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August 04, 2008
16 Dead in Kashgar Attack

UPDATE 7pm: The two attackers have been identified as a taxi driver and a vegetable seller native to Kasghar. The weapons recovered at the scene supposedly resemble weapons recovered during a January 2007 raid on an terrorist training facility south of Kasghar.
Also, police have apologized to the Japanese photographers seen being roughed up in the photo below. And there are conflicting reports about the arrest of 18 "foreign agitators" today, who may or may not be linked to an earlier incident.
UPDATE 12:30pm: Check it out, I'm quoted in USA Today.
UPDATE 3am: Alright, I'm really going to bed this time. But first, Reuters photos from near the scene of the attack showing a local security presence and a journalist supposedly being detained for taking pictures:

UPDATE 2am: Conducted an unscientific survey of this story's placement in official Chinese online media. Couldn't find it on the front page of Xinhua's Chinese site and it was fairly buried on the People's Daily Chinese site. The English-language results are posted below:

UPDATE 1am: Other details... Fourteen police officers died at the scene and two others died on the way to the hospital. Xinhua reported observing a "blood stain left on the sidewalk... a broken wire pole and three tree stubs left from the accident." I think someone meant to write "incident". This story is getting very little coverage in the Chinese press.
And you gotta love this informative tidbit: "No civilians were hurt in the attack so far." That's right... so far. Better watch out. It could still be you.
UPDATE 12am: Xinhua has flushed out more details of the attack. The suspects arrested at the scene have been identified as two Uyghur men, aged 28 and 33, one of whom blew his arm off with a homemade explosive device. The attackers drove a dump truck (or perhaps a tip lorry) into a crowd of 70 officers conducting their regular morning exercises at about 8am. 10 homemade explosives, a homemade gun, and 4 knives were recovered from the truck.
UPDATE 8pm: The latest Xinhua report makes it sound like much of the carnage probably occured when the two attackers rammed their dump truck into a group of policemen out jogging. Perhaps they disabled much of the police group with their vehicle and then jumped out and started using grenades and knives?
The details are still fairly sketchy. Something involving two Uyghurs, a truck, some grenades, and a border patrol station full of armed police. But you can bet your bottom dollar that the effects will be felt here in Beijing with the Olympics starting on Friday.
From Xinhua:
Sixteen paramilitary policemen were killed in a bomb attack in China's far western region of Xinjiang, state television reported.
The official China Central Television (CCTV) reported that two people in the Kashgar area drove a truck into a team of policemen and detonated explosives in the vehicle.
Sixteen other officers were injured in the attack, the report said, adding that the two alleged attackers were arrested.
From AFP:
A police station in China's northwestern Xinjiang region was raided Monday morning, with attackers throwing two grenades, leaving a dozen officers injured, state media reported.
"Rioters" drove two vehicles into a station under the border patrol armed police division in the Xinjiang city of Kashgar," the Xinhua news agency reported.
They threw two grenades, which exploded, leaving a dozen officers injured, according to the agency.
From AP:
Attackers rammed a dump truck into a patrol station in China's restive Central Asian border province Monday morning, tossing grenades in a raid that killed 16 officers and wounded others, the state-run Xinhua News Agency reported....
The brief Xinhua account said the attackers drove the dump truck to get inside the paramilitary police compound in the Kashgar area and then exploded two grenades. A state television report gave a different version, saying the police were attacked while marching in front of a hotel while conducting morning drills.
Off to work now, but I'll add some updates later tonight if any more information comes out.

posted August 04, 2008 at 01:43 PM unofficial Xinjiang time | HaoHao This!
I am happy, very happy hearing that.
we need a heavy hand, very heavy hand.
to protect Han Chinese's safety.
The comment above was posted by dyn at August 4, 2008 02:15 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Dyn: All of your ancestors must number in the millions; it's hard to believe that so many people are to blame for producing you.
This from the NY Times
They warn that terrorism is a constant threat, particularly from Muslim separatist groups in the Xinjiang region of western China. On Monday morning, Xinhua, the state news agency, reported what appeared to be the deadliest attack against Chinese security forces in recent memory: 16 policemen were killed and 16 others injured when attackers threw two grenades into a police station in the desert oasis town of Kashgar, in the far west, after driving a truck into the station at 8 a.m. Two men were arrested.
And this from bloomberg; however, it is regurgitated state media reportage.
Yep, would be good to get some details, but we all know we arn't gunna get them. Wang Liquan is already devising a plan to project his profile, I mean protect the people...wha'eva!?!
The comment above was posted by Jimba at August 4, 2008 04:01 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I suppose this is another Chinese fabrication act to assure their ongoing oppression to the local Uighurs. There is no terrorist action known to happen in Xiangiang whatsoverver. The past Chinese claims of terrorists actions were inflated stories. It were phatom menance.
The above statement is an ironical statement.
The comment above was posted by Dkt at August 4, 2008 04:18 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
No body should be happy about this attack. Sixteen people are dead,some other are wounded. These people or policemen may be not only Hans but also Uighurs.
No body should be happy about this bloodshed for whatever reasons.
The comment above was posted by Dkt at August 4, 2008 04:25 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
It were? Well, terrorism is undisputed in Xinjiang but the CCP's reportage of is. It should not be forgotten that Kashgar is one of the more heavily policed regions in Xinjiang and the friction between the PBS and local Uighurs is palpable.
Are they simply the malcontent or do they spout separatist-religious aspirations? If they are the former (malcontent) then are they any different to the countless other (mainly Han) Chinese who use explosives as weapon of choice against corrupt local officials? In which case is it the Uighur who are to blame or poor policy on the part of the CCP?
The comment above was posted by Jimba at August 4, 2008 04:34 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The latest from Xinhua:
Police station raided in west China's Xinjiang, terrorist plot suspected
URUMQI, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- The raid on a border armed police division, which killed 16 policemen and injured 16 others, in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Monday morning, was suspected as a terrorist attack, according to police.
The public security department in Xinjiang confirmed that the raid occurred in the front of the Yijin Hotel, which is at the right side of the police division yard in China's western most city of Kashi, 1,400 km southwest of Xinjiang's capital Urumqi.
Two attackers drove a tip lorry (dump truck) to hit a team of policemen who were jogging through the street in a morning exercise at about 8:00 a.m., police witnesses said.
Fourteen policemen were killed on the spot and two others died on the way to hospital.
The two attackers got off the lorry after the vehicle veered to hit a roadside wire pole. They threw home-made explosives to the barracks, causing explosion. They also hacked the policemen with knives.
The police said the two attackers had been arrested, and one got a leg injury in the raid.
Police found debris of five explosives in the division yard.
The regional public security department said it had got intelligence that the "East Turkistan Islamic Movement" planned to make terrorist attacks during Aug. 1-8, just ahead of the opening of the Olympic Games in Beijing.
Chinese police foiled an attempted sabotage instigated and conducted by the "Eastern Turkistan" separatists on board a Southern Airlines flight in March. Three suspects detained by police fully admitted that the attack was masterminded.
The "East Turkistan Islamic Movement" was one of the main security worries to the Olympics, which also include separatist forces for "Tibet independence", and the Falun Gong cult, according to Tian Yixiang, a senior PLA commander and also a security chief for the Games.
Kurexi Maihesuti, vice chairman of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Government, told a press conference in Beijing last week that Xinjiang police had cracked five terrorism groups in the first half of 2008, detaining 82 suspected terrorists who allegedly plotted sabotage against the Olympics.
The Olympic Games would be a target for various anti-China and hostile forces, which are trying every possible way to sabotage the event, Vice Minister of Public Security Yang Huanning said last month.
The comment above was posted by michael at August 4, 2008 05:01 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Testing... is this working? Fug.
The comment above was posted by michael at August 4, 2008 08:30 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
It must have something to do with Bush meeting Rebiya Kadeer. (Note I didn't say it has anything to do with Rebiya Kadeer)
The comment above was posted by chengduboy at August 4, 2008 10:00 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I am happy, very happy hearing that.
we need a heavy hand, very heavy hand.
to protect Han Chinese's safety.
naive..., asking CCP for protection... I'd rather ask satan for mercy. CCP has killed more Hans even than the Japanese troops did.
I think all you guys know the "South China Tiger".
Even an animal thing can be fake...why couldn't the terrorist news?
The comment above was posted by miloservic at August 4, 2008 10:03 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
"I am happy, very happy hearing that.
we need a heavy hand, very heavy hand.
to protect Han Chinese's safety."
So you are happy that 16 of your fellow Han Chinese are dead? That's how full of hatred you are? I wish that you could have the opportunity of saying so to the families of the slain police...you are just as much a fool and fanatic as the terrorists who committed this crime. The only excuse for you is that you are probably a dumb, naive teenager who hopefully will someday grow up.
The comment above was posted by Jake Holman at August 4, 2008 10:45 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
i object the explosion.i was very sad for PLA.PLA is the great and lovely solidier.chinese people thnaks you.let you sleep silenly.
The comment above was posted by goldnikevip at August 4, 2008 11:51 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
these terriorists will get whatever they deserve after the Olympic Games. It is time for the PLA to kill rather than rescue.
The comment above was posted by hitler at August 5, 2008 12:29 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
To Jimba,
Hey, Jiba
I suppose 911 is another US fabrication act to assure their ongoing invasion of Iraq. There is no terrorist action known to happen in US whatsoverver. The past US claims of terrorists actions were inflated stories. It were phatom menance.
The comment above was posted by postwait at August 5, 2008 12:47 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Oh, postwait, or is it BJD.. The Bumbling Jabberwork of Dumbsville? Aka Conan the Grammarian?
You really need to work on your reasoning there sport. Last time I checked NYC wasn't an autonomous region: neither does it have a contested history/ownership, nor is it governed by a, at times, draconian and authoritarian government (albeit an incompetent one). I also believe the majority Saudi hijackers were from, well… you figure it out. Had it been any of the above, I would be asking the same questions. Next *sigh
The comment above was posted by Jimba at August 5, 2008 06:12 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Updated AP news: World Uyghur Congress and Uyghur American Association's statements on the Kashgar incident:
Attack kills 16 police days before the Olympics
URUMQI, China (AP) — In an audacious and deadly attack just days ahead of the Beijing Olympics, two men from a mainly Muslim ethnic group rammed a truck and hurled explosives at jogging policemen in China's restive far west Monday, killing 16.
The attack in a city near the Afghanistan-Pakistan border brought an immediate response from China's Olympic organizers, who pronounced security precautions ready to ensure safety in Beijing and other Olympic venues when the games open Friday.
Yet the timing so close to opening day heightened the attack's shock value and bore the hallmarks of local Muslim militants, said Li Wei, a counterterrorism expert affiliated with the government.
It also came as athletes, Olympic dignitaries and journalists poured into Beijing for an Olympics that some Chinese want to leverage to get the government to address festering grievances. Migrant workers cheated on pay for construction, homeowners angry about pollution and other disgruntled residents believe the government would help them rather than see the Olympics disrupted.
On Monday, about 20 people evicted from their homes for urban renewal projects staged a small demonstration a few blocks from Tiananmen Square only to be surrounded by police.
"We don't oppose the Olympics. But it's wrong for them to demolish our house. It's wrong," said Liu Fumei, who scuffled with women from the government-backed neighborhood committee who pulled Liu and the other protesters away.
The risk for the communist government is that the ferment could disrupt an Olympics it spent more than $40 billion to make a perfect showcase for China. "Pursuing peace, progress, coexistence in harmony and harmonious development" was how Chinese President Hu Jintao described the Chinese people's Olympic hopes to foreign media last week.
Monday's attack in Xinjiang also underscored that with so much security focused on Beijing, areas far from game venues make tempting targets that could also diminish China's Olympic moment.
"We've made preparations for all possible threats," Beijing Olympic organizing committee spokesman Sun Weide told reporters when asked about the Xinjiang attack. "We believe, with the support of the government, with the help of the international community, we have the confidence and the ability to host a safe and secure Olympic Games."
Security was tight at the airport in Xinjiang's capital Urumqi on Tuesday morning. Passengers waited in long lines to get through the security checkpoint and authorities were checking luggage for any suspicious materials.
Xinjiang has for decades seen a sporadically violent rebellion by a local Muslim Turkic ethnic group known as Uighurs against Chinese rule. An extremist Uighur group believed to be based across the mountainous border in Pakistan's tribal frontier threatened in a video tape last month to target the Olympics. And military and police commanders have said Uighurs fighting for what they call an independent East Turkistan pose the biggest threat to the games.
In Monday's attack, two Uighur men rammed a dump truck into 70 border patrol paramilitary police as they passed the Yiquan Hotel during a routine early morning jog in the city of Kashgar, the Xinhua News Agency reported.
After the truck hit an electrical pole, the pair jumped out, ignited the homemade explosives and "hacked the policemen with knives," Xinhua said. The assailants, ages 28 and 33, were arrested, the report said.
There were no civilian casualties as few people were on the streets so early in the day, state media and witnesses said. Though Xinhua put the time of the attack at 8 a.m., China officially has one time zone, geared toward Beijing, 2,200 miles to the east.
Fourteen officers were killed on the spot and two others died on the way to the hospital, while another 16 officers were wounded, Xinhua said.
Witnesses said police immediately closed off streets. The Nationalities Hospital, down the street from the explosion, was sealed off and people were ordered to stay inside, said a man answering phones at the hospital duty office. By early afternoon, unarmed uniformed police patrolled the area, stopping a few people to inspect their bags.
In Washington, State Department spokesman Gonzales Gallegos condemned the attack, saying the United States was "saddened at the loss of life and injuries caused by the attack and extend our condolences to the victims and their families."
U.S.-based Uighur activist Rebiya Kadeer urged Beijing to "refrain from using this incident to crack down further upon peaceful Uighurs," according to a statement from the Uighur American Association. Kadeer was recently among a group of prominent Chinese activists who met U.S. President George W. Bush.
"We condemn all acts of violence. The Uyghur people do not support acts that engender bloodshed," she was quoted as saying.
Monday's attack was all the more surprising because it follows years of intensive security measures in Xinjiang. A wave of violence in the 1990s mainly targeted police, officials and Uighurs seen as collaborators. Separatists also staged nearly simultaneous explosions on three public buses in the provincial capital of Urumqi.
In response, the government stationed more paramilitary units in the region and shut unregistered mosques and religious schools seen as hotbeds of anti-government extremism.
Uighurs, however, complain that restrictions on religious practice — students are not allowed to go to mosques, for example — and a high police presence has further alienated people who already felt displaced by an influx of Chinese migrants they feel are taking the best jobs.
"In practice, Uighurs have lost all political rights," Dilxat Raxit, spokesman for the Germany-based pro-independence World Uighur Congress, said in an e-mail. "Especially in the vast countryside heavily populated by Uighurs, the Chinese government has rolled out a political movement without end or reason that is unbearable to the Uighur peasantry. The entire Uighur people live in a blanket state of fear."
For the government, the security clampdown has largely succeeded in suppressing attacks, allowing security forces to disrupt plots before they are carried out, sometimes in violent raids. Li, the counterterrorism expert, said one raid recently broke up a terrorist cell in Xi'an, a city in central China. Police also shot and killed five people in an alleged cell in Urumqi last month.
Initial reports indicated Monday's attack was carried out by separatists based in Xinjiang and not Uighurs from across the border, some of whom have received training from al-Qaida and Pakistan's Taliban, said Li, who works at China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, a think-tank with ties to the government's main spy agency.
"This time they actually managed to carry out their plan, but it will not affect the Olympics greatly," said Li. "The threat from East Turkestan forces exist, but their capabilities are limited."
Copyright © 2008 The Associated Press
The comment above was posted by Heverci at August 5, 2008 07:23 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ Michael
thanks for the pics.\
no need to comment on the demented ramblings of dyn et al. Its been done and mainly by fellow Han.\
Kashgar has been full of malcontents since 1950. This is just one more incident of Uyghur reaction to Han mis-governance and oppression over a 60 year period. That is its correct context. Obviously the more the Oppressors crack down the more similar disheartened Uyghur patriots will be ready to sacrifice their lives. Especially at this opportune time. They obviously knew they wouldn't get away with it, that they would lose their lives, one way or the other. One could assume that the real troubles are now only beginning in East Turkestan.
Also note the lack of sophisticated weaponry once- again. Home made grenades, trucks and knives.
The comment above was posted by Spec at August 5, 2008 08:41 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Its all Han Chinese' problem, just slaughter those pig-loving bastards, they deserve it
The comment above was posted by Ali at August 5, 2008 09:12 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
As I understand, the XJ local goverments handles anything public with kid's gloves and thoughts, and use help and consultations.
As evidenced recently with the meeting of Nur Bekri (Chairman of XJ Uyghur Auto. Reg.) and his japanese friend Kojima Yasutaka, a cultural consultant with XJ People's Government in Urumqi.
At this meeting Nur Bekri expressed his gratitude for the contribution made by Kojima Yasutaka to XJ's culture and education undertakings over the years.
The comment above was posted by Jonathan at August 5, 2008 12:24 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
interestingly enough, there's nothing about the incident on the main page of Xinjiang Daily's website (http://www.xjdaily.com/) -- only quite far down the Xinjiang News section (http://www.xjdaily.com/News/Xinjiang/index.shtml)
The comment above was posted by 007 at August 5, 2008 02:08 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
"interestingly enough, there's nothing about the incident on the main page of Xinjiang Daily's websit"
Stands to reason. The degree of discontent among the Uyghur is reaching a critical level after the last twenty years of Han oppression, persecution, 'crack downs on reactions to 'crack -downs', nepotism and general misgovernance.
Wang Le Quan and his bully-boys would certainly fear a general uprisisng at this moment. Word of mouth of course will distort the situation anyway thus any thing is possible.
The comment above was posted by spec at August 5, 2008 02:16 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
sorry, but did your comment relate to the URLs I included?
The comment above was posted by 007 at August 5, 2008 02:19 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@jonathon re:
"As I understand, the XJ local goverments handles anything public with kid's gloves and thoughts, and use help and consultations.
As evidenced recently with the meeting of Nur Bekri (Chairman of XJ Uyghur Auto. Reg.) and his japanese friend Kojima Yasutaka, a cultural consultant with XJ People's Government in Urumqi.
At this meeting Nur Bekri expressed his gratitude for the contribution made by Kojima Yasutaka to XJ's culture and education undertakings over the years."
Please spare us this fatuous crap.
This is all show.
Xinjiang is in reality ruled by an iron-fist and the dictates of Wang lequan, not forums derived form cultural consultation with Japnese advisors. My God, have you ever been there? If so, you live with your head in the sand in the middle of Han lala land.
The comment above was posted by spec at August 5, 2008 02:21 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Down with the CCP harbouring Uyghur terrorists!
Punish Uyghur!
The comment above was posted by dyn at August 5, 2008 02:34 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Its all Han Chinese' problem, just slaughter those pig-loving bastards, they deserve it
Although I know, most Han Chinese think that Uyghur and Hui do not eat pork is becasue of pig is Uyghur and Hui's ancestors.
The comment above was posted by dyn at August 5, 2008 02:39 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
uighurs are just a bunch of poor farmers huh michael? god, you separatist lover, i guess those alqaeda and taliban blowing up americans are just poor sheep herders huh?
when islamic fanatics kill white people, its terrorism, when they kill chinese people, they are poor disgruntled farmers.
two words for what must be done to the terrorists hideouts, and those who harbor them
The comment above was posted by cripes at August 5, 2008 02:46 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by Jimba at August 5, 2008 03:56 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
oh dyn and cripes you are such touchy little fascist pigs. How amusing.
Picture two misinformed 9 year olds in front of their televisions playing with their penises and screaming out nationalist slogans as the big boy with the stick on the screen commands them to. Then you will have a picture of the mentality of these two retards.
No wonder the Uyghur are revolting. They are on the whole intelligent peace loving farmers who have to persevere with similar ignorant ingrates ruling over them. Some people can only take so much. It now also appears that the Han through their relentless fascist policy toward the Uyghur have created a new enemy which history has proven is capable of bringing down forces much stronger than themselves: the selfless martyr.
The comment above was posted by spec at August 5, 2008 04:00 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I've personally had enough of this Uighur / Han nonsense.
The Westerners made the mistake of labelling the entire Islamic religion as pro-terror thanks to Taliban and the 9/11.
And now we sit here pointing our fingers at all Uighurs. tsk tsk? The culprits could be the East Turkistan Islamic Movement, perhaps we should flame the Turkish while we're at it!
Keep your heads on and be sensible, first fingers are pointed, eventually guns could be, blood-shed is never wanted.
Bless those who suffered from the attack in Kashgar.
p.s. oh and the way we dealt with the info lockdown after the incident was less than smooth, way less.
The comment above was posted by Art at August 5, 2008 04:01 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Locals viewed with suspicion
Sydney Morning Herald
August 2, 2008
South of Beijing is an old steel town called Handan where bicycles outnumber cars. It has a nostalgic, industrial charm and spruiks itself as an "excellent tourist city" with "splendid culture".
It also displays the madness of China's Olympic security apparatus without any of Beijing's gloss and smiling sophistication.
The unwritten Olympic tourism guidelines here prescribe treatment for three types of traveller. Run-of-the-mill Westerners are to be politely guided through bureaucratic inconveniences until they leave town of their own volition. People from the provinces of Tibet and Xinjiang are to be quickly evicted.
Any of the 10 million Chinese from Xinjiang province who happen to be from the Uygur ethnic group are to be grouped with the small number of Uygur people the Government has associated with terrorism plots.
From Handan railway station this week, my taxi driver refused to take me anywhere until I assured him I was not from Xinjiang. He then took me to a stylish hotel that declined to honour my booking because it did not have the "ability" to serve foreigners. A second plush hotel said the same. Eventually I was directed to a mouldy but "foreign standard" hotel, where the lights did not work.
The first two hotels said they were following instructions from the Handan Tourism Bureau, which referred inquiries to China's top spy agency, the Ministry of State Security.
Another arm of the tourism bureau said the hotel regulations were to protect foreigners from China. The city could not afford to let foreigners hurt their own "comfortable feelings" with ill-judged hotel bookings.
My assistant, a journalist who writes under the name Maya Li, had arrived the day before me. Her identity card shows she is not Uygur, but was born in Xinjiang.
Maya returned to her hotel after dinner to hear voices whispering: "That's her, that's the Xinjiang person!" They rang for her while she was in the shower and summoned her downstairs.
Two men from the Public Security Bureau grilled Maya for half an hour on her every movement and intention. They explained this was a special "Olympic period" and it was their duty to question every person from Xinjiang, Tibet, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao.
Maya was told the first train to Beijing left at 7.15 the next morning and she needed to be on it.
We were in Handan not to write a story but to courier a donation to a crippled man in a nearby village, about whom we had written in the Good Weekend. Public Security officials suggested Maya was embezzling money. The man's family were also interrogated for inviting a foreigner to the village at a sensitive time.
But by the end of our stay, officials lined up to give us an audience, if only to deny everything that had happened earlier.
Our crippled friend was even promised a custom-designed vehicle and the mayor delivered a personal apology.
To be a foreigner during the Olympic period is a privileged inconvenience. To be from Xinjiang or Tibet is to be suspected of being an "anti-China splittist". To be a Uygur is to be assumed a terrorist until proven otherwise.
A month ago, a 24-year-old Muslim man travelled from Xinjiang to start a new life in Handan. He had skills, he could make Xinjiang-style hand-pulled noodles, and he had a pre-arranged job at a local restaurant.
He worked in the restaurant around the clock for a fortnight before venturing outside for the first time to get a feel for the city. He wore a long moustache, like many Uygurs, and he is now sitting in a Handan prison to ponder that mistake.
Friends and colleagues say police bundled him into a car without any evidence that he might have been involved in political, antisocial or terrorist activity - aside from his moustache. He had not been there long enough to understand why other Uygurs in Handan were not leaving their homes or workplaces unless absolutely necessary.
Police have told community leaders they cannot see the man, or provide him with halal food. But they have promised to place him on a train back to Xinjiang after the closing ceremony - where he will be met by more Public Security Bureau officials.
The comment above was posted by spec at August 5, 2008 04:10 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I think it is another fake story that chinese government has fabricated in order to increase the speed of further controll of Xinjiang.
Some sources say that the bomb blown was the one which blown when the policeman doing bomb disarming excersize .
The comment above was posted by Tarimlik at August 5, 2008 06:00 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I did not able to find any picture which backs the violent only after shows.
Do you guys remember a news earlier this year which says an uygur woman atempted to blow a airplane? chinese government has abandoned that news without producing any details.
Let us see, what will come up later about this news.
So far what I can see is some thing any one can fabricate, something only pigheads will believe without any question.
Is there any place where we can see the pictures of the real scene?
The comment above was posted by Tarimlik at August 5, 2008 06:16 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Tarimlik, somehow I don't think this is a fabrication. The attack happened opposite a hotel and a couple of Japanese journalists were arrested for taking photo's. If any foreigners were present it would be very interesting to read their account.
The comment above was posted by Jimba at August 5, 2008 07:02 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Too many Uyghurs have already been beaten by China's "heavy hand" for decades of years.
The comment above was posted by li-si at August 5, 2008 08:38 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
ok there spec, James, you coward terrorist lover
answer me this, is it ok, no matter how brutal a govt may be, do you condone terrorist violence?
my guess is you think yes as long as its directed against chinese, because you are a racist anti chinese allah worshipping, suicide bomber in training. you wish for chinese civilians to be killed, you are probably blogging somewhere in Pakistan's tribal areas.
get out of your cave, put down the goat, and stop supporting terrorist.
The comment above was posted by cripes at August 5, 2008 08:53 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
oh man... dyn, don't push Hui into the same boat as the more restive trouble makers.
The comment above was posted by gao at August 5, 2008 09:06 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Why are the Muslims making themselves the most hated people on earth, whether they are in China, India, US, and Europe. Anybody has any idea?
The comment above was posted by Manman at August 5, 2008 09:32 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Been to Kashgar and I absolutely love the place and the people. I was only there a few days, but the tension is so thick you can cut it with a knife. The place does NOT feel like China at all and the people don't look "Chinese" in the least bit, nor do they even speak Mandarin. First time for me in China where my Chinese was better than that of the locals.
I in no way support this act of violence, but saying that, I can definitely understand where it comes from. They have their own way of life and are quite happy leading it without constant interference. Crack down on the "splittists" who are just out to cause havoc, but there are always underlying causes. Not justifications, but causes. A prime example is if you bother to check out 新疆办公室 in Beijing. Not a single Uighur there, and that was BEFORE the Olympic crackdowns began. Violence is rarely a first resort, violence stems from a feeling of hopelessness and despair where lashing out like a cornered cat seems to be the only option left.
The comment above was posted by maimai at August 6, 2008 12:01 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Congratulations for making it in the USA Today! You are becoming famous! But I don't understand why you mention about Uighurs in the northern two-thirds of Xinjiang being not that religeous when you know that Uighurs inhabit the southern two-thirds of Xinjiang. Are you purposely leaving out Uighurs of the southern one-third where the incident actually took place?
See, that is the escape clause, carefully crafted.
The comment above was posted by Arjun at August 6, 2008 12:54 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
on the news-
The XJ government is to establish a unified model computerized human resource market system, targeting the talent and labor two markets. It's going to set up website dedicated to talent communication and exchange, enabling the increase of employment of all school graduates and the like .......
So, we can not say that the government is not trying to take good care of all its constituents one way or the other.
The comment above was posted by Jonathan at August 6, 2008 01:58 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
That's a pretty impressive tally for a taxi driver and vegetable grower.
(and where's the photos of blood and bodies?)
The comment above was posted by victorbravo at August 6, 2008 02:56 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Beijing's air is more deadly than any Uyghur attacks could possibly be.
The comment above was posted by gaspinginthe'jing at August 6, 2008 03:23 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
who is this cripes guy do I know him? I thought he was a small penis worshipper named CMD. This site at times is more than a tangled web of misfits and mis-identites and mistaken identities but basically we know where the sicko runts such as cripes and dyn are coming from and who they are.
away from this tripe I agree with jimba that this is not a fabrication. It is aslo a significant watershed in the situation. Islamic marrtyrs. I dont neccesary believe the report of 'Holy War' material found on site.
The comment above was posted by spec at August 6, 2008 05:54 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
"basically we know where the sicko runts such as cripes and dyn are coming from and who they are."
Yep. They are representive of the the majority of the new generation of rabidly anti-western, anti-democracy, and liberal-thought hating fascist punks who have bacically given the Tiananmen generation the finger. Always ready to ridicule the west, but don't you dare to say anything bad about the CCP!
The comment above was posted by gaspinginthe'jing at August 6, 2008 06:04 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@Arjun: Well, actually I did point out in the interview that the area between Kashgar and Hotan is the most religious area of Xinjiang. But what I was talking about when that quote was taken was that there is not widespread support among Uyghurs for separatist activities... and as an example, the Uyghurs in regions of Xinjiang further north are not very religious and almost ALL Uyghurs (in the south too) are poor farmers.
So what I was actually saying is that while there are many disgruntled Uyghurs, their feeling are not usually tied to a desire to establish an international caliphate like some would like to do in countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc.
The comment above was posted by michael at August 6, 2008 09:46 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Nothing like freedom of the press to make governments accountable. The Kashi City border police and the local foreign affairs department apologied to the two Japanese reporters ruffed up on Monday night. This is unheard of and should be viewed by the Chinese people as very encouraging. See what a bit of civil and political rights can do! A win-win situation: The Xinjiang government looks responsible, the Japanese get their gear repaired and China gains face in the eyes of the world.
The comment above was posted by Jimba at August 6, 2008 10:08 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Violence breeds more violences. Any racial conflict is a simply math of numbers. Really just see which one runs out of bodies first.
The comment above was posted by sha at August 6, 2008 01:11 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ sha
uh uh I get it. China will win becasue it has more readily disposbale bodies than the Uyghur. Great logic. Clinical, precise, unemotive.
The comment above was posted by spec at August 6, 2008 01:27 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
this one has all the videos made by teh ETIm so it seems:
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Lambs to the Slaughter: What is the East Turkistan Islamic Movement and is it really a Terrorist Threat at the Olympics? By Sean Roberts
The comment above was posted by spec at August 6, 2008 01:31 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
a snippett from the above article to whet your whatever it is that makes you addicted to reading this type of thing about the so called ETIM. Roberts' is the best account so far without doubt. Others have tried elsewhere to be comprehensive and sagelike, but have failed in their grasp of the situation:
"Meanwhile, the Chinese state is increasingly marginalizing the Uyghurs to make way for investors from China proper. In a discourse all too reminiscent of colonial and neo-colonial conquests past, the Chinese truly understand this development to be in the Uyghurs’ interest as it offers them an opportunity to replace their backward (i.e. Uyghur) culture with China’s peculiar brand of modernism. Most Uyghurs, however, do not see it that way. They see it as the last step before they disappear as a people, overwhelmed by ethnic Chinese migrants and the machinery of the Chinese state and its exploding industrialism. In this context, many Uyghurs, like Tibetans, view the Olympic Games in Beijing that open this week as perhaps their final opportunity to cry for help to the international community. Is this latest act of violence in Xinjiang then a desperate attempt to attract attention away from the birds nest stadium and NBC “color” stories about the Great Wall, Chinese food, the affect of smog on athletes, and Yao Ming’s ankle? Maybe, but, even if so, is it the work of the ETIM, and, if so, what does it tell us about this alleged dangerous terrorist group?"
The comment above was posted by spec at August 6, 2008 01:40 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
the people ..., nor do they even speak Mandarin
Thank you maimai for telling the world the truth
The comment above was posted by chengduboy at August 6, 2008 03:44 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
well mai mai you said it. The Uyghur are lashing out like a cornered cat. But why should they be cornered in their own 'country' is the question.
@ gaspinginthe'jing
"They are representive of the the majority of the new generation of rabidly anti-western, anti-democracy, and liberal-thought hating fascist punks who have bacically given the Tiananmen generation the finger. Always ready to ridicule the west, but don't you dare to say anything bad about the CCP!"
yep. the Xiao Mao clique we could call em.
mainlander, CMD, cripes, dyn, gao, sha, tong, oh the list goes on. all as equally as intelligent as each other
@ cripes
The comment above was posted by roebuck at August 6, 2008 03:54 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
dyn wrote:
Although I know, most Han Chinese think that Uyghur and Hui do not eat pork is becasue of pig is Uyghur and Hui's ancestors.
You are one of the reason why they bomb Chinese.
watch this video.
愚民教育结果 : 典型的中国人说 "猪是维族人的祖先 所以他们不吃猪肉" / 点击 → [ 更多資訊 ]
a documentary about Muslims in China, in the Xinjiang province. You see a chinese tour guide saying that Uighur people don't eat pig because pigs are their ancestors. This believe is in fact very wide spread in China. Even among the intellectuals. It all started years ago when the government published a false anti Islamic propaganda that said, Muslims don't eat pork because pig have saved their ancestors. For those people who claim that China is very Islamically friendly is just Bull shit. We all know what the communist party did during the cultural revolution. Yes things have become better, never the less, there are still tensions between Muslims and the Chinese governement.
The comment above was posted by li-si at August 6, 2008 08:11 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@Michael: Thanks for the explanation. This goes to show how taking a small segment of your interview call alter the whole picture.
The comment above was posted by Arjun at August 6, 2008 08:13 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
It all started years ago when the government published a false anti Islamic propaganda that said, Muslims don't eat pork because pig have saved their ancestors.
you are so stupid.
you think all such thing is made by goverment's anti-Muslim propaganda?
no, it is a humor of Han while Muslim look down people who eat pork.
Han is of no interesting to Koran, so when some one say so as a joke, they believe it.
So we know that because pig is muslim's ancestor, we must respect musilim's religion, we will not say "pig" when talking with a musilim, because pig is their ancestor, or their ancestor's life saver.
The comment above was posted by dyn at August 7, 2008 07:31 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Not like Westerners, Han think refer to one's elders's name directly when talking is impolite.
because 'pigs' are the name of muslims's ancestors, so the Han are courteous and never will use the word 'pig' when talking with Muslims.
The comment above was posted by dyn at August 7, 2008 07:37 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
This whole bit reminds me that wisdom is always the first casualty of conflicts like this. You have stupid officials thinking that shipping in Han Chinese to nudhge Uighurs out of the economic boom and keep them from too much power will promote stability. Then you have stupid seperatists who think that indiscriminately killing guardsmen will somehow convince the PRC to change.
Goddamnit, why can't we have people with two braincells to rub together in situations like this for once? What ever happened to raising ths straight above the crooked? There is wisdom in China, if only officials would care to look for it.
The comment above was posted by Tiako at August 7, 2008 09:27 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
"So we know that because pig is muslim's ancestor"
Islam is a religion, not a race. It doesn't have an "ancestor".
You know what? Reason probably won't help you. You are a nitwit, an ignoramous, and a fool. Nothing on my part can help you see through the dense fog that you think is your thought but is really nothing but the blabbering of a moron.
And don't bother with the threats. I get it, Han will kill the white devil that is me, don't step on China's shores, I get it. It will just prove my assesment of your intellect.
The comment above was posted by Tiako at August 7, 2008 09:32 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
"you are so stupid.
you think all such thing is made by goverment's anti-Muslim propaganda?
no, it is a humor of Han while Muslim look down people who eat pork.
Han is of no interesting to Koran, so when some one say so as a joke, they believe it.
So we know that because pig is muslim's ancestor, we must respect musilim's religion, we will not say "pig" when talking with a musilim, because pig is their ancestor, or their ancestor's life saver."
No basically what it means is Han have no respect for any one but their gluttonous pork eating selves, Muslim, Uyghur, white or other. Oh how good it is you post dyn because you show the world in glowing terms exactly what the problem in Xinjiang is: screwed up little Han turds like yourself.
someone said here you are the reason there are bombers in Xinjiang- foul little beast.
The comment above was posted by roebuck at August 7, 2008 11:56 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Gosh. You've got 'em all here, dyn, cripes, the lot - the only one missing is nanygrouch-thingy [or was it granny-something]. Where do you get them from? How do you do it?
The comment above was posted by 克莱夫 at August 7, 2008 05:10 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Michael, you got mentioned on the BBC today on their monitoring service of Uighur and Xinjiang based media sources, kudos.
The comment above was posted by Rukasu at August 8, 2008 01:39 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
"Not like Westerners, Han think refer to one's elders's name directly when talking is impolite.
because 'pigs' are the name of muslims's ancestors, so the Han are courteous and never will use the word 'pig' when talking with Muslims."
I will keep that in mind, and be sure not to say "dog" when talking to a Han Chinese.
The comment above was posted by gaspinginthe'jing at August 8, 2008 02:39 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
You are one of the reason why they bomb Chinese.
watch this video.
愚民教育结果 : 典型的中国人说 "猪是维族人的祖先 所以他们不吃猪肉" / 点击 → [ 更多資訊 ]
a documentary about Muslims in China, in the Xinjiang province. You see a chinese tour guide saying that Uighur people don't eat pig because pigs are their ancestors. This believe is in fact very wide spread in China. Even among the intellectuals. It all started years ago when the government published a false anti Islamic propaganda that said, Muslims don't eat pork because pig have saved their ancestors. For those people who claim that China is very Islamically friendly is just Bull shit. We all know what the communist party did during the cultural revolution. Yes things have become better, never the less, there are still tensions between Muslims and the Chinese governement.
1.You believe that Chinese people believe this because your IQ is too low, a typical result of (over)practicing FLG. I suggest you take a break.
2.Yes, I still remember, in the early 90s, Muslim people demostrate on the street against a book saying pigs are their ancestor. Guess what? The book was from Taiwan. It was a traditional Chn to simplified Chn translation. The book is immediately banned in mainland China.
A book published in Taiwan declaring pigs are ancestor of Muslim.
A book published in Taiwan declaring pigs are ancestor of Muslim.
A book published in Taiwan declaring pigs are ancestor of Muslim.
The comment above was posted by chengduboy at August 8, 2008 10:15 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Oh, btw, li-si, Chinese people do believe, thanks to the proganda of CCP, that the American army and whatever armed personnel, kill civillion in Iraq and Arfganstan, at will, for fun.
The comment above was posted by chengduboy at August 8, 2008 10:18 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Down with the CCP harbouring Uyghur terrorists!
Punish Uyghur!
yeah,you Hans would get the same thing after that,if so.
Although I know, most Han Chinese think that Uyghur and Hui do not eat pork is becasue of pig is Uyghur and Hui's ancestors.
you believe that only because you are a stupid pig. Most Hans are not stupid as you.
The comment above was posted by miloservic at August 10, 2008 01:25 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
dyn wrote :
you are so stupid.
you think all such thing is made by goverment's anti-Muslim propaganda?
no, it is a humor of Han while Muslim look down people who eat pork.
It was not humor.
I did not know that they have humor classes in Chinese kindergarten.
2006年吉林文史出版社出版的学前幼儿素质教育丛书《教师指导用书》中有 "如见到回族人,不应请他们吃猪肉,因为猪是他们的祖先,他们对猪进行图腾崇拜" 的内容,引起穆斯林强烈抗议。
They educate that pigs are muslim's ancestor in Chinese kindergarten.
历史上,反动统治阶级和个别反动文人曾利用穆斯林的禁食习俗,进行民族压迫和民族歧视。他们编造"猪是回回的祖先,是穆罕默德的 救命恩人"、"回族奉猪为神"、"猪八戒是回教徒"等所谓的故事,四处散布,侮辱穆斯林的人格,极大地伤害了伊斯兰民族的感情。
一、1993年,四川美术出版社出版《脑筋急转弯》画册,画有把阿拉伯穆斯林与猪并列 的图像,还有容易引起人误解为穆斯林拜猪的图像,强烈地刺激了穆斯林群众,引起全国1 0余省区的穆斯林群众抗议、游行和上访,持续数月,仅甘肃省就有40万人次上街。在西 宁市连续发生10多万人参加的游行示威。事件平息后,四川美术出版社直接责任人分别受 到判刑、撤职处分。青海抗议活动带头人数人被依法判处有期徒刑。
二、1994年底和1995年(猪年)初,全国十几家报刊,如中国气象报、中国海洋报 、杭州日报、山西公安交通报、西藏青年报、昆明日报等陆续刊登了湖北署名江祖国的"猪 年话猪"的文章,写有"回族奉猪为神灵"、"穆罕默德报答猪的救命之恩"等内容,严重 伤害穆斯林群众的民族宗教情感。河南、浙江、云南、辽宁、甘肃、山西等省穆斯林群情激 愤,引起巨大波动。江泽民同志批示:"此事不可小看,绝非无知。是何意图,值得深思。 民族、宗教问题在今后相当长时间内都得提高警惕,防止坏人借此挑起事端。"事后,十几 个报纸的负责人、责任人受到行政处分。
三、2000年3月20日,《南方都市报》将"克隆猪"图片与"麦加朝觐"图片编排在 一起,引起深圳、广州穆斯林群众抗议,几个外地赴深穆斯林趁机煽动,还向外扩大影响。 在中央有关部门和省委、省政府的指导下,报社及时向穆斯林群众郑重道歉,并对负责人迅 速作出行政处分,并经政府宗教、公安部门和伊协做工作,事态得以平息。
四、2000年11月,北京燕山出版社出版的《清真美食菜谱》中出现"猪油"的内容, 引起穆斯林群众不满。燕山出版社进行书面检查,收回书籍并销毁。
五、2005年,黑龙江《当代体育》杂志第518期《刺青》一文中出现"中国回族视猪 为神灵"的内容,引起穆斯林群众不满。该杂志社公开道歉,并全力回收该期刊物。该文作 者被开除,有关负责人受到处分。新闻出版总署要求该社停刊整顿。经妥善处理,全力挽回 影响,未酿成大的事端。
六、2006年吉林文史出版社出版的学前幼儿素质教育丛书《教师指导用书》中有"如见 到回族人,不应请他们吃猪肉,因为猪是他们的祖先,他们对猪进行图腾崇拜"的内容,引 起穆斯林强烈抗议。经妥善处理,才平息事态。
The comment above was posted by li-si at August 10, 2008 02:51 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I've asked my hui friends and they said they didn't sight pig as their ancestors. The reason the don't eat ports is because according their belief that pig is not "clean". There are many reasons, and one of it is that the pig doesn't mind having sex with its parents. I honestly found it abit strange, but again, that's their affairs.
There are radical people from both groups, I and my friends from two groups would uaually laugh at them.
The comment above was posted by cubezero3 at August 14, 2008 02:40 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Can not believe I am spending my time posting here during Olympics. I am going to watch telly now.
The comment above was posted by cubezero3 at August 14, 2008 02:41 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I do not know how some people think, use your internet as a tool, find out why muslim do not eat pork, u gonna get a right answer, please do not insult my religion and please stop spreading rumors, I can not believe that a well-educated person can have such words against the muslims.
The comment above was posted by joomarsh at August 15, 2008 02:25 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by how to lose belly fat at March 20, 2009 08:54 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by KINO at December 27, 2009 10:39 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by nmmmn at January 4, 2010 01:26 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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thanks very good admin are you
The comment above was posted by sohbet at January 13, 2010 02:14 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
مدونة صور المرأة المرأة خريطة الخفوق مدونة ساعات , شنط شنط توبيكات ماجد المهندس ماجد غرف بنات بنات صنادل صنادل خلفيات وندوز 7 خلفيات فوتوشوب فوتوشوب برامج حماية برامج حماية توبيكات عشق حب توبيكات عشق توبيك غزل توبيكات تحميل ريل بلير الجديد تحميل ريل بلير فاشون فاشون قصص الأنبياء قصص الأنبياء أكسسوارت 2010 أكسسوارات بودي شوب بودي شوب ساعات سواتش سواتش حمام الزيت حمام زيت القلب القلب جوال أطفال جوال أطفال الفصول الاربعه الفصول الاربعه الخط الكوفي الخط القلوب القلوب الحياة الحياة دهن العود دهن العود امثال رائعه امثال رائعه قوانين قوانين كولكشن شبابي كولكشن تعلم الحب تعليم الحب الحب افضل العطورات افضل العطورات ساعات بولغري بولغري عارض ازياء ازياء ازياء شبابية ازياء تيشيرت شبابي تيشيرت نظارات نظارات فساتين سهرات فساتين سهرات مكياج مكياج فساتين سهرات فساتين رقص شرقي رقص شرقي شفايف شفايف بجامات النوم بجامات نوم معاني الأسماء معاني الاسماء أكسسوارات اكسسوارت مكياج مكياج مجوهرات 2010 مجوهرات فساتين سهرات فساتين أساور اساور عطورات غرف النوم عطورات شنط حقائب شنط أكسسوارات جولات نسائية جولات وصفة جمال وصفه أكسسوارت روعة اكسسورات مناكير مناكير تساريح مكياج تساريح مكياج ميك أب سعودي مكياج مكياج أخر موضة مكياج مقهى السيدات مقهى ايسكريم شوكلاته ايسكريم حلا قهوة قهوه رز رز افخاذ الدجاج افخاذ الأفطار الفرنسي الافطار حلى ايسكريم السندوتشات ايسكريم محشي ساندوتش محشي مثلجات القهوة القهوه مكرونة مكرونة حلى قهوة حلى كتكات كتكات ساندوتشات ساندوتشات كباب دجاج كبابالجالاكسي حلى ديكورات ديكور غرف نوم ايكيا ايكيا غرف نوم ستايل ستايل ديكور بدوي بودي ديكور خشبي خشبي توبيكات غرام غرام توبيكات حب حب التوبيكات مخدات مخدات مناديل مناديل ديكور ديكورات التخلص من الدهون دهون العلاج العصبي علاج عصبي تمر تمر الوسواس القهري الوسواس رجيم رجيم عسل عسل شمعيات شمعيات صور الشهر موسوعة صور باليد صور رسم زيتي رسم حليمة بولند بولند اصداف اصداف ورود ورد صور موسكو موسكو موناليزا مونليزا صور زفة زفة طيور نادرة نادرة صور شلال شلال صور الغروب الغروب صور أبداع ابداع صور بنات بنات صور فضايح فضايح موسوعة الصور موسوعة صور لبنانيات لبنانيات صور سعوديات سعوديات صور بنات الجامعة بنات نكت نكت الغاز الغاز مسابقات مسابقات العاب العاب تسلية تسلية الرياضية رياضة كاركتير مضحك مضحك ضحك ضحك كامري كامري سيارات سيارات صور سيارات دبابات المرأة الكويتية كويتيات عالم مضحك مضحك عباية عبايات عبايات عباية فديو فديو مقاطع فديو مقاطع فديو فضايح يوتيوب يوتيوب رقص رقص فديو مضحك ضحك كميرة خفية كميرة فلم سعودي فلم سعودي سفر سياحة سفر دليل الرحلات رحلة توبيكات توبيك توبيكات رومنسية توبيكااات هاواي هاواي بلجيكا بلجيكا المكسيك مكسيكو تركيا تركيا سويسرا سويسرا جوال نت جوال نت موبايل موبايل جولات تلفونات نوكيا نوكيا احذية , جزم احذية وسائط وسائط وسائط حب ام ام اس وسائط غزل غزل وغرام خرائط الجوال خرائط تحميل برنامج برنامج ندامة ماجد المهندس ندامة جلسات راشد راشد اغنية فلة موبايل فلة موبايل يوتيوب موباير خرائط الموبايل خرائط لعبة موبايل دبابات دبابات روبن هود روبن هود لعبة كرستال كرستال العاب بنات بنات ثيمات رومنسية رومنسية ثيمات الجيل الثالث الجيل ثيمات الجيل نوكيا نوكيا خلفيات رومنسية رومنسية خلفيات روعه روعه توبيكات بنات بنات توبيكات ماسنجر ماسن خلفيات دسك توب دسك أكس بوكس بوكس اي فون اي فون برامج فديو برامج تلفزيون النت تي في نت قنوات النت قنوات نت تلفزيون نت برنامج حماية حماية سكورتي فيستا فيستا وندوز فيستا وندوز برامج صور تصوير سكربت ماسنجر سكربت كشف الحظر الحظر تحميل ماسنجر تحميل تحميل الماسنجر ماسن تحميل ماسنجر الياهو ياهو توبيكات اغاني اغاني توبيكات فنانات فنانات توبيكات حزينة حزينة توبيكات ملونة ملونة نكات التوبيكات توبيكات نكات توبيكات أجنبية اجنبية توبيكات ملونة تلوين توبيكات التوبيكات التوبيكات نكات ملونة ملونة توبيكات 2010 توبيكات اصاله اصالة اصاله الجسمي الجسمي توبيكات حزينة حزن حزن و أحزان أحزان فوتوشوب مضحك مضحك صور فوتوشوب جديدة فوتوشوب فوتشوب مضحك مضحكة فوتوشوب الفوتو فوتشوب ليل ليل الفوتو أبداع الفوتوشوب ابداع الفوتو فوتوشوب دسك توب دسك توب خلفيات ماسنجر خلف صور بنات ماسين توبيكات بنات توبيكات بنات ايقونات ايقونات جاكيت - - فساتين سهرات - أزياء بنات - حليمة بولند - فساتين رقص - فاشون - صور كولكشن - أزياء أطفال - صور مكياج - حنى - تسريحات عرايس - مكياج خليجي - مكياج سعودي - دروس مكياج - حلا - سلطة - تمارين - رجيم - صور حب - صور رومانسية - هيفا وهبي - مسجات رومانسية - ثيمات حب - ثيمات رومنسية - صور ماسنجر - ثيمات ماسنجر - اسماء بنات - تحميل ماسنجر صور فوتوشوب - فساتين اعراس - اسماء بنات للماسنجر - ثيمات ماسنجر - خلفيات ماسنجر - سمايلات - صور بنات
الخفوق - منتديات - الدليل العربي - الدليل الأجنبي - مدونة -
The comment above was posted by klsdlkj at January 16, 2010 08:35 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by roma at January 19, 2010 05:30 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by MBT Schuhe at April 7, 2010 02:29 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Attackers rammed a dump truck into a patrol station in China's restive Central Asian border province Monday morning, tossing grenades in a raid that killed 16 officers and wounded others, the state-run Xinhua News Agency reported....
The brief Xinhua account said the attackers drove the dump truck to get inside the paramilitary police compound in the Kashgar area and then exploded two grenades. A state television report gave a different version, saying the police were attacked while marching in front of a hotel while conducting morning drills.
The comment above was posted by Miami at April 8, 2010 09:52 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Xinhua has flushed out more details of the attack. The suspects arrested at the scene have been identified as two Uyghur men, aged 28 and 33, one of whom blew his arm off with a homemade explosive device. The attackers drove a dump truck (or perhaps a tip lorry) into a crowd of 70 officers conducting their regular morning exercises at about 8am. 10 homemade explosives, a homemade gun, and 4 knives were recovered from the truck.
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The comment above was posted by Florida at April 10, 2010 08:12 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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احلى صورة فستان | ديكورات سلالم فرنسيه |الدكتور خالد يوسف للتخسيس | بلوزات للسهرة |المصممة هيا الحوطي |دايت صحي |وطرق علاج تكيس المبايض والحمل | كيفية العناية بلعروس |والمزيدطرق رسم الحواجب بدون تشقير | واحدث طريقة تجميل التورتة | طرقة كيك بالصور والمزيد |احدث ازياء 2010 | و صحي وسريع | احدث القصات للوجه المدور | واحدث فساتين سهره حليمه بولند | فساتين سهره باكمام طويله 2009 | عبايات محجبات كاجوال | وصنع طرق المزيد اروع طريقة صنع كريم الزنجبيل للتنحيف | اجمل العطور الفرنسية | طريقة وضع مكياج العيون بالصور | وطرق عمل مكياج ليلكي | طبخ السمك الفيليه فساتين سهرة 2010 | فساتين سهرة وليد عطاللة | واحدث فساتين زفاف للمحجبات | واروع فساتين زفاف 2010 | زهير مراد 2010 |مشغولات يدوية | ازياء شتاء 2009 للمحجبات | ازياء المحجبات | واحدث طرق العناية بالبشرة | احدث ازياء المحجبات | دايت سريع | تسريحات ومكياج العروس | فساتين سهرة | احذية | شتاء 2009 للمحجبات | ميكياج وتسريحات | العاب وديان | حناء خليجي | نقش حناء خليجي | طرق تكبير الثدي | دهانات غرف النوم | احدث ازياء شتاء 2009 للمحجبات | احذية وشنط | 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The comment above was posted by youtube at April 12, 2010 10:23 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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المنتدى التعليمي
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The comment above was posted by منتديات at May 22, 2010 09:01 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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