 31, 2008 08:57 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
That’s good for him. But I am doubtful he will be allowed back in until after the Games. I’m sure he’s itching to..
About that autonomy book, you’re on the money in saying it is a publication by the East-West Centre, but less a policy publication and more in the spirit of the organization, which is “..an internationally recognized education and research organization promoting a stable, peaceful and prosperous Asia Pacific region.” Millward also wrote an excellent piece for that series: “Violent Separatism in Xinjiang: A Critical Assessment”
What impressed me about Bovington’s East-West publication was, specifically, his handling of China’s legal framework for autonomy; Xinjiang policy and the stark juxtapose with current practice. Policy and practice might be indeed different, but this is not to say that autonomy should be any different from a. its universally accepted concept (or even China’s adopted Soviet version which respects minority self-determination); or, b. from other parts of China. We both know constitutionally protected laws, and minority rights to self-determination are curtailed by the CCP.
You said, “one note is that autonomy in xinjiang doesn't translate directly into the same autonomy in other parts of ethnic minority areas as well, which is exactly what I have tried to emphasize on the variations and not black/white view of the concept”
Autonomy is a rather unambiguous concept. States establish autonomous regions, acknowledge territorial boundaries, identify minority groups, allot recourses to protect that identity, and allow those groups the ability to establish distinct political institutions. Essentially, it’s a trade-off: “You can have your independence, but you remain a part of the state.” The fact that the CCP have no intention of granting the Uighur the right to the last part, the right to self-govern, is what moves this fairly straightforward concept into the grey area.
The CCP do have a bad habit of promising one thing and doing another. Mao promised the Uighur the right to self-determination, and then once he one their support, prima facie, denied them that promise. But this is not new and this sort of mercuriality within the CCP exists even today. The CCP’s promised improvements in China’s human rights as a quid pro quo for being awarded the Olympic Games and the promised “free press coverage”, are but two examples of why nothing is ever black and white in China. Until this inveterate and rather deceitful behavior stops, it pains me to suggest that autonomy is probably the last thing the minorities in China should be worried about.
The comment above was posted by Jimba at July 31, 2008 10:45 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
"..once he one their support..." should read "once he won their support..."
The comment above was posted by jimba at July 31, 2008 10:48 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ Enze
Go and get fucked.
dont you dare tell me what to do you grovelling fascist shit.
You are beneath the dirt of the streets I walk upon.
Also I am not educated.
I just observe.
BTW you are also uneducated. You are blind to knowledge and truth. So shut it up and get back to the WC. No body need hear your verbal crap.
The comment above was posted by Roebuck at August 1, 2008 08:59 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
listen to this CCP paid bullshit from the great political scientist enze who knows Millward personally. Such an important academic mind this Enze- a great thinker who personally rubs shoulders with the great academics of the age - So nuanced. Hey Rudelson's thesis enforces a 'fragmented' uyghur reality and orders them by twisting the words of one of their beloved poets to aquiescee and be the Han's middle men lackeys in the Silk road trade - that is his unsolicited advice to the Uyghur. Im sure you love the nuance contained in it. Of course the fact of Hna hegemony, nepotism and control of Xinjiang's institutions didnt ever enter his highly informed reckonning - oh and yest those terible drunkard Uyghurs and they hate Jews as well- really nuanced stufdf enze - like your rubbish:
“About that autonomy in xinjiang book, well its more of a policy paper isn't it published by the east-west center? I don't have it handy right now but read it before somehow didn't impress me too much. (one note is that autonomy in xinjiang doesn't translate directly into the same autonomy in other parts of ethnic minority areas as well, which is exactly what I have tried to emphasize on the variations and not black/white view of the concept)”
Listen to this dounble speak by Enze. Anything to deny the Uyghur the Autonomy promised to them by The CCL. Get it: Autonomy doesn’t mean Autonomy for the Uyghur it means – no rights and no real representation and total control by CCP yes men. True Autonomy does not mean Autonomy in Xinjiang.
That is true Enze.
Im surprized you havent added your flawed sophistry to the vitriol of your brother fascists on the Rebiya and George Bush thread. They are your soul brothers, now again - get fucked. Got it!
The comment above was posted by Roebuck at August 1, 2008 09:17 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Roebuck, you're a passionate guy, and methinks we're on the same page on a lot of the issues. But save your passion for compelling and well argued retorts. Leave the deliciously inventive panoply of insults for the idiots. As the saying goes, "Never argue with an idiot, they will bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience." Peace out hombre.
The comment above was posted by Jimba at August 1, 2008 11:52 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
present company excluded.
The comment above was posted by Jimba at August 1, 2008 12:25 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ Jimba
thanks but these pricks deserve the utmost comtempt. They even want to order people around through blogs such as this. Thats the nature of their state they wish to impose on all. In fact I havent started using bad language toeard them yet. I'll take your advice and refrain.
The comment above was posted by Roebuck at August 2, 2008 10:09 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
My last post here since I fare very badly in front of thugs and uncivil language.
To Jimba, I have quite differnet understanding of the concept of autonomy, since I consider it not as a binary variable but one with different levels. Just like the concept of democracy, recent debates in political science are mainly focusing on the level of democracy, but not consider it as a monolithic either/or concept. Anyway, this is just a conceptual difference and we can certainly agree to disagree.
In some ways to think about minority issues in China is to look at the contradiction between some autonomy clause and the overall assimilitive tendency of the state and nowadays the super-powerful market economy. Some issues, education and language in particular are very difficult to manage. Students who came out of minority language schools simply couldn't find good jobs since competing in the job market these days (unfairly perhaps) requires certain command of Mandarin Chinese. Its a big part of the globalization process cuz for example these days for many Han Chinese as well if one doesn't have certain English language ability one cannot find a good job either. Thus in this kind of context, its meaningful to think about the relationship between globalization, the capitalist market, and local culture. This kind of thinking can also bring us back to all the modernization theory and its critics starting from Karl Deutsch...
Anyway its last my last post, thank you, and byebye!
The comment above was posted by Enze at August 2, 2008 11:27 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ enze
Fuck off
The comment above was posted by Roebuck at August 4, 2008 12:05 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
It appears that the pseudo-intellectual 'enze' has taken Roebuck's advice.
The comment above was posted by spec at August 5, 2008 02:32 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Michael I wonder how long you will keep your lies
as an American who is teaching in this beautiful country..why can't you spread more about the beauty of this country China? yes it is different but why must you twist the truth and try to stir up ethnic hatred?
The comment above was posted by dea at November 25, 2008 07:22 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by bilmiyom at December 31, 2009 12:45 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by nmmmn at January 3, 2010 10:06 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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, مقالات , ذب , صور , في موقع توكس , ahj j,d;s
The comment above was posted by nmmmn at January 4, 2010 01:00 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by nmmmn at January 8, 2010 01:48 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by sohbet at January 13, 2010 02:17 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by يوتيوب at May 22, 2010 08:03 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by adasdasd at May 25, 2010 01:41 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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صور حزينة
صور فنانات اختصار
موقع لاختصار الروابط انمي
انمي رسوم متحركة
The comment above was posted by 7b-ly.com at May 25, 2010 04:29 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by منتديات at May 25, 2010 11:08 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by ddsr at May 30, 2010 07:12 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by توبيكات at June 4, 2010 04:59 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by مدونة at June 19, 2010 01:08 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.