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March 24, 2008
Loose Ends in Western China

There've been two stories published in the past 24 hours that analyze the party machinations behind the crackdowns in Lhasa and other Tibetan areas. A propaganda-style piece in The Sunday Times is of particular interest to this blog as Xinjiang boss Wang Lequan is fingered as the shot-caller for this whole mess:
The real mastermind of Chinese policy towards the restive ethnic minorities is a 67-year-old lifetime communist functionary named Wang Lequan.
Wang has proclaimed himself to be the top terrorist target in China. Nominally, he heads the party in Xinjiang, which, like Tibet, is a vast, remote and resource-rich region troubled by separatism.
However, Wang sits on the powerful politburo in Beijing and has assumed overall direction of policy in both places. He devised the model that has stifled Muslim culture in Xinjiang, staged political trials and executions, poured in millions of Chinese settlers and extracted mineral and energy resources to feed the economy....
His henchman, now applying the master's methods in Tibet, is Zhang Qingli, the region's sharp-tongued party secretary. Zhang is the man who called the Dalai Lama "a wolf in monk's clothes, a devil with a human face". He rose up the hierarchy in Xinjiang and was transferred to Tibet in 2005 as a reward for his loyalty.
What's up with phrases like faceless trio, mastermind, and henchman in a supposedly unbiased report from a respected British paper? Sounds more like the kind of language you'd expect from Xinhua.
Zhang is also mentioned prominently in a New York Times article examining the initially weak response of security forces confronted with rampaging protesters in Lhasa. The story subtly accuses him of 'pulling a Hu Jintao' as events unfolded:
Ultimately, the man responsible for public order in Lhasa is Mr. Zhang, Tibet’s party chief. Mr. Zhang is a protégé of President Hu Jintao, whose own political career took flight after he crushed the last major rebellion in Tibet in 1989.
According to one biographer, Mr. Hu actually made himself unavailable during the 1989 riots when the paramilitary police needed guidance on whether to crack down. The police did so and Mr. Hu got credit for keeping order, but he also assured himself deniability if the crackdown had failed, the biographer wrote.
Mr. Zhang also has an excuse; he was at the National People’s Congress in Beijing.
And Reuters has been running a story saying that Chinese officials are accusing the Dalai Lama "of colluding with Muslim Uighur separatists in China's western Xinjiang region." I haven't been able to find the original source of this accusation... anyone else?
Although things are calm at the moment, tensions in Xinjiang are high with the surrounding provinces in flames. Just today I've heard rumors that (a) there was a bus bombing in Urumqi last night, (b) Han Chinese students were killed by Uyghurs in Kuqa, and (c) a Han Chinese policeman was killed in Kuqa by Uyghurs. Probably nothing to these whispers, but anxiety creates this kind of wild-fire rumor mongering.
Finally, I've got two websites to recommend for anyone looking for a completely biased propaganda-infused view of the situation in Tibet. The People's Daily Riots in Lhasa archive tries hard to provide an alternative voice to Western media outlets, while the Xinhua-crafted Dalai Clique site takes the art of the 'propaganda full-court press' to a new level. Both are endlessly amusing.
Ethnic repression masterminded by faceless trio
Michael Sheridan, Far East Correspondent
23 March 2008
The Sunday Times
(c) 2008 Times Newspapers Limited. All rights reserved.
THE architects of Chinese repression in Tibet are three senior bureaucrats little known to the outside world but destined to be the focus of condemnation from human rights groups in the months ahead.
China preserves the facade of an autonomous regional government and has paraded its ethnic Tibetan figureheads over the past week. Chinese researchers say they are political nonentities.
The real mastermind of Chinese policy towards the restive ethnic minorities is a 67-year-old lifetime communist functionary named Wang Lequan.
Wang has proclaimed himself to be the top terrorist target in China. Nominally, he heads the party in Xinjiang, which, like Tibet, is a vast, remote and resource-rich region troubled by separatism.
However, Wang sits on the powerful politburo in Beijing and has assumed overall direction of policy in both places. He devised the model that has stifled Muslim culture in Xinjiang, staged political trials and executions, poured in millions of Chinese settlers and extracted mineral and energy resources to feed the economy.
Wang almost never gives interviews and operates behind the scenes, but on March 10 he gave away the extent of his responsibility by telling China Central Broadcasting: "No matter what nationality, no matter who it is, wreckers, separatists and terrorists will be smashed by us. There's no doubt about that."
His henchman, now applying the master's methods in Tibet, is Zhang Qingli, the region's sharp-tongued party secretary. Zhang is the man who called the Dalai Lama "a wolf in monk's clothes, a devil with a human face". He rose up the hierarchy in Xinjiang and was transferred to Tibet in 2005 as a reward for his loyalty.
He accelerated campaigns against Tibetan culture and religion, brought in more settlers and stepped up the commercial exploitation of Tibet's huge reserves of raw materials.
Zhang is on record as saying that "those who do not love the motherland are not qualified to be human beings".
The third most influential figure is Li Dezhu, the party's racial theoretician. Until recently the head of its innocuous-sounding Ethnic Affairs Commission, Li wrote the textbook on destroying independent cultures and disintegrating religious minorities by promoting materialism.
In 2007 he elaborated the theory of what he called "cultural security" for China in an article in a party journal called Seeking Truth. In it he unfolded a radical change in Chinese policy, stating that its aim was no longer to preserve minority cultures such as the Tibetans but to refashion them.
Nicholas Bequelin of Human Rights Watch says Li is the first leader explicitly to state that the problem of minorities would be "definitively solved" by mass Chinese migration.
China accuses Dalai Lama of taking Olympics "hostage"
By Chris Buckley
22 March 2008
Reuters News
(c) 2008 Reuters Limited
BEIJING, March 23 (Reuters) - China accused the Dalai Lama on Sunday of using unrest in Tibet to back demands for Tibetan independence ahead of the August Olympic Games in Beijing.
The verbal attack on the exiled Tibetan leader, accused on Saturday of colluding with Muslim Uighur separatists in China's western Xinjiang region, was part of an intense propaganda and security drive to stifle anti-Chinese unrest before the Games.
Unrest in Tibet began when Buddhist monks demonstrated in the capital, Lhasa, on March 10, the 49th anniversary of a failed uprising against Chinese rule, and on subsequent days.
Five days later anti-Chinese rioting shook the city. Chinese authorities said one policeman and 18 civilians were killed.
Anti-government protests then flared in nearby provinces with large ethnic Tibetan populations, leading to violence in which several people were killed and many injured.
In Sichuan, Gansu and other troubled provinces troops continued conspicuously patrolling the streets of Tibetan towns, and kept schools and Buddhist monasteries under tight guard.
The official Xinhua news agency reported on Sunday that 94 people had been injured in Tibetan areas in Gansu, almost all of them police.
The Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism, has in recent days criticised the violence and said he wants talks with China to negotiate autonomy, but not independence, for his homeland.
But the government is intensifying propaganda telling its citizens and the rest of the world that the Dalai Lama, not failings in government policy, caused the trouble in Tibet and accusing him of wanting to ruin the Beijing Olympic Games.
"We must ... win the final victory in all respects against the secessionist forces to help ensure a successful Olympic Games with a stable social situation in the Tibet Autonomous Region," Xinhua quoted Tibet's governor, Qiangba Puncog, as saying.
The ruling Chinese Communist Party's official newspaper, the People's Daily, said on Sunday that the Dalai Lama, winner of the 1989 Nobel Peace Prize, had never abandoned violence after fleeing China in 1959 following a failed revolt against Beijing.
"The so-called 'peaceful non-violence' of the Dalai clique is an outright lie from start to end," the paper said. "... The Dalai Lama is scheming to take the Beijing Olympics hostage to force the Chinese government to make concessions to Tibet independence."
Beijing's efforts to isolate the Dalai Lama could become a sticking point with Taiwan's President-elect Ma Ying-jeou, who said the exiled leader would be welcome on the disputed island, and that an Olympic boycott was possible.
China calls Taiwan a breakaway province that must accept reunification.
"The Dalai Lama, if he wants to visit Taiwan, he'd be more than welcome," Ma told a news conference in Taipei on Sunday, a day after his landslide election win.
"If the situation in Tibet worsens, we would consider the possibility of not sending athletes to the Games," said Ma -- who wants closer economic ties and political dialogue with China.
On Saturday the Peoples Daily accused the Dalai Lama of planning attacks with the aid of violent Uighur separatist groups seeking an independent East Turkestan for their largely Muslim people in Xinjiang.
Up to now, most of the ferocious criticism of the Dalai Lama came from the official press in Tibet but others are joining in.
"Tibet is an inseparable part of China. In the history of the world there has never been a country or a government that has ever recognised Tibetan independence," Ngapoi Ngawang Jigme was quoted by Xinhua as saying on Sunday.
The 86-year-old is a vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the top advisory body to parliament. He represented Tibet in 1951, signing the surrender agreement with Beijing a year after Chinese troops took control of Tibet for the Communist winners of China's civil war.
China's denunciations of the Dalai Lama have drawn applause from many Han Chinese citizens, who have said Western critics fail to appreciate their government's efforts to develop Tibet.
But the campaign has begun to draw some domestic critics.
On Saturday, a group of 29 Chinese dissidents urged Beijing to end the bitter propaganda, allow United Nations investigators into Tibet, and open direct dialogue with the Dalai Lama.
Troops have choked off much travel in Tibetan areas and blocked access by foreign reporters, and officials have said they are also guarding against unrest in Xinjiang.

posted March 24, 2008 at 07:33 PM unofficial Xinjiang time | HaoHao This!
Reuters was talking about this little nugget:
The comment above was posted by davesgonechina at March 24, 2008 09:03 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
(b) Han Chinese students were killed by Uyghurs in Kuqa, and (c) a Han Chinese policeman was killed in Kuqa by Uyghurs. Probably nothing to these whispers, but anxiety creates this kind of wild-fire rumor mongering.
I've been roaming around Kuche for 3 days and haven't heard or seen anything like this. There are plenty of policemen walking around but that's all I can see.
The comment above was posted by SittingHere at March 24, 2008 09:05 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I'm just outside of Urumqi and a fellow chinese teacher just called saying the no. 16 bus exploded and not to leave my apartment.
anyone else got word about this?
The comment above was posted by lndine at March 24, 2008 09:51 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@davesgonechina & @SittingHere: Thanks!
@Indine: This is getting weird. Let me know if you hear anything!
The comment above was posted by michael at March 24, 2008 09:56 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
My only friend in Urumqi has turned off his phone. Has anyone else confirmed an explosion?
The comment above was posted by SittingHere at March 25, 2008 06:25 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Several news outlets are calling the bus explosion business a rumor. Here are all the news stories at Baidu.
I also have an acquaintance who said he'd check the rumored location out. I haven't heard from him yet, but I think he would've contacted me if he found a smoking crater.
I thought about the possibility that the government may be trying to cover it up and it really did happen. But really in a modern China with cell phone cameras I'm more inclined to believe them in this situation.
The comment above was posted by Porfiriy at March 25, 2008 06:39 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Bush the Manchurian candidate has deliberately laid the country low.
Bush delivered a one two punch. First he sold out our energy
independence to Saudi Arabia. Second he got us in to a protracted
and costly and needless war which necessitated our selling debt
to China. On top of all tha Bush created the largest entitlement
program in history. He has been pissing away our money, our
freedoms and our sovereignty. Even though we were attacked
on Sept 11th by Saudis, Osama is Saudi, and the homicide bombers
in Iraq are Saudis, Bush's only response is to get on his
knees and beg the Saudi princes to have mercy. And now that
China is brutalizing Tibet, Bush who was so quick to
criticize a worthless dictator in Iraq and begin a war
over things such has Hussein's civil right record, is
scared crapless to say "boo" to China. Why? Well the
fall of Bear Stearn nearly toppled the economy. If we threatened
to boycott the Olympics over Tibet, China could threaten to
call in all their markers on our debt. There would
literally be a run on the bank as other nations followed the
Chinese lead, and we would have the great depression. In
my personal opinion Bush and Cheney can assert Mission
Accomplished in two areas. One: their oil and corporate
buddies have record profits. Two: the foreign masters
who have purchased Bush and Cheney's souls have the US on the brink
of ruin. Heckuva job Dubya. In my opinion.
The comment above was posted by poetryman69 at March 25, 2008 07:18 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I probably expect things will be very ugly for China this year due to High Olympic exposure. Since 2001, most of anti-China types were planning for all kind of acts and they had a very good coordination and planning.
There are East Turkistan independence movements, Free Tibet campaigners, Falung Gong, pro-Democracy types in HK and overseas, Human Right watchers, Reporters without Borders, Darfur activists, Burma activists, anti-North Korea types, etc., you name it.
In top of it, puts Western mainstream media and politicans on top of it. So expect China takes a beating in short term. But long term wise, China is just 10 years away from the Superpower status, it needs some strong nationalism and anti-West sentiments to solidify the country. Then I believe that Chinese people will dish out for revenge.
The comment above was posted by sha at March 25, 2008 07:48 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
It has nothing to do with the post, but I need to comment on poetry's assertion regarding Saudi Arabia. Yes, Osama is a Saudi, and yes, the majority of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudis, but Osama is has been exiled from Saudi Arabia and maintains a worse relation with the Crown Prince than with the US. The idea that the US should cut diplomatic ties with Saudi Arabia because a person exiled from that nation over a decade ago is idiotic. I would even call it a form of racism.
Now then, onto the article. It is true that Western news outlets are generally biased against the PRC, but then again, the PRC is the most murderous regime in human history, so perhaps the bias is a wee bit deserved. My assertion is true, by the way. Check the stats (although that might be difficult for Mainland Chinese. I'm not real clear on how deep the censorship laws go).
The comment above was posted by Tiako at March 25, 2008 07:54 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Arrgh. Code screwed me. Michael, can you somehow edit my post so that only the "is" in "my assertion is true" is italicized? Also delete the superfluous "is". Thanks.
The comment above was posted by Tiako at March 25, 2008 07:57 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I am gonna pull a Bill Clinton and ask you what the definition of "is" is.
Are you saying PRC under Hu and Wen is the most murderous regime in the world?
Or PRC is the most murderous regime in 2008?
we are talking about Western media bias against China NOW. Not Mao's China or Deng's China, even Jiang Pand Bear Ziemin's China.
I lived through the late 70s and all of 80s. Trust me it was whole different world back then.
The comment above was posted by Cao Meng De at March 25, 2008 10:56 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
My students in class today and my boss both confirmed that the bus no. 17 exploded - maybe near da bazaar. it was in the urumqi newspaper they said. but they don't know the death toll and didnt give me any other details. i can't read the newspaper since it's in chinese.
The comment above was posted by LNDINE at March 25, 2008 07:00 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The Guardian is saying it was all hearsay, and yes, without an pictures, i'd be inclined to go along with the story.
The comment above was posted by Lucas at March 25, 2008 07:40 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I couldn't find anything on the guardian site. can you paste a link?
The comment above was posted by LNDINE at March 25, 2008 08:32 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Xinjiang: China's 'other Tibet'
The comment above was posted by zhang at March 25, 2008 08:51 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Now this is getting annoying my friend in urumqi says it is real. Anyone see it or the aftermath?
The comment above was posted by SittingHere at March 25, 2008 09:06 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Sounds like bullshit to me...
The comment above was posted by michael at March 25, 2008 10:46 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Both stories have police as the only source.
The comment above was posted by SittingHere at March 25, 2008 10:51 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@LNDINE: http://sport.guardian.co.uk/breakingnews/feedstory/0,,-7410162,00.html
Yeah it's in the sports section, I guess cuz of the mention of the Olympics.
The comment above was posted by Lucas at March 25, 2008 10:56 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Another recent article I came across from the Toronto Star:
The comment above was posted by Lucas at March 25, 2008 11:01 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Here's the story from Xinhua:
Xinjiang police detains "Urumqi bus blast" rumor spreaders
25 March 2008
Xinhua News Agency
URUMQI, March 25 (Xinhua) -- Police have detained individuals suspected of spreading Urumqi bus blast rumors, said an official with the Public Security Bureau of northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on Tuesday.
Liu Yaohua, the bureau chief, told a news conference that it's business as usual in Xinjiang, and the bus blast rumor is just "sheer nonsense".
Liu said that subversive leaflets appeared in the region's capital city Urumqi, aiming to fabricate rumors and sabotage social stability.
He said Xinjiang has enjoyed political stability, economic growth, ethnic unity and social harmony over these years. It is right in the best development stage.
He said the local police have the confidence and the ability to maintain social stability in Xinjiang.
So, I guess that's the end of the rumor.
The comment above was posted by michael at March 26, 2008 12:13 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@Cao: Yes, I am using the entire history of the PRC. So, one could argue that I am being unfair to Hu & Co. But there are two ways I am justified: One, Hu & Co. are the direct descendants of Mao, members of the Party he formed. And more importantly, Hu & Co., far from condemning Mao's actions, have encouraged his personality cult.
Furthermore, you can't just forget the actions of the Party during the 40s, 50s, 60s, and 70s. We can't just say "It's in the past, forget about it."
Back on topic, I can see no real reason why the police would cover up a bus bombing. It doesn't really stand to benefit from a cover up, so their story is likely true. But then again, the testimony of the Urumqinians is a touch worrying.
The comment above was posted by Tiako at March 26, 2008 04:50 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Chinese Regime Implicated in Staging Violence in Lhasa
Witness identifies policeman who played part of 'rioter'
The comment above was posted by li at March 26, 2008 10:54 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Somebody desperately want to spam the whole www with this "violence staged" story.
The comment above was posted by Leo at March 26, 2008 11:04 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I must say I am terribly disappointed in the Chinese people on this matter. They are usually very adept consumers of information, moreso than in the West. The reason being that they know they are being lied to, while many Westerners are blind to that fact. Here however, nationalism is clouding the wise judgment of the people.
Just as you have been disappointed in the American response to Bush's lies, as have I, you have been led astray by propaganda and fear in this case. It is terrible that rioters are focusing their rage on innocent Han and others, but I predict that your opinions will change with time, as have ours.
We have come to see that while it was tragic when Native Americans killed settlers and cowboys, they had every right to do so. Yes, they did horrible things, but they were defending their way of life. That's what we would have done, what you would have done, and what the Tibetans are doing now. No one likes being subjugated. Deal with it.
The only reason we historically could pull if off is because disease did most of our dirty work for us. That's the real world. We all need the Chinese people to join in the global society, but that requires that the government abandon it's silly, anachronistic tendencies and embrace the more profitable Western form of enslavement.
The powers that be will do fine. I don't understand why they think otherwise. They probably believe our propaganda, just as people here think that China's corrupt Stalinist empire is "communist" in any reasonable sense of the word. Communism is ultimately just an inefficient and doomed form of fascism.
While you may whine about the U.S. government's actions, throughout the nation there were huge opposition rallies peacefully protesting. In Stalinist China, no such thing would have been allowed. Grow up and fast. It isn't hundreds of years ago anymore and your excuses don't hold water. What are you afraid of?
The comment above was posted by Jeremy at March 26, 2008 11:26 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Save your energy. LOL.
@Everyone else,
The comment above was posted by sha at March 26, 2008 12:50 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
i was watching a show on cctv9, i forget what its called but the host often interviews 2 guests. the host mentioned the dalai lama and muslim uighur collusion.
The comment above was posted by 文纹 at March 26, 2008 01:25 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
DEATH in Ngaba
Disturbing photos of dead lamas in Sichuan
The comment above was posted by Jmaes the First at March 26, 2008 02:02 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
May their souls rest in peace:
The comment above was posted by james the lesser at March 26, 2008 02:21 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
We all need the Chinese people to join in the global society ...
Chinese are 1/5 of the humanity, Chinese ARE part of the global society. It wouldn't be a global society without the Chinese, it would only be "western society". So sorry, Jeremy, Chinese don't need nor require you or anybody else's permission to be part of global society. "Global society" isn't some invitation only fraternity club. China defines a very large part of the so called "global society", whether you like it or not.
@ james the lesser:
you should try reposting "news" from epochtimes, they got more juicy stuff than tchrd.
The comment above was posted by bingster at March 26, 2008 11:53 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
How Do You Say "Repression" In Mandarin?
March 26, 2008(The New Republic) This column was written by Joshua Kurlantzick.
With Tibet still simmering -- Lhasa is in ruins and at least 100 people have reportedly died in various skirmishes over the last two weeks -- the Chinese government has accused the Dalai Lama's associates of collusion with terrorist organizations. "The Dalai Lama is scheming to take the Beijing Olympics hostage to force the Chinese Government to make concessions to Tibet independence," read an editorial in the state-sponsored People's Daily. The charges, though absurd - it's the Dalai Lama - are hardly unique. In fact, they're of a piece with a new tactic the Chinese government seems to have developed: using Olympic security as an excuse to crack down, beyond any sense of proportion, on its "enemies."
Take the case of the Uighurs, a Muslim ethnic group located primarily in the western Chinese region of Xinjiang. (Though primarily Buddhist, Confucian, and atheist, China has a Muslim population of one to two percent.) Earlier this month, China announced that Uighur terrorists had targeted the Games, a claim that understandably drew headlines around the world. Given the Games' horrific history of terrorist attacks, many sporting fans probably breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing that the Chinese authorities had busted a plot hatched by militant separatists. Wang Lequan, the top Communist Party official in Xinjiang, told the Associated Press that materials seized had described a plot with a purpose "specifically to sabotage the staging of the Beijing Olympics." But the details of the terror plot don't seem be so clear cut, and Wang provided little to justify his claims.
Terrorism clearly could threaten the Games. And there are obvious grievances in western China. In the early and mid-1990s, Uighurs in Xinjiang launched large-scale riots and attacked and even killed Chinese officials. But by the end of the 1990s, the Chinese authorities had crushed most Uighur movements, often through extremely harsh methods, like public executions. Many leading Uighur activists fled to neighboring Central Asian states, and the last major Uighur attacks were roughly a decade ago.
By the turn of the millennium, Beijing had not only driven away most Uighur separatists, but also decimated Uighur culture. In traditional Uighur cities like Kashgar, a vibrant bazaar town on the border of Central Asia, the authorities tore down Uighur stalls across the central square, where Muslim men once gathered for open-air shaves before heading to the central mosque. The local government replaced them with a bland plaza patrolled by Chinese troops. In another unpopular move, Beijing offered financial incentives for ethnic Chinese migrants to come to the province and set up businesses. Now, ethnic Chinese dominate nearly all big businesses in the region.
Uighurs who spoke out against these policies were punished severely, and, as a result, a veil of fear shades most conversations. When I have traveled to Xinjiang, I found few Uighur acquaintances willing to meet me in public. Even in private, many would turn up music before venting their anger at Chinese policies, to ensure no one could hear.
After 9/11, Beijing clearly saw an opportunity. Pledging its support to the global war on terror, China pushed the U.S. to put an obscure Uighur group, called ETIM, on the State Department's watchlist of global terrorist organizations. (Some Xinjiang analysts doubt whether ETIM even exists.) Shamefully, in 2002, the State Department agreed, and later provided Chinese intelligence with access to Uighurs detained at Guantanamo Bay, who were later deemed innocent.
With the power of the U.S. behind it, Beijing has launched an even harsher crackdown since 2002. As chronicled in an extensive report by Human Rights Watch, Chinese authorities have put Uighurs "under wholesale assault by the state" in the past several years. Uighur religious leaders were arrested, tortured, and even executed, just for practicing their religion, HRW noted. Other Uighurs have been locked up following mass round-ups. Prominent secular Uighur leaders like Rabeeya Kadeer, a well-known businesswoman, were locked up as well. And by linking the Xinjiang repression to terrorism, HRW found, Beijing was able to justify its actions to most average Chinese: "This perception [of Uighurs as terrorists] seems to have now become dominant with the Chinese public, which because of the lack of a free media has little ability to compare sources of information and come to independent judgments about this claim."
If the success the Chinese have had in playing up the terrorist "plot" against the Games is any indication, the Olympics may offer Beijing a chance to whitewash its Xinjiang repression for a broader, global public. Never mind that ETIM may not exist, or that most experts consider the threat of terrorism, even during the Olympics, in China to be low - the Chinese government knows that hyping the threat of violence at the Olympics provides them a once-in-a-generation opportunity to justify their repressive tendencies and antagonize old enemies anew. Don't be surprised, then, to hear about the peaceful Dalai Lama - or, say, Falun Gong - "plotting" more nefarious deeds as the Opening Ceremonies get closer.
By Joshua Kurlantzick
The comment above was posted by heverci at March 27, 2008 01:26 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Stupid white cunts posting all kinds of garbage on China. Fuck all you white devils & may god curse you to death. From now on we cannot wait for a war with US/UK/France/Germany etc. Bring on your soldiers to face us in China instead of hinding behind these poor monkey Tibetans & use them to die for your evil scheme. We would really itch/long to slit the throats of you white devils & drag them naked through our streets. Be a fucking man & let's come for a good fight!
Botcott London 2012! Banish all white settlers from North America/Australia/New Zealand!
The comment above was posted by Mainlander at March 27, 2008 06:02 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Bingster, I think you are missing the point completely but you're absolutely right when you say China are 1/5th of the world community. Thus, they have the ability to influence and change the fluid international system. So, it is in the international communities interests to ensure they respect human rights and follow the fundemental rights of your constitution and the international covenants China has signed. I think it is great that China is rising, but if it continues to ignore its obligations to the international community it will loose much face; much respect.
The comment above was posted by Jimba_the_hut at March 27, 2008 07:21 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Twenty bucks says Mainlander is from Dayton.
Bingster, what is meant by joining the "global community" is not having a large population, but interacting with other nations in a generally cordial way. China is still remarkably insulated, although I grant that it has come a long way and is absolutely on the right track.
Incidentally, don't try to mention US foreign relations. Bush is only heavy handed by the highest of standards. Compare him to, say, Putin and Chavez and he seems the very definition of restraint.
The comment above was posted by Tiako at March 28, 2008 03:48 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
A couple years ago a bus exploded in Fuzhou. It was not in the news, but I know several people who saw it happen live and took pictures. It would seem to reason that if the Urumqi blast really did happen, there would be cell phone pics floating around somewhere.
The comment above was posted by Ben at March 28, 2008 01:31 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The population of North America prior to the first sustained European contact in 1492 CE is a matter of active debate. Various estimates of the pre-contact Native population of the continental U.S. and Canada range from 1.8 to over 12 million. 4 Over the next four centuries, their numbers were reduced to about 237,000 as Natives were almost wiped out. Author Carmen Bernand estimates that the Native population of what is now Mexico was reduced from 30 million to only 3 million over four decades. 13 Peter Montague estimates that Europeans once ruled over 100 million Natives throughout the Americas.
European extermination of Natives started with Christopher Columbus' arrival in San Salvador in 1492. Native population dropped dramatically over the next few decades. Some were directly murdered by Europeans. Others died indirectly as a result of contact with introduced diseases for which they had no resistance -- mainly smallpox, influenza, and measles.
Later European Christian invaders systematically murdered additional Aboriginal people, from the Canadian Arctic to South America. They used warfare, death marches, forced relocation to barren lands, destruction of their main food supply -- the Buffalo -- and poisoning. Some Europeans actually shot at Indians for target practice. 14
Oppression continued into the 20th century, through actions by governments and religious organizations which systematically destroyed Native culture and religious heritage. One present-day byproduct of this oppression is suicide. Today, Canadian Natives have the highest suicide rate of any identifiable population group in the world. Native North Americans are not far behind.
The genocide against American Natives was one of the most massive, and longest lasting genocidal campaigns in human history. It started, like all genocides, with the oppressor treating the victims as sub-humans. It continued until almost all Natives were wiped of the face of the earth, along with much of their language, culture and religion.
The comment above was posted by Difference at March 28, 2008 09:50 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
With regards to the historical population of ethnic Tibetans, the Chinese government claims that according to the First National Census conducted in 1954, there were 2,770,000 ethnic Tibetans in China, including 1,270,000 in the TAR; whereas in the Fourth National Census conducted in 1990, there were 4,590,000 ethnic Tibetans in China, including 2,090,000 in the TAR. These figures are used to support the claim that the Tibetan population has doubled since 1951.[130]
Such claims are consistent the general trend of ethnic minorities experiencing significantly higher population growth rates than the majority Han population. Their proportion of the population in China has grown from 6.1% in 1953, to 8.04% in 1990, 8.41% in 2000 and 9.44% in 2005. Recent surveys indicate that the population growth rate for ethnic minorities is about 7 times greater than that for the Han population.
The comment above was posted by Difference at March 28, 2008 09:59 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
This sis great piec blogmeister. Really good to see the connections. Outstanding that suppressing ethnic unrest leads to promotion and HIGH promotion. The big stick rules. Didnt some one kinda say that about the barrel of a gun? James
The comment above was posted by James at March 29, 2008 09:00 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
My, my, Mainlander's charming words must be kept for posterity. Talk about a Han Chauvinist or should I say fascist. This specious argument is often used by this "Han" type 'yu white bastards took the land off the maori, aboriginal and Indians- so why cant we- hmmmm---seee?
at least in the west some centuries after the genocide we can now critique it- shall we wait until there are no more Tibetans or Uyghur or Kazaks left for that to happen in China. Because the west committed cultural genocide does not exonerate the Chinese from that very practice today nor justify it - Mainlander: get stuffed, and return to China yu fuckin sick little hypocrite.
James the second
The comment above was posted by James at April 1, 2008 06:32 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@James, I totally understand the anger of mainlander. I feel the White Americans have a fascist attitude to Black Americans as well. They argue that they didn't involve slavery and killing of Blacks. That is the past. They claim that they are innocent and refuse to acknowledge how he/she benefits from the socially previledged whiteness, which was a historical residue that you can NEVER erase. To me, this type of racial indifference or racial blindness is the most dangerous and invisible fascism indeed.
The comment above was posted by queer at April 2, 2008 04:38 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
China has 1.3 billion people. According to the global community you proposed, China should deserve the most powerful influence over global issues. But, the reality is that the US exerts its political and military hegemony.
Not only that, a regular Chinese citizen has no right to put pressure over the US. A regular US citizen like you can speak about China issue, as if you are more brilliant and moral than any Chinese. You are telling Chinese the "right" thing to do.
So, the problem is not about whether China can carry its international obligation or not, it is about the US, including US citizens, believe they have the ability and obligation to tell others what to do. When you are expecting China to carry its obligation, I hope you rethink whether you are overly extended your own "obligation" to assign obligations for others. I also hope, you can talk to Chinese people as an individual rather than talk through the diplomatic rhetoric of your state. Otherwise, I guarantee you will keep encounter Chinese nationlist hatred in both virtual and secular life.
The comment above was posted by queer at April 2, 2008 04:55 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Fxxx your James Pond shxt!
Get your fxxx idiot logic straight b4 you have right to talk here.
"at least in the west some centuries after the genocide we can now critique it- shall we wait until" You are self licking only, and is ready to
kill other races all the time with your bloody beaming wolf eyes !!!
Let me get the fact straight for you, if we han people were like your fxxx whites, there would have no more Tibetans or Uyghur or Kazaks left
in China !!! So got that? Han Chinese is 1000times more benevolent than you wolf whites in nature!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Got more??? Minorities population have been growing faster than han Chinese, get your 0.001 IQ head cured before coming here to shit!!!
The comment above was posted by han at April 2, 2008 09:27 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Another one emerges - this time no western name- just pure "HAN" AND HOW PISSED OFF IS SHE? Dear HAN try: STERILIZATION, FORCED ABORTIONS - CHILDREN BEING RIPPED FROM THEIR MOTHER'S WOMBS IN XINJIANG. So as they will not exceed the 3 child limit in the country side- while unabated Han in migration is allowed. Give me a break. I hope yu are not sterilized? Are yu darling? James
The comment above was posted by james at April 4, 2008 06:44 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
re: Queers' last post. Queer whats happened to you? - yu are starting to sound sensible and rational. Or is "Han" an alter - ego for all the former chauvinists to now vent their spleen and inferiority complexes? Anyway If I am wrong PLEASE KEEP IT UP. Love, James
The comment above was posted by James at April 4, 2008 06:47 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
ddegner !!! you are not a good man,when you had been in hotan,we said that oll uighur are pro-china,not pro-american.you lied in your artical.i dont like you,you cheatted oll uyghur.you are a lier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.we dont like china,never like beijing olympic game.and never like lier like you!!!!!!!!get out off!go to hell!!!!!!!!!!1
The comment above was posted by uighur at April 30, 2008 11:12 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by KINO at December 27, 2009 09:33 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by KINO at December 27, 2009 09:34 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by currency exchange rate at December 29, 2009 10:21 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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فساتين رووووعه
ملابس نوم
الحقو تعالي اعلمك كيف تسوين تسريحات قصات صبغات خيال لك ولبنتك ب
فساتين زفاف الاطفال
أغاني أعراس أغاني أفراح اكثر من 30 اغنيه للأعراس ، تحميل زفات اغاني دبكة زفة عرس وفرح
تجهيز العروس
زفات جديده و خاصه للعروس ، زفة أغاني عروس ، زفات افراح زفة خطوبه فرح بدون موسيقي عرس
مجموعة فساتين زفاف
موقع زفات عرس وفرح اغاني عروس ، زفات معرس ، زفات فرح ، زفات افراح ، زفات اعراس
للزفاف باللونين روووووعه
قمصان نوم رووووووعه
فساتين تجنن من جد
أجمل أحلى الماسكات للعرايس
فساتين زفاف 2010مميزه من فيتشو
ليلة الدخلة ، ليلة الزفاف ، ليلة الزواج ، ليلة العرس
: لكل عروس في ليلة زفافها
نصائح للمخطوبات
منتدي الأسلامي -
قسم الاحاديث المكذوبة والموضوعه عن الرسول -
سيدنا - محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم
منتدى العام
مقاطع YouTube ، يوتيوب فيديو , Videos YouTube ،
جرائم وحوادث محلية وعالميه
منتدي النقاش - الحوار الجاد
منتدي الترحيب بالاعضاء و التهاني
التربية والتعليم - أبحاث - البحوث الدراسية
أبحاث جاهزة - بحوث كامله
أشعار - قصائد - شعر
ديوان الشعر خاصه للاعضاء الغالي
قصائد أشعار صوتيه
خواطر - خواطر رومانسية - خواطر منوعة
قسم بوح انامل الاعضاء
مملكة الأعـضـاء
الحكم والامثال
قصص - قصص واقعية - قصص حقيقيه
برامج كمبيوتر 2010 - تحميل برامج مجانية
برامج الحمايه وشروحاتها
الغالي تحميل برامج
توبيكات للماسنجر - صور مسنجر - رموز ماسنجر
العاب كمبيوتر - تحميل العاب
برامج جوال 2010 - نوكيا - العاب - نغمات - خلفيات
مقاطع فيديو مضحكة - مقاطع يوتيوب video
رسائل وسائط - وسائط mms - صور وسائط
مسجات جوال - رسائل حب - مسجات حب - رسائل رومانسية
الأسرة والمجتمع - الحياة الزوجية
عالم المراة - حواء
تجهيز العروس
تجهيز عروس - مكياج - فساتين - زفات - مسكات - كوشات - أغاني عرس
أزياء - فساتين - موضة - أكسسوارات - أناقة جمال
ادوات التجميل
العنايه بالبشره - كريمات - ماسكات - اقنعة
عالم الاطفال
صحه - طب - غذاء - رجيم - أعشاب
مطبخ - أكلات - معجنات - مقبلات - حلويات
ديكور - أثاث منزل - غرف نوم - اكسسوارات منزلية
اخبار الرياضة - كرة قدم - صور لاعبين
صور سيارات - سيارات 2010 - أخبار السيارات
عالم الرجال - ملابس رجالية - أزياء بدلات رجالية
برامج فوتوشوب - ملحقات تصاميم - دروس - فلاش
جريده خاصه لمنتديات الغالي
دورات تعليم الفوتو شوب
ابداعات وتصاميم الاعضاء
ادوات التجميل
صور - منتدي الصور
صور غريبة - صور مرعبة - صور مخيفه
صور من تصوير خاص بالاعضاء الغالي
السفر - السياحه - رحلات - دول - عواصم
نكت - ضحك - فرفشه - الغاز
مسابقات - العاب - تحدي
سيارات 2010
ملابس رجالية
دردشه كتابية خليجية عربية دردشة .
موقع صور|-
صور بنات|
صور اطفال|
MMS وسائط|
رسائل وسائط للعيد|
صور وسائط|
موقع العاب | برامج كمبيوتر |
ابتسامات |
مسجات حب |
رسائل حب |
رسائل وسائط |
العاب كمبيوتر ||
تحميل العاب |
الصور |
عالم حواء |
ماسنجر |
الاسرة المسلمة |
ترجمة كلمات |
توبكات |
تحميل صور |
مطبخ موقع الغالي|
موقع مطبخ |
hguhf |
عصـــــــــير البرتقال مع الجزر عصير الكركديه والأناناس عصير كوكتيل صيفي الليمون بالنعناع شراب البطيخ عصير التوت(تونو) البينا كولادا ميلك شيك بالشيكولاته |
مطبخ موقع |
الأطباق الرئيسية |
مكتبة برامج|
ابراج حمل برج الحمل الثور العقرب|
مقناص |
صور مكشات بري صور صيد صور مناظر طبيعيه تطعيس صور بريه |
مكشته - صيد |
مكشات |
مقناص صيد |
مقناص - كشته - صيد |
مقناص - كشته - صيد - قنص صور مكشات بري صور صيد صور مناظر طبيعيه تطعيس صور بريه |
صور صحراء البر الصيد صقور صور صقر صيد رمي شوزن قمري حمام غزلان طلعات بر |
تحميل الغالي|
موقع تحميل الصور|
دردشة صوتية|
شات صوتي|
تحميل صور|
تحميل الغالي|
اشتراك في قروب|
قروب الغالي|
محادثة صوتيه|
صوتية كام|
صور رومانسية صور حب رومنسية ، صور رومانسية ، صور رومنسيه 2010 صور الحب والرمانسية
تحميل مجموعة صور بنفس الوقت حمل اكثر من 9 صورة بنفس الوقت : مركز لتحميل الغالي
أجمل عصفور بالعالم ,, سبحان الله ,,,
صور اجمل عيون طفله في العــــالم..
صور قلوب 2010 - صور قلوب روعه 2010
صور غريبة وغير شكل صور غير طبيعية شوفوا معاي الصور
سعودي يصور بكل ثقه
صور 2010 شوفوا حنا وش عندنا شوفو في اليابان وش عندهم
سبحان الله بعد الاجهاض
صور العقارب انواع مختلفه من العقرب + عنكبوت سام
صور حيوانات منقرضه منذ الاف السنين صور حيوانات الماموث قديما
صور والله غريبه
صور اقسى امرأه على وجه الارض
صور اعدام بشكل غريب طريقة الاعدام في اليمن صور غريبة
صور شاب غريبة شوف وقول تعليقك علي الصورة
بعض الصور النادره
صور جبال وصخور على شكل حيوانات سبحان الله
صور تعتبر الاغرب والاعجب يعني صور عجائب وغرائب
صور مرعبه وتخوف اللي عنده ضغط او سكر لا يدخل
الصور الغريبه والعجيبه ، صور عجيبه وغريبة بنفس الوقت
اقوي الافاعي يعني ثعابين في العالم صور ثعبان وافاعي مرعبه
مقاطع ساخنة صور رقص بنات عربيات غير شكل وفضائح صور عارية
من اروع الاناشيد انشودة انا داري احلي انشودة بصوت طفل
انشودة الام 2010 .. نشيد عن الام .. اناشيد اسلاميه عن الام
انشودة رائعه لمحبين الاناشيد الاسلامية حياكم
أب يغتصب ابنته ويحرق ثياب عرسها في حلب ..ثم يقول " نعم ..أنا سفاح
اغتصب الطفل وقتله داخل حمامات المسجد . صورة الطفل
أب يغتصب أبنته صورة البنت المغتصبه
شوف حريق اسواق شباب | صور حريق سوق شباب في منطقة الطائف
صور طفله صغيره مؤلمه ماتت بسبب امطار جدة
صور بنت صغيره مخطوفه من منطقة الرياض الله يرجعها الي اهلها
توبيكات حب جديدة كنا صغار ونكتب على ذاك الجدار الحب عذاب - توبيكات 2010
توبيكات سنة 2010 جديدة توبيك لعام 2010 topic لسنة 2010 الجديدة
اختصارات ماسنجر
صور بنات وصور شباب مسنجر من ( قمر شمر ) وصور منوعه للماسنجر
توبيكات بنات الغالي ... توبيكات صور ماسنجر a توبيك مسن
صور بنات للماسنجر حلوين | صور Messenger | صور شباب للماسنجر حلوين
توبيكات ان جاك غيري لا تحبه | توبيكات للماسنجر | تكفي طلبتك العن ابو جد جدة
اعرف من حاط لك حظر بالماسنجر ، معرفة من وضع لك بلوك كشف حظر الماسنجر شرح بالصور
اختصارات متحركة للماسنجر صور عبارات وكلمات ماسنجر
توبيكات صور اشعار .. مشت وخلت وراها طفل ..توبيكات مسنجر
ماسنجر بلس 9 ، بلس ماسنجر 9 تحميل مسنجر بلس 9 ، تنزيل ماسنجر بلس 9 Messenger Plus 9
صور السعوديه - صور اطفال وشباب ورجال سعوديين
ابتسامات حصرية ومميز لاحلى عيون اعضاء منتدى الغالى صور ماسنجر
للماسنجر صور شباب حلوين للمسن 2010 صور ماسنجر شباب حلوين
صور وتوبيكات وايقونات .. تسألني انا حلوة جديد 2010
هنا تعليم كيف تعمل ايميل طريقة عمل ايميل ماسنجر شرح كامل
صور توبيكات ، صور توبيكات ماسنجر ، توبيكات للماسنجر مع صور
تعوذي من ابليس يا عاشقة ونامي صور بنات خاصه مسنجر صور بنات صور بنات حلوين حق مسنجر
انمي حزينه صور انمي رومانسية للماسنجر صور انمي جديدة
تعالي اخذي صور بنات للماسنجر احلي صور مانسجر للبنات روعه
ملابس بنات 2010 شتوية بدلات اطفال بنات صغار روعه للشتاء
جاكيتات نسائية شتوية 2010 الوان روعه موديلات جديدة
بدلات 2010 رجالية ، بدلات رجالية كشخه ، بدلات رجالية
حصريا أناشيد 2010 ، الاناشيد الإسلامية لعام 2010 ، جديد اناشيد دينية 2010 تحميل مباشر حصريا أناشيد 2010 ، الاناشيد الإسلامية لعام 2010 ، جديد اناشيد دينية 2010 تحميل مباشر
برامج 2010 برابط مباشر تحميل سريع برامج كمبيوتر جديدة 2010
اقوي برامج 2010 وافضلها برامج 2010 كامله للكمبيوتر من غير تسجيل
لعبة زوما جديدة 2010 اروع الالعاب Zuma الجديدة عام 2010 تحميل مباشر سريع
مسجات ورسائل عيد الاضحي كاملة 2010 رسائل جوال جديدة بمناسبة عيد الاضحي المبارك
برامج , برامج تحميل ، برامج مجانية ، برامج جديدة ، برامج 2010
وسائط متحركة للعيد الاضحي ، صور رسائل وسائط عيد الاضحي ، رسائل وسائط لعيد الاضحي
احلي رسائل وسائط تشوف عينك واقوي مسجات وسائط جوال
نشيد عيد الاضحي | انشودة جديدة عيد الاضحي المبارك 2010 | مباشرة أناشيد عيد الأضحي
مسجات عيد الاضحي ، رسائل بمناسبة العيد الاضحي عيد مع احلي مسجات ورسائل عيد
بعض الاوقات يضيق الصدر - رسائل جوال 2010 مسجات نصية منوعة
صور وسائط 2010 ، وسائط حب متحركة
رسائل وسائط عيد الاضحى احلي رسائل ومسجات العيد الاضحى
صور وسائط جوال جنان صور رسائل وسائط ام ام اس
وسائط اشتقتلك ، صور رسائل وسائط حب حزن ضيق تعب
رسائل صور وسائط حب رسائل حب متحركة وسائط حب للجوال
عالم المراة - حواء
عالم المراة - حواء
رسائل حب منوعه للعشاق رسائل حب
رسائل حب منوعه خاصه للعشاق رسائل حب جديدة عمرك ماشفتها
مسجات حب في حب ، رسائل حب علي حب
عالم المراة
رسائل حب - رسائل حب
تجهيز عروس - مكياج - فساتين - زفات - مسكات - كوشات - أغاني عرس
أزياء - فساتين - موضة - أكسسوارات - أناقة جمال
ادوات التجميل
The comment above was posted by دردشة at January 7, 2010 08:54 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by kala at January 19, 2010 11:00 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by kala at January 19, 2010 11:07 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by MBT Schuhe at April 7, 2010 02:00 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by Miami at April 8, 2010 11:26 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
- دردشة المميزة -
- المميزة -
- شات المميزة
- دردشة -
- دردشه -
- شات -
- شات بنات -
- دردشة كتابية -
- شات كتابي -
- دردشة الخليج -
- شات الخليج -
- الخليج -
- شات بنات -
- دردشه الخليج -
- دردشة كتابية -
- شات كتابي -
- شات خليجي -
- دردشة سعودية -
- دردشة بحرينية -
- دردشة عراقية -
- دردشة يمنية -
- دردشة قطرية -
- دردشة اماراتية -
- دردشة سودانية -
- دردشة لبنانية -
- دردشة مغربية -
- دردشة خليجية -
- دردشة فلسطينية -
- دردشة اردنية -
- دردشة مصرية -
- شات جنسي -
- دردشة جنسية -
- شات صوتي -
- دردشة صوتية -
- شات صوتي -
- دردشة صوتية -
- مركز تحميل الاغاني -
- دليل دردشة -
- دردشة ابن اليمن -
- دردشة صوتية يمنية -
- دردشة صوتية عمانية -
- دردشة صوتية اماراتية -
- دردشة صوتية قطرية -
- دردشة صوتية بحرينية -
- دردشة صوتية كويتية -
- دردشة صوتية سعودية -
- دردشة صوتية خليجية -
- دردشة صوتية سودانية -
- دردشة صوتية مصرية -
- دردشة صوتية فلسطينية -
- دردشة صوتية سورية -
- دردشة صوتية لبنانية -
- دردشة صوتية اردنية -
- دردشة صوتية شامية -
- دردشة صوتية عربية -
- دردشة عربية -
- دردشة فور عدن -
- شات كتابي -
- دردشة شامية كتابية -
- شات سعودي -
- شات عربي -
- شات صوتي -
- شات عراقي -
- شات كويتي -
- شات بحريني -
- شات اماراتي -
- شات قطري -
- شات عماني -
- دردشة ليبيا -
- شات يمني -
- شات مصري -
- شات سوداني -
- شات اردني -
- شات سوري -
- شات فلسطيني -
- شات مغربي -
- شات لبناني -
- شات جزائري -
- شات تونسي -
- شات ليبي -
- دردشة خليجية -
- دردشة تونس -
- دردشة ليبية -
- دردشة نار الحب -
- دردشه تعب قلبي -
- دردشه بنت السعوديه -
- دردشة دلع -
- دردشة حبنا -
- دردشة دلع نجد -
- دردشة جزائرية -
- دردشة سورية -
- دردشة كويتية -
- دردشة عمانية -
- دردشة سورية -
- منتديات الخليج -
- المنتدى العام -
- المنتدى الاسلامي -
- اناشيد اطفال اناشيد اسلامية -
- اللغة الانجليزية - ترجمة -
- القضـايا الساخنـة والحـوار -
- آخر الأخبار والأحداث -
- الترحيب والاهداءات -
- مجلس الاعضاء -
- كرسي الاعتراف -
- همس القوافي -
- خواطر - قسم الخواطر الأدبية -
- قصص وحكم -
- الرياضة والشباب -
- صور سيارات -
- الفرفشه والضحك -
- الالعاب والمسابقات -
- صور وعجائب -
- صور انمي - افلام انمي -
- افلام ومسلسلات ومسرحيات -
- استار اكاديمي 7 -
- السياحة والسفر - مناظر طبيعية -
- الحياة الزوجية - الاسرة والطفل -
- عالم حواء - فساتين ومكياج وموضة -
- الديكور والاثاث المنزلي -
- اسـرار البنـات -
- منتدى مـائدة الخليج -
- الصحة والطب -
- بلاك بيري و ايفون -
- قسم البرامج العربية والمعربة -
- الجرافيكس والتصميم -
- ملحقات الفوتوشوب والفلاش -
- قسم تصاميم الفلاش والسويتش -
- البرامج والكمبيوتر و تبادل الخبرات -
- مشاكل وحلول القسم الـتـقـنـي -
- توبيكات ملونة - صور ماسنجر -
- مسجات - رسائل وسائط -
- مــنــتــدى تغــيير النــك نيـــم - الأســم -
- شات الخليج -
- دردشة الخليج -
- توبيكات -
- طرب -
- اغاني -
شات صوتي
شات سوري
شات سوريا
دردشة سورية
دردشة سوريه
دردشة سوريات
شات شامي
شات الشام
دردشة سوريا
دردشة شاميه
دردشة شاميات
منتديات سورية
منتدى سوريا
منتديات الشام
منتديات شامية
The comment above was posted by دردشة الخليج at April 15, 2010 06:55 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
دردشة سعودي
شات سعودي
منتديات سعودي للابد
الاسلام والحياة
قصر الضيافة
الحوار المفتوح
كرسي الاعتراف
عذب القوافي
عذب الالحان والخواطر
القصص الواقعية و الروايات
الصحة و الطب
الاسرة و الحياة
الموضة و الميك اب
عالم نواعم
طاولة الطعام
عالم السيارات
عالم الرياضة
لوح معلق
التصاميم و الجرافيكس
فرفشة و وناسة
العاب و مسابقات
السفر و السياحة
البوم الصور
الكمبيوتر و البرامج
الجوال و الاتصالات
الاقتراحات و الشكاوي
دردشه سعودي
رسائل حب
The comment above was posted by sdfwe at April 16, 2010 03:46 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
شات الغلا
دردشة همس
دردشة الغلا
دردشة الغلا
دردشة الغلا
دردشة همس الغلا
شات همس الغلا
دردشة غلا روحي
دردشة عربية
دردشة خليجية
دردشة قطرية
دردشة يمنية
دردشة امارتية
دردشة سعودية
دردشة ليبية
دردشة جزائرية
دردشة تونسية
دردشة لبنانية
دردشة مغربية
دردشة فلسطينية
دردشة سورية
دردشة اردنية
دردشة سودانية
دردشة مصرية
دردشة عراقية
دردشة عمانية
دردشة بحرينية
دردشة كويتية
شات الغلا
شات غلا روحي
شات عربي
شات خليجي
همس الغلا
منتديات همس الغلا
منتديات همس
دخول سوبر همس الغلا
دخول المراقبين
دخول مراقبين همس الغلا
الموسوعة العلمية
لا للتدخين
شبكة صيف السعيدة
منتديات صيف السعيدة
صيف السعيدة
دردشة صيف السعيدة
دليل مواقع
دليل دردشة
دليل المواقع العربية
دليل دردشه
دليل دردشات
منتديات خليجية
منتديات عربية
منتديات اجنبية
منتديات مصرية
منتديات سودانية
منتديات صومالية
منتديات تركية
منتديات طبية
منتديات تجارية
منتديات عراقية
منتديات قطرية
منتديات سعودية
منتديات خليجيات
منتديات يمنية
منتديات اردنية
منتديات اماراتية
منتديات فلسطينية
منتديات كويتية
منتديات لبنانية
منتديات سورية
منتديات مغربية
منتديات عمانية
منتديات شامية
منتديات نار الحب
العاب همس الغلا
لعاب فلاش
العاب بنات
العاب مشاهير
العاب منوعه
العاب مضحكة
العاب التشويق
العاب اطفال
العاب اكشن
العاب بنات
تلبيس باربي
The comment above was posted by دردشة الغلا at April 19, 2010 05:58 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
سعودي قمر
سعودي كول 6666
سعودي انحراف
منتدى ملوك
دليل مواقع ملوك
دردشة سعودي ستايل
حلاتي كول
غلا عيني
The comment above was posted by سعودي قمر at May 25, 2010 03:42 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
المنتدى العام
المنتدى الاسلامي -
منتدى الضيافه والاهداءات
منتدى الكمبيوتر والانترنت -
منتدى العلوم و التكنولوجيا
- عالم
حواء -
الديكور والاثاث
منتدى المطبخ والسفره الخليجيه والعربيه -
منتدى الطب العام
منتدى الجوال والاتصالات -
منتدى الماسنجر
منتدى التصاميم والجرافيكس -
منتدى الرياضه العربيه والعالميه
منتدى الألعاب و الألغاز -
عالم آدم
- منتدى الصور والكاريكاتير
الخيمة الرمضانية -
المنتدى الأدبي
مشاكل الأعضاء وحلولها -
منتدى القصص والروايات
منتدى السياحة والسفر -
منتدى الصوتيات و المرئيات
منتدى النكت و الضحك و الفرفشة -
منتدى اللغات Languages forum
- قسم
المسابقات -
منتدى البرامج المشروحة
منتدى تجارب الأعضاء -
منتدى تجارب المراقبين
اخبار اليوم 1431 - اخبار الساعة 2010 - اخبار الصحف 1431- اخبار محلية - اخبار
عالمية - اخبار الطقس -
عبث الكاميرا
الركن الهادئ -
عالم الحياة الزوجية
التطوير الذاتي -
عالم الفضائيات
يوميات الأعضاء في رمضان -
المنتدى التعليمي
- عذب
الكلام -
هامش زوار الركن الهادي
- قسم
الأخبار اليومية -
قسم الأهداف
- قسم
دروس الفوتوشوب -
المرحلة الابتدائية
المرحلة المتوسطة -
المرحلة الثانوية
- كرسي
الإعتراف -
منتدى الانمي
وظائف 2010, وظائف رجاليه 1431, وظائف نسائيه 1431 , وظائف حكوميه 1431 , وظائف
جديدة 1431 -
كاس العالم 2010 , اهداف كاس العالم
2010 , مباريات كاس العالم 2010 , مباريات كاملة -
سيارات 2010 - سيارات 2011
شبكة ترانيم الأمل
فيسات للمسن
كاس العالم 2010
تصاميم 2011
تواقيع 2011
صور 2011
وسائط رومانسيه
وسائط حب
وسائط عتاب
وسائط فراق
مسجات رومانسيه
مسجات حب
مسجات عتاب
مسجات فراق
رسائل رومانسيه
رسائل حب
رسائل عتاب
رسائل فراق
خلفيات بلاك بيري
خلفيات بلاك بيري 2011
ثيمات 2011
روايات للجوال
روايات رومانسيه
روايات طويله
روايات 2011
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مشاهده لعبة الأنابيب
لعبة السرعة لعبة
لغز التقطيع مركز
تحميل الصور
فيسات للمسن والمنتدى
دليل المواقع
لعبة اكس او | X O
العاب فلاشية
توبيكات ملونه ,
توبيكات شعريه ,
سمايلات ,
فيسات ,
سمايلات للمسن ,
توبيكات رومانسية
توبيكات عتاب
توبيكات ملونه 2011
توبيكات زعل
توبيكات 2011
ديكورات 2011
زفات 2011
زفات شعريه
زفات جديدة
زفات راشد الماجد
زفات بدون موسيقى
بدون موسيقى
اغاني بدون موسيقى
ملخص مباراة
اهداف مباراة
صور رومانسية
اهداف برشلونه
اهداف ريال مدريد -
كاس العالم 2010 ,
اهداف كاس العالم 2010 ,
مباريات كاس العالم 2010 ,
مباريات كاملة
اهداف كاس
العالم 2010 , مباريات كاس
العالم 2010 , مباريات كاملة
, مباراة كاملة ,
اهداف ,
ملخصات ,
ملخص ,
جدول ,
اوقات ,
مواعيد ,مباريات
ودية , مباريات تحضيرية ,
اخبار كاس العالم 2010 ,
هولندا ,
إنجلترا ,
إسبانيا ,
ألمانيا ,
الدنمارك ,
صربيا ,
إيطاليا ,
سويسرا ,
سلوفاكيا ,
اليونان ,
سلوفينيا ,
البرتغال ,
فرنــسا ,
اليابان ,
أستراليا ,
الجنوبية ,
كوريا الشمالية , جنوب أفريقيا
, غانا ,
كوت دي فوار ,
ساحل العاج ,
نيجيريا ,
الكاميرون ,
الجزائـر ,
البرازيل ,
باراجواي ,
تشيلي ,
الأرجنتين ,
أوروجواي ,
المكسيك ,
امريكا ,
هيندوراس ,
- مسلسل طاش 17 الحلقة -
طاش 17 الحلقة -
طاش ماطاش 17 الحلقة -
حلقات طاش 17
طريقة عمل ,
طريقة صنع ,
شرح برنامج ,
RSS 2.0
دردشة لذة الشوق - مركز تحميل الصور
- إبتسامات
وايقونات -
دليل المواقع
فيسات للمسن
اهداف الهلال
اهداف النصر
اهداف الاتحاد
اهداف الاهلي
اهداف مباراة
دوري زين
الدوري الاسباني
الدوري الايطالي
الدوري الانجليزي
دوري ابطال اوروبا
بث مباشر
رابط نقل
كاس اسيا 2011
اهداف ميسي 2010
اهداف ميسي 2011
The comment above was posted by منتديات at May 25, 2010 09:06 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
لعبة ديكور منزل
لعبة ترتيب منزل العائلة
لعبة سانتا كلوز
لعبة بابا نويل
العاب فلاش
العاب اطفال
العاب بازل
العاب البنات
العاب تسديد ونيشان
العاب ذكاء
العاب رياضية
العاب سيارات ودراجات
العاب صور
العاب عربية
العاب قتالية
لعبة تعليم الانجليزية
لعبة حرب ماريو
لعبة الطفل المعجزة
لعبة ذكاء
لعبة تركيب الاطفال
لعبة الطفل الذكي
لعبة اطفال توم وجيري
لعبة البيبي دولز
لعبة علاء الدين
لعبة سونيك
لعبة باربي وسكوبي دو
لعبة ميكي ماوس
لعبة من سيربح المليون
لعبة ركلات الترجيح
لعبة طرزان
لعبة صور المشاهير
لعبة انجلينا جولي
لعبة اختبار الذاكرة
لعبة نقل البطيخ
لعبة سابق ولاحق
لعبة غابة الارقام
The comment above was posted by mostafa at May 30, 2010 11:37 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by asdf at June 2, 2010 11:40 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by host at June 12, 2010 10:05 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by wedding at June 13, 2010 02:22 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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منتديات سعوديه
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منتدى طبعي
منتدى سعودي
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دردشة سعوديه
مركز تحميل الاغاني برابط مباشر
مركز تحميل الاغاني برابط مباشر
دردشه طبعي
شات طبعي
منتديات طبعي -
يوتيوب طبعي
مسموعه -
مركز تحميل طبعي
دردشه طبعي حنون
توبكات طبعي
منتدى خجول
منتديات طبعي خجول
منتديات خجول
دردشة طبعي
شات خجول
دردشه خجول
The comment above was posted by sdr at June 15, 2010 06:03 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Thank You
منتدى مدينة الملك خالد العسكرية
منتدى القاعدة
منتديات مدينة الملك خالد
مركز تحميل الاماكن
مدونة الاماكن
مركز تحميل
مدونة ديو
مركز تحميل الصور
منتديات الاماكن
منتدى الاماكن
مركز تحميل فلاش
مركز تحميل الملفات
منتديات الحفر
حفر الباطن
منتديات حفر الباطن الثقافي
منتديات حفراويات
اخبار المدينة
االمجلس العام
اخبار المدينة
نفحات ايمانية
سوق حفر الباطن
القصص والروايات
القصائد الصوتية
بيت الطالب
The comment above was posted by مدونة at June 19, 2010 12:55 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.