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August 17, 2008
Crackdown on Fake Minority Female Terrorists

Or, let's just call it Xinjiang News — Olympic Edition.
First off, as some of you may have read, it's been revealed that many of the 56 "minority" representatives who ran across the pitch during the opening ceremony were actually Han Chinese children wearing costumes. It's a common trick during your average CCTV televised spectacular, but someone should've spent an extra buck or two to acquire some real minority kids for the Olympics.
The SCMP was especially harsh:
Even the children were fake....
The youngsters, dressed in 56 ethnic costumes in the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, were not all selected from the nation's ethnic communities, a top Bocog official acknowledged yesterday.
While the ceremony guide reads, "Fifty-six children from 56 Chinese ethnic groups cluster around the Chinese national flag, representing the 56 ethnic groups," many of them were actually Han Chinese children dressed to represent the minorities.
"Some performers were dressed in ethnic costumes, which are very normal in mainland performances. There is nothing special," said Wang Wei , executive vice-president of the Beijing Organising Committee for the Olympic Games.
This is the third incident of misrepresentation to emerge from the ceremony....
"I don't know the concrete details and where the children are from. China has such a tradition in art performance [where] you can wear costumes of minority groups.
"As long as there is a need, performers will wear the costumes to signify people's friendship and happiness."
And now to the aftermath of the three attacks in Xinjiang over the last two weeks. It's not exactly as if authorities have been soft on East Turkestan separatists in the past, but in case anyone was wondering, a big crackdown is coming once the Olympics are over and all the journalists have gone home.
Xinjiang's leaders have said as much, according to a report on Xinjiang TV:
Xinjiang CCP Secretary Wang Lequan spoke at the meeting and stressed the need for the various departments to increase their sense of responsibility and sense of mission, strengthen work at the grassroots level, maintain a high level of vigilance, implement the party and central government's policies to maintain social and political stability in Xinjiang and severely crack down on violent terrorist activities of the "three evil forces."
Wang Lequan said the "8.4" attack on police was a violent terrorist act planned, organized and premeditated by foreign and domestic elements of the "three evil forces." Wang called the fight with the "three evil forces" a "life or death struggle" and stressed that the battle between separatists and anti-separatists in Xinjiang was long-term, severe and complicated.
Chairman of the Xinjiang government, Nuer Baikeli [Nur Bekri], also spoke at the meeting and stressed the need to take initiative in the fight against the enemy and keep pressure on the "three evil forces."
Xinjiang's court system will also be joining in the fun:
This reporter has learned from Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region's Higher People's Court that courts at all levels in Xinjiang will maintain a hard-strike and high-handed posture on ringleaders of the "three forces" [san gu shi li - international terrorism, national separatism, and religious extremism) and culprits of other serious crimes and that the courts will promptly mete out heavy punishment against them in accordance with the law.
It has been learned that in the coming period, the people's courts at all levels in Xinjiang will regard ensuring national security and social stability their primary task and will earnestly safeguard national security and unity.
Also, after initial reports that there was "no clear evidence" of a link between the attacks in Kuqa and Kashgar, a Chinese government think-tank has come out as saying the link is definite:
Terrorists are beginning to have extremist ideas, incited by forces outside the country.
Two terrorist attacks are linked with each other. They are not individual cases. Both attacks happened around the time of the Beijing Olympics opening, and both happened in southern Xinjiang region, where many East Turkistan supporters exist. The terrorists shared common targets and used similar handmade bombs.
The following patterns are imaginable regarding the link between [the attacks in] Kashgar and Kuqa:
1) the suspects directly made contact with each other; and
2) in both cases, the suspects were linked with forces outside the country at the same time.
The East Turkestan forces may think that the Beijing Olympics, which attracts attention from media, is a big opportunity. They know that it is difficult to set the Olympics itself as a target. However, if they can capture public sympathy and support around the world, they can collect funding.
Apple Daily had an interview with the same "expert" — Li Wei, director of the Centre for Counterterrorism Studies at the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations in Beijing — but stressed the importance of the involvement of women in "all" the recent attacks. Were there really women involved in both of the Kashgar attacks?
Keeping in mind that women were involved in all of the recent terrorist attacks in Xinjiang, Li said that this new development deserved high attention from the concerned departments.
Li pointed out that participation of women in violent terrorist attacks is a new topic in the study of international anti-terrorism. Since the behavioral tendencies and psychological quality of women vary according to their residing countries and nationalities, it is necessary to consider social factors and family background of women to come up with a specific analysis. "We very much hope to conduct face-to-face investigations with those women, who participated in terrorist and criminal activities. This will be extremely helpful to the study of anti-terrorism."
Li added helpfully that "the secretive nature of terrorist activities has caused a certain degree of difficulties in preventing and combating terrorism." How true.
Fake minority children took part in Games opening ceremony
South China Morning Post
August 16, 2008 Saturday
BYLINE: Jane Cai and Peter Simpson in Beijing
Even the children were fake.
The youngsters, dressed in 56 ethnic costumes in the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, were not all selected from the nation's ethnic communities, a top Bocog official acknowledged yesterday.
While the ceremony guide reads, "Fifty-six children from 56 Chinese ethnic groups cluster around the Chinese national flag, representing the 56 ethnic groups," many of them were actually Han Chinese children dressed to represent the minorities.
"Some performers were dressed in ethnic costumes, which are very normal in mainland performances. There is nothing special," said Wang Wei , executive vice-president of the Beijing Organising Committee for the Olympic Games.
This is the third incident of misrepresentation to emerge from the ceremony. It was revealed that a nine-year-old girl lip-synched the song Ode to the Motherland because the real singer was deemed not pretty enough, and some of the "live" fireworks seen on TV screens around the world were computer-generated.
After enduring the uproar in mainland chat rooms and in the international media following the previous two faking incidents, Beijing officials still seemed unprepared for the reaction of overseas journalists yesterday.
Asked why the reality contrasted with the description in the ceremony guide pamphlet, Mr Wang said: "I think you are being very meticulous [in your questioning]. I won't argue with you.
"I don't know the concrete details and where the children are from. China has such a tradition in art performance [where] you can wear costumes of minority groups.
"As long as there is a need, performers will wear the costumes to signify people's friendship and happiness."
Hu Xingdou , a political analyst at the Beijing Institute of Technology, said mainland officials were used to faking in performances and took it for granted even in events concerning the nation's dignity.
"They do it unconsciously. Truth is not valued as highly as a spectacular result," he said. "It should be a good thing that the old and rotten values are confronted by one cherishing the truth. However, I don't expect a change will happen. The Chinese bureaucratic system is so deeply rooted."
China is struggling to keep conflicts with its ethnic groups out of the spotlight during the Olympics. Human rights groups have tried to use the Olympics to highlight what they say is government repression of Tibetans and Uygurs in Xinjiang .
China's Xinjiang leader urges more anti-terror effort 13 Aug
BBC Monitoring Asia Pacific - Political
August 15, 2008 Friday
During its regularly scheduled "Xinjiang News Hookup" (Xinjiang Xinwen Lianbo) programme broadcast at 1300 gmt on 14 August, Urumqi Xinjiang Television 1 [XJTV-1] in Standard Chinese, television of the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region Government, carries the following announcer-read report over video:
On 13 August, the Xinjiang Autonomous Region held a meeting of the responsible persons of prefectures, autonomous prefectures, and cities. Xinjiang CCP Secretary Wang Lequan spoke at the meeting and stressed the need for the various departments to increase their sense of responsibility and sense of mission, strengthen work at the grassroots level, maintain a high level of vigilance, implement the party and central government's policies to maintain social and political stability in Xinjiang and severely crack down on violent terrorist activities of the "three evil forces." Wang Lequan said the "8.4" attack on police was a violent terrorist act planned, organized and premeditated by foreign and domestic elements of the "three evil forces." Wang called the fight with the "three evil forces" a "life or death struggle" and stressed that the battle between separatists and anti-separatists in Xinjiang was long-term, severe and complicated. Wang discussed the need to strengthen the political standards of leaders and cadres in order to ensure they maintain a strong and clear-cut political stance in the fight to oppose ethnic separatism, preserve ethnic unity and maintain national unity. Chairman of the Xinjiang government, Nuer Baikeli [Nur Bekri], also spoke at the meeting and stressed the need to take initiative in the fight against the enemy and keep pressure on the "three evil forces." Nuer Baikeli said there should be focus on the present and long-term struggle to maintain stability in the overall situation of society. Other leaders in attendance, in the order they were listed, were Ailigeng Yimingbahai, Aisihaiti Kelimubai, Nie Weiguo, Zhu Jinlin, Fu Qiang, Han Yong, Li Ge, Xiaokaiti Yiming, Nuerlan Abudumanjin, Song Airong, Zhu Hailun, Kurexi Maihesuti, Erkenjiang Tulahong and Hua Shifei.
Source: Xinjiang Television, Urumqi, in Standard Chinese 1300 gmt 14 Aug 08
China's Xinjiang court chief vows to crack down on "three forces"
BBC Monitoring Asia Pacific - Political
August 15, 2008 Friday
Text of report by Chinese news agency Zhongguo Xinwen She
[By reporter Yan Wenlu: "(Social Life) Xinjiang Higher People's Court To Sternly Crack Down on Crimes of the 'Three Forces' in Accordance With the Law"]
Urumqi, 15 Aug (ZXS) - This reporter has learned from Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region's Higher People's Court that courts at all levels in Xinjiang will maintain a hard-strike and high-handed posture on ringleaders of the "three forces" [san gu shi li - international terrorism, national separatism, and religious extremism) and culprits of other serious crimes and that the courts will promptly mete out heavy punishment against them in accordance with the law.
It has been learned that in the coming period, the people's courts at all levels in Xinjiang will regard ensuring national security and social stability their primary task and will earnestly safeguard national security and unity. Rozi Ismail, president of the Xinjiang Higher People's Court, said: Courts at all levels will always maintain high vigilance against ethnic separatism and illegal religious activities to safeguard the motherland's unity and national security and will give top priority to the trial of crimes endangering national security. In dealing with ringleaders of the "three forces" and culprits of other serious crimes, we must give expression to the guidelines that call for hard strike in accordance with the law. This is also essential to safeguarding Xinjiang's social stability and national security. Cadres and officers of the people's courts at all levels in Xinjiang should take a clear-cut stand in opposing national separatism and illegal religious activities and shall do so by taking concrete action.
It has been learned that the people's courts at all levels throughout the Xinjiang region will continue to mete out severe punishment on violent crimes, terrorist crimes, crimes that seriously affect the general public's sense of security, multiple crimes that encroach on property rights, crimes related to illegal drugs, crimes committed by syndicate-like organizations, and crimes that seriously undermine economic order. The people's courts in Xinjiang will punish in accordance with the law crimes causing major production safety accidents and crimes committed by state functionaries such as embezzlement, bribery, and malfeasance.
Source: Zhongguo Xinwen She news agency, Beijing, in Chinese 15 Aug 08
Chinese anti-terror expert says two bombings in Xinjiang linked
BBC Monitoring Asia Pacific - Political
August 15, 2008 Friday
Text of report by Japanese newspaper Yomiuri Shimbun on 14 August
[Gist of interview with Li Wei, anti-terrorism specialist at PRC think thank: "Terrorist Bombings Linked With Each Other; Chinese Expert Analyses"]
Li Wei, an anti-terrorism specialist and director of the Institute of Strategic and Security Studies at China Institute of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR), the Chinese Government-managed Think Thank, indicated on 12 August that the bombings, which happened in Kuqa [Kuche] and Kashgar in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region this month, were linked. The following are the main points of his remarks:
The two incidents are the biggest cases which happened in Xinjiang after 2000. In the 1990s, the East Turkistan forces' (which call for independence of Xinjiang) main targets of terrorism were ordinary citizens, public security, armed police, and local senior officials. The methods they used were bombings, attacks, and assassinations. Even now, the methods have not basically changed.
The difference is that the terrorists have increased their suicidal tendency and are ready to die. In Kuqa, a female suspect committed suicide before being arrested. Terrorists are beginning to have extremist ideas, incited by forces outside the country.
Two terrorist attacks are linked with each other. They are not individual cases. Both attacks happened around the time of the Beijing Olympics opening, and both happened in southern Xinjiang region, where many East Turkistan supporters exist. The terrorists shared common targets and used similar handmade bombs.
The following patterns are imaginable regarding the link between [the attacks in] Kashgar and Kuqa: 1) the suspects directly made contact with each other; and 2) in both cases, the suspects were linked with forces outside the country at the same time.
The East Turkestan forces may think that the Beijing Olympics, which attracts attention from media, is a big opportunity. They know that it is difficult to set the Olympics itself as a target. However, if they can capture public sympathy and support around the world, they can collect funding.
Source: Yomiuri Shimbun, Tokyo, in Japanese 14 Aug 08
Chinese expert attaches importance to women's involvement in Xinjiang attacks
BBC Monitoring Asia Pacific - Political
August 15, 2008 Friday
Text of report by Hong Kong newspaper Apple Daily (Ping Kuo Jih Pao) website on 12 August
[Report by staff reporter: "Antiterrorist Expert: Women Become New Forces of Attack"]
Li Wei, director of the Centre for Counterterrorism Studies at the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations in Beijing, said in a telephone interview with Ping Kuo Jih Pao on 12 August that there was a new development for a group of women to perform considerably radical actions as seen in the Kuche [Kuqa] terrorist attack. Keeping in mind that women were involved in all of the recent terrorist attacks in Xinjiang, Li said that this new development deserved high attention from the concerned departments.
More People in Nanjiang Sympathize With East Turkestan
Li pointed out that participation of women in violent terrorist attacks is a new topic in the study of international antiterrorism. Since the behavioural tendencies and psychological quality of women vary according to their residing countries and nationalities, it is necessary to consider social factors and family background of women to come up with a specific analysis. "We very much hope to conduct face-to-face investigations with those women, who participated in terrorist and criminal activities. This will be extremely helpful to the study of antiterrorism."
Li added that both of the recent terrorist attacks in Kuche [Kuqa] as well as the raid on police officers in Kashi (Kashgar) earlier this month occurred in Xinjiang's Nanjiang area (southern Xinjiang), where the East Turkistan terrorist forces enjoy more sympathy outside China. In both incidents, the terrorists shared the same target taking public security and armed police officers as their primary targets of attack. Their means and methods of attack were also similar as homemade explosive were used in both the instances.
According to Li, the terrorists are trying to launch attacks one after another to incite more terrorists to personally defy the law. This also illustrates an escalating trend of terrorist activities at home, possibly of an even larger scale. However, the secretive nature of terrorist activities has caused a certain degree of difficulties in preventing and combating terrorism.
Source: Apple Daily website, Hong Kong, in Chinese 12 Aug 08

posted August 17, 2008 at 08:40 AM unofficial Xinjiang time | HaoHao This!
I wrote the same topic in my blog.
But soon, blocked.
The comment above was posted by miloservic at August 17, 2008 12:41 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Maybe you weren't blocked... maybe no one was interested in reading about these stories. Case-in-point: this post is getting no comments at all.
The comment above was posted by michael at August 17, 2008 09:40 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
It was a dramatic performance. A show. Show business. Not a documentary.
So they used actors dressed up? So what?
Attaching this story to acts of terrorism is ridiculous.
Can Li Ning really fly? No. Let's persecute the Zhaung people.
The comment above was posted by Dave the Dog at August 18, 2008 12:43 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Recall how small some of the 56 recognized minority groups are -- some with only a couple thousand members in all of China. I take it it's these smaller groups being represented by performers of other ethnicities. Presumably we don't mean that 55 of the kids are fake.
For example, there are tens of millions of Hui, can't be that hard to find a real one. And there was definitely one girl with very Turkic features who stuck out even on the first viewing.
P.S. On a related topic, notice the girl in the red dress had double-slit eyes, and the girl who provided the voice had single-slit eyes. Discuss.
The comment above was posted by Tom at August 18, 2008 08:37 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
One point to consider is a posibble impetus for these recent Xinjiang attacks. You guys might recall the executions last month of three Uighur men, alleged to have been members of ETIM. The public executions happened in Kashgar, but the intended message it was supposed to send out to the local Minzu appears to have had an opposing effect. All the recent incidents of violent dissent occurred after the public execution of the three accused terrorists. This from The Australian news and former China correspondent, Greg Sheridan (Beijing stunned by Silk Road jihad):
"China has been shocked by the events, probably because its media failed to report the campaign of violent repression that preceded them. Details of the July 9 show trail were printed only in local Chinese-language newspapers in Kashgar.
The paper's article is political dynamite as it illustrates why the trails may have proved to be a miscalculation that has cost the Chinese lives, "Three men shot immediately!" trumpeted the headline above a report of the public session of the Kashgar Intermediate People's Court on that sunny morning.."
The artcile goes on to discuss the recent Garbage Truck attack on the Kashgar police station. It quotes the Kashgar daily as saying that the two terrorists had been planning the attack for about a month - which dates back to the time of the show trail. '"Many Uighurs believe they were related to those people on trail," said a Xinjiang man..."
The implications of this tend to highlight the perennial hook of Wang Liquan's Xinjiang policy - specifically his obsession with the three-evils. One the one hand the XJ authorities continue to clamp down on all forms of dissent, real or imagined, with impunity, but on the other hand it is likely that these tuff measures cause much of the fissure amongst the XJ minzu. And if challenged, Wang Liquan's response has been to "strike hard[er]" and the downward spiral continues.
The comment above was posted by Jimba at August 18, 2008 09:06 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Good post Michael. I would like to use two of those articles in my thesis (Chinese anti-terror expert says two bombings in Xinjiang linked & China's Xinjiang court chief vows to crack down on "three forces"). Any chance I can grab a page number :P God bless dodgy referencing.
The comment above was posted by Jimba at August 18, 2008 09:28 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ jimba.
I read that article today. Its actually from the Times reprinted in the Australian and by a Michael Sheridan, rather than the Australian's beaky Greg Sheridan, for accuracies sake.
Sheridan points out the reality of the 60 year opposition to CCP rule and other factors often brought up in this very bloggo.
Yes, his tying of the recent events to the earlier ETIM trial are interesting. The bombings of the early 190s were said to be retaliation for the execution of Uyghurs involved in the Baren uprising of 1990. the Olympic timing is significant but basically the Uyghur are fed up. Sixty years of misgovernment, broken promises, Han chauvinism and repression of culture and religion and denial of self-identity and autonomy (in contradiction to Chinese law) to name a few, must be seen as the root cause(s) here.
Wang Le Quan's words are nothing new; as Beijing's chief bastard in the West, he may only speak in such terms as he has since the Strike Hard of the 1990s.
International concern should now shift to the Uyghur problem as China's hand will be hard on all Uyghur society (yet again). Further violations of Uyghur human rights can be expected. The prisons will overflow.
Justice and Autonomy for the Uyghur.
Set free all Uyghur political prisoners.
The comment above was posted by roebuck at August 18, 2008 11:29 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ Jonathon
so much for Uyghur astronauts:
"Pilots grounded as China moves against separatists"
Jane Macartney | August 18, 2008
THE three Uighur airline pilots have been grounded by Chinese authorities anxious to maintain security during the Olympics.
Their removal, along with the switching of Uighur cabin staff to flights outside the troubled Xinjiang province, follows a renewal of violence by Uighur separatists.
Turkic-speaking Uighurs in Xinjiang province who are eager to found a separate state of East Turkistan have launched a series of attacks apparently timed to coincide with the Beijing Games.
On August 4, 16 police were killed in the ancient Silk Road town of Kashgar when two Uighurs drove a truck into their group before attacking them with home-made bombs and knives.
Just six days later a group of about 15 Uighurs attacked several government buildings in Kuqa, on the edge of the Taklamakan desert.
Police returned fire, killing eight of the attackers, while two committed suicide. A security guard and a civilian were killed by the attackers.
Then last week a group of people armed with knives fatally stabbed three guards at one of the many road checkpoints that have been set up in Xinjiang to maintain security.
The order to ground the three male pilots came after an incident in March when a 19-year-old Uighur woman from Kuqa was able to slip through the less rigorous security checks for business-class travellers at the airport in Urumqi, the capital. She was then seen acting strangely aboard the flight, state media said.
The woman was found locked in an aircraft toilet with several cans filled with petrol. The plane, en route to Beijing, made an emergency landing in the northwestern city of Lanzhou. Officials described the incident as an attempted terrorist attack.
A Chinese source with aviation contacts said yesterday: "There are only three pilots in the Chinese aviation fleet who are Uighurs.
"They were all told that they would not be allowed to fly, at least until after the Olympics."
Cabin staff who belong to the Uighur ethnic minority have also been removed from working on flights operating around Xinjiang, the source said. However, they are allowed to work on airliners serving other destinations around China.
Recent travellers to Xinjiang said they noticed only flight attendants of the ethnic Han minority working on flights in the region, but the report could not be officially confirmed. China, which once recruited its airline pilots from the air force, is now facing a shortage as it keeps pace with a rapidly growing economy and an expanding fleet of aircraft.
Latest figures from the General Administration of Civil Aviation, in 2006, showed China has 11,000 pilots and first officers working in 800 airliners.
By 2010 China's fleet will grow to 1250, requiring at least 6500 more cockpit crew.
The Times
The comment above was posted by roebuck at August 18, 2008 11:42 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Michael Sheridan, Xinjiang
August 17, 2008
It was just one month before the Olympic Games when Chinese guards led three men away to execution, somewhere amid the apple orchards, at the end of an open-air trial watched by 7,000 local Muslims.
The crowd looked on in silence as judges handed out death sentences and life prison terms to 17 other men accused of organising an armed Islamic party. Those condemned now await their turn before the firing squad.
The spectacle, outside the oasis town of Kashgar, was the climax of a campaign intended to crush resistance and ensure “stability” in a vast western region known to Victorian explorers as Chinese Turkestan. Instead, it seems to have set off the worst violence for a decade, igniting an armed struggle against Chinese rule that has smouldered along the ancient Silk Road for 60 years.
Since those macabre incidents, militants have killed at least 20 security personnel in three attacks, importing the tactics of a guerrilla jihad to the oil and gas-rich autonomous region of Xinjiang.
China has been shocked by the events, probably because its media failed to report the campaign of violent repression that preceded them. Details of the July 9 show trial were printed only in the local Chinese-language newspaper in Kashgar and were kept out of the national press, perhaps to avoid international attention ahead of the Olympics.
The paper’s article is political dynamite as it illustrates why the trial may have proved to be a miscalculation that has cost Chinese lives. “Three men shot immediately!” trumpeted the headline above a report of the public session of the Kashgar Intermediate People’s Court on that sunny morning.
The three were Abdulawi Yimin, Muhetaer Sertiwati and Ahmati Rehman. They were condemned for organising the East Turkestan Islamic party, described by the court as “a terrorist organisation”, and for setting up a training camp in mountains near the Afghan border.
A judge read out the confirmation of their sentences from China’s supreme court which, since 2007, must approve all executions. Then the three were dragged away with their hands bound and were shot.
The judge turned to the remaining 17 defendants. “These criminals planned, organised and carried out violent terrorist activities and military training exercises and they resisted arrest by every means,” he said.
One policeman was killed when security forces stormed the training camp in January last year.
The court imposed two suspended death sentences and sentenced one man to life in prison. It then issued 14 more verdicts including capital sentences, but no details were given. Court records are not open to the public.
The point of the trial was to hammer home China’s resolve to crush agitation for independence among Uighurs, a Turkic people who follow a moderate version of Islam in several states of Central Asia.
It was orchestrated by the same member of the Chinese politburo, Wang Lequan, who directed measures against an uprising in Tibet this spring. His men have detained suspects without trial, raided homes, confiscated passports, stopped pilgrimages to Mecca and banned government employees from worshipping in mosques.
Wang’s so-called “peaceful Xinjiang” policy lasted as long as it took the Olympic torch to make its heavily guarded way through the region. On August 4, as dignitaries prepared to welcome world leaders to Beijing, a 33-year-old vegetable seller and a taxi driver of 28, both Uighurs, took revenge on the People’s Armed Police, a para-military unit, in Kashgar.
One hid in a tree to watch 70 soldiers march out for their morning exercises outside the Yijin hotel. His accomplice waited at the wheel of a Dongfang dumper truck, stolen by the pair.
The first man spoke into his mobile phone. Then the truck roared down the road, crashed into the ranks, turned over and hit a tree.
“The driver scrambled out and threw a homemade bomb which blew off his own arm,” the Kashgar Daily reported in its Chinese edition, two days later. Then the two assailants got among their victims with makeshift grenades, guns and knives. They killed 16 men before they were subdued.
Later Shi Dagang, the city’s Communist party leader, said the two had been planning their deed for about a month - which dates their conspiracy to the time of the show trial. “Many Uighurs believe they were related to those people on trial,” said a Xinjiang man, who gave only his Muslim first name, Rehmat.
The militants struck next in the city of Kuqa last Sunday with a terrifying nighttime assault. Men and women threw bombs and opened fire on government offices, a supermarket and a hotel suspected of operating a brothel. At least one guard died.
The Chinese security forces claimed to have shot dead at least eight “terrorists”, two blew themselves up and a 15-year-old girl was among a handful captured, along with dozens of explosive devices.
Two days later a group of men jumped out of a truck at a checkpoint south of Kashgar and stabbed to death three civilian security guards.
Chinese spokesmen claim this is a new campaign of international terror master-minded by the shadowy East Turkestan Islamic Movement. But the episodes indicate fury and revenge rather than coherent planning, while the repression has united Uighurs and Hui Muslims, a rival ethnic group, against the government.
“This is a life or death battle,” said Wang in an address to cadres last week, “It will be long-term, complicated and as hard as stone.”
In that the politburo member is probably correct.
The comment above was posted by roebuck at August 18, 2008 11:46 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@Dave the Dog
What matters here is not whether it was a show or documentary, but is lie or honest.
They lied in the media guide and they said it was "very normal in mainland performances".
While the ceremony guide reads, "Fifty-six children from 56 Chinese ethnic groups cluster around the Chinese national flag, representing the 56 ethnic groups," many of them were actually Han Chinese children dressed to represent the minorities.
The comment above was posted by li-si at August 18, 2008 01:05 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Thanks for the correction Roebuck, I'm always confusing Michael with Greg. Both write on China, only Michael writes extensively on Xinjiang.
I tried to find the article online this morning but I had trouble locating it.
The comment above was posted by Jimba at August 18, 2008 07:11 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@Jimba: Which stories are looking for references for? What do you need? I'll see if I can provide the info.
The comment above was posted by michael at August 19, 2008 12:15 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
When small Africa contries were entering the stadium CBS cut the signal to boardcast their own ads. I want to know why do they do this?
Where have all the equality gone?
Long time passing.
Where have all the respect gone?
Long time ago?
When will you ever learn?
When will you ever learn?
Answer me li-si.
The comment above was posted by chengduboy at August 19, 2008 07:33 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ Jimba
the article by Michael Sheridan seems to be the one in the Sunday Times, available on UAA website as well.
The comment above was posted by spec at August 19, 2008 10:52 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Yo Michael, no worries. Squared it away.
Thx for the tip Spec. I've now secured a copy. ;)
The comment above was posted by Jimba at August 19, 2008 12:53 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Your leaders have picked them every one.
The comment above was posted by li-si at August 19, 2008 03:35 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by chengduboy at August 19, 2008 05:24 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Now, now. Enough with the Chinese... this is an English website.
The comment above was posted by michael at August 20, 2008 12:36 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
to michael:
I was blocked,not all my blog, only the things about "fake Uyghur girl terrorists".
THE BSP of my blog seems very strict on these things, especially during the Olympic time.
Your article is good.
to chengduboy:
May you'd like to watch a film named ,directed by Steven Spielberg
The comment above was posted by miloservic at August 20, 2008 07:26 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Now, now. Enough with the Chinese... this is an English website.
Ah, Michael,please don't ban Chinese here, that makes your blog more global-ism.
The comment above was posted by miloservic at August 20, 2008 07:55 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
better you offer translations miloservic otherwise its meaningless for most.
The comment above was posted by spec at August 20, 2008 11:38 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
They (the Chinese officials) just don't get it. They see nothing wrong with faking so many aspects of life in China. And many Chinese are so used to it that they don't notice it. Those of us who live in China feel like we are swimming in fakery - from fake watches to fake minorities.
The comment above was posted by Jay at August 20, 2008 09:48 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Look the AP is following my lead with a potential aftermath piece:
Post-Olympic clamp on Muslim Xinjiang possible
August 20, 2008 Wednesday 7:28 AM GMT
BYLINE: By WILLIAM FOREMAN, Associated Press Writer
As police with riot clubs patrolled nearby, a merchant whispered that he feared a sweeping crackdown in China's northwestern Muslim region once the Olympic spotlight fades.
"After the Olympics, the government will waaaaah!" said the Muslim businessman, grimacing and using his hands to make a gesture as if he were strangling someone. He would only give part of his name, Enwer, because he feared arrest if caught talking to a reporter about the issue.
Residents and human rights groups fear the Chinese government will crack down after the Olympics to punish Xinjiang for three deadly breakouts of violence this month, including an attack that killed 16 police officers. The assaults, which claimed 31 lives, came as China was trying to use the Olympics to present itself as a modern, powerful and harmonious nation.
This isolated region is home to China's ethnic minority Uighurs, who say they are repressed by the Chinese government. For its part, the Chinese government insists that it is fighting terrorism rather than suppressing ethnic minorities.
"Terrorism is a criminal activity of very few people," Mao Gongning of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission said at a news conference Saturday in the Chinese capital. "It is not a problem related to ethnicity or religion."
Human rights groups worry, however, that repression could begin as the Summer Games close on Sunday and the tourists, athletes and foreign media depart.
Mark Allison, China researcher for the rights group Amnesty International, said the assailants should be arrested and brought to justice. But he added that China has a history of using security threats in Xinjiang as an excuse for much broader crackdowns on human rights in the region.
"We can see from examples of closures of several mosques over the recent years, very strict control over religion and also arrests of activists as well as people accused of violent offenses," he added.
One of the most severe and well-known crackdowns came after a major protest in February 1997 in the western city of Yining, where Uighurs were upset about restrictions on religion and culture. After security forces put down demonstrations, thousands of Uighurs were arrested, mosques were closed and public security rallies were held across the region, according to the U.S.-based Human Rights Watch.
One shopkeeper in the Xinjiang county of Kuqa scene of one of this month's attacks said last Saturday that he was bracing for heavy-handed measures. The man, who declined to give his name because he feared retribution, was a Uighur, a member of the Turkic ethnic minority whose members were accused of carrying out the recent attacks.
"Usually if a Uighur gets in trouble, the police come and detain everyone in his family. Then they lose their jobs and have trouble getting new ones," the man said.
China has shown itself to be capable of such retaliation in its handling of another restive region, Tibet. After violent riots five months ago, Tibetan areas are still closed off to foreign reporters and most overseas tourists.
The Dalai Lama Tibet's spiritual leader who typically uses diplomatic tones when speaking about the Chinese government accused Beijing of torturing Tibetans during the Olympic games.
"Unfortunately the Olympic spirit is not at all respected by Chinese officials inside Tibet," he said in an interview Saturday with a television station in Paris. "There are restrictions on the circulation of information, a very strong censorship. And often civilians are arrested and tortured very violently, to the point where they die."
The recent wave of assaults in China's northwest surprised many because they came amid tight security for the Olympics, and after a decade of relative calm.
After the first brazen assault on Aug. 4, photos obtained by The Associated Press showed six bodies on the ground and a dump truck the assailants used to ram the police tilting on its side.
In the aftermath, an Islamic militant group issued a video warning Muslims to avoid public transportation during the Olympics. They claimed mistreatment of Muslims justified holy war and accused China of forcing Muslims into atheism by killing Islamic teachers and destroying Islamic schools.
Six days after the attack, another group of bombers struck in Kuqa, where 12 people died. Knife-wielding assailants killed three more people last Tuesday at a checkpoint outside Kashgar.
No group has taken responsibility or described the motives for this month's attacks in Xinjiang.
The violence was still being discussed with hushed voices Saturday in the back alleys of Xinjiang's capital, Urumqi, where dried snake skins hung from drugstore windows and men sharpened butcher knives with whirling grinders.
One jade dealer who would only give part of his name, Mehment, because he feared the police, said Xinjiang was heading for another dark period. "Revenge. Yes, there will be revenge," he said.
Urumqi is now dominated by the Han China's ethnic majority who have been flooding into the remote metropolis.
Many Uighurs are concerned about a high degree of self rule in the territory, said S. Frederick Starr, chairman of the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute at Johns Hopkins University.
"The Chinese response is that, `If you put aside this nonsense we will make you wealthy,'" said Starr. He said he doubted Beijing would relax control of Xinjiang anytime soon.
Associated Press writers Dikky Sinn and Chi-Chi Zhang in Beijing contributed to this report.
The comment above was posted by michael at August 20, 2008 11:00 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
All Uygur pilots working normally in Xinjiang: official
Xinhua General News Service
August 19, 2008 Tuesday 12:25 PM EST
All Uygur pilots serving the country's airlines were working normally in China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and none had ever been relocated to work for other airlines outside the northwest region.
Li Jian, the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) deputy director, on Tuesday dismissed foreign media stories that Uygur pilots had been suspended from their jobs as "sheer fake reports."
To date, Chinese airlines have employed three Uygur pilots. Two of them, Aikebaier Maimaiti and Ailiyiming Niyazi, served as Boeing 757 captains for the Xinjiang branch of China Southern Airlines, while the third, Dulihong, worked with the Xinjiang General-use Airlines.
Aikebaier Maimaiti recently completed a two-way international flight between Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang, and Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, on Tuesday morning. He told Xinhua in a phone interview, "Since August 1, I have flown 36.05 hours on routes between Urumqi and Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Xi'an."
On Wednesday morning, he will fly between Urumqi and Islamabad, Pakistan.
Ailiyiming Niyazi told Xinhua he had flown safely for a total of 17,542 hours. Since Aug. 1, he had worked on routes between Urumqi and Hotan, Xiamen, Shenzhen, Zhengzhou and Changsha.
All pilots, no matter whether they were Uygur or Han people, had to work according to schedule. It was normal that sometimes they worked on flights outside Xinjiang, said Zhang Zifang, China Southern Airlines deputy general manager.
The comment above was posted by michael at August 20, 2008 11:07 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
"The violence was still being discussed with hushed voices Saturday in the back alleys of Xinjiang's capital, Urumqi, where dried snake skins hung from drugstore windows and men sharpened butcher knives with whirling grinders."
As a native of Urumqi, I was quite fed up with the tone of your article which is marked by irresponsible generalizations and uneducated expressions.I wonder what's your point of writing the above. There are many nicer things to be used to represent this city, why dried snake skins &butcher knives with whirling grinders? What do you intend to drive at?Ask yourself for conscience's sake.
The comment above was posted by manman at August 21, 2008 07:03 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
the reporter was obviously walking around the back streets of Urumqi manman. Dragon spring street or one near erdai qiao where Uyghur traditional medicine is sold (snake skins) and knives are sharpened by grinders both electrical and manual- a common place scene. I spose your point is why focus on the knife sharpening? Hmm spose so, can see your point if this is made to look like an inimical threat. You could be embarrassed though about the focus on the Uyghur old worldliness as opposed to their modernity in Urumqi. Its not clear why you mention this; but this is hardly a generalization- its a common scene in any Uyghur bazaar across Estern Turkestan. If you havent seen it you need get out and about a bit more.
The comment above was posted by spec at August 21, 2008 12:15 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Interesting interpretation, spec. There are many common scenes, why this? Rereading the quoted para, I am still not convinced. Do you mean the back streets in any city are a miniature of the city? If you haven't seen other streets ,you need to get out more too.
The comment above was posted by manman at August 21, 2008 08:23 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
spec needs to view the glory of the concrete clad chinese skyscapers and the hovels the Uyghur live in the back streets of Urumqi, to get atrue picture.
But the knives, oh the knives, one shouldnt ever overlook the knives. as well one should focus on the outer trappings of chinese modernization as the tiles fall off the hastily constructed concrete towers near the China bank nanmnen. what a scene of progress and stability: and, argue about it uyghur boy and we have an antiqauted torture prison for you down the road from nanmen where the methods of interrogation have not changed since the 1920s. Got it: some things change others dont - especially for the majority of uyghur.
manman, you are definitely myopic. what is progress anyway when your country's army shoot people dead in the street? maybe you shouldnt walk about too much, you may become an innocent victim. be careful.
p.s. thi sis not an interpretation.
The comment above was posted by roebuck at August 22, 2008 08:08 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by klsdlkj at January 16, 2010 08:31 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by Atasözleri ve Anlamları at January 24, 2010 11:40 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by MBT Schuhe at April 7, 2010 02:31 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
While the ceremony guide reads, "Fifty-six children from 56 Chinese ethnic groups cluster around the Chinese national flag, representing the 56 ethnic groups," many of them were actually Han Chinese children dressed to represent the minorities.
The comment above was posted by Miami at April 8, 2010 09:45 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The youngsters, dressed in 56 ethnic costumes in the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, were not all selected from the nation's ethnic communities, a top Bocog official acknowledged yesterday.
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The comment above was posted by يوتيوب at May 22, 2010 07:48 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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المنتدى الاسلامي -
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حواء -
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منتدى المطبخ والسفره الخليجيه والعربيه -
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منتدى الجوال والاتصالات -
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منتدى التصاميم والجرافيكس -
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عالم آدم
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الخيمة الرمضانية -
المنتدى الأدبي
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منتدى السياحة والسفر -
منتدى الصوتيات و المرئيات
منتدى النكت و الضحك و الفرفشة -
منتدى اللغات Languages forum
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المسابقات -
منتدى البرامج المشروحة
منتدى تجارب الأعضاء -
منتدى تجارب المراقبين
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عالمية - اخبار الطقس -
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المنتدى التعليمي
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الكلام -
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قسم الأهداف
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المرحلة الابتدائية
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مسجات فراق
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صور رومانسية
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كاس العالم 2010 ,
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مباريات كاملة
اهداف كاس
العالم 2010 , مباريات كاس
العالم 2010 , مباريات كاملة
, مباراة كاملة ,
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جدول ,
اوقات ,
مواعيد ,مباريات
ودية , مباريات تحضيرية ,
اخبار كاس العالم 2010 ,
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ألمانيا ,
الدنمارك ,
صربيا ,
إيطاليا ,
سويسرا ,
سلوفاكيا ,
اليونان ,
سلوفينيا ,
البرتغال ,
فرنــسا ,
اليابان ,
أستراليا ,
الجنوبية ,
كوريا الشمالية , جنوب أفريقيا
, غانا ,
كوت دي فوار ,
ساحل العاج ,
نيجيريا ,
الكاميرون ,
الجزائـر ,
البرازيل ,
باراجواي ,
تشيلي ,
الأرجنتين ,
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المكسيك ,
امريكا ,
هيندوراس ,
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طاش ماطاش 17 الحلقة -
حلقات طاش 17
RSS 2.0
دردشة لذة الشوق - مركز تحميل الصور
- إبتسامات
وايقونات -
دليل المواقع
فيسات للمسن
اهداف الهلال
اهداف النصر
اهداف الاتحاد
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الدوري الاسباني
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بث مباشر
رابط نقل
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اهداف ميسي 2011
The comment above was posted by منتديات at May 22, 2010 09:06 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by michael jordan shoes at June 17, 2010 06:17 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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