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June 25, 2008
The Other Ethnic Tension
Not much time to write, as I'm off to the U.S. tomorrow for a visa run. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll finally be getting a working (Z) visa after three years of scrounging around for business (F) visas. I might have been able to get the new visa in Hong Kong rather than heading halfway across the world, but nobody can say for sure in these pre-Olympic times... and it'll be good to be home for the 4th of July. I'm looking forward to my first (and second and third, etc.) non-Uyghur summer barbecue since 2004.
I want to point out an interesting article in the LA Times about ethnic tensions out west — particularly in Qinghai — between Tibetan and Hui (Chinese Muslim) residents:
"Waitress, there's a tooth in my soup," a Tibetan woman said indignantly.
Before long, a curious crowd of Tibetans gathered around the soup bowl. Restaurant owner Yun Sha came out of the kitchen and insisted that the offending item was just a chip off a lamb bone. "Let's trash this restaurant," Yun heard somebody scream, and the crowd proceeded to do just that.
Tables, chairs, a television flew through the air. Kitchen equipment was smashed with bricks. Soon the crowd had moved on to other Muslim restaurants on the same strip as terrified waiters and cooks scurried outside for safety.
Disputes such as that one last summer are common in western China, where a volatile ethnic stew is increasingly erupting into violence. Among China's dozens of minorities, few get along as badly as Tibetans and Muslims.
I spent the month of January earlier this year volunteering in a Tibetan village in Qinghai, and the subject of Huis came up a number of times. Tibetans not only resent Huis for running most of the shops and restaurants in their small villages, but have a laundry list of complaints going back decades (at least).
According to Tibetans I spoke with in Qinghai, not only do Huis run the government and get all the subsidies meant for minorities, but they also act as watchdogs for the Han majority. During the Cultural Revolution, the Hui were especially enthusiastic about destroying Tibetan monasteries. And during periods of weak central government control in Qinghai during the first half of last century (and further back), Hui warlords sought to kill as many Tibetans as possible, resettling their lands with Hui immigrants.
I'm not saying all of that's true, because I don't really know for sure. But that's what people think.
During my stay in Qinghai, I had the interesting experience of watching the film Kekexili: Mountain Patrol with a group of Tibetan villagers who were also watching for the first time. There's a scene early in the movie where the Tibetans — who are trying to protect endangered antelopes — interrogate a group of Hui (and Han) poachers at gunpoint. The Tibetans I was with thought that was the best part of the movie... bad-ass Tibetans acting tough and beating the crap out of some Huis. And it turns out the Hui poachers in the film were from Hualong County, which is where I just happened to be volunteering.
Fantastic movie, by the way. Check out the clip above for a little Zang-Hui ethnic tension, and read the full article below.
Tensions rise between Tibetans, Chinese Muslims
Long-standing enmity is a factor in recent clashes in Lhasa and other areas.
By Barbara Demick, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
June 23, 2008
GUOJIA, CHINA -- The riot began with a customer's complaint about her dinner.
"Waitress, there's a tooth in my soup," a Tibetan woman said indignantly.
Before long, a curious crowd of Tibetans gathered around the soup bowl. Restaurant owner Yun Sha came out of the kitchen and insisted that the offending item was just a chip off a lamb bone. "Let's trash this restaurant," Yun heard somebody scream, and the crowd proceeded to do just that.
Tables, chairs, a television flew through the air. Kitchen equipment was smashed with bricks. Soon the crowd had moved on to other Muslim restaurants on the same strip as terrified waiters and cooks scurried outside for safety.
Disputes such as that one last summer are common in western China, where a volatile ethnic stew is increasingly erupting into violence. Among China's dozens of minorities, few get along as badly as Tibetans and Muslims. Animosities have played a major -- and largely unreported -- role in the clashes that have taken place since mid-March. During the March 14 riots in the Tibetan region's capital, Lhasa, many of the shops and restaurants attacked were Muslim-owned. A mob tried to storm the city's main mosque and succeeded in setting fire to the front gate. Shops and restaurants in the Muslim quarter were destroyed.
Over the last five years, there have been dozens of clashes between Tibetans and Muslims in Sichuan, Gansu and Qinghai provinces, as well as in the Tibet Autonomous Region. Most of the incidents go unreported. The state-controlled news media are not eager to publicize anything that belies Communist Party claims that minorities live together in a "harmonious society."
Andrew M. Fischer, a London-based Tibet scholar who is one of the few who has written on the subject, said the Tibetan exile community also was reluctant to publicize incidents that might harm the international image of Tibetans.
"It is the dark side of Tibetan nationalism," Fischer said. "It is almost as though the Tibetans are diverting their anger over their own situation towards another vulnerable minority."
Most of the incidents involve the Hui, who ethnically are Han Chinese but practice Islam. China's 9.8 million Hui and 5.4 million Tibetans historically have lived in proximity, at various times fighting, competing or intermarrying and collaborating.
As Buddhists, the Tibetans don't like to kill animals, but they do eat meat and wear furs, so they leave it to Muslim butchers and tanners to do the slaughtering. The Muslims also own many restaurants, and they don't shy away from remote Tibetan areas where other Han Chinese are loath to tread. They often buy products from Tibetan nomads, who have difficulty selling because of their illiteracy.
"To be honest, the Tibetans don't have the business savvy of the Hui. The Tibetans have to sell their products to Hui. The Hui have to buy from the Tibetans," said Genga Jatsi, a Tibetan doctor from Qinghai. "I suppose because we are interdependent we resent each other."
The tensions are palpable in Golog, a mountainous prefecture in Qinghai. Along a four-lane boulevard called Tuanjie, or "Solidarity," Street, a large archway separates the Tibetan town of Dawu from the smaller Muslim town of Guojia.
Muslim taxi drivers are nervous about crossing into the Tibetan side at night. And since last summer's restaurant incident, Tibetans have refused to go to the strip of Muslim eateries specializing in lamb and noodles.
"We're afraid that there will be more trouble," said Yun, who sold his restaurant after the incident but still lives in Golog, doing construction work. He sat in an otherwise empty restaurant around the corner from his old place, he and the restaurant owner, Ma Zhongyang, slumped over the linoleum tables, watching a small television in the corner.
The men said about 800 of Guojia's 3,000 Muslims had left in recent months, frightened by what had happened in Lhasa. During the mid-March riots, Muslim shopkeepers and their families were badly hurt and some were killed when fires set in their shops spread to upstairs apartments.
"We saw what happened on television. After that, I sent away my children from here. I fear for their safety," Ma said.
Many Muslims have stopped wearing the traditional white caps that identify their religion. Many women now wear a hairnet instead of a scarf. Since the nearest mosque was burned down in August, the Muslims pray at home -- "in secret," Ma said.
Twenty Tibetans, many of them monks, were arrested in the incident and a senior monk, accused of being the ringleader, was sentenced to death, Fischer said.
The animosity dates to at least the 1930s, when Muslim warlord Ma Bufeng tried to establish an Islamic enclave in Qinghai. Tibetans were pushed off their lands, some executed or forced to convert. After the communists took over in 1949, tensions were repressed.
Tsering Shayka, a Tibetan historian, said ethnic conflicts had resurfaced in recent years with the gradual liberalization of China, in particular the relaxation of travel restrictions.
"What is happening now is that you have all this transient population. People are migrating here and there and coming into more and more day-to-day contact. In the past, they weren't allowed to trespass into each other's territory and you had no ethnic conflict," Shayka said.
Tibetans complain frequently about their culture being diluted when non-Tibetans, in particular Muslims, move into their areas and buy Tibetan businesses. That has been especially true in Lhasa, where Muslims now own many of the souvenir shops.
In the mid-1990s, Tibetans started boycotting Muslim restaurants in Lhasa after it was claimed that somebody had found a finger in a bowl of soup, setting off a rumor that Muslims were cannibals. Another rumor had it that Muslim cooks were urinating on food or adding their bathwater to soup, which, it was said, would function as a charm to make Tibetans convert to Islam.
"You hear all these stories about Muslims putting stuff in the soup. But I think it is all about business competition and economics," said Tsering, 37, a Tibetan businessman from Lhasa who did not want his last name to be published.
Making matters worse, the Hui usually support the Chinese government in its repression of Tibetan separatism.
"They think the Dalai Lama is their leader. But how is independence possible?" whispers Han Rugubai, a 26-year-old Muslim who sells clothing at Dawu's main market. "With the country developing so fast, life is good. People have enough to eat. They have clothes."
Han said she believed that the Tibetans' real quarrel was with the Han Chinese who dominate this country's population and politics.
"They use us as a scapegoat for their grievances against the country," she said.
In the last few years, clashes have broken out over the most trivial grievances. In February, a Tibetan child's complaint about what a Hui merchant was charging for balloons triggered a brawl that involved thousands of people.
Chinese troops intervened in a 2003 dispute that started over a game of billiards. A Tibetan and a Muslim died in tit-for-tat killings, the Muslim stabbed to death with a barbecue skewer.
Jia Han of The Times' Beijing Bureau contributed to this report.

posted June 25, 2008 at 11:34 PM unofficial Xinjiang time | HaoHao This!
Michael, you can actually download the entire paper here. It's worth a read.
The comment above was posted by Jing at June 26, 2008 01:22 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Acabo de ver tu blog.
Espero que visites mis blogs, son fotos de mi pueblo, de España y de Italia y Francia:
donde encontrarás los enlaces de todos los blogs.
The comment above was posted by jfmarcelo at June 26, 2008 01:22 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Nice post Michael.
There has been similar tension in East Turkestan (i.e. Xinjiang) between Hui and Uyghurs since way back. It is interesting to note that some Uyghurs also regard Huis as watchdogs for Han Chinese. There is a saying that goes "Tungganlar Xitayni körse xéyimiz bir, Uyghurni körse dinimiz bir deydu", which can be roughly translated as "Huis say we wear similar shoes when they see Han Chinese, but when they see Uyghurs they say we are religious brethren", meaning that they act as chameleon.
The comment above was posted by Heverci at June 26, 2008 03:48 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ Heverci: I am intrigued by this little "poverb": "Tungganlar Xitayni körse xéyimiz bir, Uyghurni körse dinimiz bir deydu."
Not wanting to sound obtuse but could you clarify something for me:
"Huis say we wear similar shoes when they see Han Chinese..."
Are you trying to say that the Hui believe the Uighurs are more obsequious (or similar) toward the Han?
The comment above was posted by Jimba at June 26, 2008 06:26 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Perhaps next time the Dalai Lama visits Beverly Hills, the Chinese government should send in a busload of Palestinian Muslims.
The comment above was posted by Tom at June 26, 2008 06:30 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
re: above post @Tom: mopne shouldnt confuse and conflate 'all' Muslims under a single banner. The Hui have along history of interaction with Tibetans along the Qinghai-gansu/amdo borderlands;and more recently within the TAR itself. Tibetan attitudes to Hui/Tungan shouldnt be exported to all Muslims.
An article by Andrew Forbes on the Hui - China's most loyal Muslims:
The comment above was posted by spec at June 26, 2008 07:18 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
There were a lot of fightings between Huis (who are NOT ethnic Han as this article claimed, but rather Arabs and Persians who came alone with Mongol)and Tibetans back in early 1900s. Of course, Tibetan tribes also fought big time between themselves. At that time, Tibetans considered Hans as brethren as the proverb said "Tibetan and Han are family and Hui are assholes." General Ma also kept 14th Dalai as a ransom until Lhasa asked Central Government of Nanjing for intervene. The Tibetan areas in Gansu were asked out of Qinghai to get away from Ma. So when CCP came after Ma, you can expect how Tibetans feel.
As Heverci probably knew, that Hui army ran over the first ETR in Hotian and Kashi.
Right now, many of Arab business, especially Saudis, are hiring Huis as they still speak Arabs. Now you have Hindu and European/American behind Tibetans, and you will find all Jihadists behind Huis. If Han stands aside, there would be a BIG ethnic war going on with all hell broken.
The comment above was posted by sha at June 26, 2008 10:14 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Thanks for the link to Andrew Fischer's paper. It's very informative read.
"If Han stands aside, there would be a BIG ethnic war going on with all hell broken."
Don't confuse PRC with a Han state. Even though PRC's population is predominantly Han, it's a multi-ethnic state, a legacy of Qing empire.
Just as it would be incorrect to called United States a White state even thought Whites still comprise of the majority in US.
What happened in 1920s thru 40s in Qinghai was the result of the collapse of a central authority.
It was a classic case of
"Center could not hold, things fell apart."
I suggest that you read the Fischer article following Jing's link.
One mafia rule is definitely preferable to many small mafia factions fighting for control.
To remain creditable, the state must monopolize violence.
PRC would not stand aside.
Many bloggers here probably would rather prefer the collapse of PRC's centralized rule. I doubt they really care about the bloody after mess. It's not like they genuinely concerned about the welfare of little people.
The comment above was posted by Cao Meng De at June 26, 2008 11:09 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ Jimba:
Quote: " 'Huis say we wear similar shoes when they see Han Chinese...'
Are you trying to say that the Hui believe the Uighurs are more obsequious (or similar) toward the Han? "
Of course not and sorry for the confusion. The correct writing should be like this:
Huis say, "we [i.e. Hui and Han Chinese] wear similar shoes" when they meet Han Chinese, but when they meet Uyghurs they say, "we [Hui and Uyghurs] are religious brethren".
This saying basically indicate a belief, among some Uyghurs, that Huis are more obsequious toward the Han and have a flip-flop character ...
The comment above was posted by Heverci at June 26, 2008 11:25 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
"...belief, among some Uyghurs, that Huis are more obsequious toward the Han and have a flip-flop character ..."
Some Uyghurs, huh? Don't you mean you?
The comment above was posted by Cao Meng De at June 26, 2008 11:36 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Thanks for clarifying that for me Heverci. It's an apt little saying. Maybe I will use it in my research, thank you. ha.
The comment above was posted by Jimba at June 26, 2008 11:42 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
the article is by Andrew Forbes. I posted it and I am not Jing. Are you totally with it? The way soem one like you who speaks so authoritatively about history deals with facts is of soem concern and evidenced here by your slap dash approach to things.
Also, this issue of central authority breaking down you mention seems to me to be assumed. That is, when was there central authority before the 1930s. How far back does one have to go to find a centrally governed "China" in that period? The Taiping rebellion? The Muslim Rebellions" How about the 60 million dead in the late 19th c.?
Also, this issue of the PRC and Han nation is blurred by you. Multi-ethnicity is better looked upon as foreigners ruling Han rather than Han and other ethnic groups all getting along harmoniously together. This would have to be an anachronism of the party line I believe. Interrogation of history will show that these ethnic groups, even the Yi, have striven to free themselves of Han, then Manchu hegemony since, well, lets pick a date. How far back do you wish to go?? Please, please, not the Han dynasty Please. You are extremely knowledgeable when it comes to history sir, but one must remember history is always open to interpretation and your facts are not set in stone. There are many ways to read the facts - yours is basically an official PRC version of the one big hapy family tale told with a little twist of hip English vernacular cleverly but awkwardly thrown in for effect, but basically a very familiar (and unbelievable) story to any one in the West who has really studied and pondered this thing you and others like to authoritatively call chinese 'history'.
The comment above was posted by spec at June 26, 2008 11:42 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
my apologies for the first part of last post there was a post by jing and an article and it is good. I was mistaken and also guilty of hastiness. Still please consider the last 4/5ths of my previous.
The comment above was posted by spec at June 26, 2008 11:49 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I said
"Don't confuse PRC with a Han state."
You said
"Also, this issue of the PRC and Han nation is blurred by you."
and you said
"Multi-ethnicity is better looked upon as foreigners ruling Han rather than Han and other ethnic groups all getting along harmoniously together."
Huh? Say what? You have heck of a way of divine other people's thoughts, don't ya?
Here is my "Urban" impression:
Don't you talk to me, like you know me, okay?
"How far back does one have to go to find a centrally governed "China" in that period?"
Have you heard of High Qing? Kangxi, Qianlong?
Btw The Taiping rebellion and the Muslim Rebellions are the perfect examples of decline and collapse of central authority of Qing empire.
The process wasn't reversed until 1949.
Yes, Mao is a**hole but he is a**hole who united China.
"yours is basically an official PRC version of the one big hapy family tale"
Again, don't you ever put words in my mouth, you hear?
I don't know why I waste my time with you. Go read some Jonathan Spence or something.
I will learn from you. From now on , I will also try to keep my comments short and pithy. I don't have time for this sh*t!
The comment above was posted by Cao Meng De at June 26, 2008 12:30 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
thanks for your comments. You seem quite enraged. Sorry. But i have some things to adress. Firstly we all talk to everybody online like we know them. Are you a cyber-misogynist; a misanthrope of the web? God what a statement.
"Have you heard of High Qing? Kangxi, Qianlong?"
that was exactly my point: it was a long time from the warlord period of the 1930s back until then. You are the one who said this warlord period happened because of a breakdown in central authority. My point was, Taiping rebellions, Muslim rebellions etc led up to the new century's chaos and lack of cohesion. So how far back do we have to go to find a period of 'central control', whatever that means anyway???? Is it not also an imaginary thing when dealing with any period of Chinese history except as you point out the glorious present? Central Control, hmm, very interesting concept. But its reality. It is aterm staright out of a PRC history book it seems to me or that school of western historiography which borrowed those sinocentric ideas and trued to teach it the west. Nonetheless, You have given the answer for when, if it did exist: a longtime before the 1930s - Qianlong, Kangxi, cripes, thats bloody centuries before! what are you on about? Thats why you may be so pissed off, your pseudo historical tale is exposed. That wasnt my object. I was merely asking a question from the 'facts'. Your statement was highly inaccurate. Even Spence could have told you that. Please no more wiki links to Ban Chao etc. and we wont get into the multi-ethnic stuff, its very embarrassing I know. But really I wasnt putting words in your mouth - you are the one who made the claim of the multi-ethnic state, and then, now deny it and rant and rave all over the net like you are important and everybody wants to know you for some weird reason. Eating words is hard eh! Perhaps you should study Mao's version of history again and see just how close you are to that arsehole. I dont use **** for naughty words. You sure you aint American? Thanks for your answer- very revealing.
The comment above was posted by spec at June 26, 2008 02:55 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Hahaha... I changed my mind about you. I thought you were serious. You are an funny chap. Gotta catch some waves, Ciao!
The comment above was posted by Cao Meng De at June 26, 2008 07:49 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Here is the danger and stupid idea of "The Great Tibet" lays. At 1911, Lhasa government tried that but was lost between fights with Hui warlord Ma in Qinghai and Han warlord Liu in Sichuan. Many of Tibetan exiles still hope one day China falls apart, they can do that, but I would say history will repeat.
The comment above was posted by Sha at June 26, 2008 09:22 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Damn good movie, tough to find, but i highly recommend it. I got to meet the director and the actor who got caught in the quicksand when they screened it here in DC
The comment above was posted by Lucas at June 27, 2008 01:49 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
What seems obvious from the above posts and the obfuscations of the respondents to various historical questions is simply that CMDs post was in error because his post inferred that "central control" was normative in Chinese history which was very clever of him, and a ploy used by politicians world wide: make a false statement and hope the dopey public swallow it and then you go on to build on the false premise from there; when in fact before the 1930s no such thing existed until at least as far back as Qianlong's reign we are told by the same contributor. In other words for a very brief time under the grandiosely termed 'High Qing" which we can interpret as a Manchurian rule over Han China. Of course the degree of central control which existed then can also be debated by historians. The 1759 Qing Imperial conquest and annexation of the Zhungar vassal territories of course gave the PRC its present (colonial) borders and territories (do they still claim all of Mongolia?)and Turkestan, Tibet and Mongolia then came under Manchurian rule. How centrally governed these aquisitions were under Qian long is open to debate. But more probably, the idea of a centrally controlled China say from anywhere between 1800-1930 is a non sequiter based on CMD's erroneous inference in his above post. China was in dissaray for a good century or so before the 5 Ma warlord era. The big implication here is that modern China is in fact a construct inherited from a colonial period of Qing imperialism when many of the present territories were up for grabs. An ailing Manchu power structure undermined by early Han nationalists just managed to grab those territories and proclaim them part of China. These are the same territories which still resent and resist Han hegemony even under its present artificial 'centrally controlled' dictatorship.
The comment above was posted by Roebuck at June 27, 2008 07:11 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
You are actually pretty humorous for an ardent supporter of Osama Bin Laden.
The comment above was posted by Cao Meng De at June 27, 2008 08:19 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@Cao MD:
Quote: "Roebuck: You are actually pretty humorous for an ardent supporter of Osama Bin Laden."
You ARE pretty humorous in supporting the communist regime. How funny of you for accusing somebody as a a supporter of Bin Laden just for questioning the legitimacy of your Han-chauvinistic/大汉族主义 world view? You are just a typical, brainwashed child of CCP.
The comment above was posted by Heverci at June 27, 2008 10:45 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
To Sha: "There were a lot of fightings between Huis (who are NOT ethnic Han as this article claimed, but rather Arabs and Persians who came alone with Mongol)".
As a matter of fact, racial-wise Hui are very much Han. When Mongol conquered China some thousand years ago, many Han converted themselves to Muslim to avoid racial discrimination of Yuan.
In fact, ROC of KMT didn't officially recognize Hui as an ethnic.
The comment above was posted by gpit at June 28, 2008 12:42 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Race is as much a construct of politics and culture as genetics. Obama is the product of a Kenyan black man and an American white woman. He self-identify with African-American and is considered black in America.
Hui almost universally claim patrilinear Arab/Persian heritage. They also acknowledge many generations of inter-marriages with Han where Hui men take on Han wifes (with proper conversion to Islam of course).
I don't know if genetic tests have been done. But this claim of Arab/Persian ancestry should be easy to verify. If a Hui man has the Y chromosome with Middle Eastern markers then he is a direct descendant of a Arab or Persian male.
I suspect that in addition to Arab/Persian, many Hui are probably descended from people of Central Asian and Turkic stock that had converted to Islam prior to arrival in China.
"When Mongol conquered China some thousand years ago, many Han converted themselves to Muslim to avoid racial discrimination of Yuan."
Do you have source/reference for this?
"In fact, ROC of KMT didn't officially recognize Hui as an ethnic."
Well, KMT racial ideology also claim that everybody, Han, Mongols, Manchu, Tibetans and Turkic Muslims (Uyghurs and Kazaks) are all descended from Huang Di, which is highly unlikely unless Huang Di was a prolific African chief before the homo sapien migration out of Africa.
The comment above was posted by Cao Meng De at June 28, 2008 02:05 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
"When Mongol conquered China some thousand years ago..."
Not to nitpick or anything, but Mongol conquest of China is less than 800 years old.
The comment above was posted by Cao Meng De at June 28, 2008 02:11 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I would like to respond to you but I really have to get back to oppress Uyghurs and other minorities...
The comment above was posted by Cao Meng De at June 28, 2008 07:19 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
CMD said: "Don't confuse PRC with a Han state. Even though PRC's population is predominantly Han, it's a multi-ethnic state, a legacy of Qing empire."
Not so in my view. China’s multi-ethnicity is more a legacy of Confucian doctrine than of Qing annexation or expansionist policy. Yep, the five relations does not aim to address the relationship between majority and minority, but in a broader cultural sense, with its emphasis on family, minorities are seen as younger brothers, sometimes as disobedient ones. I believe the dominant framework of Confucian multi-ethnicity was its Yi-Xia doctrine, extrapolated by Mencius, Fang Xiaoru, and by the lesser known Confucian scholar Hao Jin (Yuan Dynasty).
For those who don’t know – and excuse me for those who do - in the Confucian order, Xia (Han Chinese, or Zhongyuan) is the ruler while Yi (barbarians, outsiders, or minorities) is subject; Xia is center, while Yi is the peripheries; Xia consists of insiders and fellow countrymen, while Yi consists of outsiders and strangers; and Xia is superior, while Yi is subordinate. The idea of Yi-Xia presupposes the Middle Kingdom and the central power of China. Such a concept has dealt with the multi-ethnic question since before the Qing.
I found this quote by Herber, who reinforces my understanding: “Confucianism, the ideology of the state throughout all Chinese dynasties, despised these so-called ‘barbarians,’ but called for a policy of non-violent assimilation through the imposition of Han-Chinese values rather than through a policy of extermination . . . The court’s policy was not to conquer and occupy them, but rather to have them administer themselves. . . .”
I believe the ‘barbarians’ could administer themselves under the official native “Tusi” system, whereby approved national minority headmen would handle minority affairs. I also know this practice occurred in the Yuan, Ming and the Qing dynasties. Sure, Emperor Yongzheng’s unitary “Guiliu” policies ended “Tusi”, and further assimilated minorities into Han culture through the opening of Confucian schools and the encouragement of minorities to take examinations for official office, but this was not the beginning of the present day PRC ‘multi-ethnic’ state.
Present and past policies on the minzu question, such as Hu Jintao’s “Harmonious Society” or Emperor Qianlong’s tax exemption of the minority Guizhou area, are not a result of either economic or military expansionism but a proven legacy of Confucian doctrine, it would seem.
The comment above was posted by Jimba at June 28, 2008 10:04 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ Heverci
thats right CMDs approach is this: when he cannot answer or is exposed as a fabricator of historical illusions in the guise of an authoritative voice he attcks either the personality or allegiances of those he cannot honestly answer- very childish - like a school yard brat, and in fact an example of what Jimba correctly termed the 'ad hominen' approach: attack the commentator to draw attention away from his/her argument. But lo and behold it doesnt work, the same as CCP historiography and noveau-maoist world view (for Mao is in fact the father of CCP historiography) does not and will never wash with an intelligent and thoughtful audience. For the record, and thank you Heverci, I have never anywhere or any place acknowledged support of Bin Laden- 'ad hominen' indeed and total crap as well.
The comment above was posted by Roebuck at June 28, 2008 11:41 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
You are right, I verbally assaulted you because you are a big Dork and not too bright one at that.
The comment above was posted by Cao Meng De at June 28, 2008 04:15 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Although I don't support Tibet's independence pursuit, i somehow can understand their frustrations to Hui. I like the Uigure saying about Huis. Han people have sayings like this too. One is 老回回的饭吃得,老回回的话听不得. There must be some truth to it.
The comment above was posted by office dweller at June 28, 2008 07:09 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Interesting that the Tibetans you were watching Kekexili with did enjoy the film.
I had heard that the non-Tibetan director was egregiously portraying Tibetans in the worst minority film traditions (as in new takes on orientalist!).
Maybe I will give the film a chance after all.
The comment above was posted by Lisa in Toronto at June 29, 2008 08:21 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
You are right, I verbally assaulted you because you are a big Dork and not too bright one at that. "
After again having nothing to say of any value CMD once more proves his intellectual retardation, and inability to say antything that is not framed within a Maoist concept of 'China's history by reverting to such peurile name calling. You notice there is no adress to anything to do with what was formerly posted about his approach to Chinese history and his methods of deception employed. In fact, he proves the point made Jimba about mindless 'ad hominen' argument; and also proves himself a master of the 'ad hominen' approach to non-debate. Keep it up CMD for all to see. No one is fooled.
The comment above was posted by Roebuck at June 29, 2008 09:02 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Smash a restaurant just because it serves a dish with a piece of bone? Uncivilized unruly mobs!
I just keep wondering whether or not Chinese laws are being enforced in western China. I watched the March Lhasa riot videos. It seemed no police intervention was there to stop those criminals from smash street shops and innocent passers-by.
I hope next time police officers will not restrain their use of coersion just because they are handling violent minority law-breakers.
Police, load your guns and shoot.
The comment above was posted by Huolong at June 29, 2008 09:05 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Mongol back in Yuan were multi-religious. They did start to be converted to Tibetan Buddhism. Why you think Buddhist Hans need to covert to Muslim to have a better chance? Mongol divided people into Mongol, Semu(colored eyes), Hans (includes Khitan, Jurchan, Korean, etc.) and Southerners. Have nothing to do with religion.
According to DNA, majority of Ningxia Huis were from Iran/Turkemanistan area.
The comment above was posted by sha at June 29, 2008 11:00 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Ethnic issue is ultra sensitive in China and local authorities don't have rights to decide how to deal with riots. That is why those riots are causing many death and injuries in Cops and other innocents. But you have to consider many of in crowds are fanned in by rumors and ring leaders. Those people are not deserved to be shot at the spot. But when Central Government makes the decision, the payback will square all accounts.
The comment above was posted by sha at June 29, 2008 11:03 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Interesting. I had believed Hui most likely descended from Sogdians (in modern day Uzbekistan) who were much more prevalent in China.
Then I found this article titled "A genome-based study of the Muslim Hui community and the Han population of Liaoning Province, PR China":
What's interesting is the following find:
The AMOVA results suggest a firm genetic basis for the separate historical origins of the Hui and Han paternal ancestries.
However, in attempting to further define the possible male ancestries of the Hui, a conflict between historical and genetic evidence was apparent. As shown in Figures lA-C, Hui males clustered more closely with Eastern Asian groups than with the Central Asian group, casting in doubt the assumed Central Asian origins of the Hui.
Another piece of gem
The results of the present study suggest that the Han of Liaoning may be more of a political construct than a homogenous population.
Conflicting results were obtained where...
On these grounds, it appears that there is some form of population substructure within the Han of Liaoning, possibly arising from earlier admixture with the Manchu.
The comment above was posted by Cao Meng De at June 29, 2008 12:33 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I recalled a recent DNA tests sponsored by National Geographic Research, carried out by Lebanese geneticist Dr Pierre Zalloua that shown today's Lebanese, the Phoenicians, and the Canaanites before them are all the same people. Haplogroup J2 (M172) is used as reference. Its distribution, centered in West Asia and Southeastern Europe which include southern Italians, Greeks, Turks, Spaniards, Sephardic Jews as well as Ashkenazi Jews and people of Levant.
Which led me to this map of Human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup distribution:
Not surprisingly considering the history of Central Asia, Uyghurs and Uzbeks are shown to have a diverse lineage of Y-chromosome haplogroups.
While overwhelming number of Chinese, Southeast Asians and half of Japanese population share descent from Haplogroup O (M175).
The comment above was posted by Cao Meng De at June 29, 2008 12:36 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Before people started to arrive at the Japanese descended from Chinese conclusion, I must point out that among Haplogroup O grouping,both Haplogroup O1 and Haplogroup O3 are prototypical Chinese patrilines whereas Haplogroup O2 is more prevalent among Japanese and Koreans.
While Haplogroup O2b1* comes close to being the modal Y-chromosome haplogroup in Korea, a subclade of Haplogroup O2b1, namely Haplogroup O2b1a (47z), is found at a fairly high frequency among the Japanese-Ryukyuan population.
However, the parent haplogroup, O2b1*, is found among Japanese at a relatively low frequency of approximately 4% to 7% whereas haplogroup O2b1a is either completely absent from or found at only extremely low frequency (which could represent historical Japanese admixture) among samples of modern Koreans.
Which suggest modern Korean and modern Japanese share common paternal ancestors who spread from Korea to Japan but the the subgroup O2b1a subsequently evolving separately within the proto-Japanese-Ryukyuan population.
Hmm... Interesting stuff.
The comment above was posted by Cao Meng De at June 29, 2008 01:07 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I know Gladney has done a lot of research on the Hui, albeit with a religohistoric focus. I wonder if you know, CDM or Sha, if he has discussed the biological Hui question? Also, I know Tyler, in his book the Wild Wild West, took some time to discuss the decent of Xinjiang inhabitants (although I don't have the book handy atm). Thanks.
The comment above was posted by Jimba at June 29, 2008 04:08 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ Sha
So, the law enforcement is the job of the central government. Hui communities in Beijing are known as a place where other people should not argue with their members. Otherwise, you will be really hurt, physically, because they will not hesitate to attack you at the drop of a hat.
The comment above was posted by Huolong at June 29, 2008 04:46 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Jimba & CMD,
Huis itself is a diversified group that even includes early Nestronians. Some of Yunnan and Hainan Huis are actually from Cham who driving out by Buddhists.
Also since Northern Han Chinese are fully of HU bloods (Central Asian, Turkic), any comparasion based on that are not convincing.
The comment above was posted by Sha at June 29, 2008 11:38 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Of significant presence among modern Uyghur population are Haplogroup R1b, Haplogroup R1a, Haplogroup O and Haplogroup J.
Haplogroup O is most prevalent among East Asian population.
Haplogroup J arise in near east and is spread among mediterranean popluation including Jews and Arab, also present in Iranian population
Haplogroup R1a is associated with eastern branch of the Indo-Europeans. Likely arise in Ukraine, most prevalent among Central and Eastern Europeans , Central Asians and Indians, also spread as far west as Ireland. The gene has proven to be a "diagnostic Indo-Iranian marker", probably reflect assimilation of ancient Scythians among Xinjiang popluation.
Haplogroup R1b is found in highest frequency among Western Europeans. Its' significant presence seem to support that Uyghurs are also partially descend from ancient Tocharians of the Tarim basin who shared ver close cultural traits with Celts of Western Europe.
Some Uyghurs also have Haplogroup C which is associated with Northern Asian (prevalent among Mongolian, Buryiat and Kazaks) While few other Uyghurs have Haplogroup R2 which come from India.
Tarim basin has long served as crossroad of commerce and culture and now it seems gene as well.
Victor Mair noted in the DNA analysis of Tarim
Mummies that astonishing thing is without revealing the source of the mummies, just by looking at DNA evidence alone, it's easy to conclude that the sample come from a modern cosmopolitan city with diverse populations.
The comment above was posted by Cao Meng De at June 29, 2008 11:58 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I agree that Hui come from a diverse source. Hui used to denoted all Muslim. Modern PRC classification could be arbitrary sometimes.
"Also since Northern Han Chinese are fully of HU bloods (Central Asian, Turkic)"
DNA evidence suggest otherwise. Patrilineage of Southern Han do not differ significantly from Northern Han. Mitochondrial DNA however, show great diversity and divergence among Nothern Han and Southern Han.
In other words, we are all brothas from different mothas.
No doubt various Turko-mongol groups have contribute their gene to the Han gene pool. But their contribution of Y-chromosome is limited.
Presence of haplogroup C (northern Asian, prevalent among Mongols and Kazaks) is very limited among Han population. And its distribution show no significant difference between Northern or Southern Han.
But the limitation of modern genetics means we could only reliably trace our father's father's father etc and mother's mother's mother etc with the big gap in between (your Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA tells you nothing about your maternal grandfather or paternal grandmother).
The comment above was posted by Cao Meng De at June 30, 2008 12:15 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Also Northern and Southern depends on one's perspective.
My mom is from Sichuan and my Dad is from Zhejiang, center of Jian Nan (south of the river). As far as I could trace my genealogy, my family have always been south of the traditional Qin-lin and Huai river North-South divide.
I had subconscious ingrained the idea that we are culturally and physically different from those uncouth Northerners!
Imagine my shock when a Hong Kong person referred to me as a Northerner.
The it dawn on me that to a Cantonese speakers, everybody else is a Northerners!
The comment above was posted by Cao Meng De at June 30, 2008 12:29 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ Huolong
all the footage you saw was taken after the security forces had beaten and attacked peaceful demonstrations. Are you so controlled by what the media feeds the population, you dont realize that what is shown is selective propaganda? Be more critical of what you see and hear, especially from state sponsored television.
The comment above was posted by spec at June 30, 2008 09:15 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ "Mummies that astonishing thing is without revealing the source of the mummies, just by looking at DNA evidence alone, it's easy to conclude that the sample come from a modern cosmopolitan city with diverse populations."
Really? like it isnt as clear as dog's balls that teh ancient Tarim basin oases were multi-cultural. But of course this argument is used by you aand other sino-dominanace/propagandists to prove the Han have always lived in Xinjiang, right? Im sure taht Charchan man and his cohort had a real lot to do wit your east asians.
The comment above was posted by spec at June 30, 2008 09:20 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
the Cantonese arent Han, look at them, and they know it; They are an assimilated southern indigenouis group. Then again what is a NORTHERN Han but 3/4 Tatar. 'Scratch a Russian find a Tatar' also has a broader application here.
The comment above was posted by spec at June 30, 2008 09:25 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Spec, could you argue in a more reasonable way?
The comment above was posted by Leo at June 30, 2008 12:12 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Ok. Leo.
Was I arguing?
The comment above was posted by spec at June 30, 2008 12:29 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I found this comment by Barry Sautmen (1997) in, "Racial nationalism and China's external behavior" interesting.
Literal ties of blood between Han and minority people are asserted. A study of the hemoglobin of 220,000 persons in northwest China was conducted in part to supply information on the blood relationships between China's different nationalities. Genetic similarities between the Tibetans and Han have been purportedly adduced and allegedly contrast with sharp differences between the leucocytic antigen of the white blood cells of Tibetans and the white blood cell antigen of neighboring Nepalese and Indians.(127) Genetic markers indicate, however, that there is a great diversity among the Han and minority populations, so much so that geneticists believe that it is "difficult to make valid comparisons of the Chinese as a group with other ethnic groups."(128) Both Han and Tibetans are genetically heterogeneous and overlapping.(129) The two peoples are thus neither racially alike nor racially distinct.
The comment above was posted by Jimba at June 30, 2008 01:01 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
In terms of Patrilinear descent, a significant group of Tibetans share Y Haplogroup O with majority of Han Chinese, but even more Tibetans has Y Haplogroup D esp. among Khampas.
Haplogroup R1b, the most typical Western European haplogroup,has been found at low frequencies among Manchus, Koreans, Chinese, Native Americans, and inhabitants of the Malay Archipelago and Polynesia.
The occurrence of Haplogroup R1b in populations of Indonesia, the Philippines, Polynesia, and Native Americans might reflect recent admixture from European colonial populations, but its limited presence in Manchuria, Korea, and China is more ambiguous, especially since contact with Russians or Indo-Aryans should have introduced the typically Eastern European Haplogroup R1a rather than the typically Western European Haplogroup R1b. "
It seems small amount of "Hu" did left a genetic footprint in terms of Y-chromosome, but they don't make up significant numbers.
The comment above was posted by Cao Meng De at June 30, 2008 01:28 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I was checking out the footage of the Guizhou riots and I couldn't help but think that if they happened in Xinjiang those rioters would all be accused of "terrorism," or something with similar irrationality.
The comment above was posted by Jimba at July 1, 2008 08:31 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
yes, yes, yes but isnt 'ethnicity' a condition created by culture and state as much as by this thing we call 'blood'?
it was a stroke of CMD genius to take the discussion back to this Hui thing a as a means of avoiding certain historical questions posed to him earlier in this post. His 'dork' attack was his only response, a whitewash. This genetic stdff is all interesting but basically a discussion dictated by CMD manipulation.
The comment above was posted by Roebuck at July 1, 2008 09:32 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Ahh, those peaceful Tibetans. Maybe if Tibetan men got off their arses and did some work instead of leaving it all to their women they might actually get somewhere. And don't get me started about those monks.
The comment above was posted by BJD at July 1, 2008 11:36 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
BJD: The Guizhuo riots had nothing to do with Tibet, "lazy Tibetans" or mad monks. For more read on..
The comment above was posted by Jimba at July 1, 2008 03:48 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@Huolomng & BJD
what say you now to the sight of rioting Han in the streets burning, bashing, looting. Should they also be shot dead in the streets like you suggest for those vile minorities who protest against injustice, incompetence and corruption?
The comment above was posted by spec at July 2, 2008 06:36 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Who said anything about 'mad monks' and why am I be ing quoted as saying 'lazy Tibetans'? Neither did I say anyone should be shot. You people on her are so far up your own fucking arses you don't have a clue what's going on. The fact you make these conclusions shows what a bunch of wankers most of you are.
Now feed on that.
The comment above was posted by BJD at July 3, 2008 01:05 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
yum, yum oh thats nice shit. The post was directed to you and one other fuckwit, named Huo long. cant you fucken read slime hole!
The comment above was posted by spec at July 4, 2008 09:34 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ Cao Meng De
Do not try to pretend you know better than me.
Where's the footage that shows police are beating up the peaceful demonstrators?
The comment above was posted by Huolong at July 11, 2008 10:35 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ Jimba
Any violent rioters will be treated the same way by governments around the world.
What if i say rubber bullets are loaded?
The comment above was posted by Huolong at July 11, 2008 10:37 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ Huolong
The point is the protests were peaceful until tibetans were attacked by governemrent forces. It got nasty after that. What would you do if your brother and sister were arrested and beaten and possibly killed by fascist thugs? Probabaly nothing right?
Should the Han demonstrators been killed in the streets of Guizhou recently when they protested?? Answer? Come on...we are waiting...
The comment above was posted by spec at July 14, 2008 12:17 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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اناشيد الغالي اناشيد حلوه جديده اناشيد روعه اناشيد عذبة اناشيد
صور توبيكات ، صور توبيكات ماسنجر ، توبيكات للماسنجر مع صور ...-
مسجات أم ، مسجات للأم ، رسائل للأم ، مسج للأم ، مسجات جوال خاصه للأم وللأب ، رسائل أم
للمحجبات فساتين زفاف ، فساتين عرس خاص للمحجبات ، فساتين افراح 2010 -
فساتين زفاف ، فساتين عرس خاص للمحجبات ، فساتين افراح 2010 -
برنامج تغير صوتك في الجوال بنت ولد برنامج تغيير الاصوات اثناء المكالمة للجوال
نغمات اناشيد جوال ، مقاطع اناشيد mp3 للجوال برابط مباشر وسريع
مقاطع YouTube ، يوتيوب فيديو , Videos YouTube ،
صور ولما تشوفهم تقول ما شاءالله بنتين يبون اخ لهم والنتيجه
رسائل mms وسائط متعددة وسائط جوال 2010
رسائل اعتذار وسائط عن الاعتذار وسائط حب وعتذار
دليل المعلم مادة العلوم المنهج المطور للصف الاول كامل
التعامل مع الطفل المعاق ( المعوق) .. كيف تتعامل مع الاطفال المعاقين كاملة
تحميل كتاب الرياضيات للصف الاول ابتدائي الفصل الاول
ابحاث عن تاريخ الادب العربي
تحميل بحوث جامعية عن احدث الطرق الحديثة لتعليم المكفوفين القراءة والكتابة
انشودة تبكي فلسطينيه أنشودة بصوت طفله من بلاد فلسطين
تحميل برنامج الحماية الكمبيوتر كاسبر سكاي جديد 2010
كتاب شرح برنامج النيرو يقوم بنسخ الاسطوانات و السيديهات
انشودة مشاري العفاسي اغيب انشودة جديدة 2010 وروعه
اخر اناشيد طيور الجنة 2010، Toyor Al Janna ، انشودة فرقة طيور الجنة 2010
احلي انشودة زوجتي الحبيبة 2010 اناشيد مباشرة اجمل اناشيد 2010
اكبر مكتبة فيديو في منتدي الغالي تلاوات القرأن ممتازه وجميله
دورة لتعلم المكياج.
أفكار تجنن لتوزيع الحلوه للمعازيم
فساتين أعراااااس
فساتين رووووعه
ملابس نوم
الحقو تعالي اعلمك كيف تسوين تسريحات قصات صبغات خيال لك ولبنتك ب
فساتين زفاف الاطفال
أغاني أعراس أغاني أفراح اكثر من 30 اغنيه للأعراس ، تحميل زفات اغاني دبكة زفة عرس وفرح
تجهيز العروس
زفات جديده و خاصه للعروس ، زفة أغاني عروس ، زفات افراح زفة خطوبه فرح بدون موسيقي عرس
مجموعة فساتين زفاف
موقع زفات عرس وفرح اغاني عروس ، زفات معرس ، زفات فرح ، زفات افراح ، زفات اعراس
للزفاف باللونين روووووعه
قمصان نوم رووووووعه
فساتين تجنن من جد
أجمل أحلى الماسكات للعرايس
فساتين زفاف 2010مميزه من فيتشو
ليلة الدخلة ، ليلة الزفاف ، ليلة الزواج ، ليلة العرس
: لكل عروس في ليلة زفافها
نصائح للمخطوبات
منتدي الأسلامي -
قسم الاحاديث المكذوبة والموضوعه عن الرسول -
سيدنا - محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم
منتدى العام
مقاطع YouTube ، يوتيوب فيديو , Videos YouTube ،
جرائم وحوادث محلية وعالميه
منتدي النقاش - الحوار الجاد
منتدي الترحيب بالاعضاء و التهاني
التربية والتعليم - أبحاث - البحوث الدراسية
أبحاث جاهزة - بحوث كامله
أشعار - قصائد - شعر
ديوان الشعر خاصه للاعضاء الغالي
قصائد أشعار صوتيه
خواطر - خواطر رومانسية - خواطر منوعة
قسم بوح انامل الاعضاء
مملكة الأعـضـاء
الحكم والامثال
قصص - قصص واقعية - قصص حقيقيه
برامج كمبيوتر 2010 - تحميل برامج مجانية
برامج الحمايه وشروحاتها
الغالي تحميل برامج
توبيكات للماسنجر - صور مسنجر - رموز ماسنجر
العاب كمبيوتر - تحميل العاب
برامج جوال 2010 - نوكيا - العاب - نغمات - خلفيات
مقاطع فيديو مضحكة - مقاطع يوتيوب video
رسائل وسائط - وسائط mms - صور وسائط
مسجات جوال - رسائل حب - مسجات حب - رسائل رومانسية
الأسرة والمجتمع - الحياة الزوجية
عالم المراة - حواء
تجهيز العروس
تجهيز عروس - مكياج - فساتين - زفات - مسكات - كوشات - أغاني عرس
أزياء - فساتين - موضة - أكسسوارات - أناقة جمال
ادوات التجميل
العنايه بالبشره - كريمات - ماسكات - اقنعة
عالم الاطفال
صحه - طب - غذاء - رجيم - أعشاب
مطبخ - أكلات - معجنات - مقبلات - حلويات
ديكور - أثاث منزل - غرف نوم - اكسسوارات منزلية
اخبار الرياضة - كرة قدم - صور لاعبين
صور سيارات - سيارات 2010 - أخبار السيارات
عالم الرجال - ملابس رجالية - أزياء بدلات رجالية
برامج فوتوشوب - ملحقات تصاميم - دروس - فلاش
جريده خاصه لمنتديات الغالي
دورات تعليم الفوتو شوب
ابداعات وتصاميم الاعضاء
ادوات التجميل
صور - منتدي الصور
صور غريبة - صور مرعبة - صور مخيفه
صور من تصوير خاص بالاعضاء الغالي
السفر - السياحه - رحلات - دول - عواصم
نكت - ضحك - فرفشه - الغاز
مسابقات - العاب - تحدي
سيارات 2010
ملابس رجالية
دردشه كتابية خليجية عربية دردشة .
موقع صور|-
صور بنات|
صور اطفال|
MMS وسائط|
رسائل وسائط للعيد|
صور وسائط|
موقع العاب | برامج كمبيوتر |
ابتسامات |
مسجات حب |
رسائل حب |
رسائل وسائط |
العاب كمبيوتر ||
تحميل العاب |
الصور |
عالم حواء |
ماسنجر |
الاسرة المسلمة |
ترجمة كلمات |
توبكات |
تحميل صور |
مطبخ موقع الغالي|
موقع مطبخ |
hguhf |
عصـــــــــير البرتقال مع الجزر عصير الكركديه والأناناس عصير كوكتيل صيفي الليمون بالنعناع شراب البطيخ عصير التوت(تونو) البينا كولادا ميلك شيك بالشيكولاته |
مطبخ موقع |
الأطباق الرئيسية |
مكتبة برامج|
ابراج حمل برج الحمل الثور العقرب|
مقناص |
صور مكشات بري صور صيد صور مناظر طبيعيه تطعيس صور بريه |
مكشته - صيد |
مكشات |
مقناص صيد |
مقناص - كشته - صيد |
مقناص - كشته - صيد - قنص صور مكشات بري صور صيد صور مناظر طبيعيه تطعيس صور بريه |
صور صحراء البر الصيد صقور صور صقر صيد رمي شوزن قمري حمام غزلان طلعات بر |
تحميل الغالي|
موقع تحميل الصور|
دردشة صوتية|
شات صوتي|
تحميل صور|
تحميل الغالي|
اشتراك في قروب|
قروب الغالي|
محادثة صوتيه|
صوتية كام|
The comment above was posted by دردشة at January 7, 2010 07:47 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by how to get rid of belly fat at January 11, 2010 10:21 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
thanks verry mucks good nice..sohbet - chat - sevgi - sevgi - kelebek - kelebek indir - mirc indir - msn indir - spor haberleri - youtube - türkçemirc - türkçe mirc - mirc sohbet - okey - çift okey
The comment above was posted by sohbet at January 12, 2010 05:45 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I agree with you, your saying is so good and usful for me. Thanks. Are you also like
sohbet kanalları
thanks very good admin are you
The comment above was posted by sohbet at January 13, 2010 02:19 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
مدونة صور المرأة المرأة خريطة الخفوق مدونة ساعات , شنط شنط توبيكات ماجد المهندس ماجد غرف بنات بنات صنادل صنادل خلفيات وندوز 7 خلفيات فوتوشوب فوتوشوب برامج حماية برامج حماية توبيكات عشق حب توبيكات عشق توبيك غزل توبيكات تحميل ريل بلير الجديد تحميل ريل بلير فاشون فاشون قصص الأنبياء قصص الأنبياء أكسسوارت 2010 أكسسوارات بودي شوب بودي شوب ساعات سواتش سواتش حمام الزيت حمام زيت القلب القلب جوال أطفال جوال أطفال الفصول الاربعه الفصول الاربعه الخط الكوفي الخط القلوب القلوب الحياة الحياة دهن العود دهن العود امثال رائعه امثال رائعه قوانين قوانين كولكشن شبابي كولكشن تعلم الحب تعليم الحب الحب افضل العطورات افضل العطورات ساعات بولغري بولغري عارض ازياء ازياء ازياء شبابية ازياء تيشيرت شبابي تيشيرت نظارات نظارات فساتين سهرات فساتين سهرات مكياج مكياج فساتين سهرات فساتين رقص شرقي رقص شرقي شفايف شفايف بجامات النوم بجامات نوم معاني الأسماء معاني الاسماء أكسسوارات اكسسوارت مكياج مكياج مجوهرات 2010 مجوهرات فساتين سهرات فساتين أساور اساور عطورات غرف النوم عطورات شنط حقائب شنط أكسسوارات جولات نسائية جولات وصفة جمال وصفه أكسسوارت روعة اكسسورات مناكير مناكير تساريح مكياج تساريح مكياج ميك أب سعودي مكياج مكياج أخر موضة مكياج مقهى السيدات مقهى ايسكريم شوكلاته ايسكريم حلا قهوة قهوه رز رز افخاذ الدجاج افخاذ الأفطار الفرنسي الافطار حلى ايسكريم السندوتشات ايسكريم محشي ساندوتش محشي مثلجات القهوة القهوه مكرونة مكرونة حلى قهوة حلى كتكات كتكات ساندوتشات ساندوتشات كباب دجاج كبابالجالاكسي حلى ديكورات ديكور غرف نوم ايكيا ايكيا غرف نوم ستايل ستايل ديكور بدوي بودي ديكور خشبي خشبي توبيكات غرام غرام توبيكات حب حب التوبيكات مخدات مخدات مناديل مناديل ديكور ديكورات التخلص من الدهون دهون العلاج العصبي علاج عصبي تمر تمر الوسواس القهري الوسواس رجيم رجيم عسل عسل شمعيات شمعيات صور الشهر موسوعة صور باليد صور رسم زيتي رسم حليمة بولند بولند اصداف اصداف ورود ورد صور موسكو موسكو موناليزا مونليزا صور زفة زفة طيور نادرة نادرة صور شلال شلال صور الغروب الغروب صور أبداع ابداع صور بنات بنات صور فضايح فضايح موسوعة الصور موسوعة صور لبنانيات لبنانيات صور سعوديات سعوديات صور بنات الجامعة بنات نكت نكت الغاز الغاز مسابقات مسابقات العاب العاب تسلية تسلية الرياضية رياضة كاركتير مضحك مضحك ضحك ضحك كامري كامري سيارات سيارات صور سيارات دبابات المرأة الكويتية كويتيات عالم مضحك مضحك عباية عبايات عبايات عباية فديو فديو مقاطع فديو مقاطع فديو فضايح يوتيوب يوتيوب رقص رقص فديو مضحك ضحك كميرة خفية كميرة فلم سعودي فلم سعودي سفر سياحة سفر دليل الرحلات رحلة توبيكات توبيك توبيكات رومنسية توبيكااات هاواي هاواي بلجيكا بلجيكا المكسيك مكسيكو تركيا تركيا سويسرا سويسرا جوال نت جوال نت موبايل موبايل جولات تلفونات نوكيا نوكيا احذية , جزم احذية وسائط وسائط وسائط حب ام ام اس وسائط غزل غزل وغرام خرائط الجوال خرائط تحميل برنامج برنامج ندامة ماجد المهندس ندامة جلسات راشد راشد اغنية فلة موبايل فلة موبايل يوتيوب موباير خرائط الموبايل خرائط لعبة موبايل دبابات دبابات روبن هود روبن هود لعبة كرستال كرستال العاب بنات بنات ثيمات رومنسية رومنسية ثيمات الجيل الثالث الجيل ثيمات الجيل نوكيا نوكيا خلفيات رومنسية رومنسية خلفيات روعه روعه توبيكات بنات بنات توبيكات ماسنجر ماسن خلفيات دسك توب دسك أكس بوكس بوكس اي فون اي فون برامج فديو برامج تلفزيون النت تي في نت قنوات النت قنوات نت تلفزيون نت برنامج حماية حماية سكورتي فيستا فيستا وندوز فيستا وندوز برامج صور تصوير سكربت ماسنجر سكربت كشف الحظر الحظر تحميل ماسنجر تحميل تحميل الماسنجر ماسن تحميل ماسنجر الياهو ياهو توبيكات اغاني اغاني توبيكات فنانات فنانات توبيكات حزينة حزينة توبيكات ملونة ملونة نكات التوبيكات توبيكات نكات توبيكات أجنبية اجنبية توبيكات ملونة تلوين توبيكات التوبيكات التوبيكات نكات ملونة ملونة توبيكات 2010 توبيكات اصاله اصالة اصاله الجسمي الجسمي توبيكات حزينة حزن حزن و أحزان أحزان فوتوشوب مضحك مضحك صور فوتوشوب جديدة فوتوشوب فوتشوب مضحك مضحكة فوتوشوب الفوتو فوتشوب ليل ليل الفوتو أبداع الفوتوشوب ابداع الفوتو فوتوشوب دسك توب دسك توب خلفيات ماسنجر خلف صور بنات ماسين توبيكات بنات توبيكات بنات ايقونات ايقونات جاكيت - - فساتين سهرات - أزياء بنات - حليمة بولند - فساتين رقص - فاشون - صور كولكشن - أزياء أطفال - صور مكياج - حنى - تسريحات عرايس - مكياج خليجي - مكياج سعودي - دروس مكياج - حلا - سلطة - تمارين - رجيم - صور حب - صور رومانسية - هيفا وهبي - مسجات رومانسية - ثيمات حب - ثيمات رومنسية - صور ماسنجر - ثيمات ماسنجر - اسماء بنات - تحميل ماسنجر صور فوتوشوب - فساتين اعراس - اسماء بنات للماسنجر - ثيمات ماسنجر - خلفيات ماسنجر - سمايلات - صور بنات
الخفوق - منتديات - الدليل العربي - الدليل الأجنبي - مدونة -
The comment above was posted by klsdlkj at January 16, 2010 08:45 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
ideid je ljerw ;okr ;rwl rn r,kjl wrji hr bsjf hlkhflljfs ,fmfsn lkjrkljrwjrhjhj wlr
Thank you and gives you a great topic for Wellness
توبيكات ماسنجر
العاب فلاش
موقع العاب
دليل الغالي
توبيكات لهذا العام 2010 - توبيكات ملونة 2010 - توبيكات للماسنجر
صور بنات اخر زمن للماسنجر - صور بنات للمسنجر
شف غبيتك وشلون تهديني جروح
التمر وفوائده
تحميل أجمل أناشيد قناة كراميش للأطفال ، جميع اناشيد مراكش
مراكيش مراكش
كيف تعامل من سوء الظن
أعظم أنسان محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم كأنك تراه
اناشيد فرقة طيور الجنة الجديدة عصومى ووليد mp3 برابط مباشر
اجيلك لو على موتي وانادي يالغلا لبيه
خواتم وساعات لشباب
فساتين حلوة من تصميم المصمم زهير مراد
فساتين سهرات و حفلات و مناسبات و نفانيف سهره
فساتين زفاف جديدة - فساتين أفراح و زواج و أعراس
مواقف مضحكة بقوة
ديكورات غرف الطعام......لازم تشوفها
قصة موت فتاة داخل حمام ال مدرسة
شنط ماركة لويس فويتون - حقائب من شركة لويس فخمة
صور رومانسية جديدة 2010 أحلي حزينة
برامج 2010 - برامج انترنت 2010 - برامج جديدة 2010 - اجمل برامج
فورد موستنج 2010 - صور سيارة Ford موستنق - اجمل car فورد موديل
السياحة في قطر - الاماكن سياحية في دولة قطر - المنتزهات الترفيهية
لماذا يحب الرجال بنات الهوى ؟؟؟ للمتزوجين فقط 18+
فتح اكثر من ماسنجر في جهاز بلاك بيري - ادخل في ماسنجر جوال بلاك
لعبة Mafia 2 أكشن أثارة 2010 - العاب مافيا تو روعه مثيرة - العاب
لعبة الرسك كونكيور - لعبة الحرب Risk 2010 ريسك - العاب الرسك
لعبة البلياردو - بلياردو -Billiard Game - لعبة البريالدو - لعبة
توبيكات عشق توبيكات حب .. توبيكات للعاشقين توبيكات للعشاق
رسائل حب رومانسية ، رسائل حب ، رسائل رمانسية
صور اطفال حلوين جنان اجمل اطفال الله يحفظهم مجموعة صور أطفال
ازياء رجالية مميزه 2010 ، ملابس صيفيه رجاليه جديدة ، أحلي بدلات شبابية
اجمل مقطع فيديو رهيب تماسيح تصطاد قرود
غياب العاطفة في العلاقات الزوحية..اسبابها ..وحلها
رسائل حب, غرام وله شوق رسائل 2010 اجمل رسائل الحب
معجزات الرسول صلى الله عليه و سلم.. بالتمام و الكمال
فساتين اعراس موديلات 2010 من غلا الي كل عروس تفضلي فساتين زفاف
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The comment above was posted by دردشة at April 4, 2010 07:44 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by MBT Schuhe at April 7, 2010 02:22 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by Jenny at April 7, 2010 03:37 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by دليل كويتي at April 7, 2010 04:02 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by Florida at April 10, 2010 08:22 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by Sohbet odaları at April 18, 2010 02:54 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by Hennry at April 23, 2010 12:50 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by منتدي at April 30, 2010 07:31 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by Hennry at May 8, 2010 02:50 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by cevher at May 20, 2010 08:57 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by منتديات at May 22, 2010 08:55 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by Indonesia Furniture Handicraft Wholesale Marketplace at May 23, 2010 12:28 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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توبيكات شعر
The comment above was posted by توبيكات at June 4, 2010 04:56 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
يسلمو وبارك الله فيكم موضوع قيم ويستحق التقيم والقراءه وفقكم الله واليكم موقعى وديان ومقاطع فيديويوتيوب يوتيوب العاب بنات العاب بنات وديان جرااح وديان جرااح دردشة وفساتين سهرة دردشةافلام اون لاين افلام اونلاين دليل المواقع دليل المواقع توبيك صور انمي انمىافلام اكشن صورصور رومانسيةمسلسل قلوب منسة والتحميل للمسلسل من هنامسلسل قلوب منسهالمزيد منالعاب الفلاش والمفيده للاطفال فىبرامج تنمية الذكاء والعقول واحدثالعاب سيارات والعاب بنات واناشيد اسلامية ومن اخبار العالمية لملابس وفساتين 2010 وتخلف الموضات بينفساتين 2010 والموضات لاحدثفساتين 2011 واحدث تصاميمديكور والذ الاكلات العربيه علىمطبخ عربى الصور العربيه فى موقعصور لكل العرب به الصور منهاصور غريبة وايضا بهصور اسلامية واحدث مقاطع الفيديو ومسلسلات عربية الحصرية فى موقع يوتيوب جميع الفيديو منطيور الجنة وافلام عربية واناشيد وفيديو مطبخ عربى وخليجي والمزيك منيوتيوب حلويات واجمل مقاطع يوتيوب مضحك والكاميرا الخفية ويوتيوب طرائف وغرائب مضحك جدا وفيديومصارعة يوتيوب رياضى به اجمليوتيوب اهداف توجد اقسام للجوال منهاثيمات جوال المميزة والمزيد منبرامج جوال الميزه وايضا اقسامالجوال وفتوشوب ودروس فوتوشوب والمزيد منفرش فوتوشوب وملفات مفتوحه للفوتوشوب alorka axkhwh تلاوات نادره قران كريم[ 72 ]طيور الجنه[ 30 ]اناشيد اسلامية[ 127 ]يوتيوب برنامج مجددون للاستاذ عمرو خالد[ 14 ]برنامج بصائر للناس - ابو اسحاق الحويني[ 23 ]جميع حلقات برنامج فضفضة من قناة الناس[ 46 ]برنامج صدق رسول الله - عمر خالد[ 30 ]برنامج مشكاة الانوار للشيخ محمد حسان[ 24 ]برنامج صناع الحياة - عمر خالد[ 44 ]برنامج خواطر قراّنية للاستاذ عمر خالد[ 27 ]برنامج ونلقي الاحبة لـ عمر خالد[ 56 ]خيمة الدعوة لـ محمد حسين يعقوب[ 12 ]يوتيوب الشريعة والحياة[ 149 ]مسلسل قصة شتاء [ 118 ]مسلسل بنت من الزمن ده[ 33 ]مسلسل ميرنا خليل [ 73 ]مسلسل سنوات الصفصاف [ 94 ]مسلسل جارى يا حمودة[ 30 ]مسلسل راجل و ست ستات 4 الموسم الرابع[ 34 ]مسلسل قلب شجاع[ 142 ]مسلسل ممرات ضيقة[ 30 ]مسلسل 37 درجة مئوية[ 41 ]مسلسل بعد الفراق[ 33 ]مسلسل رست هاوس [ 31 ]مسلسل قصر الحب [ 76 ]مسلسل فضة قلبها ابيض[ 29 ]مسلسل ازهار الشتاء السورى[ 20 ]مسلسل الخيول تنام واقفة[ 30 ]مسلسل موسم المطر [ 98 ]مسلسل ويبقى الحب [ 33 ]مسلسل يتربى فى عزو[ 31 ]مسلسل ويبقى الحب 2 الجزء الثانى[ 50 ]مسلسل دقات قلب [ 70 ]مسلسل وادى الذئاب 3 الجزء الثالث[ 128 ]مسلسل السجينة [ 27 ]مسلسل احقاد خفية السورى[ 28 ]مسلسل الغريب [ 156 ]مسلسل زمن الخوف [ 30 ]مسلسل الليل وأخره [ 34 ]مسلسل الحب والحرب [ 30 ] مسلسل حقى برقبتى ه[ 31 ] مسلسل عمر الشقا ه[ 25 ]مسلسل العشق الممنوع [ 3 ]مسلسل عاصى [ 152 ] مسلسل عليا[ 125 ] مسلسل تحت المداس ه[ 31 ]مسلسل جواهر [ 106 ]مسلسل العاصفة الصامتة [ 28 ]مسلسل الحب المستحيل [ 50 ]مسلسل رصاصة رحمة الخليجى[ 98 ]مسلسل على طول الايام [ 30 ]مسلسل الخيط الابيض [ 28 ]مسلسل امي [ 69 ]مسلسل نور فى سماء صافية [ 140 ]مسلسل دمعة يتيم [ 30 ]مسلسل اشواك ناعمة [ 31 ]مسلسل الاوراق المتساقطة [ 59 ]مسلسل صرخة حجر [ 20 ]مسلسل سيرة الحب [ 27 ]مسلسل قلوب حائرة [ 30 ]مسلسل رماد الحب [ 51 ]مسلسل الشمس تشرق من جديد [ 31 ]مسلسل اسطنبول سبع تلال [ 39 ]مسلسل الربيع الاخر [ 39 ]مسلسل الارض الطيبة [ 36 ]مسلسل اوراق الحب [ 36 ]مسلسل بقايا الامس [ 24 ]مسلسل عواطف [ 24 ]مسلسل وادى الذئاب 4 الجزء الرابع [ 16 ]مسلسل دروب المطايا [ 30 ]مسلسل وتمضى الايام [ 85 ]مسلسل وادى الذئاب 2 الجزء الثانى[ 70 ]مسلسل عائلتان [ 151 ]مسلسل ذكريات الزمن القادم[ 31 ]مسلسل ياسين فى مستشفى المجانين[ 26 ]مسلسل قضية رأى عام[ 30 ]مسلسل جمال الروح [ 30 ]مسلسل الحيالة [ 30 ] مسلسل لاهوب[ 1 ]مسلسل دقات قلب 2 الجزء الثانى [ 81 ]مسلسل طريق النحل السورى[ 31 ]مسلسل الحب والعقاب [ 52 ]مسلسل ليالي الصالحية [ 31 ]مسلسل خاطفة القلب [ 130 ]مسلسل بني جان الكوميدى [ 30 ]مسلسل قلوب منسيه [ 51 ]مسلسل دموع الثلج [ 8 ]مسلسل الحب الكبير [ 29 ]sitemapنونة صغنونة
The comment above was posted by حواء at June 5, 2010 10:25 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
nthusiastic about destroying Tibetan monasteries. And during periods of weak central government control in Qinghai during the first half of last century (and further back), Hui warlords sought to kill as many Tibetans as possible, resettling their lands with Hui immigrants. wartsila | wartsila
The comment above was posted by disosawilliams at June 5, 2010 05:01 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
شات سعودي كول
سعودي كول
شات سعودي كول الكتابي
شات سعودي قمر الكتابي
دليل مواقع سعودي كول
سعودي قمر
شات انحراف الخليج
سعودي قمر الصوتية
سعودي كول 6666
شات سعودي كول 6666
سعودي انحراف
منتدى ملوك
دليل مواقع ملوك
سعودي ستايل
شات حلاتي كول
غلا عيني
دردشة ملوكة
ملوكة كام
شات ملك الصوتي
ملوك فويس
يوتويب ملوك
شبكة ملوك
ملوك نت
دردشة الرياض كام
شات عزف الدموع
سعودي كول 6666
المنتدى العام
الترحيب بالضيوف
السياحه والسفر
الجرائم والقضايا الجنائيه
همس القوافي الشعر
مكتبة عامه
عذب الكلام خواطر
قصص واقعيه الروايات
وسع صدرك
اقلاع فرفشة ضحك
المسابقات الالعاب
الرياضه والسيارات
الصوتيات والفيديو
عالم الحياة الزوجية والاسرية والطفل
كلام نواعم حواء فساتين ميكياج
جلسة شباب ادم
الديكور الاثاث المنزلي
الطب الصحه
أطيب أشهى المأكولات اشهى الحلويات
برامج مجانية كمبيوتر انترنت
الجوال الإتصالات ثيمات نغمات برامج
توبيكات ملونه صور ماسنجر
تصاميم جرافيكس فلاش
دردشة الملوك
The comment above was posted by سعودي كول 6666 at June 6, 2010 09:30 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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دليل - دليل مواقع - دليل موقع الغالى - دليل خليجى عربى ضف موقعك
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أحدث المواقع
التقيمم 0
المصوتين 0' href='site.php?id=5293'>حلوات - عالم جميل -
التقيمم 0
المصوتين 0' href='site.php?id=5292'>مرحبا بكم في موقع الشيخ محمد السوسي 00212662540809 -
التقيمم 0
المصوتين 0' href='site.php?id=5291'>منتديات بنات المملكة -
التقيمم 0
المصوتين 0' href='site.php?id=5290'>3 إم كافيه -
التقيمم 0
المصوتين 0' href='site.php?id=5289'>سوالف حريم -
التقيمم 0
المصوتين 0' href='site.php?id=5288'>منتديات ذبحني صمتك -
التقيمم 0
المصوتين 0' href='site.php?id=5287'>طريق الحور العين -
التقيمم 0
المصوتين 0' href='site.php?id=5286'>سوق العقيلات -
التقيمم 0
المصوتين 0' href='site.php?id=5285'>أوراق العمر
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الزيارات 55085
المصوتين 356' href='site.php?id=1277'>شبكة فخرالعرب سعوديه خليجيه -
الزيارات 3822
المصوتين 185' href='site.php?id=1297'>منتدى نديم الحب -
الزيارات 2309
المصوتين 147' href='site.php?id=1374'>شبكه نديم الحب -
الزيارات 82038
المصوتين 111' href='site.php?id=1474'>منتديات القلم الحر -
الزيارات 886
المصوتين 83' href='site.php?id=1453'>دليل المواقع -
الزيارات 803
المصوتين 79' href='site.php?id=1456'>منتدى الكومبيوتر والانترنت -
الزيارات 771
المصوتين 77' href='site.php?id=1454'>منتدى الجوال -
الزيارات 670
المصوتين 76' href='site.php?id=1455'>منتدى البرامج المشروحه -
الزيارات 917
المصوتين 76' href='site.php?id=1452'>الاغاني اليمنيه
أكثر المواقع أصواتا
الزيارات 55085
التقيمم 3521' href='site.php?id=1277'>شبكة فخرالعرب سعوديه خليجيه -
الزيارات 307
التقيمم 694' href='site.php?id=4349'>عقارات مصر EgyReal سوق العقارات المصرى -
الزيارات 1980
التقيمم 673' href='site.php?id=1238'>الملتقى التربوي -
الزيارات 3822
التقيمم 1613' href='site.php?id=1297'>منتدى نديم الحب -
الزيارات 2309
التقيمم 1447' href='site.php?id=1374'>شبكه نديم الحب -
الزيارات 909
التقيمم 516' href='site.php?id=2045'>منتديات ال مهان -
الزيارات 82038
التقيمم 1090' href='site.php?id=1474'>منتديات القلم الحر -
الزيارات 886
التقيمم 815' href='site.php?id=1453'>دليل المواقع -
الزيارات 803
التقيمم 770' href='site.php?id=1456'>منتدى الكومبيوتر والانترنت
طريقة العرضعرض المواقع - عرض الأقسام - أضف موقعك
أحدث المقالات
- لماذا ولما تدهور السوق [138]
- عملات الخليج الموحدة [202]
- كرة الشيطان - الشيطان بليس [163]
- قنبلة في احد مدارس الفروانية [261]
- نساء و اسيويون تم ضبطهم في مصنع للخمور بالصورة [285]
موقع عشوائي
فرسان 2005
» http://www.2005f.com
» 1/1/2010
» الزيارات : 56
» التقييم : 0/0
» القسم : مواقع وكالات الانباء الفلسطينية
(دليل المواقع السعودية)
- مواقع حكومية سعودية
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- مواقع البث التلفزيوني السعودية
- مواقع بث الراديو السعودية
- مواقع وكالات الانباء السعودية
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- مواقع أدبية سعودية
- مواقع شعرية سعودية
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- مواقع أدبية عمانية
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- مواقع قصص عمانية
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- مواقع المطاعم العمانية
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- مواقع إخبارية قطرية
- مواقع البث التلفزيوني القطرية
- مواقع بث الراديو القطرية
- مواقع وكالات الانباء القطرية
- مواقع إسلامية قطرية
- مواقع أدبية قطرية
- مواقع شعرية قطرية
- مواقع قصص قطرية
- مواقع الصحف القطرية
- مواقع الفنادق القطرية
- مواقع المطاعم القطرية
- مواقع السفريات القطرية
- مواقع تأجير السيارات القطرية
- مواقع الزواج القطرية
- مواقع طبية قطرية
- مواقع ترفيهية قطرية
- مواقع الاتصالات القطرية
- مواقع الاغاني القطرية
- مواقع الفيديو القطرية
- مواقع رياضية قطرية
- مواقع السيارات القطرية
- منتديات إسلامية قطرية
- منتديات إقتصادية قطرية
- منتديات سياسية قطرية
- منتديات أدبية قطرية
- منتديات تعليمية قطرية
- منتديات تطوير مواقع القطرية
- منتديات برمجة قطرية
- منتديات ومواقع التصميم القطرية
- مواقع المحادثات الكتابية القطرية
- مواقع المحادثات الصوتية القطرية
- مواقع أخرى قطرية
- مواقع حكومية كويتية
- مواقع إخبارية كويتية
- مواقع البث التلفزيوني الكويتي
- مواقع بث الراديو الكويتي
- مواقع وكالات الانباء الكويتية
- مواقع إسلامية كويتية
- مواقع أدبية كويتية
- مواقع شعرية كويتية
- مواقع قصص كويتية
- مواقع الصحف الكويتية
- مواقع الفنادق الكويتية
- مواقع المطاعم الكويتية
- مواقع السفريات الكويتية
- مواقع تأجير السيارات الكويتية
- مواقع الزواج الكويتية
- مواقع طبية كويتية
- مواقع ترفيهية كويتية
- مواقع الاتصالات الكويتية
- مواقع أغاني كويتية
- مواقع الفيديو الكويتية
- مواقع رياضية كويتية
- مواقع السيارات الكويتية
- منتديات إسلامية كويتية
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- منتديات سياسية كويتية
- منتديات أدبية كويتية
- منتديات تعليمية كويتية
- منتديات تطوير مواقع كويتية
- منتديات برمجة كويتية
- منتديات ومواقع التصميم الكويتية
- مواقع المحادثات الكتابية الكويتية
- مواقع المحادثات الصوتية الكويتية
- مواقع أخرى كويتية
- مواقع حكومية بحرينية
- مواقع إخبارية بحرينية
- مواقع البث التلفزيوني البحريني
- مواقع بث الراديو البحرينية
- مواقع وكالات الانباء البحرينية
- مواقع إسلامية بحرينية
- مواقع أدبية بحرينية
- مواقع شعرية بحرينية
- مواقع قصص بحرينية
- مواقع الصحف البحرينية
- مواقع الفنادق البحرينية
- مواقع المطاعم البحرينية
- مواقع السفريات البحرينية
- مواقع تأجير السيارات البحرينية
- مواقع الزواج البحرينية
- مواقع طبية بحرينية
- مواقع ترفيهية بحرينية
- مواقع الاتصالات البحرينية
- مواقع الاغاني البحرينية
- مواقع الفيديو البحرينية
- مواقع رياضية بحرينية
- مواقع السيارات البحرينية
- منتديات إسلامية بحرينية
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- مواقع المحادثات الصوتية البحرينية
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- مواقع بث الراديو اليمنية
- مواقع وكالات الانباء اليمنية
- مواقع إسلامية يمنية
- مواقع أدبية يمنية
- مواقع شعرية يمنية
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- مواقع السفريات اليمنية
- مواقع تأجير السيارات اليمنية
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- مواقع طبية يمنية
- مواقع ترفيهية يمنية
- مواقع الاتصالات اليمنية
- مواقع الاغاني اليمنية
- مواقع الفيديو اليمنية
- مواقع رياضية يمنية
- مواقع سيارات يمنية
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- مواقع المحادثات الكتابية اليمنية
- مواقع المحادثات الصوتية اليمنية
- مواقع أخرى يمنية
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- مواقع السفريات المصرية
- مواقع تأجير السيارات المصرية
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- مواقع طبية مصرية
- مواقع ترفيهية مصرية
- مواقع الاتصالات المصرية
- مواقع الاغاني المصرية
- مواقع الفيديو المصرية
- مواقع رياضية مصرية
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- منتديات ومواقع التصميم الاردنية
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- مواقع المحادثات الكتابية العراقية
- مواقع المحادثات الصوتية العراقية
- مواقع أخرى عراقية
- مواقع حكومية مغربية
- مواقع إخبارية مغربية
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- مواقع الصحف المغربية
- مواقع الفنادق المغربية
- مواقع المطاعم المغربية
- مواقع السفريات المغربية
- مواقع تأجير السيارات المغربية
- مواقع الزواج المغربية
- مواقع طبية مغربية
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- مواقع رياضية مغربية
- مواقع السيارات المغربية
- منتديات إسلامية مغربية
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- منتديات أدبية مغربية
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- منتديات برمجة مغربية
- منتديات ومواقع التصميم المغربة
- مواقع المحادثات الكتابية المغربية
- مواقع المحادثات الصوتية المغربية
- مواقع أخرى مغربية
- مواقع حكومية تونسية
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- مواقع شعرية تونسية
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- مواقع السفريات التونسية
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- مواقع المحادثات الكتابية التونسية
- مواقع المحادثات الصوتية التونسية
- مواقع أخرى تونسية
The comment above was posted by دليل at June 7, 2010 12:47 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by AaA at June 9, 2010 11:21 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by ADAM at June 14, 2010 10:34 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by fadhaa at June 15, 2010 07:50 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by دردشة at June 19, 2010 06:27 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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