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March 21, 2008
Return of the Lost Hijacking

Remember the Xinjiang hijacking story?
It didn't feel comfortable stealing the limelight from Tibet last week and decided to take a well-deserved vacation, but today it's back with a vengeance:
Separatist militants who tried to attack a Chinese domestic flight early this month came from Pakistan and Central Asia, sources said, adding that the apparent bungled assault had international backing.
Now one source with direct knowledge of the official Chinese inquiry has told Reuters that the chief suspects — a man and a woman — boarded the flight as Pakistani nationals.
"The woman was carrying flammable liquids and evaded security checks by going through the first-class boarding area," said the source, an expert on Xinjiang security threats who has spoken to investigators.
"They were carrying Pakistani passports," the source said. "That does not mean they've concluded they were Pakistani nationals. The passports may have been fake or illegally obtained."
An aviation industry source who asked not to be named said the woman was a young Uighur who was trained by a Pakistan-based militant group, while the man was from Central Asia and in his 30s.
A third suspect, a Pakistani, who masterminded the bungled attack was at large, the aviation industry source said.
I find it a bit odd that all the news agencies are reporting the remarks made by Wang Lequan emphasizing the foreign origins of the hijacking attempt, but only Reuters is coming out with the Pakistan/Central Asia "details" from an anonymous source inside China.
Isn't it nice when anonymous sources back-up unsupported government claims? That's all the evidence I need. Case closed.
China plane attackers "from Pakistan, Central Asia"
By Chris Buckley and Benjamin Kang Lim
20 March 2008
Reuters News
(c) 2008 Reuters Limited
BEIJING, March 20 (Reuters) - Separatist militants who tried to attack a Chinese domestic flight early this month came from Pakistan and Central Asia, sources said, adding that the apparent bungled assault had international backing.
Chinese officials have said the March 7 incident -- in which a plane on its way from the restive, predominately Muslim region of Xinjiang to Beijing abruptly cut short its journey and landed in Lanzhou, a northwest city -- involved a foiled assault by passengers, but they have revealed few details.
The Communist Party chief of Xinjiang, Wang Lequan, said this week that the incident was a failed attack by separatists based abroad seeking an independent Xinjiang.
Now one source with direct knowledge of the official Chinese inquiry has told Reuters that the chief suspects -- a man and a woman -- boarded the flight as Pakistani nationals.
"The woman was carrying flammable liquids and evaded security checks by going through the first-class boarding area," said the source, an expert on Xinjiang security threats who has spoken to investigators.
The source declined to be identified because of the risk of punishment for revealing sensitive information.
"They were carrying Pakistani passports," the source said. "That does not mean they've concluded they were Pakistani nationals. The passports may have been fake or illegally obtained."
But the source also said the woman had been born in Xinjiang and spent many years in Pakistan, where Islamic militants have detonated numerous suicide bombs.
An aviation industry source who asked not to be named said the woman was a young Uighur who was trained by a Pakistan-based militant group, while the man was from Central Asia and in his 30s.
A third suspect, a Pakistani, who masterminded the bungled attack was at large, the aviation industry source said.
The suspects boarded the plane with two canned drinks, the content of which had been replaced with a flammable liquid using a syringe, the second source told Reuters.
The woman failed to light the liquid in the plane toilet, the source said. She aroused the suspicion of crew and other passengers when she came out of the toilet to pick up the second can.
The Chinese Foreign Ministry, reached by telephone, had no immediate comment.
Exiled Uighurs campaigning for an independent country have said China concocted the case to justify intense controls on Uighurs within China.
The Xinjiang official Wang said that suspects had already confessed to planning, directing and initiating the failed attack. But he did not specify what country they operated from.
Xinjiang is home to 8 million Muslim Uighurs, many of whom resent the growing presence and economic grip of Han Chinese. The oil-rich region borders Pakistan and Afghanistan.
A senior Chinese official said recently that extremist Uighurs -- a Turkic people who share linguistic and cultural bonds with central Asia -- were plotting attacks on the Beijing Olympics.
China has said its police shot dead two members of a "terrorist gang" and rounded up 15 others in a raid in January in Xinjiang.
China: Separatists Behind Jet Crash Plot
Associated Press Writer
20 March 2008
(c) 2008. The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.
BEIJING (AP) - A failed attempt to crash a commercial jet in China was an act of sabotage by foreigners seeking independence for the country's Xinjiang province in Central Asia, the region's top politician said in comments published Thursday.
A male suspect confessed to masterminding the plot to crash the China Southern flight on March 7, the Xinhua News Agency reported, citing Xinjiang's Communist Party Secretary Wang Lequan.
The failed plot was part of a terror campaign to turn Xinjiang into an independent nation called East Turkestan, the news agency reported.
"According to the investigation, it is now clear that this is a serious sabotage activity carried out by East Turkestan splittists outside of China," Wang said in comments published separately on a provincial government news Web site.
Wang did not specify the nationalities of the three suspects who have been detained in the plot.
Xinjiang is a predominantly Muslim region with a culture that is distinctly different from that of China's ethnic Han majority. Beijing has faced a simmering independence movement among the Uighurs, the region's largest Muslim ethnic group.
China's state media has reported that a 19-year-old woman from the Turkic Muslim Uighur minority group was seized on March 7 after trying to set fire to the Boeing 757 flying from Xinjiang's capital to Beijing.
The unidentified woman had drained soda cans, used a syringe to fill them with gasoline and poured the contents into the bathroom, next to the fuel-filled wings, the Global Times reported.
No one was injured and the plane was diverted to Lanzhou.
Since then, China has increased security at its airports in addition to the stringent security plans being put in place for the Olympic Games in August.
Passengers are now banned from carrying any kind of liquid aboard domestic flights, and passenger and luggage searches are being increased.

posted March 21, 2008 at 02:54 AM unofficial Xinjiang time | HaoHao This!
A point of suspicion: the suspects were carrying Pakistani passports but were immediately offically identified as Uighurs. 1.How could this be possible? 2.Why was this declaration made? Why is it relevant at all? As far as I know thwarting a bombing is a law enforcement process, and there is no single Chinese law that discriminates based on the violator's ethnic origin.
The comment above was posted by chengduboy at March 21, 2008 11:24 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
So now China will have to return Pakistan as "long lost Chinese territory" and harmonize it by all means necessary.
The comment above was posted by nanheyangrouchuan at March 21, 2008 12:02 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Most Pakistanis are Caucasian, whereas most Uighurs are not.
The comment above was posted by Leo at March 21, 2008 01:43 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Ni hao,Mr Kong Ming. I must say that I relish the chance to school the Sleeping Dragon.
I doubt Uighurs who briefly sneak across the border to Pakistan speaks fluent Urdu or whatever tribal language of Pakistan. China has language experts. One indian POW of 1962 war claimed that PLA has fluent Punjabi speakers to talk with the cpatives.
There are also matter of interrogation. Chinese security have their methods of truth extraction. I am sure few traditonal technique survived from my days? Btw, as any American POW of Vietnam war will tell you that everyone will talk after certain point, its matter of how much information you will reveal. The passport may be a cover for the operation. But I don't see much incentive for them to misrepresent their ethnicity after being caught.
This is a high profile case, so probably lot of resources are devoted to it. I am sure these two are being thoroughly investigated.
2. Two reason, the announcement are made.
1. to show there is genuine threat posed by Uighur terrorist/separatists.
2. Pakistan is a friendly nation even if not all its citizen are so friendly. Pakistan drag its feet to fight Taliban inside Pakistan despite America's insistence. But when Chinese nationals (unfortunate massage parlor workers) were hold hostage inside red mosque. Musharaf ordered an immediate siege and crack down.
actually it's really one reason is called PR.
now you see, Mr Sleeping Dragon, eve Cao A-Man could teach you sumthing, eh.
The comment above was posted by Cao Meng De at March 21, 2008 03:27 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Fucilati ed espiantati
In Cina ai condannati a morte vengono espiantati gli organi per darli a ricchi cinesi. Un traffico che è stato documentato da un libro-inchiesta della Laogai Foundation e da un dvd di cui possiamo mostrarvi un estratto
Yang Jun è un medico cinese che oggi abita a San Francisco ma, quando viveva ancora nella provincia di Heilongjiang, aveva il compito di prelevare gli organi dai condannati a morte e trapiantarli nei pazienti del suo ospedale. La sua è una delle tante testimonianze che compaiono nel libro 'Cina, traffici di morte' curato dalla Laogai Foundation e appena edito in Italia da Guerini.
Si tratta di una approfondita e agghiacciante inchiesta, con dozzine di nomi ed episodi, su una delle pratiche più aberranti del sistema carcerario cinese: quella per cui ai condannati a morte vengono espiantati tutti gli organi utili (soprattutto reni, cornee e pancreas, ma anche cuore, fegato e polmoni) destinati a ricchi cinesi, gerarchi dell'apparato statale o cittadini benestanti residenti all'estero. In alcuni casi, documenta l'inchiesta, i reni vengono espiantati addirittura alcune ore prima dell'esecuzione, per assicurarsi che siano ben funzionanti.
Oppure accade che subito dopo la fucilazione i dottori iniettino nel condannato alcune sostanze per prolungare il battito cardiaco e consentire quindi agli organi di rimanere efficienti. A volte ai cadaveri vengono estratte anche le mandibole comprese di denti che verranno utilizzate a scopi didattici nei corsi universitari di odontoiatria. Nel libro-inchiesta parlano anche alcuni ex militari, che raccontano come siano stati addestrati a sparare un colpo preciso alla nuca per evitare danni agli organi espiantabili.
The comment above was posted by info at March 21, 2008 04:31 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
That is no news at all. Everybody knows. If you have a way to deal with it, then you just do it. Don't spam.
@Meng De
I still wonder if this is a wise PR job.
The comment above was posted by chengduboy at March 21, 2008 07:48 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Any word if the Chinese TSA (equivalent) agent got executed for letting the woman go by undetected at Urumqi Feijichang...3oz of liquid only PEOPLE!!! Didn't they get the memo?
The comment above was posted by Lucas at March 21, 2008 09:24 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Heard Xinjiang had an earthquake, where was the epicenter?
The comment above was posted by Lucas at March 21, 2008 09:27 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@Lucas: The epicenter was in Keriya (Yutian) southeast of Hotan (Hetian). It was a big quake at 7.3 on the Richter scale, but surprisingly there have been no reports of deaths or destruction.
The comment above was posted by michael at March 21, 2008 09:35 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Ah, the Xinjiang earthquate. Jesus must be showing his righteous anger against the East Turkestan separatists.
The comment above was posted by Cao Meng De at March 22, 2008 02:48 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
@ Cao Meng De,
Are you happy about the earthquake? Where is your humanity?
The comment above was posted by heverci at March 22, 2008 06:24 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I post it in jest. I apologize if it offended your sensibility.
The comment above was posted by Cao Meng De at March 22, 2008 06:49 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
To CaoMengDe: Then you would have to replace Jesus with Alah. Mr. Christ is totally innocent in this affair. ^_^
The comment above was posted by Richard at March 22, 2008 12:22 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I find it a bit odd that all the news agencies are reporting the remarks made by Wang Lequan emphasizing the foreign origins of the hijacking attempt, but only Reuters is coming out with the Pakistan/Central Asia "details" from an anonymous source inside China.
since you've been in China for a couple of years already, I'd expect you to know something about Chinese "face" and how it affects the propaganda department operates.
Pakistan is a China ally, and the two country is on very friendly terms. If Xinhua came out declaring the terrorist has a Pakistani passport, it will embarrass Pakistan and cause Pakistan to "lose face". So the official media will sweep this inconvenient fact under the carpet.
With or without "face", other countries do the same thing,starting with your U.S.A.
U.S. never emphasized that the fact that 15 of the 19 Sept. 11 hijackers were Saudi citizens, most people simply didn't know even with so-called free press and open media. It happened for a reason.
The comment above was posted by Bingster at March 22, 2008 07:14 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Most Pakistanis are Caucasian, whereas most Uighurs are not."
Most Pakistanis are dark Arabs, that is why they suck Islam.
Most Indians are Australoid, whereas most Uighurs are mixed Arab and Asians.
The comment above was posted by renard at March 22, 2008 11:49 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I believe "the hijacking" was made up.
Beijing need to make a reason not to allow Uyghurs to travel.
The comment above was posted by zhang at March 23, 2008 11:19 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Chinese airline gives reward to crew for foiling reported terrorist attack
26 March 2008
Associated Press Newswires
BEIJING (AP) - China Southern Airlines has awarded $57,000 to a plane crew that foiled what a senior Communist official has described as an attempted terrorist attack, a state-owned newspaper said Wednesday.
At least one person was arrested after one or more passengers were found in possession of a "suspicious liquid" on board the March 7 flight to the Chinese capital from Urumqi, the capital of China's traditionally Muslim Xinjiang region.
China Southern Airlines offered $57,000 to staff who prevented the attack, the Beijing News reported Wednesday. It did not say how many crew members would be sharing the reward.
China's aviation regulator, the General Administration of Civil Aviation, said it did not know about the reward. China Southern Airlines could not immediately be reached for comment.
State media reported that a 19-year-old woman from western China's Turkic Muslim Uighur minority was detained after trying to set a fire in a bathroom aboard the China Southern flight.
The unidentified woman had drained soda cans, used a syringe to fill them with gasoline and poured the contents into the bathroom, next to the fuel-filled wings, the Global Times reported.
No one was injured and the plane was diverted to Lanzhou, in western Gansu province, before continuing on to Beijing.
Xinjiang's top Communist Party official, Wang Lequan, has said the failed plot was part of a terror campaign to turn the region into an independent nation called East Turkestan.
On Tuesday, Wang called on Xinjiang to boost its "fight against separatists" and educate the rest of the world on the "real condition" in the region, according to Xinjiang's official news Web site.
China has since stepped up security at its airports, on top of stringent security plans being put in place for the Olympic Games in August. Passengers are now banned from carrying any kind of liquid aboard domestic flights, and passenger and luggage searches are being increased.
The comment above was posted by michael at March 26, 2008 11:06 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
I don't quite get what you're saying about Reuters' anonymous quote it's not like it's impossible for Reuters to get a quote that no other news agency will get, and they're not saying anything ridiculous because of it- they present the quote as another piece of information that have, and they present the official side of the story. News agencies often have sources their competitors don't have. That's what happened with Watergate- Deep Throat wasn't talking with just everyone. In addition, if someone wants to share this sort of information, it's not likely they'll be willing to give their name.
This doesn't mean that you should just believe everything Reuters tells you- but it's also pretty ridiculous to disregard it, unless you have a particularly good reason to disbelieve everything they say, and believe everything Wang Lequan says. Even if there's a "Western media bias" that covers all Western media I for one have yet to evidence that the CCP is a more reliable source of information.
The comment above was posted by J B at March 30, 2008 05:38 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Assume the cans are 12oz. two 12oz cans of gas. attempted to light one in the bathroom. but failed to. how hard is it to light gas with cigarette lighter or a match?
what's the plan? light a fire in the bathroom with 24 oz of gas and hope the fire gets large enough to set off fuel tanks in airplane.
so its a suicide attack, not a hijacking.
part of story that doesn't make sense is that she failed to light the gas.
also evaded security by going through first class boarding area doesn't make sense.
also aroused suspicion when she went back to get second can. how, due to their ability to read minds?
sounds like a story made up to entertain a gay 20 year old twinkie in LA with happy feet and lots of disposable income from his hard working immigrant parents.
clever part of plan as put forth was filling coke cans with gas. fuzzy logic part is how to create a big enough fire/explosion to dentonate planes gas tanks.
also what was the central asian man doing while the woman was attempting start a fire with can number 1? taking the meal service?
pretty lame suicide attempt.
i know in 2002 chinese airlines had strict controls about carrying canned or bottled liguids onboard flights "because of attempts by the Uighurs"
seems like the threat if real is rather inept and has a fondness for malatov cocktails that is easily thwarted.
if this is true as written then they are not very bright or not trying very hard.
The comment above was posted by Hungry Ghost at May 23, 2008 01:55 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Thanks you very good; thanks for add to your informations;
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The comment above was posted by lovemaker at October 21, 2008 12:08 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by parça kontor market at March 10, 2009 03:31 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by web tasarım at March 12, 2009 02:01 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by currency exchange rate at December 30, 2009 06:19 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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عالم الرجال - ملابس رجالية - أزياء بدلات رجالية
برامج فوتوشوب - ملحقات تصاميم - دروس - فلاش
جريده خاصه لمنتديات الغالي
دورات تعليم الفوتو شوب
ابداعات وتصاميم الاعضاء
ادوات التجميل
صور - منتدي الصور
صور غريبة - صور مرعبة - صور مخيفه
صور من تصوير خاص بالاعضاء الغالي
السفر - السياحه - رحلات - دول - عواصم
نكت - ضحك - فرفشه - الغاز
مسابقات - العاب - تحدي
سيارات 2010
ملابس رجالية
دردشه كتابية خليجية عربية دردشة .
موقع صور|-
صور بنات|
صور اطفال|
MMS وسائط|
رسائل وسائط للعيد|
صور وسائط|
موقع العاب | برامج كمبيوتر |
ابتسامات |
مسجات حب |
رسائل حب |
رسائل وسائط |
العاب كمبيوتر ||
تحميل العاب |
الصور |
عالم حواء |
ماسنجر |
الاسرة المسلمة |
ترجمة كلمات |
توبكات |
تحميل صور |
مطبخ موقع الغالي|
موقع مطبخ |
hguhf |
عصـــــــــير البرتقال مع الجزر عصير الكركديه والأناناس عصير كوكتيل صيفي الليمون بالنعناع شراب البطيخ عصير التوت(تونو) البينا كولادا ميلك شيك بالشيكولاته |
مطبخ موقع |
الأطباق الرئيسية |
مكتبة برامج|
ابراج حمل برج الحمل الثور العقرب|
مقناص |
صور مكشات بري صور صيد صور مناظر طبيعيه تطعيس صور بريه |
مكشته - صيد |
مكشات |
مقناص صيد |
مقناص - كشته - صيد |
مقناص - كشته - صيد - قنص صور مكشات بري صور صيد صور مناظر طبيعيه تطعيس صور بريه |
صور صحراء البر الصيد صقور صور صقر صيد رمي شوزن قمري حمام غزلان طلعات بر |
تحميل الغالي|
موقع تحميل الصور|
دردشة صوتية|
شات صوتي|
تحميل صور|
تحميل الغالي|
اشتراك في قروب|
قروب الغالي|
محادثة صوتيه|
صوتية كام|
The comment above was posted by دليل مواقع at January 7, 2010 09:00 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by rosss at January 8, 2010 12:39 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by dizi izle at January 21, 2010 02:11 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The comment above was posted by teayneverdie at January 29, 2010 01:15 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by Article at April 7, 2010 06:54 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by دردشة at April 7, 2010 11:36 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by MBT Schuhe at April 7, 2010 01:59 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
An aviation industry source who asked not to be named said the woman was a young Uighur who was trained by a Pakistan-based militant group, while the man was from Central Asia and in his 30s.
The comment above was posted by Miami at April 8, 2010 12:46 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
An aviation industry source who asked not to be named said the woman was a young Uighur who was trained by a Pakistan-based militant group, while the man was from Central Asia and in his 30s.
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The comment above was posted by Miami at April 8, 2010 11:40 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by mjeje at April 12, 2010 12:26 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by ugg boots at April 14, 2010 12:24 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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- المميزة -
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- شات كتابي -
- دردشة الخليج -
- شات الخليج -
- الخليج -
- شات بنات -
- دردشه الخليج -
- دردشة كتابية -
- شات كتابي -
- شات خليجي -
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- دردشة بحرينية -
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- دردشة اماراتية -
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- دردشة لبنانية -
- دردشة مغربية -
- دردشة خليجية -
- دردشة فلسطينية -
- دردشة اردنية -
- دردشة مصرية -
- شات جنسي -
- دردشة جنسية -
- شات صوتي -
- دردشة صوتية -
- شات صوتي -
- دردشة صوتية -
- مركز تحميل الاغاني -
- دليل دردشة -
- دردشة ابن اليمن -
- دردشة صوتية يمنية -
- دردشة صوتية عمانية -
- دردشة صوتية اماراتية -
- دردشة صوتية قطرية -
- دردشة صوتية بحرينية -
- دردشة صوتية كويتية -
- دردشة صوتية سعودية -
- دردشة صوتية خليجية -
- دردشة صوتية سودانية -
- دردشة صوتية مصرية -
- دردشة صوتية فلسطينية -
- دردشة صوتية سورية -
- دردشة صوتية لبنانية -
- دردشة صوتية اردنية -
- دردشة صوتية شامية -
- دردشة صوتية عربية -
- دردشة عربية -
- دردشة فور عدن -
- شات كتابي -
- دردشة شامية كتابية -
- شات سعودي -
- شات عربي -
- شات صوتي -
- شات عراقي -
- شات كويتي -
- شات بحريني -
- شات اماراتي -
- شات قطري -
- شات عماني -
- دردشة ليبيا -
- شات يمني -
- شات مصري -
- شات سوداني -
- شات اردني -
- شات سوري -
- شات فلسطيني -
- شات مغربي -
- شات لبناني -
- شات جزائري -
- شات تونسي -
- شات ليبي -
- دردشة خليجية -
- دردشة تونس -
- دردشة ليبية -
- دردشة نار الحب -
- دردشه تعب قلبي -
- دردشه بنت السعوديه -
- دردشة دلع -
- دردشة حبنا -
- دردشة دلع نجد -
- دردشة جزائرية -
- دردشة سورية -
- دردشة كويتية -
- دردشة عمانية -
- دردشة سورية -
- منتديات الخليج -
- المنتدى العام -
- المنتدى الاسلامي -
- اناشيد اطفال اناشيد اسلامية -
- اللغة الانجليزية - ترجمة -
- القضـايا الساخنـة والحـوار -
- آخر الأخبار والأحداث -
- الترحيب والاهداءات -
- مجلس الاعضاء -
- كرسي الاعتراف -
- همس القوافي -
- خواطر - قسم الخواطر الأدبية -
- قصص وحكم -
- الرياضة والشباب -
- صور سيارات -
- الفرفشه والضحك -
- الالعاب والمسابقات -
- صور وعجائب -
- صور انمي - افلام انمي -
- افلام ومسلسلات ومسرحيات -
- استار اكاديمي 7 -
- السياحة والسفر - مناظر طبيعية -
- الحياة الزوجية - الاسرة والطفل -
- عالم حواء - فساتين ومكياج وموضة -
- الديكور والاثاث المنزلي -
- اسـرار البنـات -
- منتدى مـائدة الخليج -
- الصحة والطب -
- بلاك بيري و ايفون -
- قسم البرامج العربية والمعربة -
- الجرافيكس والتصميم -
- ملحقات الفوتوشوب والفلاش -
- قسم تصاميم الفلاش والسويتش -
- البرامج والكمبيوتر و تبادل الخبرات -
- مشاكل وحلول القسم الـتـقـنـي -
- توبيكات ملونة - صور ماسنجر -
- مسجات - رسائل وسائط -
- مــنــتــدى تغــيير النــك نيـــم - الأســم -
- شات الخليج -
- دردشة الخليج -
- توبيكات -
- طرب -
- اغاني -
شات صوتي
شات سوري
شات سوريا
دردشة سورية
دردشة سوريه
دردشة سوريات
شات شامي
شات الشام
دردشة سوريا
دردشة شاميه
دردشة شاميات
منتديات سورية
منتدى سوريا
منتديات الشام
منتديات شامية
The comment above was posted by دردشة الخليج at April 15, 2010 06:59 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by iSo at April 16, 2010 05:04 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
دردشة سعودي
شات سعودي
منتديات سعودي للابد
الاسلام والحياة
قصر الضيافة
الحوار المفتوح
كرسي الاعتراف
عذب القوافي
عذب الالحان والخواطر
القصص الواقعية و الروايات
الصحة و الطب
الاسرة و الحياة
الموضة و الميك اب
عالم نواعم
طاولة الطعام
عالم السيارات
عالم الرياضة
لوح معلق
التصاميم و الجرافيكس
فرفشة و وناسة
العاب و مسابقات
السفر و السياحة
البوم الصور
الكمبيوتر و البرامج
الجوال و الاتصالات
الاقتراحات و الشكاوي
دردشه سعودي
رسائل حب
The comment above was posted by sdfe at April 16, 2010 03:41 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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الموسوعة العلمية
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دليل دردشة
دليل المواقع العربية
دليل دردشه
دليل دردشات
منتديات خليجية
منتديات عربية
منتديات اجنبية
منتديات مصرية
منتديات سودانية
منتديات صومالية
منتديات تركية
منتديات طبية
منتديات تجارية
منتديات عراقية
منتديات قطرية
منتديات سعودية
منتديات خليجيات
منتديات يمنية
منتديات اردنية
منتديات اماراتية
منتديات فلسطينية
منتديات كويتية
منتديات لبنانية
منتديات سورية
منتديات مغربية
منتديات عمانية
منتديات شامية
منتديات نار الحب
العاب همس الغلا
لعاب فلاش
العاب بنات
العاب مشاهير
العاب منوعه
العاب مضحكة
العاب التشويق
العاب اطفال
العاب اكشن
العاب بنات
تلبيس باربي
The comment above was posted by دردشة الغلا at April 19, 2010 06:00 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Thanks so much for this! This is exactly what I was looking for
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The comment above was posted by MavraNET at April 21, 2010 03:06 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
The adult industry released nearly
thanks for this
دردشة |
دردشة كتابية |
دردشة صوتية | شات |
منتديات |
منتديات الامير |
The comment above was posted by دردشة كتابية at May 20, 2010 10:04 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
المنتدى العام
المنتدى الاسلامي -
منتدى الضيافه والاهداءات
منتدى الكمبيوتر والانترنت -
منتدى العلوم و التكنولوجيا
- عالم
حواء -
الديكور والاثاث
منتدى المطبخ والسفره الخليجيه والعربيه -
منتدى الطب العام
منتدى الجوال والاتصالات -
منتدى الماسنجر
منتدى التصاميم والجرافيكس -
منتدى الرياضه العربيه والعالميه
منتدى الألعاب و الألغاز -
عالم آدم
- منتدى الصور والكاريكاتير
الخيمة الرمضانية -
المنتدى الأدبي
مشاكل الأعضاء وحلولها -
منتدى القصص والروايات
منتدى السياحة والسفر -
منتدى الصوتيات و المرئيات
منتدى النكت و الضحك و الفرفشة -
منتدى اللغات Languages forum
- قسم
المسابقات -
منتدى البرامج المشروحة
منتدى تجارب الأعضاء -
منتدى تجارب المراقبين
اخبار اليوم 1431 - اخبار الساعة 2010 - اخبار الصحف 1431- اخبار محلية - اخبار
عالمية - اخبار الطقس -
عبث الكاميرا
الركن الهادئ -
عالم الحياة الزوجية
التطوير الذاتي -
عالم الفضائيات
يوميات الأعضاء في رمضان -
المنتدى التعليمي
- عذب
الكلام -
هامش زوار الركن الهادي
- قسم
الأخبار اليومية -
قسم الأهداف
- قسم
دروس الفوتوشوب -
المرحلة الابتدائية
المرحلة المتوسطة -
المرحلة الثانوية
- كرسي
الإعتراف -
منتدى الانمي
وظائف 2010, وظائف رجاليه 1431, وظائف نسائيه 1431 , وظائف حكوميه 1431 , وظائف
جديدة 1431 -
كاس العالم 2010 , اهداف كاس العالم
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سيارات 2010 - سيارات 2011
شبكة ترانيم الأمل
فيسات للمسن
كاس العالم 2010
تصاميم 2011
تواقيع 2011
صور 2011
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وسائط فراق
مسجات رومانسيه
مسجات حب
مسجات عتاب
مسجات فراق
رسائل رومانسيه
رسائل حب
رسائل عتاب
رسائل فراق
خلفيات بلاك بيري
خلفيات بلاك بيري 2011
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مشاهده لعبة الأنابيب
لعبة السرعة لعبة
لغز التقطيع مركز
تحميل الصور
فيسات للمسن والمنتدى
دليل المواقع
لعبة اكس او | X O
العاب فلاشية
توبيكات ملونه ,
توبيكات شعريه ,
سمايلات ,
فيسات ,
سمايلات للمسن ,
توبيكات رومانسية
توبيكات عتاب
توبيكات ملونه 2011
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توبيكات 2011
ديكورات 2011
زفات 2011
زفات شعريه
زفات جديدة
زفات راشد الماجد
زفات بدون موسيقى
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اغاني بدون موسيقى
ملخص مباراة
اهداف مباراة
صور رومانسية
اهداف برشلونه
اهداف ريال مدريد -
كاس العالم 2010 ,
اهداف كاس العالم 2010 ,
مباريات كاس العالم 2010 ,
مباريات كاملة
اهداف كاس
العالم 2010 , مباريات كاس
العالم 2010 , مباريات كاملة
, مباراة كاملة ,
اهداف ,
ملخصات ,
ملخص ,
جدول ,
اوقات ,
مواعيد ,مباريات
ودية , مباريات تحضيرية ,
اخبار كاس العالم 2010 ,
هولندا ,
إنجلترا ,
إسبانيا ,
ألمانيا ,
الدنمارك ,
صربيا ,
إيطاليا ,
سويسرا ,
سلوفاكيا ,
اليونان ,
سلوفينيا ,
البرتغال ,
فرنــسا ,
اليابان ,
أستراليا ,
الجنوبية ,
كوريا الشمالية , جنوب أفريقيا
, غانا ,
كوت دي فوار ,
ساحل العاج ,
نيجيريا ,
الكاميرون ,
الجزائـر ,
البرازيل ,
باراجواي ,
تشيلي ,
الأرجنتين ,
أوروجواي ,
المكسيك ,
امريكا ,
هيندوراس ,
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طريقة صنع ,
شرح برنامج ,
RSS 2.0
دردشة لذة الشوق - مركز تحميل الصور
- إبتسامات
وايقونات -
دليل المواقع
فيسات للمسن
اهداف الهلال
اهداف النصر
اهداف الاتحاد
اهداف الاهلي
اهداف مباراة
دوري زين
الدوري الاسباني
الدوري الايطالي
الدوري الانجليزي
دوري ابطال اوروبا
بث مباشر
رابط نقل
كاس اسيا 2011
اهداف ميسي 2010
اهداف ميسي 2011
The comment above was posted by منتديات at May 25, 2010 09:08 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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العاب اطفال
العاب بازل
العاب البنات
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العاب ذكاء
العاب رياضية
العاب سيارات ودراجات
العاب صور
العاب عربية
العاب قتالية
لعبة تعليم الانجليزية
لعبة حرب ماريو
لعبة الطفل المعجزة
لعبة ذكاء
لعبة تركيب الاطفال
لعبة الطفل الذكي
لعبة اطفال توم وجيري
لعبة البيبي دولز
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لعبة ركلات الترجيح
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لعبة اختبار الذاكرة
لعبة نقل البطيخ
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The comment above was posted by mostafa at May 30, 2010 11:36 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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The comment above was posted by wedding at June 13, 2010 02:21 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
thank adminsss.
The comment above was posted by chat at June 14, 2010 09:56 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
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مركز تحميل
منتديات طبعي
اجمل منتدى سعودي
اجمل منتدى خليجي
منتديات سعوديه
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منتدي خجول
منتدى طبعي
منتدى سعودي
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الحياه الزوجيه الجماع
شات كتابي
شات سعودي
شات دردشه سعودي
دردشه كتابيه
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دردشة سعوديه
مركز تحميل الاغاني برابط مباشر
مركز تحميل الاغاني برابط مباشر
دردشه طبعي
شات طبعي
منتديات طبعي -
يوتيوب طبعي
مسموعه -
مركز تحميل طبعي
دردشه طبعي حنون
توبكات طبعي
منتدى خجول
منتديات طبعي خجول
منتديات خجول
دردشة طبعي
شات خجول
دردشه خجول
The comment above was posted by sdr at June 15, 2010 06:04 PM unofficial Xinjiang time.
شات بريدة،شات بريده،دردشة بريده
شات عنيزه،شات عنيزة،دردشة عنيزه
دردشة الود الصوتيه-شات الود-دردشة الود
The comment above was posted by تعب قلبي at June 18, 2010 07:14 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.
Thank You
منتدى مدينة الملك خالد العسكرية
منتدى القاعدة
منتديات مدينة الملك خالد
مركز تحميل الاماكن
مدونة الاماكن
مركز تحميل
مدونة ديو
مركز تحميل الصور
منتديات الاماكن
منتدى الاماكن
مركز تحميل فلاش
مركز تحميل الملفات
منتديات الحفر
حفر الباطن
منتديات حفر الباطن الثقافي
منتديات حفراويات
اخبار المدينة
االمجلس العام
اخبار المدينة
نفحات ايمانية
سوق حفر الباطن
القصص والروايات
القصائد الصوتية
بيت الطالب
The comment above was posted by مدونة at June 19, 2010 12:56 AM unofficial Xinjiang time.