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October 24, 2006
Xinjiang News for 2006.10.24
A special Rouzijie (Eid ul-Fitr) edition of the Xinjiang News:
LA Times: Uyghurs feel the long arm of Beijing
Beijing bars mullahs from using loudspeakers, one of dozens of rules critics say are designed to mute Islam's voice in China, particularly among the Uighur minority here in the far-western region of Xinjiang, which the government considers a separatist threat.
Signs and banners at mosque entrances in Hotan, Kashgar and other western cities make it clear who is boss.
"Completely abide by the Communist Party's religious policy," reads an oversized banner straddling the gate of Hotan's Imam Asim tomb, half a mile over desert dunes from the nearest road. "Actively lead religion toward a just socialist society." (link)
SCMP: Chinese Muslims jump hurdles on the road to Mecca
Magied Alshamry, the head of the visa section at the Saudi Arabian embassy in Beijing, is also upset by the quota.
"I'd love to grant visas to everyone who comes to us, but they won't be able to leave China when they go to the airport without a permit from the Islamic Association. It's an embarrassment to us. It's a waste of my time and of our visas. The haj pilgrimage is for every Muslim in the world." (link)
FT: Central Asian border woes
As he waved a bottle of clear spirits containing red berries and the carcass of a small snake, the Kyrgyz border guard's sign language was very clear: next time truck driver Cai Chaojun crossed from China, he should bring more of the same medicinal drink.
Such demands from underpaid officials for contributions in cash or kind are just one of the difficulties facing people who carry goods or do business across the borders of Central Asia. (link)
CIDN: Second cross-desert highway near completion
According to October 20th reports, the roadbed construction of the second desert road in Xinjiang, which crosses the Taklimakan Desert, was completed at the beginning of July 2006. Currently, more than 240km of asphalt road surface have been completed, with the construction progress 5 months ahead of schedule. The 423.5km-long road starts from Alaer in the North and terminates at Hetian in the South, involving a total investment of RMB1.05bn. (link)
You can read the full articles below.
Muslims feel the long arm of Beijing
In Xinjiang, which is of strategic importance to China, Uighurs try to maintain their culture despite strict oversight.
Mark Magnier
23 October 2006
Los Angeles Times
HOTAN, CHINA -- Mullah Masude, 63, removes his shoes and gingerly navigates an expanse of cheap carpeting in the Jaman mosque's main worship area before climbing a set of rickety steps to the roof.
Powered by a good set of lungs and lots of practice, the cleric belts out the afternoon call to prayer. Despite his best efforts, the chant is all but drowned out by the din of a single-stroke tractor engine and a passing bus.
Beijing bars mullahs from using loudspeakers, one of dozens of rules critics say are designed to mute Islam's voice in China, particularly among the Uighur minority here in the far-western region of Xinjiang, which the government considers a separatist threat.
Signs and banners at mosque entrances in Hotan, Kashgar and other western cities make it clear who is boss.
"Completely abide by the Communist Party's religious policy," reads an oversized banner straddling the gate of Hotan's Imam Asim tomb, half a mile over desert dunes from the nearest road. "Actively lead religion toward a just socialist society."
More than 2,000 miles to the east, Beijing seems a world away, which partly explains officials' deep-seated fear that the region's more than 8 million Uighurs will unite to form an independent state.
Mutton and flat bread trump pork and rice as the cuisine of choice, blue eyes and light skin are common, and many people speak only a few words of Mandarin.
Although most Uighurs are proud of their history, distinct language and centuries-old culture, they tend to see a Uighur homeland as a distant dream, given Beijing's tight grip and economic clout.
"I'm not in favor of it, nor do I think it's possible," said Elham Adl, 22, a Uighur tour guide in Dushanzi, a town in northern Xinjiang. "I don't want to see Xinjiang become a second Iraq. And if Xinjiang became independent, we'd lose access to China's big market."
But Beijing isn't taking any chances, critics say, and it continues to intimidate the clergy, weaken Uighur culture through assimilation policies and otherwise stifle dissent.
The strategy has been successful, largely putting an end to the bombings, protests and unrest of the 1990s, though some say China has only driven resentment underground.
"They put out the fire," said Dru C. Gladney, an anthropologist and president of Pomona College's Pacific Basin Institute. "But the embers are smoldering. And unless they address hearts and minds, it will flare again."
The government's iron grip underscores Xinjiang's strategic importance. The region has huge reserves of oil, gas, gold and uranium. It is home to the nation's Lop Nor nuclear testing facility.
With 17% of Chinese territory but just 1.5% of its people, Xinjiang is an important release valve for population pressures. It's a buffer against rival Russia. And any loosening would set a precedent for pro-independence movements in Taiwan and Tibet.
"Xinjiang is very important to China's security," said Raphael Israeli, a fellow at the Truman Research Institute at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. "They will have to do what it takes when a rebellion becomes evident."
In the meantime, Beijing is working to soften local hearts and minds to its position, albeit in a sometimes heavy-handed manner.
'Love the motherland'
Ayinoor, a Uighur civil servant in her early 20s, is required to attend ideology classes for two hours a day aimed at hammering home the glories of the Communist Party, the danger of separatism and the benefits of national unity. Like others interviewed, she declined to give her family name for fear of losing her job.
If lecturing doesn't win her over, there's music, including a version of the party's recent "Eight Virtues and Eight Shames" campaign that she's required to sing, with such lines as "It's most glorious to love the motherland, a great sin to harm her." There's economic incentive: If she doesn't do well on a weekly political thought quiz, her pay is docked.
"I'm only telling you this," she said in the shadow of the historic Id Kah mosque in Kashgar, near two police cars and an army truck and a sign that read, "All ethnic groups warmly welcome the party's religious policies."
"At work I have to say, 'I love everything Han Chinese' or I get into trouble," she said, referring to the majority ethnic group.
Uighur clerics had ignored the ban on government employees entering mosques. But religious authorities started threatening their jobs as well. Now they report on attendees, who risk losing their jobs or worse. More than 300 Uighur civil servants have been jailed in recent years for their beliefs, locals say, and some were beaten to death.
Government officials were not available for comment, and the figure could not be verified.
Beijing's longer-term goal is to create a new generation of Mandarin-speaking Uighurs with fewer ties to Islam or traditional Uighur culture, critics say, including programs that send the brightest young Uighurs to Mandarin-only schools in other provinces.
"Chinese is very difficult, but it's the language of the marketplace," said Shiaili, 14, a student in Urumqi. "I've studied for two years. Sometimes I forget some of my Uighur."
Government officials did not respond to written requests for an interview. But Chinese minority and ethnic affairs officials in the past have denied trying to dilute Uighur culture and say they're raising living standards and spurring entrepreneurship, as seen, they say, by an economy that has grown forty-twofold since 1955.
But government officials also promise to remain vigilant. They blame separatist groups for more than 200 terrorist attacks since 1990, resulting in 162 deaths and more than 440 injuries.
"In Xinjiang, the separatists, religious extremists and violent terrorists are all around us," Wang Lexiang, Xinjiang's deputy chief of public security, said in August. "In China, endangering national security is the No. 1 crime. We have to crack down on it severely."
The Sept. 11 attacks gave Beijing a new argument, allowing it to tar pro-independence Uighurs as radical Muslims with ties to Al Qaeda, claims that are viewed with skepticism.
"China saw 9/11 as the best opportunity since 1949 to crack down on Uighur people," said Alim Seytoff, general secretary of the Washington-based Uighur American Assn., which advocates the creation of an independent state called East Turkistan through nonviolent means. "China makes allegations that can't be proven, but after 9/11 it's very hard to champion your cause if you're Muslim."
Wary of the link between religion and politics, China prohibits anyone younger than 18 from entering a mosque or receiving a Muslim education.
"I don't know if it's right or wrong, but it's the law," said Sulika, 43, a former soldier turned fruit seller, chomping down on a stew of sheep organs and intestine casings stuffed with rice.
Schools also require students to eat during Ramadan, the Muslim holy month of fasting and atonement. "If they don't eat, they get disciplined by the teachers," Sulika said.
Religious study for prospective clerics and others older than 18 must take place in heavily monitored government schools and after an extensive background check. At that age, many young Uighurs don't bother, having been seduced by video games and modern distractions.
"By that time, most aren't interested," said Ma Xueliang, a Muslim cleric at the Qinghai mosque in Urumqi.
If persuasion and distraction don't work, there's brute force. Xinjiang is riddled with informants, human rights activists say, amid claims that 1,000 Uighurs were executed and more than 10,000 imprisoned during a 1996-97 crackdown. Detentions have fallen off more recently, they say, because intimidation tactics are working.
"Control over Xinjiang society is very minute," said Nicholas Bequelin, a China researcher with Human Rights Watch. "It's impressive and reminiscent of Soviet Union times."
New generation of mullahs
After 1990, the authorities replaced many longtime mullahs with a new generation educated in Chinese patriotic programs, and began paying their salaries directly and requiring annual license renewals.
In many parts of Xinjiang, mullahs are required to clear their Friday sermons, limited to 30 minutes, with local religious affairs bureaus and are punished for deviating from the script. Those who resist Chinese policy, by arguing, for instance, against abortion or family planning policies on religious grounds, are fired or jailed.
"My neighbor, an imam, was arrested 12 years ago for saying something the government didn't like," said one Uighur government worker, who asked not to be identified. "He's still in jail. Their message is clear: Keep your mouth shut."
In addition to its internal campaigns over the last decade, Beijing has tried to cut off links with ethnic Uighurs in neighboring countries by pushing for extradition treaties with Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
"China has been very successful at portraying Uighurs as terrorists and themselves as victims of terrorism, while they manipulate Islam through their control over mosques," Seytoff said. "It's really not easy trying to stand up to such a powerful country and an emerging superpower."
Hurdles on the road to Mecca for mainland Muslims
A new deal on visas between China and Saudi Arabia is set to squeeze the number of Chinese pilgrims headed for Mecca, writes Kristine Kwok.
24 October 2006
South China Morning Post
Arzuguli Saidulla closed her hardware store in Urumqi , Xinjiang , early last month and left home on the journey of a lifetime for most Muslims - her first haj pilgrimage to Mecca.
But before arriving in Islam's holiest city, the 42-year-old and more than 5,000 other pilgrims from the northwestern region first headed to Pakistan. They were following in the footsteps of many other Xinjiang Muslims, who have routinely obtained Saudi Arabian visas from the kingdom's embassy in Islamabad before the annual pilgrimage.
This year it took much longer for the Chinese Muslims to get their visas. Ms Saidulla, a mother of one, finally got her visa on October 14.
"It was so tiresome that we had to go to the embassy every day to wait for the visa," Ms Saidulla said from Rawalpindi, near Islamabad. "There were so many people."
The long wait was the result of a change in policy after the Chinese and Saudi governments agreed in May that all Chinese passport holders on the haj must go through the official channels organised by the mainland's government-sanctioned Chinese Patriotic Islamic Association, instead of a third country.
This meant pilgrims should collect visas through the Saudi embassy in Beijing and a permit from the Chinese Patriotic Islamic Association.
Upset by the refusal of the Saudi embassy in Islamabad to issue them with visas, the Xinjiang Muslims, some of whom arrived in Pakistan as early as August, protested outside the embassy for weeks until the Saudi government relented on October 3 and said visa requests would be processed in Pakistan again this year - for the last time.
"We were thrilled by the announcement, I never thought going on the haj could be this tedious," Ms Saidulla said. She finally set off for Saudi Arabia on October 15.
An official from the Islamic branch of the mainland Ministry of Religious Affairs, who gave his surname as Ma, said the new policy was designed to weed out "illegal snakeheads" who were making money by organising haj tours. "Haj is a religious activity, it should be organised by a religious organisation," he said.
But the Washington-based Uygur American Association said the change of policy could be a way to control the number of Uygurs undertaking the pilgrimage.
"Or it could be a measure to more effectively monitor who is going on pilgrimage," the association said in a statement.
Li Jinxin , a researcher from the Xinjiang Academy of Social Sciences, said that by requiring the pilgrims to travel in government-organised groups, the authorities were also trying to prevent the Muslims from contacting undesirable foreign influences, such as terrorists, extreme religious groups and pro-independence groups.
"There have been cases that when some Xinjiang Muslims went on the haj by themselves or through underground groups, they built up contacts with those people. This has caused concern in the government," he said.
Considered the world's biggest Islamic event, the haj attracts millions of pilgrims from around the globe to Mecca every January. The Koran says that every able-bodied Muslim should make the pilgrimage at least once in their lifetime if they can afford to do so.
Ms Saidulla is among a surging number of Chinese Muslims joining the Mecca pilgrims as China's economic boom helps to lift their living standards.
In the 1980s, Professor Li said, only a few hundred Muslims from Xinjiang would apply for a visa each year through the Patriotic Islamic Association. That figure had jumped to around 10,000 in recent years, he said.
But the surge in demand had been confined by a quota imposed by the Patriotic Islamic Association, which allowed only about 2,000 Xinjiang Muslims to go on the haj last year, Professor Li said.
The limited seats had sent would-be pilgrims, especially those without official connections, in search of visas in third countries such as Pakistan and Thailand.
"In the past, it was economic hardship that put people off from performing the pilgrimage. Now a lot more people have the financial ability to do so, but they still find it difficult to go to Mecca because of the quota imposed by the Islamic Association," Professor Li said. He said that in some cases those wishing to make the pilgrimage had to bribe the authorities to get a visa.
"Some people have complained to me that they were rejected by the Islamic Association five years in a row," he said.
Magied Alshamry, the head of the visa section at the Saudi Arabian embassy in Beijing, is also upset by the quota.
"I'd love to grant visas to everyone who comes to us, but they won't be able to leave China when they go to the airport without a permit from the Islamic Association. It's an embarrassment to us. It's a waste of my time and of our visas. The haj pilgrimage is for every Muslim in the world." But Mr Ma from the Ministry of Religious Affairs denied the mainland had ever imposed a quota.
He said the official Muslim population in China was around 21 million and the quota would be imposed only when applications reached 20,000.
The Chinese Patriotic Islamic Association had received up to 9,000 haj visa applications so far and the eventual figure was expected to top 10,000, Mr Ma said.
About 6,900 mainland Muslims performed the pilgrimage through the association last year, he added.
Professor Li said most Chinese haj pilgrims were Muslims from Xinjiang and members of the Hui minority, who preferred to apply for visas in Thailand.
Xinjiang Muslims have been collecting their Saudi visas in Pakistan since as early as 1980s, before China established diplomatic relations with Islamabad in 1990, according to Abdulla Ahmad, a Xinjiang native who is now a business consultant in Beijing.
By going to a third country, Chinese Muslims could travel to Mecca without a permit from the Chinese Patriotic Islamic Association and avoid expensive tour packages provided by the authorities, he said.
"Most of the haj pilgrims are from southern Xinjiang, and most of them are impoverished and poorly educated. They think it will be cheaper to go through unofficial channels via Pakistan," Mr Ahmad said.
"But it doesn't necessarily save them money because they are sometimes ripped off or cheated."
Ms Saidulla said she would rather have got her visa in Beijing.
"They didn't tell me about this when I collected my visa to Pakistan in Beijing. If I knew about this I would definitely apply for a Saudi visa in Beijing. That would have saved me a lot of time and I wouldn't be away from home for such a long time," she said.
Mr Ahmad, who plans to go on the haj in the next few years, said the new policy would make it safer for the pilgrims.
"Most Chinese Muslims can't speak the local language in Mecca, and some have never travelled abroad. It happens a lot that they get lost there," he said.
Snake wine helps keep border traffic flowing
Repairing crumbling roads across central Asia is only half the battle in creating a transport network for the region.
23 October 2006
Financial Times
As he waved a bottle of clear spirits containing red berries and the carcass of a small snake, the Kyrgyz border guard's sign language was very clear: next time truck driver Cai Chaojun crossed from China, he should bring more of the same medicinal drink.
Such demands from underpaid officials for contributions in cash or kind are just one of the difficulties facing people who carry goods or do business across the borders of Central Asia.
Poor road conditions pose another problem for Mr Cai and his heavy truck on their weekly trips into Kyrgyzstan from Kashgar city in China's far-western region of Xinjiang.
"The road is terrible," he says. "Up in the mountains, when we have a load we sometimes cannot move at all because of all those big rocks and sand."
Removing obstacles to trade, tourism and investment has become a central development challenge for Central Asia, a strategic and cultural crossroads that is one of the world's poorest regions.
In a report last year, the United Nations Development Programme said closer co-operation among Central Asia's former Soviet states could raise incomes by 50-100 per cent over 10 years.
Better transport links are top of the agenda for the Central Asia Regional Economic Co-operation forum (Carec), which groups Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Azerbaijan, along with China and Mongolia.
The 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union left many Carec members struggling to maintain their basic infrastructure. New borders cut across roads and railways, prompting scarce resources to be poured into new internal routes.
Now, however, making Mr Cai's life easier is an international priority: the road he travels has been identified as an important corridor linking China with the Kyrgyz second city of Osh and reaching on to neighbouring Uzbekistan. Some progress has already been made. The road's first 18km within Kyrgyzstan is smooth going, thanks to a Rmb60m (Dollars 7.6m, Pounds 4m, Euros 6m) "rehabilitation" project last year paid for by China. There are plans for similar work on stretches near Osh. But much of the trip to the Chinese border remains a bone-jarring high-altitude trial for travellers and a harsh test for any truck and its load.
Still, the adoption last week by Carec of a "Comprehensive Action Plan" should help to secure funds to repair the most difficult stretches, cutting travel times by more than half.
Kubanychbek Mamaev, Kyrgyz deputy minister for transport, is hoping for loans from China and a deal that would see Beijing pay rehabilitation and maintenance costs in return for mineral rights.
Recent rehabilitation work on the highway between Osh and the Kyrgyz capital Bishkek were so successful, Mr Mamaev says, that he now has a new problem on the route: speeding.
"The only worry is how to reduce the number of accidents," he says.
As Mr Cai's snake wine experience suggests, however, repairing roads will be only half the battle. Carec is also seeking to smooth cross-border traffic by addressing such "software" problems as poorly run borders, divergent transport rules and unpredictable tariff regimes.
Attempts to smooth traffic between Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, for example, have faced a number of obstacles.
For a few days after the introduction of high-tech equipment at one customs post, trucks were "just flying across the border", says an Asian Development Bank official.
"But then (border officials) started to realise they were not making any money and things started to break down," he says.
Similar problems could threaten the gains from construction of a planned new customs post on the Osh-Kashgar road that is to be largely funded by Beijing.
Travellers already contend with multiple checkpoints - including one set up by officers of China's People's Liberation Army that, local Chinese border guards suggest, should not exist at all.
Border closures for long lunches, national holidays and bad weather bring many shipments to a standstill. Kyrgyz officials say China maintains a ban on foreign vehicles within its borders, a stance that could reduce future willingness to allow passage to Chinese trucks.
As for Mr Cai, he says he now plans to bring a batch of snake wine on his next trip across the border.
Even if the usual small cash contributions prove enough to smooth their passage, however, he and his comrades still have a lot of hard travelling ahead.
Construction of Second Desert Road in Xinjiang Accelerated
23 October 2006
China Industry Daily News
According to October 20th reports, the roadbed construction of the second desert road in Xinjiang, which crosses the Taklimakan Desert, was completed at the beginning of July 2006. Currently, more than 240km of asphalt road surface have been completed, with the construction progress 5 months ahead of schedule. The 423.5km-long road starts from Alaer in the North and terminates at Hetian in the South, involving a total investment of RMB1.05bn.

posted October 24, 2006 at 02:16 PM unofficial Xinjiang time | HaoHao This!
About not giving the Imams abosolute freedom to preach whatever they like, maybe this is the reason 911 or subway bombing didn't happen in China. Maybe you can learn something from this.
The comment above was posted by xi at October 25, 2006 12:18 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Well, at least here you present some sort of semi-logical argument. Can it really be that some people visit my site just for the chance to trash-talk Uyghurs?
The comment above was posted by michael at October 25, 2006 12:30 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
And by the same token does it also explain the Urumqi bus bombings, the Yili riots, and the hundreds of terrorist acts that the Xinjiang government claimed were perpetrated by extremists over the last year?
The comment above was posted by Jonathan at October 26, 2006 01:44 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Tell me michael,what you expect people visit your site for?More hate and More blood?
The comment above was posted by ky at October 27, 2006 02:04 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I expect that people visit my site because they're interested in Xinjiang, Uyghurs, Korla, and/or me. I certainly don't think many of my readers are out for blood.
The comment above was posted by michael at October 27, 2006 02:25 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Since I don't live in Xinjiang and be great intrested in your blog,I want to follow your eyes and see what's the real life of those respectable people.But what you expect from these LA TIMES and FT?We all know what they really care about.Why don't keep on to show us what you see by your own eyes?I'll be grateful for that.
The comment above was posted by ky at October 27, 2006 06:01 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
He does this. But it is also balanced with stories from other sources. I guess if you just want to hear good news, then stick with Xinhua
The comment above was posted by Jonathan at October 27, 2006 07:17 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I believe none of them.And I believe that we can't seek truth from biases,even if they are some kinds of balanced biases.Biases can only build more biases,that's why I visit your blog to find firsthand stroy.
I'm sorry to stop but it's quite a tough work for me to discuss in english.I'll follow your further report.Wish you good luck.
The comment above was posted by ky at October 27, 2006 10:21 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Ky, your arguement has no logic. Many of the newspaper reports that Michael links to have first-hand information. Why are Michaels insights less likely to be biased than those of the other reporters? How do determine the perceived bias of a story, if you have no first-hand experience yourself? It seems that if something fits your world view then you will consider it unbiased, and if it does not then you consider it biased, or it's source unreliable.
Can I ask if you beleive that the Earth is spherical, and what you base this belief on?
The comment above was posted by Jonathan at October 28, 2006 12:20 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I expect Michael to be less biased because he is not a professional journalist.He live with these people and he get no benefit from what he reports.It's true that other repoters also have firsthand information,but they(both the western based an CCP based)will choose what they need.
The comment above was posted by ky at October 28, 2006 01:15 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Let me get in on this argument if I may. I consider myself an unbiased reporter for the simple reason that I don't really give a crap whether or not Xinjiang is independent, if Han Chinese outnumber Uyghurs, etc. I'm just a guy who lives here, watching the happenings with mild amusement and/or dismay. I have Uyghur friends. I have Han friends. My own personal view is that shit happens... I'm only interested in watching, not making more shit happen. Understand? Xinjiang is a great place to live, but not if you want to be involved in politics.
The comment above was posted by michael at October 28, 2006 01:56 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Not caring is a form of bias even if it were truely possible, which I doubt.
The comment above was posted by Jonathan at October 28, 2006 02:58 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Yeah, people like to play God or savior. Some people read too many fairy tales when they were kids. They think they are the saviors of the powerless (Uighurs) and they have to fight and slaughter the big evil dragon (Han people in this case). Sure, playing God can bring you a sense of power and make you feel good (holy, noble) of yourselves.
And can you stop your claim of 'unbiased' bull***t, ok? Why? Because you are not. Having both Uighur and Han friends does NOT make you automatically unbiased. You have shown your bias too many times in your posts. You are not really apolitical as you said. If so, there woundn't be controversies.
I read news from western sources and i read news from Chinese sources. I always feel bad when I read news from even the most reputable sources like NY times or BBC. Their report of Xinjiang gave me an impression that Uighurs really hate Han people and Han people are doing everything to oppress Uighurs. Then last week I came across a website by Uighurs and was quite pleasantly surprised to find that many of them don't really hate Han people that much. They are just ordinary people and are trying to live their lives. They are REALLY apolitical. You, BBC and NY Times are not. 煽分点火,添油加醋,搬弄是非,挑拨离间,居心叵测,唯恐天下不乱. That's you, and that's what you, BBc and NY times are doing.
I didn't mean to be so harsh on you, but seems to me you and many people like you don't know yourself very well. Please remember, you are not unbiased, and you are not apolitical. Search your heart, and you can be a better person.
The comment above was posted by xi at October 29, 2006 02:55 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
And you should learn not to be so patronizing.
Why is it necessarily wrong to have an opinion on an issue? Perhaps Xi it is possible to not care about anything or anyone. Then you can sit on your high horse and criticize others for having a bias. Caring about people is a bias, caring about the environment is a bias. Is it so wrong Xi??
As for being apolitical, this is often what happens to people who live in a society where being political can bring nothing but trouble. Dont correlate lack of political activism with satisfaction with the current system.
You still have not answered my previous question, Xi. If 9/11 was caused by giving Imams excessive freedom, what is the reason for the thousands of terrorist attacks reported by the Xinjiang Government in the last few years?
The comment above was posted by Jonathan at October 29, 2006 02:22 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
And if you could answer the question without blaming foreigners that would be refreshing...
The comment above was posted by jonathan at October 29, 2006 02:36 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
"what is the reason for the thousands of terrorist attacks reported by the Xinjiang Government in the last few years"
have you lost the reality? the aim of attacks is not china but usa, got it? in the eyes of muslims in the world the usa is their oppressor, not china! got it?
The comment above was posted by ??? at November 14, 2006 02:17 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
What a confused bunch you all seem, those who live there and those who dont. Whaty is the real situation going down in the Autonomous Region. Let's say we are writing about it fifty years from now freed of all the biases everyone here seems to blame each otehr of holding. From the viewpoint of the future how could the present situation in the Autonomous Region be categorized? Could someone perhaps give that aspin? James
The comment above was posted by James Muztagh at November 20, 2006 09:28 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by iSa at April 16, 2010 09:37 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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- دردشه الخليج -
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- دردشة جنسية -
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- دردشة صوتية -
- شات صوتي -
- دردشة صوتية -
- مركز تحميل الاغاني -
- دليل دردشة -
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- دردشة صوتية سعودية -
- دردشة صوتية خليجية -
- دردشة صوتية سودانية -
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- دردشة صوتية فلسطينية -
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- دردشة صوتية لبنانية -
- دردشة صوتية اردنية -
- دردشة صوتية شامية -
- دردشة صوتية عربية -
- دردشة عربية -
- دردشة فور عدن -
- شات كتابي -
- دردشة شامية كتابية -
- شات سعودي -
- شات عربي -
- شات صوتي -
- شات عراقي -
- شات كويتي -
- شات بحريني -
- شات اماراتي -
- شات قطري -
- شات عماني -
- دردشة ليبيا -
- شات يمني -
- شات مصري -
- شات سوداني -
- شات اردني -
- شات سوري -
- شات فلسطيني -
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- شات لبناني -
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- شات ليبي -
- دردشة خليجية -
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- دردشة دلع -
- دردشة حبنا -
- دردشة دلع نجد -
- دردشة جزائرية -
- دردشة سورية -
- دردشة كويتية -
- دردشة عمانية -
- دردشة سورية -
- دردشة سعوديات -
- دردشة عربيات
- دردشة كويتيات -
- دردشة بحرينيات -
- دردشة عراقيات -
- دردشة يمنيات -
- دردشة قطريات -
- دردشة اماراتيات -
- دردشة عمانيات -
- دردشة اردنيات -
- دردشة لبنانيات -
- دردشة سوريات -
- دردشة فلسطينيات -
- دردشة مصريات -
- دردشة مغربيات -
- دردشة سودانيات -
- دردشة بنات تعز , شات بنات تعز -
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- شات مصراوي -
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- دردشة بنت المغرب
- دردشة بنت تعز -
- دردشة ابن اليمن , شات ابن اليمن -
- منتديات الخليج -
- المنتدى العام -
- المنتدى الاسلامي -
- اناشيد اطفال اناشيد اسلامية -
- اللغة الانجليزية - ترجمة -
- القضـايا الساخنـة والحـوار -
- آخر الأخبار والأحداث -
- الترحيب والاهداءات -
- مجلس الاعضاء -
- كرسي الاعتراف -
- همس القوافي -
- خواطر - قسم الخواطر الأدبية -
- قصص وحكم -
- الرياضة والشباب -
- صور سيارات -
- الفرفشه والضحك -
- الالعاب والمسابقات -
- صور وعجائب -
- صور انمي - افلام انمي -
- افلام ومسلسلات ومسرحيات -
- استار اكاديمي 7 -
- السياحة والسفر - مناظر طبيعية -
- الحياة الزوجية - الاسرة والطفل -
- عالم حواء - فساتين ومكياج وموضة -
- الديكور والاثاث المنزلي -
- اسـرار البنـات -
- منتدى مـائدة الخليج -
- الصحة والطب -
- بلاك بيري و ايفون -
- قسم البرامج العربية والمعربة -
- الجرافيكس والتصميم -
- ملحقات الفوتوشوب والفلاش -
- قسم تصاميم الفلاش والسويتش -
- البرامج والكمبيوتر و تبادل الخبرات -
- مشاكل وحلول القسم الـتـقـنـي -
- توبيكات ملونة - صور ماسنجر -
- مسجات - رسائل وسائط -
- مــنــتــدى تغــيير النــك نيـــم - الأســم -
- شات الخليج -
- دردشة الخليج -
- توبيكات -
- طرب -
- اغاني -
شات صوتي
شات سوري
شات سوريا
دردشة سورية
دردشة سوريه
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منتدى سوريات
منتدى شامي
منتدى سوريا
منتديات الشام
منتديات شامية
The comment above was posted by دردشة الخليج at April 20, 2010 01:55 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by sikiş at May 2, 2010 10:24 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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فساتين سهرة
العنايه بالشعر
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وصفات لتبيض
اكسسوارات -
مكياج عيون -
مكياج 2010
مكياج 2011
تطوير الذات -
تنمية القدرات -
تنمية العقل
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اكلات -
مطبخ -
حلويات -
معجنات -
السفره الرمضانيه
طب -
صحه -
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الطب البديل -
اعشاب -
ديكور -
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شات سعودي كام
دردشه سعودي كام
دردشة سعودي كام
توبيكات عتاب
توبيك ودي اموت اليوم واعيش
ياحلم وين المشكله لو تحققت
توبيكات عامه ملونه
توبيكات حب
احيان تلقى حاجتك داخل الصمت
توبيك ياحلم
توبيكات احيان تلقى حاجتك داخل الصمت
توبيكات ياحلم وين المشكله لو تحققت
ترجمه مجانية
ترجمة فورية
ترجمة جوجل
مترجم قوقل
كيف تجعل شخص يحبك
كيف تجعل البنت تحبك
كيف تجعل شخص يحبك بجنون
حصريا مكتبة علم النفس والاجتماع والصحة النفسية وتطوير الذات الجزء الاول
الهاشمي وأعشاب الطبيعية
كيوت تايم
منتديات خبله
منتديات المخلافي الثقافية
بعثرة حكي
منتديات ممتازين ليبيا
دردشه طرب كول الصوتيه
طرب كول الصوتيه
الشيخة السوسية المغربية ام بلال
احساس العرب
ست الحسن
الشيخة ام ياسين
توبيك يطعنك شخص
توبيكات حصريه
توبيك اذا ناوي على الروحه
توبيكات انوثه
توبيكات رومانسيه حيل
توبيكات عتاب ملونه
توبيكات موني
من قال عنك قمر كذاب كذاب
ياحلم وين المشكله لو تحققت توبيك
توبيك احلى بنوته
توبيك مغربي
توبيك محتاج لك
توبيك صباح الخير
صور قطط
اناشيد طيور الجنة كاملة
برنامج لفتح المواقع المحجوبة
برنامج فتح المواقع المحجوبة hotspot shield
صور سيارات هم
منال العالم مطبخ
المصارع جون سينا
كمال الاجسام
توبيك احبك
قفطان مغربي 2009
توبيكات تكب
نوكيا n73 - اكبر مكتبه ثيمات لجهاز نوكيا
مسجات حب 2010
اغاني طيور الجنة
ة سوزان تميم
مصارعة جون سينا
خلفيات سطح المكتب
مصارعة حرة
ماسنجر 2009
صور سيارات
عالم الحيوان فيديو
خلفيات متحركة
اطفال حلوين
خريطة المغرب
غرائب وعجائب
hotspot shield 1.37
توبيكات حزينه ملونه
منتديات كورة
صور كمال اجسام
صور ورد
مطبخ منال العالم بالصور
مطبخ منال العالم بالصور
مطبخ منال العالم بالصور
مطبخ منال العالم بالصور
مطبخ منال العالم بالصور
سيارات تويوتا
media player 12
كونان يوتيوب
كونان يوتيوب
صور رومانسية
صور رومانسية
كمال اجسام
كمال اجسام
اغاني طيور الجنة كاملة
اغاني طيور الجنة كاملة
اغاني طيور الجنة كاملة
اغاني طيور الجنة كاملة
توبيك احبك
توبيك احبك
توبيك احبك
توبيك احبك
توبيك احبك
توبيك احبك
استضافة مجانية
استضافة مجانية
استضافة مجانية
استضافة مجانية
استضافة مجانية
سيارات 2010
سيارات 2010
سيارات 2010
سيارات 2010
سيارات 2010
سيارات 2010
برنامج استرجاع الملفات المحذوفة
برنامج استرجاع الملفات المحذوفة
برنامج hotspot shield
برنامج hotspot shield
برنامج hotspot shield
برنامج hotspot shield
برنامج hotspot shield
صور اطفال حلوين
احلى صور
احلى صور
صورة فرعون
كمال اجسام 2009
خواطر عشق
خواطر عشق
خواطر عشق
برنامج فتح المواقع المحجوبة hotspot shield
برنامج فتح المواقع المحجوبة hotspot shield
برنامج فتح المواقع المحجوبة hotspot shield
برنامج فتح المواقع المحجوبة hotspot shield
برنامج فتح المواقع المحجوبة hotspot shield
سيارات غريبة
سيارات غريبة
سيارات غريبة
سيارات غريبة
اناشيد طيور الجنة
اناشيد طيور الجنة
ترجمة الافلام
اكلات مطبخ منال العالم
اكلات مطبخ منال العالم
اكلات مطبخ منال العالم
اكلات مطبخ منال العالم
اكلات مطبخ منال العالم
توبيكات احبك
توبيكات احبك
توبيكات احبك
توبيكات احبك
توبيكات احبك
توبيكات احبك
توبيكات احبك
صور اسلامية
احلى الصور
احلى الصور
نكات حب
توبيكات اطفال
توبيكات اطفال
توبيكات اطفال
توبيكات اطفال
توبيكات اطفال
توبيكات اطفال
اغانى طيور الجنة
اغانى طيور الجنة
العاب طبخ
العاب طبخ
العاب طبخ
يوتيوب فيديو
يوتيوب فيديو
يوتيوب فيديو
يوتيوب فيديو
يوتيوب فيديو
يوتيوب فيديو
برنامج لفتح المواقع المحجوبة
برنامج لفتح المواقع المحجوبة
برنامج لفتح المواقع المحجوبة
برنامج لفتح المواقع المحجوبة
برنامج لفتح المواقع المحجوبة
برنامج لفتح المواقع المحجوبة
اغاني طيور الجنة الجديدة
اناشيد طيور الجنة كاملة
اناشيد طيور الجنة كاملة
اناشيد طيور الجنة كاملة
اناشيد طيور الجنة كاملة
اناشيد طيور الجنة كاملة
اناشيد طيور الجنة كاملة
اناشيد طيور الجنة كاملة
اناشيد طيور الجنة كاملة
اناشيد طيور الجنة كاملة
اناشيد طيور الجنة كاملة
اناشيد طيور الجنة كاملة
صور سيارات همر
صور سيارات همر
صور سيارات همر
صور سيارات همر
صور سيارات همر
صور سيارات همر
صور سيارات همر
صور سيارات همر
المصارع جون سينا
المصارع جون سينا
المصارع جون سينا
المصارع جون سينا
المصارع جون سينا
2010 سيارات
2010 سيارات
2010 سيارات
2010 سيارات
2010 سيارات
2010 سيارات
2010 سيارات
توبيكات حب ملونه
توبيكات حزن
نكات ملونه
نكات ملونه
نكات ملونه
صور اطفال
صور اطفال
توبيكات انجليزيه مترجمه
يوتيوب كونان
يوتيوب كونان
يوتيوب كونان
يوتيوب كونان
صور رومانسيه
صور رومانسيه
جون سينا المصارع
جون سينا المصارع
جون سينا المصارع
جون سينا المصارع
ترجمة قوقل الفوريه
مترجم قوقل
ترجمة قوقل للنصوص
ترجمه قوقل فوريه
ترجمة قوقل
الترجمه من قوقل
مترجم قوقل للنصوص
ترجمة قوقل الفورية
قوقل ترجمة فورية
مترجم قوقل الفوري
ترجمة فورية للنصوص
قوقل لترجمة النصوص
موقع ترجمة فورية
ترجمة فورية قوقل
ترجمة فورية قوقل
موقع قوقل للترجمة الفورية
شريط ترجمة قوقل
ترجم قوقل
مترجم النصوص
قوقل ترجمة
قوقل للترجمة
ترجمه نصوص قوقل
موقع قوقل لترجمة النصوص
الترجمة الفورية من قوقل
ترجمه قوقل الفوريه
قوقل ترجم
ترجمة مواقع
المترجم قوقل
برنامج ترجمة
موقع ترجمة فورى
قوقل ترجمة نصوص
ترجمة جوجل الفورية للنصوص
ترجمة جوجل للنصوص الفورية
مترجم القوقل
ترجم قوقل الفوري
ترجمة نصوص فورية
قوقل للترجمة الفورية
ترجمة نصوص فورية
قوقل للترجمة الفورية
مترجم نصوص قوقل
قوقل الترجمة الفورية
قوقل مترجم
شريط الترجمة الفورية
مواقع ترجمة فورية
قوقل الترجمه
ترجمة النصوص قوقل
translate english to filipino
msn 2010
2010 , الماسنجر , العربية , الفرنسية , النجلزية , برامج الشات , برنامج , برنامج الماسنجر , برنامج المحداتة , برنامج الدردشة , hotmail , msn 2010 , Windows Live Messenger , wlv 2010
2010 , الماسنجر , العربية , الفرنسية , النجلزية , برامج الشات , برنامج , برنامج الماسنجر , برنامج المحداتة , برنامج الدردشة , hotmail , msn 2010 , windows live messenger , wlv 2010
Windows Live Messenger 2010 arabic windows live messenger 2010 english windows live messenger 2010 francais
Windows Live Messenger 2010 عربي
ترجمه فوريه لجميع اللغات
ترجمة فورية
مترجم فوري للنصوص
دردشة غلا
شات غلا
غلا الكون
منتديات غلا الكون
منتدى غلا الكون
غلا الكون الصوتيه
دردشة غلا الكون
شات غلا الكون
شات غلا الكون الصوتي
دردشة غلا الكون الصوتية
دليل دردشات غلا الكون
دليل دردشات
شات الغلا
شات الود
شات غلا السعوديه
دردشة غلا السعوديه
شات سعودي
شات الرياض
شات الخليج
دردشة الود
شات تعب قلبي
دردشة تعب قلبي
تعب قلبي
شعبي كوم
دردشة الخليج
عالم الرومانسيه
نت لوق
The comment above was posted by حصري at May 4, 2010 04:45 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by Sohbet at May 12, 2010 09:39 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Thank you very much,. be touch blog شات منتديات اناشيد الام اناشيد العفاسي تواقيع بنات نكات مزخرفه خواطر حب اسماء بنات جديدة توبيكات جديده قصص وصفات طبخ الطب النبوي توبيكات حب صور حب صور بنات توبيكات بنات نكلودين اناشيد mp3 اناشيد دينية اناشيد افراح لقاءات مواضيع للنقاش رسائل قصيرة وسائط رومانسية وسائط فيديو اناشيد مغربية Thank you Again
The comment above was posted by العاب at May 23, 2010 03:19 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
المنتدى العام
المنتدى الاسلامي -
منتدى الضيافه والاهداءات
منتدى الكمبيوتر والانترنت -
منتدى العلوم و التكنولوجيا
- عالم
حواء -
الديكور والاثاث
منتدى المطبخ والسفره الخليجيه والعربيه -
منتدى الطب العام
منتدى الجوال والاتصالات -
منتدى الماسنجر
منتدى التصاميم والجرافيكس -
منتدى الرياضه العربيه والعالميه
منتدى الألعاب و الألغاز -
عالم آدم
- منتدى الصور والكاريكاتير
الخيمة الرمضانية -
المنتدى الأدبي
مشاكل الأعضاء وحلولها -
منتدى القصص والروايات
منتدى السياحة والسفر -
منتدى الصوتيات و المرئيات
منتدى النكت و الضحك و الفرفشة -
منتدى اللغات Languages forum
- قسم
المسابقات -
منتدى البرامج المشروحة
منتدى تجارب الأعضاء -
منتدى تجارب المراقبين
اخبار اليوم 1431 - اخبار الساعة 2010 - اخبار الصحف 1431- اخبار محلية - اخبار
عالمية - اخبار الطقس -
عبث الكاميرا
الركن الهادئ -
عالم الحياة الزوجية
التطوير الذاتي -
عالم الفضائيات
يوميات الأعضاء في رمضان -
المنتدى التعليمي
- عذب
الكلام -
هامش زوار الركن الهادي
- قسم
الأخبار اليومية -
قسم الأهداف
- قسم
دروس الفوتوشوب -
المرحلة الابتدائية
المرحلة المتوسطة -
المرحلة الثانوية
- كرسي
الإعتراف -
منتدى الانمي
وظائف 2010, وظائف رجاليه 1431, وظائف نسائيه 1431 , وظائف حكوميه 1431 , وظائف
جديدة 1431 -
كاس العالم 2010 , اهداف كاس العالم
2010 , مباريات كاس العالم 2010 , مباريات كاملة -
سيارات 2010 - سيارات 2011
شبكة ترانيم الأمل
فيسات للمسن
كاس العالم 2010
تصاميم 2011
تواقيع 2011
صور 2011
وسائط رومانسيه
وسائط حب
وسائط عتاب
وسائط فراق
مسجات رومانسيه
مسجات حب
مسجات عتاب
مسجات فراق
رسائل رومانسيه
رسائل حب
رسائل عتاب
رسائل فراق
خلفيات بلاك بيري
خلفيات بلاك بيري 2011
ثيمات 2011
روايات للجوال
روايات رومانسيه
روايات طويله
روايات 2011
HotSpot Shield
HotSpot Shield 2010
HotSpot Shield 2011
crack ,
serial ,
key ,
keygen ,
patch ,
username ,
password ,
كراك ,
سريال ,
كيجن ,
باتش ,
مفتاح ,
يوزر ,
مشاهده لعبة الأنابيب
لعبة السرعة لعبة
لغز التقطيع مركز
تحميل الصور
فيسات للمسن والمنتدى
دليل المواقع
لعبة اكس او | X O
العاب فلاشية
توبيكات ملونه ,
توبيكات شعريه ,
سمايلات ,
فيسات ,
سمايلات للمسن ,
توبيكات رومانسية
توبيكات عتاب
توبيكات ملونه 2011
توبيكات زعل
توبيكات 2011
ديكورات 2011
زفات 2011
زفات شعريه
زفات جديدة
زفات راشد الماجد
زفات بدون موسيقى
بدون موسيقى
اغاني بدون موسيقى
ملخص مباراة
اهداف مباراة
صور رومانسية
اهداف برشلونه
اهداف ريال مدريد -
كاس العالم 2010 ,
اهداف كاس العالم 2010 ,
مباريات كاس العالم 2010 ,
مباريات كاملة
اهداف كاس
العالم 2010 , مباريات كاس
العالم 2010 , مباريات كاملة
, مباراة كاملة ,
اهداف ,
ملخصات ,
ملخص ,
جدول ,
اوقات ,
مواعيد ,مباريات
ودية , مباريات تحضيرية ,
اخبار كاس العالم 2010 ,
هولندا ,
إنجلترا ,
إسبانيا ,
ألمانيا ,
الدنمارك ,
صربيا ,
إيطاليا ,
سويسرا ,
سلوفاكيا ,
اليونان ,
سلوفينيا ,
البرتغال ,
فرنــسا ,
اليابان ,
أستراليا ,
الجنوبية ,
كوريا الشمالية , جنوب أفريقيا
, غانا ,
كوت دي فوار ,
ساحل العاج ,
نيجيريا ,
الكاميرون ,
الجزائـر ,
البرازيل ,
باراجواي ,
تشيلي ,
الأرجنتين ,
أوروجواي ,
المكسيك ,
امريكا ,
هيندوراس ,
- مسلسل طاش 17 الحلقة -
طاش 17 الحلقة -
طاش ماطاش 17 الحلقة -
حلقات طاش 17
طريقة عمل ,
طريقة صنع ,
شرح برنامج ,
RSS 2.0
دردشة لذة الشوق - مركز تحميل الصور
- إبتسامات
وايقونات -
دليل المواقع
فيسات للمسن
اهداف الهلال
اهداف النصر
اهداف الاتحاد
اهداف الاهلي
اهداف مباراة
دوري زين
الدوري الاسباني
الدوري الايطالي
الدوري الانجليزي
دوري ابطال اوروبا
بث مباشر
رابط نقل
كاس اسيا 2011
اهداف ميسي 2010
اهداف ميسي 2011
The comment above was posted by منتديات at May 23, 2010 07:19 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Thank You
site nice goooood
منتدى مدينة الملك خالد العسكرية
منتدى القاعدة
منتديات مدينة الملك خالد
مركز تحميل الاماكن
مدونة الاماكن
مركز تحميل
مدونة ديو
مركز تحميل الصور
مركز تحميل فلاش
مركز تحميل الملفات
منتديات الحفر
حفر الباطن
منتديات حفر الباطن الثقافي
منتديات حفراويات
اخبار المدينة
االمجلس العام
اخبار المدينة
نفحات ايمانية
سوق حفر الباطن
القصص والروايات
القصائد الصوتية
بيت الطالب
دليل ديو العربي
dew directory
The comment above was posted by مدونة at June 5, 2010 02:51 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
thanks for admin.nice sharing.very nicee..
MakineMakinaTornaKandemirCnc TornaCnc FrezeMakina MühendisiMakine MühendisiMakina imalatMakina tamiriTorna tamiriKandemir MakinaKandemir MakineTornacıMakina YapımıYedek Parça YapımıTorna Fason işFason işMakinasıTarım MakinalarıPlastikSanayiKaynakEnjeksiyonKesimCnc KesimMakina Parçalarıfreze MakinalarıKandemir MakineKandemir MakinaOMCOKaliteKaliteli isMetal-işKaliteli iş
The comment above was posted by Makine at June 7, 2010 12:49 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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Sohbet Odaları
The comment above was posted by Sohbet at June 13, 2010 05:54 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by trv at June 18, 2010 10:17 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by chat at June 20, 2010 02:36 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.