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September 11, 2006
Kadeer Nominated for Nobel Prize
News via Reuters today that exiled Uyghur businesswoman Rebiya Kadeer, pictured at left, has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize this year. The prize will be announced on October 13th, and a win by Kadeer would propel Uyghurs into the international spotlight in a way that no advocacy or human rights group could ever hope to achieve. Since her expulsion from China in 2005, Kadeer has been an increasingly annoying thorn in the side of Chinese leaders, testifying before the U.S. Congress and becoming the de facto spokesperson for Uyghurs around the world.
China counted on Rebiya Kadeer, a Muslim businesswoman-turned-activist, fading into political irrelevance like most exiled Chinese dissidents when she left for the United States last year. But it may have miscalculated.Kadeer, 58, an ethnic Uighur jailed for more than five years in China for providing state secrets to foreigners before her exile, won a Rafto Prize for human rights in Norway in 2004 and has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize this year.
"Rebiya Kadeer champions the rights of western China's Uighur ethnic group and is one of China's most prominent advocates of women's rights," Annelie Enochson, a Swedish parliamentarian, wrote in nominating Kadeer for the prestigious Nobel award.
The article goes on to compare Rebiya Kadeer with the Dalai Lama, a 1989 Nobel Peace Prize recipient.
Tibet's god-king, the Dalai Lama, won the Nobel prize in 1989, almost 40 years after Chinese troops marched into his homeland. He fled to India in 1959 after an abortive uprising against Chinese Communist rule.Kadeer, a one-time laundress, was little known outside China before her exile but a win would raise the profile of militant Uighurs' hitherto faceless movement to make the restive region of Xinjiang an independent state called East Turkestan.
The only thing I take issue with in the article is the wording potraying Kadeer as the face of a "militant Uighur" movement. She may be a strong advocate for independence, but I don't recall her ever voicing support for the violent uprisings that took place in Xinjiang almost a decade ago. You can read the whole article below.
Previous Kadeer-related entries on this blog are located here, here, and here.
EXCLUSIVE-China Muslim activist: from unknown to Nobel nominee
By Benjamin Kang Lim
11 September 2006
Reuters News
BEIJING, Sept 11 (Reuters) - China counted on Rebiya Kadeer, a Muslim businesswoman-turned-activist, fading into political irrelevance like most exiled Chinese dissidents when she left for the United States last year. But it may have miscalculated.
Kadeer, 58, an ethnic Uighur jailed for more than five years in China for providing state secrets to foreigners before her exile, won a Rafto Prize for human rights in Norway in 2004 and has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize this year.
"Rebiya Kadeer champions the rights of western China's Uighur ethnic group and is one of China's most prominent advocates of women's rights," Annelie Enochson, a Swedish parliamentarian, wrote in nominating Kadeer for the prestigious Nobel award.
"Kadeer has also used her resources as founder and director of a large trading company in northwestern China to provide fellow Uighurs with training and employment," Enochson wrote in the nomination, a copy of which was sent to Reuters by e-mail.
This year's winner is due to be announced in Oslo on Oct. 13. Kadeer is probably only one of many nominees as any member of parliament worldwide can put forward a name.
Four Rafto laureates have gone on to win the Nobel prize. Only 12 women have won since 1901, upsetting many feminists.
The director of the Norwegian Nobel Institute, Geir Lundestad, said in 2001 the committee should "sooner rather than later" speak out about the lack of democratic rights in China. He said China was the main exception to a global move to democracy.
Tibet's god-king, the Dalai Lama, won the Nobel prize in 1989, almost 40 years after Chinese troops marched into his homeland. He fled to India in 1959 after an abortive uprising against Chinese Communist rule.
Kadeer, a one-time laundress, was little known outside China before her exile but a win would raise the profile of militant Uighurs' hitherto faceless movement to make the restive region of Xinjiang an independent state called East Turkestan.
"Rebiya has undisputed legitimacy and the capacity of uniting Uighurs in exile," said Nicholas Bequelin, a China researcher in Hong Kong for the New York-based Human Rights Watch.
Kadeer, president of the Uighur American Association, is tipped to be elected president of the World Uighur Congress in October, a source close to her said.
Her biography in German, "A Woman's Struggle against the Dragon", will be published next year.
The Chinese Foreign Ministry had no immediate comment on the nomination but denounced Kadeer for "frequently engaging in anti-Chinese splittist activities".
"This kind of person is not qualified to represent Chinese Uighurs," the ministry spokesman's office said in a statement.
China keeps a tight grip on oil-rich Xinjiang, which shares borders with three former Soviet Central Asian republics, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Russia and Mongolia.
China calls Uighur militants terrorists and blames them for a string of bombings and assassinations in the 1990s.
But human rights groups say China has used its support for the U.S.-led war on terrorism to justify a wider crackdown on Uighurs, including arbitrary arrests, closed-door trials and use of the death penalty.
Kadeer was once a member of the top advisory body to China's parliament but fell from grace and was arrested in 1999 while on her way to meet U.S. congressmen visiting Xinjiang.
Her assets were worth 270 million yuan ($33.8 million) at the time of her arrest but her trading firm and other businesses in real estate are now almost bankrupt due to official harassment.
She said two of her sons were beaten up by Chinese police when they were detained in June and accused of tax evasion. The whereabouts of a third son who faces subversion charges are unknown and a daughter has been put under house arrest.
"Wang Lequan rushed to arrest my sons but Beijing may not rush to sentence them," Kadeer, a mother of 11, told Reuters by telephone from her office in Washington, referring to Xinjiang's Communist Party chief. She insisted her children were innocent.
Kadeer pledged to champion the rights of Uighur women and children at any cost, lamenting that many girls ended up working as prostitutes in Chinese cities and boys became thieves or pickpockets.
"I'm ready to pay the price," she said. "The more the Chinese government tries to destroy me, the more respect and influence I will have from my people." (Additional reporting by Alister Doyle in Oslo)

posted September 11, 2006 at 04:48 PM unofficial Xinjiang time | HaoHao This!
I wonder whether it is a Nobel "Peace" Prize or a Nobel "Democracy" Prize?
The comment above was posted by KY at September 12, 2006 03:52 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I really appreciate your blog. It's a part of the world I have always wanted to visit, and now with the internet, I can see your photos and read your news. Sometimes it makes it a lot less romantic, compared with the older travel books I have been reading since my school days. But then, it won't be a shock if I ever get there.
The comment above was posted by varske at September 12, 2006 04:57 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Michael, how's life for normal Uyghurs now?
The comment above was posted by Sha at September 13, 2006 01:39 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Nobel "Peace" Prize is going to advocate another
War after Rebiya Kadeer was chosen as the candidate. The splittists get what Westerners called Democracy while more and more local people suffering murders,threaten and instable.
The splittists get money and fame while local Muslim lost their freedom and wealth.
Most important of all,the fate of Xinjiang should be decided by local people.The Westerners should keep their hands and tongues away from other people's homeland.
The comment above was posted by Long at September 13, 2006 09:52 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Chinese spokesman questions motives for nominating Rabiya for Nobel prize
13 September 2006
BBC Monitoring Asia Pacific
Text of report by reporter Lin Liping by official Chinese news agency Xinhua (New China News Agency) Asia-Pacific service
Beijing, 12 September: In response to a reporter's question on 12 September, Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang said that East Turkistan element Rabiya's remarks and actions are aimed at undermining the peace and stability of Chinese society, and this runs counter to the original intention of the Nobel peace prize.
At a routine new conference, Qin Gang said: Rabiya is an East Turkistan element and has been arrested and sentenced by China's judicial organ for damaging national security. Now Rabiya, in collusion with the East Turkistan terrorist forces outside the borders, has distorted the facts and maliciously attacked the Chinese government under the pretext of "democracy" and "human rights". He has frequently engaged in anti-China activities with an attempt to split Xinjiang from China.
Qin Gang said that Rabiya's remarks and actions are aimed at undermining the peace and stability of Chinese society, and this runs counter to the original intention of the Nobel peace prize; What is the motive behind the nomination of such a person as a Nobel prize candidate?
Source: Xinhua news agency, Beijing, in Chinese 1118 gmt 12 Sep 06
The comment above was posted by michael at September 13, 2006 11:30 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
You are right Long.
"fate of Xinjiang" should be decided by LOCAL people.
Thank you Michael,
The comment above was posted by YAPONLUQ at September 13, 2006 11:39 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
All what you said are right and that was, is the main problem. The fate of Xinjiang should be decided by local people and local people fighting for this since occupation by PR. China.
Don't try adding the endless chinese immigrants to the local people.
Because local people have no possibility to express their own voice in their own land and therefore it came out in abroad.
"Westerners should keep their hands and tongues away from Xin.....", before saying this you have to say first "we chinese have to keep our hands and tongues away from other people's homeland."!
>>"You are right Long.
>>"fate of Xinjiang" should be decided by LOCAL >>people.
>>Thank you Michael, "
The comment above was posted by Hitay at September 15, 2006 04:20 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Fate decided by the locals, so funny, coz NO Way.
we were imposed with those unfair treaties by the west, and now we have to 'respect' the will of those uighurs, just drop us a-bombs to force us to comply if u can and dare to do so.
its so naive to think we will give xinjiang away while so much oil hidden.
and chinese won't be afraid of rebiya, she's no use, just another pitty woman 'cries' in front of west n chanting 'long live democracy' to make the westerners to like her. uighurs...bunches of thieves they are in the eastern chinese cities...
the japs + the west did such things to china, and we will do exactly the same thing to others for VENDETTA!
The comment above was posted by Branden at September 16, 2006 04:47 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
己所不欲,勿施于人 -- Confucius --
search this article if its safe
“Trafficked *U*y*g*h*u*r* Children May Not See Home Again”
The comment above was posted by YAPONLUQ at September 16, 2006 08:33 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
they are thieves, everyone knows it, n i don care whether they have home or not.
n china became weak bcoz of those confucious stuff, you should read Hanfeizi.
and that what china is heading to.
The comment above was posted by Branden at September 17, 2006 05:51 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
we are doing exactly the same as what the US's strategy in the ME, kick out those anti-US govts, and set up pro-US govts so you guys can get their OIL.
Democracy and freedom...huh....as if u really care...
We are doing the same thing, so why blame us, even u do, drop us A-bombs to force us to comply OK? Try it.
The comment above was posted by branden at September 17, 2006 06:09 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Well,I am not native English speakers.
Maybe U have misunderstood my words.
Branden,you are too drastic. I think you konw quit few about Chinese.
In fact,many Uyghurs are famous in China.For example,Adi Jiang.(阿的江,I don't know how to say his name in English.) He is a former basketball star in 1990s,who is loved by Chinese basketball fans including Hans,Uyghurs and other races.
The comment above was posted by Long at September 17, 2006 12:58 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Hans and Uyghurs have lived together for more than thousands years.We are so familiar with each other.Don't stir up troubles between us.We have our own rights to live peacefully.
Maybe the ethnic minorities in America such as black people are been treated as slaves.Blacks and Whites have deep-rooted rancor. But things are too different in China.
The comment above was posted by Long at September 17, 2006 01:30 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Hitay,where are you come from? Tibet? Really?Have you ever seen mountains?Mind your own business!
YAPONLUQ,have you ever been to Japan?F**k!You are Japanese!
The comment above was posted by Long at September 17, 2006 01:51 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Americans should never forget what had happened to Pearl Harbor. Never forget who is on your side in WWⅡ.Never forget Viet Nam.Never forget Iraq.
What have you done?In 1980s,Bin Laden were given weapons by CIA to fight against USSR troops for "an democratic and free Afghanistan".In 2001,flights dominated by Mr.Bin Laden cracked into two towers as a reply.It's not over.He called jihad or holy war from the Muslim World to fight against United States.East Turkistan troops attaching to Al-Qaeda had also been found in Afghanistan.
Michael,are you come from New York?How about your life in September,2001?Do you remember piles of corpse had been found in the ruins?
The comment above was posted by Long at September 17, 2006 02:31 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
yeah, long!
30年后给他们 东京大屠杀,来报我们南京大屠杀的这一深仇大恨!
The comment above was posted by branden at September 17, 2006 02:36 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
You have blew up Iraq.Some of you think it is necessary to help Iraqis escape form "dictatorship" and fight against terrorists in Iraq.Indeed,Americans find nothing there but gallons of oil.
How about the result?Millions of Iraqis had been killed.The massacre is continued.Thousands of ordinary soldiers from US are been killed.Freedom? Justice? Democracy?
NO! It's about money and power.The troops are fighting for a lie!
Nobody living in Xinjiang,including Hans and Uyghurs wannna go to be another Iraq.
Furthermore,Rebiya Kadeer is NOT LOCAL PEOPLE any longer.She is in America now.She wears mask pretending to be a philanthrope.But she is a corrupt officer who have been HATED by LOCALS for quit a long time.She earn her forturne in Guangzhou by mysterious methods.It's hard to say how she got so many money in such a short time!
The comment above was posted by Long at September 17, 2006 03:14 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
In ancient times,the ancestors of Hans and Uyghurs fight shoulder by shoulder to go against Xiongnu(Huns).
In modern times,Hans and Uyghurs will fight shoulder by shoulder again to defeat any enemies by the name of hegemonism!
The comment above was posted by Long at September 17, 2006 03:38 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
A better candidate to Nobel Peace Prize is Bin Laden. He displayed great courage in the face of evil American empire. He successfully planned and carried out a kick in America's big fat white ass, which is the only language arrogant Americans understand. Bin Laden should be norminated as the candidate, and by doing this America can win the 'hearts and minds' of Muslims all over the world, finally.
The comment above was posted by xi at September 18, 2006 01:49 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
no moment of silence or reminiscents of 9/11? You wicked wicked ex-pat.
The comment above was posted by superheeb at September 18, 2006 05:06 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Branden!It`s obvious that you know quite few about Uyghurs .I guess you`d been living in china for many years, but , unfortunately, you were in the inner land of the mainland china,so i can say you know nothing about Sinkiang,just like other Hanzu people who live in the inner land. Tell me,Branden,aren`t there so many Hanzu Thieves in china? I think you`re proud of being a Han,so what you can be proud of? - population?
The comment above was posted by alien at September 18, 2006 07:24 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Job discrimination, Racial confilicts ,restriction of religious belief, extream taxes , ... ... ... @~$%?/!*>...
The comment above was posted by alien at September 18, 2006 07:37 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
It's so stupid for you to write such an article in September 11,Michael.
Alien,you should stay in China for a longer time.It`s obvious that you know quite few about China. There is no restriction of religious belief.For example,I am religious. FLG is not religion~~ anyway. You can try FLG in USA. Try it by yourself.If you were still alive,you should tell me what had happened during...Hehe...
Well,enough,this’s the stupidest news I’ve ever heard! Americans should be more intelligent~
Wow~~Iran and N.Korea...hehe~~ You should read the headline of taday's newspaper.
The comment above was posted by Long at September 18, 2006 10:01 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
hi! Long!It looks like you've been to sinkiang. but i'd been in Urumqi for 6 years.I think i know enough .Yes, you're right, there is no restriction of religious belief in other provinces,you know cause most people are none religious ,and no religion no restriction for sure.this is just what i mean. and FLG is different from religion. I think you have to be more conscious about the problem,friend.
I know it is no use to argue about this ,but at least ,people can't escape the reality.
Thank you.
The comment above was posted by alien at September 18, 2006 01:13 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
i agree with alien, coz we need to hav some reality chek, n the reality is, if the uighurs want independence, they will DIE!
The comment above was posted by branden at September 18, 2006 05:40 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Unfortunately,you are wrong,alien.branden is not living in the inner land of the mainland china.
Maybe he is in another continent/island:)
And,my friend,you can also travel into inner land provinces,if it's convenient.You will be astonished to find most people are religious,more or less(including members of C_C_P).You should learn more about Chinese customs,which is too different from that of your hometown.By the way,I enjoy Uyghurs' food very much.It's so delicious. There are lots of restaurants hold by Uyghurs Muslim in inner land provinces.
Yes.There are different kinds of problems with our country.We have never denied that.China is a developing country.But,no country is perfect.You must admit that America has its own problems,either.What we should be concerned with is how to understand each others.You should try to think of the problems in our view.
Anyway,Mr.branden,keep your head.
The comment above was posted by Long at September 18, 2006 09:20 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Hi Long, You are so Non-sense.
Before come to here, you should shake youe head, and read more.
I think you did not know any thing about Uyghur.
Uyghur and Chinese is same as fire and water.
The comment above was posted by Kamqa at September 20, 2006 03:57 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Rebiya Qadir surely deserves this prize. She is the person who has sacrificed all her wealth and freedom try to bring democracy to the region where human rights are heavily violated by Chinese central government. Now she is fighting not only for her people, but also for the whole Chinese people to get democracy. Without a leader like her, who is advocating peaceful resolution for the Uyghur case, with the vicious circle of Chinese policy, sooner or later this Uyghur region become a place of uneasiness, terror and may be a large scale of war. On the other hand, her struggles will ultimately precipitate the largest communistic regimy (with strong ultranationalistic view) to collapse, so that the world can avoid another cold war. Long live Rabiye! You are our mother!!!!!!!!!!!!
The comment above was posted by Kuresh at September 21, 2006 07:31 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
President Bush was referred to as 'deveil' in the UN convention, and delegates from all around the world applaused and laughed. I guess USA can't win the 'hearts and minds' of the world by invading other countries and killing the women and children. US is the No.1 threat to world peace. Just count how many wars they have fought since WW2. They are everywhere, involved in any single war directly or indirectly. How they can have the never to criticise other countries is really beyond me. As a Chinese saying goes, you can't call others devils when you own whole body is covered by red hair.
The comment above was posted by xi at September 23, 2006 03:47 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
your mum, ie Kadeer, can go to the hell!
The comment above was posted by branden at September 24, 2006 02:35 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Ahtisaari, Kadeer vie for 2006 Nobel peace prize
28 September 2006
Agence France Presse
OSLO, Sept 29, 2006 (AFP) -
Former Finnish president Martti Ahtisaari is tipped to win this year's Nobel Peace Prize for brokering a peace accord in Aceh, though he faces stiff competition from Chinese exile Rebiya Kadeer and Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
With just days to go before the big announcement on October 13, the leanings of the Norwegian Nobel Committee remain a tightly-guarded secret.
In all, 191 candidates are in the running for the prestigious award, including 168 individuals and 23 organisations.
Ahtisaari, president of Finland between 1994 and 2000, has been nominated several times in recent years and appears to be leading this year's field.
He oversaw talks last year in Helsinki that led to a peace agreement between the Indonesian government and rebels in the Aceh province and put an end to a three-decade conflict that killed some 15,000 people.
"I think that Ahtisaari is the clear favorite this year due to his work in Aceh," said Stein Toennesson, head of the Oslo Peace Research Institute (PRIO) and one of the only peace experts in Norway willing to speculate about possible laureates.
"It's the only peace process that has really been successful," he added.
The 69-year-old Finn is currently the UN special envoy for talks on the final status of Kosovo, a role that has earned him praise from Albanians but criticism from Serbs.
"Statements by the Serbs could work against him. As well as his style, he has a very direct approach in his statements. But the Nobel Committee is aware of his personality," said Toennesson. "And the fact that it could also be necessary to speak frankly in Kosovo."
Others who stand a good chance of winning include Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, for his role in talks leading to the August 2005 Aceh peace agreement.
"Yudhoyono's chances are good because he is Muslim and it is conceivable the Committee would like to award the prize to a Muslim. During the Mohammed cartoon row he wrote a very balanced article (on the crisis) in the International Herald Tribune," Toennesson said.
Choosing Yudhoyono could however prove controversial in the wake of Indonesia's execution of three Catholics on September 22. The trio were convicted of leading a militia that killed Muslims during clashes between the two faiths in 2000-2001 that left more than 1,000 people dead.
The PRIO director noted Yudhoyono's military career could also count against him, giving the advantage to China's Rebiya Kadeer, the exiled leader of the Uighur ethnic group.
"She's the ideal candidate: she's a woman, she's Muslim and she's Chinese," Toennesson said.
The Uighurs, the largest ethnic group in China's far northwest Xinjiang region, are an overwhelmingly Muslim, Turkic-speaking people. They accuse the ruling Chinese of political, religious and cultural repression.
While bookies judge Ahtisaari, Yudhoyono and Kadeer the frontrunners, the Indonesian president remains their favorite.
An Australian Internet betting site, Centrebet, has quoted odds of 2.75-to-1 for Ahtisaari to win, and puts Yudhoyono 3-to-1 and Kadeer at 15-to-1.
Other possible winners include the Vietnamese monk Thich Quang Do, currently under house arrest, for his work in promoting democracy and freedom of expression.
While the Nobel Committee never discloses who is on the list of potential laureates, those who nominate candidates are allowed to disclose their choice.
Known to be on the list for this year are thus Indian spiritual leader Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and rock star Bob Geldof for his fight against poverty.
But other names that have circulated include former US secretary of state Colin Powell for his work to establish peace in Sudan, and the Tiananmen Mothers for their fight for democracy in China.
The laureate will receive the award, as tradition dictates, on December 10, the anniversary of the death in 1896 of prize founder Alfred Nobel.
The prize includes a medal, a diploma and a cheque for 10 million kronor, (1.37 million dollars, 1.07 million euros).
Last year the prize went to the UN nuclear watchdog IAEA and its Egyptian director Mohamed ElBaradei.
The comment above was posted by michael at October 1, 2006 09:34 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
To hell with Red Chinese hegemonists! They spread and miseries in Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, Cambodia, and Indonesia. Nobody wanted their stupid Marxist-Leninist BS ideology.........
The comment above was posted by Sid at October 11, 2006 04:48 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Chinese Muslim activist, among candidates for Nobel, says prize would honor her people
12 October 2006
Associated Press Newswires
WASHINGTON (AP) - A Chinese Muslim businesswoman who spent almost six years in prison without ever being told why says if she were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize it might help her people against "cultural genocide" that China is waging on her people.
Rebiya Kadeer is among an undisclosed number of nominees for the prize to be announced Friday in Oslo, Norway. While the five-member awards committee never gives clues to its thinking, even to confirming names of nominees, there has been speculation in Oslo that the award might go this year to Kadeer or another human rights figure.
"If I were given this Nobel Peace Prize it means so much to my people because my people are facing cultural genocide in this world," Kadeer said Thursday. It would be "recognition of the plight of my people," she said in an interview with Associated Press Television.
Kadeer is a member of the Uighur minority, Muslims from the Xinjiang autonomous region of northwestern China. They are ethnically related to Central Asians, not Chinese.
Kadeer was arrested in 1999 as she approached a hotel where staff members of the U.S. Congressional Research Service waited to meet with her. She was held in solitary confinement for three years and was released only last year after the United States and others agitated for her.
She said the only reason she was given for her arrest was that she had sent Chinese-language newspapers to her husband in the United States. She said, however, the reason probably had more to do with documents she had for the American officials.
"I have been campaigning for the human rights and freedom of the Uighur people peacefully and patiently. My hope is to conduct a dialogue directly with the Chinese government so that the Uighur problem will be resolved," she said in Thursday's television interview.
She said she believed that if her work were to be honored with the Nobel Peace Prize, it would "help the Uighur people to have freedom of speech and live like a human being."
The comment above was posted by michael at October 14, 2006 04:17 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Being an American of Chinese descent, and having relatively nationalist Chinese parents, I always feel stretched by the information I receive. When I was young, I had a very good experience in China, and having distant relatives affiliated with the CCP, it's very difficult for me to conceive, emotionally that is, a lot of the atrocities claimed to be performed. However, here in America, it is very rare to get a positive or even objective opinion on human rights in China. The accounts I get from my Chinese and American sources are so contrasted that there isn't very much middle ground on which I can stake a compromise. However, whatever the facts are, I feel that there is too much hatred in the world. Having been raised Chinese (I guess you can say Han, although I had never realized inter-racial and ethnicity issues and tensions in China nor identified myself specifically as Han until coming to America despite having three aunts of ethnic minority), and having made defensive in America of my homeland, I am inclined to believe the more positive aspects of China although even I have to admit a lot of its more degenerative qualities. I feel that there is a potential for us to all live peacefully in the world and I desperately HOPE that it is not through strife, splitting and separatism, although I cannot ultimately deny the rights of a group who strive for independence no matter how important I think they are to China or how important I think China is for them. But, to this, I know too little on the subject. I am frankly appalled at some of the attitudes expressed in the comments, although not entirely surprised. Many Chinese, including myself, harbor certain resentments toward ex-imperialist nations most notably Japan, for certain ills in the past. I acknowledge that it is very hard to "let go" of the past; in fact, I admit to once being a ranting and raving Chinese nationalist who hated the "Japs" (and was so caught up in the fervor of my hatred that I always left a ridiculous number of typos in my heated comments^_^). However, I believe, at least intellectually, that there are more fruitful ways of resolving problems than spitting and cursing at each other, which only bring about continued hatred and resentment. I adamantly believe that there is a definite need to address the Nanjing Massacre, European looting of Chinese historical treasures, and other events in our collective past, but by wishing a Tokyo massacre, or even by refusing to see our own mistakes and follies past and present, we are only lowering ourselves to the level of the demons who have plagued our grandparents and ancestors. More over, we need to recognize that modern Japanese, Europeans, and Americans, are not the barbaric conquerors of 60, 100, and 200 years ago. These citizens of the world are not the same ones who murdered and raped our people, plundered our national treasures, or put up signs like "no dogs and Chinese allowed". Granted, in some people, many prejudices still exist, but by being so offensive ourselves, we are only making their their unwarranted disdain warranted, keeping their belief of us as primitive, uneducated, barbaric, irrational, and petty, prevalent and alive. I don't believe that a ten year old Japanese boy going to school in Tokyo is the monster who killed my grandmother's first husband and made my uncle fatherless before his birth. I believe a very deluded Japanese soldier seventy years ago performed that task believing that he is glorifying his emperor and nation. Why then should I curse the innocent boy and hope for his death? Just because he speaks the same language and bear some sort of a visual resemblence to the afore mentioned monster? In that case all the people of the wrold would be cursed and dead. I hope that in the future, problems of the past can be resolved in a more rational and productive manner. I agree that some of the demands other nations make on China are hypocrytical, but that doesn't mean that they are of no value. Should China work on human rights? Probably. Just because America or Japan, or Britain, who have their own issues, utter those demands, doesn't make it more or less true, or more or less relevant to China.
The comment above was posted by Sonia at October 23, 2006 06:06 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Two sons of exiled Uighur Muslim leader tried in China: sister
27 October 2006
Agence France Presse
WASHINGTON, Oct 27, 2006 (AFP) -
Two sons of Rebiya Kadeer, the leader of China's Uighur Muslim minority in exile in the United States, have been put on trial in China on tax fraud charges, their sister said Friday.
Kahar Abdureyim and Alim Abdureyim were not allowed to defend themselves in the closed-door trial in China's northwest Xinjiang region on Friday, their sister Akida Abdureyim said, quoting relatives who spoke to her from the region.
"It was a closed trial, only four family members were allowed to attend, every one else were officials," she told AFP. "They reportedly looked frail and Kahar was seen in tears."
The hearing lasted about four hours and the verdict will be announced in about 10 days, she said.
Amnesty International said after the pair were arrested in June that Alim had been tortured.
The fate of another of Kadeer's sons, Ablikim, also under arrest and last reported to have been hospitalized after being beaten by police, is not known.
He was charged with "subversion," a serious political charge, in addition to a tax fraud charge.
In addition, another daughter of Kadeer, Rouxian Gul Kadeer, is under house arrest.
Rebiya Kadeer is the symbol of struggle for greater rights for the 10 million Uighurs, the largest and overwhelmingly Muslim ethnic group in China's far northwest Xinjiang region.
She was imprisoned for six years after being accused by Beijing of leaking "state secrets" to a US congressional delegation visiting the region in the 1990s.
She was released in March 2005 and allowed to go into exile in the United States, from where she continues to speak up for her people.
Kadeer, a millionaire businesswoman before her arrest, was among nominees for the Nobel Peace Prize this year won by Bangladesh economist Muhammad Yunus.
Kadeer's younger brother Nanat Kadeer was picked up and severely beaten up by Chinese authorities a day after the Nobel prize was announced on October 13, said Akida Abdureyim.
"The Chinese authorities are continuing to harass our family," she said. "They think this is a way of silencing my mother," she added.
The comment above was posted by michael at October 28, 2006 10:26 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I do agree that the fate of xinjiang should be decided by the local people, but I don't think Kadeer's ideas are those of the people! She is more a splittist than a woman for peace.The main aim of her support and leading of Uighur militants terrorists is to satisfy her private appetite of politics.She want to be a leader, and she want to be famous.Her twisty desire lured her to do fissive things and advote her own 'human rights' to achieve her own political aims.In fact most of people of local xinjiang Province have fused the big family of our republic.We can see Uigur people living happily all over the republic.I think the Nobel Committee's nomination of Kadeer is opposite to all Chinese people especially to Uigur people.And it's opposite to the will of Mr Nobel too.If Kadeer is nominated ,she will be more furious and aggressive to engage in splittism.So all Chinese should combat the nomination, and people all over the world should also support Chinese people to combat splittism of Kadeer, because it's part of the fight for peace.
The comment above was posted by dulang at November 14, 2006 09:25 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Ask ANY Uyghur living in XinJiang (or anywhere else) whether or not he/she would like to see their land gaining independence and with 99.9% probability you will get a positive answer.
Isn't that the same idea Kadeer's been trying to promote too??
Someone has mentioned she can't be counted as a local anymore as she fled from XinJiang. But what could she have possibly achieved in the country where she gets locked up for expressing her oppinions? Nothing's my guess. Now, living in America, she's making a huge contribution to the popularization of the problem in the world.
She IS a true representative of Uyghur nation and deserves the Nobel Peace prize more than anyone else.
The comment above was posted by Saule at December 7, 2006 10:17 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
China defends jailing of renowned activist's son
8 December 2006
Reuters News
BEIJING, Dec 8 (Reuters) - The jailing last month of the son of an exiled Muslim dissident by a Chinese court was completely legal, the government said on Friday, rejecting criticism that the trial was either unfair or politically motivated.
Alimu Ahbudurimu was convicted of evading taxes worth 208,430 yuan ($26,630) and sentenced to seven years in jail, the official Xinhua news agency said last month.
It said his brother, Kahaer Ahbudurimu, was also found guilty of evading nearly 2.5 million yuan of taxes but spared a jail term.
The two are sons of Rebiya Kadeer, an ethnic Uighur who was jailed for five years in China for providing state secrets to foreigners before she was sent into exile in the United States last year. She was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize this year.
"Rebiya Kadeer's two sons -- Alimu Ahbudurimu and Kahaer Ahbudurimu -- had engaged in tax evasion activities, which were against Chinese laws," the Information Office of the State Council, or cabinet, said in a telephoned statement to Reuters.
"The court in Urumqi handled the trial and sentence according to the law," it added, referring to the capital of the far western region of Xinjiang, home to the Turkic-speaking Uighur minority.
"China is a country ruled by law, and so anyone who breaches the law must be punished," the statement said. "Saying that China is using the sentence to get back at Kadeer politically is groundless."
One foreign rights activist said at the time that the jailing was retribution for Kadeer's advocacy of Uighur rights, adding there was "great doubt" about the fairness of the trial.
Kadeer, president of the Uighur American Association, has pledged to champion the rights of Uighur women and children, lamenting that many girls ended up working as prostitutes in Chinese cities and boys became thieves or pickpockets.
Kadeer was once a member of the top advisory body to China's parliament but fell from grace and was arrested in 1999 while on her way to meet U.S. congressmen visiting Xinjiang.
China keeps a tight grip on oil-rich Xinjiang, which shares borders with three former Soviet Central Asian republics, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Russia and Mongolia.
China considers Uighur militants terrorists and blames them for a string of bombings and assassinations in the 1990s.
But human rights groups say China has used its support for the U.S.-led war on terror to justify a crackdown on Uighurs, including arbitrary arrests and use of the death penalty. ($1=7.825 Yuan)
The comment above was posted by michael at December 9, 2006 11:28 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I can only ask those spitting on America's interventions, if they would have felt the same way during WW2, or when the Flying Tigers defended China with their own lives. Even before Pearl Harbor, Americans were giving their lives to help China. I guess we should have just minded our own business then perhaps Pearl Harbor would not have happened. We have our problems, but we have always championed our friends, and when these friends need our help, we are there, with money, with troops, with aid, but when it is over, these same people spit profanities at us. Personally, I would love America to just become a total isolationist country, have all you ingrates stay home and quit spending my tax money on your internal problems. I get sick of hearing from you whinners who have done nothing to help anyone, including your own country.
As far as imperialism goes, geography changes with history. China was not always the large country it is now. How did it get so big?
The comment above was posted by Adams at July 7, 2007 08:58 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
It`s so clear in the Chinese history that Uighurs are the last generation of the Huns who live beside the Chinese border. In fact, Uighurs are the historical, and modern enemy for the chinese. The modern"huns" also need to be cleaned up if they dont accept the Chinese rule in Xinjiang.
The comment above was posted by james liang at August 18, 2007 04:37 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by parça kontor market at March 12, 2009 02:32 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by james bond junior2 wannabee at January 15, 2010 10:34 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Tibet's god-king, the Dalai Lama, won the Nobel prize in 1989, almost 40 years after Chinese troops marched into his homeland. He fled to India in 1959 after an abortive uprising against Chinese Communist rule.
The comment above was posted by Miami at April 7, 2010 10:17 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by دردشة الخليج at April 20, 2010 01:29 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Kadeer, 58, an ethnic Uighur jailed for more than five years in China for providing state secrets to foreigners before her exile, won a Rafto Prize for human rights in Norway in 2004 and has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize this year.
The comment above was posted by Miami at April 27, 2010 10:20 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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مسجات 2010
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خواطر حب
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رسائل اسلامية
رسائل 2010
جديدة مسجات حب
الصباح والمساء
رسائل رومانسية
رسائل رومنسية
رسائل اصدقاء
رسائل ترحيب
رسائل انجليزية
رسائل العيد
رسائل غزل
رسائل رمضان
رسائل حزن
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رسائل مضحكة
رسائل مدح وشكر
رسائل عتاب
رسائل شوق
خواطر رومانسية
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نكت اردنية
نكت خليجية
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كاريكاتيرات مضحكة
نكت سؤال وجواب
The comment above was posted by ss at May 1, 2010 08:27 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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منتديات ترفيهية
صور x صور
خلفيات -
خلفيات حاسوب
حافضات الشاشة
صور سيارات
صور سيارات 2010
صور سيارات 2011
مسابقات -
نكت -
طرائف -
ضحك -
نكت وطرائف
يوتيوب -
موقع يوتيوب -
يوتيوب فيديو
العاب فلاش -
العاب بنات -
العاب كمبيوتر -
تحميل العاب
ألعاب طبخ
ألعاب ديكور
ألعاب قتالية
ألعاب طائرات
ألعاب كرة السلة
ألعاب بليارد
ألعاب رياضية
ألعاب ماريو
العاب ذكاء
العاب تلبيس
العاب التلبيس
ألعاب ميك اب
ألعاب باربي
ألعاب الرماية
ألعاب أكشن
ألعاب كرة قدم
ألعاب سيارات
ألعاب دبابات
ألعاب سونيك
العاب فلاش ورق
العاب أطفال
ألعاب بنات
ألعاب أزياء
غرائب و عجائب
غرائب العالم
الأسرة -
العناية بالأطفال
كيف تربي ابنك
تغذية الطفل
فساتين سهرة
العنايه بالشعر
ميك اب
اسرار البنات
وصفات لتبيض
اكسسوارات -
مكياج عيون -
مكياج 2010
مكياج 2011
تطوير الذات -
تنمية القدرات -
تنمية العقل
طبخ -
اكلات -
مطبخ -
حلويات -
معجنات -
السفره الرمضانيه
طب -
صحه -
غذاء -
الطب البديل -
اعشاب -
ديكور -
غرف نوم -
ديكورات -
اثاث -
غرف -
برامج كمبيوتر
منتدي برامج نت
منتديات برامج نت
برامج نت
برامج حماية
برامج ماسنجر -
توبكات ملونه للماسنجر
اخبار التكنولوجيا -
أخبار التقنية
منتدى تطوير المواقع والمنتديات
منتدى تطوير المواقع
منتدى تطوير المنتديات
منتديات كورة -
اخبار الرياضة
منتدى الكرة العربية
منتدى كووورة القدم الإنجليزية
منتدى كووورة القدم الإسبانية
منتدى كووورة القدم الإيطالية
منتدى كووورة القدم العالمية
منتدى الرياضه العالميه
منتديات كووورة
منتدى كووورة
كووورة العربية
كووورة الإنجليزية
كووورة الإسبانية
كووورة الإيطالية
كووورة العالمية
المصارعة الحرة -
مصارعة حرة
برامج جوال -
برنامج للجوال
العاب الجوال -
العاب جوال
برامج جوال
برامج نوكيا
العاب جوال
العاب نوكيا
ثيمات جوال
ثيمات نوكيا
مسجات الجوال
نغمات الجوال
رنة الجوال
Pocket Pc برامج
برامج الكومينيكوتر
Communicator برامج
Communicator برامج Sony Ericsson برامج
برامج كمبيوتر بسي
برامج Pocket Pc
Pocket Pc
كمبيوتر بسي
برامج الايفون
iphone برامج
برامج البود
ipod برامج
الأيبود برامج
توبيكات حزينه -
توبيكات حزن
توبيكات رومانسية -
توبيكات حب
توبيكات شعرية -
توبيكات شعر
توبيكات غرور -
توبيكات الغرور
توبيكات خيانه -
توبيكات الخيانة
توبيكات كبرياء -
توبيكات الكبرياء
توبيكات عتاب -
توبيكات العتاب
توبيكات اغاني -
توبيكات الاغاني
توبيكات أسماء -
توبيكات الأسماء
توبيكات انجليزيه -
english topics
توبيكات مضحكه -
توبيكات ضحك
توبيكات العيد -
توبيكات عيد
توبيكات رياضية -
توبيكات الرياضة
توبيكات إسلامية -
توبيكات الإسلامية
توبيكات منوعة -
توبيكات عامة
توبيكات معربه -
توبيكات عربية
توبيكات رمضانية -
توبيكات رمضان
توبيكات 2010
توبيكات حصري
نكات ملونه
توبيكات ملونه
توبيكات ماسنجر
توبيكات ملونة
توبيكات للماسنجر
توبيكات جديده
توبيكات ملونه للماسنجر
مواقع اسلامية
مواقع شخصية
ادب و فن
اسرة و مجتمع
سفر و سياحة
اخبار و اعلام
شركات و هيئات
سيارات و مركبات
دليل منوعات
تسوق و شراء
حاسب الي
حكومات ومنظمات
مال و استثمار
انشودة زين 2010
انشودة زين الجديده
رايت شمسا
اغنية زين mp3
انشودة رايت شمسا
اغنية زين 2010
صور سيارات 2010 - صور سيارات
اغلى 10 سيارات في العالم 2010 - أغلى 10 سيارات في العالم 2010
اغاني طيور الجنة
توبيك ياحلم وين المشكله لو تحققت
توبيكات خيانه
توبيكات منى امرشا يايمه حبيته
توبيكات غرور
توبيكات المغرب
توبيكات حزينه حصري
توبيكات نيوتن
توبيكات صباح الخير
توبيكات نساك الموت
توبيكات حصري 2010
اكلات منال العالم
مطبخ منال العالم
ة سوزان تميم
hotspot shield 1.37
hotspot shield
همر 2010
مصارعة جون سينا
وصفات منال العالم
خواطر فراق
توبيكات رومانسيه جدا
توبيك ودي اموت اليوم واعيش باكر
توبيكات انجلش
توبيك استاهل الموت
ايجى اب
منتدى شموع الود
مترجم قوقل (google) , ترجمة فورية مجانية , ترجمة نصوص , ترجمة مواقع , google translat
ايجي اب
توبيكات احبك
برنامج استرجاع الملفات المحذوفة
صور فرعون
اكلات مطبخ منال العالم
استضافة مجانية
ممتازين ليبيا
دليل المواقع
التربية التكنولوجية
افلام عربى
شموع الود
دليل مواقع
كوم للتوظيف
شبكه المخلافي الثقافي
مقهى العيال
دردشة سعودي كام الصوتية
منتدى خبله
شباب ع الطاير
منتديات كيوت تايم
سعودي كام
سعودي كم
سعودي 4 كام
شات صوتي كام
شات صوتي كام
شات سعودي كام
دردشه سعودي كام
دردشة سعودي كام
توبيكات عتاب
توبيك ودي اموت اليوم واعيش
ياحلم وين المشكله لو تحققت
توبيكات عامه ملونه
توبيكات حب
احيان تلقى حاجتك داخل الصمت
توبيك ياحلم
توبيكات احيان تلقى حاجتك داخل الصمت
توبيكات ياحلم وين المشكله لو تحققت
ترجمه مجانية
ترجمة فورية
ترجمة جوجل
مترجم قوقل
كيف تجعل شخص يحبك
كيف تجعل البنت تحبك
كيف تجعل شخص يحبك بجنون
حصريا مكتبة علم النفس والاجتماع والصحة النفسية وتطوير الذات الجزء الاول
الهاشمي وأعشاب الطبيعية
كيوت تايم
منتديات خبله
منتديات المخلافي الثقافية
بعثرة حكي
منتديات ممتازين ليبيا
دردشه طرب كول الصوتيه
طرب كول الصوتيه
الشيخة السوسية المغربية ام بلال
احساس العرب
ست الحسن
الشيخة ام ياسين
توبيك يطعنك شخص
توبيكات حصريه
توبيك اذا ناوي على الروحه
توبيكات انوثه
توبيكات رومانسيه حيل
توبيكات عتاب ملونه
توبيكات موني
من قال عنك قمر كذاب كذاب
ياحلم وين المشكله لو تحققت توبيك
توبيك احلى بنوته
توبيك مغربي
توبيك محتاج لك
توبيك صباح الخير
صور قطط
اناشيد طيور الجنة كاملة
برنامج لفتح المواقع المحجوبة
برنامج فتح المواقع المحجوبة hotspot shield
صور سيارات هم
منال العالم مطبخ
المصارع جون سينا
كمال الاجسام
توبيك احبك
قفطان مغربي 2009
توبيكات تكب
نوكيا n73 - اكبر مكتبه ثيمات لجهاز نوكيا
مسجات حب 2010
اغاني طيور الجنة
ة سوزان تميم
مصارعة جون سينا
خلفيات سطح المكتب
مصارعة حرة
ماسنجر 2009
صور سيارات
عالم الحيوان فيديو
خلفيات متحركة
اطفال حلوين
خريطة المغرب
غرائب وعجائب
hotspot shield 1.37
توبيكات حزينه ملونه
منتديات كورة
صور كمال اجسام
صور ورد
مطبخ منال العالم بالصور
مطبخ منال العالم بالصور
مطبخ منال العالم بالصور
مطبخ منال العالم بالصور
مطبخ منال العالم بالصور
سيارات تويوتا
media player 12
كونان يوتيوب
كونان يوتيوب
صور رومانسية
صور رومانسية
كمال اجسام
كمال اجسام
اغاني طيور الجنة كاملة
اغاني طيور الجنة كاملة
اغاني طيور الجنة كاملة
اغاني طيور الجنة كاملة
توبيك احبك
توبيك احبك
توبيك احبك
توبيك احبك
توبيك احبك
توبيك احبك
استضافة مجانية
استضافة مجانية
استضافة مجانية
استضافة مجانية
استضافة مجانية
سيارات 2010
سيارات 2010
سيارات 2010
سيارات 2010
سيارات 2010
سيارات 2010
برنامج استرجاع الملفات المحذوفة
برنامج استرجاع الملفات المحذوفة
برنامج hotspot shield
برنامج hotspot shield
برنامج hotspot shield
برنامج hotspot shield
برنامج hotspot shield
صور اطفال حلوين
احلى صور
احلى صور
صورة فرعون
كمال اجسام 2009
خواطر عشق
خواطر عشق
خواطر عشق
برنامج فتح المواقع المحجوبة hotspot shield
برنامج فتح المواقع المحجوبة hotspot shield
برنامج فتح المواقع المحجوبة hotspot shield
برنامج فتح المواقع المحجوبة hotspot shield
برنامج فتح المواقع المحجوبة hotspot shield
سيارات غريبة
سيارات غريبة
سيارات غريبة
سيارات غريبة
اناشيد طيور الجنة
اناشيد طيور الجنة
ترجمة الافلام
اكلات مطبخ منال العالم
اكلات مطبخ منال العالم
اكلات مطبخ منال العالم
اكلات مطبخ منال العالم
اكلات مطبخ منال العالم
توبيكات احبك
توبيكات احبك
توبيكات احبك
توبيكات احبك
توبيكات احبك
توبيكات احبك
توبيكات احبك
صور اسلامية
احلى الصور
احلى الصور
نكات حب
توبيكات اطفال
توبيكات اطفال
توبيكات اطفال
توبيكات اطفال
توبيكات اطفال
توبيكات اطفال
اغانى طيور الجنة
اغانى طيور الجنة
العاب طبخ
العاب طبخ
العاب طبخ
يوتيوب فيديو
يوتيوب فيديو
يوتيوب فيديو
يوتيوب فيديو
يوتيوب فيديو
يوتيوب فيديو
برنامج لفتح المواقع المحجوبة
برنامج لفتح المواقع المحجوبة
برنامج لفتح المواقع المحجوبة
برنامج لفتح المواقع المحجوبة
برنامج لفتح المواقع المحجوبة
برنامج لفتح المواقع المحجوبة
اغاني طيور الجنة الجديدة
اناشيد طيور الجنة كاملة
اناشيد طيور الجنة كاملة
اناشيد طيور الجنة كاملة
اناشيد طيور الجنة كاملة
اناشيد طيور الجنة كاملة
اناشيد طيور الجنة كاملة
اناشيد طيور الجنة كاملة
اناشيد طيور الجنة كاملة
اناشيد طيور الجنة كاملة
اناشيد طيور الجنة كاملة
اناشيد طيور الجنة كاملة
صور سيارات همر
صور سيارات همر
صور سيارات همر
صور سيارات همر
صور سيارات همر
صور سيارات همر
صور سيارات همر
صور سيارات همر
المصارع جون سينا
المصارع جون سينا
المصارع جون سينا
المصارع جون سينا
المصارع جون سينا
2010 سيارات
2010 سيارات
2010 سيارات
2010 سيارات
2010 سيارات
2010 سيارات
2010 سيارات
توبيكات حب ملونه
توبيكات حزن
نكات ملونه
نكات ملونه
نكات ملونه
صور اطفال
صور اطفال
توبيكات انجليزيه مترجمه
يوتيوب كونان
يوتيوب كونان
يوتيوب كونان
يوتيوب كونان
صور رومانسيه
صور رومانسيه
جون سينا المصارع
جون سينا المصارع
جون سينا المصارع
جون سينا المصارع
ترجمة قوقل الفوريه
مترجم قوقل
ترجمة قوقل للنصوص
ترجمه قوقل فوريه
ترجمة قوقل
الترجمه من قوقل
مترجم قوقل للنصوص
ترجمة قوقل الفورية
قوقل ترجمة فورية
مترجم قوقل الفوري
ترجمة فورية للنصوص
قوقل لترجمة النصوص
موقع ترجمة فورية
ترجمة فورية قوقل
ترجمة فورية قوقل
موقع قوقل للترجمة الفورية
شريط ترجمة قوقل
ترجم قوقل
مترجم النصوص
قوقل ترجمة
قوقل للترجمة
ترجمه نصوص قوقل
موقع قوقل لترجمة النصوص
الترجمة الفورية من قوقل
ترجمه قوقل الفوريه
قوقل ترجم
ترجمة مواقع
المترجم قوقل
برنامج ترجمة
موقع ترجمة فورى
قوقل ترجمة نصوص
ترجمة جوجل الفورية للنصوص
ترجمة جوجل للنصوص الفورية
مترجم القوقل
ترجم قوقل الفوري
ترجمة نصوص فورية
قوقل للترجمة الفورية
ترجمة نصوص فورية
قوقل للترجمة الفورية
مترجم نصوص قوقل
قوقل الترجمة الفورية
قوقل مترجم
شريط الترجمة الفورية
مواقع ترجمة فورية
قوقل الترجمه
ترجمة النصوص قوقل
translate english to filipino
msn 2010
2010 , الماسنجر , العربية , الفرنسية , النجلزية , برامج الشات , برنامج , برنامج الماسنجر , برنامج المحداتة , برنامج الدردشة , hotmail , msn 2010 , Windows Live Messenger , wlv 2010
2010 , الماسنجر , العربية , الفرنسية , النجلزية , برامج الشات , برنامج , برنامج الماسنجر , برنامج المحداتة , برنامج الدردشة , hotmail , msn 2010 , windows live messenger , wlv 2010
Windows Live Messenger 2010 arabic windows live messenger 2010 english windows live messenger 2010 francais
Windows Live Messenger 2010 عربي
ترجمه فوريه لجميع اللغات
ترجمة فورية
مترجم فوري للنصوص
دردشة غلا
شات غلا
غلا الكون
منتديات غلا الكون
منتدى غلا الكون
غلا الكون الصوتيه
دردشة غلا الكون
شات غلا الكون
شات غلا الكون الصوتي
دردشة غلا الكون الصوتية
دليل دردشات غلا الكون
دليل دردشات
شات الغلا
شات الود
شات غلا السعوديه
دردشة غلا السعوديه
شات سعودي
شات الرياض
شات الخليج
دردشة الود
شات تعب قلبي
دردشة تعب قلبي
تعب قلبي
شعبي كوم
دردشة الخليج
عالم الرومانسيه
نت لوق
The comment above was posted by حصري at May 2, 2010 02:49 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
thank you nice sharing
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The comment above was posted by Haydi at May 3, 2010 07:27 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
مركز تحميل.
شات صوتي.
دردشة سعودية,
دردشه خليجيه,
دردشة عربية,
دردشة بحرينية,
دردشة كويتية,
دردشة عراقية,
دردشة يمنية,
دردشة قطرية,
دردشة اماراتية,
دردشة عمانية,
دردشة شامية,
دردشة اردنية,
دردشة لبنانية,
دردشة سورية,
دردشة فلسطينية,
دردشة مصرية,
دردشة مغربية,
دردشة سودانية,
دردشة ليبية,
دردشة جزائرية,
The comment above was posted by منتديات at May 12, 2010 03:49 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by sevdali at May 17, 2010 10:39 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
المنتدى العام
المنتدى الاسلامي -
منتدى الضيافه والاهداءات
منتدى الكمبيوتر والانترنت -
منتدى العلوم و التكنولوجيا
- عالم
حواء -
الديكور والاثاث
منتدى المطبخ والسفره الخليجيه والعربيه -
منتدى الطب العام
منتدى الجوال والاتصالات -
منتدى الماسنجر
منتدى التصاميم والجرافيكس -
منتدى الرياضه العربيه والعالميه
منتدى الألعاب و الألغاز -
عالم آدم
- منتدى الصور والكاريكاتير
الخيمة الرمضانية -
المنتدى الأدبي
مشاكل الأعضاء وحلولها -
منتدى القصص والروايات
منتدى السياحة والسفر -
منتدى الصوتيات و المرئيات
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وظائف 2010, وظائف رجاليه 1431, وظائف نسائيه 1431 , وظائف حكوميه 1431 , وظائف
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كاس العالم 2010 , اهداف كاس العالم
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شبكة ترانيم الأمل
فيسات للمسن
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صور 2011
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رسائل عتاب
رسائل فراق
خلفيات بلاك بيري
خلفيات بلاك بيري 2011
ثيمات 2011
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لغز التقطيع مركز
تحميل الصور
فيسات للمسن والمنتدى
دليل المواقع
لعبة اكس او | X O
العاب فلاشية
توبيكات ملونه ,
توبيكات شعريه ,
سمايلات ,
فيسات ,
سمايلات للمسن ,
توبيكات رومانسية
توبيكات عتاب
توبيكات ملونه 2011
توبيكات زعل
توبيكات 2011
ديكورات 2011
زفات 2011
زفات شعريه
زفات جديدة
زفات راشد الماجد
زفات بدون موسيقى
بدون موسيقى
اغاني بدون موسيقى
ملخص مباراة
اهداف مباراة
صور رومانسية
اهداف برشلونه
اهداف ريال مدريد -
كاس العالم 2010 ,
اهداف كاس العالم 2010 ,
مباريات كاس العالم 2010 ,
مباريات كاملة
اهداف كاس
العالم 2010 , مباريات كاس
العالم 2010 , مباريات كاملة
, مباراة كاملة ,
اهداف ,
ملخصات ,
ملخص ,
جدول ,
اوقات ,
مواعيد ,مباريات
ودية , مباريات تحضيرية ,
اخبار كاس العالم 2010 ,
هولندا ,
إنجلترا ,
إسبانيا ,
ألمانيا ,
الدنمارك ,
صربيا ,
إيطاليا ,
سويسرا ,
سلوفاكيا ,
اليونان ,
سلوفينيا ,
البرتغال ,
فرنــسا ,
اليابان ,
أستراليا ,
الجنوبية ,
كوريا الشمالية , جنوب أفريقيا
, غانا ,
كوت دي فوار ,
ساحل العاج ,
نيجيريا ,
الكاميرون ,
الجزائـر ,
البرازيل ,
باراجواي ,
تشيلي ,
الأرجنتين ,
أوروجواي ,
المكسيك ,
امريكا ,
هيندوراس ,
- مسلسل طاش 17 الحلقة -
طاش 17 الحلقة -
طاش ماطاش 17 الحلقة -
حلقات طاش 17
طريقة عمل ,
طريقة صنع ,
شرح برنامج ,
RSS 2.0
دردشة لذة الشوق - مركز تحميل الصور
- إبتسامات
وايقونات -
دليل المواقع
فيسات للمسن
اهداف الهلال
اهداف النصر
اهداف الاتحاد
اهداف الاهلي
اهداف مباراة
دوري زين
الدوري الاسباني
الدوري الايطالي
الدوري الانجليزي
دوري ابطال اوروبا
بث مباشر
رابط نقل
كاس اسيا 2011
اهداف ميسي 2010
اهداف ميسي 2011
The comment above was posted by منتديات at May 23, 2010 07:11 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
لعبة ديكور منزل
لعبة ترتيب منزل العائلة
لعبة سانتا كلوز
لعبة بابا نويل
العاب فلاش
العاب اطفال
العاب بازل
العاب البنات
العاب تسديد ونيشان
العاب ذكاء
العاب رياضية
العاب سيارات ودراجات
العاب صور
العاب عربية
العاب قتالية
لعبة تعليم الانجليزية
لعبة حرب ماريو
لعبة الطفل المعجزة
لعبة ذكاء
لعبة تركيب الاطفال
لعبة الطفل الذكي
لعبة اطفال توم وجيري
لعبة البيبي دولز
لعبة علاء الدين
لعبة سونيك
لعبة باربي وسكوبي دو
لعبة ميكي ماوس
لعبة من سيربح المليون
لعبة ركلات الترجيح
لعبة طرزان
لعبة صور المشاهير
لعبة انجلينا جولي
لعبة اختبار الذاكرة
لعبة نقل البطيخ
لعبة سابق ولاحق
لعبة غابة الارقام
The comment above was posted by mostafa at May 30, 2010 11:21 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
العاب وينكس
العاب باربي
العاب مكياج
العاب طبخ
العاب تلبيس
العاب براتز
العاب بنات
العاب دولز
العاب مشاهير
العاب فلاش
العاب سيارات و سباق
العاب ديكور بنات
العاب ترتيب الغرف
العاب تلبيس فساتين افراح و زفاف
العاب تلبيس اولاد
العاب ماريو
العاب سونيك
العاب كرتون
العاب اطفال
العاب اكشن
اخبار المراة
تدبير منزلى
عالم الحياة الززوجية
ملابس اطفال
قمصان نوم
نصائح طبخ
اطباق سريعة
العاب بنات
لفات طرح
لفات حجاب
عالم حواء
ريجيم ورشاقة
مطبخ حواء
ميك اب
اسعار الذهب
فساتين محجبات
الطب البديل والاعشاب
صحة المراة
عصائر و مشروبات
تفسير الاحلام
العناية بالازواج
العاب بنات
العناية بالشعر والبشرة
صحة المراة
قمصان نوم
الثقافة الجنسية
العاب دراجات و دبابات
العاب رياضية رياضة
العاب قتال - العاب حركه
العاب تصويب ونشان
العاب ورق و ذاكرة
العاب بازل و متاهات
العاب حربية و عسكرية
العاب متنوعة
العاب فلاشات مضحكة
العاب اطفال فقط
العاب حربية
العاب رياضية
العاب متنوعه
العاب اكشن قتالية
العاب بنات
العاب ذكاء
العاب سيارات
العاب العروسة سيو دولز
العاب باربي barbie
العاب براتز
العاب تلبيس
العاب ديكور
العاب طبخ
العاب قص الشعر
العاب مشاهير
العاب مكياج
العاب هانا مونتانا
العاب تلوين
العاب حيوانات
العاب ديزنى
العاب سوبر ماريو و سونيك
العاب كرتون و انمى افلام و مسلسلات
العاب اولاد
العاب الغاز
العاب ذاكرة و ورق
العاب مغامرات و اثارة
العاب باربي
العاب اكشن و مغامرات بنات
العاب ديكور و ترتيب الغرف
العاب تلوين رسوم متحركة
العاب ازياء و فاشون و موضة التلبيس
العاب مشاهير
العاب جيمز
برامج سوفت
برامج انترنت وشبكات
صور وسمايلات ماسنجر
مسلسلات اجنبية
افلام اجنبية
تحميل افلام
تنزيل برامج
ثيمات موبايل
نغمات موبايل
برامج انترنت وشبكات
مصارعه حره
برامج كمبيوتر
اغانى اطفال
صور ورموز ماسنجر
تحميل العاب
افلام كرتون وانمى
توبيكات رومانسية
توبيكات اسلامية
برامج بورتابل portable
العاب تورنت
ميديا واعلانات
اناشيد طيور الجنة
بلاك بيرى
توبيكات رومانسية
توبيكات اسماء
العاب صغيرة للاطفال
توبيكات اغانى
توبيكات اسلامية
صور سيارات
صور بنات
عالم حواء
العنايه بالشعر و البشره
soft archive
توبيكات شمس
منتدى برامج سوفت
العاب طبخ
العاب تلبيس
العاب قص الشعر
The comment above was posted by mostafa at June 2, 2010 08:57 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by bill at June 4, 2010 04:08 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
يسلمو وبارك الله فيكم موضوع قيم ويستحق التقيم والقراءه وفقكم الله واليكم موقعى وديان ومقاطع فيديويوتيوب يوتيوب العاب بنات العاب بنات وديان جرااح وديان جرااح دردشة وفساتين سهرة دردشةافلام اون لاين افلام اونلاين دليل المواقع دليل المواقع توبيك صور انمي انمىافلام اكشن صورصور رومانسيةمسلسل قلوب منسة والتحميل للمسلسل من هنامسلسل قلوب منسهالمزيد منالعاب الفلاش والمفيده للاطفال فىبرامج تنمية الذكاء والعقول واحدثالعاب سيارات والعاب بنات واناشيد اسلامية ومن اخبار العالمية لملابس وفساتين 2010 وتخلف الموضات بينفساتين 2010 والموضات لاحدثفساتين 2011 واحدث تصاميمديكور والذ الاكلات العربيه علىمطبخ عربى الصور العربيه فى موقعصور لكل العرب به الصور منهاصور غريبة وايضا بهصور اسلامية واحدث مقاطع الفيديو ومسلسلات عربية الحصرية فى موقع يوتيوب جميع الفيديو منطيور الجنة وافلام عربية واناشيد وفيديو مطبخ عربى وخليجي والمزيك منيوتيوب حلويات واجمل مقاطع يوتيوب مضحك والكاميرا الخفية ويوتيوب طرائف وغرائب مضحك جدا وفيديومصارعة يوتيوب رياضى به اجمليوتيوب اهداف توجد اقسام للجوال منهاثيمات جوال المميزة والمزيد منبرامج جوال الميزه وايضا اقسامالجوال وفتوشوب ودروس فوتوشوب والمزيد منفرش فوتوشوب وملفات مفتوحه للفوتوشوب alorka axkhwh تلاوات نادره قران كريم[ 72 ]طيور الجنه[ 30 ]اناشيد اسلامية[ 127 ]يوتيوب برنامج مجددون للاستاذ عمرو خالد[ 14 ]برنامج بصائر للناس - ابو اسحاق الحويني[ 23 ]جميع حلقات برنامج فضفضة من قناة الناس[ 46 ]برنامج صدق رسول الله - عمر خالد[ 30 ]برنامج مشكاة الانوار للشيخ محمد حسان[ 24 ]برنامج صناع الحياة - عمر خالد[ 44 ]برنامج خواطر قراّنية للاستاذ عمر خالد[ 27 ]برنامج ونلقي الاحبة لـ عمر خالد[ 56 ]خيمة الدعوة لـ محمد حسين يعقوب[ 12 ]يوتيوب الشريعة والحياة[ 149 ]مسلسل قصة شتاء [ 118 ]مسلسل بنت من الزمن ده[ 33 ]مسلسل ميرنا خليل [ 73 ]مسلسل سنوات الصفصاف [ 94 ]مسلسل جارى يا حمودة[ 30 ]مسلسل راجل و ست ستات 4 الموسم الرابع[ 34 ]مسلسل قلب شجاع[ 142 ]مسلسل ممرات ضيقة[ 30 ]مسلسل 37 درجة مئوية[ 41 ]مسلسل بعد الفراق[ 33 ]مسلسل رست هاوس [ 31 ]مسلسل قصر الحب [ 76 ]مسلسل فضة قلبها ابيض[ 29 ]مسلسل ازهار الشتاء السورى[ 20 ]مسلسل الخيول تنام واقفة[ 30 ]مسلسل موسم المطر [ 98 ]مسلسل ويبقى الحب [ 33 ]مسلسل يتربى فى عزو[ 31 ]مسلسل ويبقى الحب 2 الجزء الثانى[ 50 ]مسلسل دقات قلب [ 70 ]مسلسل وادى الذئاب 3 الجزء الثالث[ 128 ]مسلسل السجينة [ 27 ]مسلسل احقاد خفية السورى[ 28 ]مسلسل الغريب [ 156 ]مسلسل زمن الخوف [ 30 ]مسلسل الليل وأخره [ 34 ]مسلسل الحب والحرب [ 30 ] مسلسل حقى برقبتى ه[ 31 ] مسلسل عمر الشقا ه[ 25 ]مسلسل العشق الممنوع [ 3 ]مسلسل عاصى [ 152 ] مسلسل عليا[ 125 ] مسلسل تحت المداس ه[ 31 ]مسلسل جواهر [ 106 ]مسلسل العاصفة الصامتة [ 28 ]مسلسل الحب المستحيل [ 50 ]مسلسل رصاصة رحمة الخليجى[ 98 ]مسلسل على طول الايام [ 30 ]مسلسل الخيط الابيض [ 28 ]مسلسل امي [ 69 ]مسلسل نور فى سماء صافية [ 140 ]مسلسل دمعة يتيم [ 30 ]مسلسل اشواك ناعمة [ 31 ]مسلسل الاوراق المتساقطة [ 59 ]مسلسل صرخة حجر [ 20 ]مسلسل سيرة الحب [ 27 ]مسلسل قلوب حائرة [ 30 ]مسلسل رماد الحب [ 51 ]مسلسل الشمس تشرق من جديد [ 31 ]مسلسل اسطنبول سبع تلال [ 39 ]مسلسل الربيع الاخر [ 39 ]مسلسل الارض الطيبة [ 36 ]مسلسل اوراق الحب [ 36 ]مسلسل بقايا الامس [ 24 ]مسلسل عواطف [ 24 ]مسلسل وادى الذئاب 4 الجزء الرابع [ 16 ]مسلسل دروب المطايا [ 30 ]مسلسل وتمضى الايام [ 85 ]مسلسل وادى الذئاب 2 الجزء الثانى[ 70 ]مسلسل عائلتان [ 151 ]مسلسل ذكريات الزمن القادم[ 31 ]مسلسل ياسين فى مستشفى المجانين[ 26 ]مسلسل قضية رأى عام[ 30 ]مسلسل جمال الروح [ 30 ]مسلسل الحيالة [ 30 ] مسلسل لاهوب[ 1 ]مسلسل دقات قلب 2 الجزء الثانى [ 81 ]مسلسل طريق النحل السورى[ 31 ]مسلسل الحب والعقاب [ 52 ]مسلسل ليالي الصالحية [ 31 ]مسلسل خاطفة القلب [ 130 ]مسلسل بني جان الكوميدى [ 30 ]مسلسل قلوب منسيه [ 51 ]مسلسل دموع الثلج [ 8 ]مسلسل الحب الكبير [ 29 ]sitemapنونة صغنونة
The comment above was posted by Wed Gan at June 5, 2010 08:49 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by سعودي كول 6666 at June 6, 2010 05:37 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by thnx at June 9, 2010 04:31 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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