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April 01, 2008
Qomolangma & the Secret Flame

I was reading about the Olympic torch ceremony held here in Beijing yesterday when a bit of information caught my eye:
One [torch] will be flown Tuesday to Almaty, Kazakhstan, to begin an international relay covering five continents and including a stop in San Francisco.The other torch is being flown to Lhasa and then being transferred to a base camp below Mount Everest. There, the flame is expected to be stored in a special lantern until May, when a team of climbers — and two specially trained camera operators for Chinese state television — will try to carry the burning torch to the summit of the world’s highest mountain and back down.
Now, like most of you I'd heard about China's plans to bring the Olympic flame to the highest point in the world — known as Mt. Everest in the West and Qomolangma here in China — but this is the first time I'd heard any of the details. In fact, after searching far and wide for more info on the flame's Himalayan ascent it became clear to me that Beijing is keeping things very hush-hush. For instance, take a look at these BOCOG maps of the flame's journey:

As you can see, neither of the routes leads to Everest. So, it started me thinking... unrest in Tibet, a tiny flame carrying the hopes of all China stored at secret base camp high in the mountains, tight security, and government secrecy. Hrmm. Throw in a glass of holy water from some glacial Tibetan lake, Bruce Willis, and a bad-ass monk or two trying to extinguish the flame and you've got an awesome action movie plot.
In more serious news, I read a translation yesterday of an interesting Xinhua editorial in which the basic framework of Chinese thought towards the situation in Tibet is laid out quite simply, making it clear that both sides are talking past each other and no agreement will ever be possible:
In today's Lhasa, there are high-rise buildings of Tibet characteristics everywhere; broad roads lead to various areas; public facilities are complete; the environment is beautiful; man and nature coexist in peace and harmony; the masses' material and cultural life is very rich. All these manifest the glamour of the highland city to the people of the world. The people of Lhasa are enjoying the great achievements brought by reforms and opening up to the outside world.
After the implementation of the projects to transform the old city region and to lower house rents, the people of Lhasa are living in comfortable and practical new houses and are able to watch excellent television programmes and listen to Tibetan language radio broadcasts. The houses of ordinary people generally have modern household equipment, such as refrigerators and colour television sets, and communication tools, such as cell phones. Many families have bought private cars.
Argh! The Chinese government just doesn't get it. Do they seriously think that Tibetans want to trade their proud cultural and religious heritage for a shiny new TV?
The article goes on to list examples of the how the Dalai Lama consistently makes trouble in an otherwise problem-free region:
Let's take a look at history, between 1987 and 1989 following the restoration of the Grand Summons Ceremony in Lhasa to confer degrees to monks, the Dalai clique engineered and incited disturbances in Lhasa many times. As a result, monks in various monasteries were unable to recite scriptures; normal social order was not guaranteed; and the grand prayer meeting that is held once a year at the Jokhang Monastery had to be suspended.
When Tibet established nature reserves, strengthened environmental construction, its ecological environment continued to improve, and especially when Tibet built the environment-oriented Qinghai-Tibet Railway, which brings benefit to the people of nationalities in Tibet, while developing its economy, the Dalai clique dished out such views as "Tibet's environment is being destroyed" in an attempt to hinder Tibet's economic development.
When Tibet's outstanding traditional culture is protected, and the demand to inherit and carry forward the spiritual culture of the masses of people is being constantly satisfied, the Dalai clique says "Tibet's traditional culture is being destroyed" in an attempt to forever maintain the "traditional culture" of their desire in order to place the masses of people in a state of being enslaved and hoodwinked. There are too many examples to cite.
You can read the editorial — translated by the good folks over at the BBC Monitoring Service — in its entirety below.
"To our knowledge, the next plan of the Tibetan independence forces is to organize suicide squads to launch violent attacks."
Wu Heping, Public Security Bureau spokesman (link)
Dalai Lama "clique" accused of trying to "undermine Tibet" stability - Xinhua
31 March 2008
BBC Monitoring Asia Pacific
Text of report by official Chinese news agency Xinhua (New China News Agency) Asia-Pacific service
[Report by reporters Gama Duoji, Bai Bing, and Ye Hui: "The Tree Craves Calm, But the Wind Will Not Subside - the Dalai Clique Interferes With and Undermines Tibet's Development and Stability"]
Lhasa, 30 Mar (Xinhua) - Cuomu, who had operated a shop selling tourist products for more than 10 years in Bakuo Street -the oldest business street in Lhasa, went through the entire process of the occurrence of the "14 March" violent incident of beating, smashing, looting, and burning in Lhasa. "I was also beaten and lost many products. At that time, I was so frightened that I ran desperately towards home. I didn't even know I had lost some clothes while still running." When she talked about the incident of half a month ago, she was still trembling with fear.
"The incident has produced too much an impact on us. We dare not go out to do our business, and there is no guarantee we can lead a normal life. I am extremely worried," said Cuomu. "In the days to come, are tourists inside and outside the country willing to come to Tibet for sightseeing? Can I continue to do my business?"
"The '14 March' violent incident of beating, smashing, looting, and burning in Lhasa has undermined Tibet's excellent and hard-to-get situation. I really don't understand," said Living Buddha Xinza Danzengquzha, vice chairman of the Tibet Autonomous Regional People's Congress Standing Committee.
Since the 80's of the last century, the central authorities have put into effect a series of policies and measures to support Tibet and mobilized the strength of all walks of life in the country to assist Tibet. In recent years, Tibet's economy and society have developed by leaps and bounds. The people's standard of living has clearly improved; social stability has been strengthened with each passing day; and marked achievements have been scored in construction in agricultural and pastoral regions. The opening of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway has further strengthened the ties between Tibet and the hinterland and pushed forward the development of tourism.
In today's Lhasa, there are high-rise buildings of Tibet characteristics everywhere; broad roads lead to various areas; public facilities are complete; the environment is beautiful; man and nature coexist in peace and harmony; the masses' material and cultural life is very rich. All these manifest the glamour of the highland city to the people of the world. The people of Lhasa are enjoying the great achievements brought by reforms and opening up to the outside world.
After the implementation of the projects to transform the old city region and to lower house rents, the people of Lhasa are living in comfortable and practical new houses and are able to watch excellent television programmes and listen to Tibetan language radio broadcasts. The houses of ordinary people generally have modern household equipment, such as refrigerators and colour television sets, and communication tools, such as cell phones. Many families have bought private cars.
"The violent incident of beating, smashing, looting, and burning this time has once again proved that every time Tibet has made a new stride forward in developing the economy and society and in improving the people's standard of living, the Dalai clique will resort to all means and spare no effort to undermine Tibet," said Living Buddha Xinza Danzengquzha.
Let's take a look at history, between 1987 and 1989 following the restoration of the Grand Summons Ceremony in Lhasa to confer degrees to monks, the Dalai clique engineered and incited disturbances in Lhasa many times. As a result, monks in various monasteries were unable to recite scriptures; normal social order was not guaranteed; and the grand prayer meeting that is held once a year at the Jokhang Monastery had to be suspended.
When Tibet established nature reserves, strengthened environmental construction, its ecological environment continued to improve, and especially when Tibet built the environment-oriented Qinghai-Tibet Railway, which brings benefit to the people of nationalities in Tibet, while developing its economy, the Dalai clique dished out such views as "Tibet's environment is being destroyed" in an attempt to hinder Tibet's economic development.
When Tibet's outstanding traditional culture is protected, and the demand to inherit and carry forward the spiritual culture of the masses of people is being constantly satisfied, the Dalai clique says "Tibet's traditional culture is being destroyed" in an attempt to forever maintain the "traditional culture" of their desire in order to place the masses of people in a state of being enslaved and hoodwinked. There are too many examples to cite.
At the end of the 50's and the beginning of the 60's of the last century, Tibet's social system underwent a historic change and a leap forward. Under the People's Congress system and the system of regional autonomy in areas inhabited by minority nationalities, the people of Tibet are masters of their own country and have opened up a historic new era of building socialism. With the concern of the central government and the self-less assistance of the people of the whole country, the people of Tibet have scored marked achievements in socialist modernization construction after going through scores of years of hard work. In 2007, Tibet's GDP amounted to 34.219 billion yuan, and its per capita GDP was 12,000 yuan.
In the new period, the central government has introduced the "live in peace" project in Tibet. As of now, 114,000 farming households have moved into new houses. In coordination, the Tibet Autonomous Region has solved the problem of road connections for 219 towns and townships and for 1,490 administrative villages; the problem of safe drinking water for 1.02 million farmers and herdsmen; the problem of postal connections for 111 central towns and townships; the problem of telephone connections for 3,712 administrative villages; and solved and improved the problem of electricity for 650,000 farmers and herdsmen.
In the past five years, the Tibet Autonomous Region has invested 8.22 billion yuan in building 437 town and township regular elementary schools and in expanding and rebuilding 93 junior middle schools and five vocational schools. Subsidies for "three assured" students have been increased by a big margin. School and miscellaneous fees and book fees for urban students in the period of compulsory education have been exempted. Compulsory education has covered both urban and rural areas in the true sense. The medical care system for farming and pastoral areas, which is based on free medical care, now benefits all farmers and herdsmen. The health and medical cadre system, the disease prevention and control system, and the medical care and rescue system for unexpected public health incidents, which cover both urban and rural areas, are being gradually improved.
A Tibetan saying says: "A wise man does the right thing because he knows the reason; a foolish man does the wrong thing because he does not know the reason." In the past 30 years since the start of reforms and opening up to the outside world, infrastructure facilities and the people's standard of living in Tibet have developed rapidly. The stable social environment of the past many years in Tibet has enabled its economy to grow at a speed of more than 12 per cent annually in the past seven years successively. Facts have proved that without stability, there would not have been today's leap-forward development in Tibet.
Yixi Luozhui, a resident in Lhasa, said: "After seeing those burned out resident buildings, the innocent people receiving medical treatment in hospitals, and the armed police officers and soldiers who were wounded trying to protect us, we found it difficult to suppress our indignation. The plot of a small number of unlawful elements to undermine Tibet's harmony and stability runs counter to the desire of the people of all nationalities in Tibet."
Source: Xinhua news agency, Beijing, in Chinese 0741 gmt 30 Mar 08

posted April 01, 2008 at 10:09 AM unofficial Xinjiang time | HaoHao This!
Yes one wonders why so many demonstrated throughout all the Tibetan areas of China outside the TAR when they are all so happy with the benefits of Chinese rule. Must be a very influential small clique to influence such a great area and so many people. China fails to perceive and acknowledge what a popular movement of the masses really is. Despite the expected, imprisonments and executions which will follow the genie is now out of the bottle and technology and communications will thwart China's attempts - despite painful editorials such as these - to cover up their serious cultural/ethnic and political problem in Tibet and Xinjiang. The Han chauvinists of course will be enfuriated by such words, but, lets be honest they choose not to believe that the initial demonstrations were peaceful, as they were in 87 & 89; and as the Yining riots in Xinjiang were in 97. The violence was state sponsored in each instance. They should also see the bloody images of the massacred in Aba in Sichuan if they feel the deaths of subsidized Han migrants to Lhasa is the only side of the story. On their role in the colonization of Tibet Id like to make another post later. James.
The comment above was posted by James at April 1, 2008 12:34 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
"Argh! The Chinese government just doesn't get it. Do they seriously think that Tibetans want to trade their proud cultural and religious heritage for a shiny new TV?"
Well, some Tibetans are willing to make the trade. And some Uyghurs too. One of the most tangible indicators here in Xinjiang is Uyghurs sending their kids to a Mandarin school vs. a Uyghur school... and I think numbers of the former are growing. I also think the government realizes it's just a number game - once enough people are willing enough to make the trade, then the gov will get what it wants: two more Inner Mongolias.
That'll be a while. But the Han Chinese are quite capable of being very patient when the geopolitical situation demands it.
The comment above was posted by Porfiiry at April 1, 2008 12:39 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@Porfiriy: Be that as it may, the truth on the ground is that the economic benefits brought by being a part of China have reached only a relatively small number of Tibetans and Uyghurs. If everyone was getting rich, sure... but it ain't happening that way.
As for Inner Mongolia, they were just too close to Beijing to escape for very long.
The comment above was posted by michael at April 1, 2008 12:45 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Nationalism is always a tricky, albeit, powerful thing
The comment above was posted by Lucas at April 1, 2008 06:27 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by Lucas at April 2, 2008 12:50 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
"Argh! The Chinese government just doesn't get it. Do they seriously think that Tibetans want to trade their proud cultural and religious heritage for a shiny new TV?"
I wonder what make you believe that Tibetans don't care about their material life? There are many secular Tibetans struggling to get better life.
I feel that you are dispatched by the CIA to stir ethnical hatred between Han and Tibetans, as it did half a century ago.
I just came back from Cleveland and really feel that local black people need financial assistance from the government. But they didn't get anything. In mainstream media their black culture is still associated with crime and promicuity. Do you think your governement or your free media did a good job to protect their "black culture" or offer them economic benefits?
The comment above was posted by queer at April 2, 2008 04:06 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Some western countries are trying helping the slave owners to get their slaves back. Can we say it is a advancement of human beings?
Even you've stayed in China for years, you still don't understand Chinese, that means 56 ethnic. You've ever been to Tibet. Did you see the tibans lose their culture?
American products are all over the world, can you say it is a threat to others? Holywood movie can be on all over the world, I also can say "your movies may lead us lossing cultures".
Please do not use two standards to judge others. People should respect each other.
The comment above was posted by Ranee at April 2, 2008 04:10 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
"As for Inner Mongolia, they were just too close to Beijing to escape for very long."
It seems that you want to see a bunch of powerless chinas that you can easily manipulate. However, China is not India. China doesn't have large religious fractions, and most Chinese know that they are a bounded autonomy. I am afraid you will be disappointed.
The most interesting thing about China is that Chinese are sensitive about the role played by the west on Chinese ethnical issues. Often the case is, Chinese are more happy to release their nationalistic anger to innocent white foriengers. If you don't change your tone, you are doing nothing but creating more Chinese nationlistic youth.
The comment above was posted by queer at April 2, 2008 04:23 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
More deaths in Custody IN XINJIANG:
Uyghurs Protest in China's Remote Xinjiang Region
The comment above was posted by james at April 2, 2008 08:05 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Ranee when the Han show real respect for their minorities in PRACTICE RATHER Than WORD then yu can post such meaningless diatribe
Han chauvinism bolstered by a nationalistic/ historical lie is the bait which seduces young well meaning people like yourself. Freedom for all Chinese citizens. True Autonomy for the Autonomous Regions- then yu may speak!
The comment above was posted by James at April 2, 2008 08:08 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
"Queer" yu are obviously a Chinese nationalistic Youth- violent as well? Hey yu could always go and put the squeeze on some dissident minorities who defy your hollow historical lie that they have always belonged to China if yu the feel the neeed to be nationalistic or powerful. Poor lost soul. And who do yu work for? Are yu glad to be back in China? Yu are not there but in the west - Go home or be a chauvinist and a hypocrite. James
The comment above was posted by james at April 2, 2008 08:15 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
For those who cant open this link: know what is happening. Toirture and Murder in Chinese penal system
Radio Free Asia
April 1, 2008
ISTANBUL, April 1—Several hundred ethnic Uyghurs have staged protests in China’s remote and restive Xinjiang region following the death in custody of a prominent Uyghur businessman and philanthropist, Radio Free Asia (RFA) reports.
Witnesses report protests at two locations in Khotan prefecture—in Khotan city March 23-24 and Qaraqash county March 23, RFA’s Uyghur service reports. Several hundred protesters were taken into custody, numerous sources said, and security remains tight.
Numerous sources said the demonstrations followed the death in custody of a wealthy Uyghur jade trader and philanthropist, Mutallip Hajim, 38. Police returned his body to relatives March 3 after two months in custody, saying he had died in hospital of heart trouble. According to an authoritative source, police instructed the family to bury him immediately and inform no one of his death.
The unrest comes two weeks after ethnic Tibetans in neighboring provinces staged riots against Chinese rule, prompting a deadly crackdown and countless arrests. Both Tibetans and Uyghurs—two of China’s major religious and ethnic minorities—have chafed under Beijing’s rule for the last six decades, and Chinese authorities have faced persistent accusations of repression and abuse. But while exiled Uyghur leaders have voiced support for the Tibetan protesters, the Uyghur unrest appears unrelated.
Protesters’ demands
In both areas, the protesters were demanding that authorities scrap a bid to ban head scarves, stop using torture to suppress Uyghur demands for greater autonomy, and release all political prisoners, sources said.
In Khotan, the crowd of several hundred protesters comprised mainly women. Hotel employees said police produced lists of alleged protesters, mainly women, and told them to report to police if anyone using tried to register as a guest under any of those names, they said.
The protesters, who according to several accounts numbered around 600, began their march at the Lop bus station. An unknown number of men joined their 2-km (one- mile) march to the Big Bazaar shopping area, where they were surrounded by police who arrested around 400, the sources said. How long they were held was unclear.
The sources, who declined to be identified, reported six casualties, although no details were available. Police in Khotan city and its Chinbagh district, contacted by telephone, denied any protests had taken place.
Police say protest ‘peacefully dispersed’
In Qaraqash, a police officer on duty said protesters there “peacefully dispersed.”
“There were no injuries or deaths, and we persuaded the people gathered for the protest to leave,” the officer said. He told a reporter to phone back later for an accurate crowd count but hung up when the reporter rang back after 15 minutes.
Two additional sources in Khotan said they knew nothing of protests but had witnessed extraordinary security measures there, including an order for all local residents to remain in their homes.
One local worker told RFA’s Mandarin service that police were quick to quash what she described as riots in Khotan. “There was an immediate crackdown. Now everything is stable,” she said. “Protesters were arrested although I don’t know how many were. Now travel is back to normal.”
A local restaurant employee said: “Indeed there were some riots, but now it’s calm and the restaurant is open. Some rioters were arrested but I don’t know how many were arrested. The restaurant was closed for a few days while the riots were going on.”
But an employee at another restaurant had a different account. “The restaurant is still closed,” the employee said. “There’s no chef, and there aren’t any customers either.”
Tense area
Khotan, a rich oasis fed by a several rivers, is located on the southwestern edge of the historic Tarim Basin and about 2,000 kms (1,300 miles) from the regional capital, Urumqi.
Uyghurs, who number more than 16 million, constitute a distinct, Turkic-speaking, Muslim minority in northwestern China and Central Asia. They declared a short-lived East Turkestan Republic in what is now Xinjiang in the late 1930s and 40s but have remained under Beijing’s control since 1949.
China has waged a campaign over the last decade against what it says are violent separatists and Islamic extremists who aim to establish an independent state in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, which shares a border with Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Mongolia.
In March 2008, Chinese authorities announced that they had foiled a plot by Uyghur terrorists targeting the Beijing Olympics. In the early 1990s, Uyghurs in Xinjiang launched large-scale riots, attacking and killing Chinese officials. Chinese authorities alleged that such acts killed 162 people and injured another 440, prompting a harsh crackdown.
After the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the United States, Beijing took the position that Uyghur groups were connected with al-Qaeda and that one group, the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM), was a “major component of the terrorist network headed by Osama bin Laden.” The ETIM has denied that charge.
U.S.-based Human Rights Watch says authorities in Xinjiang maintain “a multi-tiered system of surveillance, control, and suppression of religious activity aimed at Xinjiang’s Uyghurs...At a more mundane and routine level, many Uyghurs experience harassment in their daily lives.”
“Celebrating religious holidays, studying religious texts, or showing one’s religion through personal appearance are strictly forbidden at state schools. The Chinese government has instituted controls over who can be a cleric, what version of the Koran may be used, where religious gatherings may be held, and what may be said on religious occasions.”
The comment above was posted by James at April 2, 2008 08:22 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Hey! Don't you dare spew your dirty bad mouths on matters pertaining to our internal affairs! Fuck off & butt off! Fucking white devils! Don't hide behind these poor monkeys Tibetans to do your biddings. Be a real gentleman & fight like a real man. Come on, bring on your lousy GIs & have a good face off~ see how we really enjoy slitting their lousy throats & dragging their sinful bodies on our streets like what Alqaeda would love to do! Smash US/UK/Nato/Israel/Japan/West! Boycott London 2012! Damn the Christian West!
The comment above was posted by Mainlander at April 2, 2008 12:15 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@Mainlander: I know you're gonna kick my ass and all, but would you mind at least confining your rants to the topic at hand? You already told us how much you love slitting throats the last time you commented.
The comment above was posted by michael at April 2, 2008 12:48 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
When I was in Jiuzhaigou I had an interesting conversation with a college student from the village. She told us that the gov't forced the villages to give up all livestock (sheep and yak) when the park opened. They're also not allowed to expand their villages in any way. However, the one good thing to come of the park opening was that the children could receive a better education--although they didn't like the fact that they have to send their children to other cities.
The comment above was posted by China-Matt at April 2, 2008 04:41 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
My money's still on Mainlander being from Dayton.
I find it interesting how paranoid the Chinese who post on these blogs seem to be. A great many seem to be absolutely convinced that dividing China is the number one goal for US foriegn policy. Hey, guess what, that wouldn't be in America's interests! A divided China would create instability. Instability in East Asia goes against practically every political and economic interest the US has. Especially now that the Indochinese nations are becoming US allies. I wonder, is this what the CPC says the US wants? It really isn't. A democratic China, sure, but not a divided one.
More on the topic, it is very rare for their to be great instability during periods of economic prosperity, no matter where you are and no matter how much a culture has been repressed. However, cultural repression does create more reasons for instability during an economic downturn.
The comment above was posted by Tiako at April 2, 2008 06:45 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
You really think your media is that free? Then why my comments on Youtube have been deleted, and also my friends'. Bcz the comments are suppourting our country CHINA!
We can not put comment on CNN free either. CNN need to check the comments first. If our comments are supporting our country, most of them won't be posted! BUT in CHINA, we can post comment on YAHOO, SINA, SOHU and etc easily, without checking first.
I watched a video on YOUTUBE a few days ago. I saw some americans were shouting "fuck CNN" beside the CNN building. That is soooooo interesting! Bcz Americans also know their media is liar!!!
The comment above was posted by Ranee at April 2, 2008 07:08 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I can tell you, I and also my friens who are studying in abroad now, will go back to China to construct our country CHINA!
And before this event, some of them may consider staying in western countries. But now, we believe some western countries are so SHIT! You may feel nervious that our country is growing so fast and is threat to you! So you want to see our country divided. Then we don't have other choices. The only choice is makeing our country become more stronger!
The comment above was posted by Ranee at April 2, 2008 07:16 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Don't bother to argue with these white trash.
You are right, in 1999, I was in the demostration against NATO's bombing of Chinese embassy in Beijing. I was among the students throwing stones and beer bottles into American embassy. I don't mind to do it again ^_^
The comment above was posted by queer at April 2, 2008 08:15 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
If you hate the west so much, why are you studying in our universities? don't you have any decent ones in China...or were your test scores too low to get into PU or HKU?
anyway...just sayin is all
China confirms Xinjiang protests:
The comment above was posted by Lucas at April 2, 2008 08:47 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Anyone else see the front page of the www.nytimes.com
Khotan is front and center though skimpy on the facts. I'll be there tomorrow.
The comment above was posted by SittingHere at April 2, 2008 09:18 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
There are some seriously bitter Chinese people posting in this thread. I don't know why they are so bitter... at least they know the English language to a decent extent, they could get a nice wage in the pampered cities in which they live. Too bad that once you leave the pampered city you step back into pure 3rd world reality. That's the reality of 95% of people living in China...
Young Chinese in 1989 really were brave... they had nothing and were willing to risk it all. The dream of democracy truly died then. These young Chinese nowadays have everything - money, (supposed) freedom, style, sex and a brash western attitude. They aren't willing to risk all that for real freedom for themselves (or for some tibetans or uighers they don't give a crap about anyway.) All these young punks can do is shoot their mouths. They're so clueless they have no idea about how much they DON'T know about their own county's history!
Until Chinese are willing to die for freedom, they'll never get it nor will they deserve it.
The comment above was posted by cc at April 2, 2008 09:26 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Yes China is trading personal freedom in for collection strength.
Because Asians are weaker in their determination to kill, fight, assaut other races than these lion and tiger hearted whites, we need to help each other by getting together, just like the horses and sheep need to hug in groups.
If the world falls into the tyrany of white power hands, our race have no freedom to grow any more,
the whites are patronizing the small Asian coutries people only to seduce them to fight against the bigger Asian country. If we ever fall,
the whole Asia will become their pray ground once again !
The comment above was posted by han at April 2, 2008 09:51 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Look at how these whites treat wolves and mice,
They train dogs and cats to kill their own kins,
after they wipe out these animals. They starting their hypocritical remorseful crowing after these animal population were reduced to non threatening number.
But once there is a threat of resurgence of these
animal population, they will put them down again.
They also castrated and sterrlized these dogs and cats that are helping them killing their own relatives.
The comment above was posted by han at April 2, 2008 09:59 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
your imagination is soooo stupid!
Why I study in abroad is because I want to see another side of the world and judge it in my eyes, not like your ultranationalism. Every country has its merit and demerit. My mission is learning the merit to improve my country and aviod demerit in your countries happen in my country again. That's why China can develop that fast.
You guess I can't enter PU, then did you enter the Harvard University? I am sure you are not! Bcz from your comment, I am sure your IQ and EQ are not high enough to enter. If (0.00001%) you are from a Harvard, it's a shame of Harvard!
About the protest in Xinjiang, you'd better seek the information from UN. Those people have been considered as TERRORIST offically! You are so ignorant.
Don't stay in the well and enjoy your stupid imagination, learn something to enrich your low IQ brain.
The comment above was posted by Ranee at April 2, 2008 10:37 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Didnt you whites come to China, to all Asian countries to investigate our weakness, study our exploitable culture and learn, rob, steal from us
in the past and keep sending military presence and espinarge airplane here in the present?
Do we then call you all spies and ask you to fuck off? We have more evidence of your people coming to our countries doing evil things to us, keep saying evil things about us than vice versa.
Think about how many Chinese and Asian antiques and treasures and books are in your libraries and musiums.
We take your hostile attitude for granted for coming to our country, yet you whites are so sensitive to some of our folks utter a little anger in your land, what kind of aggressive and intorable people you are, now every normal person should be able to tell.
The comment above was posted by mainlander at April 2, 2008 11:36 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Isn't Radio Free Asia funded by American Congress?
It is funny that the word "crackdown" is so often abused by western media on China. Any government, not collaped yet like "Tibet in exile", would have sent army to stop the murderous rampage. A few years ago, a riot erupted between Hui and Han Chinese. There were 17 truck loads of Hui sent to join the fight. Hui would have sent 17 train loads of men to revenge in Tibet if the gov. is not protecting tibetans. Han chauvinism is greatly exaggerated by West and Hans are third class citizens, below every other minority. It is time for them to demand equal rights, not be so wimpy. Appeasement is not working and it is time to "crackdown".
The comment above was posted by funny at April 3, 2008 01:30 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
We study in abroad simply because American students are too stupid to get Ph.D. in their own universities. We are getting these academic and technical jobs that you are not qualified to take. The reality in my department is, as far as there is a Chinese applicant, he/she will be the one to be admitted. Americans cannot evne score perfect on GRE math. I know Americans are afraid of losing their jobs. But it is global capitalism invites us to step on your land and take your jobs away. And global capitalism was chosen by the Reagan-Bush government, a government democratically selected by Americans^_^
No matter where we live in this world we belong to a diasporic China, it is more powerful than the economic "Greater China." No matter you like it or not, that is the fact you have to face. But you still have the right to choose to be our friends or our enemy.
The comment above was posted by queer at April 3, 2008 01:38 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
"These young Chinese nowadays have everything - money, (supposed) freedom, style, sex and a brash western attitude. They aren't willing to risk all that for real freedom for themselves."
You are right, now we have everything. But one thing hasn't been changed is the nationalist spirit. Feel free to stigmatize Chinese nationalism. The post-Tiananmen generation has a different understanding of freedom, we can easily draw the boundaries between individual freedom and neoliberal individualism. The later jeopardizes the interest of the nation. In addition, we have the ability to separate the nation from the state. We can hate the state but love the nation at the same time.
Compared to the Tiananmen generation, we are more skillful and politically sophisticated. And, we are willing to give up the political "freedom" to undermine Western sovereignty, since we all know democracy is a joke.
The comment above was posted by queer at April 3, 2008 01:52 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@Ranee & Queer: I'm playing devil's advocate, you do realize this don't you? Christ, you people need a sense of humor and relax with the ultranationalism. And don't say we are too dumb to get a PhD when you can't string a sentence in correct English. I studied abroad at PU and have lived in Shenzhen, so save it.
The comment above was posted by Lucas at April 3, 2008 03:46 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
"About the protest in Xinjiang, you'd better seek the information from UN. Those people have been considered as TERRORIST offically! You are so ignorant."
Such words above from you, now I'm 100% sure that you don't even have IQ of 50!,,,,Oppss,,,,,,I overestimate your IQ. Idiots have such an IQ of around 50, and as for you, I think you could only have IQ of 25.
Opss again,,,ppl whose IQ are even below than idiots may be able to claim that protesters, most of them were women, were already announced by UN as TERRORISTS even before the protest took place.
The comment above was posted by S*kt*r at April 3, 2008 04:27 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Han - Er, what? I really have no idea what you are talking about.
Mainlander - Nobody denies that the West was bad to China. However, the West was not half so bad to China as China was to China.
The comment above was posted by Tiako at April 3, 2008 05:55 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I am very humerous, But I can't see the value to amuse you. Please don't mention your studies at PKU. You should have a better idea about how much you paid for that.
Thank you for pointing out my grammar mistakes. However, it doesn't stop me passing the candidate exam and getting my Ph.D. Are you one of these white losers that have nothing to sell but your English?
The comment above was posted by queer at April 3, 2008 06:33 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
"Mainlander - Nobody denies that the West was bad to China. However, the West was not half so bad to China as China was to China."
Are you trying to give 1.3 billion Chinese a voice? I appreciate your endeavor. But it is still your voice. I would appreciate you more if you stop giving Chinese a voice. We know how to talk.
The comment above was posted by queer at April 3, 2008 06:41 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ S*kt*r
Why don't you just type your name as "s*h*i*t"? It looks better for you.
Is this word "TERRORIST" invented by the US? China only uses this world to stop bloodshed from happening. US uses this word to announce its killing. At least, it is the UN made the announcement for China. The US doesn't need UN's annoucement to start its killing.
I won't blame you if your IQ is not high enough to comprehend the differences.
The comment above was posted by queer at April 3, 2008 07:12 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Dear RANEE, WUEER, MAINLANDER et al, and other Chinese agents in the West. Yu guys are a joke: demented, ignorant, brainwashed, xenophobic, fascist lil Han cock suckers. Go home to the Great Motherland or shut up- nobody of any enlightened state of mind takes yu seriously- yu are just enforcing the stereotype of backward Han communist/nationlist thinking. Oh and how horrid that is - not to mention as Lucas points out what fucken hypocrites yu all are studying in the west: get back to your shit holes in the villages where yu crawled out of and see how great life is umm... would the embassy agencies allow that?...bye bye
The comment above was posted by james at April 3, 2008 07:58 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Queer - Eh? I'm stating the undeniable fact that the Warlord Era, Civil Wars, Great Leap Forward etc, etc, were all undeniably worse than anything the West ever did.
The comment above was posted by Tiako at April 3, 2008 09:21 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
separatist movements in western china are, to quote an american diplomat, "like a tooth ache, they occur from time to time, and you just have to live with it." Tibet and Xinjinag's geo-strategic importance in the world is near the bottom, no one who is important cares about their cause, other than a bunch of liberal tree hugging youths, who saw seven years in tibet too many times. most chinese dont consider western separatists the main threat to the stability of china. Tibet and Xinjiang will never be separated from china, because no major power is willing to pay the price for it. most chinese and the big players in the world are more concerned about Taiwan rather than poor backward overly religious savages who couldnt even run a country if they were allowed to. Hollywood and western media wants you to think that tibet was a buddhist paradise before 1950, look through lies, and worry about the human rights of your minorities, i.e. black and native americans in North america, Muslims in europe, aboriginals in Australia.
The comment above was posted by nicolas at April 3, 2008 09:51 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
all this ranting, from both sides, is so trivial and low level. lets get the truth out, why do westerners care about Tibet? because its a part of china, and BECAUSE china is becoming a strong country. no on cared about tibet when the british raj committing atrocities there, no one cared about tibet during the 60s and 70s when china was poor and weak, but now, its different, so to stop/contain china's rise, and its potential, people bring up trivial things like tibet, uighurs, human rights, pollution, the list goes on and on. westerners fear the day when the world is more equal, so these "angry white guys" i like to call them, will hide behind things like tibet, human rights, to seem like their cause is just, when in fact, they are just showing aniexty of losing the place their grandparents got for them by pillaging and raping the world. angry commenters like James, are like the kid who is crying because the parties over. they know westerners grip on the world is waning. they cant accept history's natural progression
The comment above was posted by conrad at April 3, 2008 10:25 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Taiko. Brilliant Point.
The comment above was posted by James at April 3, 2008 10:42 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
NICHOLAS is your real name RANEE or MAINLANDER or QUEER by any chance. God yu are twisted and full of horrid condescension? James
The comment above was posted by James at April 3, 2008 10:47 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
AND CONRAD IS RIGHT "WE" AND THERE ARE MANY (WHO MAY ALSO SURVIVE THE FASCIST PURGES WHEN CHINA TAKES OVER THE WORLD)of us who do not accept history's natural progression as you awakwardly and misguidingly term it: "we" know it has been genocidal and resist it in its present forms - yu say its ok for it is "natural"- yu are therefore a beast. for the murder and destruction of any people is not natural or accepatble if "we" can stop it and "we" are many. China will stab itself in the foot in Central Asia as it did in the Han and Tang and would of in the Qing but for Britain's financial loan to Zou Zang Tang so as his troops (not he) could destroy Yakob Beg's Emirate in what was later to be known as Xinjiang or the NEW Dominion. Go to your history books Conrad or dont speak about history fuck knuckle. james. James
The comment above was posted by James at April 3, 2008 10:55 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
You are the perfect white shits that I love to spar during my university & subsequent working days in the West. To be frank to you, most West-haters, like our Arab martyls who bombed the Twin Towers thus doing a lot of other West-haters a great favour, began our lives in the West as untra West worshippers/admirers. We kind of love the easy way of life~frequenting the pub, screwing white bitches & doing all kinds of things that you white shits do & take for granted. It is only later that we started to appreciate/understand the West's evil intentions, all sorts of miseries that you sowed around the world that we started to radicalise our views. Yeah! We may like your university but this does not mean we subcribe to your Darwinian theory "survival of the fittest". It is such arrogance of you shits to insinuate that there is perhaps only one model of your liberal democracy that purportedly, & hard sold through every ways & means, you think you can impose on everybody else. I say it categorically:fuck your human rights, democracy...blah blah blah...off. The world certainly deserves more diversities & there must have been other social-political systems which best suit other cultures/groups. So, don't be so cocky & think your is always the perfect one for everyone in this planet!
Smash the West: US/UK/France/Germany/Israel/Australia/Canada. Boycott London 2012!
The comment above was posted by Mainlander at April 3, 2008 11:29 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ James (card carrying member of KKK, whose racist hatred toward Chinese culture is scary)
sad, your wiki level education cant cut it, even though you can cut and paste bits of history from other websites into your comments. China has never committed genocide during its rise, and if you call what has happened in tibet genocide, then you are lowering the threshold of what monsters like your grandfather hitler did. history's natural progression is not genocide, thats why we go to war to stop genocide. nice try to high jack my comment. the natural progression of history is that powers rise and fall, when europeans were still chasing their food and picking it up off the ground, the middle east and china had cities of 10 000, then the west rose and turned the tables on the east. empires rise and fall, and seems like you are mad and sad, that your empire is slowly collapsing from within because the new generation is being replaced with low quality people like yourself. this world needs a multi polar world, but many westerners dont want it, so they exaggerate things that happen in a country that pale in comparison to their own crimes, to de-legitimize another country's rise. sure china isnt a perfect country, there is some heavy handedness, that it pales in comparison to what westerners have done to the rest of the world. James's complaints are like a murdering, raping, thief trying to lecture a father who beat his child too hard one night. the only reason you care about separatist tibetans is because its a flash-point to destabilize china, "my enemy's enemy is my friend" as the saying goes. your "yellow pearl" racist arguments are too obvious.
The comment above was posted by conrad at April 3, 2008 12:27 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
so Conrad whats your Chinese name? Your perception of Genocide is also flawed . Why? Because Holocasust is its extreme form. It starts way before Uncle Hitler and his fascist pals ( hear that word Conrad: fascist - yu dont like it do yu?) ever decided on the 'Final solution" Perhaps yu should read the UN CHARTER ON GENOCIDE AND THEN TRY AND TELL AN INFORMED PUBLIC THAT CHINA IS NOT COMMITTING (cultural) GENOCIDE IN TIBET AND xINJIANG; AND BY THE WAY WHY ARENT YU THERE HELPING THE HAN ENDEAVOURR IF YU ARE SUCH A PATRIOT? HMMM...NO NEED TO ANSWER...
As far as ZouZangTang tang goes he DID borrow money from Britain to finance his conquest of Eastern Turkestan and it was under his "Hunan " rule of the area it became known as Xinjiang. The Qing court back home in the east didnt give a shiot about teh WEST TEHY WERE TOO CONCERNED ABOUT losi9ng teh coast. Zou was a Han nationalist ecven tho the nation didnt exist then. Any historian worth his salt knows this stuff- and by the way- westerners likE me arent against China we speak out aginst the CCP its fascist regime and its lies - wheres the autonomy promised by Mao???hahahahahahah? Chin ais fine evejn tho it is an imaginary consrtuction- whhy did Japan industrialize and modernize so rapidly in comparison to China? One reason is tahy had unity and acoherent sense of the natiohn. China at the time had no such sense- the nation belongs to thepresent and young ultra national ists ( read: neo-Han fascists and mninority murderers) are drunk on the idea because of your inferiority complex of being small or weak or whatever- China was able to be invaded during the Opium wars because of its divisions and get this its CORRUPTION (so watch out) ask Prince Kung Conrad or queer or whoever yu are in wahtwever western country yu launch your diatribes and missives from long live freedom long live free china. Down with Han fascisst and Han chauvinists.
The comment above was posted by james at April 3, 2008 01:34 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ queer
Ohhhh,,,,,,,another low intelligent creature ~ ~ ~
Your pen name just reminds me you have been lack of some thing - intelligence, let alone humanity.
BTW, it is proven by that you couldn't invent any thing except copying. You've just even copied TERRORISM from others??! Ohhh,,,shit,,,,,I couldn't believe that ppl like you could get Phd, if so, it would be the shame for academic world.
The comment above was posted by S*kt*r at April 3, 2008 02:19 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ james, Tiako, and Lucas
Could you please help me out sth?
I'm searching for a warning sign that was used in foreign concessions in China during 19th and 20th century, to keep dogs and Chinese out of the area.
It would be nice if any of you here can post a link of it ~ ~
The comment above was posted by S*kt*r at April 3, 2008 03:44 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ James
wow you love given outdated facts to prove an irrelevant point. ok, first off, CCP's policy in tibet is not as bad as US policy in the "western states" and what it did to the native americans. What china is doing in tibet is less than what america has done to Hawaii, turn it into a military outpost to protect its borders and turn it into a tourist colony. Actually, im not chinese, and my ancestors have been a victim of chinese aggression in certain points in history. I live in china and i have been to tibet, unlike you who only rely on the film seven years in tibet, and the latest and greatest in western propaganda vis a vi CNN BBC. and japan got rich not bc of unity, it got rich bc of the korean war, and bc america allowed it to get rich by opening its market to japanese products, making japan rich in order to contain china. south korea and taiwan got the same treatment. if you call what china is doing in tibet genocide, then what america has done within its own border is genocide in the extreme form, (to borrow your words) look what it did to african americans and native Americans, and what it still does today. BUT you wont admit it, bc i know your true intentions, you only hate the CCP bc they arent the spineless western worshipping yellow people like the japanese are and KMT were. When the KMT ran most of china, everyone accepted tibet was a part of china. (watch Frank Capra's why we fight film) the reason why you hate the CCP is bc there is no more USSR. you need an enemy, you need a reason to hate, you need a reason to tell yourself, they are savage, the west is not, we are right, they are wrong. white supremists like you always need an enemy. Im not sticking up for china bc i love everything they do. i just defend china against the hypocrisy in most, not all westerners, the truth must be said. FREE TIBET? GO FREE IRAQ, THE WEST BANK AND GAZA, GO FREE HAWAII, ALASKA, PURTO RICO. you want to satellize china and use it to your benefit, you hate the CCP bc is doesnt take orders from washington. lets face it, if you really cared about tibetans and human rights, youd be on egyptian, israeli, and saudi blogs screaming HUMAN RIGHTS, cultural genocide, but you dont bc the are US lackys. i deal with MIA FARROW wannabes like you everyday in china, but i have yet to find one whose argument isnt the same.
The comment above was posted by conrad at April 3, 2008 06:08 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
"Be that as it may, the truth on the ground is that the economic benefits brought by being a part of China have reached only a relatively small number of Tibetans and Uyghurs. If everyone was getting rich, sure... but it ain't happening that way."
True, and I'm aware of this situation. But you only need to get a core amount of people onto the "material benefits induced indifference" bandwagon to establish an effective system of control over the local populace - at least long enough until the population ratios are so skewered as to render local discontent entirely ineffective. I acknowledge that the way benefits are distributed in Xinjiang is predatory - but its not necessarily along ethnic lines. Material benefits are bestowed upon the Han Chinese, and people who ACT like the Han Chinese, which is a terribly reductionist way (I admit) to say Uyghurs who undergo Mandarin education, work entirely in Mandarin work environments, have no qualms about working for the XPCC or for a giant oil company, and subsequently have children who are more comfortable with Mandarin and can't write in Uyghur. I've seen plenty of Uyghurs who fit this description. Granted, compared to the whole body of Uyghurs, the number of these "minkaohan" Uyghurs is small, but it's growing. One reason the Uyghurs have not been able to assemble an effective resistance to Han rule is that there is no international support for them nor is there an intellectual middle class to propagate ideas to farmers and laborers. The Chinese is allowing for the production of a Uyghur middle class - but a middle class that is entirely loyal to the CCP and know full well their economic status is contingent on continued loyalty.
That's my view on how the CCP achieves control. The "everyone isn't getting rich, benefits aren't distributed evenly" argument could actually be applied to all of China and really isn't unique to Xinjiang. True, there's a growing middle class in places from Shandong to Jiangxi, but there are still hundreds of millions of farmers who really aren't reaping benefits from the boom. And yes, there are frequent protests by farmers in Guangzhou and what not, but nothing can gain enough momentum to be truly destabilizing, because a revolutionary change usually involves an alliance between the "proletariat" and some intellectual elements in the middle class (like Mao Zedong, born into a relatively wealthy farming family). The thing about China is that because of material advances that don't *need* to be distributed evenly, the middle class, be they Shanghai fashionistas or Uyghur merchants in Xinjiang, are pretty happy with the way things are.
The comment above was posted by Porfiiry at April 3, 2008 06:35 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@S*kt*r & jmaes
You really don't know how to argue. Your comments just show your vulgarity and unwisdom. You only can attact our country and ourselves, but can not confute our opinion. Sooooooo poor!
PU also have trash, especially the whites.
The comment above was posted by Ranee at April 3, 2008 07:11 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
"I couldn't believe that ppl like you could get Phd, if so, it would be the shame for academic world."
Well, you probably have to accept this fact. I am not only getting my Ph.D. in this may, but also have accepted an academic job offer as a junior faculty member. It is a shame for the Western academic world, producing "shit" like you. I have made my mind to use the knowledge that I copied from the west to re-enlighten white trash.
The comment above was posted by queer at April 3, 2008 07:46 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
"Han chauvinism bolstered by a nationalistic/ historical lie is the bait which seduces young well meaning people like yourself. Freedom for all Chinese citizens. True Autonomy for the Autonomous Regions- then yu may speak!"
Don't you worry. Unfortunately, the Chinese nationalism is usually different Han ethical chauvinism. As long as the Western media keeps barking, as long as white trash like you believes you can educate Chinese, the Chinese nationalism is towards the West. So, I have to admit that you did a good job helping Chinese people to differentiate the two. Appreciate!
The comment above was posted by queer at April 3, 2008 07:51 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
comment of
Even the US has long accepted Tibet to be part of China - even well before the 1950 liberation:
The United States considers the Tibet Autonomous Region or TAR (hereinafter referred to as “Tibet”) as part of the People’s Republic of China. This longstanding policy is consistent with the view of the entire international community, including all China’s neighbors: no country recognizes Tibet as a sovereign state. Moreover, U.S. acceptance of China’s claim of sovereignty over Tibet predates the establishment of the People’s Republic of China. In 1942, we told the Nationalist Chinese government then headquartered in Chongqing (Chungking) that we had “at no time raised (a) question” over Chinese claims to Tibet.
US State Department. http://dosfan.lib.uic.edu/ERC/bureaus/eap/950907WiedemannTibet.html
The comment above was posted by NPU at April 3, 2008 09:00 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by Lucas at April 3, 2008 09:15 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by James at April 4, 2008 07:10 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
AND CONRAD...IF YU ARE NOT QUEER in disguise...i am on other blog sites screaming about abuse in Gaza and Iraq and elsewhere yu presumptious twat. The situationin China however has reached boilover - things aint ever gonna be the same for the PRC. Long live Free China for free Chinese. James
The comment above was posted by James at April 4, 2008 07:14 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
and "Queer" I do not think Chinese like yu can be educated. so yu are wrong. yu are beyond true education LIKE ALL arrogant deluded DIMWITS IN ALL CULTURES. Its great watching guys like yu crawl out of the woodwork. Cant wait for the sex lovey, James.
The comment above was posted by james at April 4, 2008 07:17 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Han ethical Chauvinism - what a joke - oh boy.
James, the gay black jewish human rights activist.
The comment above was posted by James at April 5, 2008 11:17 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
really interesting, i am kind of releived, only three compatriates here standing against you guys. I also want to stress that their heated comments just represent the few of their own kind. we know better and we know hatred is not the way out. queer and mainlander and the other idiot are exposing the ignorace they represent. there are people in china, capable of thinking clearly and and independent of CCTV and CPC.
The comment above was posted by wang at April 6, 2008 05:10 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Wang I could Hug yu. wherever yu are. Thanks. I know. But "they" are also representative of a huge sector of Chinese thought that as I have pointed out is chauvanistic, ultra nationalist, and fascist; and largely sympathetic with any Communist Party policy that crushes others in the name of the 'nation' - weve seen these types before throughout history and know what currents they represent. In the meanwhile true Chinese patriots are being imprisoned for speaking the truth out of love for their country. Can we think of anyone recently? Thanks Wang and bless yu... James
The comment above was posted by James at April 6, 2008 09:54 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
"No such thing as 'anti-China forces'"
Guest Commentary
Published: April 04, 2008
Within China, many drumbeaters are stirring up anger against so-called "anti-China forces," referring to groups that are against the Chinese people, hold historical hostility toward the race, or have a conflict of interest with China or its people. If these voices are correct and such forces do exist, they will oppose the Chinese whenever they have a chance -- whether it's the Chinese people or the Chinese nation. They will always be anti-China, just as mice are always anti-cat.
Does this perception match the reality, however?
Actually, those judged "anti-China" because of their critical or even hostile attitudes -- including foreign political figures, media and some other groups -- are not against the Chinese people but against Beijing, a synonym for China's government.
Therefore, one should more precisely define these forces as critical of Beijing, or anti-Beijing. There are people who, in their innermost nature, have an aversion to Beijing's policies and systems. They may be overtly hostile, but it is not toward the Chinese leaders or the Chinese people. It is related to problems and troubles caused by the political system, which have harmed the Chinese people and are also factors contributing to instability in the world.
In the eyes of some angry Chinese youth, the conflict between China and the world can only be attributed to conflicts of interest. Does this imply that feelings of love and hate between people are merely a matter of shared or conflicting interests?
In fact, we are living in an era where values are a central issue; the core values of a nation determine its core competitiveness, its level of development and the degree of respect it holds in the world. Interests are just temporary and utilitarian while values are eternal and universal.
In addition, international criticism of Beijing results at least partly from Beijing's deficiencies in certain areas of performance. Likewise, the United States also faces international criticism for the same reason.
I would advise that Beijing improve its ability to listen to different opinions -- to correct any errors, to be more lighthearted if there are none, and to cultivate a spirit of forgiveness as well as an ability to correct its own mistakes in the face of criticism.
Because civil society is not strong in China, and the mainstream media are all controlled by the authorities, the government is not exposed to a variety of opinions. As a result, the authorities are not used to dealing with disagreements arising within local communities.
Now they are facing a range of opinion from the international community. Some view China's troubles with indifference and some suggest ineffective solutions. This is all inevitable. What the Chinese should do is simply listen to different voices, and set right what needs to be changed. After all, other people are only speaking about you, but no one regulates your words and deeds, nor does anyone resort to force.
In brief, there is no such thing as anti-Chinese forces in international society; there is only some criticism of the systems or problems of Beijing.
(Wu Zuolai is a scholar at the Chinese Art Research Institute in Beijing and an active commentator on current affairs. This article is translated and edited from the Chinese by UPI Asia Online. The original may be found at www.ncn.org and wublogger.blog.sohu.com. ©Copyright Wu Zuolai.)
The comment above was posted by James at April 6, 2008 12:17 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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ملابس رجاليه شتويه بناطيل بلوزات بدلات رجالي أزياء رجال مميزه
تحميل برنامج الحماية الكمبيوتر كاسبر سكاي جديد 2010 -
تحميل برنامج الكاسبر سكاي الجديد 2010 مباشر ، كاسبر سكاي 2010 -
هذي قصه واقعيه حصلت من وقت قريب مررررره و صراحه تحزن -
قصة محمد(ومختامي انا يارب ارحمني) -
توبيكات حب جديدة كنا صغار ونكتب على ذاك الجدار الحب عذاب - توبيكات 2010 -
كل مشاكل الماسينجر وحلها هنا التثبيت للاهميه -
شتائي سعيد عندما اذكرك - صور مسنجر شتوية -
قصة محمد -
صور اغرب حديقة في العالم
اروع مجموعات الصور رمانسية-طبيعية-انمى حش وحمل
امثال وحكم
ديكور غرف نوم مفارش سراير غرف نوم اجمل ديكورات وتصميم للغرف النوم
غرفه المعيشة بأشكالها المختلفة
غرف نوم هادئه ورمانسيه جدا وناعمه احلي غرف نوم
غرفة نوم، كنابل لغرفه النوم ، كفرات ، فرش ،كنبل ، ديباج ،كفر وصور غرف نوم وسراير 2009
غرف نووووم للبنات..
رسم جدران ، الرسوم علي الجدار ، لوحة رسم علي الجدران ، أحلي رسم الجدران
اجمل غرف اطفال في العالم
صور اثاث منزل صالات غرف نوم جلسات مطبخ اصباغ للغرف كراسي وغيرها من اثاث بيت وشقق
غرف نوم في غاية الرومانسيه
غرف نوم للبيبيات الحلوين
موسوعه من الاْبواب للمنازل الجميله حياكم
مجموعة من شراشف غرف النوم
من اروع الاناشيد انشودة انا داري احلي انشودة بصوت طفل
بحث كامل عن شخصية نحوية ، بحوث عن اشخاص نحوي نحو ابحاث
بحث الطرق الجيوفيزيائية تقنيات استكشاف المياة الجوفية
تعبير انجليزي ، تعبير باللغة الانجليزية ، تعابير انجليزية تعبير لغة English
بحوث اسلامية كاملة ، ابحاث اسلامية منوعه
بحث عن البعث عقيدة وحياة ، حمل البعث عقيدة وحياة كامل
البوربوينت كاملة منوعه اكثر البوربوينت جاهزه وافضلها حمل علي جهازك
النظرية السياسية ..النظرة
تعليم صيانة الكمبيوتر - تعلم شرح صيانة الكمبيوتر
شعر الطبيعة في الأدب الأندلسي ، بحث عن شعر الطبيعة عند الأدب الأندلسي
ثورة 14 تموز وعبد الكريم قاسم والحركة الكردية - ابحاث علمية
دور المعلم في عصر الانترنت مفيد لكل معلم
حمل التعليم الالكتروني ، بحث عن التعليم الالكتروني ، تنزيل بحوث التعليم الالكتروني
بحث عن الماء بحث جاهز عن المياة
موقع رسائل ماجستير ، رسائل دكتوراه ، موقع خاص رسالة دكتورا رسالة ماجستير
ابحاث عن تاريخ الادب العربي
تحميل بحوث جامعية عن احدث الطرق الحديثة لتعليم المكفوفين القراءة والكتابة
بحث سياسي عن النظرية السياسية المعاصرة
بحث اسلامي عن الاقتصاد في بلاد اسلامية
ابحاث ماجستير رسائل الماجستير - رسالة جاهزه مجانية وكاملة في العلوم التربوية (
من ابحاث رياض الاطفال اهمية القصة عند الطفل
ابحاث تخص الصلاوات ، بحث خاص عن الصلاه ، الصلاة عن بحوث خاص جاهزه عن بحث يخص الصلاه
ابحاث بحث أسلاميه - اقتصاديه - سياسيه - محاسبه - بحوث جاهزه
للبحوث الشعريه بحور الشعر العربي . بحث كامل
رسائل خاصه للماجستير والدكتورا ، الان موضوع ماجستير رسائل جاهزة ماجستير وللدكتوراه
برنامج إذاعة مدرسيه كامل وسهل التحميل ، الا ذاعه المدرسيه جاهزه وممتازه جدا جدا -
صور ، صور مسنجرات ، صور msn - صور خاصه ماسنجر × صور بنات شباب حق الماسنجر -
كريم زياني
الان خطوات من أجل الاعتناء بالبشره ، اعتني في بشرتك ، للحفاظ علي البشرة والعنايه بها -
الان أعملي حمام زيت ، هنا عمل حمام زيت ، عمل حمام الزيت بنفسك -
الان أدعيه وأذكار دينيه ، أذكار وأدعية اسلاميه ، الاذكار والادعية الاسلاميه كامله -
قصص دينية اسلاميه حلوه ، قصة دينية طيبه روعه، قصص مشايخ رائعه طيبه قصص اسلاميه هادئه -
امثال مترجمه حكم وأمثال مترجمه باللغه الانجليزيه -
حمل وشاهد انمي نروتون شيبودان ، الفيلم الانمي ناروتو شيبودن حلقة فلم انمي نارتو حلقات -
منتديات صور-
توبيكات و صور روعه 2
توبيكات جاهزة توبكات ، أروع توبيكات ملونة ، توبيكات للماسنجر
توبيكآت قويه للشاعر حآمد زيد
صور بنات واطفال للمسنجر messenger صور اطفال للماسنجر
صورماسنجر جديده وحلوه مره
توبيكآت حآمد زيد
توبيكات اشعار .. توبيكات قصائد حامد زيد روعه
500 صورة متحركة خاصة بالماسنجر بصيغة gif ابتسامات ومؤثرات جميلة
أجمل نيكات نيم للماسنجر..أجمل نيكات نيم للماسنجر
نيك نيم حزين و رومنسي للماسنجر ؟؟ نيك نيم حزين و رومنسي للماسنجر ؟؟
ابتسامات بناتيه و سمايلات بنات ...رووعه
اعرف من حاط لك حظر بالماسنجر ، معرفة من وضع لك بلوك كشف حظر الماسنجر شرح بالصور
اختصارات متحركة للماسنجر صور عبارات وكلمات ماسنجر
مشت وخلت وراها طفل .توبيكات مسنجر
تحميل مسنجر بلس 9 ، تنزيل ماسنجر بلس 9 Messenger Plus 9
مكشات - مقناص - كشته - صيد - قنص
اناشيد الغالي اناشيد حلوه جديده اناشيد روعه اناشيد عذبة اناشيد
صور توبيكات ، صور توبيكات ماسنجر ، توبيكات للماسنجر مع صور ...-
مسجات أم ، مسجات للأم ، رسائل للأم ، مسج للأم ، مسجات جوال خاصه للأم وللأب ، رسائل أم
للمحجبات فساتين زفاف ، فساتين عرس خاص للمحجبات ، فساتين افراح 2010 -
فساتين زفاف ، فساتين عرس خاص للمحجبات ، فساتين افراح 2010 -
برنامج تغير صوتك في الجوال بنت ولد برنامج تغيير الاصوات اثناء المكالمة للجوال
نغمات اناشيد جوال ، مقاطع اناشيد mp3 للجوال برابط مباشر وسريع
مقاطع YouTube ، يوتيوب فيديو , Videos YouTube ،
صور ولما تشوفهم تقول ما شاءالله بنتين يبون اخ لهم والنتيجه
رسائل mms وسائط متعددة وسائط جوال 2010
رسائل اعتذار وسائط عن الاعتذار وسائط حب وعتذار
دليل المعلم مادة العلوم المنهج المطور للصف الاول كامل
التعامل مع الطفل المعاق ( المعوق) .. كيف تتعامل مع الاطفال المعاقين كاملة
تحميل كتاب الرياضيات للصف الاول ابتدائي الفصل الاول
ابحاث عن تاريخ الادب العربي
تحميل بحوث جامعية عن احدث الطرق الحديثة لتعليم المكفوفين القراءة والكتابة
انشودة تبكي فلسطينيه أنشودة بصوت طفله من بلاد فلسطين
تحميل برنامج الحماية الكمبيوتر كاسبر سكاي جديد 2010
كتاب شرح برنامج النيرو يقوم بنسخ الاسطوانات و السيديهات
انشودة مشاري العفاسي اغيب انشودة جديدة 2010 وروعه
اخر اناشيد طيور الجنة 2010، Toyor Al Janna ، انشودة فرقة طيور الجنة 2010
احلي انشودة زوجتي الحبيبة 2010 اناشيد مباشرة اجمل اناشيد 2010
اكبر مكتبة فيديو في منتدي الغالي تلاوات القرأن ممتازه وجميله
دورة لتعلم المكياج.
أفكار تجنن لتوزيع الحلوه للمعازيم
فساتين أعراااااس
فساتين رووووعه
ملابس نوم
الحقو تعالي اعلمك كيف تسوين تسريحات قصات صبغات خيال لك ولبنتك ب
فساتين زفاف الاطفال
أغاني أعراس أغاني أفراح اكثر من 30 اغنيه للأعراس ، تحميل زفات اغاني دبكة زفة عرس وفرح
تجهيز العروس
زفات جديده و خاصه للعروس ، زفة أغاني عروس ، زفات افراح زفة خطوبه فرح بدون موسيقي عرس
مجموعة فساتين زفاف
موقع زفات عرس وفرح اغاني عروس ، زفات معرس ، زفات فرح ، زفات افراح ، زفات اعراس
للزفاف باللونين روووووعه
قمصان نوم رووووووعه
فساتين تجنن من جد
أجمل أحلى الماسكات للعرايس
فساتين زفاف 2010مميزه من فيتشو
ليلة الدخلة ، ليلة الزفاف ، ليلة الزواج ، ليلة العرس
: لكل عروس في ليلة زفافها
نصائح للمخطوبات
منتدي الأسلامي -
قسم الاحاديث المكذوبة والموضوعه عن الرسول -
سيدنا - محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم
منتدى العام
مقاطع YouTube ، يوتيوب فيديو , Videos YouTube ،
جرائم وحوادث محلية وعالميه
منتدي النقاش - الحوار الجاد
منتدي الترحيب بالاعضاء و التهاني
التربية والتعليم - أبحاث - البحوث الدراسية
أبحاث جاهزة - بحوث كامله
أشعار - قصائد - شعر
ديوان الشعر خاصه للاعضاء الغالي
قصائد أشعار صوتيه
خواطر - خواطر رومانسية - خواطر منوعة
قسم بوح انامل الاعضاء
مملكة الأعـضـاء
الحكم والامثال
قصص - قصص واقعية - قصص حقيقيه
برامج كمبيوتر 2010 - تحميل برامج مجانية
برامج الحمايه وشروحاتها
الغالي تحميل برامج
توبيكات للماسنجر - صور مسنجر - رموز ماسنجر
العاب كمبيوتر - تحميل العاب
برامج جوال 2010 - نوكيا - العاب - نغمات - خلفيات
مقاطع فيديو مضحكة - مقاطع يوتيوب video
رسائل وسائط - وسائط mms - صور وسائط
مسجات جوال - رسائل حب - مسجات حب - رسائل رومانسية
الأسرة والمجتمع - الحياة الزوجية
عالم المراة - حواء
تجهيز العروس
تجهيز عروس - مكياج - فساتين - زفات - مسكات - كوشات - أغاني عرس
أزياء - فساتين - موضة - أكسسوارات - أناقة جمال
ادوات التجميل
العنايه بالبشره - كريمات - ماسكات - اقنعة
عالم الاطفال
صحه - طب - غذاء - رجيم - أعشاب
مطبخ - أكلات - معجنات - مقبلات - حلويات
ديكور - أثاث منزل - غرف نوم - اكسسوارات منزلية
اخبار الرياضة - كرة قدم - صور لاعبين
صور سيارات - سيارات 2010 - أخبار السيارات
عالم الرجال - ملابس رجالية - أزياء بدلات رجالية
برامج فوتوشوب - ملحقات تصاميم - دروس - فلاش
جريده خاصه لمنتديات الغالي
دورات تعليم الفوتو شوب
ابداعات وتصاميم الاعضاء
ادوات التجميل
صور - منتدي الصور
صور غريبة - صور مرعبة - صور مخيفه
صور من تصوير خاص بالاعضاء الغالي
السفر - السياحه - رحلات - دول - عواصم
نكت - ضحك - فرفشه - الغاز
مسابقات - العاب - تحدي
سيارات 2010
ملابس رجالية
دردشه كتابية خليجية عربية دردشة .
موقع صور|-
صور بنات|
صور اطفال|
MMS وسائط|
رسائل وسائط للعيد|
صور وسائط|
موقع العاب | برامج كمبيوتر |
ابتسامات |
مسجات حب |
رسائل حب |
رسائل وسائط |
العاب كمبيوتر ||
تحميل العاب |
الصور |
عالم حواء |
ماسنجر |
الاسرة المسلمة |
ترجمة كلمات |
توبكات |
تحميل صور |
مطبخ موقع الغالي|
موقع مطبخ |
hguhf |
عصـــــــــير البرتقال مع الجزر عصير الكركديه والأناناس عصير كوكتيل صيفي الليمون بالنعناع شراب البطيخ عصير التوت(تونو) البينا كولادا ميلك شيك بالشيكولاته |
مطبخ موقع |
الأطباق الرئيسية |
مكتبة برامج|
ابراج حمل برج الحمل الثور العقرب|
مقناص |
صور مكشات بري صور صيد صور مناظر طبيعيه تطعيس صور بريه |
مكشته - صيد |
مكشات |
مقناص صيد |
مقناص - كشته - صيد |
مقناص - كشته - صيد - قنص صور مكشات بري صور صيد صور مناظر طبيعيه تطعيس صور بريه |
صور صحراء البر الصيد صقور صور صقر صيد رمي شوزن قمري حمام غزلان طلعات بر |
تحميل الغالي|
موقع تحميل الصور|
دردشة صوتية|
شات صوتي|
تحميل صور|
تحميل الغالي|
اشتراك في قروب|
قروب الغالي|
محادثة صوتيه|
صوتية كام|
صور رومانسية صور حب رومنسية ، صور رومانسية ، صور رومنسيه 2010 صور الحب والرمانسية
تحميل مجموعة صور بنفس الوقت حمل اكثر من 9 صورة بنفس الوقت : مركز لتحميل الغالي
أجمل عصفور بالعالم ,, سبحان الله ,,,
صور اجمل عيون طفله في العــــالم..
صور قلوب 2010 - صور قلوب روعه 2010
صور غريبة وغير شكل صور غير طبيعية شوفوا معاي الصور
سعودي يصور بكل ثقه
صور 2010 شوفوا حنا وش عندنا شوفو في اليابان وش عندهم
سبحان الله بعد الاجهاض
صور العقارب انواع مختلفه من العقرب + عنكبوت سام
صور حيوانات منقرضه منذ الاف السنين صور حيوانات الماموث قديما
صور والله غريبه
صور اقسى امرأه على وجه الارض
صور اعدام بشكل غريب طريقة الاعدام في اليمن صور غريبة
صور شاب غريبة شوف وقول تعليقك علي الصورة
بعض الصور النادره
صور جبال وصخور على شكل حيوانات سبحان الله
صور تعتبر الاغرب والاعجب يعني صور عجائب وغرائب
صور مرعبه وتخوف اللي عنده ضغط او سكر لا يدخل
الصور الغريبه والعجيبه ، صور عجيبه وغريبة بنفس الوقت
اقوي الافاعي يعني ثعابين في العالم صور ثعبان وافاعي مرعبه
مقاطع ساخنة صور رقص بنات عربيات غير شكل وفضائح صور عارية
من اروع الاناشيد انشودة انا داري احلي انشودة بصوت طفل
انشودة الام 2010 .. نشيد عن الام .. اناشيد اسلاميه عن الام
انشودة رائعه لمحبين الاناشيد الاسلامية حياكم
أب يغتصب ابنته ويحرق ثياب عرسها في حلب ..ثم يقول " نعم ..أنا سفاح
اغتصب الطفل وقتله داخل حمامات المسجد . صورة الطفل
أب يغتصب أبنته صورة البنت المغتصبه
شوف حريق اسواق شباب | صور حريق سوق شباب في منطقة الطائف
صور طفله صغيره مؤلمه ماتت بسبب امطار جدة
صور بنت صغيره مخطوفه من منطقة الرياض الله يرجعها الي اهلها
توبيكات حب جديدة كنا صغار ونكتب على ذاك الجدار الحب عذاب - توبيكات 2010
توبيكات سنة 2010 جديدة توبيك لعام 2010 topic لسنة 2010 الجديدة
اختصارات ماسنجر
صور بنات وصور شباب مسنجر من ( قمر شمر ) وصور منوعه للماسنجر
توبيكات بنات الغالي ... توبيكات صور ماسنجر a توبيك مسن
صور بنات للماسنجر حلوين | صور Messenger | صور شباب للماسنجر حلوين
توبيكات ان جاك غيري لا تحبه | توبيكات للماسنجر | تكفي طلبتك العن ابو جد جدة
اعرف من حاط لك حظر بالماسنجر ، معرفة من وضع لك بلوك كشف حظر الماسنجر شرح بالصور
اختصارات متحركة للماسنجر صور عبارات وكلمات ماسنجر
توبيكات صور اشعار .. مشت وخلت وراها طفل ..توبيكات مسنجر
ماسنجر بلس 9 ، بلس ماسنجر 9 تحميل مسنجر بلس 9 ، تنزيل ماسنجر بلس 9 Messenger Plus 9
صور السعوديه - صور اطفال وشباب ورجال سعوديين
ابتسامات حصرية ومميز لاحلى عيون اعضاء منتدى الغالى صور ماسنجر
للماسنجر صور شباب حلوين للمسن 2010 صور ماسنجر شباب حلوين
صور وتوبيكات وايقونات .. تسألني انا حلوة جديد 2010
هنا تعليم كيف تعمل ايميل طريقة عمل ايميل ماسنجر شرح كامل
صور توبيكات ، صور توبيكات ماسنجر ، توبيكات للماسنجر مع صور
تعوذي من ابليس يا عاشقة ونامي صور بنات خاصه مسنجر صور بنات صور بنات حلوين حق مسنجر
انمي حزينه صور انمي رومانسية للماسنجر صور انمي جديدة
تعالي اخذي صور بنات للماسنجر احلي صور مانسجر للبنات روعه
ملابس بنات 2010 شتوية بدلات اطفال بنات صغار روعه للشتاء
جاكيتات نسائية شتوية 2010 الوان روعه موديلات جديدة
بدلات 2010 رجالية ، بدلات رجالية كشخه ، بدلات رجالية
حصريا أناشيد 2010 ، الاناشيد الإسلامية لعام 2010 ، جديد اناشيد دينية 2010 تحميل مباشر حصريا أناشيد 2010 ، الاناشيد الإسلامية لعام 2010 ، جديد اناشيد دينية 2010 تحميل مباشر
برامج 2010 برابط مباشر تحميل سريع برامج كمبيوتر جديدة 2010
اقوي برامج 2010 وافضلها برامج 2010 كامله للكمبيوتر من غير تسجيل
لعبة زوما جديدة 2010 اروع الالعاب Zuma الجديدة عام 2010 تحميل مباشر سريع
مسجات ورسائل عيد الاضحي كاملة 2010 رسائل جوال جديدة بمناسبة عيد الاضحي المبارك
برامج , برامج تحميل ، برامج مجانية ، برامج جديدة ، برامج 2010
وسائط متحركة للعيد الاضحي ، صور رسائل وسائط عيد الاضحي ، رسائل وسائط لعيد الاضحي
احلي رسائل وسائط تشوف عينك واقوي مسجات وسائط جوال
نشيد عيد الاضحي | انشودة جديدة عيد الاضحي المبارك 2010 | مباشرة أناشيد عيد الأضحي
مسجات عيد الاضحي ، رسائل بمناسبة العيد الاضحي عيد مع احلي مسجات ورسائل عيد
بعض الاوقات يضيق الصدر - رسائل جوال 2010 مسجات نصية منوعة
صور وسائط 2010 ، وسائط حب متحركة
رسائل وسائط عيد الاضحى احلي رسائل ومسجات العيد الاضحى
صور وسائط جوال جنان صور رسائل وسائط ام ام اس
وسائط اشتقتلك ، صور رسائل وسائط حب حزن ضيق تعب
رسائل صور وسائط حب رسائل حب متحركة وسائط حب للجوال
عالم المراة - حواء
عالم المراة - حواء
رسائل حب منوعه للعشاق رسائل حب
رسائل حب منوعه خاصه للعشاق رسائل حب جديدة عمرك ماشفتها
مسجات حب في حب ، رسائل حب علي حب
عالم المراة
رسائل حب - رسائل حب
تجهيز عروس - مكياج - فساتين - زفات - مسكات - كوشات - أغاني عرس
أزياء - فساتين - موضة - أكسسوارات - أناقة جمال
ادوات التجميل
The comment above was posted by منتدي at January 7, 2010 08:51 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
الخفوق -
منتديات -
الدليل العالمي -
الدليل الاجنبي -
مدونة -
منتديات -
منتديات -
حوار و نقاش -
صحافة و أعلام -
منتدى أجنبي و لغات -
منتديات الاعضاء -
منتديات ابداع مميزة -
استقبال الاعضاء -
منتديات المجالس -
منتديات شعرية -
منتديات خواطر نثر -
منتديات قصص رويات -
منتديات ادبية شعر خواطر -
منتديات اجتماعية -
أدم -
حواء -
أزياء فاشون أناقة -
مكياج ميك اب صور مكياج -
طبخ طبخات -
ديكور أثاث خشبي زينة -
طب صحة لياقة رجيم -
منتديات ترفية -
صور -
نكت -
العاب -
رياضة -
كاركتير رسومات -
سيارات -
يوتيوب -
سفر سياحة -
جوالات -
رسائل جوال مسجات مو بايل -
برامج جوال برامج نوكيا بلاك بيري ايفون -
العاب موبايل -
ثيمات -
منتديات تقنية -
منتديات التقنية -
برامج -
ماسنجر msn ياهو سكايب -
توبيكات -
توبيكات حزينة -
توبيكات غزل -
توبيكات اغاني -
توبيكات رومنسية -
فوتوشوب -
دريم ويفر- فلاش - سويش -
صور فوتوشوب -
مواقع عربية -
مواقع بحرينية -
مواقع قطرية -
مواقع أمراتية -
مواقع عمانية -
مواقع عراقية -
مواقع سورية -
مواقع لبنانية -
مواقع اردنية -
مواقع مصرية -
مواقع عالمية -
مواقع جديدة -
مواقع مغربية -
مواقع سعودية -
مواقع كويتية -
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مدونة -
مدونة الخفوق -
مدونة اغاني -
مدونة صور -
مدونة مكياج -
مدونة فوتوشوب -
برامج مدونة برامج -
توبيكات توبك مدونة توبيكات -
دليل مواقع -
صور -
المرأة -
sitemap -
الخفوق -
ساعات -
توبيكات ماجد المهندس -
غرف بنات -
صنادل -
خلفيات وندوز 7 -
فوتوشوب -
برامج حماية -
توبيكات عشق حب -
توبيك غزل -
تحميل ريل بلير الجديد -
فاشون -
قصص الأنبياء -
أكسسوارت 2010 -
بودي شوب -
ساعات سواتش -
حمام الزيت -
القلب -
جوال أطفال -
الفصول الاربعه -
الخط الكوفي -
القلوب المنكسرة -
الحياة -
دهن العود -
امثال رائعه -
قوانين -
كولكشن شبابي -
تعلم الحب تعليم الحب -
افضل العطورات -
ساعات بولغري -
عارض ازياء -
ازياء شبابية -
تيشيرت شبابي -
نظارات -
فساتين سهرات -
مكياج -
فساتين سهرات -
رقص شرقي -
شفايف -
بجامات النوم -
معاني الأسماء -
أكسسوارات -
مكياج -
مجوهرات 2010 -
فساتين سهرات -
أساور -
عطورات غرف النوم -
شنط حقائب -
أكسسوارات جولات نسائية -
وصفة جمال -
أكسسوارت روعة -
مناكير -
تساريح مكياج -
مكياج ميك أب سعودي -
مكياج أخر موضة -
مقهى السيدات -
ايسكريم شوكلاته -
حلا قهوة -
رز -
افخاذ الدجاج -
الأفطار الفرنسي -
حلى ايسكريم السندوتشات -
محشي ساندوتش -
مثلجات القهوة -
مكرونة -
حلى قهوة -
اصابع كتكات -
ساندوتشات -
كباب دجاج -
حلى الجالاكسي -
ديكورات -
غرف نوم ايكيا -
غرف نوم ستايل -
ديكور بدوي -
ديكور خشبي -
مخدات -
مناديل -
ديكور -
التخلص من الدهون -
العلاج العصبي -
تمر -
الوسواس القهري -
رجيم -
عسل -
شمعيات -
صور الشهر -
صور باليد -
رسم زيتي -
حليمة بولند -
اصداف -
ورود -
صور موسكو -
موناليزا -
صور زفة -
طيور نادرة -
صور شلال -
صور الغروب -
صور أبداع -
صور بنات -
صور فضايح -
موسوعة الصور -
صور لبنانيات -
صور سعوديات -
صور بنات الجامعة -
نكت -
الغاز -
مسابقات -
العاب -
تسلية -
الرياضية -
كاركتير مضحك -
ضحك -
كامري -
سيارات -
صور سيارات -
المرأة الكويتية -
عالم مضحك -
عباية -
عبايات -
فديو -
مقاطع فديو -
فضايح يوتيوب -
رقص -
فديو مضحك -
كميرة خفية -
فلم سعودي -
سفر سياحة -
دليل الرحلات -
هاواي -
بلجيكا -
المكسيك -
تركيا -
سويسرا -
جوال نت -
موبايل -
جولات -
نوكيا -
احذية , جزم -
وسائط -
وسائط حب -
وسائط غزل -
خرائط الجوال -
تحميل برنامج -
ندامة ماجد المهندس -
جلسات راشد -
اغنية فلة موبايل -
موبايل يوتيوب -
خرائط الموبايل -
لعبة موبايل دبابات -
روبن هود -
لعبة كرستال -
العاب بنات -
ثيمات رومنسية -
ثيمات الجيل الثالث -
ثيمات الجيل نوكيا -
خلفيات رومنسية -
خلفيات روعه -
خلفيات دسك توب -
أكس بوكس -
اي فون -
برامج فديو -
تلفزيون النت -
قنوات النت -
نت تلفزيون -
برنامج حماية -
فيستا -
وندوز فيستا -
برامج صور -
سكربت ماسنجر -
كشف الحظر -
تحميل ماسنجر -
تحميل الماسنجر -
تحميل ماسنجر الياهو -
توبيكات -
توبيكات رومنسية -
توبيكات غرام -
توبيكات حب -
توبيكات اغاني -
توبيكات بنات -
توبيكات ماسنجر -
توبيكات فنانات -
توبيكات حزينة -
توبيكات ملونة -
نكات التوبيكات -
توبيكات أجنبية -
توبيكات ملونة -
توبيكات التوبيكات -
نكات ملونة -
توبيكات 2010 -
توبيكات اصالة -
توبيكات الجسمي -
توبيكات حزينة -
صور فوتوشوب جديدة -
فوتشوب مضحك -
فوتوشوب -
فوتشوب ليل -
أبداع الفوتوشوب -
فوتوشوب دسك توب -
sitemap -
المنتدى العام -
اسلاميات -
حوار و نقاش -
صحافة واعلام -
منتدى أجنبي -
الاستقبال -
مجالس الاعضاء -
الابداعات و التميز -
الشعر و الشعراء -
نثر و خواطر -
قصص و روايات -
عالم أدم -
بيت حواء -
ازياء و اناقة -
مكياج -
طبخ -
ديكور -
صحة طب لياقة -
صور -
نكت الغاز -
العاب -
رياضة -
كركتير -
وسائط -
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- - تحميل افلام -صور -بلوتوث -يوتيوب -منتديات -منتدى مركز تحميل -توبيكات-صور ماسنجر - صور للماسنجر -العاب - مسلسلات -مسلسلات --d,jd,f - فساتين سهرات - أزياء بنات - حليمة بولند - فساتين رقص - فاشون - صور كولكشن - أزياء أطفال - صور مكياج - حنى - تسريحات عرايس - مكياج خليجي - مكياج سعودي - دروس مكياج - حلا - سلطة - تمارين - رجيم - صور حب - صور رومانسية - هيفا وهبي - مسجات رومانسية - ثيمات حب - ثيمات رومنسية - صور ماسنجر - ثيمات ماسنجر - اسماء بنات - تحميل ماسنجر صور فوتوشوب - فساتين اعراس - اسماء بنات للماسنجر - ثيمات ماسنجر - خلفيات ماسنجر - سمايلات - صور بنات
- - سياتل -شات - شات خليجي -دردشه - يوتيوب -توبيكات - دليل مواقع -منتدى سياتل - مسلسلات -برامج بلاك بيري - منتدى بنات ون -منتدى بنات - منتدى توبيكات -اناشيد -زفات -صور حب - فساتين سهرات - ثيمات دلع - ثيمات ماسنجر - صور ورود - احذية - صور شنط - ثيمات بلاك بيري - صور للموبايل - - منتديات - منتديات - حوار و نقاش - صحافة و أعلام - منتدى أجنبي و لغات - منتديات الاعضاء - منتديات ابداع مميزة - استقبال الاعضاء - منتديات المجالس - منتديات شعرية - منتديات خواطر نثر - منتديات قصص رويات - منتديات ادبية شعر خواطر - منتديات اجتماعية - أدم - حواء - أزياء فاشون أناقة - مكياج ميك اب صور مكياج - طبخ طبخات - ديكور أثاث خشبي زينة - طب صحة لياقة رجيم - منتديات ترفية - صور - نكت - العاب - رياضة - كاركتير رسومات - سيارات - يوتيوب - سفر سياحة - جوالات - رسائل جوال مسجات مو بايل - برامج جوال برامج نوكيا بلاك بيري ايفون - العاب موبايل - ثيمات - منتديات تقنية - منتديات التقنية - برامج - ماسنجر msn ياهو سكايب - توبيكات - توبيكات حزينة - توبيكات غزل - توبيكات اغاني - توبيكات رومنسية - فوتوشوب - دريم ويفر- فلاش - سويش - صور فوتوشوب - - مدونة - صور - المرأة - فساتين سهرات - أزياء بنات - حليمة بولند - فساتين رقص - فاشون - صور كولكشن - أزياء أطفال - صور مكياج - حنى - تسريحات عرايس - مكياج خليجي - مكياج سعودي - دروس مكياج - حلا - سلطة - صور حب - صور رومانسية - مسجات رومانسية - ثيمات حب - ثيمات رومنسية - صور ماسنجر - ثيمات ماسنجر - تحميل ماسنجر صور فوتوشوب - فساتين اعراس - فساتين سهرات - أزياء بنات - حليمة بولند - فساتين رقص - فاشون - صور كولكشن - أزياء أطفال - صور مكياج - حنى - تسريحات عرايس - مكياج خليجي - مكياج سعودي - دروس مكياج - حلا - سلطة - تمارين - رجيم - صور حب - صور رومانسية - صور ازياء - صور بنات - - هيفا وهبي - مسجات رومانسية - ثيمات حب - ثيمات رومنسية - صور ماسنجر - ثيمات ماسنجر - اسماء بنات - تحميل ماسنجر - صور فوتوشوب - فساتين اعراس - اسماء بنات للماسنجر - ثيمات ماسنجر - خلفيات ماسنجر - سمايلات - صور بنات - فساتين - كاركتير - تسريحات العرايس - صور ورود - لياقة - حناء - أزياء - رسائل - فساتين سهرات - عمل توبيك - هدايا - مسجات وسائط - مكياج العيون - غرف نوم - هوليود - جينزات بنات - عطورات - مسجات رومانسية - صور زهور - أزياء - نيويورك - فساتين - سندوتشات - فستان زواج - مسجات وسائط رومانسية - Rss - مواقع عربية - مواقع بحرينية - مواقع قطرية - مواقع أمراتية - مواقع عمانية - مواقع عراقية - مواقع سورية - مواقع لبنانية - مواقع اردنية - مواقع مصرية - مواقع عالمية - مواقع جديدة - مواقع مغربية - مواقع سعودية - مواقع كويتية - sitemap - Entertainment - Science - Home -
The comment above was posted by klsdlkj at January 18, 2010 02:55 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
مقاطع اناشيد mp3 تحميل رسائل دعوية 3gp
نغمات اناشيد نغمات اسلامية
أناشيد فرقة طيور الجنة 2010 اطفال
القران الكريم بصوت الشيخ احمد علي العجمي ،احمد العجمي قران كريم كامل
اسماء اكبر المجرمين في تاريخ العالم جرائمهم اغتصاب قتل خطف
شوف فك السحر تم أخفائه داخل العاب اطفال مقطع فضية من أعمال السحر
صور غريبة جدا خطيب و خطيبة يأكلون أصابع ايديهم تعبير عن الحب
مخدرات ، زراعة ، انتاج ، تجارة ، صور ،مدمنين،الادمان، اضرار ،
انواع المخدرات الكحوليات الكوكايين الهيروين الحشيش القنب الأفيون الأمفيتامينات
ملف بوربوينت الصداقة .. تحميل عروض بوربوينت عن الصداقة
قصص القرآن في ملف عروض البوربوينت عن قصص القرأن الكريم كاملة تحميل سريع
رسائل جامعية في المكتبات والمعلومات مجموعة رسائل جاهزة
مفيد لكل معلم ومعلمة التخطيط للدرس المفهوم العام للتخطيط
عروض بوربوينت مادة المكتبات تعليم الرياض بنين
بحث جاهز عن الادب الجاهلي - و المجتمع الجاهلى
اقوي مواقع تحميل رسائل جامعية و أطروحات جامعية مفيد جدا جدا
كتب ..كتيبات. موارد بشرية
التقويم الدراسي لعام 1431 هجري الي عام 1438 القادم 00بإذن الله
الان الإذاعة المدرسية كامل ، حمل ملف الإذاعة المدرسية ، خاص للأذاعة المدرسية
كتب المواد الدراسية الابتدائى بجميع مراحلة و الاعدادى و الثانوى
بحوث اسلامية كاملة ، ابحاث اسلامية منوعه
بحث عن أثر المخدرات على الجهاز العصبى - بحوث حول تأثير المخدرات
اخلاقيات البحث
انماط تدريسية التدريس المعلم رياضيات المرحلة الابتدائية و الصف الرابع الابتدائي
قصة محزنة جدا
قصة موت فتاة داخل حمام ال مدرسة ..
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The comment above was posted by Article at April 12, 2010 02:40 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by Florida at April 12, 2010 10:40 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by sfdfe at June 5, 2010 09:04 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by AaA at June 9, 2010 11:20 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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